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Fairbank Morse Pumping engine $ Cylinders Deep well pumping outfit Gas pipe & 'fittings Stock Tanks Superior and Van Brunt Grain Drills Oliver & Emerson Tractor and horse Plows Wagons Tin Shop Supplies Well Casing Safety Flues . Self Oiling and Roller . Bearing Windmills ( BAUM BROS TIN SHOP PHILOSOPHY WHEN the Irishman got into a row with his wife and she threw a plate at his head the melee ' is said to have started and in the midst of it the husband jerkingly re marked: "If I'd known married ilife was like this I'd have .got Í married long ago.' All of which Scarries out the general conception of ' the Celtic conviction that we must have peace even it' we have to fight for it. . . 1 Tolstoi preached non-resistance !-which meant letting everybody walk ion vour neck. This brings peace to ithe bullies and death -to the meek. Jesus turned the other cheek, but he .took the money changers by the iscruff of the neck and threw them 'out of the temple. So it all de fends "when to fight and what to fight for, which means keep an eye out for the spurious flag wavers. ' Mm i saca Eastern Stockmen Trying Beef Herds i w m m Eastern stockmen and breeders have discovered that their hillside forage and timber lands are ideal for beef herd development and a result are this week staging a national beef breed show at Wilmmt Delaware. BUY EARLY Roy THe SpanisS American, Roy, Hai Om Caffltty, New WEDDING BELLS AND GREATEST WEALTH Ik t M V it - J 3 Miss Anne Burnett, of Ft. Worth, Tex., is heiress to the famous Burke Burnett oil fortune. Guy Waggoner, of the same town, is heir to vast oil fortunes of the Southwest. If they wed, as is reported, theirs will be a fortune estimated greater than Rocke feller's we''1' Cipriano Lujan was up from Sabinoso last Saturday on busi ness. Phil Miller, Cowman from near Solano was in Roy Saturday on business. ,, 1 i ' Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Strick land and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hooper are in Raton where Mes srs Hooper and Strickland have secured good positions. Remigio Lopez appeared be fore the State Tax Commission at Santa Fe last Thursday in the interest of the Mosquero schools. We understand that he was suc cessful in getting their budget approved. The carpenters are making fine progress on the Marie Ivey home which she is erecting in the north part of town. P. T. Gib son, the carpenter, expects to have the building enclosed by the first of next week. 4' -an?:j?wsww liííiS iltll-.. iiViVar ' i V y ' :s 1 WE ARE NOW SHOWING our line of Ladies Fall Hats Coats Suits and Waists WHILE SELECTIONS ARE COMPLETE Trading ST. GEORGE'S SCHOOL iUTfc More pupils were enrolled this week. A good many more are still expected, we hope the month of October will bring them all. The Domestic Science Class are all taken up with their work. TVipv have already shown their willingness tó make their work a success. The Art Class are making wonderful progress . Art is the vnrle nf the whole sohvl of mail. There is something peculiarly ap peamg and ínlinateiy satisiying in the man or woman wno poses ses the qualities of good sport- manship. Our pupils were tau ght to consider the. advantages of athletics mental, moral and physical, and have been encour aged to take an interest in tnem. So they will organize a DasKet ball team, volley ball team and they have already organized a tennis court. They are a pret ty lively crowd and do good team work and intend to show great effort during the year. Last week September 14 one of our graduates, Alfredo Pache co, son of Luciano Pacheco, left Roy for St. Anthony's College, San Antonio, Texas. He will take up thé regular collegiate course and at the end ot tnree years he will be ready to enter any university. We wish him every success m this great under taking. BRADLEY Mrs. Elsie and Mis. Margret Hazen assisted Mrs. G. W. Hazen to prepare dinner for Arthur's bean harvesters Tues day." ' ""' : ', ! Miss Virginia Woods was call ing on Miss Mayme Smith last Sunday. - . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hughes and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Thomas of Solano were callers at the Ralph Hazen home last Sun day, -i Chandler Moor0 of Solaso was callihg at the Moore and Garms homes of this community Wed nesday evening. Mrs. Elsie Hazen and : Mrs . Margret Hazen called at the Moore home Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Dewees of near Mosquero' was in this neighborhood Thurs day afternoon. ' t Misses Mary ' Woods, Virginia IV T inn io Wonrla Clovis Moore Ollie 111.111111V vwwfc'j . Thomas and Norma Aspgren A ' 1 O Jai. were all out ior a nae ounua alternoon. A fine time is re- poi-ted by all. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Thomas and children of near Solano were visitors in our community Sun day, A. G. Hazen and daughter Mary Eleen, were visiting at the Moore home Saturday night and Sunday. Preparations are being made to move the Bradley school house into Mosquero soon . The furni ture was moved in Saturday. Henry Garms made a business trip to Roy Saturday. Go. 3C Mexico Saturday September COUNTY SEAT ITEMS Well, well, here we are again after a long absence. First a trip to Oklahoma and then im mediately thereafter a journey to California has kept us busy, But now that we are back, we in tend to make up for lost time and will doubtless inflict the readers of the S. A. with a great deal of our witty and in dispensable writings. - The thing that surprised- us most upon our return was the steady growth that our little county seat had made during our absence. Nearly all of the houses that were under