Newspaper Page Text
: The Spanish American, Roy Harding County, New México Saturday Septemter U&jA92Z mm" GLASSES We are now prepared to test your eyes and fit glasses. s Can furnish you any kind of glasses, or any corrective treat ment for the eye you can get any where. ThePlumlee Hospital Roy, :-: N-M- TaViti Ttívlrmn. One of SolanQS smilinir bachelors, was in Roy on 0 - j ( hnsiness the latter part or tnej week. T. IL Yarbrough, County at torney, from Montague, Texas, ha3 been visiting his two dtouv ers the past three weeks. They took a trip to Taos ana repon a fine time. ' NOTICE OF PENDENQY OF ACTION Mecessütüe We handle a complete line bf Croceries a Meats At prices you can afford to pay -Give us a trial- EGGS - EGGS - EGGS We will pay you OA cents in cash for them. V x Or pay you 22C in trade CITY MEAT MARLET OSCAR KIDD, Proprietor . GLADSTONE AND VICINITY State of New Mexico) ) sa in i II nuil -mi i i - " .I'll " ' j til ! "."r i'"1 'f Ti.ii--MMrilriiiriiülM Miilfll I ' I 1111 ",mi i TIRE SPECIALS G & J Tires 32x 3 1-2 $12.00 32 x 4 $15.00 33x4 $17.50 Michel in Cords reduced again. Selling now at $12.75 . BUY YOUR TIRES WHERE YO U GET YOUR AIR R. S. Wood Motor Company James S. Christman Driílér and Contractor -Deep Holes a Specialty Custom Plowing, Large "Tracts ROY. NEW MEXICO- Abstracts Abstracts Abstracts We have the only complete tract index to the Harding Qounty Records. We have an experienced abstracter , in charge of our business We give our entire time and attention to the abstract business. - - ' Our abstracts are approved by all loan companies oper ing in Hárding County. vWe can furnish abstracts promptly, and at a reasonable charge. ; " v .... Harding County Abstract. Co. INCORPORATED AND BONDED , Mosquero, New Mexico. County of Harding ) In the District Court thereof, Eighth Judicial Distrifct. John U. Tobler, Plaintiff, . v. ' Gabriel Santistevan, the- un known heirs of Gabriel Santis tevan, deceased, Diego ; Rivera, the unknown heirs ot Lego uiv- era, deceased, t rancis uuuuu, fVio unknown heirs of Francis Clutton, deceased, Jose I. Armijo tonia G. de Armijo, the, unknown heirs of Felipe Armijo, deceased, the unknown heirs of Feliciano Armijo, deceased, the unknown heirs of Tomas Armijo, deceased, Jenaro Maestas, the unknown heirs of Jenaro Maestas, deceas ed, the unknown heirs ot Jose Leon Sembrano, deceased, the unknown heirs of Jose Leon Sambran, deceased, Jose Garcia, Gavina A Garcia, Ricardo Gon zales, Simona G. Gonzalés, Chico Sheep Company and all unknown claimants of interests in the pre mises described in the complaint adverse to the plaintiff, Defendants. The above named defendants, Gabriel Santistevan. Diego Riv era, Francis Clutton, Jenard Ma estas, Antonio G. de Armijo, Ricardo Gonzales. Chico bheep Company, the unknown heirs of Gabriel Santistevan, deceased, the unknown heirs of Diego Ri vera, deceased, the unknown heirs of Francis Clutton, deceas ed, the unknown heirs of Felipe Armijo, deceased, the unknown heirs of Feliciano Armijo, deceas ed, the unknwn heirs of Tomas Armijo, deceased, the unknown heirs of Jenaro Maestas, 'deceas ed, the unknown heirs of Jose Leon Sambrano, deceased, and all unknown claimants' of interests in the nremises described in the complaint -adverse to the plain tiff, are herebv notitied that the above entitled action has been commenced by the above named plaintiff against all tHe defend ants herein, the general objects of which action are to quiet title in nlaintiff to the real property hereinafter described, and that plaintiff's title thereto be estab lished and that the defendants herein, and each of them, be barred and ever estopped from having or claiming any right, title or interest in ' or to said real property. The real property affected by this action to which it is souerht to auiet the title be- ;ing the following described real property, situate, lying and bei ng in Harding County, New Me xico, to wit: . , , The Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and the Sou th Half of the .South Halt ot Section Seventeen, the East Half of the Northeast Quarter, the Northeast Quarter of the South east