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The Spanish American, Roy, Harding County, New México. Saturday September 23rtfr 1922. PATRONS, ATTENTION v Compluulsory School Law. The Roy school board has been given warning that the compul sory school law will be enforced this year, and in order that you may know what that N law is 1 have asked the editor of ."The, Spanish American" to publish it word for word as it appears on the statute books. I hope you will read it carefully and try to comply with it without having to be coerced. The State has provided you a free school, the board has secur ed quarters and employed a corps of competent teachers, and - your truck driver calls at your very door for your children. There is but one hing more that you can ask for, and that is free text books. Personally, I think ihe state should furnish them, but it doesn't. There remains but one thing to be done and that is to comply with the law as our legislators have deemed best for our future welfare. You want your child to have an equal chance in life with every ether child, but if the other child is educated and yours is not, yours will be at a disadvantage all through life. You may not be able to leave your child much of this world's goods, but you can give him án education there by giving him an equal chance with the other fellow. Read the law below and resolve to carry out its provisions. ' Respectfully submitted, Cameron Bazzill, . Supt. of School. SENATE BILL No. 102, Laws 1919. Sec. 1. Children between the ages of six and sixteen years of age shall attend public schools of the State for as many weeks as the public schools in the dis trict in which such children re side shall be in session, except that children actually attending private or denominational scho ols maintaining courses of instru ction, approved by the State Board of Education, those phys ically or mentally unfit or incom petant and those residing more than three miles from public school houses and to whom no free public means of conveyance to and from school are furnished shall be exempt from the pro visions of this act. Sec. 2. Children subject to the provisions of this act, be tween the ages of fourteen and sixteen years, may be excused by issuance of certificate of em ploymentj from full time public school attendance by the city or county school superintendent within whose jurisdiction such children reside or employed, up on assurance that sajd children are then or in the immediate fu ture shall be definitely employed in some gainful trade of occupa tion. The certificate of employ ment shall contain the name, age and residence of the child ex cused, by whom employed or to be employed, the last grade at tended by the child and a reci tation that the child is excused from full time public school at tendance until the certificate 'shall be revoked. Sec. 3. Parents, guardians and persons having control of children subject to provisions of Ithis act are hereby made res ponsible for the public school at tendance of such children and anv Darent. guardian or person 'aforesaid who shall violate any 'of the provisions of this act, af !ter any school authority shall have given public notice of the substance of the provisions of this act, upon conviction shall be fined not less than five dolr lars, nor more than one hundred dollars, or imprisoned in the county jail for not less than five nor more than ninety days, and in addition to the aforesaid, any parent, guardián or person hav ing control of children subject to the provisions of this act shall violate the provisions, here of shall be subject to the writ of mandamus at the instance and in the name oí county or municipal board of education or county or city superintendent of schools without . consent of the attorney general. For apetizing, cleanest and best meals, eat at the ELITE CAFE. (Service is our motto.) VVith Republican waste run ning up the cost of government in New Mexico to over 300 per cent more than it was under the last Democratic governor, the necessity for . an audit of the state's affairs becomes apparent. Such an audit, complete in all phases of state government, is pledged by Democratic candi dates . And the ticket the Dem ocrats submit this year is one which ' may be relied upon to keep its pldgesl To explain in detail all of the state's expenditures would con fuse the Republicans too much for the taxpayers to hope for an accounting as long as the Re publicans hold control. How ever, it is time such an account ing "Was made . New Mexico, of course, wonders why, in three terms, the cost of government should increase from four mil lions to fifteen million dollars. During the period in which the expense of . governent has risen so much, the state's popu lation has increased less than ten per cent. , By their records in Santa Fe the Democrats have shown that sincere interest in saving money for th citizens of the state. The Republicans have' consis tently promised economy, yet they are spending millions more than did the Democrats. Adv. MILLS AND VICINITY R. L. Yarbrdugh arid wife at tended the Democratic speak ing at Roy Saturday evening. J. Floersheim and J. R. Mc Kee attended the Democratic Caucus at Mosquero Monday eve ning. J. R. McKee, merchant from Abbott was in town the first of the week looking after his polit ical fence. Herb Yates of Yatesville, left for Kansas the latter part of last jveek where he intends to stay this winter and learn the tractor trade before returning. Old King Coal may soon beco me a scarce old soul, and a scar ce old soul is he. ' After