Newspaper Page Text
1 I:i a A . . j 5 TM VOL. 7. NO. 38. E. D. OSLIN, Editor. SOUTHERN 1MNE. R C, JUL V 14. li;o5. $1,00 PER YEAR. LIVE LOCALNEWS ITEM DISHED UP BY THE' SPOONFUL . FOR FREE PRESS READERS, Dr. K. M. Fenrnson spent few. days in Norfolk this week. Rev. Dr. H. K. Foss, with his wife and daughter will leave ou the iSth, lie having accepted a service with the Hanson Place M E. Church, Brook lyn, N. Y. till Sept. i. The Annual Seaboard Excursion to Richmond will be run next -Tuesday, July iS, fare from Southern Pines and return only $2.50. A g-iod trip at a low price. . That was a very fine and handsome prescription case placed in the Caro lina Pharmacy Tuesday.' When the new Soda Fountain is put in position Mr. Flint will have a neat looking place of business. Miss Nola Smith of Charlotte is -iMsitin-her sister, Mrs. M. N. Sug. Mrs. L. C. Huffmes, of Reidsville, is also isiting with Mrs Sugg and' reneuiug old aeqnatitaiices. The Great Roanoke Fair, to take place September 25 to 29, inclusive, in the city of Roanoke, Va., promises to eclipse the very successful exhibi tion of last year. It will be under the same liberal and aggressive man agement. Where' are you sick? Headache, foul-tongue, no appetite, lack energy? pain in your stomach, constipation, Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well. 35 cents, So'uthern Pines Pharmacy. Those who expect to practice Med icine will be especially interested in the Catalogue- of the University College of Medicine,' of Richmond, Va , "which , will tell how Medical students are affected by various State Laws regulating Uie practice of Medicine. This is a most important - yuihc eial pubn-, to... us : ; it bears directly on the qualifications of the doctors to whom all of us must some time or other entrust our lives. Beautify your complexion with little cost. If you wish a smooth, clear, creamlike complexion, rosy cheek:?, laughing eyes, take Hollis ters Rockv Mountain Tea, greatest beaufiier known. 35 cents. Southern Pines Pharmacy. Axr Young Lady who de sires work in her community with which to' make some money to help defray her ex penses at College may inquire at this office. u Any Rkliaulk Young Max or hoy who wishes to make some money in his community to help in payment of hoard am? tuit ion at School may inquire at this office. lf A Surprise Party. A pleasant surprise party may be divert to your stomach and liver, by taking a medicine which will relieve their pain and discomfort, viz: Dr. King's New Life Pills. They are a most wonderful remedy, affording sure relief and cure, for headache, dizziness ' and coustipatiou. 25c at Johnson's Pharmacy. Seaboard Air Line Rail way Passenger Department. tt'eek-end and Sunday Excursion Rates The Seaboard announces commenc ing June 1st they will sell week-end tickets to all points to Mountain re sorts in Western North Carolina in cluding Lincolnton, Shelby, Ruther fordton, Hickory, Lenoir, Blowing Rock and Chimney Rock. From points in North Carolina tick ets will ho sold for all trains Saturday and for Sunday forenoon trains, good returning Monday following date of sale except tickets to Blowing Rock, which will bo sold for Friday and Sat. unlay trains good returning up tc. and including Tuesday following date of Tickets from Wilmington, N. C, to Cliffs Hickorv, Lenoir and Lincolnton, will be sold Friday and Saturday good returning following Monday. Tickets will be withdrawn from sale after Sunday, September 10th. For rates and time tables apply to any agent, -or Gattis, T. P. A,. Raloigh, N. C ' The oal tmroTr"orvpssgers car ried by electric Hues each year In the United States is 5,830,000,000. , - Forced tc Starve- B. K. Leek, of Concord, Ky, says. "For 20 years I sufiercd agonies, with a sore on my upper lip, so pain ful, sometimes, that I could not eat. After vainly trying everything else. I cured it, with Bucklen's Arnica Salve." It's great for burns, cuts and wounds- At Johnson s Phar macy; Only 25c. Not a cent wanted, unless you ar cured. If you are sick and ailing, take'Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. A great blessing to the human family. Makes you well--keeps you well. 55ceuts, Tea or Tablets. Southern Pines Pharmacy. Mrs. R. M. Couch lias been spend ing sometime with her friends in Southern Pines before going to her new home in Lexington, N. C. where her son Everett has a position with the Electric Light Plant of that city. Miss Irene who has been at school in Washington D. C.', will join her at Lexington in a few days. We puhlish elsewhere an ad vertisement .of Littleton o- .!,, nnWatro tn which WG WISH to call special attention. Tins institution foas had a remark able Jjietory, and is one of the mot successful schools in the South.