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fj ft 3 Xfvin Ogden, Jr., is helping ,Miv Russell with his gang on the js. jr. and s. w. ' Quite a number from Solano games here on Sunday and Monday. Johnny VanDine was down from Springer the first of the week calling on old friends in Eoy. Mr and Mrs John Myers and siness the latter part of the week. Mrs. E. D. Eartmes of Mills, is in the Plumlee hospital where she is convalescing from her re cent illness. . Otto Foresman, of near Solano, spent several days last week in visiting with friends and relati ves in Koy. uJxilt Jack Kirby, prominent candid ate for county treasurer, was in Roy shaking hands with friends last Monday. , . C. Ernest Anderson, county clerk was up from Mosquero and took in the ball games Sunday -and Monday. A card fromTioyd Leathérman tells us that he is visiting Edi tor Johnson's brother and family at Marionville, Mo. J. A. Hurst returned Monday morning from Dawson where he had been several days attending to business matters. MRS. MYRA O. DE FREES ANNOUNCES FOR COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF. PUBLIC SCHOOLS Mrs. De Frees needs no introdu ction to the citizens of Harding County, having filled the office for the past year very success fully and with credit not only to herself but the whole of Harding Countv. notwithstanding she took charge of her duties in the New County in its infancy. She has been on the job at all times and has discharged her duties with justice and fairness to all, regardless of nationality, politics and religion. She has placed the County high up the ladder edu cationally by her untiring effo rts, until it is one of the leading Counties Educationally in the state. She is imbued with an abundance of push, vim and pep, characteristics which are indes- pensible in an educator, and lea der. She is an economist, and has worked for the interest of the County in her many transactions where money has been involved, but not to the disparagement of the interest of education, of whi ch is our chief concern . Her ex perience in the merchantile bu siness has given her a clear in sight as to the purchasing power of the dollar. She has demon strated this to the County by the wisdom she has displayed m handling the County Funds. She has the community spirit, Walter Goodhue of Mosquero ARRANGEMENTS FOR as on the streets of Roy Thur-, TEXAS-NEW MEXICO aday afternoon. Paul Westphal and Walter Schneider were business visitors in Roy Wednesday. HIGHWAY ASSOCIATION MOVING ALONG NICELY The different commitees re- ' pert that everything is moving 'along nicely as rapidly as couia Fritz Fuluhman Jr. was trad-. D(i expected for the entertain ing with our merchants Thurs- !-ment of the Texas-New Mexico day afternoon. C.E. Anderson, of La Porte, Ind. is visiting friends and rela tives m Roy this week. Virgil Anderson returned from Spearman Texas to spend r few weeks on the mesa. 1 Mi l's, w . 11 . iianan was up ir- m Solano trading with Roy mer chants Thursday. Harry Van Horn was a busi ness visitor in Dalhait, Texas se veral days this week. C . W . B . Leatherman and wife have been visiting relatives in Mosquero this week. R.W. Boulware and family will leave in a few days for their new home in Colorado. Hon. E.F. Gallegos, Chairman of the County Commissioners of larding County was a business visitor in Roy Wednesday. Prof. Pieper of southern Col ax County was in Roy on busi- íess last Wednesday: Mr 'Pieper the desire and needs of the peo- will have charge of the Wheat pie at heart. She deserves a cha- land School and Mrs Pieper will nee to carry out the plans she have charge of the Chateau Hill L. W. Wilson, prominent can didate for assessor, was on the streets of Roy Saturday build ing up his political fences. A nice little rain visited the mesa Saturday and Sunday even ings. The average was about a half :inch of moisture. Lawrence and Harry Kings toury Tand wive" ind Mrs. Duvall. attended the Tioy-Mt. Dora ball game Sunday and Monday. Mr Nutt, who is putting in the heating plant at the Solano sch .ool building spent the first of the week in the county metropo- in our Dubic schools.. J1S. ' ' HJl has so nobly introduced for the building up of a strong educatio nal center in Harding County. Mrs.' De Frees is one of the best educated persons in the Co unty and her past work assures success for the Harding County Schools