V Vy Vr U mi rtv A L yM Tw V y r r y awr e c a f = av t yy 6 T r M v vYV < V r n T YV 1 THE DBLAND DI LAND NEWS DKLAND D > LAND FLA MAY 14 1909 n x 1878 1878DEPARTMENT c EJX A S SDEPARTMENT 1909 1909DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT STORE STOREEVERYTHING STOREEVJ V EVERYTHING EVJ UYTlnNGTo 11vYT11INCx To WEAK WI Al To To EAT To USE USEA lJs lJso lJsA IJSiaT o T A Bargain in Skirts SkirtsOur I o Our Complete and Attractive Line of ofWash ofWash ofWash Wash Skirts at atGreatly atGreatly atGreatly Greatly Reduced Prices PricesWHITE PricesWHITE Pricesl l WHITE LINENE SKIRTS SKIRTSi SKIRTSlI25 lI25 i 25 Now NowNow 78 78WHITE I 1 150 50 Now NowNow 98 2 200 oo Now NowNow I 39 3925O 2 25O 50 j Now NowNow I 69 69H H 3 300 oo Now I 98 98WHITE 98WHITE h WHITE LINEN SKIRTS 4 oo Now NowNow 52 298 98 4 450 50 Now 349 349BROWN 3 49 49BROWN 49BROWN BROWN LINEN SKIRTS SKIRTSfi fi I 50 Now S 1 119 19 2 250 50 Now I 98 350 3 3 50 so Now 2 98 98Staple 98Staple 98Staple Staple and Fancy Groceries GroceriesHay GroceriesHay GroceriesHay Hay and Grain GrainG t G A DREKA CO DE LAND FLA FLAPHONES FLAPH FLAPHONES PHONES PH ONES 77 and 224 224xxxxxxxxxxxx 224i 224X 224b i b xxxxxxxxxxxx X XXXXXX xxx xxxxxxxxxxxx X XXXXXX Tax Collector Collect D 1 Perkins Smith was tarsin wasin WIISill in town on Monday MondayKtulgcr IondnyFldgc1 ionclayFudger Ktulgcr Havnos HInesSoI1a Soda Water Ice IceCold IceCold IceCold Cold ColdMrs k I Mrs 1h 1 T 1 Eccles has bought t the Hart Hartplaco Ilnrtplace I place on Clara lnra avcnuo avcnuoFwlger a tn ue ueFudgel ueFulger Fwlger llaviius IluvnesFresh Fresh JirJml 13rciulIaily JirJmlDaily B d dI dDaily Daily Dailyi lie I i Mr 11 t r and Mrs Ir R M 1 Horn arc spending spendinga a day ur UI t ttvo wo in I111k Jacksonville Irvine this teakir week weekMr weekjlr Mr ir Silas H Vriyht ritht spent the week wl in ini a i Jacksonville Jack onvi1ll attending lit the Masonic MasonicI Jlnsonicmeeting I meeting meetingI melt 111 g gI I I I Mr Ir C 0 c II Hesse and family went to toI I I Jacksonville Jack nlIl where they the expect expect to re reside nsillt reside ¬ side Monday night niyhtMr nightM I M Mr 11 John M 1 Ustockleand Estoc11l an1 l1 Miss Iiss Blanch BlanchA Blandll BlandllI I I A 1 Allen Ikn of Daytonn were + married nl aricd on 111 111thettlt j jtheithhy II theithhy thl thettlt Ith hy Father O1 0 1Royk 1RoykI Movie j jThe jIhc I I The National ntiQnnl Flower will be pre presented prescntrI ¬ I Islnttd sented at the public school chi ol auditorium auditoriumthis allitnl llm I I I11m this t veiling cycntng11rs veilingMrs I II I Mrs lambate aI11 Jall and daughters have havej haveclasld I j closed dO ld The 1h Melrose and leave today for forCharleston fMCharleston Forharlestan Charleston and llendorsonville llendorsonvilleMr I II I M Mr Ir r IX D l Ii Martin and MissCieoi Hiss lissClurg Georgk ie l lainwright X XVainwrijjht N11iLJrttt 11iLJrttt Vainwrijjht right of Daytona na tlIa wen lll married marriedon l11arr ld ldon I IOtt on the 0th th b hy Notary Public 0 Mi MiThe 1 1Uingham Uingham BinghunThe UinghamTI1l The DcLaml De Land Department q1artl11ent Store F FM FJI M Nash ash proprietor agent for Standard St utIarI utIarIFashion