Newspaper Page Text
' : I , .'.-'.v.í.- ' Thé Spanish-American, Roy. nAi" Cm. New Mxcn. Saturday September 16th, 1922. ABBOTT NEWS Mr. Joe Heisler, and family of :.E1 Paso, Texas, left' for their f borne today, after a weeks visit . with P. J. Heisler. Mr; and Mrs . McColpin of Log rn, parents of Clyde McColpin, . Are here for an extended fisit. C. E. Robertson, who is to be "the new foreman of Mills, is mov- ' ing his household goods to that ' place. Mr. and Mrs. McKee have re-i : turned from a trip to , Roswell, where they enjoyed lots of good fruit and water-melons from that valley." J. A. Irvine is one of the sto-k-holders.who enjoyed the big meeting at the Aztec gold mines ! last week. 'JE. Vay Johnson, principal of the French schools, came down ' Saturday to spend .Sunday with home folks. . Mrs. Cunningham df Mills, is spending the week with her dau- - ghter,' Mrs. John Hepburn. ' Mrs. H. Hanna and children, passed thru Aftbott, Thursday enroue to Tucumcari where the children will enter school.' Clay Fausnacht and family left " Friday for their home in Tucum cari, after spending the past ten - days here. A. Earley came down from Dawson to make preparations to move his family to 'that place. Mrs. Ed Black, left Sundav for Trinidad, where she expects to spend the winter. ' Charley and "Woodrow Burns aie spending this week in Raton with their father; and enjoying the Raton fair. .' . : i '." T. Hutchinson, superintendent tJf the Newton high school, was shopping in town jates Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Knedler ' Saturday, ; made a trip to the Chase orchard I : where they secured some choice ! Democratic County, Conven apples and plums. t;m w;i k held in Royi Septem TO THE VOTERS OF HARDING XOUHTY ii : i STEPHEN É. DAVIS, JR-i Republican candidate for Uni ted States Senator , As the candidate of the Republican part? for United States Senator, . I earnestly' solicit your support. A ' . It i3 your right to know the policies, for which I stand and upon which Í seek; election. l will endeavor to visit every county during the i campaign but in the limited time available it will be impossible to meet all the people and present in person my ' position upon public questions. So that you may have this knowl- . edge I will publish ''a series of bi'ief statements in which I will give my position upon some of f$he questions now before our country and upon which it is likely that your representative in Senate' will be called upon' to vote. , u ' ' I ask you to read these statements With care, feeling you agree with my views I may expect yourupport and your vote, - STEPHEN B. DAVIS, Jr. , li a S3; Mrs; Elva if redenckson wgs In from her ranch home Tuesday She expects to leave soon for Hurley, to" join her husband. V Mrs. M. Speaks of Mills', spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Ve rn Knedler. , lAn interesting game of ball wái - played oh the Abbott 1 diamond, Sunday, between Abbott and J Milis ;pf-;''y;,"-'-t 'YV" Ai "' Miss Maude Joh nsori is expect d home real soon from Los Angeles,- where thé 'and her " sister spent the summer forthe latters health J; S. Horton of Solano, was NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION transacting business in Roy last Department or the interior U. S. Land Office at Clayton, N. M. August 21, 1922,1 : . NOTICE is hereby given that Zacarías Ebell, of Roy, Harding County, New Mexico, who on September, 11th, 1919, made Homestead entry, o. .025572, for-SW,; .WVSE&, Sec. 4. N E-NWNW-NEi section ber.22nd and 23rd. S: R. Crouse,-promi:jnt farm er of the Mills community, was transacting business in our little city, Tuesday. , " " i'.' . . . -...(.wr!.' ' ' Mrs Robert 'Messrier" and dau gfttetf are vislting" Relatives' in Roy1 this week . Mrs Messnerwas formerly " Myrtle' Kern of this place but now. lives' at'Ratonl' In this Weeks issue of the S.A. will be found the announcement of Mrs. Chas. Cason of near Galle gos lor County Superintendent of Schools, subject however to the action of the .Democratic Primary which will .be held in Roy m the 22nd and 23rd of September -. Mrs - Cason is well qualified for the position which she is seeking and will no; doubt 9, Township 18Ny -Range 25E, N.f receive the nomination for,. , she ' Hon E. F; Gallegos our effici ent County commissioner and:afc Creighton Carter left : recently ticket Tor Lieutenant Govérnóí'.v ciaimantnamés; as witnesses p !T ' .1-' ' i 1. ...ill nrol! iri l?V,ir'T1o'oHQi troHlTl tl'lrh . T ! r. ' . . . i M. P;Méridian, has filed notice 6f intention to raáke Final Three Year Proof ta AestabliSh ' claim tOi thfe land 'above 'deacrlbéd, be fore; F.Hj' Foster, Ul- S. Cotftmis ?ion'er,, at his; office at Rfey,' New Mexico, 'on the sth daj'of Octo- 'for Denveí, wheré he will attend was iñ Roy Tüefeday trading with high school. , - jour merchants. Mr. and Mrs. Kuykendahl and . '''T, " son were shopping and visiting ' Ran Wobd of the David neigh- in town Monday. Mrs. D. Griff- borhood, hauled a load of hogs ;in, their daughter, has left for to' Roy last Saturday. GeóV H. Oklahoma, where she expects to Kay was the purcnaser ana tne . . . I 1 C 1J - C 1 Julian Sandoval, Leandro Archu leta,-, jIanuei Archuleta and .Jes us Mádina all of Roy, New Me'x. II. HErrett, .,- -'' ,;-Register : MRS. CHAS. CASON FÜR COUNT if SUPERINTENDENT spend the winter.' shipper of a carload of the pork ers to Kansas City' markets. LOST OR STOLEN One Ma- -ai-spr 25 M.M. 10 sTiof. Pistol in Mrs. E.D. Bartmses who is Walnut Wood Case. S10.00 re.' on the sick list at the Flumlee -.ward for return of -same.' ; (Hospital is reported improving Frank A. Roy nicely. DANIEL K. SADLER ' " Attorney-at-Lam International Bank BJ. RATON, N. M. it L S P A POTATOES per 100 lbs. t;iile they last tiae 'i : OS S. E. PAXTQN GRP. CQ. 