Newspaper Page Text
t The Spanish-American, -Roy, -Hiding Conntv.' New Mexico. Saturday September -23rd, 1922. lii IT intmtvm M GLASSES We are now prepared to test your eyes and fit glasses. . Can furnish you any kind of glasses, or any corrective treat ment for the eye you can get any where. The i?lumlee Hospital Roy N.M. if) JONES For Senator MORROW For Congress JHINKLE For Governor BRAXTON For Sisprenia Court . cssitis We handle a complete line of . Croceries S3 Meats At prices you can afford to pay -Give us a trial-- . An audit of New Mexico's expenses should be made; The ac counts of the state would reveal to the citizens where their money has been wasted year after year. In three Republican administ- -rations, the cost of government has gone from four million to eleven million dollars. Republican recklessness has caused this,v with the consequent burdensome increases in taxation. Elect oa of the Democratic ticket this year means a return to efficient and? economic government, as any business should be. "Let us see the books by all means." EGGS -EGGS-EGGS We will pay you O CT cents in cash for them. V , Or pay you 30C in trade A CITY MEAT MARLET . ; , OSCAR KIDD, Proprietor i t .. , - í rw,,,,,l.ilii..iuil...p.i.ii.u i-'kawBwwwijpAiAWiJ I .- mm in I ii. i muí i 1 1., , , TIRESPECIALS ; G & J Tires 32 x 3 1-2 $12.00 32x4 $15.00 33x4 $17.50 Michelin Cords reduced again. Selling now at $12.75 BUY YOUR TIRES WHERE YO U GET -YOUR AIR ' R. S. Wood Motor Company , NOTICE OF PENDENCY OF ACTION . State of New Mexico) ) ss . County of Harding ) In the' District Court thereof, Eighth Judicial District. John U. Tobler, Plaintiff, A-. Gabriel Sahtistevart, the un known heirs of Gabriel Santis tevan, deceased, Diego , Rivera, the unknown fteirs of Diego Riv era, deceased, Francis Clutton, the unknown heirs of Francis Clutton, deceased, Jose L Armijo Tomasita Lucero de. Armijo, An tonia G. de Armijo, the unknown heirs of Felipe Armijo, deceased, the unknown heirs of Feliciano Armijo,' deceased, the 'unknown heirs of Tomas Armijo, deceased, Jenaro Maestás,' the " unknown heirs of Jenaro Maesta's deceas-' ed, the -uáknowty 'heirs ,'bf , Jose: Leon semDrano, aeceasea, me unknown heirs of Jose Leon Sambran, deceased,' Jose Garcia, Gavina A Garcia, Ricardo Gon zales, Simona G. Gonzales, Chico Sheep Company and all unknown claimants of interests in the pre mises described in the complaint adverse to the plaintiff, Defendants. The above named defendants, Gabriel Santistevan, Diego Riv era, Francis Clutton, Jenaro Ma estas, Antonia G. de Armijo, Ricardo Gonzales, Chico Sheep Company, the unknown heirs of Gabriel Santistevan, deceased, the unknown heirs of Diego Ri- t 1 1 i . . ' vera, deceased, tne unimown ,-,T ' ' . T f T K 1 1 11 r Timet heirs of Francis Clutton. deceas- ur. v.v. xuuuu iu muu, ed. the unknown heirs of Felipe I a business visitor in Roy Thurs- j Armijo, deceased, the unknown I jay morning, while here he cal- Condensed Statement of Conditions of the , 1 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK 'V"(" ' ' "-" ; " ' Roy, New Mexico ;. . : "... Called for- by the Comptroller of the Currency at the close of business September 15th, 1922 RESOURCES ' ; i...; ' '. Loans & Discounts ' v -Stocks & Bonds : Federal Reserve Stock Overdrafts ; Furniture & Fixtures " : Interest earned uncollected Other Resources Cash & Sight Exchange $169,392.96 , 497.64 1,800.00 30.45 - 1,850.00 : 4,441.05 45.54 44,888.72 , 222,946.36 LIABILTTTES Capital . ' Surplus -. Rediscounts Interest collected1 unearned Deposits ' ' ' $ 50,000.0' 10,000.00 422.51; 141,'669.38 222-.946.36; OFFICERS Jar ;!,;. ;, H B. Jones, President 1 v- C. L. Justice; Cashier ;?: Lillian A. Bess, Asst. Cashier. ... DIRECTORS AND STOCKHOLDERS W.H. Fuqua, Stockholder. Pres. 1st, N. Bk. Amarillo, Tex. G.R. Abernathy . . , " '' '" Faruer F.S. Brown Farmer; C.L. Justice ,' . i S.. Floersheim : Pres. Floersheim Merc Co'!.' ' H.B.' Jones Pres. 1st, N. Bk. Tucumcari, N.M- 4 ' THE OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK IN HARDING COUNTY "Member Federal Reserve System" Don't forget to get your dinner at the ELITE CAFE Sunday. ri m WW-" James J. Christman Driller and Contractor Deep Holes a Specialty Custom Plowing, Large Tracts ROY. NEW MEXICO- Abstracts Abstracts Abstracts We have the only complete tract index to the Harding County Records. . We have an experienced abstracter in charge of our business. We give our entire time and attention to the abstract business.' . ,, , '' t 1 !; ' ' Our abstracts are approved by all loan companies Oper- ing in Harding County. We can furnish abstracts promptly, and at a reasonable charge. ' ' . Harding County Abstract. Co. INCORPORATED AND BONDED Mosquero, New Mexico. ed, the unknown heirs of Tomas Armijo, deceased, the unknown heirs of Jenaro Maestas, deceas ed, the unknown heirs of Jose Leon Sémbrano, deceased, the un known heirs of Jose Leon Sam bran, deceased, and all unknown claimants - of interests in the premises described in the com