J- l'
With Malice toward None, w ith Charity for Á11 and with Firmness In the Right."
VOL. XIX No. 37
npm W
Pubiic Speaking
Hon. S. B. Davis, Repu-
blican nominee for U. S.
Senator, Mrs. Otero-Warren,
Candidate for Con
gress Mr. Delgado, Can-,,
didate for State Auditor,;
Mr. Montoyo, our pres-
ent Congressman and oth
er noted speakers will be
in, Roy Saturday and ad
dress the voters of Hard
ing County at the Lucero
Hall at 7:30 P. M, !
The Texas-New Mexico High
way Association held their sec
ond annual meeting at Roy on
Monday and Tuesday the 25th
and 26th. The convention was
not as well attended as w as ex
pected, that is so far as outside
delegates were concerned. Tex-
as which ha3 some 150 or 200
miles of the highway was not
represented at all, at the meeting
altho Demit, Hereford, Plain
view and many other towns had
promised large deleyatlons. Just
" why these towns were not .repre
sented we were unable to leam,
but á wire from the publicity
director of the Highway last
week stated that a good repre
sentation would be present.
Most towns in New Mexico were
.represented altho Taos and Cim
arron two important towns on
thti Highway failed to have dele
gates at the convention. -
On account of the train connec
tions it ".vas impossible to call
the meeting to order until
day atienioou. - In the absence
of president T. E. Mitchell who
liad been suddenly called to
Smla J o. on Sunday to appear
as a witness in Federal Court,
the meeting was presided over
by the First Vice President, J.
W. Corn, of Tucumcari, who did
so in a very commendable man
ner. O. M. Wárrender óf Lo
gan, Secretary of the Associa
tion assist ui .Mr. Corn in the
iiarid!i:i( oi the (.' nvehtion. .
., O-i Monday afternoon a very
.', able address . was delivered by
the Hon. Charles Springji i
Cimarron vino is president of
the State Highway Commission.
Mr. Springer outlined the work'
, ,11 ! at had been done on the Higii
v ;y the ic-st year and the work
tlat wouci be done .wniiin the
' ' next twelve montas aiso lie told
of the immense amount oí work
whicii was baing done all over
the state thru the Highway com-,
mission and the manner in wnich
- the money .was being expanded,
l-'.e impressed--upou nis Hearers
thai I uvlaing roada was not ah
that was necessary but that the
inaintainance of uie road alter
., they were, built was one of the
' big items. His speech was well
received by the audience and
much good will come from his
' renia to tho 'i i tting. A
number of other talks were
. madw during the afternoon and
evening and considerable busi
ness was disposed of. ...
The big banquet given by the
business men o the delegates
a:id isitors on Monday evening
was attended by about 175 peo
ple. IT was given in the Baker
and Siieier Garage and the Rev.
Cooke acted astoastmaster, intro
ducing the various speakers and
adding life and wit to the occas
sion. Addresses were made
during the evening by Mr Corn
of Tucumcari, Mayor Gibbs of
Roy, O. M. Warrender secre
tary of the Association of Lo
gan, Mayor Brown of Mosquero,
Mr. McFaiand of Logan, L. II .
Brock cf Mosquero and other lo
cal speakers. The music for the
banquet' was furnished by the
Famous Floersheim Orchestra of
Springer. Immediately after
the banquet the dance was given
to the visitors at the Lucero
Hall. By the way an interest
ing ball game was pulled off
early in the afternoon in which
Mosquero cleaned up on Roy to
the une of 11 to 6.
Tuesday morning the conven
tion was called to order by the
Vice President, Mr. Corn. The
reports of the , different commit
tees were read and ordered appro
- (Continued an page 8)
Convention Well attended, 92
Delegates and Proxies Pres,
ent. The Harding County Demo
:rtaic Convention was held in
Roy last Friday and Saturday
and practically every one of the
32 delegates were present and
every precinct was fully repre
sented at the convention.
The delegates began arriving
Thursday afternoon . ; and. when
the convention was called to or
der at 1 1 A - M . Friday by Coun
tv Chairman the large hall was
filled with delegates and specta
tors -The address of welcome
by Mayor Gibbs was short but
zo tne point, lru invocation
was given by; Rev.., Willingham.
' - A , - A . : Wynne of . : .Mosquero
was elected temporary chairman
ind A. F. Chavez temporary
secretary. " Immediately after
his election he appointed the nec
essary committees and the con
vention was in full sway. Most
of the committees was represent
ed by a delegate from each pre
cinct which made the committees
large as there are 19 precincts
Our corduroy is a
Floersheim Mercantile C ompaisy
That Turkish Tobacco
in the county . In the afternoon
Mrs. Kirby of Tucumcari and
National Committeewoman of
New Mexico made an address to
the convention which was appre
ciated very much . Most of the
afternoon was turned over ' to
speech making and committe
work. '
In the evening the visiting de
legates and other visitors were
given a reception at the Chris
tian Church and it was attended
by about 300 or more people . '
On Saturday morning the re
ports of the various committees
were heard and most of them
adopted as read. During ; the
forenoon a "Jones for Senator
Club" was formed in each pre
cinct in the county.' The pom
jnittee reports and more speech,
making took up the forenoon and
actual ballating did not begin
until when the convention recon
vened after noon .
The first place on the ticket
to be filled was Commissioner
of the first district . Only two
candidates appeared for the plac-,
D. M. Martinez received , 58
votes and G . R. Adernathy 34.
For Commissioner of the second
district Mr. Olliver of near Lo
gan easily won over Mr. Helms
Me n
We liaiye just received a dandy line of men's suits at the
following low prices:-
$1750 . $1890 $1950
Don't fail to loot them over before making your purchase.