j I Fashion Book and Standard Designer Designerand csigl1l csigl1land and Patterns Patterns for jut June now nowhere nowI1C1 I Ihell I1C1 here c Come one and see et them themThe tllImThe them k kThe I The peach ll ach cru crop < 1 is beginning to ripen liJlnC j jW W C Ciocdc will make 11H1l his first shipment shipmenttoday shipmenttoday t ttoday today The cro trop > this year m is very lI light lightand lighallll lightand and should sholl I 1 bring a good price priceThe prielTIle priceThe The new nl + curbing in trout of the court courthouse llllthOIlSl courthouse house is a great improvement Curb Curbing lurhlug urb i ing should be bl put down dot + n on all paved pavedstreets pne 1 1streets I Istntts streets streetsOn stnttsOn streetsOn On Wednesday W t < lneday Miss I is Viola Krliart Krliarttook ErlltIttook Erlutrttook took all the little lit tic tots in her room at the thepublic thepublic i ipubliC public school d1 < Jol and treated them to anexhibition an 1111exhibition i iexhibition exhibition at the moving picture 1 lllIIt show showMiss showhiss I Miss Nina i na Miller lilllI leaves vcs un the t hI 25111 25111for z 5lh 5lhfOI th thfor for Oweiislioro cnsbro Ky where she will willspend willi trillspend I spend the summer On the same day Ilayobll dayNoble j jNoble Noble obll Miller leaves for Milwaukee Vis Wi 11isAll i iAll I I All Woodmen are requested to attend atlllIltlw attendthe i ithe the meeting May Iay 18 l as very important importantbusiness important11t1Fi11cSS t business will ome before the t Iw campYis campYisto camp IS I to the advisability adi ad yl5al l1jJjty ihty If f < rganiing r njdllg a Wood Woodman lloOdnltn ood ¬ man Cinle ilcll ilcllI I h FOLLOW G OUR GROCERY BOY BOYAND BOYAND BOYAND AND YOU WILL FIND HIM EN ENTERING ENTERING ENTERING ¬ TERING HUNDREDS OF HOMES HOMESOF HOMESOF HOMESc c t O ° c OF SATISFIED SA TISF I ED CUSTOMERS CUSTOMERSITS ITS UPHILL WORK FOR ANY ANYHOUSEKEEPER 111 3 HOUSEKEEPER TO BE CON CONSTANTLY CONSTANTLY 1 STANTLY CHASING AROUND AF AFfgS AFTER AFTh Th fgS TER GOOD FOOD FOODTHE FOODTHE 4 THE SENSIBLE WOMAN GIVES GIVESGOOD GIVESGOOD GIVESGOOD GOOD GROCERIES UP ALL FURTHER SEARCHING SEARCHINGessential SEARCHINGart art essential su tial to WJOd ood living We c AFTER A FEW TRIAL ORDERS ORDERSalways ORDERScan can always 111 ys give you good groceries rcccrics AT OUR STORE TRY US WE WEat WEand WEand and at very ly reasonahlc reasonable l < a ol1abl 1nic prices CAN SATISFY YOU YOUWe YOUWe YOUWe We handle Gasoline also alsoV alsot alsoA A t V H WOODAJLL WOODAJLLPhone Phone Ph one 79 DELAND DE LAND FLA FLAxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FLAXXX FLAX XXX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx XXX X XX XXXXXX x xTRAY XXX XXXHA I HAY HA YvT WARD WARDIINSURAN WARDINSURAN ARD ARDINSURANCE IINSURAN INSURANCE INSURANCEe c CEH CEHAGENCY E I e AGENCY AGENCYWE c WE STILL REPRESENT THE LEADING AMER AMERCAN AMERICAN AMERCAN CAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES AMONG AMONGWHICH AMONGWHICH AMONGWHICH WHICH IS THE AETNA OF HARTFORD WITH WITHUS WITHUS WITHUS US SINCE 1872 DWELLINGS AND CONTENTS CONTENTSA A SPECIALTY SPECIALTYCOMPARE SPECIALTYr SPECIALTYCOMPARE r V VV