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The SoamsK-Amcricflit. T?ov. tTjrHr Cwiv. M""W Saturday SepiemSef 23rd, 1922
i 4
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The Primary rootns have in-
.reased their enrollment until all
awnches are nowtfilled. - .
The stage of the church is be
ing used by grade one, and it is
' .-filled to the limit.(' ,
Huzh Gray and Eldridge
Blood were new pupila this week.
Mattie Gunn has withdrawn
from Roy school tó enter, Las Ve
I jras. The teacher and pupils re
gret loosing her. ;
The beginning class in Span
; ish is doing good work. , They
.are not only studying the, text
book diligently, but they are
: Also trvine to sret hold of con
versational Spanish. , They like
; to be addressed in Spanish as
Violeta, Aleña, Roberto, Arturo;
and those who unfortunately
" have names that cannot be trans
' lated seem rather disappointed.
'"'Luis Aguas" was fortunate
enough to have two translatable
-.names. '
The high school physiologies
have been received and the class
" is promised plenty of vork from
ifpw on . Some experiments will
' ik made which will be very help
: 'fui to the students in their work.
f The Freshman class is a noisy
? addition to the high school..
'ifThe Agriculture classes have
dtsne a good deal , of shop work
since school opened.1 The boys
-dfon't dare leave their keys at
' Mrr.e or lose them. If they do
; they v. ill have to' bear the coh-
sequence . Ask Louis, about it .
' lie knows .' The blacksmith
shop was put up last week. Ask
.Joseph and Louis about the ants.
'Mr. Potts: "Artur.. go back
v there ard get those tong3."
..Arthur: (About five min-j
- utos late Y "These," holding up
: sopie kindling, ?
- Prof, Lantow. -head of the de-
- partir cut of animal husbandry
at State College, was a cal'er at
" Mr. Pott3' department one day
tthls week. 1
G. W. Strong, our cnnty f.g
ricultural agent, also stopped a
few minutes oh his way to anoth
ver part of the county.
Mr. Larkins, of Las Vegas,
accompanied by his wife, spent
.Monday in Roy, in the interests
of the publishing comnany which
he represents, Ginn & Co.
His visit at the high school ws
a very profitable one to the
school as well as a nleasant one
to ; the superintendent . Thru
him we are to rereiv some very
Tie'nful reference books.
. Hazel and Dollie DeFrees have
withdrawn to enter the school at
Mosquero. We regret .- to give
them up, but of course it is nice
to be at home, and they will get
the same work there that they
would here perhaps. '
Ruth Pritz, Katharine Gray
and Josephine Scott are new ad
ditions to our high school this
v week.
We now have in the grades
222 pupils. Those entering this
week are: Eva Naranjo, Ama-
dro Naranjo, Ophelia Trujillo,
u line-
Republican candidate for Uni
ted States Senator.
New Mexico must have a protective tariff
on her wool and other products. . , . , ' ' -
Other states need protection fpr their pro
ducts, agricultural, mineral and manufactured.
Republicans believe in " protection for all
who need it. What is fair for one' is" fair for .
another. '';' . ;' .
There are democrats, judging by their
rotes, who believe in a protective tariff for the
.products of their own states, but not for other
states. . "
This is rong in principle, for it represents
the heibht of selfishness. It is bad in practice
for no tariff can be written on such a basis . ' A
foolish man might take such a position in good
faith, but these democrats are ñót fools. Tn
this wrld, he who gets must give. ''' "'."''-.' :
We cannot have a protective tariff for New
Mexico and no protection" for the, rest of our
country. - , ' ' ?;A'.r 'i;1v: v-v,
f p) jj j? .
-Best winter varieties-
at ."''.'"vv
For particuars address
Edna. John and Katharine Gray,
I Salome Naranjo, Opal and Syl
vester Flood, Ralto Goss, Hugh
Gray and Eldredge Blood.
A new desk has been ordered
for the first grade teacher and
should be here the first cf next
Our agriculture and domestic
science departments are much in
need of a few more chairs.
