Newspaper Page Text
6 Ü1L , (FOREMOST PAPER IN HARDING COUNTY.)" 'With Malice toward None, with "Charity for All, and with Firmness in the Right" VOL. XIX No. S5. KOY. HARDING COUNTY.NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY.. SEPT. 16TH, 1922 SUBSCRIPTION $ 2. 00 PER YEAR. OIL jL"ILJL-rJ-iJL ROY BASE BALL TEAM LOSES TO SPRINGER ST.GEORGES PAROCHIAL . SCHOOL OPENED AT ROY I ' ON SErTEMüER 4th. Last Saturday the Roy base r St. George's School opened ball team motored to Springer with a large attendance, Wen with the avowed intention qf the ptu ils. all return we expect cleaning up on the team of that the mark to far exceed the num town', but to their utter disap- ber enrolled last year. The par pointment they failed to bring enta who Have not yet sent their home the bacon by a margin of children should use every effort two scores, the final count being io sena uwm as swn a pusiuic 11-9 with SDrinirerthe victors, i ine pupus are very muw ci The er Post REPUBLICANS NAME : ; STATE TICKET Eufracio Gallegos, of Gallegos, Harding Co, for Lieutenant Governor;; 11 R. W. BOULWARE AND , FAMILY LEAVE FOR . COLORADO SCHOOL COSTS WILL BE PRUNED OVER $700,000 Budgets Show More Than $400, QQ0 Cut With Still Mole to Come off. TEXAS-NEW MEXICO HIGHWAY NEWS v The Republican State Conven tion, at Albuquerque, N.M; last Saturday morning,' completed their nominations of the state ticket . C , L. Hill of Dona Ana rith Springer the victors. , ine pupus are very mucn ei - Governor, and Eufra- American Legion Spring-, ! Gafes, pf Harding County, it, staged a two day ; fair . iISSSS ' our present county commissioner I R.W. Eoulware and family jleft for; Colorado this week, whe ire they will make their future home. The Boulware's have ren- ' T ted a large farm" about twenty. New Mexico's school bill for miles from Denver and will try , this, year will be from $700,000 farming in that state for a year to $800,000 under last year's, or two. Oh, no, they have not ' according to State School Audi- sold their farm here. íust want i tor John Joerns. Association Meeting Promises a Large Attendance to try a change for a year or two, thats all. Dick says we are The budgets for rural, city and high schools for the year xuova ínvitprl t.n nartiriDate. Fridav the Springer team cross- e Domestic bcience uass hg ;t th rty rs ever put be. J Z with the Oolmor team, wil be opened, this will give the foreHthe the Dublic.- The follow ed SaWday the contest was Se se" and c oí? the publican . State Se Tn both games. The ?rthey " their classes Dayig j of Mial whine of the- game was to re- m Manual Training No efforts For CongresS( Mrs 0tero War- ceive a purse of $75.00 plus 65 spared, both teachers and ren orSanta County, For Sent of the gate receipts. In ,PuPl13, J1 do all in their power GoVernor C- m of pona the event that our toy? won, the. year a most success- Ana Cou'nt For Lieutenant they would 'have ?been abouffor- M one. By all appearances we Goyernor Eüfrado GaJé &-of tv doSrs to the good, but 'as it willhave a large graduating class Harding County. For Sécretary was they 2-e about hat much u Sisters also have a num- of gta j t Des G H was, tney are auoiu ber of pupils irom ' neighbomg TMg . . ,Foi state t -o rmn, thnf hnth teams towns who fre boarders and at- it Hil Deigado of Santa Fe It is-reported that both teams t d our j Th are. the , Treasurer nlaved a rather loose game of . AAa tirw i7r!,n(,M pnll u.m7; . ror 5í,aie ' ,rhinh tho inrp will vprifv ""ooco T, , Tm J, A. JViatson, oi ceiaiaiiuo oun ball, wmcti the score win veruy. - t j rranroaii,u nf Tiimim- i . , .A , not saying we going for good j 1922-1923 show only $427,097 and have the tarm ready to co-1 cut from $4,967,850 for 1921 me we wish. Mr and Mrs Boul- 1922 to $4,540,853 for 1922-923 ware and family are among our But more is to come off. The f ore:;iost citizens and have hel-: Tax Commission's decision to be ped to develop the mesa from the guided by District Judge Harry day it was a barren prairie. They P. Owen's decision in passing on came here in 1908 and havedeve- the budgets means a further re loped one of