for another two years if she be re-elected to the olfice, and I believe the County can do no better than return her to this mportant position. Mrs De Frees received her edu cation in the State Normal Uni versity at Bloomington, Illinois. She came to this state shortly after the death of her husband School. CALL FOR DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS FOR PRECINCT NO. 3 (ROY) HARDING COUNTY, NEW MEXICO Pursuant to a call of the County Chairman of the Harding County Central Committee for a County Convention to be held at Roy, New Mexico on September 22nd and 23rd for the purpose of na ming the Democratic Candidates for County offices, Therefore, I, J. Floersheim, Chairman of Precinct No. 3, eight years ago and began her j (Roy Precinct) do hereby call a work in the public schools of this Precinct Caucus for said precinct State. She has specialized in pr- ito be held on Thursday, Septem imary and special school methods ,ber 14th at the Community Hall and the great success of her wo- i beginning promptly at 2 o'clock rk as teacher is ample proof of P.M. for the purpose of nanbg her ability to over see the work TwDty-Four Delegates. to repre sent the Roy tfre.,mct at au She has two ch'ldren. a dausrh- bounty convention C.E. Hobson, wife and baby ;and Mrs Pritz left Wednesday morning for Kansas and Missou ri points where they will visit Mrs Pritz mother and other re latives and will also look after Mr Hobson's farm in central Mi ssouri. They expect to be gone about two' weeks. They are ma king the trip by auto and will enjoy a much needed vacation. The S.A. force is looking after his jewelery business while Mr. ."Hobson is away. ter Hazel and a sou TLollie . Mrs I All persons of legal voting age, T)p Frees is worth v of the office ; men or women wno wisn to sup- and I as a friend solicit the sup- part the principals of the Demo- port and co-operation of the ci tizens of Harding County for her (Adv.) A FRIEND Miss Clarke of Colorado, is the new Western Union manager at Roy, she having succeeded Mrs. Sligar, who has been transferred to a better position in southern Colorado. cratic party, regardless of their past party affiliations are res pectfully invited to take part in said caucus. Women delegates may be elec ted at this caucus. J. Floersheim, Chairman. Attest: Homer Holmes, Precinct Secretary. Sept. 9 - (Adv.) --.-.n-i'-.v- 1 1 iniiiÉr-- IlLII ll l,Tlll..W asiszsszsaa yt.i ijww;iHiwiqiii.iliiiWl'-4-,l ,-!'IHi I POT ATOES S2 tlH per 10 lbs. While they last s. E. AXT.ONGRO. Highway meeting which conve ner here September 25 and 26th. Several minor matters have to be threshed out, especially for the arrangement f the program a; id the securing of more finan ce so a mass meeting has been ailed for Saturday night to set tle this part of the program . It is expected to have the pro- ffi'.im copy to the press Monday and they will be printed the first of the week and distributed to the various towns along the rou te of the Highway by the latter part of the week. Word has been received from various towns indicate that a re ce:: J breaking, attendance will be at the meeting. Secretary W-rrender and President T.E. I.-l.chell have already transmit ted the business part of the pro gram to the press and it is now in he hands of the printer. The Publicity Director Mr Boswell of Plainview,; Texas is already on tha. job and is giving the conven tion all the publicity possible in the press of New Mexico and western Texas. The Texas-New Mexico High- i -a 1 I wi.y is bound to Decome one oi the leading Highways of New Mexico and Texas. The route has been surveyed the greater portion of the way from Plain- view to Taos and passes thru the most scenic part of the state of New Mexico, including the great Nest Dam, the beautiful Cimarron,, noted for wonderful fishing, theTaos playground and numerous, other resorts that will soon be known thruout the who le United. States. Part of. the Highway has already been; rock surf aced and within two or three years the whole route will be treated likewise. A complete list of the speakers who will be present will be an nounced, in a few days but we are assured of soiae of the best and most notable men of the. sta te to address the convention. Don't forget that a big banquet on Monday night and that big barbacuá on Tuesday. Oh yes, M. Dora will probably come down for the two days