OCR Interpretation

DeLand news. [volume] (DeLand, Volusia County, Fla.) 190?-1921, June 18, 1909, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92062121/1909-06-18/ed-1/seq-7/

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Habitual ttabitualConstipation HabitualJure
Constipation ConstipationNay
Nay 1ayII rrrntanC1 orercomc eom yproper yproperwttlttlte prrer prrerns
personal ns nnf efforts effortsof wttlttlte witht c asSistapce Q ftCl ftClthc
of thc oar truly bttcJici 1 lctxalivc lctxalivcrcmedySyrul MQ11vC MQ11vCrtmdy
rtmdy rcmedySyrul SrUI > of oJlig hgsanIbtttro3Senna hgsanIbtttro3Sennaw and E r SenIlQ SenIlQid
w ictt id enables I I 00 of t form re rcgutar rcgutarIto utGr utGrQba
Ito Qba it doily Sothat 0 t t assistance Ss tQt to o naIurc hQ hQlure
lure may be L gradual radually dispensed di6p dispenscdwith dispenscdwithwhen nsc wM wt wtheh
when heh I na t > fon I longer ng r nmtaf h ed d nstiU a the th test b esto t of ofrtfwetlicswncn ofMftulics f furle
rtfwetlicswncn Mftulics urle Iun required r urcd ate to assist assistMature asistQtur
Mature Qtur anoo < uui + d not ot t t to ftupplant the hatur haturl hat hatClfundlons nattarunctons
Clfundlons l unctions vliich JiC uch ntu must depend ultiu ultiutnatoly uli ulitoatcly ulttnQtc >
toatcly tnQtc upon proper pro e npuvi4iuieht npuvi4iuiehtprq ttolHihtehtc hole tmettt tmetttp1
p1 prq effovtsa ef oriaand < liri right Ht living liin generally
roget togftit1 Us beneficial br efidQI effects ff crsl always alwaysl alwa alwau alwaysbuy
l A J Jtiy
buy tiy u the th genuine genuineJ gChume5rupcfflgS gcnu tie tier1
5rupcfflgS r1 igs ° a E ixr1SlttnQ lixirfSetlnqmanureturtd ixr1SlttnQC
J V manufactured ty the theFIG
enesl < me6ionfy > tu i on Olly y r regular oiar pm price < 50 54 5O4 tt r Bottle ott Ie
TheSinipleLife TheSinipleLifehas The Simple Life Lifehas
has for its basis PERFECT HEALTH HEALTHThe
The 1h clear brain the healthy stomach the theLodily thetodily theLodily
Lodily organs exercising in harmony are arethe arethl arethe
the first essentials of a Simple Life LifeA LifeA LifeA
No one can know the pure delight o ofcimple of offimple ofsimple <
simple living whose nervous system is iskept Iskept iskept
kept in a state of tension by Constipa Constipation ¬
tion Indigestion Dyspepsia Biliousness Biliousnessand
and other diseases due to inaction of the theJiver theJiver theliver
Jiver JiverThe JiverThe liverThe
The Simple Way to seek the Simple SimpleLife SimpleLife SimpleLife
Life is to seek the remedy remed > for these conditions con conditions conilions ¬
ditions This remedy has been found in inour InoIJr inour
our great product productST productST productSTJOSEPHS
Liver Regulator RegulatorUJr He UJr UJrIn uIator uIatorIn
In Both Liquid and Powder Form FormIt
It has made life brighter and happiness happinessand
and peace possible when nil oJ w ws s dark darkend darknd darkand
end nd distressed It reaches the centers of of3ife ofJUe oflife
life and purifieD them It encourages the theliver theJiver theliver
liver stomach s and bowels to 0 a freer and andmore andmore andmore
more natural activity activityIt activll activllIt
It is the Simple Way W y to a Simple Life Lifeof Lifeof Lifeof
