Newspaper Page Text
The Spanish-American. Rov. Harding County, New Mexico, Saturday Sept. 9th, 1922. I J fv Henry Takes an Open-face Ride -1 While the press was busy telling of Ford'i X jk- new plan to make automobiles in Mexico, pg&t Henry was up in Quebec, Canada, with his wife W f riding around in one of those old open-faced Hr), hacks known as a "caleches." It was a pleas JJ'X ure trip. ' " . K j-w-- 4' "y ?U NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC , .NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Board of Education of School District No. 3, Harding County, and known as the Roy Municipal School District, will offer at Public Auction to the highest bidder on Tuesday Sep tember 19th, at 10, o'clock A.M. he building known as the Plea Bant View School building which is located about 7 miles east and one mile north of Roy. The building is of frame con struction and is about 30 by 36 feet in size. The successful bid der or bidders will be given thir ty days time to remove the buil ding from the ground or in whi ch to make the necessary arran gements for leaving same in its present location. The ground where the building is now loca ted is owned by Fred Breford and any arrangements to leave it on the present location will ha ve to be made with Mr Breford. The purpose of the sale of the fouilding is to place ownership of it in proper hands ae the build ing is no longer needed by the School District . Bids will be ac cepted from church or communi ty organizations or from indivi duals. Terms will be strictly cash on the day of sale. The Board reserves the right to reiect anv and all bids. School District No. 3 Harding County By C.L. Justice President. Attest: Wm. G. Johnson, Secretary. LOST Mutual Life Insurance Company, Field Club Medal with name, Shirley S. Nutter, engrav ed, on back. Return to this off ice and receive reward. FOR SALE 300 bushel clean Turkey Red seed wheat See Fred Fluhman WANTED Wanted a good second hand "binder; must be in good condi tion. Write me price and condi . i,ion when answering this ad. 1 W. M. Jett, Star Route, Taylor Springs, N. M. Fairbank Morse Pumping engine $44.80 Cylinders Deep well pumping outfit Gas pipe & fittings Stock Tanks Superior and Tan Brunt Grain Drills Oliver & Emerson Tractor and horse Plows W7agons Tin Shop Supplies Well Casing Safety Flues ' Self Oiling and Roller Bearing Windmills BAUM BROS TM KUCSP NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at Clayton, N. M. August 21, 1922. NOTICE is hereby riven that Zacarías Ebell, of Roy, Harding County, New Mexico, who, on SeDtember. 11th. 1919, made Homestead entry, No. 025572, for SW1A: WV-SEVt. Sec. 4. N EirNWi, NWI4-NEVÍ section 9, Township 18N, Range 25E, N. M. P. Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Three Year Proof ta establish claim to the land above described, be fore F.H. Foster, U. S. Commis sioner, at his office -at Roy. New Mexico, on the 5th day of Octo ber, 1922. r.lAi'mant. names as witnesses: Julian Sandoval. Leandro Árchu leta, Manuel Archuleta and Jes us Madina all of Roy, New Mex. H. H Errett, Register READ THIS AND WEEP Minister (to the young man "rolling the bones") Don't you know that "rolling stones gather no moss?" Johnny But these bones are an exception, they gather green backs from moss-backs. Minister You cannot possibly mer:t paradise by such actions. Johnnv G'wan I have pair of dice (paradise) now. Minister Yes, but you lose your ' pair of dice" by a twist cf the wrist. . ' Johnny I can er.sily get anot her, but you have to turn your toes up to get your paradise. Minister Don't you have any jiety for your hereafter?" Johnny I like neither pie or tea. Minister I saw you coming out of a pawnbrokers shop. Johnny Yes, I soaked me watch. Minister That is a disgrace- Johnny Didn't the Good I ord conk the whole world to float the ark? Uncle SanVs I 77 y- T . , Í . 4 f 1 - "sí - : ' ' ' " r v' ' . 1 í ; a 6? h H H ('A-e. v, A ' I , KrteAvt 4 'V,'XAY 1 r v iiwU'- 'iv -'-rTA " t " "ii When Lieut. Walter Hmton, I U. S. Navy, flew the first leaplane crosthe Atlantic in 1919, he wrote bi nam in histofT. He is now on another assignment,' in a Navy ni.n iiiirM vfrom -'-New York to Rio de Janeiro, which if completed will be a record trip t 8.4W miies THE SPANISH-AMERICAN Published By THE SPANISH-AMERICAN PRINTING COMPANY Frank L. Schultz, Editor. Wm. G. Johnson, Associate Editor Subscription $2.00 per year, payable strictly in advance. Entered as second-class matter at the post office in Roy, N. Registered August 27,1912. ROY TO THROW OFF VILL AGE GARB AND BECOME A TOWN The Village board at their last meetins- decided to change from an incorporated village to an in corporated town and W. G. John son was conseauently employed to take an official census of the town, preparatory to making the change. The census has just