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THE SPANISH-AMERICAN. of t,ie, J Mothers!! Write for 32 Page Booklet, fAo World" The Lloyd Mfg. Company (Bniumi-Wmk-Í.UO,.) awnomlM Hi eh. A AVv The ivi ig. v,u. fT MaunlgM, Mlak. AT PlnH wnd m vour Xbooklat'llothanof tb Worts." AT " .... B,,-, City Stats Lloyd Loom Products oaqyiAmagafCRmiitm. "Use This Coupon MERE MATTER OF AMUSEMENT Arkansan Could Easily Afford to Treat Such Amateur Shooting With the Contempt Deserved. "What's that?" cried a tourist to whom a resident of Straddle ma Ark., was showing the scenery of the region. "Aw, just Tug Bald or his brother-in-law taking a shot at me from over , across the holler," was the noncha lant reply. "Them fellers have been cutting that caper off and on for six weens or sucn a matter." "Great grief! What do you do about it?" "NuthTg In partlckler. Thev're the poorest shots on the Eldge and never come nigner to me man ten feet or so. It sorter amuses me to see grown men doing such childish tricks and never compnsning anything at It." Kansas A Man of Resource. Wife John, I must have some new clothes. I'm sure the entire neighbor hood knows my present wardrobe by heart. Hub But It would be cheaper to move to a new neighborhood, wouldn't It? Sure Relief FOR HlDIGESriOn O1' 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief ELL-AMS 25$ and 75$ Packages. Everywbartj Laxatives Replaced By the Use of Nujol Nujol Is a lubricant not a medicine or laxative o cannot gripe. When you are constipated, not enough of Nature's lu bricating; liquid is produced in the bowel to keep the food waste soft and moving. Doctors pre scribe Nnjol because It acts like this natu ral lubricant and thus re places. It. Try USEFUL for all the little ailments bumps, bruises, sores, sunburri and chafing. Keep a bottle in the house. It's safe and pure. Itcostsverylittle. CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. (Conaolidatad) SUte Street New York H i bVaseline Cuticura Soap Clears the Skin and Keeps it Clear Sea 25c Oatawt 25 an SOc, Ttlcu 2S& D I - C O L - Q FOR BURNS OUTS ITOH SORES 75c at store; 85c by mail., Address New York Drug Concern, New York To rotor frmr fsdatl hair to orlf iui ooior, 0011 1 w a 4 lt oaagw ... lt - K. .1 1 1 pBaa Half Color Mtorr--Safa it water . - . i. A all auul 1 vii ar I a tarn. Tor dliwrt firatm KEMIO-EUil. CM, tfwvttt, 1mm, nn ii me U UII. W. N. U DENVER. NO. 3B-1922. Southwest News From All Over New Mexico and Arizona The Magdalena, N. M., high school Is organizing a basket ball team for the season of 1022-23, which It Is thought will be one of the fastest In the state. Mrs. Elchard Scherer, who for sev eral years has resided a few miles north of Aztec, N. M., committed sui cide by hanging herself to the limb of a tree. William Shaw of Koswell, N. M., Is now making plans for the erection of a new business block on South Second street, which when completed will cost over $15,000. The Anita Copper Company of Lords burg, N. M., under the management of Q. W. Foreman, is now shipping and milling some of the best ore that has been taken out of the shafts. The new $100,000 school building In Portales, N. M., which has been under construction since the first of May, is nearing completion and will be ready for occupancy about the 18th of Sep tember. William S. Bourne, 49, is dead and James Mcdure, 86, la reported dying as a result of a pistol duel at their camp near Prescott, Ariz., following McClure's unexpected return from Colorado. The Bay (Arizona) Consolidated Copper Company Is preparing to in augurate a program of construction and expansion of operations and has sent out a can for laborers and me chanics of experience. Bert H. Calkins, manager of Batán ela, N. M tor the past year, has filed suit In the District Court to recover $513 which he alleges ts due him for engineering services In planning the sewer system of the dty- Present Indications are that the cop per shipments from the Douglas dis trict for the month of August will to tal 14,000,000 pounds or more, exceed ing all monthly records since the smelt ers closed down more than a year ago. A chase that began July 29 and ex tended through four states, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona, ended at Yuma, Arli, recently, when Deputy Sheriff H. C. Parsons of Phoenix ar rested X. W. Burgaln In connection with brutal killing near Prescott June 10 last of I ver Enge of Phoenix. Development work at the Last Chance mine near Lordsburg, N. is now going ahead rapidly and some of the best silver ore In this part of the state Is being produced. Most of the ore which has been taken from the mine will run $500 to the ton and the big mill is operating with almost Ideal extraction. Construction of a mountain top road from Las Vegas to Santa Fé, Is being mrged by many of the prominent busi ness men of Las Vegas. They are now working on plans which will bep laced before the next Legislature which will provide for the building of the road from the top of the Porvenir highway over the range to the Ancient city. The first Indication of a resumption f Industrial activity In the district, following a complete shutdown