V j jCOMPARE COMPARE OUR COMPREHENSIVE AND LIBERAL LIBERALFORMS LIBERALFORMS LIBERALFORMS FORMS WITH OTHERS OTHERSE A J J JE E H HAYWARD HAYWARD37South HAYWARD37South 37South 37 South Boulevard DeLand Florida FloridaX Floridaflifllflillt X flifllflillt X xxx XXX fotrAx XXXXX f fi 2f72xx 17l Xw Xwu > 1 k u COOKING in hot weather made comfortable Fireless Cookers Detroit DetroitVapor DetroitVapor DetroitVapor Vapor Stoves Florence Automatic Stoves Perfection Standard Oil Stoves StovesAll StovesAll StovesAll All the best of their kind At BIGELOWS 00000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000g o g g Local and g gPersonal g gg o oPersonal g Personal Briefs Briefsoooooooooooooooooooooooooo g goooooooooooooooooooo g gS goooooooo000000000000r00000 S oooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooDr oooooooooooooooooooo ooooo oooooDr Dr W S Taylor Dentist DentistSideHill DentistSide DentistSfde SideHill Side Hilt Dairyphone Dairr phone i5 i5Ask J i8Ask is isAsk Ask for Gulf Gasolene and an Kerosene KeroseneIt It 1 t is better betterMr bcttrI1 betterMr Mr I1 1111 V W Y Harris made a flying trip tripto tripto tripto to Jacksonville Jad onvi11e on Monday Mondaycye MondayEye Eye cye uiasscs Glasses nueu fitted by uj an j Experienced ExperiencedOptIcian liaperienccdOptician AJV VMVW VMVWOptician 1 Optician at Allens Jewelry Store Post PostOffice PostOffice PostOffice Office Block BlockMr BlockI BlockMr I Mr Ir and Mr Mrs Ir A 0 1 D McBridc will re return rlturn return turn to Rochester next week weekAll wctkAll weekAll All kinds best horse cattle and chick chickJen chickien chickien ien feed aiso Ideal fertilizers always always on onhand onhand onhand hand at lowest possible prices W w 10 W WHnrriss 11 11Harriss V VHarriss Harriss Feed Store StoreMr StoreMr tore toretr Mr tr W A 1 McBride rcBri c of Barberville Barbervillewas was shaking hands with DeLand friends friendson on Tuesday TuesdayDr Dr and Mrs lrs 11 V X Clark left this thisweek thisweck thisweek week for their summer home in New NewYork NewYork ew ewYork York State StateMr StateIr StateMr Mr Ir Hutchinson Pooler was wa shaking shakinghands shakinghan shakinghands hands han s with DeLand fric friends > nds the th latter latterpart latterpart latterpart part of the week I Mr J 111 11 Gentry attended at tenrle1 the meet meeting mccthlg fleeting ¬ ing of the tit State Kmbaliners Association Associationin in Jacksonville Jack oni1Ic this week weekUncle weekUncle lek lekVnl1e Uncle Jimmie Price came over from fromOrlando fromOrlando fromOrlando Orlando Wednesday edne day for fo a ashort short visit to tohis tohis tohis his sons Messrs l s C 11 V and George GeorgePrice GeorgePrice GeorgePrice Price PriceMrs PriceJlls PriceMrs Mrs B F Culcord of Heresford is isspending isplnding isspending spending the summer with it h friends and andrelatives atlrlrelative i iin relatives in New ew York and Massachu llassacltusetts Massachusetts IasachuHtt ¬ setts settsJhS Mrs 11 J I C McCrory and daughter daughterMiss1 llau laughterJliss hter hterj Miss1 j Julie Ian l leave lea CHC e on Monday for 101 Lake LakeHelen JakeHelln LakeIlelen Helen where they will ill spend the sum sttnttiler summer