Newspaper Page Text
K WV"fíOí,'W,f' The Spanish American, Roy, llar dine County, New Mexico. Saturday September 16th, 1922, Fairbank Morse Pumping engine ROY SCHOOL NOTES Last week was a pretty busy week for the superintendent, and Ethel Farley started to school NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Monday, morning, - I Department of the Interior Gladys Beabout has withdrawn TJ.S. LAND OFFICE at Clayton from the fifth grade because her the teachers, but new since we parents are moving away, I have been classified and know where we belong and what we are to do. we arP having some The fifth grade has organized as "Modern Health Crusaders" TheV expect to improve their iNew Mexico Auguau 1922 NOTICE is hereby given that Vicente C. De Baca, of Roy, Harding Co, New Mexico, who LADY DEMOCRATIC VOTERS , , ' HOLD IMPORTANT . MEETING ATTENTION V Cylinders Deep well pumping outfit Gas pipe . & fittings , Stock Tanks Superior and Van Brunt Grain Drills- Oliver & Emerson Tractor and horse Plows Wagons Tin Shop Supplies i Well Cásing Safety Flues Self Oiling and Roller Bearing Windmills ' BAUM BROS TIN SHOP mm SCHOOL1 BUDGETS APPROVED , Wm . G . Johnson accompanied by his wife and daughter, made a business trip to Santa Fe and as Vegas in the interest of the Roy Schools and the Harding County Rural Schools the first of the week. ' . ., Mr Johnson appeared before the State Tax Commission and assisted in having the Roy, So lano and Kephart budgets appro ved. The furniture budget for Roy and some minor amounts in the budget were cut out or redu ced, but the teachers and truck salaries were not changed . At Solano he secured two trucks for that district and had the salaries of all teachers reinstated. . At Kephart he was successful in havjng the truck reinstated. A recent decision of the j District Court of McKinley County állo- tor basket-ball ana base ban. We have' two teams organized for base' ball playing and will soon be challenging our' neigh bors for match games. The time to the ortranizintr of teams health and to help others to do on August, 15th, 1919 made Ho- so. J. L. Dnnnon and velda mestead .untry jno. U2ba, ior Wilkinson are the "health inspec EI2-NE14, Sec. 26, W-NWit, tors" this week. . I Section 3, Township 19N Range We sure have some good truck 25 E. N.M.P Meridian, has filed drivers this time. Not one of 'notice of intention to make Final girls have organized two teams !tnem has been late so far, altho Ihree Year Proot, to, establish for basket-ball and are fixing jsome of them are loaded to- the claim to the land above descri ap their court. Mr: Bazzill has 'limit. The six trucks are now 'bed,, before r'.H. Foster, U.S. been chosen as our manager" and carrying 119, children, and the Commissioner, at his office at h promises us that we shall drivers report 54 more yet to Koy, xsew .uexico, on tne tn have' an opportunity of meeting come, the best teams within reach of our school. - . ' ' Our high school enrollment to date (Tuesday, September, 12) is 39.- Lucile -Pursell and Cecile Mackey enrolled this week. In the grades the enrollment is as follows: Eighth, 17? Seven th, 18; Sixth,, 21;- Fifth, 15; Fourth, 21; Third, 17; Second, 20, First, 11; Primary; 27. ; ' New pupils entering the sec ond grade this week are: Isabel Montoya, Teresita West and Ignasio Trujillo.' Everyone in this grade has been present ev ery day. We saw Mr. Brown and "Mr. Thompson in town this week and are wondering if they are here to build our new school house. We sure hope so anyway. '. jones And hinkle to be in county thursday . and friday Sen. A. A, Jopes and Mr. Hin kle the Democratic nominee for Governor, will be in Harding County next Thursday and Fri day. These prominent' gentle men will speak Thursday after- 2.30 and nrnn of 1 íncniiorr nf Jimmie Hodges enrolled in the '-TWe ni at Rov at 7.30 y-, 1,1 .1 j j 1 " Jiiianin araae vveunesuay ui last week. Hazel and Rollie DeFrees are absent this week. Lora Plumlee is absent on 'ac count of sickness. Elmer Malone Joe Garzina and Mexico. Kyneido Anderson are new ad ditions to the sixth grade. Allen Cope, one of the Sikth grade boys, withdrew from sch ool Monday, as his parents are moving to Dawson. We all hate to see Allen leave, and Friday morning at 10. A.M at Mills. Everybody's invited to attend thése meetings and listen to these prominent men give the ir views on matters pertaining to the welfare of the people of New NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC .NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that bhe Board of Eduoation of Pnhnnl District No. 3. Hardins Several children are out this County, and known as the Roy inlr f win ft, fA oqira flia Too-al I vr :: l o l. 1 T:4,4. week trying to save the legal tender crop (beans.) Those missing from the sixth grade uix: Mildil Cunn, Ad'-iar. Rhyne, Earl Cam; nd C'.avIh V"kiiiSon. -..