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The Sflattinh-American, Roy, II arding County, Ne 7 Mexico. Saturday August, 26th, 1922 CELEBRATES THIRTEENTH BIRTHDAY TAX NEWS (Concluded from page 1) . , ( the editors of this paper, and It will be impossible hereafter are doing good work as county to convince Helen Haines that officers, in our opinion they ha Thirteen is an unlucky number, ve made us excellent county offi- f or in fact she believes it is the luckiest number that she knows of and why not, for was she not thirteen years old last Tuesday and to make the day a wonderful cers and we believe that they are trying to do that which is best for the whole county, but since the assessment has been cut by the State Tax Commission, let's one for her, a birthday party make it include all grazing land was planned by her mother Mrs In the county. Paul Haines and Mrs I . C . Dodds To get at this subject properly at the Doddsi home in the west the Spanish American has pre ;part of town. I pared a number of petitions to Twenty five of the younger the State Tax Commission which generation were present at the in substance and words are as fol party during the afternoon to fw;L: m ' . help Helen celebrate, and all had Jo The State Tax Commission ..a wonocnui time, uames. DOtn .v indoor and lawn were played by the youngsters during the festiv ities. Late in the evening a sple ndid lunch as served by Mesda mes Dodds and Haines to those present "d to which the kids all did real ample justice. After spending three pleasant hours the youngsters left for their homes wishing Miss Helen many more such pleasant birth days and hoping that thirteen will continue to be her lucky number. Josephine Lucero is spending a few days with her parents at the Sabino ranch this week. Km1 ' ' ' 1 Vi !i " .A- C.H.GARNER Auctioneer ' .'Mills, -:- -:- Nejy Mexico. 12 years experience selling for the best farmers and breeders in three states, 8 years a breeder of Shorthorn cattle and Poland Chi na hogs. Padegrees understood. Will go anywhere to conduct large or small sales. . Write, Wire or Phone at my ex- ! 1 1 pense tor caies, terms' reasonable. Sirs: We the undersigned, far mers and taxpayers of Har ding County, New Mexico, do hereby petition your Ho norable body that our graz ing land be classified as grazing lands, and not as dry-farming lands, not cul tivated, said lands are , used for grazing, but at the meet ing of the Board of County Commisioners of Harding County, New Mexico, held May 1st, 1922, the valuation set upon this class of land was fixed at $3.50 per acre, while the grazing' lands of stockmen were set at $2.65 per acre, which has since been lowered by your Hono rable body to $1.75 per acre. Now, we the aforesaid, far mers and taxpayers of the said County and State, do petition your Honorable bo dy, that you instruct the Assessor of Harding Coun ty, New Mexico, to place our grazing land, now classified as dry-farming land not cultivated, upon the tax rcl'.s as grazing lands and at the value for grazing lands, to-wit: $1.75 per acre. Respectfully submitted J.C. KIRBYFOR TREASURER AND COLLECTOR In this weeks Spanish Ameri can will be found the announce ment of J.C. (Jack) Kirby. as candidate for County Treasurer and Collector subject to the ac tion of the Republican Conven tion of Harding County. Jack, as he is known over the county is one of the boys that has made good, having come to New Mexico in 1908 and located with his parents on a homestead east of Roy in the Pleasant View neighborhood. In 1912 he went to Iowa and while there married returning in 1914 and located on a homestead north east of Mills, later proving up on it. He has a happy family composed of a wife and two bright boys, Billy aged 5 and Lee Dell aged 7. Mr Kirby Is a staunch Republi can, believes in the principals as laid down by that party and has always been a worker for the ti cket. He is well fitted" education ally to handle the work of the of fice, beinjr a graduate from a TO THE DEMOCRATIC COUNTY CONVENTION We, your Committee on reso lutions, beg leave to present to the convention the following, which we recommend be adopted. Be It Resolved: That we, the Harding County Democratic Convention assembled at Mosqu ero, in said county, this 22nd, day of August, A. D. 1922, here by condemn and censure the na tional administration by the re publican party, an especially in the following particulars: the weak and vacillatin manner the President has handled and is handling the national disasters, the Coal and Rail-road serikes. Ho seemingly is exercising no mind or will of his own and un able to create any initiative of his own in the management and settlement thereof, to the great detriment and financial embara sxnent of our great country and its diversified