the finest ranches .duction. Then, Mr. Joerns ex- on the tíiesa out in the Pleasant pects a big part of the balances View neighborhcod. They have also taken active part in the church and social life of the co mm unity and have done their part to make this great mesa a worth while place to live in. The whole mesa will, miss them and their active work and the schools laid by from last year's budgets for the first three months this year to get the school system on a cash basis to be saved and used to make still another cut. On top of this another decrease is expected when the tax com mission gets thru passing on the ' - . ,i . IJVC ttUU l iailVCQ 1111U VI x Our boys oner xne excuse umt Getrude Swoyer o Hayden, the Springer outfield is a vert- gUaabeth Copenhaver of Abbott, ible sun-flower patch, and it was and FranceS Deghan of Michig almost impossible to find a bail, aIliVThese ms too, have come once it was knocKed beyond ine ... . -. . t k- Thev have tv.' For Attornev-Geheral. A A. Sedillo of Bernalillo . Coufity For Land .. ommissioner,', Fritz Muller, of Santa Fe County. For School Superintendent, Airs. oi Roy will miss those bright chi i budgets, as the result of a nibb Idren in the school days to come, ; le here and a nibble there; mak- iut our ia.i be a great gain ing a cut in the transportation for the community in which they allowance for this district, cutt are moving to. The Spanish Am-1 ing out an additional teacher in erican will go with them to their that district and so on. "" new home and tell them how the mesa is coming along, the paper Under Judge Owen's decision only $990 a year is allowed for nnof it was KnocKea iwyuuu .íj fxv n. hva. . , , ... . ., . t " j iu-t-iA u Tt io "ii.uumm vv .. - " - - Maude u Bianey, uncom wun- tj, tu i0úM r "r"1 uounus oí tuc uy-ictu, r:r their hours for games and spon v vnr rm-nnt-nfinti rñmmis- fv . . . w V" """iOne, iwo or tnree room rural scn- that. Berry for the locáis, neia- K- rV.t.n v,fl vn vino-a fnr ntnAv 1 tt t,: t- A:t,- A o Koll in tViia trrnvp and after .i . . j7 i.- . " v.iv - , UULWIieil.L -d a ball in this grove, and alter h the - réad to up . fingir, rr t and throwinff it m. it 'i. ii íu: - -- -- - piay rur wuir u nimga jwun took him exactly five minutes to tQ & promising year. find his way back to where he F Felix Vach( could see his team mates. We have been unable to get the full details of thé game ex cept that Williams ; pitched a -wonderful game and that his, Fr. Felix Vachon, O. M. I. UNION AID MEETS WITH The ticket which was üláded before the public at the conven tion is noteworthy from the fact that it contains a liberal strihk-. AID MEETS WITH ling of dark horses cómnencing MilS. SAM RATCLIFF ,. ith the : mveraorshin but one prominent lacx. is nonceaoie ana of their many friends here. So . here's success to you Mr and Mrs Boulware and your children arid nay your fondest ambjtions be realized in your new home . i support was good until about th 'ast WJr,esday. seventh inning, when some of Mra Sam Ratcl! The Ladies' Union ;. Aid met tlvat is; geographically the ticket afternoon- with ; snflnish Ameriran. however ff at her home Santa Fe .County managed to names on the ticket. T TJI1I ..rVi A timn nftml. ior vns upiwouig vcoiii, ivujr ier tns xcguar yusincaa niccniig jiated tor goveiTior was'notreYefi ppssiblyplaySp .,cal 'diamond Suridayut this re- pent in. quilting and making penei,: but after Holt waí de- tírti"1ihe M.títt. .Vftrefied as Vet nfhr nspfiil nHirVa tti hi ha- e ' '- -'i. ' ' 'uinij 1 1 , i-- : ... oar whiph 'tripv wi i ntífa atter: , tj.ii The Union vow int!prpst home of Mrs. Frank A. Roy this their hostess arid ' before' they on the ticket it was easy toinom- 1 'm.amKa. r. íñi f Vi üi y li nnioc fliav mala . x 1. 'n. 1 1 1 j ween,' wiin siAueeu nicmuciB im .v.. k vv ..,..0 ..v.. jiJaie nim especially wnen ne naa ng 01 sxronj Tlr Hill hn Via TZsn vA rvf T? flfronf Ci Vi VTiw , ' ' . 1UI.UL Vi WX &J11 L twenty-fifth. It was decided to next Wednesday, beginning prom the A. and M. College, of New Tieep the public inforriied as to ptiy at 1 Jf,iVl. All members Mexico under three, governors the natui-e of this bazaar. The 01 ine Aid are respectively re- and is one of the prominent bu remainder of the afternoon was quested to be present. 