We also have a complete line of men'á Moleskin, Heavy
Khaki and Corduroy trousers.
guaranteed cloth on which we are making a special
price of S5.00 P2r Pair
iitlhc same place and ia the
riiiru district Luis C. DeBaca
was nominated by acclamation.
MivBaca.is at present a member
oí the county board of education
and one of the strongest demo
crats in the county.
I I or County Clerk Holmer Hol
ies of Roy received 54 votes
and Juan Lujan of the same
place received 38 naming- Mr.
Holme." for this important office.
I Th- r,-2xt place on the ticket
to 1 ülled was the important
offi- of County Treasurer and
Colk;:or and three names ap
peartu in the race, Jose L.
Brockmn of Mills, J, R, McKee
of Abbott and A. F. Chavez of
t Sabino precinct ; Three ballots
were, necessary to nake a phrW
for.tliis pjace but it; was settled
in the third ballot when' Chavez
had 52 votes to hÍ3 credit.
For : ,ssíssgv,V three, names
again appeared before the'1 con
vention they. were A. I. Burle-'
son of Roy, Alberto Branch of
Roy and L. W. Wilson of Mos
quero . u;i tne tirst ballot Wil
son scored 47 vetes just the num
ber required to nominate while
the other two candidates had 45
votes sxi-'d Wilson was declared
the norrineo.
The place on the ticket for
Superintendent of Schools was
! given to Mrs. Chas. Cason of
Gallegos by acclamation as Mr.
Yarbrough, the other candidate
for the office, withdrew in favor
of I.:rs. Cason.
In the Probate Judge race only
two names appeared, they were
Harrison L. Cox of Mosquero
and Rafael Texier of Bueyeros,
Mr. Texier was an easy winnoi
in this race and M. P. Field.- oí
David was named fvjwtyor by
acclamation as well as A. M.
Drake of Mosquero for Rrprcsen
tative, neither havjng any oppo
sition for the , respective places
on the ticket. !
- The last place to be filled on
the ticket was the office of she
riff, and six names were placed
before the convention; they we
re, R.L. Grossaint, L.T.: Sulli
van, J. D. Wade T.J. Heiman,
Joe Ballard and Hal Warner.
thg first ballot the votestood as
follows: Grossaint 15, Sullivan
19, Wade 29, Heimann 15, Bal
lard 9 and Warner 7. A number
jof succeeding ballots failed to
mao much of a change in the
number of ballots cast for each
candidate. After a few ballots
Warner, Heirnann and Ballard
(Continued on page 6)
The Roy High schooi building
will be' rebuilt at once, in fact
work has already been started
on the new building. The ad
justment of the burned building
as well as an adjustment with
Brown and Thompson was made
at a special meeting of the board
last Monday evening at which
members of the board and the
contractors were present.
The insurance adjustment was
made several weeks ago, but
actual payment of the different
policies had been held up on ac-
ount that the Insurance Lompan
ies demanded that the school
board and contractors must get
together on a settlement. This
settlement was effected Monday
evening and the drafts for the
different policies were signed
and the money for the new build
ing should be in the Bank of Roy
within the next five or six days
at least.
,,The building will be rebuilt
exactly like the one destroyed by
fire on December 9th last, witn
the exception of a few minor
changes that will be macie on the
interior arrangement and these
changes will add to the useful
ness of the building.
The old walls in the base
ment that have been impaired in
any way by fie will be removed
and new walls built of concrete
to take their place. The building
,ill be built oi trick thruout with
the exertion that the tile on the
ground will be used as far as it
goes for inside walls. -
The same kind of heating
plant that was installed in the
ourned building will be installed
in the new building, and those
who saw the plant state that it
is one of tiie bast heating plants
made . The buiding will Le wir
ed thruout and the Board ex-
ipects to install á lighting piant
j in the building as soon as it is
j .Messrs Brown and Thompson
eed to rebuild the buildiny under
the original contract ana tit t'liw
price at which theyére to first
build it. They ape to pay the
schooi board for he salvage at
actual invoice prise and xo pay
all outstanding bills against' the
burned bu.ldmg. Vainy -this
means means some los to them,
yet the change in price of some
materials and labor being seme
what cheaper will prcbüui .ec
them come out even on the con
tract and ake wages whny fund
ing it.
i ne settlement reached by ihe
Board and Contractors thouid in
deed be y ratifying to every tax
payer in ilie district as the om
piece monetary loss tiie district
outside oi architect ices and
what they have paid lawjeis in
assisting to make a fcccut.enu
witn tne insurance compan-ea
will be less tnan í,uC0; ino can
tractors assuming the heavier
loss of the deal.
U e t-eneve that Me:-s Lruwn
and Thompson shoulu Le com
mended lor agreeing to ompiett!
their original contract even tho
it may entail a loss to them;
they as well as the Board real-,
ize the necessity of completing
the building and will put every
man to worn they can on the job
and if weather conditions re
main fit the building can be com
pleted within . 120 days or by
February first.
Mr. Thompson is already on
the job and is at work on the
new foundation and cross walls,
Mr. Brown will arrive in Roy
the first of next week and will
have personal supervision of the
carpenter work. Most of, the
material is arleady on the grnund
and the balance has .been orders
ed and should be here by the
time it is needed .
The; board will probably em-
ploy a local overseer to oversee
the work while the building is in
the course of construction and
thexontractors will place a night
'guard over the building during
Í . . . J V 1 1 Ml.
tne entire time it is cein uuul.
We are surely glad to be abls
to give the public this news this
week for we have been asked re
peatedly to give the public the
pesent status , of the new. Roy
school building, however we will
(Continued on page 8) t