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MANAGER. SAtO THIS YEAK WE'D UÍT BfclM6 TWE BOplE Sl'JEEÍ wal, i ha-te to see you fOLVCS tEAVIAIÓ I WE'LL MISS VOU A COTÍ 1 UOHB MOWLS "fANNY! SENO THAT YOUNG MAN HOWE'. IT GETTING late'." D'YE HEAH ANY AROUND tOUR HOME? SENO US OAlé.VVE'U PRINT IT FOR 'you! FAIB. OUT TO 5Et US r E F-irEnooj-, for -11 concerned J 7 Terry Gilkisón .ADTOClSTtl i ail:,.:; ""f IP 5 vnu PT?"': :-' M V5AR; I. TOOK. " H ,ME G JV FOR f-i wg W&HT II OovgN.-rS6e HUB I p To the Chairman and Members of the Relublican County Con vention of Harding County, New Mexico. Gentlemen: We, your committee on Reso lutions, respectfully report and recommend the adoption of the followinc resolutions, to-wit:- We congratulate the Nation upon the restoration to power of the Republican party at the last gen eral election by an overwhelming majority such as was never be fore recorded in the history of the country. We commend and endorse the one hundred percent American ism of the administration of our beloved president, Warren G. Hardin sr. and the wise and bene ficent legislation enacted by the Republican Consress. which has so larsrelv contributed toward the restoration of normalcy and to the readjustment of disturbed industrial conditions resulting from the late world war. We especially commend the great forward movement inaugu rated by the President in pro mulgating and consumating the great Disarmament Conference the deliberations of which were so ably conducted to a successful issue by that peerless statesman, Charles Evans Hughes, our great Secretary of State, and we do de clare the result of th:i Confer ence to be the foremost achieve ment in the world's history. We reaffirm our allegience to the time-honored principles of our party, and express our con fidonce in the patriotism and ability of our national administr ation, co-ordinating with Cong ress, wisely and successfully to . solve the many grave and per plexing international, national and domestic problems which are the heritage of the riotous Wil son administration, which plung ed our people into a prolonged period of unprecedented indust rial depression, rescue from whi ch can be found in the re-establishment of wise, constructive policies by the Republican party such as have made our nation the greatest upon the face of the Globe. We endorse the State admin istration and the administration of County affairs by the officials of our county. ' We condem Senator A. A. Jones for, having first voted by the adoption of the protective wool schedule and then subse quently voting against the tariff bill as a whole. We affirm that the adminis tration of federal legislation de signed to aid the stock man and thp farmer, should be liberalized, ; and that further assistance sho- luld be provided so as to preserve hose grea t productive industries which are so vitally essential to the welfare of the whole people and especially to those ot our state. , We favor the speedy enact ment of the Smith-McNary Bill, iow pending in Congress, and the rmpnt. of such legislation by our State Legislature as may be necessary to enable our common wealth promptly to avail itself of the provisions of the said pend ing Federal bill, whereby our orieultural lands may be reclaim pH and brouerht under cultivation thus adding greatly to our poten tial material and taxame weaiwi. We favor and insist upon the mnst ricnd.economv in the ad ministration of public affairs by State and County officials , and the enactment of such additional (legislation as may be necessary 'to aid in the enforcement of such 'policy. I And be it further Resolved; 'tint. we condemn the action of the Democratic Convention in ,the adoption of its resolutions in i the Convention assembled at Mosquero, New Mexico on the 22nd day of Augdst, A. D. 1922, which we feel that it is unjust and untrue. Fred Crown R. Lopez J. R. Kerlin Juan Vigil ' E. G. Parks Committee on Resolutions Approved by the Convention as sembled. Signed :- J. II. Crane, Chairman Attest :- Joe E. Maestas, Sec. Mrs. MyraO. DeFiees, Asst. Secretary. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U.S. LAND OFFICE at Clayton New Mexico. , August 21, 1922 Nfmntf is herebv (riven that Vicente C. De Baca, of Roy, Harding Co, New Mexico, who on August, 15th, laia maae ho mestead Entry No. 026797, for Ei2-NEi4, Sec. 26, WV&-NW&, Spot mn 9,5. Townshm 1JN itange 25 E. N.M.P Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Three .Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above descri bed, before H. Foster, U.S. Commissioner, at his office at Roy, New Mexico, on the 28th day of September, 1922. Claimant names as witnesses: Peter T. Montoya, Tomas Vi gil, Jesus Medina and Seferio Garcia, all of Roy, New Mexico. H.H. Errett. . Register. 26-2-9-16-23 ' JUDGE DAVIS, ABLE AND SELF MADJS. WAIN TEXAS-NEW MEXICO HIGHWAY CONVENTION SEPT. 25-26 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U.S. LAND OFFICE at Clayton New Mexico. August 21, 1922 ' NOTICE is hereby given that Synthia C. Gay, of Kephart, Union Co., New Mexico, who on September, 8th, 1919, made Homestead Entry, No. 026653, for SEH-NWV4, SWVi-NEVL, EI2-SE14, Sec 35, Twp. Zá jn. R 28E, N.M.P. Meridian has filed ! notice of intention to make Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above descri bed, before F.H. Foster, U.S. Commissioner, at his oitice at Roy, New Mexico, on the 29th day of September, 1922. Claimant names as witnesses : -W. 11 Gay, Roy Gay, Harry Lammon and Jay Lammon, all of Kephart, New Mexico. H.H. Errett, Register. 