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THE SPANISH-AMERICAN. Your Skin is so Fragrant and. Smooth Out-of-door rirls todav ' as in Grandmother's time know a valuable recipe: ' "Care for your complex ion with rain water and a pure soap.'.' , . COLGATE'S Cashmere Bouquet Soap . The favorite perfumed soap of three generations. Large size, ajc MeJiumsije, ioc T nnirlnna T ailna r'n -r 9 7 Peculiar "Freak" of Nature. By a curious "freak" of nature, in eects which are most beautiful when fully developed, are often the most repulsive in the grub stage. SUSPENDERS A full year's wear or more guaranteed (75c and 60e), Men's Garten (60c) and Hose Supporter! (all sixes, 26e), No rubber to rot from heat or sweat. Phos phor Bronze Rustless Springs give ths stretch. ASK YOUR DIALER. If hecan'tsuppljroo, send direct, giving dealer's name. Accept no substitute. ' Get the genuine Nu-Way. Look for guarantee and name on huckla. Write for story oí Nu-way Spring Stretch: NU-WAY 8TRCCH SUSPENDER COMPANY ManvjaetMrTM of An- Way mnd Emilt hmt Dept. C Adrian, Mich. Marriage in Haste. ."What do you think is the cause of so many unhappy marriages?" "Too many people are married be fore they . get sense enough to ' stay eingle.'V-Miaml Herald. , Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION J M DIGESTION " ,Ar.rnrs A FOR 6 Bell-ans I LAYW$-ttU Hot water i TT 1 1 i x I V IWIIVI 25 and 75$ Packages, Everywhere f Constipation i Relieved Without the Use of Laxatives Nujol is a lubricant not a medicine or laxative bo cannot gripe. When you are constipated, not enough of Nature's lubricating liquid is pro duced in the bowel to keep the food waste soft and moving. Doctors prescribe INiuoi Because it acts like this natural lubricant and thus replaces it. Try it to da. - IP"" jr SQUEEZED TO DEATH When the body begins to stiffen and movement becomes painful it is usually an indication that the kidneys are out of order. Keep these organs healthy by taking GOLD MEDAL Ths world's standard remedy for Iddney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles. Famous since 1696. Take regularly and keep in good health. In three sizes, all druggists. Guaranteed as represented. htsk fa the nam Gold Medal on ovary bos and accept bo imitation Ladies Let Cuticura Keep Your Skin Fresh and Young Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c Gray lair Uoatof fMhion; fa unnecessary for you can hv abundant hair tka Aatl Iría 1 abade by using Q-Baa Hair Colov Restorer.-Bafe a watr try It. At all (rood druggists,, 75 wat, r direct from KCSSJC-OUi, ChiaiiU. Umghm. Taa W. N. U., DENVER, NO. 37-1922. -US. ! Southwest News From All Over New Mexico and Arizona Reports reaching Carrlzlzo state that Miguel Montoya, a storekeeper at Ra- benton, .was shot and killed on the streets of the town. Figures recently compiled by the city treasurer shows that Albuquerque has spent over half a million , on its paving since the year 1919. , Due to the shortage' of coal, at the big furnaces at Pueblo, Colo., mangan ese operations at the Boston Hill mines near Silver City have been stopped. The recovery of $140,000 worth of notes and bonds, issued by the defunct Bank of Phoenix to creditor banks in Los Angeles, by the payment of $21,000 In cash, has been announced by An drew Baumert, Jr., receiver. F. J. Kasper of Swlnk, Colo., chief agriculturist for the Holly Sugar Cor poration, recommended at a meeting of business men at Las Cruces that sugar beet demonstration planting be con tinued in the- Mesilla Valley next sea sen. . ', ' , . -' - Plans are being made for the exca vation of the Aztec ruins south of Farmlngton, part of the work to be done by the University of Denver. An auto road will be made to the ruins and sixteen men and two teams will be used in the work. F. C. Sganzinl, Jr., who was given a hearing in the court of Judge Schauer at Gallup, N. M., was assessed a fine of $100 and costs and sentenced to serve ninety days in the county Jail but the Jail sentence was suspended The charge of carrying a deadly wea pon was filed, by the district attorney, Police on both sides of the Interna tional line at Nogales are searching for Juan N. Beltram, city treasurer of Nogales, Sonora, -who is reported to have disappeared following the recent discovery of an alleged shortage of $1, 492.25 in his accounts. It was report ed in the Sonora town that the short age was believed to be as high as $20,- 000. ' ' The' tax commission will follow Dis trict Judge Harry P. Owen's 'decision