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The Spanish American, Roy, Harding County, New Mexico.' Saturday Sept. 9th, 1922. GLASSES We are now prepared to test your eyes and fit glasses. , Can furnish you any kind of glasses, or any corrective treat--. ment for the eye you can get any where. The Plumlee Hospital Roy, :-: :-: N. M. DEMOCRATS NAME STATE 8wm2sas. TICKET; HINKLE NOMINAT- ED FOR GOV ERA UK. l!eSSÍt3S We handle a complete line of Croceries a Meats At prices you can afford to pay --Give us a trial EGGS - EGGS - EGGS We will pay you OA cents in cash for them. Or pay you 22c in trade CITY MEAT MARLET OSCAR KIDD, Proprietor I TÍT"1 TIRE SPECIALS G & J Tires 32x3 1-2 $12.00 32x4 $15.00 33x4 $17.50 Michelin Cords reduced again. Selling now at $12.75 BUY YOUR TIRES WHERE YO U GET YOUR AIR R. S. Wood Motor Company as A. A. of of De The Democratic state conven tion which was in session for 3 days last week, completed its lavors Saturday evening, when the delegates finished naming a erood. clean and strong ticket. Most of the ticket was named by acclamation; however there were two or three contests and especially in naming the can didate for Governor. Several ballots were taken before this place on the ticket was filled. Hannett of Gallup started out stronsr as a possible candidate for Governor but his support; eradtfallv weakened and on the fourth ballot Hinkle received a majority and his nomination was . unanamous. Two women were named on the ticket; Mrs. Soledad Chacon of Berneiiilo county was named for Secretary of State and Miss Isabel Eckles of Grant county was named for State Superin tendent of Public Instruction. The full ticket named is follows: United States Senator, Jones of East Las Vegas. Jongreesman, John Morrow Raton. Governor, James F. Hinkle RoswelL Lieutenant Governor, F. C. Baca of Las Vegas. Secretary of State. Mrs. Soledad Chacon of Albuquerque. State Treasurer, John W. (Joroin of Torrance countv. Attorney General, Milton J. Hel- mick of Albuquerque. Justice of bupreme Court, bam iifil O. Bratton of Clovis. Superintendent of Public Instru ction, Isabel Eckles or biiver, City. - Commissioner of Public Lands, State Auditor, Juan Vigil of Taos 1 county. Corporation Commissioner, Bon ifacio Montoya ot bandovai uo. United States Senator A. A. Jones was renominated by ac clamation, a. id immediately ar fe .a nomination, he delivered his speach of acceptance which is considered one ot tne most forcable addresses of the convention. Mnrrnw won over Zinn on the first ballot, the vote being 264 for Morrow, 130 for Zinn and 64 for Mrs. Johnson. Practically all other nominations were made by acclaimation. The convention was well at-1 tended and but few proxies "were used. Harmony prevailed at an . times and those who are acquain ted with the various nominees I state that a very strong ticket has been placed in the field by the Democratic party. Mr. .Hinkle, the nominee for Governor, is a prominent banker of Roswell and has been identi fied in the politics of New Mex ico for many years past He is a native of Missouri, a graduate of the State University of that KtntA and has been a resident of ! w Mexico for the oast 37 year hwA in Lincoln county uavuig ... for the past several years. DATES fiSEPT. 12-1314-15 hootherii w mm FAIR DATES SEPT. 12-13-14-15 WEDNESDAY will be GOVERNOR'S DAY THURSDAY will be COWMEN'S DAY AUTOMOBILE PARADE At 10:00 o'clock A.M. COWMEN'S PARADE BARBECUE AT NOON STATE FISH HATCHERY EXHIBIT DERBY CALF ROPING CONTEST EXHIBIT Showing the RESOURCES of NORTHERN MEW MEXICO I COW HORSE I RACES CLOWN STUNTS BRONCO BUSTING CONTESTS RUNNING RACES BIG FEDERAL EXHIBIT COME TO RATON EVERY DAY OF THE FAIR ET732ESSÜ32E3ES Sec Lccndrd Stroud and his World Famous Congress of Cowboys and CcvgLls every Day at the Fair, in their eight spectacular acts. . . . M7TT t xt t t?n nv THi? it ATHM roKrrciíT EAND t lilt, i'AKVliCiS M liU UCl LilULt U 1 iuu AnM.u- HEADQUARTERS City Hali BiOilini PmjNo. 