'THE FOOD STORE" ; 7 w " will add -weight to;the,Dempcra7r tic ticket and. will elp to. jftsure its election & r.;rVii fShe;reomes 'from- one -of. the best families iff the southeastern part of. the county, has an exce Uent'fducation. and., know. the needsTfof the schools of üarqing County She is a conseryatiye lady and will no( doubt have, the interest of the taxpayers at hea rt at ' all times,' yet she is broad minded enough to ,see that, the schools are kept up to their pre sent high state of efficiency.- Mrs Cason promises to make an active campaign if nominated and will tell the taxpayers and voters her ideas of the better ment of the schools of the coun ty. A vote for Mrs. Cason means a vote for better and greater schools in Harding County. Adv. COUNTY AGENT STRONG RENDERS AID TO FARMERS OF HARDING COUNTY Last week six poultry culling demonstrations, were given by County Agent R. L.' Strong, as sisted by E. C, Hollinger. In the demonstrations,: a total of three hundred and sixty hens were culled from a total of one thous and and ten, or in other words, thirty five percent were culled. This-will show the large amount of feed that is beiner wasted thru out the county each year, for it is believed that the flocks that were culled were an average of those in the county. A total of sixty people attend ed the six demonstrations, and it is honed that all of those who were in attendance will cull their own flocks in the near future. Two very good flocks were cull ed. The first being that of Mrs. 0. A. Murphy of Mosquero, who has an exceptionally fine flock of white leghorns, and also that of Mrs. Chas. F. Leonard of Mills, who prides herself on the produc tion of her flock of Rhode Island Reds. Both of these ladies ex pect to choose a breeding pen and by. using, a cock of known ances try, they expect to sell hatching eggs of the very best quality. Those who failed to attend the demonstrations at Roy last week will have the opportunity to attend one at the home of V?.' H. Guthmann, south of Roy, on next Monday, September 18th This demonstration will be held at nine o'clock in the morning. R. L. STRONG, v- County Agent, Harding' Co. FOR SAL 2,000 BUSHELS -Best winter varieties- ;". ;4:-v at ' MIAMI ORCHARDS 10 MILES WEST ÓF SPRINGÉR . ' For particuars address . : ; H.S. McENDARFER BOX 1, MIAMI, NEW MEXICO , MIOS Powder tumi maammSBmsmúí awwi r-ir Dr. Price's is the last word in bak ing economy No other high grade baking powder is sold at such a moderate price JVice'i Phosphate Baking Powder not only produce food of (he best quality, it safeguards health as well because it contains ' none but wholesome Ingredients. Try it to improve your baking at reduced cost. Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste. Your grocer may have some of Dr. Price' large cans (or 30c Ask him. Sip f6? tíieN Dr: o Bók ' It'a Free, Price Baking Powder Factory, 100Í Indepehderice Boulevard! Chiiagol vLárfr eánpl2 tiútlcSi, tonlyVSe- 5T 1 Changing Location mm imm m mmm "" '.' ".-'.:. ';;Ví; . :. .N . .. ; The Dcifds Mctor'S Electrical Compny has moved to the building formerly, occupied by the Anderson Battery Shop Company, and is now prepared to do all kinds of Automobile and Trac tor repairing. We are also equipped to do all kinds of bat ery work. . BATTERY CIIARGIHG - DONE AT MODERATE RATES .. Dodds Motor S Electrical Co. . Gerald I. Djdds, Manager. FOR, RENT . ". Tliree room house, outbuild ings. Vith good water and past ure. Close in. Inquire of- ' Mrs. E. P. Brown. We undestand that Rev. W. L. Massagee has resignéd the Pastorate of the Baptist Church at this place and will move with his family, to Texas 'where he has been called as Pastor for a large church in that state. W. H. McCarger, who has been in Kansas the past two months, returned to Roy Monday and gxpects to remain here for awhil3 idle reports that crop conditions in Kansas were only - fair, and nothing to brag about,, and, in a number of instances the wheat raiser in the Sun-flower state, was not able to realize enough from his crop to pay expenses; He also plaims that New Mexico looks as good as most of the land in Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas; hTr'iy-'-' ' ' ' (lip rr 1 f TPj H lubBUiLitV it's toasted It's toasted. This oneexfra process gives a delightful quality that can not be duplicated Mr. P. A. Boarts of Kephart, was in town Tuesday afternoon trading, he states that his com munity was visited with a nice little,., rain last Saturday, which it made the soiTmoist enough to put-in winter wheat. 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