of more than a year, came recently with the announcement by Capt J. P. Hodg son, manager of the Morend branch of the Phelps Dodge, that 150 miners and muckers would be put to work immedi ately in the mines of Morenci, Ariz. A reduction of $250,000 In the valu ation of the producing mining claims of the Phelps Dodge Corporation, Copper Queen branch, has been made by the Arizona State Tax Commission, which had previously placed the value at $47,305,380. The Shattuck-Arlzona company was granted a decrease of 11822,308 on a valuation of $2,806,954. George Leppes of Albuquerque was fined $50 and costs for wreckless driv ing of an auto. It is alleged that he drove his car Into the kitchen of the home of D. Valles on the Barelas road. A big meeting of the farmers of the valley was held In Fort Sumner, N. M., recently, to make plans for some kind of a system of selling the crops of the valley to the best advantage of all The result of the meeting was that a co-operative association was formed through which all. the products will be marketed, and it Is likely that a truck Une from this city to Las Vegas will be started and plans made to handle the crops in that city, Announcement has been made by G, H. Cook of the Forest Service, who Is chairman of the U. S, Department of Agriculture district committee on ex hibits, of the fairs in New Mexico and Arizona at which the department will be represented this year. Approval has been received for the department al exhibit to be shown at the Northern New Mexico Fair at Raton, N, M Sept, 12 to 15, at (he Northern Arizo na Fair at Prescott, Ariz., Oct. 12 to 14, and at the Arizona State Fair at Phoenix, Oct, 80 to Nov, 4, A recent strike on the east end of the Tom Reed, near Oatman, Ariz., at the 500 level, ts said to have . developed Into one of the most Important In re cent years, The rein is reported to have been cut for a width of forty feet, ten feet of which is high grade mill ore. Federal narcotle agents, acting In co-operation ' with Phoenix . police, seized twenty-three tea-ounce tins of crude opium valued at $5,000 in the baggage room of the Santa Fe depot at Glendale, and placed Ong Feo, a Chinese, under arrest, ' I , BRIDGES BURNED AND DYNAMITED TEN ARE UNDER ARREST ON CONSPIRACY CHARGE THROUGH OUT NATION. TERROR REIGN BEGINS ALBUQUERQUE POLICE REPORT FINDING OF COMPLETE BOMB PLANT. Chicago. The disclosure of a new train wrecking plot, an attempt to blow up a train, the burning and dyna miting of bridges and other railway property, greasing of tracks, slugging of workers and other acts of lawless violence has marked the strike of the railroad shopmen throughout the country. A pile of debris heaped In the path of an expected Chicago train near Spring Lake, Iowa, was reported to have resulted In the death of one man and the injury of three others when a motor handcar on which they were rid ing in advance of the train struck the obstruction. An attempt to blow up a Chicago & Alton train near Alton, 111., the bombing of a bridge In Wilmington, Del., and the burning of seven bridges on the "Cotton Belt" line also were reported simultaneously with the ar rest of three men In Chicago charged with a plot to dynamite and wreck the New York-Chicago "Western Express" of the New York Central lines. The latest arrests followed the hold ing of four other men accused oi wrecking the "Million Dollar" express of the Michigan Central near Gary, Ind., recently, by removing thirty seven spikes from the rails, causing the death of two englnemen, and ef forts were being made by federal and state officials to determine whethei there was any connection between the two groups. Railroad detectives, posing as strik ers, obtained the first Information concerning the alleged plot. The men were questioned In an at tempt to learn If othes were connect ed with the conspiracy, and also tc find the location of the dynamite which was to have been used. Whole sale arrests of terrorists were prom ised by the Chicago police, and fed eral agents continued their activity In all parts of the Central West. Albuqueíque, N. M. W. P. Seyfred, president of the State Federation oí Labor, and Andrew Bruno, both of Al buquerque, were arrested on Santa Fé train No. 2 at Hahn, four miles north of Albuquerqiie, by Sheriff Tony Ortiz, A. R. Gere, special agent of the de partment of justice and Santa Fé spe cial officers. The officers reported that they found In the men's grips three complete bombs, fuses and a quantity of caps. , The men were taken to Albuquerque and a search was made of Seyfred'a room where, according to the officers, they found a number of bombs practi cally completed, powder and fuses. Seyfred ,1s a plumber and Bruno a taxi driver. Officials are of the opinion that the men had planned to blow up Raton tunnel, which would have blocked traf fic on the main line of the Santa Fé railroad. They had tickets to Trinidad, Colo., when arrested, the officers said. Slater, Mo. Five arrests, the flrsl In the western Missouri district, for alleged Interference with the mails were made at Slater a few days ago by O. A. (Buck) Lindsay, deputy United States marshal. The five men .arrested, who later were taken to Kansas City, were Leo F. Winkle, chairman of the federated shopcraf ts in Slater ; Barney May field, chairman of the machinists' or ganization ; J. W. Nichols, striking ma chinist and picket; Emmett Todd, a "stationary fireman, and E. L. John son, brakeman. American Consulate Closed. London. The American consulate In New Castle has been closed and the consular authority suspended by the British government. It Is asserted that the Washington government has been furnished with proof that con sular officials in New Castle abused their positions to the disadvantage of British Interests, among other things having refused to vise British pass ports to the United States on trivial pretexts unless the holders of the passports agreed to travel on Ameri can vessels. Canal Zone Judge Named. Washington. The President nomi nated John D. Walllngford of Iowa to be United States Judge for the Canal zone. France Surrenders Position. Paris. The reparations commission has relieved Germany of the necessity of making any further cash payments In reparations for the remainder of 1922, but defers its decision on the question of a moratorium until radl- ;al reforms in Germany's finances are carried out These include the bal ancing of her budget, reduction in Germany's foreign obligations, cur rency reform and the issue of foreign md Internal loans. ,i Indigestion and Dyspepsia Overcome Victims of stomach trouble, indiges tion, dyspepsia and their allied com plaints find Tanlac an ever-ready source of relief and comfort. Thou sands of people have refound the Joys of health by Its use after everything else they tried had failed. 'Tanlac helped me wonderfully," said Mrs. W; H. Hocker, 84 Rose Ave., Clifton Forge, Va. "For over a year I suffered tortures from indigestion, and had to live on the simplest foods. I became almost' a nervous wreck. Tanlac restored me to the best of health." Tanlac helps the stomach digest the food properly and eliminate waste. Soon the whole system Is built up, the blood Is purified and the entire body takes on new tone, vitality and en ergy. Get a bottle today and start on the road to health. For sale by all good druggists. Advertisement. ALL FEEL CHARM OF PARIS Various Spots May Have Particular Application, but There Is Variety for Every Visitor. The fairy tale of Paris belongs to all of us, In whatever terms it may be told. For some It is Marie An toinette and the Petit Trianon; and, curiously, by comparison with a rather worthless queen, the great war pales. For some it is Napoleon in his cocked hat and white breeches, and his great tomb, one of the fingertips of Paris. For still more it is the Bois and the elegance and luxury and beautiful women; and for the rest there Is al ways the particular application the house where Balzac had his printing press, or perhaps only a great stone wall, symbol of the centuries over which a fruit tree blooms, symbol of centuries continually renewed, writes Muriel Harris In the North American Review. . Only now and again do we realize that Roman and irank and Gaul; Catholic and Huguenot; artist, priest and warrior; saint, martyr, philoso pher, mldlnette, have really our eher- gles In their grip. RATS DIE Was a Bridge Tender. "There's no fool like an old fool," of course. A week or two ago one of our members of the Leg-ln-the-Grave club got caught in a bridge fight that lasted until the small hours. He was not much concerned about It since his good wife, once parked for the night, sleeps on through, or, at least, has the grace not to ask when he got in. How ever, merely as a matter of habit he turned the key softly and was slipping quietly to his rpom, when the childish voice of his small granddaughter piped up through the open door of her bed room : "Granddaddyl Where did you get a Job as night watchman?" Indianap olis Star. But Not Martha. Katharine and Martha, six and four, respectively, visited a neighbor wom an who had no children. After play ing with the girls for a time she said : 'My, I wish I had two or three girls like you!" Martha- soberly replied: "Mamma might let Katharine come and stay with you, but she wouldn't let me come." Dissipated Creature. Passenger I say, driver, what is the average life of a locomotive? . Driver Oh, about thirty years, sir. Passenger I should think such a tough-looking thing would last longer than that. Driver Well, perhaps It would, Blr, If It didn't smoke so much. Con-gregationallst. J .When They STEARNS' ELECTRIC PASTE It aln kill mloc gophers, prtlrle do coyotea, wolvea, cockroaches, water bojra and anta. A lío bos contain enough to kill 60 to 100 rata or mloe. Oet It from your drug or general atora dealer today. READY FOR USE BETTER THAN TRAPS Cave Electrically Lighted. Mount Tinipanogos cave, the huge natural cave beneath the Wasatch mountains of Utah, is now electrically lighted. A system of lights which espe cially illuminates the wonderful stal actite and stalagmite formations and the odd nooks and corridors of the cave has been Installed. Monopoly. Mrs. K. "How many servants do you keep?", Mrs. B. "One for general houseshlrk." Exchange. Western Ganada Land of