31 Round Trip Tickets on the Santa T!l2 Fa-c is tke Fe for a fare and a half between g .e, lr" points- Bloom, Cola., anJ Wagan Itai I V3:.t j Yssr including bransh Ii:i3S I THAT THE PEOPLE . MAY KNOW This is to inform the people of Harding County that I am withdrawing from the race for Sheriff of this County in lavor of Mr J. D. Wade. There is no thing I would be more proud of than to be able to win this race and serve the people of Harding Countv. but considering the fact that I could not possibly do jus tice to the office for the money it will pay as a fourth' or fifth ciass County, I am withdrawing :in favor of Mr Wade who 1 know stands for about the same prin MILLS AND VICINITY ROY AND MT. DORA DIVIDE HONORS I . I The Mills school opened up The base ball fans of the mesa ! last Tuesday with a large enrol- stnrtents. and It 13 ex- had an opportunity last, ouuuaj "-" - , ...v and Monday to witness two of pe-cted that within the next eek the best Ui.l games piayeo. on ui , , il iho Rov diamond this season and ,vious year m school attendance. quite a number of them witnes- There are three trucks in cus sed the games botn oi wmcn vation bringing the children in, was ho teams game until tne last an(j far tne.r loads are mcraa half of the ninth was played and ;smg. rapidly.. This is the first then'only when the last man was year f01i Mills ta have trucks, and it is not only interesting ior rnllprl tint r c,mAn-7 AT rim-íi hv a thp rnmmnnitv. but it also bri score of 7 to 6 and on Monday ngs in more children to school, o -t, K r tha enmA sr.ore whpifiis hi tuevious years, a cer- v .,"-, LVy VVUll KIJ .... jr- - .... Uo.if inn 'fain rfiivont nf thP Children UrOU- cipals as I do, and owing to the . th . s and they, Id be absent from schooL accouEt lax, taiaii lie nao uau iuiuivi vv penence, i Deueve mat n eiectea for the and they displayed their streng hth thruout the games. The games were both pitchers ae will make even a better offi cer than I could. I wish to thank all of you who OlllOn IOr lile gamca mu "-j , m kg t-uv." w olaved real ball. Each team has of the long trip by horse and.bu- occasion ggy or eise uiu iiicsiu have been giving me your sup- j 6but excellent showing port which I appreciate and as-, fa ig rtl due to the al. sure you I feci honored though perfect support given them I am sorrv to disaDDOint vou at II v r- ,j j BURSUM ON THE BONUS that it is the only thing to do This however does not mean Thp lpfldincr feature of Sun day's game was the home run by fames S. Christman Driller and Contractor Deep Holes a Specialty Custom Plowing, Large Tracts ROY. NEW MEXICO- Abstracts Abstracts Abstracts We have the only complete tract index to the Harding County Records. . . We have an experienced abstracter in charge of our business. . , , . . We give our entire time and attention to the abstract business ' Our abstracts are approved by all loan companies oper- ing in Harding County. We can furnish abstracts promptly, and at a reasonable charge. . Harding County Abstract. Co. INCORPORATED AND BONDED Mosquero, ' New Mexico. "Pay the boys who want it in spot cash instead of offering them promissory notes ior wuu owed them." This is the conten tion of Senator Holm O. Bursum in leading the fight for conside ration of the compensation diii for the world war veterans in ar gument before the Senate yes terday. Our senator sianas straightout compensation of ser vices given by the soldiers and sailors. "T nm in favor of acknowled- debt and of paying it without further quibbling or de lay." This Is Senator tíursum s RtflTid nnd indicative of the sup port he has steadfastly given to proposed measures ior tne com pensation ot our war veterans. His adherence to that program continuously has been made wi thout heralding his actions ior nniitfral nurnoses and has been previously acknowledged with sailors' organizations. Las Ve gas Optic. lhis however does not mean ; - , . h ht in that my interests m tne political 3 his own in field will cease for I intend to do all in my power to help nominate ; M1" i4"""f ' . the best men possible, then see In Monday's game Clint . Hes them through the coming Cam-; ter made a dean drive to left paign, not only that, but do eve-' in the last half of the ninth bnn- rythmg possible to make the De- Sb - ;r r mnnrntif raiv thp hpst rnrtv Ule uuuiu niv.. " e- ever. James S. Christman John Felton was down from Mills Friday morning on busi ness. me. Williams pitched for Roy on SnTiHav and held the visitors down to a few scattering hits, and .