a two weeks absence on the account of sickness we will try to add our mite to the S. A. What a blessing it is to be able to write, and how thankful we aré that we can do 60 once more. A big rain visited this part of the country Monday evening. It came about the time school was dismissed and compelled a great number of pupils as well as the teachers and truck drivers to remain at the school house a long tedious time after school hours. We think from evidence seen that the truck drivers de rived a vast lot of experience in driving before they reached ho me that evening. However the rain done much good.' It has co me too late to do crops any good but it will revive the pastures to some extent. il.W.Dykeman left Saturday for Southern Colorado with the expectation of bringing his fa mily home with him who have been visiting at the home of Mrs Dykeman's parents Mr and Mrs Geo. Salee for the past ten days. G.W. Reherd has completed the'work of staining the interior .woodwork of Mayor Boyd's new home. A.V. Stafford left Tuesday of this week for Alva, Okla. whe re he will work in the barber shop at a guaranteed salary this winter i His family will re main here for the present at lea st. Mr Stafford done a rushing business the last few days he wa? here." Every man on the mesa had a farewell haircut, or his razor honed or á handle put on same or repaired in some manner Mills has no barber now.- ' I Dr. and Mrs., J. A. Bowling shipped their car of" household I goods Tuesday, back to Alva 'Okla. from whence they came last spring. They ,have bought property in Alva again and expe ct to live happily there the bala nce of their days. Rev. James Fletcher left Tues day to attend an annual confere nce which convenes Wednesday of this week. He will spend a week after conference is over visiting old friends near Denver before returning to Mills. Mrs. Fletcher and baby are already gone visiting her parénts some where in Colorado. . V Elbert Piper has been fixing a "kid wagon" at the Wilson lumber, yard this week.' He jvill teach the iymng term of school at Wheatland And run a truck also. Their school begins next Monday. ILL. Boyd and family moved Tuesday into their new home which they have just completed. Mr and Mrs T.E. Siler retur ned the latter part of last week from their vacation which they spent at Glorietta visiting their sons Eddie and Roland Siler and family. , , J.B. Proctor and Dr. O.B. Moon made a business trip to Raton the first of this week . Henry Sargent had his beans thrashed this week. They made an average of 175 lbs per acre. Tommy Patterson is staying with his aunt Virginia McClure and attending school in Mills. ' Bert Rainbow and wife and JUST RECEIVED A fresh shipment of VELVETINE Face Cream and toilet specialties. , See our show window this week for the VELVETINE' display. And don't forget that we have a full line of other leading brands of Face Creams, Freckle Creams, Massage ' Creams, Liqued Creams; yes, and Ice Cream too. , , FAIRVIEW PHARMACY The Roy Drug Store M.ID. GIBBS, Prop. Mrs. Josef ita Lovato died here three weeks ago at the ripe old uve of 79 vears. after an illness of two years and three months. Her bed of suffering was accept ed with joy from the hands of her Creator. . : She was very pa tient and resigned to her long years of suffering. ...Mrs. Josefita Lovato was known as Josefita. Trujillo be fore marriage. She lived most nf her life at Goneios. Colo. Her husband Melchiadez Lovato died about ten years ago. Death al so robbed her r two children at the early áge of nine and twenty which left her nracticallv alone. Since the death of her children j she lived with her . brotner-in- law. Mr. Jose Leandro Martinez of Roy. ' .We all hone that after her years of suffering in this world she is enjoying the eternal hap piness of Heaven; ' May her soul rest in Peace. Ethel Lohn returned Tuesday from a two weeks camping trip in the mountains. H.B. Albertson returned Sun day from Farmington where he has been for the past 2 months. W.H. McMinn and wife and his mother and sister started Wednesday morning on a camp ing trip in the mountains. Raymond Evans had the mis fortnne to get his leg broken just above the ankle, we failed to find out the particulars. Dr. Moon was called out to take cha rge of the case. Dr. O.B. Moon made a busi ness trip to Roy Thursday mor ning. Jones For Senator Hinkle For Governor EFFICIENCY It is not obtained by selecting executi ves for their political faithfulness, but by choosing men and women for their business ability; t Putting efficiency ; into government is the aim of the Democrats It is- pos sible for them to do this, having no band of regulars to appoint ECONOMY It ha been lacking in administration so long that taxpayers now hand oat more money for a wasteful support of a political machine than ever before. Democratic candidates stand for fe wer and smaller expenditures, saving money for all citizens. ' .... - A offereuice h There is a difference of, half an ounce, inl!he bags of Bull Durham tobacco, amounting to a, half ounce ' ' i - ' ' , ... '';rH We sell The large size y LUJANS & BRANCH ruto --m All kinds of auto repairing Expert workmanship Battery work a specialty We are equipped to wash your car ervice Garage RAYMOND PENDETON. MGR. ' All orders carefully filled and promptly shipped by ex press or Parcel Post Our membership in the Florists Tele graph Delivery Association enables us to deliver Flowers for you anywhere in the United . Statea on a few hours notice. . ' " ,' Raton Greenhouses THE NAYLORS" P. 0. Drawer 349 . Raton, N. It 83 "' mi V