Rummer ¬ mer i i Mrs Ir Ida M 1 Under who has ha been beenvisiting hecnisiting hecuvisiting visiting her sister Mrs 115 J S Richardson Richardsonfor Richad on onfor for the past several months left on onWednesday onldnes on11edncslay Wednesday ldnes < 1ay for her homo in Krutsasr Kansas KansasMr Mr 11 James A Allen iIen attended the an annual anmml ananal ¬ anal meeting of State Embalmers Asso Association Assodation Association ¬ ciation in Jacksonville this week wl ek and andthen al1elthn andthen then went to Michigan 1 < higan where he will willspend willspcnlt willspend spend several weeks weeksMrs WllS WllSIr WceksMrs Mrs Ir J I Lee McCrory returned the thefirst thefirst thefirst first of the week from from St Augustine and andSarnsota andSarasota an1Sarasota Sarasota She was accompanied by byher byher byher her niece Mrs 15 J E Micklei and son sonEdward sonEdward sotsEdward Edward Lee Mickler I DONT READ THIS THISUNLESS THISUNLESS THISUNLESS A UNLESS YOC WISH TO lXI 1N11 YWrsT ST T YOLK OR JlOX WttYiT SO AS IS TO TODOUBLE TODOLBLE ICDOUBLE DOUBLE IT 7V TWELVE 7I11 L1h AaVYYS AaVYYSTen f fTcn li liTen Ten Acres of Land with File Fiveroom room House Orangesand < l other otherFruit oLllerruit otherFruit Fruit ruit Trees and Ornamental Shrubbery Some good ooc1 garden land landLocated landLocated al1c al1cI Located t right t in in the I City i with i h E streets re on O three h e sides S of the h P propertyrice property propertyPrice I IFifteen Price rice i 850 850Fifteen S3oS S3oFifteen I S Fifteen Acres Trucking Land un St Johns J chns River Flowing well welland welland cll clln and n some of the land Tiled and ready fir fc cultivation ntH i1t1on Price for quick quicksale quicksac quidS quidsale i sale sac 8120000 8120000V SJ oooo ooooV ooooVWGOULD I S V VWGOULD VWGOULDt W GOULD GOULDREAL I t REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE I of If the ill illness illncss illness Till Mats 1W regrets u > learn ¬ ness of f Mr Ir Roy R Ii i Harper I I HrJl editor of the theDcland theDl1anel theDeland Dcland Stiff SI SuppleaViaf p pIt It went and hopes it is isonly isI is isonly only temporary tC lIpor3ry Mr Ir Harper is a live Iveenergetic liveenergetic Ii l lCIIlrgctlc I energetic newspaper nc + ys1apct man manMr manIr ratan11r Mr Ir John Cook ouk ul of Ii Orlando Orl lido passedthrough passed passedthrough pas cd cdthrough through DeLand on Wednesday dnlsflay on his hisway hiHway hisway way to Daytona Day tora by b auto Miss liss Mabel MabelWilson Mabel11Jlsun IllbllYiI Wilson YiI un and Miss Iiss Sadie adie Poland joined joinedhim joirlCdhim joinedhint him here and spent a few days lay on the thebeach theheach thebeach heachj beach 5 j or fi doses IH5UM lil6 will cure any an v case caseof taSlof caseof of Chills and Fever Price 250 250Miss Sc ScIiss e eMiss Miss Iiss Mitysie Iavtoie Emory EII10r came down fromStetson from fromStetson fromStetson Stetson Saturday atufa and anti spent the day the theguest thegust theguest guest of Dr Drennens Drlnnt family returning returninghome returninghomc returninghome home Sunday rllIingOralldo Veiling Orltttulo AV AVportcrStar R RportaSld Rporfcr portcrStar portcrStarMiss porfcr Star StarMiss r rifS Miss