construe tinn when we left harl been fin ished and a number of others1 commenced. We find that since our return two more have start ed up. Mr. J. W. Johnson is building a nice residence close enough to our own so that we can run over and borrow coffee for breakfast. Probate Judge, Julian Padilla has started anoth er residence on the other side of us and plans are being made for immediately commencing two more dwellings in our immediate part of town the result that we arex beginning to feel crowded. And still ie town grows steadi ly and substantially. School commenced Monday with a heavy attendance. The old building formerly used as a court house soon overflowed with smiling youngersters and the Methodist Church was open ed up to a couple of grades. Three trucks bring the children in from the outlying farms and eight teachess find that they are crowded with the increasing num ber of children. A rumor that the budget for the schools of the Village were to be cut down con siderably resulted in hasty action on the part of the board and the sending of Hon R . Lopez to San ta Fe to remonstrate.' Under his able management the Com mission decided that no cut whatever would be made . The countv . officers are now comfortably quartered ii ' the new court house. It affords plenty of room and a large room is being arranged for. the holding of the first term of court. With a slight expenditure for re modeline; the buildimr and the erection of a small addition for a jail the county will have quite a nice little court house at out little cost to the heavily burden ed tax-payers. The opening gun of the polit ical battle soon to be staged was fired in Mosquero Saturday after noon when Hon. 'John Morrow, Democratic Candidate for Con gress made a speech from the porch of the Wilson store and spoke briefly but eloquently on some of the political questions of the day and of what he would try to do for the people of the state if elected ' to the lower house of the National Legisla ture . But few people were out as the meeting had evidently not been properly advertised or else as the voters were too busy scan ning the horizen for an approach ing rain to listen to political speeches. '. , Rain is badly needed. Some af the farmers have planted a arge acreage of wheat and need .-ain to bring it up. Others aavé prepared a large acreage of ground for the planting of win ;er wheat and will await the ar rival of the rains before risking "le piantin gof the seed wheat. Jnless a rain fall soon thecoun ;ry is threatened with anothei ,iieat failure. Monday night it clouded up, dripzled rain for a little while and gave great prom ise of being about ready to open up the flood gates of the heavens and pour out the suply that is due this country and has been accumilating fo the last twelve months. The old weather man evidently changed his mind, how ever, and decided to hold off ior a while longer. A letter from Mr. James Eng land, popular Mosquero Ameri can Legion Post Commander, in formes us thrt he has accepted the position of Civil Engineer in the State School of Mines at Boulder Colorado. , Messrs Sullivan and Wilson of Mosquero were in Roy Thursday attending the Democratic Cau cus. . ! In as much as we will soon move into our new quarters, v:e would appreciate it if all de linquents would pay up as it costs money to move. 23r3, 1&22. "Bill" Bagley is back at his old job with the linotype on the S. A. force and from now on we can lay all mistakes on to "Bill." The;Star Route to Kephart has been reversed and the mail commencing Tuesday morning of this . week will leave Kephart at 8 A. M., oh Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and will reach Roy by 11 A. M., the returning mail to leave, Roy not later than 3 P. Mi the' same day and will reach Kephart by 6 P. M. . The new change will give Kephart direct mail from Roy the same day it reaches here and mail mailed at Kephart will leave Roy on the 1 o'clocfctrains'. The new change will befan advantage to all on the route except those on the re turning route who will get their mail one day later. J11Í. !g!nu. mi The Farming Business- Y OUR farm is a business, Mr. Farmer. It should be , conducted as any other successful business if it Í3 to 'pay a profit. And what successful business but has good banking connections? The mechanics and management of your farm are for you to work out If you have a good farm and operate it efficiently, then you have a physical collateral as good or better than any business in the land. , - Our doors open just as wide and our banking facilities are given as fully to you as to any other business iaan in Harding County. Other business firms need financing, need advice, need -cooperation in turnover of stock, and they come to us for that service. ' . Why don't you? 1 . , -Bank ot Roym Mosquero Abstrrct 2nd Title Cjompany - (Incorporated and Bonded.) ABSTRACTS FURNISHED PROMPTLY ON ALL LANDS IN HARDING COUNTY. Insurance of all kinds. Special attention given to examining titles. Conveyances. ' . Mosquero, New Mexico. E. F. HENRY CONTRACTOR. Cement, Stucco and Plasterer ÜOY, NEW MEXICO i... THE UNIVERSAL CAB . Baker & Scheier Authorized FORD Sales and Service Fprdsoiv THE UNIVERSAL TRACTOR Karl Guthmann attended tha democratic caucus at Solano last Saturday. ; v Mrs. Henrietta L. Russel of of Grenville spent a few days this week with friends in Roy. , , . ATTENTION FARMERS Dairy catte have advanced 50 in the corn belt in six . months. If you need dairy calves of any breed, especia- lly Guernsey, or big type Poland China Hogs, or any other breed of stock, write me for prices and full parti- culars. . f ' L. M.Wagner, R.F.D. . Jesup, Iowa. r.y )i I ! r- h .i