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THE SPANISH-AMERICAN. OVOUSAND HALF-SICK VJOr.lEH These Letters Recommending Lydia E. Pink-" ham's Vegetable Compound Will Interest You Banasta mm m i i For Your Own Good Please Read Them Younpstown, Ohio. "Last fall I began to feel mean and my back hurt me and I could hardly do my little bit of housework. I was played out when I would just sweep one room and would have to rest I would have to put a cushion behind me when I would sit down ánd atnight I could not Bleep unless I had something under my back. , I had awful cramps every month and was Just nearly all in. Finally my husband said to me one day, 'Why don't you try Lydia E. Pinkham's medicine?' and I said, 'I am willing to take anything if I could get well again.' So Í took one bottle and a second one and felt better and the neighbors asked me what I was doing and said, 'Surely it must be do ing you good all right' I have just finished my eighth bottle and I can not express to you how I feel, the way I would like to. If you. can use this letter you are welcome to it and if any woman does not believe what I have written to be true, she can write to me and I will describe my condi tion to her as I have to you." Mrs. Elmer Heasley. 141 S. Jackson St, ' Youngstown, Ohio, i "I was very nervous and run down," writes Mrs. L. E. Wiese of 706 Louisa St., New Orleans, La. "I Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Peculiar to Women" will be sent you free npon request. Write to the Lydia E. Plnkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Massachusetts. Honestly, do you like a fancy pipe? You know the kind we mean. It comes .in a beautiful velvet-lined leather case and arrives on your birth day or Christmas. And when you have company, and they talk pipes, you go to the drawer, pull out your fancy pipe, polish it with the palm ol your hand and perhaps fill it up and smoke with your best company manners. And then, when all the folks have gone or before they have, gone, if they' stay too long you reach for your favorite briar, fill her up just right, and then the world is pretty good again. The people who seemed terrible bores a few minutes ago look like regular human beings as you see them through a transparent blue haze of curling smoke. In the meantime, the fancy pipe has been relegated to its glorious case for another period of oblivion. . It's the same with tobacco, too. Somebody smoking a fancy brand offers you his pouch, and Just to be a good fellow you take a pipeful (feeling a little pang of conscience as you push the unfamiliar tobacco into your pet pipe). And you smoke it. It may be very good tobacco. Perhaps you can't even decide what, if anything, is the matter with it. But it isn't your brand, and when you get near the end, perhaps just a little hastily, you knock out the fancy tobacco and pull out your own, fear ful lest the too-friendly pouch appear again and you may have to refuse gently but firmly. ' Have you had such an experience? And isn't it almost worth it to know how much you really like your Edge worth? . We don't claim that Edgeworth pleases every man. But we do want every pipe smoker to try Edgeworth to nna out ior himself if it isn't just the taste and strength to suit himf We gladly take the burden of proof on our own shoul ders. So we will .-send generous samples of. Edgeworth, both Ready Rubbed and Plug Slice, to any pipé- smokerwho will ask for it.' , . Send us a postcard with your name' and address, and we'll put the samples into the hands of Uncle Sam's mes sengers just as quick as we can. Then, when you get them, light up your pipe, puff away to ybur heart's content and you can be the whole jury and the judge. If you'll add the name and address of your tobacco dealer, we'd appreciate the courtesy. Address your card for free samples to Larus & Brother Co., 44 South 21st Street, Richmond, Virginia. To Retail Tobacco Merchants: If - your jobber cannot supply you with Edgeworth, Larus & Brother Com pany will gladly send you prepaid by parcel post a one- or two-dozen rton of any size of Plug Slice or Ready Rubbed for the same price you would pay the jobber. " Badly Behaved Garment. Anita had a new dress which con tinued to pull up and show her petti coats. . Annoyed by this, the child said: "Mother, can't you fix this dress; it certainly doesn't behave well." LOOK OLD? Ury, tnm, itrmg&y btr make people look Try oía. It Isn't Beceniry kitfá n O.Ran Hlr Color E.or -111 brln, tf few ' would of ten sit down and cry, and was ' always blue and had no ambition. I was this way for over a' year and had allowed myself to get into quite a serious condition. One day I saw your advertisement in the daily paper and began to take Lydia E.- Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at onoe. I have improved ever since taking the third , bottle and find it is the best medicina I have ever taken." ' Benefited by First Bottla "I was completely run down and , not able to do my housework. I just dragged myBelf around and did not . have energy to get up when once I sat down. I read advertisements of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound in our paper The Indiana Daily , Times,' and learned all about it 1 re ceived resulta from the very first bot tle and now I am doing all my own work, even washing and ironing, and I never felt better in my life. I tell all my friends it is due to you." Mrs. Elizabeth Reinbold, 403 NPine St, Indianapolis, Indiana. You should pay heed to the experi ences of these women. They know how they felt before taking the Veg etable Compound, and afterwards, too. Their words are true. A Text-Book upon "Ailments Personality. ,' "Pa, what is personality?" -"Personality, my boy, is that pe culiar charm which will get a man service in a busy garage when he's really in a hurry.". Stop That Backache! Those agonizing twinges, that dull, throbbing backache may be warning of serious kidney weakness. Serious if neglected, for it might easily lead to Gravel, Dropsy or Bright's Disease. If you are suffering with a bad back look for other proof of kidney trouble. If there are dizzy spells, 'headaches, ' a tired feeling and disordered kidney action, get after the cause. Help your weakened kidneys with Doan't Kid ney Pills. DOan's have helped thou sands and should help you. Ask your neighbor I A Colorado Case Mrs. J C. Brouse, 917 South Avenue, Grand Junction, Colo., says: "I was almost down with pains In my back .and I suffered a great seal. I was not able to do my housework at times and my feet were often so swollen I rauld hardly keen my shoes on. A friend advised Doan's Kidney Pills and I purchased some. Doan's Cured the trouble." ' Get Doan't at Any Store, 60e a Box DOAN'S kp,di?iV FOSTER -MILBURN CO., BUFFALO, N. V. Clear Baby's Skin With Cuticurá Soap and Talcum Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talca 25c Western Ganada Offers Health and Wealih and Has brought contentment and happiness to thousands of home seekers and their fami lies who have started on her FREE homesteads or bought land at attractive prices. They have established their own homes and secured pros perity and independence. In the great grain- rowing sections of the prairie provinces there i still to be had on easy term Fertile Land at $15 to $30 an Acre land similar to that which through many years has yielded from 20 to 45 bushels of wheat to the acre oats, barley and flax also in great abundance, while raisins' horses, cattle, sheep and hogs is equally profitable.' Hundreds of farmers in Western Canada have .raised crops in a single season worth more than the whole cost of their land. Healthful climate, good neighbors, churches, schools, rural telephone, excellent markets and shipping facilities. The climate and soil 6ff er inducements for almost every branch of agriculture. The advantages for ; . . . Dairying, Mixed Farming and Stock Raisins ' make a tremendous appeal to industrious settlers wishing to improve their circum stances. Fof certificate entitling you to reduced, railway rates, illustrated literature, maps, eacnpuon ui uuw opportunities in maiuLuya, mp. ttatcnewan, rtmerca ana sn tish Columbia, etc., write . . W. V. BENNETT 300 Peter's Trait Building : Omaha, Nab. mtmUmé aw DMt W '""i'fH A Suffering Benedict. Eose Pansy's husband is 111. Lily Anything contagious?. "Yes, melancholia." Judge. Imnartant to Mother HVrnmine carefully every bottle Of CASTOKIA, that famous old remedy for