- Municipal School District, will offer at Public Auction to the highest bidder on Tuesday Sep tember 19th, at 10, o'clock A.M. he buildinj?- known as the Plea sant View School building which "Jhc seventh vrxU is ir.akiiijriis located about 7 miles east and a record to be, proud "of. Not'one mile north of Roy. our of the eighteen has been The building is of frame con tardy or absent thus far. ' , struction and is about 30 by 36 ' Miss Dqnn's-class in physiology feet in size.. The successful bid is doing some good work in draw- der or bidders will be given thir ing the -; different part of the ty days time to remove the buil body. ;,'r 1 : ; ding froni the ground or-ln whi r Is is remarkable how fast the ch to make the necessary arran little fellows are learning to wri- géménts.for leaving-same in its ws but $990.00 for all expenses te. lne eightn grade teacner in -present location ifiwuntf of any ruralTcnobl "in "ány oneParacwr. Mrs. Fendieton is where the building is now loca- his daUghter, Mrs. Moore, home school year and twice this amou- more than- pleased with the pro-. nt for a two room schooj .and three times the amount for three room schools. An appeal to the Supreme Court is certain on the matter and it is to be hoped that it will be decided within the next few days and. favorable to the rural schools. Should the Supre me Court uphold the decision of. the lower court then it will be up to the county Board to change all teachers contracts and other expenses to confirm with the new ruling. All that can be done until the matter , is settled in the Supreme Court is to wait and hope for the best. ; ;t i Harry Evans was trading with our merchants last Tuesday . gress her pupils are making in thé art. .;;..' r ::" r ..:::, . The Primary enrollment - has reached 38.- The majority ?tf these ride in on the trucks, some a distance of ten miles. The new pupils this week are: Bernardo Montoya, Ignacio Mon toya and Amita Neal. Clifford Beabout has been ab sent several days. : . We are teaching the young id ea how to shoot in spite of the fact we have no ammunition to shoot with.' , -j Otis Harris dropped out be cause his folks moved to Spring er. . ' Willie Carver has been absent the last two days helping s his father. ted. is. ownd y Fred Breford and any. arrangements to leave it on the prefeeijt locatiori flll ha" ve to be made with Mr Breford,, ; The purpose Of the sale" of the building is t!o place ownership of it in proper' hands as the build ing is no longer needed by the School District; Bids will be ac cepted from church or communi ty organizations or from indivi duals. Terms will be strictly cash on the day of sale. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. School District No. 3 .' Harding County By C.L. Justice President. -' Attest: Wm. G. Johnson,. Secretary. 1 3 WE ARE NOW SHOWING our line of Ladies Fall Hats Coats Suits and Waists BUY EARLY WHILE SELECTIONS ARE COMPLETE oy Trading Co. rt day of September, 1922, Claimant names as witnesses: Peter T., Montoya, Tomas Vi gil, Jesus' Medina and Seferio Garcia, all of Roy, New Mexico. H.H. Errett. T?pcristfi 26-9-16-23 Wm. P. Bagley formerly ope rator of the S. A. is back again at his old job. He has been in. Kansas the past three months but is glad to get back in good old New Mexico. BRADLEY Ralph Hazen was a business visitor in Mosquero, Friday. Ira Woods has been cook in the Aspgren home for a few days Mrs. Aspgren's ankle will not permit her to do any work yet. Lavance Hazen was injured, Thursday by a fall from a horse that he was riding. Although the injuries were not very seri ous, they were enough to bruise and'shake Lavanceup quite a bit Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Thomas and children, Mr. and Mrs. Gar- ms and daughter, Mrs.C . H. Moore and daughter, Ira Woods, Arthur Hazen and Harry Asp gren were callers at 'the Moore home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. A. G. Hazen has been on the sick-list for the past 'week. Dr. Daniels was called Saturday afternoon,- and at present Mrs. A. .G. is some better. . ' i C. C. Moore was a business visitor in Mosquero, Saturday. 