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f ri I v The Spanish-American, Roy, Harding County, New Mexico. Satc T, - , Fall Arrivals MISSES, LADIES AND CHILDREN UNDERWEAR ' MISSES, LADIES AND CHILDREN HOSE LADIES AND CHILDREN DRESSES . BOYS PANTS AND CAPS A beautiful assortment of ginghams, suitable for. School Dresses PERCALES, ALL PATTERNS FOR BOYS SHIRTS Calicos, Wool and Cotton Blankets, Outing Flannels, Baby Blankets and Silks. A complete line 6f high grade NOTIONS . Don't forget to get our prices on Children's school shoes WE ARE STILL FEATURING OUR HIGH GRADE OVERALLS AND BIG YANK SHIRTS FOR MEN -I. n LUJANS & BRANCH NOTICE TO ALL DEMOCRA TIC CHAIRMEN OF HARD ING COUNTY, N. MEX- POLITICAL ANNOUNCEKEHTS At a meeting held by the Cou nty Democratic Central Commi ttee of Hardinr County at Roy,. N . M . on Tuesday September 5th the following resolution was ado pted: "All prospective candidates who desire to have their names placed in' nomination for County oiiice av ine vAJiuuy vxmveutiyi to be held at "Roy, N.M. on Sept. 22nd and 23rd, shall deposit a nomination fee of 510.00 wrtft the secretary W.R. Copien of Mosquero, N.M. on or before September 20th, 1922, same to be used for the current expenses of the County Central Cbmmi tee." This resolution was introduced at a previous meeting of the co mmittee and met the approval of all candidates present at that ti me and the committee felt that it was necessary to make same' permanent. Precinct Chairmen will please explain this resolution to any candidates in their Drecinct so they may govern themselves ac cordingly. . By order of the County Demo- cratic Central Committee. J. Floersheim, Chairman Attest: ' W.R. Copien, 1 Secretary. Sept 0-16 (Adv.)- ANNOUNCEMENT , I hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the action of the Democratic Convention of Harding County If nominated and elected I prom ise tr cnnAuct the office strictly on a business basis with economy of County Government as my chief airo. Henry W. Farmer. All kinds of auto repairing Expert workmanship Battery work a specialty We are equipped to wash your car Service Garage RAYMOND PENDETON. MGR. WTT I ANNOUNCEMENT T hereby announce myself as a candidate for County Assessor ANNOUNCEMENT " i the Renublican convention. Your - To the Voters of Harding Cou support will be greatly, appreciate ntv TTavino- served as vour unK.ea. r J ' o - 1 nty Clerk the past year or more, I have decided to become a can' didate for re-election., subject to tint-, adiinn. of. the ReDublican Con vention. If nominated andelected t shall continue, to have personal charge--of the office as I have im Very respectfully, Myra 0 DeFrees. ANNOUNCEMENT Thereby announce myself as a candidate- for. the1 nomination of the past. Thanking; you for-' any School: Superintendentof Hard- support you may give - me; 1 am,. Respectfully,. C. Ernest Anderson ingvcounty, subject to the action of the-1 Democratic convention. 1. will appreciate: your support.. Réspectfully, v Mrs. W. ChasCason. ANNOUNCEMENT Having, been ursred by numei ThVvillage dads had the Stine rous friends; to-become a candi-.baugh Bros, erect a water tank Ani.K for- sheriff of HardmgvGou ! neat- the.' city well last k riday. of Harding County, New Mexico,, uty,. I ereby announce1 myself They also had1 the boys to shoot subiect to the action at tne ue- as a candidate rorims impon juiwtne-' casing in me ueepwcu . , va n . I : .It. 11. .11.' i mocratic Convention, II nomina- ónice;. suDjecioJine acuuu ui the; Democratic Convention.. 