- ' , tf- i: , Bent' Her Double, 4l knew n4 one for four weeks, when I was ick with typhoid and kidney trouble," writes Mrs. Annie Hunter, of -Pittsburg, Pa., "and when I got better, although I had one of the best doctors I could get, I was bent double,' and had to rest my hands on my knees When I walked. From this terrible affliction I was rescued by Electric Bitters, which restored ray health and strength, and now I can walk as straight as ever. They are simply wonderful. " Guaranteed to cure stomach, liver and kidney dis: orders; at Johnson's Pharmacy; price Special Rates Via Sea board The Seaboard announces they will sell reduced rate round trip tickets to the following points account special occasions: Richmond, Va. Farmers National Congress, September, 12-22. Monteagle, Tenn. Monteagle Bible Training School, July 3-August 15. Knoxville, Tenn. Summer School June 20-July 28. Tuscaloosa, Ala., Summer School for Teachers, June Ifi-July 28. Nashville, Tenn.Pcahody Summer School, Vanderhilt Biblical Instil ute, June 14-August 9. Monteagle. Tenn. Woman s Con gress, August 1-15. Monteagle, Tcnn. Monteagle h. t. Institute July 17-August 5. Oxford, Miss. Summer School uni versity of Mississippi Juno 14-July 2ii. Athens, Ga Summer School, June 27-July 28. Asheville, N. C Conference oung People's Missionary Association, June 25-July 2. . , Baltimore, Md. United Society Christian Endeavor, International Con vention, July 5-10. Buffalo, N. Y. Annual Meeting Grand Lodge B. P. O. E Juty 11-15. Denver, Colo. International hp worth League Convention, July 6-9. Rate from Raleigh $42,75, Wllminghton $42.75; Charlotte, $41.25. Davidson College Piedmont sum mer School, July 1905. Asbury Park, N. J. National Educa tional Association July 3-7. Rate from Raleigh, $18-15: via New "iork, $21.ii ; Wilmington, $21.15; via New ork, $"4 00; Charlotte, $27.75, via New ork $32.10; Permits of stop over in New Greensboro, N. C North Carolina Teachers Assembly, August 1-8. Louisville, Ky. National Associa tion Stationery Engineers, August 1 8. Rate from Raleigh, $19.75. Philadelphia, Pa. Patriarchs Mili tant and Sovereign Grand Uidge I. O. O F. September lfl-23. 'Charlottesville. Va. Virginia Sum- 01,, i nf Methods. June 27-Au- llU'l JL-ii--'V-,i - gust li. Rate from Raleigh, $S.W. For further information address C. H. Gattis. T. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. The Diamond Cure. The latest news from Paris, is, that they have discovered a diamond cure for consumption. If you fear con sumption or pneumonia, it will, however, be best for you to take that great remedy mentioned by W. T. McGee, of Vanleer, Tenn. "I had a cough, for fourteen years. Nothin; helped rue until I took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which gave in stant relitf, and effected a permanent cure." Unequalled quick cjue, for Throat ' and Lung Troubles. At Johnson's Pharmacy; price 50c and $1.00, guaranteed." Trial bottle free, IB HI 11 Russian Battleship Knaiz Potemkine Scuttled I By Its Rebel Crew v SCENE IN HARBOR OF HOUMANIA Mutinous' Crew Opened the Ves$el'$ Seacocks Before Leaving, and Ship Went to the Ocean's Bottom. The Russian battleship Kniaz Potem kine, which has been in, the hands of a mutinous crew, that terrorized the peo ple of Odessa by demonstrations in that harbor, and successfully standing off the whole Russian fleet was reported as being given up. This report was un founded, however, as is- indicated by the following dispatches: Turned on Seacocks. Kustenji, Roumania, By Cable. The announcement that the battleship Kniaz Potemkine sailed with Hear Ad miral Kruger's squadron turns out to be incorrect. . Before leaving the Kniaz Potemkine the mutineers opened the seacocks and flooded her hold. She is now lying at the bottom, but it is expected will be refloated in time to leave for Sevasto pol soon. TORPEDO BOAT CREW TAKEN. ' Sevastopol, By Cabye. The Russian torpedo boat No. 27, which declined to surrender to the Roumanian Govern ment with the Kniaz Potemkine, de claring that she had not mutinied, 'but had been forced to follow the muti nous battleship, has arrived here. Jhft" members of her crew were arrested and placed on board the. transport Prout. i"-' Tuesday was observed on board the fleet as a, day of mourning for the offl- tiny -a uarirtuc 411 wuiuik. There will be reaulems on all the ships. May Embarrass Roumania. St. Petersburg, By Cable. Rear-Admiral Pisareffski reports to the Admi ralty that