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TEE VOL. XIX No. 36 EVERY THING IN READI . NESS FOR TEXAS-NEW MEXICO HIGHWAY ASS'N The stage is all set and every thing is in . readiness for the Second Annual Meeting of the Texas-New Mexico Highway As soriation which convenes in Roy on next Monday and Tuesday. The complete program con he found in this weeks paper. ' The first forenoon will be de voted to welcoming visitors by ' the reception committee and at 10 A. M. the Intra-State meet ing of the Association (The New Mexico Division) will be held: ; The regular meeting of the Association will be called at 1 P. M. and the regular routine of business as outlined by the pro gram will be followed as near as i; possible'. The address by the president, Hon. T. E. Mitchell, will be given during the af ter noon as well as addresses by ' other - prominent delegates and 'visitors. ' The different commit tees will be appointed during the afternoon session so that they '. -may be able to report early the following day . . At 6:30 on . Monday evening ; the business -men of Roy will give a banquet to the visiting delegates and visitors. Plates will be laid for three hundred V,' persons. Addresses and toasts will be given at the banquet by prqminent speakers including Governor Mechem, State High way Engineer, Gillette ánd Chas. Springer, Chairman of the State Highway Copaniission. Other speakers wüí also be present. After the banquet a dance will be given the visitors On Tues day morning the Association will ijieet promptly at 9 -A. M. ,and the first thing on the program . will be a report by . the various i committees : . Then . will come general business, election of di rectors, selection of place of next Annual Convention and then the closing business of the conven k '' tion í;; 'u V...j!lJ:. i; ? .. ; Thin comes ' one of the'mbst important parts of the program, The Big1 Free Barbecue which . will be given at 1:30 and then ' following this, will be races, first ta half mile relay race, three - strings, and a half mile horse, race, a one fourth mile horse race and a two - hundred yard ' pony race, and then comes a ball game between ' Roy and Mos quero, and at 8 P. M. will come the big dance . A small admission will be charsred to the ball games and races, yes by the way, there will be a ball game Monday after noon also. The information burpau will be located in the Post Office Building, and all visitors imd del egates will be requested to regis- ter at this place. ; The admission to the banquet will be by ticket. The Tillage .,, Dads are aiTanging a camp , ground in "the south end of ; town near the city well house. Water will provided .a$ this place'. ?-'.'.TK "convention will be held in ihé Lücérb Hall . - The Masonic " H 'ílWíViiüsd be open to visitors rand.wiU'bVüséd as a rest room. f , All the different committees re lt l" port that they have their work Hk; weir under way and everything will béin' readiness early Mon - day morning for the big meeting. ; , " : If you have not yet received a program, one may be had by . calling on or, witmg to the local secretary, C .:' J . : Hester . Now, all together for a great convention ana lets mane tne -.; Texas-New Mexico Highway the geatest highway in the state of Texas and New Mexico. Why not treat the wife to a good Turkey Dinner at the ELITE CAFE Sunday. Quite a crowd attended the1' de mocratic : caucus for Roy pre cinct last Thursday to choose del egates to the County Convention We failed to get a complete list of the delegates, 24 in number. Precinct caucuses have been held in all the precincts of the county the past week and 92 delegates were chosen to represent the various precincts at the conven tion which is convening in Roy (tday) Friday. KOY. 2 , - : V Getting i hiere just the imé ' ' ' : " ' -- 1 ' : ' " ' " ' 'i ' " ' " ' ' íusT ' ' h 2 h ' ' 1 ' J ' 7 i - r : 1 1 11 . "J - , . GLENN ANDERSON HURT News has been received in Roy that Glenn Anderson was ser iously hurt at La Porte, Indiana, last week while working for the Rumley machine works. Glenn was helping to load a heavy plow on a truck when in some manner the plow fell from the truck fall ing on Glenn crushing him . He was immediately taken to a hos pital at La Porte' where attend- urg physicians are doing all they can for him.