Infants ana cniiaren, ana see mat it Bears the Signature of In Use for Over 30 Years, Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Summer Opera. "Girlie, what was the name of that opera you saw?" " 'The Belles of Organdy. H Refreshes Mary Eyes When, Your Eves feel Dull and Heavy, roe Murine. It In tantlyRiltevchatTtredFeelln Makes them Clear, Bright ana Sparkling. Hirmlcn. Sold and Recommended by All Dnusitu. Wm Southwest News From All Over New Mexico and Arizona New Mexico's school bill this year will be from $700,000 to $800,000 under last year's, according to State School Auditor John Joerns. Eoy Calvin, 18, of Lavena, wounded by a ricochet bullet when Policeman. George Harding shot at the tires of the automobile he was driving, died at Phoenix. One of the most disastrous fires In Des Moines for many years occurred recently when the two large store houses belonging to E. E. Cory were destroyed. The new oil well of the Midwest Re fining Company between Farmlngton and Shlprock, ' is now down to the depth of 500 feet. The drilling is pro gressing rapidly. Nestor Candelaria, a railway shop striker, died at . his home in Albu querque from injuries sustained in a fight. Officers are searching for a shop worker who Is said to have struck Candelaria. At work In earnest on the proposed railroad from Fort Worth to Tucura- carl,, Col. C. H. Powel of Chicago is now sending out questionnaires to farmers and business men along the right-of-way. No recent work has been done on the road. , ' . The first "Home Rodeo" to "be held in Clayton took place recently when one of the largest crowds ever seen in Clayton was .present. Some of the best riders and ropers in Union, Hard ing and Colfax counties participated in the many events and special prizes were awarded to the winners. Harvey Burkett was found guilty of second degree murder In his trial at Fort Sumner, charged with the killing of Ora Hall, near Ricardo, Feb. 6, and sentenced to forty to fifty years in the penitentiary. His attorney gave notice of appeal. The men were ranchers, and tie killing followed a dispute over range land. The tipple at the Weaver coal mine at Gallup was burned recently. Indi cations are the fire was of Incendiary origin. Authorities are investigating. The loss, of the tipple caused a com plete suspension, of operations at the mine, throwing 172 miners out of work temporarily. The damage was estl mated at $40,000. Committees are hard at work on the plans for the big Indian fair which is to be held in Gallufí Sept. 28-29 and 30 In the City park. Ray Alrlch and Mike Kirk, Indian traders, have lined up Indian dances as follows : The fire dance of the Navajos, the Comanche war dance of the Isletas, the Eagle and the Butterfly dance of the Hopis. The nude body of Guy Dernier, well- known in Phoenix and throughout Arl zont, was found floating in the Ari- zona canal, near Black Cafion road, about eight miles, from Phoenix. On the throat was found a deep abrasion and the chest was bruised in a num ber of places. About half a mile up stream from where the body was dis covered Dernier s ' automobile was found standing on the banks of the ca nal. On the seat his clothes had been neatly arranged. Two brides in a double elopement who are being detained In Albuquerque following the arrests of their husbands on a charge of having stolen the two automobiles in which they came here on their honeymoon, requested officers to allow them to obtain work In Albu querque and not be returned to their homes in Laramie, Wyo. Authorities received advices to hold Deo E. Groat and James A. Holoday, the bride grooms, for authorities at Cheyenne, Wyo., where the automobiles are al leged to have been stolen. Effective Oct. 1, the wages of all empioyés of the Ray Consolidated Cop per Company who are paid by the day 111 be Increased 10 per cent. Officials of the oo;d mines in the viqlnity of Raton report that the 1021 wage scale went Into effect the first at September. The step was made to make the wage scale the same as that of competitive fields. -' Preliminary statistics by the Depart ment of Commerce reveal' a decrease of 88.8 per cent In the. lumber cut of Arizona and New Mexico mills during L921 over the preceding year. 1 These