the engine room of the Kniaz Potemkine is full of water and it is presumed that the mutineers turn ed on the seacocks before leaving her. Negotiations between Russia and Roumania on the question of the sur render of the Kniaz Potemkine are in progress. Foreign Minister Lamsdorff and M. Rosseti-Solesco. the Roumanian Min ister at St. Petersburg, held a confer ence on the subject, but no decision was readied. Russia is disposed to insist on the surrender of the men, not as political prisoners, to which Roumania would object, but as criminals guilty of murder and theft. There were sev eral hundred thousand rubles on board the batleship, which the crew divided when they left the ship. The Roma nian Government is somewhat embar rassed by the fact that it promised the mutineers if they surrendered that they would be treated as deserters. St. Petersburg, By Cable Although 10 days have elapsed since Russia in formed President Roosevelt of her wil lingness to conclude an armistice pend ing the result of the Washington con ference, Japan, so far as known to the Russian Government, has not replied to the President's communication. Whon the question of an armistice was first broached by the President, it is understood that Japan indicated that he would decline to agree to a sus pension of hostilities until the pleni- News of the Day. Before leaving the Russian battleship Kniaz Potemkine the mutineers opened the seacocks and sunk her. The Russo-Japanese peace plenipo tentiaries will meet at the Portsmouth (N. H.) Navy Yard. In the British House of Lords Lord Roberta stated tho British armed rorcts are absolutely unfitted and un prepared for war. The Franco-German agreement as to Morocco is regarded in Berlin as a German diplomatic victory over both Great Britain and France. . A receiver was appointed for the People's United States Bank, of St. Louis, against which a fraud order had been Issued by the postal authorities at Washington. Robert C. Hill, chief of the Bureau of Building Inspection, Philadelphia, was requested to resign. The International Convention of the Epworth League adopted resolutions protesting against the seating of Reed Smoot, the Morman elected to the United States Senate. VK.i.-Titiaries met. Russia agreed in prln- t!pi to tms as tne oasis iui u turn. Since then the Russian Govern Djent feels it has given ample proof of its Icsire to conclude peace and it te nos.-ilile It may go a step farther. But the impression here is that now that tkc- panese have made a descent on tho ia'ar.,1 of Sakhalin they are deter mined to get the island firmly in their crrasrn tmfore the negotiations begin. Thiols an easy task, as the small Ru- siaiu force on the isiaua is m uu lo tion 'o contest its occupation. In addition to marines and infantry the Japanese landed artillery aim cav alry. Th9 latter is moving rapidly presumption here is tnat me RussihU troops will clear out without flghtliw. crossing to Alexandrovsk on the mainland. The Kovosti says it considers Sakha lin a Sf-sond Alaska, worth $10,000,000, nnn It a nossihle. however, that Japan might agree to suspend the hostilities in Manchuria, although the latest re- norta from the front create a strong suspicion that Filed Marshal Oyama is at last aivancing for a decisive blow. vjBesidfci the peace plenipotentiaries there wiA be five delegates with the Russian iace mission, including three secretarieV Prince Koudacheff, ex-Secretary ot'th Russian Legation at Tokio under Bairns Rosen; M. Planchon, who formerly t?.s attached to the Chancel lery of Vkjroy of the Far East, and M. Naboukoft of the. Foreign Office, -. China, it the request which she, pre ferred to Russia and Japan to be repre sented at tje Washington conference, practical' rved on them notice that .lrT-ir! w ia afforded her she UIllb Wl-i. iii'lui)v.-- will tvUMp. fce bound by the treatjl o far f :.v,utvi -:,:"-av- VNiV, i cv'iVia .i 1- ''. ""hy K,s i'w"" 11! I,. ,' hriOTi to the Tuiese proposition, declined to agree to it. Japanese Loan in New York. Now Yorl, Spccial.