- He is suffering from internal , injuries besides severe body bruises. Glenn is a brother of Paul, Guy, Virgil and ; Ernest Anderson of , this place,, and 'a éon ot J: ;E; An derson of La Porté but who. is visiting his' sons here .'at this time. " '. ';';: - ., Mr. and Mrs. D. M.' Finely who have been on their annual vacation at Two Buttes, Colora do, returned home last week af ter enjoying a very pleasant vacation with Mr. Finley's sis ter. However they are both glad to get back and Mr. Fin ley's smiling face can again be seen at the meat counter in the Roy Trading Store. ": 'Silks , Odd Lengths, Fancy and Colors, Per Yard $i.oo Pumps í Ladies High Heel Black Pumps $L00 Salmon zlb Cans Red Salmon, $1.00 We have a . limited amount of above items, so come early. ,. Flóérsheim Mercantile Gompainy (FOREMOST APER IN 'With Malice toward None, w ith Chart ty HARDING COUNTY.NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY SEPT. 23, 1922 WOODWAR IS NEW PUBLICAN STATE " CHAIRMAN, SELECTED - TODAY The newly appointed Republi can State Central . Committee j met at the Supreme Court. Cham bers at the Capital Building in Santa Fe- Friday afternoon and completed its orgánigatiQfl by el ecting Hugh B' ' Woodward, of Clayton, as Chairman..;" f . : Other officers of the. Commit tee arc Miss jlnná Pprtei-, Vice Chairnian, J 1' D . Sena,1 Secretary rne members oi tne .t-onvnir-tee in addition to the aboye of ficers who are' ex-Kfficio mem bers' 'are: F. A. Hubbell, Albu querque, Secundtno Romero, Las Vegas, EdwarxJ M. Otero, Los Lunas, Reed Holloman, Santa Fe, ;E. A.. Cahoon, Roswell, Orie L. Philips, Raton, Mrs. Jesus Ro mero, Old Albuquerque, H. B. Holt,-Las Cruces, Mrs: P. A. F. Walters, Santa Fe, Edward Sar gent, Chama and Mrs . Adolph Clancy Grizlachowsky, Santa Rosa. : The ELITE CAFE will serve a Turkey Dinner Sunday Sept. 21th. Light Kid 6 for !H pillar Men's Caps Good Heavy. Winter Caps, an E xccptional Value at a 14 it j OC $l;QO ' ; Men's Jersey Gloves Mens ' Jersey , Gloves, ? Regular 0 Í Value Special 6 Pair for . S1.00 Gold Dust Our Regular 3 Seller Special 23 for $1.00 Make our store your the Raod Convention IIARDING COUNTY.) for JUL and with Firmness in JOHN MORROW SPEAKS TO LARGE AUDIENCE John Mori'ow, the , democatic nominee for congress spoke to a full, house at-the Lucero Hall last Saturday night. Mr. Mor row is a forceful talker and made his position plain to all his hear ersk .'He was handicapped on ac count Of the lack of an interpre ter as there was a, large number of Spanish-Americans present who did not understand English. Mr. .Morrow told his, hearers just what he expected to try and do if4ift-Mííiaelected t Congess and we beieve gained many votes while here. Mr. -Morrow has many 'friends here . who are working for his political inter ests'and he will receive a storng VOte. . :; '': ., ' ' Mrs. H. M. Belknap of Ancho New Mexico, spent from Friday noon until Saturday noqn with her old friend Mrs. F. A. Roy in this v place..' Mrs. . Belknap was on her way from an extend ed visit with friends in Califor nia and other western points . Her visit was very brief as she had to return to her work at Ancho Saturday. '. ' . Chile Regular headqua tcrs , dcring V ; SMle V the Right" .PURCHASE PLEASANT )'. VIEW SCHOOL BUILDING TVia School Board sold the Pleasant View School Building last Tuesday at public auctm. TVip hnilHinflr was bid in at a small sum by the Trustees of the Pleasant View Union ijhurcn ana Sundav School and will be used as a community meeting house for the oublic, Church and Sun day School - will be held in, the building and it win aiso ve oisea as á get-together meeting placé. New seats will be purchased and the building will be given a good coat of 'paint and otherwise re paired. Mr.' Breford who owns the land where the building is situated has agreed to deed the land to the new organization so will not be necessary to move the building to a new loca tion. We are glad to see the commu nity spirit prevelent among the people