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The Spanish American, Royt Harding County, Hew Mexico. Saturday Aügu.ft, 26tíi, ÍÍ22' 3 MONEY to LOAN On improved real-estate Long time Low rate Write to or see Schultz & Johnson Roy, N. M. tole Jctaytjbsft YOU I6HT.BE SMART Enough to propit froa a loss but ajot from E. B. Lauhter and L. M. Livin gston of Solano were business visitors in Roy the first of the week. . Steve Trigg1, of the Trigg ran rh, was in Roy on business last Saturday. WILL TRADE Irrigated farms for good sized tracts of grazing land. What ha ve you7 R. E. Alldredge, ' !;,!: Roy, N. Mex. Hog men Attention! I have Tankage for sale. F. S. Brown WANTED Wanted a good second hand binder; must be in good condi tion. Write me price and condi tion when answering this ad. W. M. Jett, Star Route, ' : , Taylor Springs, N. M. FOR SALE 300 bushel clean Turkey Red seed wheat See Fred Fluhman Fairbank Morse Pumping engine $44.o. Cylinders Deep well pumping outfit Gas pipe & fittings Stock Tanks Superior and Van Brunt Grain Drills Oliver & Emerson Tractor and horse Plows Wagons Tin Shop Supplies Well Casing Safety Flues 'Self Oiling and Roller Bearing Windmills BAUM BROS TIN SHOP ; REHABILITATION BUREAU ' lSliAUKUr'INEW 1INJJUSTKI Men Being Taught Trade School in Albuquerque in In its efforts to return parti ally disabled people to productive industry the state department of industrial rehabilitation has gone a long way toward establishing a new industry for New Mexico- the manufacturing of household brooms, an industry which is carried on in His state almost exclusively by blind people. Statestics show the percent- ace of blind people in New Mex ico is very large. andwhile there are few institutions in the Uni ted States that rank higher than the New Mexico Institution for the blind, the facilities for this institution are confined to young people. Up to the time the state department of industrial rehab ilitation tackled the job there was no provision made in the state for training the adult blind and even with the careful train ing given in institutions the pro blem of earning a living which confronts a blind man or. woman is a complicated and difficult one. Reports have pointed out that the percentage of blind who leave school directly to enter remunerative occupations is very small. Of the manual occupations open to people afflicted in this way, piano tuning, rug weaving and broom making seem, by comparisons of government re ports, to be the only ones that people become experts in all of these, but unfortunately, in New Mexico there is a decided limit for the market for these services The demand for piano tuners here is very small and the Nav ajo and Chimayo weavers in the state narrow very materially the market for the products of the blind weavers. Meets Competition Although the competition in brooms is very intense, the fact 163,200 are annually used in the state of New Mexico alone, ac cording to available stastics, a local product has a very good chance of entering the field Before the state department. cf industrial rehafilitation be came interested in broom mak ing the quality of the brooms made here varied according to the individual whims of the broom makers, a satisfactory raw material was difficult to procure, no standard specificat ions were adhered to, and the problems of marketing the fin ished product were many.. Op erating in many cases, with a very limited capital broom mak ers were unable to supply the wholesalers and jobbers in a satisfactory manner,' and if they sold directly to the housewife they immediately became in dis grace with the merchants of the territory. Careful investigations by the state brought to light the fact the blind of New Mexico could be taught to make brooms which excelled those that were being shipped into the state. This is due to the fact that brooms are essentially a hand product. The brooms shipped in from other states are machine made. There Í3 something that enters into broom making a personal sel ection of the straw and the judgement of just the right ten sion on the binding wire that makes considerable difference in the balance and life of the broom D W. Rockey, state supervis or of industrial