-Of tho $150,- 000,000 of the Imperial Japanese Gov ernment 4 1-2 per cent, bonds, second series, $50,000,000 have been taken by Kuhn, Ixjcu & Co., tho National City Bank and the National Bank ol Com merce, all of New York. These bonds are aimiliar to the previous issue oi 5150, 000,000 and are secured both as to principal and interest uy a unnr,D upon the annual net. revenues o tne Japanese Government tobacco mono poly, subject only lo uie cuu!f; favor of the prior loan of $150,0t)0,wi0. To Help Negro School. Boston, Special. At a mectinff of the Industrial Union of America, West Indies and Canada, held In this city, the council voted to put the industrial school in Southern Pines, N. U, un der tho direction of churches ot sev eral different denominations and to as sist tbe principal, Rev. James M. Hen derson, in raising an endowment of JoOO.OOO. The otn'ect of the school is to edu cate orphan and indigent negro chil dren of the South and to give them a thorough training in domestic and me chanical studies. Derelict Blown Up. Norfolk, Va., Special. The naval tug Hercules has blown up the wreck of tho schooner Clara E. Bergen, off the Carolina coast. The Bergen was run down by a steamer several weeks ago, and since that time has been drifting almost submerged in tho path of coastwise shipping. On account of the dangerous nature of the derelict the Navy Department sent tho Her cules out to destroy it. Telegraphic Briefs. There were 15 deaths directly due to the heat In New York. Mayor Helmbold, who resisted the placing of Caleb Powers in a special cell of the Newport (Ky.) Jail, was placed under bail to answer the charge of con tempt of the Federal Court. General Funston's father was arrest ed because he fought when accused of Inflammatory utterances. Cuban soldiers mutinied and mortal ly wounded their own captain in a riot. Tha str nnpi-lnl from Log Angeles to Chicago badly smashed all previous railroad records lor tnat instance. The American Institute of Instructors is hi-ding its annual session in fort- land. Maine. Tho International Harvester Com pany was sued by a former official for an accounting. t.n-n William J. Calhoun, of Chi cago, has been appointed a special com missioner bv President Kooseveit to in vestigate affairs in Venezuela. Strenuous efforts are beiug made by the Baltimore delegation to capture the Elks' convention in 1307. LITTLETON FEMALE COLLEGE! Splendidlocation. Health resort. Over 200 boarding pupils last year. High ftrade of work. High standard of culture and social life. Conservatory advantages in Music. Advanced courses in Art and Elocution. Hot water heat. Electric lights1 and other modern improvements. . Remarkable health record; only one death among pupils m 23 years. Close personal attention to the health and social de- velopment of f - uy pulf High standard of scholarship. AIL pupils dress 1 wh' on all public occasions. Charges very Low. ' 24th Aunual Session will begin Sept. 13th, 1905. For cata logue address, REV, J. M. RHODES, A. M., h PESIDtiNT, Littleton, N. C. f - "Broad Street Comer Pennsvlvsuiia Ave. and Largest and Best Equipped Drug Store in Southern Tinea. Complete in every par ticular HUYLER'S W. r. PATTERSON. T.. , t i 1 IT - 3. 'tinrmBp Ri ftnu irunerai mnuuL'tr, Sydnor .$ .LAR9EST. IN THE hrnrfls everv Fine, Medium, Cheap, and we give as good values in the cheap, as we do in the fine, prices considered. Correspondence solicited. SYBK3B & HUNELEY. EICHMOND, VA. A. OANOELMO. ESTABLISHED 1876. Fruit And Produce Commission, Merchant. TEACHES, PLUMS AND GRAPES OUR SPECIALTY. 113 Dock Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Our Motto Highest Market Frice. Sales sent daily. References-First and Sixth National Banks of Philadelphia, Bradstreet and Dunn Agencies. r THE NOUT1I CAllOLINA State Normal and Industrial College. COURSES, LITERARY, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, PEDAGOGICAL mMMFHWU: DOMESTIC SCIENCE. MANUAL 1KAIMNG Three Courses trading to donees. Well equipped Training School ' Faculty number 50. Board, laundry, tuition, and fees Im iw of tt bw. 170 a year. For free tuition students $125. F or non-ridonU of the do Fourteenth annual session begins September 21, 1905 Vo se cine ooaro .in d itories, all free-tuition applications should be made bef July 15. Lo P invited from those desiring competent teachers and stenographer. 1 or uwuogw and other information, address. CHARLES D, MCT VER. PRESIDENT, Greensboro, N. C. RUSSELL E. GEYER, Charles T. Geyer 1 Sons, BANKERS, SOUTIIEEN HUES, Accounts Solicited. Bank open 9 a. ra. to 12.30 p. 9 m. to 12 noon. rnouc ji. JUST IN, A NEW STOCK OF Paints and Oils, AND PAINTERS' SUPPLIES . Call and got prices ana terms before you buy. CAROLINA PHARMACY, II. C. FLINT, Proprietor. Tharmacy, Broad Slreei. Phone 54. T CANDIES. J. L, THOMPSON, Aaaiefant Mur.Ilffflr. X o i 1 I I I I I H I I 1 1 I H' FOR PLUMBING CALL ON K. W. Brown, STEAM AND Hot Water Heating, Hydraulic arid Pump Work. REASONABLE PRICES. Hundley, "- . "j ... SOUTH. " , arade ot Furniture maue ih- r-.- MUSIC, NORTH CAROLINA ru.: 1.30 to 3.00 p. m. Saturday f. it t v a h 1 1 fw i 1 ft, V ifc .- ....iiiiiH'W Hi. i""!.. -'.