interest. II. And Be It Further Resolved :- T' at we condemn and censure ) present Republican admini stration of the State of New Me- 10. in the said administration .II I'L ' MM ... " r t- its er -i-i - own r w strong. business colleere and has all the qualifications that go to h s clearly shown to the citizen make a good man in the office to svip of this great State, its in which he aspires When Harding County was organized, the present County A number of these petitions ability and insufficiency to con duct and control the affairs the- ; roof intrusted to it by the people, in 4- T- r -- J-lii-i Y-V-1 ci 4- Vii -r A -P Treasurer Mr Parkes appointed ion M exacted f th Mr Kirby as his deputy and he ,e with guch a gmall has practically had charge of the cnt of returns there- f?C dn$ rhG aSt year i for, but on the other hand a con- tnual multiplication of high sa a half. We believe we can truth' fully say that he has filled the office as deputy to the entire sa tisfaction of the voters of the county, for he has been courte ous and prompt in his services to the public, also his treatment accorded the public has won for him numerous friends who insist on him coming out for the office and we doubt much if a more capable person could be selected for the position . Mr. Kirby's nomination by the Republican Convention will 1: ried officials, who do not give t'?.eir respective offices their personal attention, but fill the s ime with deputies. Also we call attention to the recent shameful occurrence at the State Peniten tiary at Santa Fe, in which one man was ruthlessly shot and kil led,, while many others were mo ro or lesá seriously wounded, v.ith many other instances that v.e might call attention to, but time and space forbids. 3 , Resolved: That we, the De I &ospliate Baking Powder' KB I T Preferred because of its purity, unvarying high quality and economy Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Tasta In addition to its absoluta purity and high quality, Dr. Price's Phosphate Baking Pow der is sold at a moderate price. Do you know of any greater baking powder value than this? " Ask your grocer if he has any cans of Dr. Price's left at the extraordinary special sale price recently offered. Send for the "New Dr. Price Cook Book." It's Free. Price Baking Powder Factory, 1001 Independence iiouijiard, Chicago. Large can, 12 ounces, only 25c add streneih to the Republican have been given out to various (ticket and hiá nomination will no jmocrats of Harding, County, in farmers and are being circulated 'doubt mean his election and the i County Convention assembled at in the different tarts of the ; placing of a good, strong and Mosquero, this 22nd day of Au- Wanted to hear from owner 'of farm for sale. State price. Mrs. W. Booth, Eox D, Hipark, Des Moines, Iowa; NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: All parties owing me notes gi ven at my sale, must settle same at the first National Bank on or before September 1st, or same will be placed in the hands of an attorney fr collection. .1249-5 CUrtney'E0y'N-M the S. A. office for those to sign in this immediate community. Action on this matter must be taken imediately or it will be too late for this yea'" assessment. We would like to publish letter canable man in the County Trea- .gust, 1922, do hereby unqualifie- surer's office. . ; j dly and unanimously indorse the Adv. services of Honorable' A. A. Jones ' . ' United States Senator, from the i-JJ . IT HT 1 1 JE ANETTE GILSTRAP , pi f , eco; rencerea oi mis state ana tne County, and if they coincide with I your views on the subject, get j busy and üign oue.k If none is in 1 circulation in your part of the co.-'tv write this office for one at once, A petition is on file at j REACHES SIXTH BIRTHDAY 1 B .beh.aj r j J iL-i- TVAivi T ci Tl l rrriT'o w'i fr i FVl iiiir iriuic. . . . . . . . ixuiii w6""6 ,teen of the little tots were pre views on this subject, so be free t and a splendid time was had t crtnW in vnu larrnr Wo will IU Ov"U All j vui wvi.i ' ' " , , , rr,. .-t - . ... . . . publish your letters as we can U1LU1- "i" " v1"' mat tras convention auiy esse-, find snace to do so. but let's have yed for two hours after which mbled, does hereliy condemn and j grazing land assessed at the sa- .came what they were all looking fiowm ':Ui'sl. u i'-yi-"'"," . ri Glance ct t'ounty tionas ior tne lor, that fine lunch, and which, of buildir a Court.hou- they sure enjoyed very much. ge flnd or either at the pre. The little fellows had a great af- sent time, and we further mv terncon and little Jeanette will 'demn and censure the advocates remember her sixth birthday áj?nd agitators thereof as sehem- mg poniicians to ue iuuiiu in uie Little Jeanette Gilstrap reach ed her sixth birthday Thursday and her mother