rehabititation, is making an experiment at Al buquerque that he hopes will de velope into a partial solution of the problems confronting the blind and otherwise disaDiea broom makers of the state. At 415 north Sixth street is a broom factory operated by a man who is partially disabled and who, in his way, comes under the juris diction of the state department under the state s supervision. He employs and is training a rapidly growing number of blind people in the art of broom, mak- inp. ! !H -i ! Other industriously disabled people, according to the plans of Mr. Rockey, win inspect ana mar ket the product of the factory. In time all of the broom factor ies of the state operated by par tially disabled people-and this means most of them will be banded together for mutual ben efit in the purchasing of raw materials and the selling of the finished product. Brooms Advertised One of the most serious prob lems confronting the state board n their c:Ferir.2nt was the fact that no rigid standards of manu facture were adhered to. To circumvent this difficulty stand ard specifications were drawn by experts and a special trade marked label was provided for the exclusive use of broom mak ers living up to these standards, A statewide campaign of news paper advertising is planned ' to acquaint the people of the state with this label, and to educate them to its meaning. As the specifications of the broom to which it is attached will imprint ed on the label together with its guarantee, people will know ex actly the grade of broom they M . lUJ IU1U TV U UWTV lVVWlh m the event that the broom does not give satisfaction. "The whole idea," says Mr. Rockey, "is to bring the work of these unfortunate people to a strictly commercial basis, capital izing the extra earnestness and conscientiousness of the blind workers into' producing a quality article that can gain and hold the market in the face of legiti mate competition." The plan for furthering the broom industry in New Mexico includes raising of broom corn a product which experiments have shown to be ideally suited to the climatic condition of the state. Two varieties are grown in the United States, the Stand ard and the Dwarf. The meth ods of cultivation are similar; both will grow in New Mexico with little care oroil prepara tion. Today, most of the broom corn used in the United States is ship ed in from Colorado or Oklahoma The Oklahoma crop is harvested in mid-October and the Colorado crop around the first of October. Farmers who have experimented with broom corn in New Mexico are of the opinion that a New Mexico crop could be harvested early in September. This would; not only make it very valuable, coming in a month or six weeks before the present available crop but would reduce the cost of the brooms manufactured here, aa- sisting very materially in com- peting with- the open market,. , Mills here will supply broom handles as soon as the demand justifies the purchase of the mil mg equipment their turning. neccessary tor oaiuraay me zna.,, ay ox oejp As the handler tember, 1922. used in the state today come from Kansas City, an additional saving in f reight would be effect ed through the establishment oí a local supply. AH business houses report, a: good trade Saturday and Mont-; day. Oscar Murphy, of the Bradley neighborhood, was trading with Roy merchants last Saturday. Ed Williams, ranchman of the country north of Mills, was in. Roy last Saturday purchasing, supplies. C. Ernest Anderson, county clerk, was up from the county seat on business a few days the past week. Donald and Hiram Upton of the La Cinta canyon country. were in the city last Saturday purchasing supplies for their large ranch. Mr. Grass of El Paso, traveling auditor for the El Paso & South western railway, was in Rojr for a few days this week on comp any business. E. S. Ireland, Loan inspector for the American National1 In surance Co., was in Roy several days this week inspecting loans for Schultz & Johnsort. Mr. Ireland is here from IfcEeford, Texas, and he reports that crop conditions are poor all the way from Hereford to Roy. Our Farm Champions in Washington i !1 f I Thi ic nn iiniicnat ren at thí rnUliM Kitili-ltnr n f iclil rt" vitiiuiii( 111 f l aouillvuti. irv