11 elected I will take personal' cha- ree1 of the1 office. Your support will be appreciated. R. L. Grossamt ted and elected, I pledge myself to personally discharge the du ties' of said office without favor to anyone' and at a minimum of expense to taxpayers. A. I (Shorty) Burleson announcement; This is. to announce that H M. Warner is a candidate for sheriff of Harding County, N.M. subiect to the action of the De mocratic County Convention. He promises if nominated and elec ted, that he1 will give the people the1 best thattis in him. Adv. The County Democratic Con vention will be held in Roy next Friday' and Saturday Sept. 22nd and 23rd. A large crowd is ex pected in Rov these dates as the- convention' is composed of 92 dév légalas. CALL FOR A DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION OF HARD ING COUNTY , ANNOUNCEMENT T hereby announce myself for the office of County Treasurer subject to the action of the De mocratis Convention. If nomi nated and elected, I promise to take personal' charge of the- of fice and be om duty at my post each day. Any assistance given ne will be greatly appreciated. 1 John EE Birockman ANNOUNCEMENT To the voters of Harding Co., I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the nomination I as sheriff of Harding County sub p. i . . .i - ' r 1 T .-.LlC ject to tne action oí me iveuun can Convention." If my services have been satisfactory ta you the nast vear and a half. I will appreciate your support tor tne nomination. ' , Respectfully, George B. Spivey. All orders carefully filled and promptly shipped by ex press or Parcel Post. Our membership m the Florists Tele . craDh Delivery Association enables us to deliver Flowers ; for you anywhere in the United States on a few hours , notice. . , , Raton Greenhouses "THE NAYLORS" ' P. 0. Drawer 349 Raton, N. M. A Countv Democratic Conven tion is hereby called for Harding County, N.M. in the town ,of Roy on the 22nd and 23rd of Se ptember, 1922 at 10:30 A.M. ior the purpose of placing in nomi nation candidates for the follow ing offices: Three County Commissioners, (One for each Com. district.) One County Clerk, " , . One Sheriff, One Treasurer and Collector, One Assessor, One Superintendent of Schools, One Probate Judge, One Surveyor, One Representative. The chairman of each precinct in this county is hereby authori 7.fid and reauested to promptly call a precinct convention for the j purpose of selecting delegates to the said County Convention in which the representation of the several precincts will be as fellows: Town , Delegates ANNOUNCEMENT y Havinc been urced1 bv mv frie nds to make the" race for sheriff I hereby announce myself for th is important office subject to the etion of the DemoCTawCcinveB tion, and the subsequent election n November. If elected 1 promise to give my entire time to the )if ice as there is nothinsr else to occupy my attention. Yours for a greater and bettér Harding Com ty . ' Jesse D Wade ANNOUNCEMENT T have decid to become a candidate for the nomination of Treasurer and Collector of Hard ing County, subject to the action of the Republican Convention. I want the office and any suppo rt given me will be appreciated . . . . Frank L. Schultz also pull out-several hundre4 feet of the six inch casing. Alter tne casing was pulled, the water rose ? nearly three Kundred feet in the well, of within about 250 feet of the surface. This indicates that the upper strata of water was cased out. The ten inch casing is-still in the well and a test of thé hole will be made in the next few davs to determine how much water it is able to furnish. If the test shows enough water to warrant it; a pump will be set at the -well and" a storage tank erected to take care of the water.' The second well, drilled in the south part of town, did not show sufficient water to put m a pump, so this well is to be, abandoned at a depth of 250 feet It is probable that the city will have a well drilled on the west side of the track soon to care for ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Clerk of Harding County, subject to the iction of the Democratic Conven tion. Homer-Holmes. ANNOUNCEMENT -It is my ambition to be County Treasurer and Collector of Hard in CTountv. and in view of this I O f 7 i fact I announce myself as a can didate for the office subject to the action of the Democratic Co nvention. Any support given me will be. greatly appreciated. J. 1C. McKee Abbott,. N. MV the needs, of that part of town. NOTICE TO PARENTS ANNOUNCEMENT - - ; T i - r M m v-mi ,mi i 4 Mi ft fell r UkiJ h M fyMlMs'f' ' J li'u n k lii , n .i.ft O THE GREATEST FARMER IN THE WORLD One-fourth of the