Our report cards ; have been
ordered, and the records óf the
grades will be sent to the parents
at the end of each month. The
high school teachers will report
every six "weeks We hope the
parents will take time , to exam
me these reports
generally, even scattering pea
nuts for us to scramble after.
Those withdrawn thus far are
Otis Harris, Hazel and Dollie De
Frees, Mary Woods, Harold and
Reginald Gunn, Mildred Gunn
and Mattie Gunn.
If you should hear an unusual
noise about the building that you
can't quite account for just
charge it up to the class in vocal
J . M , Gordon, the Dawspn
aviator announces that he will
fly down in his new plane, to at-
tena me roaa convention nere
Our visitors since ur last re-1 hext Monday and Tuesday, "Sept
port arV: Mesdames Quy Ander- ember 25th and 26th . During
son, George Towers and Young--these two days, Mr Gordon. will
blood, , . do' sbhié exhibition flvins' as well
&A carry passengers on . short
flights, over the mesa! He, will
leave the coal city shortly after
nine o'clock on the morning of
the 25th and should arrive in
iHave "you '' seen; the signs
"drive slow'' which; our 'boys- at
the shop made : and which are
posted on the streets leading to
thP school ? If you will heed
them it may save some little fel-.Roy at about ten o'clock
low a lot of suffering or possibly
his life.
There is no better janitor in
the state than Uncle Mike. 'He
keeps our rooms neat and clean,
keeps the papers picked up off
the yard, sees that our balls are
taken care of and looks after us
International Bank Bld.
. 'RATON, N. M.
The Housewife
A home once in a life time. ,
An automobile once a year -maybe-A
new dress once a month -sometimes-But
groceries everyday.
It isn't difficult however, when she trades at
This community was visited
by a fine rain last Monday after
noon, it is the finest rain which
has reached the people who lived
in the western portion of the dis
trict, it is so wet the farmers
are vacationing from their wheat
sowing and other farm work,
Mr. D. P. Moore has sold his
valuable farm to 'Mr. U. - H.
Frazier of Gould, Oklahoma. Mr.
Moore had one of the best f arms
in this community, and we be
lieve Mr. Frazier is justly proud
of his new possesion, he and his
family moved into , their home
last Monday, and expect to make
a number bJ" improvements
Which Vill ádd to the appearance
of the place and to their comfort.
We welcome the Frazier family
to this' ' community ; and trust
they ,may feel' at home among
US. ''.;"-V -K- . -': ;:-.. ,
..'.Mr..'Geoi; .'.Warthian made a
business trip to Roy Wednesday.
Miss. Irene Nówiin, teacher oí
the Independence School, spent
the week end with home folks. -
The Young Peoples Class of
the Liberty Ltnion Sunday School
enjoyed a pleasant . evening in
the home of Mr, and Mrs. Chas
Mericle on last Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Moore
are disposing of their household
effects, preparatory to leaving
for an extensive visit in the east.
Here's wishing Mr. and .Mrs.
Moore much pleasure in their
trip 'as they have spent the past
fourteen years irf building up a
home here and deserve a good
The Liberty Union Sunday
School is progressing nicely , un
der the leadership of Mr 5 Hugh
Mitchell, despite the fact, that
so many have gone away to
school. .Our interest is good
and attendance and collections
are fine. Everyone is cordially
invited to attend. . :
. The. prayer meeting service
which meets each Sunday even
ing at 7 :3() is progressing nicely
aad everyone is helping. Mr,
Tracy Mitchell was our leader
last Sunday evening with "Char
ity" as his subject, and conduct
ed the services in a splendid, man
ner . .
Mrs. James Chistman will be
the leader next Sunday evening;
This . organization expects to
start a Bible study about Oct.,
1st, with Mrs, Geo. Lucas as
teacher, and all persons who are
interested in this course of study
will be welcome to join us.