ifS Laura Bennett who is employed employedwith cll1ploYldwith entploytdtitll with the E IV O Painter Company in inJacksonville inJackSIJll inJacksottti11 Jacksonville JackSIJll lIl came to DeLand De Land Mondayt0 Monday Mondayto Ioll ay ayto to attend the funeral uf her brother brotherwho brotherwho brothertvho who died Sunday Sunda night nightThe nhhtThe nightThe The DeLand Public school hool will close closetoday c1uctOllay closetoday today and the happy boys and girls are areplanning arcplannin areplanning planning all kinds of fun for the holi holidays holidays liolidays ¬ days 1 wish the holidays holi ays extended to tonewspaper toncwspaper tonewspaper newspaper men and was going to last lastfour lastfour I four months monthsMiss mont rnonthsHiss h hli5S I Miss li5S Mary Stewart is entertaining a ahouse ahouse i ihous house party at a Daytona Beach this thisweek thistseek I week clk The party consists of the Misses MissesGardner IisscsGardner Ii ls lsGardner Gardner Misses IiS ts Marion Coulter C ultel Rose Rn Roseborough j borough Lily May Iar Clcaveland Iea lla 111 Ethel11atts Ethel EthelWatts l tllll tllllWatts Watts and the hostess Miss liss Dunn is ischaperoning ischaperoning I Ichaploning chaperoning the party pr rty rtylndrew i iAndrew I Andrew Anrln Coleman C llman leaves Ita a es 5 today tOth1 fur his histome i ihome illOl1 home llOl1 tome at tt Turnbull near Titusville TitusvilleAndrew I IAndrew Andrew who ho has ha becit attending shoolin school j jin in DeLand 1nucJ l is anxious to get 1iis legs legsOyer j jover iorel over a saddle and an go after cattle again againand againalle1 againand and has been watching for the t hc good goodday gooddny gooddray day to arrive for several cml weeks weeksMr wcekI1 weeksMr Mr I1 and Mrs I R B Powell Pot + ell left TIllS Titosday TIllSday Iuesday day morning mOr1in for fo the North They Theyspent fheyspent I spent a few days in Jacksonville with withtheir withtheir I Ithlir their son on and his hi wife ife Mr Ir and Mrs MrsGeorge JlrsGeorge George Powell Mr Ir and Mrs jl Powell Powellhave Po Powellhave II 1 have been bl < n in DeLand l during the winter winklmOllthsTillltSlllioll j jmonth Imonths month mOllthsTillltSlllioll mOllthsTillltSllliollThe Tintcslnioii TintcslnioiiThe Tiints uioi uioilhe I The DeLand Chapter t lItIAII Daughters of ofthe J Jthe I Itlw the Confeccri Conkfjc onfcriely y will wi hold their regular regularmeeting regllarmeeting regularmeeting meeting at t the t ll lic horn > n f i Mrs Irf J Lee Me McCrory J Crory Cror at 5 c T r m n 2 Tuesday T csda May Ja 01 iS I II I At this thi thit meeting Mrs n McCrory will give givea g c ca a report of If the Stale latc meeting held in inSt infit inSt St Augustine last week weekMr tvicekMr llk llkI I Mr Ir Wylie lil 11 V Rollins brother of Mrs MrsJ 1 1J J Jriter S May 1 lav ay and a boyhood friend f l lnd of the thewriter t Iw Iwwl writer wl ttS has our thanks for a beautiful beautifulbouquet blautifulboufJlt beautifulbougttct bouquet of trailing arbutus arhut us checker checkerberries chcdcrhlniLs berries 1 and spnittT that t he gathered gatherednear ga llllrccl llllrccl1Il1 near the old family home tame at 1 lubnrdslon lubnrdslonMass