of this prominent commu nity and we are sure the Board bus done the riffht thine in turn ing the building over to the peo ple for it will be a great benefit to them and to their homes and it will do much to keep the com munity spirit in the Pleasant View neighborhood. j Ladies Grey Gloves Regular Vahie SOff a pair. ' Special 5 pair for $1.00 Barber Towels Size 12x18 at 12 for $1.00 Con Carne 10 Value- Special - 15 for 10 Value 15 for $1.00 Coffee - Oar,Famou& Pa'las Band Coffee Special One 31bcan $100 SUBSCRIPTION $ 2-00 PER YEAR. ATTENTION TO ARMSTIC DAY With November, 11th, a little more than a month away, it iá time to begin planning and mak ing preparations for putting ov er a real celebration which is to be held at Roy on that day. Jt is true that we have had . our share of burdons in the way of' caring for our conventions ' .1 1 1 L! 1L 1 . ana ceieuraupns, nevermeiesa for those reasons I feel that this event should be the more fitting. On nearing the close of our acti vities for this year, which has been battle after battle against difficulties and discouragemeuts, inore than ever I feel, that this day offers an opportunity for all to come together and enjoy the victory not only of the great world waifbut of our local civia battles. , Ti's true that the success of this day is looked forward ttf as resting upou the .shoulders of the ex-service men, however in a3 much as we feel this sense of duty and expect to make this day a success, you must remember . that it is your day, in fact an "all Americans' day.- So teta all get together, we want some nrnmi'npnt. snonVfrsi on that dav. ) if you have anyone in mind let us Know apout mem . - . v Remember that this is a coua- tv affair 1 onrh nna foul pniml- ; ly interested, especially the schools. . We want every school in the cunty represented ijn that , day', I wish to say to the schools ; that you wiB hear from the coun . ty School Superintendont in re gards to this matter. " ' Now lets all get together and work together in making this a real victory day. . Homer Holmes, Post Commander, American, Legion. .. :,. ' ". SPANISH-AMERICAN TO . 1 . HAVE NEW H031E The Spanish American has the pwners of the paper have made, a five year lease with the Floersheim Mercantile Co . , for -65 feet off the north ,end of the-. : Floersheim warehouse which ad joins the -street, just south of the post off ice and will move in to their new quarters about Oc tober 15th. The Floersheim Mercantile Co have a force of men at work on the building and it will be entirely rebuilt and made into a modern office build ing. The machinery will all be s placed on a cement floor and the engine will be placed in an adobe building outside the main build ing. Plenty of windows will be placed in the building to give it . ample light and a 24 by 28 office room' will be arranged in front of the building whicii will con tain the linotype and stock loom. The S. A. is continually striving to give its readers a better pa per each week and if we a a; gives the support, that we feel is due us we will make the S. A an eight page home print and re member that it will be found al ways supporting the w hole mesa. and especially Hardiag County. We expect to remain a non-parti-áan paper and reservé .the right to support the man; we i'tsel best fitted for the office ' f ; ; OFF FOR WICHITA: FAHt Mr:: and Mrs: W, H. McCar ger and Floyd Moms left Tues day morning for. .Wichita, Kans.r where Mr.. McCarger took a fine exhibit ' from the - mesa to the famous Wichita Fair. Mr. Mc Carger is in the real estate busi ness here and believes in letting1 the people of the east know some thing about what we. raise here,, in the way of crops. He has a fine lot of data which he will give to the Fair 'visitors and promises to give the mesa some - real advertiseent while away, on his trip. Mr. McCarger is a real booster and we shall expect to hear of some good results from his efforts. : Mr. and Mrs. Vernie Kenoyer arrived from Kansas last week and will spend thé winter at the Scott home northeast of-town. Vernie is improving slowly from his recfnt iltoess and is abl to- be up and around most of the tkr.e. .