and bring with them their wonderful ball team and try to give Roy another thr eshing or take one themselves; yes there will be horse races and other amusements, not a quiet minute during either day, and then at night comes the big dan ces. Commence now to making your arrangements to be present at this, wonderful meeting,. Roy is kwking for jpu and we expect to sssyou. , LIBERTY Miss Nola Canon left Sunday for Dawson to enter the high school at that place.. Miss Irene JNowiin. left Mon day to assume her duties as teacher of the Independence district school.. W. Fred Ogden left last week an a touring trip and will visit many interesting towns: in east ern New Mexico and southern Colorado, before reaching his destination in Denver. Fred had converted his car into a real camp car and was welrequipped to camp out, and he will no doubt have an enjoyable trip. He re ports that he attended the Pope revival at Clayton the latter part of the week. . been critically ill for some weeks Mrs. A. B. Woodward, who has gone to Roy and is' receiving the skillful attention of Doctor Self of that place. Mr. and Mrs. J. J Jackson and daughter, Mrs. Carrington of East Las Vegas, who have been visiting in the Red River mount ain community, returned home last week. Mrs Carrington will visit here for a few weeks before returning home. Mrs Wm. Knoffke cf Eaton who has been visiting the par ental Woodward home, returned home last Sunday. She was a eompanied home by her sister-in law, Mrs. Minnie Woodward and the son of the latter. A number from here attended the revival services at Pleasant View last week. Mrs. S. N. Page, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Mat tie Nowlin, has returned to her home in Missouri; . Mrs Page made many friends during her :-".rt ptay amorpst. us and we will be pleased to have her, visit FOR SALE; 2,000 BUSHELS -Best winter varieties- at' MIAMI ORCHARDS 10 MILES, WEST OF SPRINGER For particuars address H.S. McENDARFER BOX 1,. MIAMI, NEW MEXICO , -rHliLV .jr Saves money. Improves baking Safeguards health Contains only wholesome ingredients Large can 12 ounces only 25c Dr. Price Phosphate Baking Powder is manufactured under the highest standards of purity and always gives uniform, perfect baking results. A trial will convince you that there is no greater baking powder value on the market. Contains No- Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste. You may be- able to get some of Dr. Price's at the extraordinary special sale price recently offered if your gro cer has any cans left ask him. Send for the "New Dr. Pric Cook Book." It's Free. Pripe Baking Powder Factory lOOt Independence Boulevard, Chicago Balding ; j Powder Changing Location The Dais rv'ttcr & Electrical Company : has moved to the building formerly occupied by tae Anderson Battery Shop Company, and is now . prepared to do all kinds of Automobile and Trac tor repairing. We are aleo equipped to do all kinds of bat eiy work. BATTERY CHARGING . DONE AT MODERATE RATES Dodds Motor & Electrical Co. Gerald I. Dodds, Manager. Miss Lola. Newman of Solano, took charge of our school last Tuesday and we are wishing her much success in our midst. The Liberty Union S. S. is pro gressing very nicely ; W. Fred Ogden's resignation and leaving us, caused a vacancy in our sch ool that we regretted, . br t have been fortunate in electing Mr. Hugh Mitchell as Superintendent ' and we beldve that he will be a very effecient leader. Last Sun day we had an attendance of 56, and ther is much interest in the class work. Everyone is cordially invited to become a member of our Sunday school which meets at 2 o'clock on Sunday afternoon, The Young People's Meeting of this community, which was or ganized the week following Rev. Price's revival is going along nicely. . . Mr. D. P, Moore wairpur first leader and a fine meeting is reported. Mr. Casper Jackson lead us last Sunday evening, with "Faith!' as; cur.suLijsit aM carr- it'sts&step I? toasted. This one extra process jjlves a detfghiful qitality.that can not be duplicated ably. Mr. Joe Woodward will be the leader next Sunday evening with "Prayer" for the evening's subject. Tfnrl nnfciYio-nTi ' nf Tia Rnan- AtnsMn tnrvHi ffTnt Sun ruto r-?; 'fcPa-i us again. .'I ieu v services im $iy creáis ; iy r r.d Monday at Davson. , j If 1 1 imni V \n\n and Mosquero took in the ball son were in from Solano on bu Fecial