'siness men of that part of the i ... , -j 'ovate ciiiu vuiiiuuxu ai M-- Roy S.. Wood who has been Icpptionally strong man for the on the sick list the past few wé-'place, ,ks,is getting along very nicely, Hon. E. F. Gallegos cf Hardirg nd expects to be himself again County was named as Lieute";uit i a very short time . , . G ovenior and the placing of Mr . sTipnt in sewins ánd social con versation. This society is glad -to. welcome any member w'ho is interested in church Work. FIRE AT MILLS , ool. Not only the teacher's pay but the janitor's, and practically all other expenses must be paid out of this sum. Since Chair man J. E. Saint's announcement the tax commission would be Gallegoes on the ticket will add. guided by this decision budgets a great deal of weight for he will allowing more than the umlt ior. pcH an exceptional strong vote teacher's salaries have teen cut in the eastern part of the state. ,down. How much this will re Mr. Gallejos is capable of filling , duce the total bill cannot be told the place and will make a good, until. the commission gets thru pleader for the Senate, ; . r with the budgets. ' ? n p í i Thé keynote spchoithe con-The budgets for only four yentiori. was made by Hugh B . counties "8íow an : increase &r íiWoodwaifd-DjstíTCt', Attorney oi this yeaivtrrBarnalillo's with $863 this district ;and in' his. speech Harding's with $19,441",' Hidalgos Mn Woodwaid.ialléd attention. with $1,000, arid McKinley,s'with to. the manyiigood and .effective-$1,64,5,. All of the others show laws passed by, the last legisla- decreases, ranging, '..from. $469, ture and ,. Of the economies of for Eddy to $41,338' for Rio' Arr-'the- administration for the past.' iba.. . Some' of the bigger -cuts two. years, he also cited many are Colfax, $30,583; Dona Ana,; other things which has been do- $36,583; Socorro, $36, 184. ' . ne by te party since it came into . v - t ppwer two years ago. .' The Republican delegates to ' :tv,q -a,' v. 4.u the State Convention at Albuqu 1 ne convention as one of the tt j- n 4. , . . , . . erque from Harding County re- most, harmonious ever. held by turned the first of the week; the Party in the state and practi they report that the republican cally all ' of the ticket was named party placed an exceptionally by acclamation; every candidate 'strong ticket in the field and nnA j 1 , that the chances for carrying named has a god clean record the gtate thig fall for the par and will be a vote getter for the vvas, neVer better than it is this party. year. News reached Roy. -Thursday j rrioming befor:1 f omg . to pre-ss, tbr.t tlie.MLis ll'oatre had ouiv med to the fcVQU-about 12.30 -Wednesday night The 'Jheatre .was dpied by: ,VVm ScíioéTif in stead t 'aiid was '- erected al)9ut: -tw o jea'rs ago at a cost of akut $4,000 The' building was of-fra-me construction, but was well built. It was used as: a picture show for a while, but lately has ' been used as a public hall . ; The last time the hall was used, was last Saturday night and there is no conceivable way in which it could have caught fire and ma ny believe it was of incendiary origin. However Mr Schoener stead has no enemies in Mills and no one can see any reason why the building should have been burned by an incendiary. The loss will amount to over $4,000 as it was well equipped, Mr Schoenerstead carried $2,000 insurance on .the building and contents. . . The Albuquerque Herald, now an independent newspaper, anno unces in an advertisement in this issue a forthcoming . series of articles in which it will dis cuss in an informaeible way the opposing candidates on the sta,te and congressional ticket. At the conclusion of the articles, 12 in number, and beginning on Sept. 19. The Herald will announce the candidates it will support and its, reasons therefor; Voters are promised a clear, impartial sta tement of the qualifications of each-candidate for the office he seeks. ' !- . ....... . , . . v ... - if . i Tr- .S .. .. , Vi 5- i . v.