been completed and shows that on September first, Roy had 731 persons within its corporate lim its, and this was not taking into consideration the children who live outside of Roy and are here to attend school. Should these have been counted, the census would have shown a total of 760, as there is a good number here for the school term. A number of benefits will be derived by the town by making the change to an incorporated town. W. R. Holly, attorney for the board, has been ordered to take the pro ceedure for the change. Yes, Roy has outgrown her baby garb and we expect to continue grow ing until some day not so far distant, we will be a full-fledged city. The census of Roy for the year 1920 showed a populátion of about 550, so one may see that we are steadily growing; this is a gain of about 38 percent in 2 years, which is a very good show ing. . Mrs Tom Ladd, Mrs Cecil Hold ernessand Mrs. H.R Johnson were up from Solano last Tues day. , J-LL T NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U.S. LAND OFFICE at Clayton New Mexico . August 21, 1922 NOTICE is hereby given that Jose de Jesus Medina, of Roy, Harding Co, New Mexico, who on December, 18, 1918, and Ja- wary, 6, 1920, made Homestead Entry No. 026331, & No. 026630, or EI.-EI2 ;.Ni2-NWi4, NWU NEVi, and SWVi-SEVi, Section 35, Township 19 N, Range 25E, N . M . P . Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land auove aescn bed, before F.H. Foster, U.S. Commissioner, at his office at Rov. New Mexico, on the 28th day of September, 1922. Claimant names as witnesses : Frank Aldeis, Demetrio Garcia Fsco A. Martinez and Pedro T. Montoya, all of Roy, New Mexico H.H. Errett, Register. 26-2-0-16-23 Neptune Ace On Lieut. Hinton with a pilot, a me chanic, one newspaper man and a Brari!nn pauenger, lett New York A..ct 1 7th and. is expected to reach Rio September 7th, in .time tor .the opening of the Brazilian Centennial Exposition. All down the Atlantic1 coast ron M. The village dads have just completed the work of filling-in ona of the worst mua-noies in town. The work has been in charge of Street commissioner Gcmbrel and he has done a good pLje of work. The bad spot that has been remedied is jusi the street from the depot A culvert, six feet wide and 30 feet in length, has been piacea across the street just west 01 the. railroad crossins and a total of four cars of cinders, donated by the El Paso and Southwest pr.i railwav thru the courtesy of Superintendent Beeth, has been pLced in the street so that tne ht 'e has been filled in and the ror.dwav elevated, making it one of the best streets in town. The rural schools of the coun ,y opened Tuesday morning with a nice enrollment in practically evury school. All schools in the co mty took up their work Tues day with the exception of Mos quero, which will open next Mondav. Several new school hcusese have been built in the county and others are under con struction. Harding county has an ef fecient cosps of teachers for this school term and we look for a record breaking attendance and the accomplishment of much valuable work. Miss Arilla Spence arrived in Roy, Friday, from Carbondale, Illinois, and has taken up her work as instructor in English in the Rov His-h' School. Miss Spe- nre is a oradnateof the Southern 1 Illinois State Normal and has a . life certificate from that school. I The Renublican delegates to the state convention from Hard ing county, left for Albuquerque the latter part of the week. The convention is to be held in that ;ity on the seventh. HonC. W. G. Ward and Ches ter Hunker, prominect attornies of East Las Vegas, were busi ness visitor in Roy and the coun ty seat last Saturday and Sun. They were working, in the inte rest of Judge Davis who is a prominent candidate for U. S. Senator W. R. Copien of Mosquero, has been on the sick list the past several weeks is reported improv ing slowly. For the .past seve ral days he has been under the care of. Dr. Plumle at the hospi tal, , 1 Hog men Attention! I have Tankage for sale.. F.-S. Brown Longest Flight ton s craft, tlie Sampaio Correia. en countered heavy head winds and was often turned back. This is one . of the biggest seaplanes yet bwltl Tho ntrtures show Hinton ..tin- J: ..J hv arrow), and crew, tasen ihowt sranlane at. Start of the nigiH. . jut before rising' from i' at Pineville this Jear;: y :hicken picnic attracts attention A chicken picnic held at the S. K TTVinldand farm near Las Lru- ses followed by an inspection of Mrs. Hookland' flock of chickens and a culling demonstration prov pA tn he one of the most profit able meetings held in Dona Ana county this year. Mrs. Hookland trarmests all her birds, so divid ed them into pens according to the number of eggs laid. Mrs. TTnolcland has a flock of 500 hens one fourth of which lay over 200 eggs a year, one-half between 150 and 200 eggs and