Quarter, the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quar ter, the South Half of the North- west yuaner aim me nui uicaot Quarter of the Southwest quar ter ot Section Twenty, the jNcith east Quarter of the Northeasi Quarter of Section Twenty Nine, the North Half of the Northwest Quarter, and , the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quar ter of Section Twenty Eierht, .the East Half of the Northwest Quar ter and the West Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section Thirty two, Township Eibhteen, North, Kanga t wenty JNme, &ast of the New Mexico Principal Meridian. And said defendants, and each of them, are further notified that unless they enter their ap pearance herein on or before the 11th day of November, 1922, judgement will be rendered agai nst them by default. That the name and postoffice address of plaintiff's attorney is W. R. Holly, Springer, New Mexico WITNESS my hand and' the seal of said court at Mosquero, Harding County, New Mexico, this Slst day of August, 1922. C. Ernest Anderson, Cerk of said Court. ROPY MILK MAY BE CAUSED BY BACTERIA Mr. McDonald is having his Ford car overhauled. The mec hanic at the Hunter garage is do ing the work. ' Mr. Yarbrough was in Gren ville one day last week Last sm-inz- Bemus Griffin de spaired of keeping the wolf from the door m New Mexico and trad ed his well improved farm for one much less desirable. After completing the'deal and selling his tock he vamoosed for Okla homa, his former home': but like the majority who leave, he is back again, and from present md ications, intends to stay. He says that he worked harder there in wiping off the sweat than he would in New Mexico. See Glasgow was a business visitor in Clayton one day last week. Hall Hollman, who is attending a Vocational school in Utah, is at home for. a short stay. No doubt the taxpayers of Harding county will approve the action of the S. A in looking in to the matter of the present met hod of assessing the grazing lands of the county. It appears that land in native grass in the large tracts is called "grazing land and is assessed at $1.75 an acre, while the same kind of land in small tracts is called Dry Farming land-not cultivated" and is assessed at a rate consider ably hiaher. Come to think of it, possibly it's the long name that gives it the additional value At any rate the people"" should keep hard on the trail of the "powers that be" and demand a square deal. . . i i ' , Roy Hephner sold some chick ens in Raton last week. . ; A nice rain fell west of Glad stone- last Saturday which will revive the suffering- corn and 1 bring up the wheat that ready planted. WThen milk is stringy or con tains coagulated material when first drawn from the udder, it is an indication of an inflamed con dition of the cow's udder; but when the milk is normal when drawn but becomes ropy several hours later, it is due to the growth of bacteria, according to Prof. Cunnine-ham of the New Mexico Agricultural College. A great many types oí bacter ia may cause ropy milk. The one which seems to cause this trouble most frequently was fir st isolated from water, and it is possible that the cows often con taminate themselves by wading in surface water and then con taminate the milk. Milk may al so be contaminated by the water in the cooling tank, or the water used in washing and rinsing the utensils. In combatinsr the trouble it is always wise to remove cows from pastures in- which they wade in surface water. In a bad enidemic. all utensils and every thing about the dairy building seem to become contaminated. Ef f ecient sterilization of all uten sils and strainer cloths is neces sary. This may be done with live steam or with boiling water, to which an active disinfectant as heen added. Fresh bleaching powder (chlorinated lime) used at the rate of at least b ounces to a gallon of water gives satis factory results. It will also be useful to soak the utensils in the solution from 15 to 20 minutes. One small utensil overlooked may be the cause of re-contamination. When possible, it is well to white wash the walls of the milk' room, or drench them with the