wheat we grow is the result of the researches of the Government After years of untiring experiment and investigation, the Government, through the Department of Agricul ture, was enabled to introduce into this country the remarkable 'Durum wheat through which our produc tion has been increased fully twenty-five per cent. This has been only ono of many surprising but little known accomplishments of the Government, which are covered in the interesting series of stories for which we have the exclusive right of distribution in this community. Well send this literature to you each month without bligatk on your part if you will ask for it. FIRST NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $60,000-00 Strength. - Reputation Service Precinct No, 1- 6 7 8 9 ' 10 11 12 ' 13 J 14 15 r 16 17 18 19 Mosauero 8 Solano 8 Roy 24 Mills 8 Kephart 4 Dehaven 4. Bradley 4 Albert 1 David . 2 Old Rosebud 2 Lower Mosquero .'2? Gallegos . 3 , ; Bryantine ) t Logan 4 To the voters of Harding Coun -y. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the nomination of County Collector and Treasu rer of Harding County, subject to the action of the ReDublican Convention t Very respectfully, J! C. (Jack) Kirby NOTICE To the men and women Voters f Harding County, New Mexico: J wish to. state that I am a candidate for the office of Coun ty Assessor subject to the action of the Democratic- County Cbn yention. , " Tf nominated and" elected", I will assume persona! charge of the office and wflT see that 'all! taxpayers are treated alilce. My motto, Special favors to nonei Respectfully Submitted, ' 1 L. W. Wilson Rosebud Cone Abbott Bueyeros Sabino 3 4 4 3 TO THE VOTERS OF HARDING COUNTY . Thereby announce myself a candidate for the nomination of Harding County School Supernv tendent, subject to the action of The New Mexico State Law "equiresiall children; between the iges. e six and! sixteen to attend school every day the school is in session, providing the chid resi des within three miles of the . school house or of a school route. There is a heavy fine for the vio ration of this, law and the Board of Education: of Eoy intend ta; enforce this law regarding com Dulsorv attendance. In case of extreme poverty, permission may be granted1 by the surpennten dent. of school' for the pupiT to droo out to wore a wniie provi ding the jmpil is fourteen or mo re years ot age. inis permission must be given Sn writing and can not be granted until añer a most thorougk inyeitigation is made rgaramg tne nnanciai conaiuon of the parents . There are a number- ef chrldr ren in the district not yet enroll led in school and the board ex-? pects the parents; to see that they are placed in school at once. By order of the Board of Edu- cation . . ' Roy Municipal District No. 3, Harding County. " C.L. Justice. President. Attest: W.G. Johnson, ;' ...... Qerij, Sept. 9-16 ' (Adv.). JUST RECEIVED 1 Total Delegates 92 Precinct Chairmen- are reque sted to invite all persons ef legal voting age who may wish to sup port the principals of the Demo cratic Party regardless of past party affiliations to take part in said precinct caucuses : women delegates may be elected to the County Convention. The Credentials of all delega tes to said County Conyentioñ and any notice of contest should be in the hands of the Secretary of the Democratic Central Cpm mittee, W.R. Copien of Mosque ro, N.M. on or before the 20th day of September, 1922. Proxies of delegates to said county convention will not be recognized except when held by delegates from the precinct from which the delegates elect were'. chosen. By order of the Harding' Co unty Democratic .Central Com mittee. . . . . J. Floersheim, Chairman. ' Attest: W.R. Copien, . Secretary.' Sept. 9-16 (Adv.) A fresh shipment of VELVETINE Face Cream and toilet specialties. .. v.: See our show window this week for the VELVETINE display. ' And don't forget that we have a full line of other leading brands of Face Creams, Freckle Creams, Manage Creams, Liqued Creams ; yes, and Ice Cream too. ' FÁIRVIEW PHARMACY The Roy Drug Store M.'D. GIBBS, Prop. : -T. -.--,'