-- ........ i (.,ti . 1 ' 5 1 . V 1 .Sifl&v mú 1 1 . li L,;ítiíMí-.--' ';:iiii ( r i OUR FALL A Tv D WINTER SHIP MENTOF UNSING r-bsjp- Wear For the whole family has arrived. Lay in .your supply while wa have your size. Our winter coats for Women and children should arrive this week. We will have all New Manish and Scotch weaves which w,ill give you wonderful service. Don't forget your tickets FLOERSHEIM MERCANTILE C.l ' ord received from the var ious towns along the route - of the Texas-New Mexico Highway tells us that Roy will have the honor of entertaining a large number of delegates at the con vntion which is to be held here on September 25 and 26. Near ly every town along the route will be represented by from 1 tot a dozen delegates which ' alone will mean a great number of vis itors to the town. Besides the various delegates, numerous visi tors will be in town to attend the convention. At a meeting held inthe Community hall last Saturday night all of the final arrangements were completed for the entertainment of the big numbet of visitors. The finance committee made a report wiiich was indeed very favorable. The Committee on arrangemnts re ported that everythiny was be ing worked out for the banquet, at which 400 persons will be ser ved. Messrs Baker and Scheier were present at the meeting and donated their fine garage build ing for a rooniin which to hold the banquet. Tables will be ar-r ranged so that all of those who hold banquet tickets will be serv ed simeltaneously. . Mr. Paul Haines and wife will have charge of the banquet, which alone as sures this feature of the program of being a success. Rev. Homer F. Cooke will act a toastmaster, " this to; insure this part of the , entertainment a success. The Sports Committee was given the handling of the barbacue which is to come on the second day of the meeting. In addition, they will also have charge of the basev bal) games, races and other sport The Reception Committee will have charge pi the se.irirg tjt quaii$ and. ( other :ci'iok-? tiona for the visitors ; They will also have Charge' Of the decora tions as well -as coriductiiifthe informatioa bureau and seeing to the registration of all those who -- "are in attendance. ; ; 'i (Chairman Gibbs of the Local Association ajid Secretary Hes er are woikLg cv.r.i . e to kakj this meeting a great succ'ésá and they are receiving the libtral support pf the Publicity, and ail other committees. Programs w ill be off the press this week and will then be mailed to the vari ous towns along the route, Governor Mechem, State High way x!;Ilgiiieei Gillette and Air. Springer, Chairman of the state. Highway Commission vU Le present and address the Couveu tion. There will also be in attend ance several of the' candidatei for state ánd county onice3. In order that the entertain ment of the visitors shall lack Luamig'Ave are authorized to an nounce that the famous Fleers heim orchestra cl .bpiir.ger viil be on hand to furnisn miisic at the banquet at otner u-aii- of the - Association. The manntr in which the local burujos. ;nen are taking hold of the arrangement at present pre sages the meeting a vonutrful success from every standpoint Be sure to tell your friends and everyone that you meet of the Umvention tor we want all to be present and to become interested in this meeting for it will mean a great deal to the citizens of our county. And, remember, Roy has a surprise in store for you every minute of the tonveation. Come-we are going to expect you. JOHN MORROW NOMINEE foil CONGRESS TO BE IN , ROY SATUkDAY Hon. John ,Motroif, pf Raton, Democratic nominee ' f cr Cong ress will address the voters of Harding County at Roy in the Lucero ría. I on next Saturday evening at 7.30 and in the after noon ac Mosquero at 2.Ü0 P.M. Mr. Morrow is a forceful speaker and the public is invited to hear these addresses. Remember the date Saturday September 16th. A.A.Wynne and wife of Mo quero, were visitors at Roy last Wednesday evening atter.dkg ta business matters. ' \n\n sioner, P. H. Hill of Rio Arriba Vf. " , " r T á'i ;""-n' r 1CULCU AjUIlglCOO ' iie ucmcu