figures are the result of a careful cen sus of the lumber industries in these 3tates conducted by the oureau of the census, Department of Commerce, act ing in co-operation ' with the forest service,. United States Department of Agriculture. New Mexico's output full Dff 14 per cent, while that of Arizona bas shrunk to almost one-third of Its 1920 production estimate. The falling iff In lumber production in the two states during 1921 is attributed by the forest service to the general slump in business conditions. Some thirty-sev en mills were idle in the two states through the year. . George Langford, game warden at Chamberino, N. M., was shot In the sack with a pistol the other day while Irlvlng on the New Mexico state high way near the Deck farm at Chamber ino. He Is In a serious condition In Providence hospital In El Paso. Dep Qty Sheriff Felipe Lucero of Las Cru ;es, who investigated the case, arrest ed three men. Mystery surrounds the shooting. .Two men are said to have been riding. In the automobile with Langford. . When Langford was shot his car turned over and he was badly bruised. DYED HER BABY'S COAT, A SKIRT AND CURTAINS WITH "DIAMOND DYES" Each package of "Diamond Dyes" con tains directions so simple any woman can dye or tint her old, worn, faded things new. Even if she has never dyed before, she can nut a new, rich color into shabby skirts, dresses, waists, coats, stockings, sweaters, coverings, draperieB, hangings, everything. Buy Diamond Dyes no other kind then perfect home dyeing is guar anteed. Just tell your druggist whether the material you wish to dye is wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton, or mixed goods. Diamond Dyés never streak, spot, fade or run. Advertisement. Ungallant The car was crowded, for it was the time of day when worklngmen were returning home from their work. Among the straphangers was a woman who, not being pleased with the service she was receiving, was trying In a roundabout way to induce a certain man to give up his seat. Finding her efforts useless she said In despair, "He would not get up for, his grand mother." -. ; The man referred to, feeling that forbearance had ceased to be a vir tue, turned to his tormentor: "Do you think a woman should vote like a man?" he asked. 1 ';. "I surely do," she answered. "Then stand like a man," was his reply. Indianapolis News. A FEELING OF SECURITY You naturally feel secure when you know that the medicine you are about to take is absolutely pure and contains no harmful or habit producing drugs. Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, kidney, liver and bladder remedy, The same standard of purity, strength and excellence is maintained in every bot tle of Swamp-Root: It is scientifically compounded from vegetable herbs. It is not a stimulant and is taken in teaspoonful doses. It is not recommended for everything. It is nature's great helper in relieving and overcoming kidney, liver and bladder troubles. ' A sworn statement of purity is with every bottle on Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root. If you need a medicine, you should have the best. On sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to try this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample, bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Advertisement. HAD TO MAKE FULL ROUND Clergyman Who Wanted to Test Vir- tues of the Treadmill Given Full ' ' ' Opportunity. 'A Britisher tells a story of a mem ber of the clergy who took too large a mouthful on one occasion. He was visiting the county jail and expiated to a friend who was with him on the virtues of the treadmill. Warming up with his theme, he de clared that he often wished he had one at home to give, lilm the gentle exer cise he required, .and to remove his friend's skepticism, he asked the warden to give him a turn. ' Round went the wheel, the clergyman declaring that the movement whs de lightful; but after two minutes he had had enough and desired the officer to stop the mill. To his horror the offi cer answered : "Very sorry, sir, but I can't. It's timed to go 15 minutes and won't stop." Found at Last. Western Exchange A Carrollton citizen who went to the northern lakes returned. Inst week and con fessed that