invited m a num ber of her little friends to help Iter ucieuiaiiC uicoiremwu. i "- TTnit.sf? Sff!f:cs we inrJorse his candidacy for the nomination i and reelection thereto, for the 'reason of his long experience in j said office, broad and unselfish mindness, influence in the Sána te and great ability. ! ' -4 Be It Further Resolved : JUST RECEIVED A carload of TOR SALE: A Columbia Gra fanola also 60 records, all in Al shape. See Clyde Hooper, ltn me value all over Harding Coun ty. John Arnett of Mills . was a Rcy visitor Tuesday. He repor ts crops comew'hat better in his community than around Roy. long time. .liniiimi mi iiW'AtfMlniilritii lisUiÉlhH pw SP CIA iMMMinnnrniKfllMS,i "Un I1!!' Jl POTATOES per 100 lbs. While they las t s. E. PAXTON GRP. CQ, "THE FOOD STORE' ! republican party of this county j We declare the issuance of said j bonds would be a great burden upon an already overburdened people with taxation in this cou nty, a great many of whom are now unable to pay their taxes. Respectfully submitted, J. B. Lusk, Chairman. Attest: Juan Lujan, Secretary. 1 Approved by the Convention Assembled, J. Floersheim, Dem. Chairman of Harding Co. "Foremost" Fancy Short Patent All that the name implies Pratt Mills As good as the best, belter than most ITT I V W e can make you a good in troductory offer on it. See Ira Bernstorf At Mesa Co-operative Elevator CHICKEN FEED AND CORN CHOPS NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Attest: k. A. Wynne, Secretary. Political Advertisement NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U.S. LAND OFFICE at Clayton New Mexico. August 21, 1922 NOTICE is hereby given that Vicente C. De Baca, of Roy, Harding Co, New Mexico, who on August, 15th, 1919 made Ho mestead Entry No. 026797, ior EV2-NEI4, Sec. 23,.'WV&-NW14, Section 25, Township 19N Range 25 E. N.M.P Meridianhas filed notice of intention to make Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above descri bed, before F.H. Foster. U.S. Commissioner, at his office at Roy, New Mexico, c,n the 28th day of September, 1922. Claimant names as witnesses: Peter T. MontoyaTomas Vi gil, Jesus Medina and Seferio Garcia, all of Roy, New Mexico. II, H. Errett, Register. 26-2-946-23 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I Department of the Interior v . .NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, U.S. LAND OFFICE at Clayton that the Board of Education oí i New Mexico. School District No. 3, Hardii-g I August 21, 1922 County, and known as the hoy NOTICE is hereby given that Municipal School District will j0se de Jesus Medina, of Roy, offer at Public Auction to the highest bidder on Tuesday Sep tember 19th, at 10, o'clock A.M. ne building known as the Plea sant View áchool building which is located about 7 miles east and one mile north of Roy. The building is of frame con struction and is about 30 by 36 feet in size. The successful bid der or bidders will be given thir ty days time to remove the buil ding from the ground or in whi ch to make the necessary arran gements for leaving same in its present location. , The ground where the building is now loca ted is owned by Fred Breford and any arrangements to leave it oh the present location will ha ve to be made with Mr Breford. The purpose of the sale of the building is to place ownership of it in proper hands az tli2 build ing is no longer needed by the School District. Bids will be ac cepted fvom church or communi ty organizations or from indivi duals. Terms will be strictly cash on the day of sale. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. School District No. 3 Harding County By C.L. Justice President. Attest: Wm. G. Johnson, ' ' Secretary. Ira Thetford and V7.L. Broc kman of Mills were in Roy Tues. day enroüte to the county con vention at Mosquero. Harding Co, New Mexico, who on December, 18, 1918, and Ja nuary, 6, 1920, made Homestead Entry No. 026331, & No. 026630, or Eiü-Ei2 ; NW NE&, and SW-SEii, Section 35, Township 19 N, Range 25E, N.M.P. Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above descri bed, before F.H. Foster, U.S. Commissioner, at his office at Roy, New Mexico, on the 28th day of September, 1922. Claimant names as witnesses: Frank Aldeis, Demetrio Garcia Fsco A. Martinez and Pedro T. Montoya, all of Roy, New Mexico H.H. Errett, Register. 1 25-2-9-16-23 TO ALL REPUBLICANS, PRECINCT'No. 3, Harding Co-, N. Mex. There will be a caucus of the Republicans of Precinct No. 3, (Roy) at the Community Hall, in Roy, Saturday the 26th, 1922 at the hour of 2.30 p.m. for he purpose of naming Sixteen (16) delegates to the County Conven tion at Mosquero, Sept 2nd. 1922. Every Republican voter with in Precinct No., 3, is cordially in vited to attend this caucus. F. S. Brown, Chairman. Attest: Frak L Schultz, : Secretary V4