Prosperity onera to nome teeners opportunities that can not be secured elsewhere. The thousands of fanners from the United State who have accepted Canada's generous offer to settle on FREE homestead or buy farm land in ber province bare been well repaid by bountiful crops. There is still available on eay term FertUt Land &t S!5 to $33 an lera -land similar to that which through many year ha yielded from 20 to 45 bushel of wheat to the acre oils, barley and flax also in great abundance, while ratring horse, cattle, sheep and hog la equally rentable. Hundred of farmer in Western anada have raised crop in ingle season worth mor than the whole cost of their land. With such success come prosperity, inde pendence, good homes and all the comforts and conveniences which make life worth living. Farm Cardans, Poultry, Dairying are source of income second only te grain arrowing ana kock raising. Attractive climate, good neighbor, churches and, schools, good markets, railroad facilities, rural telephone, etc For certificate entitling you to re duced railway rates, illustrated litera ture, maps, description of farm oppor tunities in manitooa, aasKstcnewan, Aioem ana onuan woiumoia, write W. V. BENNETT 100 Peter' Trust Building Omaha, Nsn. wm rr W "Mj Pa has lots of shirt to show. He says that that's all right A long as Ma has Faultless Starch, To keep hit shirts to white." - IB alces Old Waists Like New Putnam Fadeless Dyes dyes or tints as you wish NO DOUBT ABOUT GRATITUDE Any Youngster Will Understand That (oor Boy Was Deeply Appreci ative of Tommy's Gift. For some time Mrs. Caraway had been endeavoring to instill Into the heart of her youngster, Tommy, aged ten, the sentiment of generosity, which it seemed to her, was not naturally present. In this relation she had been especially careful to commend to Tommy's consideration the son of a poor family In the neighborhood. One day Tommy came home radiant. "Well," he said to his mother, "I gave that poor boy half of the box of candy you bought for me." The mother also beamed. "You are a dear little boy," she said. "Was the poor boy grateful?" "Yes, ma'am," said Tommy; "he was grateful, all right. He came round to the school yard and let me lick him where everybody was looking on." Harper's Magazine. How Sherlock Could Tell. Sherlock and the faithful Watson were strolling down Piccadilly. "There's a woman In very short skirts Just behind us, my dear doctor," murmured the great detective. "Marvelous 1" enthused Watson, af ter he had corroborated the statement by a glance behind. "How in the world did you ever know without turn ing your head?" "Purely elementary, dear old fellow. I merely observed the faces of the people who are walking toward us." American Legion Weekly. Effective Economy. Rub So you are practicing econ omy. Bub Yes, Indeed; for three months now I haven't paid a cent on my debts. We have noticed that during August no one has much of a rush on. Unfair Advantage. "You don't care to sleep in a hand some mausoleum?" "Not if I have to pay for it myself,'' replied Senator Snorthworthy. "A sim ple tombstone, just to keep the record straight, will satisfy me. The man who builds his own monument often robs posterity of the privilege It would like to exercise of forgetting him." Birmingham Age-Herald. Another Defeat. "Mrs. Wopplng and I have Just con cluded a lengthy argument about the way we are going to vote," said Mr. Wopplng. "How did you decide?" asked Mrs. Gadspur. "The result reminded me of the time I argued with Mrs. Wopplng against buying a motor car." "Yes?" "We bought the car.' Exchange. Past and Present The late Mrs. George Gould hated divorce. At a Lakewood dinner party a young divorcee was ' admiring Mrs. Gould's splendid jewels. "Oh, that's your wedding ring, Isn't It?" she said. "How old-fasloned it looks, doesn't It? In the past they made them so much wider and heavier than they do now." "In the past, you see," said Mrs. Gould, "they expected them to last a lifetime." Be Careful How You Speak. If you speak to a girl you meet who is wearing knickerbockers, be careful how you address her. She may be angry If you call her "Sonny," and angrier still if you call her "sissy." Somervllle Journal. Buy real estate. Where one man has lost, ten men have won. The pleasure we best enjoy is that we have divided with others. r 0' ! Maybe that hill is not there, after all VERY often the hill we seem to be climbing is made out of the common mistakes of diet which starve tissues and nerves and slow down energies. How smooth and level the path seemed to be when we were younger. Simple, natural food may level that hill to a smooth path again. Why not try it? Begin today with a dish of Grape-Nuts with cream or milk and fresh or preserved fruit added if you like. Keep on with this crisp, deli cious, strengthening food in place of heavy, ill-assorted, starchy breakfasts and lunches and seo if the old-time zest and speed on the old-time level path doesn't come back again. " GrapeNufSE THE BODY BUILDER "There's a Reason" Made by Poitura Cereal Company, lae., Battle Creek, Miehifaa \n\n city atar. Bh4 fl gfJ si,l,a gTtilrBB Jpasrl wsraj ayy twMiniV1srj