he hadn't caught a single fish. Diogenes may now blow oui his light, and lie down to pleasant dreams. Boston Evening Transcript. The way a girl makes a man think she is clever is by acting' as if she thinks he Is. Life Partners THE union of Nature, Science and the Farmer is a part nership for life. In the golden sheaves of living wheat, and in the wav ing, shimmering fields of barley Nature stores the vital elements of human power and energy which Science con verts into Grape-Nuts the famous body-building food. Grape-Nuts with milk or cream is a complete food, which contains all the nutrition (including the mineral elements) required for making rich, red blood, and for building sturdy body tissue, sound bone structure and strong, healthy nerve cells. The 20-hour baking process makes Grape-Nuts easy to digest and develops that delicious, sweet flavor and crisp ness that has made this food a favorite the world over. 'Therms a Reason f Rain Water and 1 Pure Soap . BM ( Girls who pride themselves , I V S k ' on their appearance know A fNíO im the value of a smooth and jf Y$ fragrant skin. . .Three gen- s ! (eradons of lovely women , tK ' have set an example in using Of JJlrf(Íffi&L. i the pure cleansing lather of 1 " mQh j cclgate's cmvj L, Caskmere Bouquet Soap yojcYw 5 . Luxurious Lasting Refined ' (tvV ' Lj 'Your Skin U So Fragrant f MgP i Wñ Saves Heed Putnam Fadeless SAM SURELY MISJUDGED MULE Libelous to Call Animal Blind When Its Only Fault Was Absolute Lack of Fear. Mose was trying to sell. Sambo a mule. 'The mule was lying on the floor of the barn. "I doan' wan no daid mule," said Sambo. "He ain't ' dald," said Mose ; and with' his whip he forced the mule to a standing posture. But Sambo re mained cold on the proposition. "Ah see he ain't daid," said Sambo. "But he kain't run, an Ah done wants a mule as runs." f Mose, thus challenged,' with a vigor ous kick so energized the mule that away it went, running down the street, with marvelous speed. , But 'Sam's delight at the activity of the . mule was short-lived, for bang, the mule ran head-on into a tree. "Fo dé lord," exclaimed Sam, "he ain't dald; he kin run, but he's blind. Ah, doan wan no blind mule." "What's dat you say?" cried Mose. "You all calls a mule like dat blind? Why, lordy, lordy, boy, dat mule ain't blind. He jes doan' give a whoop!" Judge. Two With a Single Thought. While hunting deer in northern Wis consin I hid in the grass near a river. Soon I saw something move across the stream back of a log ; a bear, I decided, and moved. Into position to get a good shot. All at once the supposed bear jumped up, waving both arms and shouting: "Don't shoot I I thought you were a deer, and was waiting to get a good shot at you." Chicago Journal. for Grape2Nuts Sold by grocers everywhere! Made by Postnm Cereal Company, Ido., Battle Creek, Mich. "My Linen skirts are awfly short Now I don't think that's wrong, And Mama says that Faultless Starch, Will make them wear quite long." HI STMEFlil Buying a Hew Skirt Dyes-dyes or tints as you wish MODERN DANCE SUMMED UP Many Will Say That Farm Hand Was Not So Much Out of the Way, in His Description. j Irene Castle said at a luncheon at Palm Beacli : "Some men dance in a way that re minds me of a story. " 'Howdy, Josh,' a farm hand said to another farm hand. 'Why ain't ye been comln to the new dancln' class in the Elks' hall down In the village?' " "'Dancln' class?' ,suld the second farm hand. 'Haw, haw, haw I I couldn't never learn dancln'.' " 'Sure, ye could,' said the first farm hand. 'Why, it's dead easy. All ye got to do Is keep turnln' round and wipin' yer feet. " The Wayfarers. Two wayfarers met on the road to Normalcy. "How's everything?" asked the first traveler. . ; ; ... "Rotten," said the second traveler. "How's everything with you?" "The same way. What's the name of that tavern down the road?" "It's called 'Reduced Wages,' and offers food and beds to all who come." "I know a better Inn back this way, a bit, called 'Idleness.' The food and beds are poor, but the oratory's great." Birmingham Age-Herald. Sweet Daddyl Ben (dramatically) All the world loves a lover. Gwen You are llnble to change your mind when you ask my father's consent. Tennessee Mugwump. 2"TaaaW ÍaVaÍj