In regard to teachers' pay,. J. B. Saint, tax commission chairman, stated when the commission took up the Torrance county school budget. Under the de cision the highest pay that can be giv en a teacher in one, two or three-room rural school is $110 a. month for nine months. . ' The gold strike reported from the United Verde Extension mine, near Jerome, Ariz., recently, continues to be a topic of interest in the Verde district, While no statement of the extent of the find has been given out as yet, it is practically certain, it is said, that the deposit will prove of great value, with the ore growing richer ' as the drift is advanced. , How two 15-year-old girl chums tired of convent life and left the Insti tution through the window at night, Joined a. circus showing In El Paso, and- were rescued in Juarez, was told at a preliminary hearing given Secun- dlno Esquida, part owner of the cir cus, at Las Cruces. The circus man was held on a $5,000 bond on a charge of kidnaping, pending the outcome of the hearing, which Is to be resumed shortly. The strike of the United Mine Work ers of America which has been In ef fect at Gallup, N. M., since April 1, has been called off by the officials of the district headquarters at Pueblo, Colo. The men were Instructed to "re turn to work wherever they can ob tain 'It." Many of- the miners, it Is said, have made arrangements to go to some of the eastern states where the operators have signed contracts with the union. , Protection of the town of Holbrook, Ariz., from flood waters of the Little Colorado river has made necessary an appropriation which will Increase tax es more than 10 per- cent. In accord ance with the state law, in such cases, the town authorities have asked the State Tax Commission for iin emergen cy appropriation of $20,000. , According to a report given out" by the postoffice officials some thirty of fices In New Mexico will soon be dis continued. The list follows: Platero In Bernalillo county; Trachedo In Ca tron county ; Felix In Chaves county ; Center -Valley and West El Paso In Dona Ana county ; Rula and Swartz In Grant county ;. Halle lh Guadalupe county ; King and Beauty In Lea coun ty; Deseo 1ft Lincoln county; Rincon ada In Rio Arriba county; Benson, Garrison, Kermlt and Valley View In Roosevelt county; Casa Salazar in Sandoval county; Cherry Vale, Park Springs, Tecolete, TruJIllo In San Mi guel county; .Pojuaque In Socorro county; East View, Quari, Manzano, Plnoswells and Varney In Torrance county; Patterson In Union county, Ballejos and Seania In Valencia county. Dr. W. G. Randall, 40, was shot and killed at Florence, Ariz., by Miss Kath erine Encinas, 26, a nurse at the Flor ence hospital. Miss Encinas, after the shooting, walked across the street to the court house and surrendered her self to the sheriff. She is being held In Jail pending a hearing. Jack Fenwlck, a mechanic employed in the Oliver garage In Lpvlngton, N. M., was shot and seriously wounded In front of the home of T. R. Rogers, who It Is alleged did the shooting. Two of the five bullets fired from n plistol entered the body of the vonth. ABDICATION OF KING DISCUSSED DEFEATED GREEK ARMY SHOUTS INSULTS AT, CONSTANTINE ON RETURN. TURKS TAKE SMYRNA CIVIL ADMINISTRATION SET UP IN ASIA MINOR BY ; TURKS. , Constantinople. One hundred thous and Greek troops have evacuated Smyrna and a Turkish civil adminis tration has been established there. ' The Greeks have lost the' battle around Smyrna, and the Greek admin istration has ceased in íona. All the members of the high commission head ed by M. Stergiadls are on board the British battleship Iron Duke. The Greek army has been hopelessly beaten. , 1 ' Mustapha Kemal Pasha, the Turkish Nationalist leader, has established headquarters In Kassaba. Nazilli, Alden and other towns were burned. The greatest confusion reigns In Smyrna. A wireless dispatch broad cast by the Angora government an nounces to all the complete annihila tion of the Greek army. Greek head quarters has been transferred to Ches me, opposite the Island of Mvtlene, The Greek troops are being rapidly evacuated by vessels. The allies have published a procla mation in Smyrna, urging the popula tion to maintain order. It promises that the allies will secure guarantees for the protection of the minorities, The allied 'assurances, however, have not had any effect on the terrorized population. The Greek patriarch tele graphed the archbishop of Canterbury' in London and Premier David Lloyd George to use their good