the rest lay less than 150 eggs.. Mrs. Hookland also Keeps care ful cost records so knows just what it costs to keep a hen. She figured out that this past ear it took 88 effffs to keep a nen so any hen producing less than that number of eggs was kept at la loss. She has been trapnest- fnr her hens for vears. however, and is reasonably sure that she does not keep any hens that do not pay for their keep. BRADLEY ijee Hanger was out trying iu sell his hogs, Monday. C. C. Moore made a business trip to Mosquero, Monday. Mrs. Oscar Asperren returned to the Plumlee hospital at Roy, Wednesday. She intends to stay until her sprained ankle improv es some . F. F. Smith and Charles Wood Aere business visitors at Mosqu eo, Wednesday. Miss Mary Woods returned to íer home Wednesday, after a risit with friends at Roy. Tra Woods is with us ajrain. He is going to take care of Mrs. Morford's farm while Mrs. M. is away visiting. We are all glad ,0 see him back again. Mr. Fuller threshed wheat for PhiQuaschnick and C. C. Moore ast Monday. C. C. Moore was a business visitor in. Mosquero, Thursday afternoon, , L. S. and G. W. Hazen were also business visitors in town, Thursday ' y Arthur Hazen nad Donald Mo we were business visitors in vlosquero, Saturday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dietz were .ailing at the Moore homeSunday ifternoon. Miss Mayme Smith called on Mrs. Quaschnick, Sunday. Miss Mary Woods went to Roy Friday to spend a few days in the DodaY home. Arthur Hazen made a business trip to Mosquero early Monday morning.. ' Miss Virginia Woods spent last Sunday night with Miss Clovir Moore., r A. G. Hazen, Clovi's Mocre and Virginia: Woods ' called at the Cory home Sunday evening. iir and Mrs. Frank Cory vére plan- ninr to leave Mondar momm? on a pleasure tour to the mount ains. 1 . Mr. Fuller threshed wheat fc: F. M. Doitz, Monday. Truck crivers, Rcnclel, Doiti "tkI Drudley . are getting thei' -rucks ready for business-tha! '3, hauling the children to the Mosquero school this winter. , Thera has been quite a bit ol berai harvesting in this vicinity for the past few: days. , A nice shower visited this com munity Saturday evening, but the rainfall was not enough to do anything very much good. Harry Lindgren was a visitor at tlie Caddel home, Sunday. C. C. Moore made a business, trip to Mosquero, Tuesday. Ira Woods was at Fred Tink er's Monday, looking for soce seed wheat. , Mrs. 0. A. Murphy had her flock of hens culled Tuesday morning. She is we: l pieasea with the result, but jast a bit r.orry th?it she had so many ''slacker" hens. Harry Swift, the Watkins man was thru this community the fnre nart of the week. He says that this will be his last trip to the neighborhood this year but that.he will be back in the spring Connor Plumlee came in last week from Pineville, Mo., and spent a few days with his broth er, Caris Plumlee, and family, also with his wife who is con valescing from a recent opera tion at the Plumlee HospitaL Harold and Virjril Plumke re- .. 4 m. . . i a . ti J Í 1 C.H. GARNER Auctioneer Mills, -:- -:- New Mexico. 12 vears experience selling for the best farmers and breeders in . three states, 8 years a breeder of Shorthorn cattle and Poland Chi na hogs . Padegrees understood. Will eo anywhere to conduct large or small sales; Write, Wire or Phone at my es pense for dates, terms reasonable. Geo E. Cochrane THE AUCTIONEER Mills, N. ML at ibis ííictv FATJÓ'S HONEY Fancy Comb : Extracted Honey For sale by the case and i a 5 gal. eans Retailed by all Leading Grocers Italian Bees and Queens Fatjo Apiaries P.O. Box Springer, New Mex. General Blacksmith and Machine WV ACETYLENE WELDING AND DISC ROLLING AT THE OLD STAND, WITH;THE LIBERTY GARAGE J. D. Wade, I. C. DODDá UNDERTAKER And LICENSED EMBALMER Full line of Caskets alwaysq on hand, also suits and dresses. Calls answered day or night Phone No. 53 Foster Blk. Roy, N. Mex. MONEY to LOAN ON REAL ESTATE Rates Reasonable. Can Make Inspection Soon. : ' Write, Phone or bee, Remejio Lopez MOSQUERO, NEW MEXICO. 1ARDNER S. CHAPIN, M. D Physician and Surgeon GLADSTONE. NEW MEXICO. FOR SALE at a bargain, a lievrolet 49ft in excellent work s' shane. oracticallv a new bat tery, good generator and starter. Detachable rims, tires ; m fair condition, new Spotlight and ma iy other accessories. Will take r,00.00 cash, or will trade for cattle. For particulars inquire at the S.A. office. FOR SALE at a oreat bar gain: The Sargent property near the Dr. Gibbs residence. Price $1,000.00; $150.00 down, balan ce at the rate of $16.65 per mon- tn. Wnere on earth can you beat this? For further particulars, call at the S. A. office. 26-2-9-16 and 23 WILL TRADE Irrijated farms for good sized tracts of grazing land. What ha ve you? R. BJ. Alldredge, Roy, N. Mex. Travel these ijs. lvr??idenfi a man trat flatténs. hú' ji-ket book