IlIballbtonIass luhardStonJiass Mass Iass Mr 11 I r Rollins is i now 11I i n a prosperous prosperousbusiness 1I Prosperousbusiness IJlI0I1S IJlI0I1Shu business hu illlss man of f Worcester OlllStl Mass MassMiss JiltsMiss Iaslis Miss lis Connie Buttriek and Miss JIJS51ir JIJS51irginia IiS8 Vir Virginia Virginia ¬ ginia Booth kindergarten and seventh seventhgrade seventhgrade wlnthgrntle grade teachers in our nn public school schoolleave schoollease lhoolIcan leave this afternoon the former for her herhome hl1IW11e lterhone home at Asheville N C the latter to tojoin tojoin tojoin join her father fat he and brothers in Texas TexasTheir TexasTheir TexasTheir Their many friends here regret to learn learnthat learnthat Lam Lamthat that they will not return to to UcLandnext DeLand DeLandnext lInrHlIltxt next year yearMessrs year yearMessrs lar larJllsrs Messrs E C t Howe of Chicago h lago adycrtising ad advertising alllrtbing ¬ vertising manager of the great Socialist Socialistpaper Slcialistpapc Socialistpaper paper Appeal tfl o icason and George 1 lCurrier L LCurrier 1Currjlr Currier of Chicago proprietor of the theWomans t theIIontau 11l 11lIIvrd Womans s IIvrd orld were WI in In 1c DeLand Land set several setcral ¬ eral rd days the first t r t of the week closing closingup up the tl purchase llIlchal of the Bond tract ofland of ofland I land which they have ha vt cut up III and llI ll av i u u I now selling lllill to stitlers and al ll investors in + cstors in insmall insmall I small tracts The ale sale of this land was wasmade wa waI1wdl wasntadc made through tlu uuglt the Conrad Real Estate InstateAgency EstateglI1l EstateAgency Agency glI1l of Daytona Mr II F NT Conrad Conradand l Conradand onmelalld and Mr Ir I E F Dates came over OV l from fromDaytona fromlJaytollil frontDatona Daytona with Mr Ir Howe and Mr It 1i Cur Currier ClltrilI CtnPiet ¬ rier to dose up 11 thedeal thedealDAVIS t lilt 111 deal dldDAVIS dealDAVIS DAVIS DURABILITY DURABILITYMy My Iy house was IS painted in iSoy iSoywith l lwith 15ggwith with withDavis withDavi withDavis Davis 100 per cent centPure centPure centPure Pure Paint Paintand and today todH looks very 1 well wellI ll llI I can cheerfully recommend r it to tothose tot tothose those t hOil wanting lanti ngtill the t hOt best Paint PaintJ J I E11ise E11iseBerlin I E Wise WiseBerlin WiseBerlin Berlin Mel MelDo MdIo ld ldDo Do you think adulterated Paint Paintwould Paintwould Paintwould would give the same satisfaction satisfactionDavis satisiactionnai satisfactionIa1is Davis IOOY 100 pure paint will willstand viI1stand stand the tl1 test of the most rigid rigidPure rigidPun rigidPtu Pure Ptu e Paint Law For sale by byWATTS by1lA11S WATTS lC MILLER CO CODeLand CODeLand COIeLand DeLand Fla = = = = = = = = = = = = vv = = = = = = r = = v vTlie = = = = = o 0 o The Place for Men Ctl 0 0Pool o 0 8 Pool and Billiards 8 8Grill o 0 0Q o 0 8 Q 8 Grill Room 8 ti o i 0 0I w 0 W 0 A cordial core I In 1 invitation is IS extended extene 1 ee 1 to tOal all 1 gentlemen 0 O ft 0 o 0 0 8 STEWART CAMPBELL CAMPBELLNorth 8 8 0 North Room HavensfcBlock DeLand Flaj Fla V ft fti S i = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = V rt vTI y