-.iifh rpRUitüd with a tired feel ing, and the pupils would not ta ke the interest in their study s like they would if brought in by; truck. The following, is the list o teachers of the Mills School: firnHpR ! Prof. Y'arbrough. Miss Beckr Miss Hotson, Miss Lusk. Primary: Miss Hiens W.H. McMinn made a busi- npss and treasure trho to Amari llo Texas last week, while there he met his wife's mother, she ac companied him to Mills where she will spend a few weeks visi ting. C. A Smith and E.G. FarkM and families made a pleasure trip TO THE LADY VOTERS OF PRECINCT NO. 3 0 " 'itllU IJUlllUCB JllttUC a (IIBtoui v. Bitched for Mt. Do- n u mountains last week. V,; trama anil likewise I ..J1I-. T T? CJIm. rrioitoil 1 a. 111 niio ..v. . xuranuniio i.u. uu mnvu did good work allowing Roy only their son at Glorietta, N.M. last aDOUt o or o una. week In Monday's game, Nutt from Sam Strong, Pat Ledoux and A.F. Chavez will leave for Santa Fe Sunday where they have been drawn as Petit jurors m the Fe deral Court. Having been aDDointed. Chair woman of Precinct No. 3, Hard inr Countv. I most respectfully ask all lady democratic voters or those who wish to support tne principals of the democratic par ty to join me in a caucus or mee- r 1 Ail. ting on Tuesday septemoer itn at 2 P.M. at the uommuniiy TToii nt Pnv. N.M! for the Duroo- - " 1 - - - lage aim ivwjr vi uj se of organizing a W omen s De-row margin 0f one score . w.!. nnK tf tVin aViAVP Tin- med precinct. It is very essential that all democratic lady voters attend this meeting is as much as we have been civen the riffht of fra nchise we should take active part Tucumcari pitched for Roy and it was surprising to watch the Mt Dora sluggers swing at nis drops. Patterson pitched tor ah. Dora in Monday's game, but se emed to weaken in the ninth. Rnv had 5 runs when she went to the bat in the last of the ninth and the visitors already had b to their credit, but the weakening of the pitcher was taken advan tage of and Roy won by the nar- Onite a number of rooters ac companied the Mt Dora team to Roy and went to the river and camped for the evening. They expect to return with their team for the good roads convention nchise we should take active part; . . exüected that they ,in the coming campaign and aii . , R d b, headen matters appertaining to our par- aaiii v J ty affiliations, and see tJiat the . . . best people fitted for the var- -"--7"- -ious offices are named in the co- cane hay, will sell reasonable. r.nnnv Till and James CrLcr: around in .town on a bycicle one day last week, and as they were coming down tne hill, in come manner Conny got his heel mixed m the hind wheel, which caused them both to fall to the ground and knocking Con ny unconcious. He was taken to the Doctor at once, and after being examined, it was found that nothing serious has happe ned, but he was ordered taken I hnme. so that he could rest ur a bit and get ever the shock . rer, who is doing the stucco work, on the Mills school house, is pro gressing along very nicely, ana it is thought that he will have it completed in the next few days- Mr and Mrs J. W. Thompson and babe came over from Nolan Thursday'on business connected with the Roy School Building. miner convention . Respectfully Submitted, .'. Mrs. G.R. Abernathy, ' Precinct Chairwoman, of Precinct No. 3, Harding Co. Sept. 9. (Adv., see R.W. Boulware ' Brvan Ruth and Wallace Nutt of Tucumcari hebed Rov trim the Mt. Dora Tigers last Monday , 4-Np. MONEY TO LOAN ON IM PROVED FARMS AND RAN CHES; TERMS REASONABLE. Write or call us. Blakely & Scott Clayton National Bank BIdgv Clayton, New Mexico \n\n -mi- - minimi inn" 1" ' f'-ta.-t.,.a i... Justiano Baca of Socorro. i . . . v " , f iiuy me íniieiu aim uuukiu filia firm A hxr un t h H.Qnri Cf I TOO J F. F. TTenrv' the Rov plaste