26-2-9-16-23 Charlev Frazier and Postmas ter Harvey Springer, of Dawson, were in the city juonciay, enroute to Sabinoso, .where they were going on a short fishing trip and outing. The S. A. acknowledges a pleasant call from Mr. Frazier. R. II. Bentley and wife were business visitors at the County seat, Wednesday. Jimmie Craig, who has a good position with the Santa Fe road at Raton, spent Saturday and Sunday with friends at Roy. He reports that all of the Roy boys are getting along nicely and all like their work fine. Holds Many Offices of Trust and Importance to the, State East Las Vegas, New Mexico, Aug 29 Reports from county organizations of the New Mexico Davis Club, which are seeking the nomination of Stephen B. Davis of this city as KepuDiican candidate for United States Sen ator. suDDort the claim of the headquarters organization here hat Judge Davis, will receive tne nomination on the first ballot Thp Davis clubs now number a membership in excess of 5000 and every mail is bringing in ad ditions to its ranks. With the united support of the northern counties and with assurances ui support from central and eastern ronnties. Harrv W. Kelly, presi dent of the Davis Clubs, forecast 323 votes that can be counted fnr Davis on the first ballot. The number required to nomin ate is 273. Figures ami county reports available here seem to bear out this claim. In the meantime Judge Davis has been further prohibited m trmVino- nnv carrmaiem in his own If fnr the nomination by his duties as New Mexico commiss ion pr in the New Mexico-Color ado water controversy over the T a Pinta river water rights. JudgeDavis met the Colorado Delf E. Carpenter in Santa Fe Monday for a confer pnr at. which the loner standing dispute is expected to be finally adjusted. The settlement van rebase the waters 01 tne Jba na ta for irrigation of a large area in San Juan county.- Judge va vis is also the New Mexico mem ber of the Colorado river commi ssi n, of which Herbert covci s chairman and which is charg ed with the duty of apportioning the rights of seven states to tlx v. fli ers of the Colorado and its tributaries. The water rights of more than a million acres of an 1 in San Juan county are in voled. The final meeting of thi ; commission has been deferr ed to November 15 by Hoover. Mrs. E. D. Choate and childen of Solano, have moved into the Rhyne property in the east part of town. Mrs. Choate has char ge of the fourth grade of: the Roy Public schools. -.At.H..Ml- SEE OUÉ STOCK Of boy's and girl's school shoes We al io carry the famous '. " : PONY BOY SUITS ' Best f ,K' the growing beys Yours í Staple and Fancy Groceries At the right price Judge Davis came to New Me::ico, fresh from the Yale uni vpr ,itv law school, in 1898., He 'went to work as a clerk in the office of a Las Vegas lawyer. He has worked his way up to a high place in his profession and has sen ad many onicial positions. His first office was city attorney of l as Vegas. Later he was ap pointed district attorney of. the 4th territroial judicial district, first by Governor Otero and lat er by Governor Hagerman. lie resigned to become assistant U. S. attorney in 1908 and in 1912 was appointed United States at '.nmey for New Mexico. He serv o with conspicious usefulness in the state constitutional con vpnt.ion. and in cooperation with Judge llechem, the present Gov ernor, made the compilation 01 New Mexico laws which was ad opted by the legislature of 1915 and which remains in force. His work as New Mexico representa tive on the two water commiss ions referred to has been the means of insnring full protection to this state for it? rights involv ing the use of the San Juan river system and the redaimation of a million o!: more .eres which wh en reclaimed will add many mill ions of valuation to the tax rolls. si3i IBS. ! The Farming Business-- YOUR farm is a business, Mr. Fanner. It should be conducted as any other successful business if it is to pay a profit. And what successful business but has good banking connections? . The mechanics and management of your farm are. for you to work out. If you have a good farm and operate it efficiently, then you have a physical collateral as good or better than any business in the land. Our doors open just as wide and our banking facilities are given as fully to you as to any other business man in Harding County. Other business firms need financing, need advice, need cooperation in turnover of stock, and they come to us for that service. .... Why don't you? V . ; . 1 : ; -Bank ot Roy- una Mosquero khlml and Title Company (Incorporated and Bonded.) ABSTRACTS FURNISHED PROMPTLY ON ALL LANDS IN HARDING COUNTY. Insurance of all kinds. Special attention given to examining titles. . Conveyances. Mosquero, New Mexico. K oy ira a aing Co. J. C. Hester returned from Salisbury, Missouri, last Satur day. Mrs. Hester will not ar rive in Rov for a week or two. ; as she is sieiding some time in visiting with fneuds until Cunt a large number of friends are get his home arranged; however 1 t 1 . A A V. wiv'Tg- puituy lor tne rewirn .ru4e I then weH, we y E. F. 1IEN11Y COMTRACTOIl ... Cement, Stucco and Plasterer HOY, NEW MEXICO 2 s THE IMPROVED FORD The late Ford Models embody 25 new me chanical changes and improvements in construc tion which make the new Ford car 100 better than it was a year ago. For the past year, Henry Ford j and his , ablest assistants have .devoted practically all théír time and energies to improving the Ford Car. As a result we are today offering the BEST FORD CAR THAT HAS EVER BEEN MADE IN THE HISTORY OF THE FORD MOTOR COMPANY. Drop' into our office at your convenience. We'll demonstrate the car, and consequently, convince you of its merit. Baker & Scheier AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS (Buy a Foit5 and spend the difference. H. Fori) x (lv rt rtftt. tvSy,rTq 'to at Key.