plaint adverse to the plaintiff, are hereby notified that the above entitled action has been commenced by the above named plaintiff against all the defend ants herein, the general objects of which action are to quiet title in plaintiff to the real property hereinafter described, and that plaintiff's title thereto be estab lished and that the defendants herein, and each of them, be barred and ever estopped from having or claiming any right, title or interest in or to said real property: The real property affected by this action to which it is sought to quiet the title be ing the following described real property, situate, lying and bei ng in Harding County, New Me xico, to wit: The Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and the Sou th HaTf of the South Half of Section Seventeen, the East Half of the Northeast Quarter, the Northeast Quarter of the South east Quarter, the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quar ter, the South Half of the North west Quarter and the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quar ter of Section Twenty, the North us a nice order for stationery. Little. Avis Johnson celebrat ed her fourth birthday last Tues day afternoon Her mama in- kvited her little cousins to her home and the little tots enjoyed the afternoon romping and play ing, and eating lunch prepared for them. The little folks had a fine time and Avis reveived a number of nice presents. i east Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section Twenty Nine, the North Half of the Northwest Quarter, and the- Northwest Quarter Of the Northeast Quar ter of Section Twenty Eight, the Jast Half of the Northwest Quar ter and the West Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section fhirty two, Township Eighteen, North, Range Twenty Nine, East of the New Mexico Principal Meridian. And said defendants, and each of them, are further notified that unless they enter their ap pearance herein on or before the 11th day of November, 1922, judgement will be rendered agai nst them by default. That the name and postoffice address of plaintiffs attorney is W. R. Holly, Springer, New Mexico WITNESS my hand and the seal of said court at Mosquero, Harding County, New Mexico, this 31st day of August, 1922. C. Ernest Anderson, - Clerk of said Court. ! Seal ... .' i .'. Sheriff Spivey never knew how many people wanted his job until the conventions were cal led this fail. A good health hint: Never try to sleep on a man who is a live wire. C. E. Anderson and family spent Wednesday in Roy visit ing relatives and friends. Don't forget the Texas-New Mexico Highway Association which meets at Roy Monday and Tuesday of next week. P C HAINES OPENS . . . : . RESTAURANT . P. C. Haines has rented the Foster Building which was for merly used as a community hall and has rearranged . the room, raVimined tha walls and other wise improved the building and has opened up a first class res taurant and dining room. He has added some new fix tures and has one of the swell- est eating places in town and no doubt will command all of his old trade and considerable new trade as he has one of the fin est locations in town. He serves his first meal Thnrs day evening and will besides furnishing regular meals have a complete short order counter and will handle cigars, tobacco, gum, candies etc. Roy is surely in need of just such a place as Mr. Haines will maintain and we congratulate him on his foresight of the needs of our little town. :ALL FOR PRECINCT.. v PRIMARY The Republicans of. Pet. No. 3, Harding. County, will hold .. their primary Wednesday the 27, day of September, 1922, at the -I. O. O. F. Hall, in Roy, at the hour of 2 P. M. Precinct No. 3, is entitled to., 16 Delegates to the County Con- ' vention, which will be held at Roy on the 29th, day of Septem- -ber, 1922. - Every Republican within Pet. No. 3, is requested to attend -y. this primary, rank and file . of the Republican Party will rule- -. in the selection of Delegates. " " F. S. Brown, , u .... , Pet. Chairman Attest: . .' i --f ' Frank L. Schultz, Secretary R. R. Larkin and wife of Las Vegas were in Roy and Mosque ro the first of the week. Mr. Larkin represents a large schools supply firm. The American Legion and the Ladies' Auxiliary held their reg ular business meeting Tuesday evening,- of this. week. .After the close of the business session the Auxiliary served refresh ments to those present. Afine! time was reported by all . ;.4n.tU., Martin Hickox of Herkemer, New York, was calling on a dear friend in Roy several days this week. j. The Ladies Aid Society of the -Union Chuch held their meeting : Wednesday afternoon with seven : teen" members present., The1 afternoon was 'spent in quilting. - and sewingr - much interest is ; manifested in the Union Aid. Good fellowship snd Christian' spirit prevails. Visitors and new members are always wel come . The meeting will be hell at the Church until further .- notice. , u;.!. ; \n\n led at the e.A. ónice ana íeix h'eirs of Feliciano Armijo, deceas