v4 uut mu 1 1 I (41111 viiniKf tor .producing best in calt, pork, garden and Mia x clubs was a trip to Washington. This group was - ú y sent from Maryland. Secretary of Agriculture Wal- : lace is addressing them. ? : Perhaps the most irrfpomnf problem before the1 pubtifi" today is the marriage problem There are more thtindcrings at THE tne 'loundation o: the home than MARRIAGE ever' before. The world PROBLEM Seems determined to destrov the norrtt. It is ttsing the automobile, thtf motion, picture house, the dance haiT, the pool room, the summer re sorfsy the Sabbath picnic, games, and amusements, and every other conceivable method to scatter the family, detract from the sobriety of the hwfhe and wreck the domestic foundtttkw. Many a girl marries tor fncal ticket, including a theatre cou pon, , 1 VvTien One day of scarcity of food comes xñé no amusement is fur nished, sn enters the divorce court, and there commits a crime against society amt places a blot upon the ''name cf womankind.' CALL FOR REPUBLICAN CONVENTION The Harding; County Republi cans will hold then convention at Mosquero, Saturday the 2nd, day of September, at which time they will select Five (5) delega tes to go to Albuquerque to the State Republican Convention : said State Republican Coavenv tion being fori the purpose of no minating a full State Republican licket, one Candidate for U. S. Senator and one member of Con gress, to be voted on at the No vember election, T&esdáy thelthi The Precinct Chairmen are hereby requested to . call their primaries at an early date, but not later than the&Oth., of Aur gust, and to see ta it that dates of primary are given due publi city in every precinct in Hard ing County. The apportionment for Har&- ing County is Five ; Delegates senaHarial nomination assert coa to the Republican State Conven.- fidently that he will be nomina tion, based on the vote for Com gress 1920, The different precincts of Har ding County are entitled to the following delegates ta Mosquero, r-i x 1 i 1 r .1 O No. Precinct Delegates, 1 Mosquero) 10 2 Solano 4 3 Roy 16 4 " Mills 5 5 Kephart 1 6 DeHaveni 2 7 Bradley 1 8 Albert 5 9 Davidl 2 10 Old Rosebud ' 2 11 Lower Mosquero 2 12 ' Gallegos 3 13 Bryantine 1 14 Logan 2 .15 Rosebud 1 16 Cone 2 17 Abbott 1 18 Bueyflasim, 6 i , 19 Sabino 2 Total ' 68, Dated at Ra; New Mesiiasi, this 21st., day of August, 1922. E. L H. Roy, Chairman Attest: Remigio Lopez, Secretary. Clyde Hooper and wife and; Le land King and Mrs. W. ILMcCar ger who have' been up at Taos, Santa Fe ami other points; retur ned home last week. DO YOU WANT TO TRADE? il have' rental property lor sale or trade. This property is at Tar River, Oklahoma, and I -will trade for good New Mexico land, What bsve you' to. ff er P. A. "Bawiett, R.FJ). 1 Roy, New Mexico. 7 v-w V. 9 -i y n-, X Dtnartment OÍ Afirri í I VI ora r chAWfl 3 t &vw ' w n ivii wtfv aurirajw w. Í 2JI& 1 fi.lftfi.lJft. fiauiyr oewpitt agrees- before avoidl ffi domestic re sponsibilities and! live a life of free-H dom front 'cars ami domestic duty. Such an-agreement'is tantamount to premeditated' social1 murder. , ( The W:irliet rifcce of Amer.cán hUfnrv is the. divorce' Paee. To di-H a vorce one couple in'evwy five maw riages is a. crime' against society home, and : God.' Many divorces aresewght by wo men because their htwbands- are cruet, or they fail to 'support them or they Have deserted1 tnm. . n Any man who deliberately prac tices cruelty against h'is wife and Johni Hbrnbaker wassttft from the Oen ranch, south of Solano, last-Saturday afternoons F.Li Schultz, E. S. IreláBd cad Roy S. Wood were Kephact visi tors the later part of thetweek. Boy, fifteen years of age or aider, wanting to work and! go to sduool on truck should inquire at this office. 