1 Mr. Frank Heimann has the contract to move the Bradley school building into Mosquero. Mrs. Edla Bradley has secured the position as 'school-rnistréss of the PeHaven school for was winter. , ' v'""' Henry T3arms was a vrsitorw R with him fcr a fewüays visit; Mrs. P Hall way one of. .our, industiwls "bean harvesters' la stj.week-.iin fact there seems to be quite a few of them lately. Miss Clovis Moore called on the Misses Virginia and Eliza beth Woods, Saturday. ; , : WOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U.S. LAND OFFICE at Clayton New Mexico. - August 21,-1922 NOTICE is hereby given that Synthia C. Gay, of Kephart, Union Co., New Mexico, who on September, 8th, 1919, made Homestead Entry, No.' 026653, for SEi4-NW SWit-NE, EI2-SEH, Sec. 35, Twp. 23 N. R 28E, N.M.P. Meridian has filed notice of intention to make Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above descri bed, before F.H. Foster, U.S. Commissioner, at hi office at Roy, New. Mexico, on the 29th day of September, 1922. Claimant names as witnesses : W . H . Gay, Poy Gay, Harry Lammon and Jay Lammon, all of Kephart, New Mexico. H.H. Errett, 1 Re'gister. ,' 26-2-9-16-23 A LETTER I wish to say to the voters of Harding county, who are not personally acquainted with "Hal Warner, that he is one of the early settlers of the mesa, always ivarlv tn TwirtiiMnata in anv move i that is to the upbuilding of his I county arid state. I We need a c jnscicntious, ener I g-etic. christian man like Mr. Warner in opposition to the boot leggers and other law breakers of our new county. As far as experience is concerned, he has made a success of his own busi ness, and we know that he . can handle the problems that con front á sheriff, to the satisfac tion of the entire county. He has an honest record be yond adqubt and all of his neigh bors are supporting him. In vestigate these matters and help to head the ticket with this kind of material. - A FRIEND , j , Advertisement-1 The ladies of Precinct No.. 3 (Roy) held a very important ; meeting in Roy last Tuesday af -; ternoon and formed a permanant organization for their precinct. ! Mrs G.R. Abernathy was elec-; ' ' ted precinct chairwoman, Mrs. W.VV. Gilstrap vice president, f Mrs A.M. DavenportSeeretaiv and .Mrs Dr Plumlee Treasurer. The ladies planned to get out th en tiré democratic lady vate thú fain Tlíey will hold another mcc ting in a few days and. intend ' form a ladies Democratic clr' and want every, lady democrat! Vx voter or lady who believes in tb - : principals of the party' to joi ' tne organization. , ( : 1 Si lit; The Famii : Eli si nes . v Y OUR farm is a businecV rr' Üt' ' ' , conducted as any othei : E'-' 1 rj-'-' to pay a profit. And whit iu:ccstrj ludncsi. Lv( ' r. good banking connections?" ' ' The mechanics and marrr'? ;'.r;t al' yitr'-'fr.r" -.-you to work ouü. If you h& '0 v. pyoa ft ttt ; r d r; ."V it efficiently, then you -have r Tv; c. r ' .IV.'o":-: f .-..: . . or better than any business i. the U nd : Our doors open just as.v'. r .'d . v ' r ' ' '"' ' 'are givén as' f ully to ycu r: : t . .;. ct'u l.'ci :, : in Harding County. ' ' ' OtherJiusiftess firms isef!- fi-'firK rto ' ."'i. cooperation in turnover cf jlvdc, ;hej c;r'V :"" f 'fur .'thaí.seityice.'' tf' n'.-wi- ;'" Vvhv don't vou? . . - y - -Banket r r... Mosquero Abstrrcl ? ( n x titir na.a',' ...... . ' ' (Incorpora and v.rí.') '; r ' ABSTRACTS FURNISHKi) (T.Oftit 11. V ON M l. LANDS IN H.ROfN!; ( OÍ NTY. Insurnr.''" 1 kvuh. Special attention r, ' ', r" ?mp,s. , , CmTn-n Mosquero. .Vv M' y neat" m '.'6"u?rsrww5 r'w." - - '.' E. R UENin: : , COMTkACTOll . , Cement, Stic:o .-.nd ?LaUrcj fv TOY, NKy si:.u o -: 9 r THE UN1VEÍC3AL CAR Baker & Scheie r. Authorized TORD Sales and Service . . Fordsoix; , . THE UNiVEaCM TRACTOa ' it i .'s 4 5 f \n\n -3 3 9" i t V err r " T-.Z "" I ; C G..H.,.r,. (.. o';h?; 1-.";?:' rf rJ