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The Spanish American, Roy, Hai ding County, New Mexico. Saturday, Sept 2nd, 1922 Fall Arrival s- MISSES, LADIES AND CHILDREN UNDERWEAR MISSES, LADIES AND CHILDREN HOSE LADIES AND CHILDREN DRESSES BOYS PANTS AND CAPS ' A beautiful assortment of ginghams, suitable for School Dresses PERCALES, ALL PATTERNS FOR BOYS SHIRTS Calicos, Wool and Cotton Blankets, Outing Flannels, Baby Blankets and Silks. A complete line of high grade NOTIONS Don't forget to get our prices on Children's school shoes WE ARE STILL FEATURING OUR HIGH GRADE OVERALLS AND BIG YANK SHIRTS FOR MEN LUJANS & BRANCH All kinds of auto repairing Expert workmanship Battery work a specialty We are equipped to wash your car Service Garage RAYMOND PENDETON. MGR. ESSSSIE All orders carefully filled and promptly shipped by ex press or Parcel Post Our membership in the Florists Tele graph Delivery Association enables us to deliver Flowers for you anywhere in the United States on a few hours notice. Raton Greenhouses "THE NAYLORS" ' ' P.O. Drawer 349 Raton, N. M. STRENGTH - NATIONAL - SERVICE (liirinUII "is the link which joins financial nniiuiim. strength and banking service Strength without service means little. Service without strength means less. Join the two, however, and you have a helpful bank. A National Bank is always a member of the Federal Reserve System, always under national supervision; always chartered under high ideals of service. We invite you to make this Nationay Bank your bank. ; , . First National Bank ROY, NEW MEXICO CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $60,000-00 Strength Reputation Service .T PASTOR OF METHODIST CHURCH, SOUTH, HERE WEDS TENNESSEEAN At 8:30 this morning, at the Methodist Episcopal Church, So Rev. John H. D. Terral and Mrs. Mary Elliott were married. Mr. Terral is pastor of the lo cal Methodist church, south, and Missionary in charge of ,the Northern New Mexico Mission. Mrs. Terral is the daughter of the Rev. H. A. Gray, minister of the Cumberland Presbyterian church of Columbia, Tennessee. The Rev. R. C. Jackson officiat ed. The wedding was attended by only a few of the intimate friends of the bride and room. Mr. and Mrs. Terral are mem bgers of two well known south ern families. They will make their home at 1009 University avenue. Las Vegas Daily Optic- ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff, subject to fhA Democratic tXlC VlXUX4 V wv Convention of Harding County . . . i 1 i , T If nominated ana eiecxea i pxum ;, t .nndnpt. th office strictly I (It J VVJ11UUVW on a business basis with economy of County uovernment aa mj chief aim. , Henry W. Farmer. AN EDITOR'S INVOICE An editor once kept track of his profits and losses durin the year, and gives an invoice of his business diary at the end of twelve months of ups and downs in the following manner: Been broke 361 times. Praised the public 89 times. Told lies 720 times. Missed prayer meeting 52 times. Been roasted 431 times. Roasted others 52 times. Washed office towels 3 times. Missed meals 0. Mistaken for a preacher 11 times. Mistaken for a capitalist 0. Got whipped 8 times. Whipped others 0. Cash on hand at beginning $1.47. Cash on hand at ending, 15c I hereby announce myself as n mn tifíate for Countv Assessor of Harding County, New Mexico, subject to the action of the De miwntir. Convention. If nomina ted and elected, I pledge myself to personally discharge the du ties of said office without favor to anvone and at a minimum ot expense to taxpayers. A. I. (Shorty) Burleson Rev. Terrell and bride arrived in Roy from Las Vegas, Monday and will spend a few days visit ing relatives here. Mrs. C. F. McCargo and child ren, left for Raton, Sunday, whe re they will spend a few weeks visiting "Dock", who is working in the Santa Fe shops there. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Roy and Mr. and Mrs. Earl McMinimy and daughter were six o'clock dinner guests at the George Lu cas home northeast of Roy Sun day afternoon. F. C. Moore, chairman of the Kephart school board, was in the cith this week making prepara tions to haul out the furniture for their fine new school build ing near Kephart. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENT action of the Democratic Conven- tion. Homer Holmes. ANNOUNCEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT To. the voters of Harding Coun ty. I hereby announce myself aa a candidate for the nomination of County Collector and Treasu rer of Harding County, subject to the action, of the Republican Convention. , Very respectfully,. , ... J.. C. (Jack) Kirby To the voters of Harding Cou nty : Having served as your Cou nty Clerk the past year or morer I have decided to become a can didate for re-election, subject to t"ha o of inn fvf th o RpnnMifjui Conr vention. If nominated and elected NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I shall continue to have personal Department of the Interior charge of the office as I have in U . S . LAND OFFICE at Clayton the nast. Thankine you for any. New Mexico. I - v. August: zi, iy ! NOTICE, is hereby given that Synthia U. Gay,, of Kephart Union Co;. ,. New Mexico, who on September,, 8th, 1919, made Homestead. Entry, No. 026653, for SEJ4-NW14,. SW4-NEyt, E-VI-SEi Sec. 35v Twp. 23 N. R 28E, N.M.P.. Meridian has filed notice of intention, to make Final establish support you may give me; I am , Respectfully, . C. Ernest Anderson ANNOUNCEMENT Having been urged by nume rous friends to become a candi date for sheriff of Harding Cou nty. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for this important 1 Three Year Proof, to ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff .subject to the action of the Democratic Convention of Harding County, iew Mexico. If it is the will of the people of Harding County, I will serve them without fear jr favor and to the best of my knowledge and ability. James S. Christman. ANNOUNCEMENT This is to announce that H. M. Warner is a candidate for sheriff of Harding County, N.M. subject to the action of the De mocratic County Convention. He promises if nominated and elec ted, that he will give the people the best that is in him . Adv. ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce mvself for the office of County Treasui-er subject to the action of the Da- mocratis Convention. If nomi nated and elected. I nromise to take personal charge of the of- nce and be on duty at my post each day. Any assistance given ne will be greatly appreciated. John E. Brockman ANNOUNCEMENT Quite a number of farmers and taxpayers were at the coun ty seat this week appearing bo fore the County Commissioners on matters pertaining to the tax assessment of 1922. Mrs. Lillian Bess, Assistant Cashier at the First National Bank, who has been enjoying the sights of California on her annual vacation, returned home Sunday and is again at her place in the bank. Having been urged by my frie nds to make the race for sheriff I hereby announce myself for th is important office subject to the ction of the Democratic Conven tion, and the subsequent election n November. If elected 1 promise to, give my entire time to the nfice as there is nothing else to occupy my attention. Yours for a greater and better Harding Coun ty. Jesse D. Wade office, subject to the action of claim to the land above descri- the Democratic Convention; If 1 bed, before- F.H.. Foster, U.S. elected I will take personal char (Commissioner,, at. his. office at rge of the office. Your support, Roy,. New Mexico, on the 29th day 01 September,, laaa. Claimant names as witnesses: W . H . Gay,, Roy Gay, Harry Lammon and. Jay Lammon, all of Kephart., New. Mexica. . ii.ii. EneU, Register. 26-2-9-16-23 will be appreciated 1 R. L. Grossaint ANNOUNCEMENT To the voters: of Harding Co.,. I hereby announce luysdi as a candidate for the nomination as sheriff of Harding County sub ject to the action of the Republi can Convention. If my services have been satisfactory to you Last Monday morning Mr., and '. Mrs. Joe A.. Vargas; were united the past year and a half, I will; in holy matrimony by Rev. Fr. appreciate your support for the De Keuwer at. the church. After nomination. Respectfully, George B. Spivey. the service the bride and groom and Father DeKeuwer were en tertained at the home of Mr. and , Mrs. J. M. Baca. Mr. and Mrs. Vargas had been married for fourteen years I have decided to become a out as e ceremony was a civil candidate for the nomination of affair and threfore not approved Treasurer and Collector of Hard- by, the new religious inr rmiTitv Riihippf to thf flpt.ion ceremony was performed. In " . - .. ii . . : xi ANNOUNCEMENT of the Republican Convention. I want the office and any suppo rt given me will be appreciated. That's all. Frank L. Schultz ANNOUNCEMENT the evening they, gave a public dance which was attended by a large number of their friends. Harding County Developer. ABBOTT ITEMS tí. ; x n t i"" " " Treasurer and Collector of Hard-j Mrs Robertson and children mg County, and m view of this ;motored- out to Kephart one day fact I announce myself as a can- jas weejc didate for the office subject to Mr Ful'ler of Springer visited the action of the Democratic Co-'th Mr and Mrs Wood one day iivenuua. tuy suypuii, given me g,st week will be greatly appreciated. J. R. McKee Abbott, N. M. NOTICE To the men and women voters of Harding County, New Mexico, Mr. urown. installed a new boiler at the Abbott Pump sta tion last week. Mrs. R.H. Smith has been oil the sick list , but she is reported doing fine at present. Mr and Mrs McColnin were I wish to state that I a:n a trading in Mills Saturday. ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce mvself a candidate for Countv Clerk of Harding County, subject to the candidate for the office of Coun ty Assessor subject to the action of the Democratic County Con vention . If nominated and elected, I will assume personal charfe of the office and will see that all taxpayers are treated alike. My motto, Special favors to none. Respectfully Submitted, L. W, Wilson Mr and Mrs Jonn Hepburn vi sited Mrs Hepburn's parents last Saturday night and Sunday. P.J. Hisler called on the WTood family last Sunday. Mr and Mrs Cunningham visi ted in Abbott Tuesday. Little Gene Hepburn has been staying with his grand parents this week, Mr and Mrs Cunningham. MONEY TO LOAN ON IM PROVED FARMS AND RAN CHES; TERMS REASONABLE. Write or call us. Blakely & Scott Clayton National Bank BWg. Clayton, New Mexico 4-Np. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at Clayton, New Mexico. July 27, 1922 NOTICE is hereby given that Kenneth F. Woodman, of Roy, Harding county, New Mexico, who, on July 23, and July 28, 1921, made Homestead Entry Number 027881, and No. 027890 for EI2-SE14,, Sec. 7. Wio-SW SE14-SW14. Sec. 8. WI2-NWI1, Sec. 17. isEi-NEij,, Sec. 18, WI2-SEI,,. Sec. 7. WI2-NEH, SEit-Nn;, Ni2-SEii, SEVi-SE Vi Section 18, Township 18N, Range 25 E, N. M. P. Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land aboye described, before F. H. Foster, U. S. Commissioner, at his office at Roy, New Mexico, on the 6th day of September, 1922. Claimant names as witnesses: John Schneider, J. Floersheim, J. L. Smith and Frank Smith all of Roy, New Mexico. IT. II. FT? RETT, Register. 5-12-19-26-2 .. : , School Pays COME IN, KIDS- We have all the things you will want, such as- . A ... Pencils, Pencil holders, Crayon Rulers, Artgum erasers School hags, Pens, Ink Pencil boxes, Tablets Watch cur window display of school supp lies next week. S3 FAIRVIEW PHARMACY The Roy Drug Store M. JD. GJBTíS, Prop. \n\n Mrs Hepburn and! Mrs McCol- nin rallad on Mrs Wnrvdo Woiinoa