Miss Lola Newman, our effi
cient school ma'am, and her
sister Pearl, spent the week end
at the parential Newman home
near Solano.1 -
economy for
;you!:; '
Saves money
Insures whole
Contains No Alum
Dr. Price's U ths-greatest baking powder
Vblue on the market. Of unvarying .high
quality, it produces food of the finest textura
and flavor. Never leaves bitter taste.
" ' ' . . .'
Your grocer may have some eans of
Dr. Price's left at the extraordinary special
sale price recently offered. Aak him about it.
Send for the VNew Dr. Price Cook Book."
f's Free. Price Baking Powder Factory,
1001 Independence Boulevard, Chicago.
Large can, 12 ounces, only 25c
V 1 ii i I lw,
It's toasted. This
one extra process
gives a delightful
quality that can
not bo duplicated
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at Clayton, N.
M. August 21, 1922.
: NOTICE is hereby given that
Zacarías Ebell, of Roy, Harding
County, New Mexico, who, -on
September, 11th, 1919, made
Homestead entry, No. 025572,
for SWi; W-SEiA, Sec. 4. N
E14-NW14, NW4-NE4, section
9. Township 18N, Range 25E, N.
M. P. Meridian, has filed notice
of intention to make Final Three
Year Proof ta establish,. . claim
to the land above described; be
fore F.H. Foster, U. S. Commis
sioner, at his office at Roy, New
Mexico, on- the 5th day of Octo
ber, 1922.
Claimant names as witnesses :
Julian Sandoval, Leandro Archu
leta, Manuel Archuleta and Jes
us Madina all of Roy, New Mex.
H. H Errett,
Register , ..
Irving Ogden of the Mora Pat
riot spent a few days on the
mesa the first of the week. The
S. A. acknowledges a friendly
caí from Mr .Ogden. We un
derstand that Mr. and Mrs. Og
den will again become residents
of Harding County after Jan
uary; 1st. -"
Meet us at the ELITE CAFE
Suoday noon, they will serve
a real Turkey Dinner.
Next week's S. A. will con
tain a complete writeup about
every candidate ,on the Demo
cratic County Ticket and as
soon as the Republican Conven
tion is held a like , WTiteup will;
Yüm YümT'A Turker Dinner
at the ELITE CAFE Sunday",
Á County Convention of the
Republican Party, of Harding
County, will be held at Roy on
the. 29th, day of September A.
D . 1922, for the purpose of hom-
linating' a full County and Legis
lative Ticket, to be voted upon
the 7th, day of November, 1922.
Proxies when held by a duly
named delegate of his or her pre
cinct will be recognized, and no
delegate will be entitled to more
than four proxies, and only from
his or her own precinct. t
The different precincts of Hard
ing County will be entitled1 to
the following.' Delegates, básed
on votes for Senator, Sept. ,1921
and Precinct Chairmen are tre
(juested - to- call their precinct
caucus . in time to give the .
matter due publicity; in order to
eliminate any contest of dele
gations at the convention, 'r,
No. .' Precinct Delegates
1 1 Mosquero 10
2 - Solano .4
3 Roy ,16 .
4 . ; Mills ' 5 ,
5 , . Kephart 1 ,
6 'v,-DeHaven ,..' .' i'l "
7 Bradley 1 '
8 Albert . 3 j
9 David 2
10 , Old Rosebud 2
11 Lower Mosquero 2 ;.
12 Gallegos t 2 k
Í3 Bryantine ' 1 1
14 , Logan 2
15 Rosebud 1 7
16 Cone 2 ,
17. Abbott 1
18 Bueyeros . 7
19 Sabino 5
Total 69
Dated at Roy, New Mexico,
this 21., day of Sept., 1922.
E. J. H. Roy,
. ' . Chairman
. Remigio Lopez,
J. B. Proctor, the hustling
realestate dealer of Mills was in
, town Wednesday morning .J. B.
appear about the Republican Can ' is a hustler and if anyone can
sell dirt it isBasil.