offices in favor of the Christians Jú Anatolia. The Greek losses, as far as it has been possible to ascertain tliem up to the present time, are total except for the Third Army Corps,, which-Is be lieved to be withdrawing from Brusa to Pandemia, with a41 its material, A wireless dispatch from one of the allied warships at Mudanla says the Turks have taken Ghemlek and Brusa, Ten thousand refugees are massed in Mudania. .History is said never to have re corded so complete a disaster as the Greeks have 'met.' It is asserted that Austria's defeat at Caporetto during the World War Is as nothing com pared with the debacle of the Greeks, "Athens. The first troops reached Piraeus from the former Greek front in Asia Minor in mutinous mood. They paraded the streets in the city In small and large groups in a demonstration against King Constantine, many of them shouting insults. The abdication of Constantine Is being discussed openly and the news papers are demanding the return of Venizelos. The royalists, however, are reacting vigorously and insisting on the choice Of General Metaxas as pre mier, to which the king may have to agree, unless Trinntafillakos succeeds In forming a cabinet. Miners Ratify Peace Agreement. Wilkesbarre, Pa. The anthracite wage agreement, sending miners back to work at once after more than five months of Idleness has been ratified by the Tri-DIstrict cvnventlon of the hard coal diggers. Under the agree ment 155,000 mine workers return to work at the wages they received when they suspended mining on March 31 Labor Council Attacks Injunction. Atlantic City, N. J. The executive council of the American Federation of Labor, opening its annual conference here, trained its guns on the Daugher- ty injunction against the striking rail shopcrafts. "Not only in the name of labor, but in the name of all liberty- loving people of our republic, we pro test against the gross misuse of gov ernmental powers by governmental agencies," said a statement dictated by Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, at a closed session of the council. , , Short Measure Gas Is Costly. Washington. "Short measure sell ing" of gasoline has been estimated by the National Motorists' Association to be costing purchasers $00,000,000 a year. This figure was based on an es timate that each of the 10,000,000 mo torists of the United States buys two gallons of gasoline daily, and that the average "filching" from "short meas ure artists" amounts to two pints in each five gallons, resulting In a total dally loss to purchasers of 1,000,000 gallons, valued at approximately $250,- 000. Denver Leads in Prosperity. " Washington. Denver is once' mora In the lead among the thirty-nine cit ies of the country which showed in creases In 'employment for the month of August, according to reports re ceived by the Department of Labor and made public here. 1 In' spite ..of the reactions due to the rail strike and the coal shortage, Denver leads the thirty-nine cities in percentage of gain In employment, and hence in prosperity. New Orleans takes sec ond place to Denver In improved em ployment conditions. whole System Is Benefited by Tanlac Thousands of frail, nervous people nd convalescents everywhere have testified to the remnrkable power of Tanlac in bringing back their health, strength and working efficiency. It seems to quickly invigorate the consti tution, and Is a powerful foe of weak ness. Mrs. George G. Owen, of Salem, Oregon, says: "My nerves were upset and the little ate wasn't enough to keep up my strength, so I lost weight and became so weak it seemed I had no energy at all. Tanlac restored my health com pletely, and I gained twelve pounds In weight".-- ' , . ' There is not a single portion of the body that is not benefited by the help ful action of Tanlac. It enables the stomach to turn food into healthy blood, bone and muscle, purifies the system and helps yon back to normal weight Get a bottle today at any good druggist Advertisement Fortune in 8crap Iron. Charles Perrott has just appeared before a Paris court charged with con cealing $180,000 war profits to escape taxation, When war broke out he kept a small cafe at Saint Denis, his wife attending to that while he ped aled with a handcart He bought scrap Iron, and made so much money that he paid $5.400.000 for the war stock t the American camp at Romorantllle. The Cuticura Toilet Trio. Having cleared your skin keep It clear by making Cuticura your every-day toilet