disinfectant solution. When all else fails, the, milk nav be made satisfactory for use is al- bv pasteurizing before it become rmnv at a temneraiure oi Newest Frock - j PI" c - p ! ' i jT í ; , $ i m ' ' ! A combined kimona and circular hell sleeve, trimmed in distinctive design with white embroidery, fea tures this new tall irock ot moroc can 'crepe. A roll collar which opens into a V neck and the broad nd sash are also embroidered. The length well it's back. C. L Justice was a business visitor at Solano and Mosquero, Friday. .. . - 1" " Mrs. C. Emest Anderson and children are spending the week with relatives and friends in Roy. aay pira. F. for 30 minutes. There Alton Johnson, who has been--. aann t . Heve that mlk working onrthe highway, is at , . , , when. it is home harvesting his beans. ' , has become roDV on Mr. 'Dukeminier is harvesting standing is in any way harmful to the' consumer, oui 11 is not his winter wheat this week. He believes that it will yield four or five bushels per acre. The County officers are now- installed in th new Court house bupding which was recently pur chased from the school board of Mdsquero. The delivery , team belonging to Luians and Branch became frightened at something Friday evening and decided to make a hurry-up trip about town. I he driver, Juan Rodriguez, was thr own from the wagon and bruised consideraablv. The team ran around a few blocks, then crash ed into a telephone pole at the J. Appel comer; they then ran across the street and onto the porch of the Roy Trading Co, ;tore, where they became entan gled and were unable to go any farther. The amount of damage was -slighthowever much excite ment was caused those on the streets. appetizing to the average Ameri can and in some cases the tlavor is affected. Fred Wilson, of near Mosquero delivered fat hogs to Roy buyers last Friday. E, F. Henry, who is stuccoing the Mills school building, sjpent Sunday with home folks. He reports that he is getting along fine with the work on the build ing and will soon have the work completed. He has a number of ' other jobs waiting on him that he will start as soon as his work on the school house is done. The ticket nominater by the Democratic convention is geneial ill- f-ruirUr! to be one - of tils Mrs. F, E.'Ivey . is, making all stronge&U ttate tickets, - if not of the necessary arrangements ,ne strongest; yet put into the to erect a nice, modern, five-room fi,jd i0y that party. At least residence on her lots imthe north . f0i,r :ár's on it will tax the im part of town, which she recently !ounuity of the Republican man;t purchased from J. W. Johnson gers. They are the candidates Sr. Mr Pete Gibson has the for Governor, James F. Hinklef contract to do the work and has f0r United States Senate, A. A. already started to get the mate-' Jones; for Congress, John Mor rial on the ground. The build- r0Wi and Supreme Court Justice,' ing will be completed in the next Samuel G. Bratton. Albuquer few weeks. que Morning Journal. . ; This expression of commenda- The enrollment of the schools tion from the Republican Journal picked up considerably the fore indicates the high type of candid part of this week, and at the ates selected by the Democratic present rate of increase, ' the ; convention. The. leaders in the school rooms will be completely I party are more than - gratified filled in a short time. Many 01 'over the ticKet. senator jones WANTED Boy, fifteen of age, or older, who wants to work and go to school on truck. Inquire at this office. 16-23 the narents are not aware that all children five years of age or years Older can attend school and that the local board has made ample arrangements to care for child ren of these ages. declared he was highly fcleasecr with the ticket srenerally. fore casting Democratic victory des pite claims 01 the Republicans that they will again be victorious Adv. AH Over the State Just Now . . - - 1 11 - 7 r""Vy( VT 7, Í THESE-U. BE THJS. ) ÍZ7R ( " PRESERVES '' I SO UP ANO TAKE J vlV Viillr ttt motice oovjnto) YA ( AU I), Uj' hold still v j -rHE fair, , ' A CY V ' a blue ribbon ) .-fsá ) Ns p Soal : \n\n Tomasita Lucero de Armijo, An