26-3 Several candidates for county offices were in town Saturday afternoon mingling with? the crowds and building up their pol itical fences. Affiuquerque Aug. 23: With the gtroup of strong republican courxtks in the central and. nor thern, part of the state practica lly a unit in his support, advoca tes, of Judge Stephen B. Davis of Las, Vegas foir the repuMcaai ted on the first ballot in the con- ventian which meets in this; ci ty September 7. They base: this forecast upon a count of county delegations in which they inclu de Union, Colfax San Migrad, Mora, Guadalupe, De Baca, Tor rance, Bernaffio, Sandoval; Mc Kinley, Taos, Rio Arriba, and San Juan counties. Valencia. Co unty they agree will probably go to Herbert B. Holt, while Socor ro and Santa Fe counties are .admitted to be fighting ground jEven with these three counties j in daobt the Davis men say tisey jare able to count more than; 350 votes for the San Miguel county I man, with 273 required to nomi I nate. Holt, the only formidable ! opponent for the senatorial no mination, is making a vigorous iniSAuai ,aiuyaiu aux will iiavc a strong following in the conven tion, headed by his home county delegation from Dona Ana. Jud ge Davis will not be able to co ver the entire state in advance of the convention His very re cent resignation from the supre me court and the more recent death of tfye mother of Mrs. Da vis have combined to prevent his taking any avtive part in the vi gorous campaign his supporters are pushing in every county in ;the state. The rapid spread of. 'republican sentiment for Davis is an inte resting call of the office seeking the man. It is based upon gene ral knowledge of a sound judge ment and courage and a demon strated ability that have freque ntly served the state and the re publican party in both official and unofficial capacities. Up to the day he presented his resig nation as a member of the sup reme court Judges Davis had not. consented to become a candidate for the nomination, yet the an nouncement of his candidacy found practically all of the nor thern counties in which he ia hest known, a unit in his' favor. One of the stronst argume nts in favor of Davis for senator, his supporters point out, is the fact that his home county of San Miguel is also the home of Sena tor Jones the probable democra tic nominee. Jones, running against a Republican from any other county in the state, it is asserted!, would cut deeply into the republican majority in San Miguel county. Davis, they claim will carry that county by a majority that will break all re cords. His personal following in Mora, Colfax and Union counties where republican majorities in recent years .have been all or wholly missing, is. such as to in sure, his success in those counties , ', Adv. fáilkt&'sapport'His'family.-and 'final ílyv dbserts his wife and children! Sougtit to' be arrested, tried and' con. Inictedl and' whipped in' ths public; squawffww months. Ntf cottpl sHmrtd be allowed' to' marry unttfs each party Withe con. itracf couhf produce a certificate' showing ' sound, clean body and a sane' mini Sor three preceding' generations,- am? spotless moral! char acter;. No- cotiplfe" should be allowed to tnnrry'ttnletliey could also show that1: tHey understand and are" will itig'tr'asstivie sid d'scharge tlieob--ligations that" matrimony and a, ell-ordertd1 trcmie imposes upon a-couple:- v ' Parents- arrttp Blame for much of the present-day matrimonial loose--ness.. They are too anxious- to' marry their' daughters. Awake, parenfft and help us solve-tbisall-iimportawf problem and thus save society- fromi its present rotten' tendency: - Geo E. Cochrane THE AUCTIONEER M3Is,N.M. Date at this office. FATJO"S HONEY" Fancy Comb : Extracted Honey For asto by the caee and ki 5 gal. cans Retailed by a3 Leading Grocers Italian Bees and Queens Fatjo Apiaries P.O. Box Springer, New Mex. . General Blacksmith and Machine Work, ACETYLENE WELDING AND DISC ROLLING AT THE OLD STAND, WITH1THE LIBERTY GARAGE X a Wade, AUCTIONEER T I am a craduafp fmm tri Missouri Auctioneering School I will assure you of service that brings results. . Will be glad to cry your sale Jiywhere at any time. Col. B. R. Reeder . Roy, New Mexico. I. 0. DODD& UNDERTAKER And LICENSED EMBALMER Fu line of Caskets alwaysq. on. band, also suits and dresses. Calls answered day or. night Phone No. 58 Foster Elk. Roy, N. Mex. MONEY to LOAN ON REAL ESTATE Rates Reasonable.. Can Mafc Inspection Socsel. Write, Fhone or See, Remejio Lopez MOSQUERO, NEW MEXICO. GARDNER S. CHAPIN, M. D- Physician and Surgeon GLADSTONE. NEW MEXICO. 117 A VTTDn . .1 r . 1 J one who can handle a Fordson and do all kinds of farm work . , Jack Mahoney, ( R.R."A"aty. j