preparations. The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal, the Talcnni to powder and per fume. No- toilet table Is complete without them. Advertisement Triumph In -Right Beginnings. In contemplation if a man begin with certainties, he shall . end In doubts, but if he will be content to begin with doubts, he shall end In certainties. Bacon. Being pleased with yourself Is a condition of mind not intended for flress parade. - , , , J. Net Contentil5luidirarM i lcohol-0 percent: '. AVcetaWclTeparatonf)rAs mMnlinótheroodbvRcétia- tmgthcStoraasndBrelsrf Tnljv-lmoÚnéDiácsIioBj Ghccrrulncss ana kcslwbiuu neither Oplam,Morpblnenor: Mineral. Not ItrVHcoiw JPvnplmS JbeMkidtt k f,o1nfiil Remedy for pConstJpalionandDiarrhoc ana reven&u" -IossofSleep rcsiíÜinílhfromÍ!? IacimüeSijnatareof jBlOSOTWBGoWffla j Exact Copy of Wrapper. MARSHAL FOCH'S FIRST PIPE French General Discarded Cigarettes When Great Offensive Against German Enemy Began. The truth about Foch's famous pipe came out also on the Metz trip. It was on the way home, and the marshal was dining i M. Puinenre's private car. After dinner the prime minister said: Pray smoke your pipe If you like, mar shal." The soldier pulled a beautiful case, containhiK two handsome pipes, from his pocket. As the chief of state commented on their beauty, he said they were given to him by a group of American artists. "Have you been smoking a pipe for long?" asked Point-are. , "My first pipe was on July IS, 1918." . The very day you began the offen sive that led to victory?" exclaimed Polncare. - "Yes. The cigarettes were fearful at the time, so I took to the pipe, like verybody else." And that Is the true story of the fa mous "peace pipe" of Marshal Foeh, If we can trust Le Sifflet. Spirit messages at, a seance are listened to with rapped attention. 2' - 1 ! Gil BELIEVED IN "EARLY TO BED" Small Town Evidently No Place for Individual Accustomed to the City's Bright Lights. Recently two newspaper correspond ents were sent to the coal fields in Clay county, where martial law ,1ms been declared, and In the evening they wandered to a small village near the fields In an effort to find some enter tainment. - , After, walking up and down Main street several-times, the correspond ents' sighted a. public drinking foun tain. It was then nine o'cloeH On ex amination they found that the drink ing fountains had been locked by the town official for the night. Then they headed for a drug store and found the proprietor locking up for the night. On Inquiry they were told that ("it is past nine o'clock." One correspondent said to the other: "Well, Mack, do: you suppose the hotel lSxdosed for the night?" 'I don't know," the other replied, "but I think we had better get to bed before they move the curbstones in." Indianapolis News. ' Cutting Down Time of Apprenticeship. The Industrial association of San Francisco, Cal., has started a school of apprentices with some novel features. The boys have been divided Into three classes and one class moves along be hind the other. The first two weeks will be spent In school after which they will be put to work as assistant helpers for four weeks after which they win return to school and so on during the term of their apprentice ship. In this manner of alternating the school. and shop experience it Is anticipated that from 12 to 18 months will be saved and the boys vill be full-fledged plumbers In two and a half or three years Instead of four. The apprentices will be paid for the time they are at work, but not for the time at schooL ... ..... Going Down. Blackstone "Is .vour wife still re ducing?' Webster "If you mean my income yes." : , Reading maketh a full man, confer ence a ready man and writing an exact man. Francis Bacon. Children 1 ' SillllVXyNXVWWXXXVXXVVVVVXVVX Special Care of Baby. That Baby should have a bed of it own all are agreed, Yet it is more reasonable for an infant to sleep with grown-ups than to use a man's medicine in an attempt to regulate the delicate organism of that same infant. Either practice is to be shunned. Neither would be tolerated by specialists in children's diseases. Your, Physician will tell you that Baby's medicine must be prepared with even greater care than Baby's food. A Baby's stomach when in good health is too often disarranged by improper food. Could you for a moment, then, think of giving to your ailing child anything but a medicine especially prepared for Infants and Children ? Don't be deceived. Make a mental note of this: It is important, Mothers, that you should remember that to function well, the digestive organs of your Baby must receive special care. No Baby is so abnormal that the desired results may be had from the use of medicines primarily prepared for 'grown-ups. - MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT IS AROUND EVERY BOTTLE OF FLETCHER'S CAST0RIA GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS Bears' the THE CKNTAUR COMPANY, N(W YORK CITY. Gives Cheerful flew Color Tone to Old Curtains lO PUTNAM FADELESS DYES dyes or tints as you wish Didn't Want to. Talk. In the smoking room of an east bound car the Other- evening 'there were two men one of them grouchy, the other receptive. After smoking two Indifferent cigars the latter said to the former : . "How far are you going?" "Buffalo," acknowledged the other, taken off his guard. "Is that so? WelLBuffal Is a great town. I have a cousin 1 ing there and I've been there . my several times. Er what are you ng to do In Buffalo? ' "Change cars." Chi and Examiner. Herald Well Supplied. . Dr. Samuel McGaughey sends this one: ' "We are Hying 'hard by Acton, which has several churches. Mary Jane, our five-ysar-old" daughter, has been In several kid entertainments In the various churches. The ether day one of our friends asked .her to which church she belonged,, Her answer was, 'I am half Presbyterian, lialf Bnprtst and half Catholic.'" Indian apolis News. ' Early to bed a.nd early to rise, gives you a grip that you can't analyze. ft 1 1 Ü 6RAUPS, PAINS AND BACKACHE St Louis Woman Relieved by Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound St Louíb, Mo. "I was bothered1 With cramps and pains every month and had backache and , had to go to bed as I could not work. My mother and my whole familyalways took Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable (Jompound for such troubles and they induced me to try it and it has helped me very much. I don't have cramps any Imore. and 1 can do my housework all through the month. I recommend your Vegetable Compound to my,friends for female troubles." Mrs. DteLLA Scholz, 1412 Salisbury Street, -t Louis, Mo. Just think for a moment Lydia E.' Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been in use for nearly fifty years. It is prepared from medicinal plants, by ths utmost pharmaceutical skill, and supe rior methods. The ingredients thus combined in the Compound correct the conditions which cause such annoying symptoms as bad been troubling Mrs. Scholz. The Vegetable Compound exer cises a restorative influence of the most desirable character, correcting the trou ble in a gentle but efficient manner. . This is Doted, by the disappearance, one after another, of the disagreeable symptoms. '' PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM RamoTrBDanoinff-stopsHalrPailliigl Kcatora Color and Bwurty to Gray and Faded Haiti Sfylmmox fflcm. B k8. Patchoeur.rT.T, HINDERCORMS lonsra, ta., stop all psün. rotures comfort to th9 feet, makes waUttntr em v. lfiu. by mll or t Drtur Ciit. Hlcox CflemiCBvi Work, PatcUogT, IS. T IF YOUR Uses "Cutter's" Serums end Vaccines he is doing his best to conserve your VETERINARIAN i i interests. Z3years concentration on one line count for 1 something. The Cutter Laboratory "Tht ithtraury thst Kntui Hno" Berkeley (U.S. License) California HAXDY JACK One man changes heaviest rack, boxes, etc., from ground onto wagon and oft. P. LOVERINQ, Fremont, Ncbr. Gry Fop Signature of Balloon Steering. Drifting for miles In u free balloon might seem to offer little prospect for a landing again on your own doorstep. But an accommodating air current and a little head work turned this trick for " Junius P. Smith, of the army air serv ice, at Langley field, Virginia. His experience Is unique in lighter-than-air work. Carried off in one direction by the wind, the aeronaut ascended until he struck a calm. Figuring that the calm was caused by two strong aii currents 'moving in opposite direc tions, he threw out ballast, rose above the calm, caught the current moving swiftly in the direction opposite and returned to his starting pont. Call not that man wretched who, whnte'er he suffers, has a child to love. ' The teeth of the harlequin snake are arranged like those of a cat. Hav Strana. Jy.U they Tire, Itch for Óv; iW aman or cum, it Sow A . . C Irri tated. Inflamed - lUUK LT U Granulated, use Murir often. Soothas, pfreaba. Safe i Infant or Adult At all Druggists. Write f Free Eye Book. Hsrlm En Kuwiy Co., Chic, iiiin1 7'in 1 1 I -ví M. I máx Klornlnit- f