of Health Peace Contentment ContentmentMany ContentmentMany ContentmentMany
Many persons attest this fact who have I Iualized IIt Irtalized
ualized It alizcd its truth by t > actual experience experienceti experienceJosphs experience4JostlphsLiguld
ti 4JostlphsLiguld Josephs Liquid Liver Regulntorroitu Regulntor RegulatorVmiiuiifiii RegulntorrUllllltjlllwlillll
Vmiiuiifiii rUllllltjlllwlillll roitu tin action ulionxcctdiagly cxeiidiiuly palatable iialataldeTiul JlallilahllIlfl
Tiul Iu Ilfl pliiisiinl Jlha 1I11110 lo tlie thlII li tnlr ii I ll I t isscild by drug driiKKisisainl IIIII IIIIII drugmarlsahd
Kisisainl I It tlht lealesat RtlsatUccntsahull RtlsatUccntsahullSt OUcciitsa bottle bottleSt bullleSt
St Josephs Liver Regulator in meow jiowiltrfonn IOWcllr meowr1r
cllr iltrfonn IOIIII is imt up I U in tight ti hl tin buxcs lujxis Xl mid relnils re retail rcIIIII ¬
lnils tail at 1 25 > 5 rents Ill IS a IIf box lOX live II t biesf firu r a dollar dollarhitters dollarIt r rIt
It hilly III hi betaittn ta < I1I dry t > or mad IlIln fut 1 a tea or orhit orhithrs
hitters hit tlI Full 1111 directions accompany every tlfYJoUJe
bottleault bottle and IIIIl box ImxGerstle buxGerstle boxGerstle
Gerstle Medicine Co Coi CoChattanooga CoChattanooga
i Chattanooga T Ttlnn Ttlnnu nn
I W S SPEAR SPEARRestaurant SPEARestaurant SPEARestaurant
Restaurant estaurant Board Boa d Lodging LodgingI LodginIce
I Ice Cream Parlor Parlordbold Parlorold Parlorold
dbold old Drinks Cigars Tobacco Tobaccofeome Toba o oRome
feome Rome Bakery BakerySpd11 SpcciaUy y Hi HiI lr lrIleals HeMeals
I Meals at all hours hoursive hoursGive WT5
G Give ive me a trial Rich avr nest ntdoor nestdoor
1 door TO County Count Jail Jail5i JailDr iJ iJi
5i i Dr J J TV r Foster Fosterll FosterIYSJCJ4N ostel ostelTJYSICI4N
Office at Residence Howry Hown Ave Next Nextto Nextto cxt cxtto
to A M E Church Double fee Char Charged Charged Charged ¬
ged for Night Calls Which Will be An AnBwercd An6wcrcd Answered
Bwercd Promptly for Cash CashOffice Ca CashOffice h hOffice
Office Hours S to ic 2 to 3 ji s 7 to tot ton toe
0 L Lio
t vf 1f l Application A pplia tl tlfl CI fl r > Tax Deed Deedirfrr VeedIda Lkedr Lkedbra
io e Sectou tlS flc
< Ida r Section ccliol S c ChafKr Cirrptrrr 4888 4888jtaws 4 SS
jtaws bra ails oj Florida FloridarNlice FloioaN rlorilaNotice
rNlice N Notice tkt is hereby hcnh jiivin g that Frances IrancosDickinson FI FrancesPubkutsrnt ncl nclIJIlkmson
Dickinson purchaser plrchn r of 01 lax Certificate CertificateNc 1lrtlJatcNc
Nc 20 o dated the vnl r clay of cl June JuneA hlneA I utte utteA
A D 1 1007 i < JOi has filed said certificate in inittv inmv inmy
ittv office and has mnle mII application for fortax fortx
tax 1 1 x decd to issue in accordance with withlaw wi withTw th thIn
law In Sai Said < l certificate emhraces the thefollowing thcfonoing thefollowing
following described property lYOit situated itlltc51 in inVfexsia inV inVVia
Vfexsia V 1 cotult county cOl1ntyIlowln Florida towit Wlof WlofNEi of ofNEt oflvi3
NEt of Xi X of Lot 10 Sec S Sc 4X18 4 f IS jcmth jcmthK oath oathR JllthR
R gc o East Easi s acres The said land being beinaassessed bdngaS beingnsscs
assessed aS nsscs Hd ed at ntthe the date of f the th issuance of offuch oflch ofsuch
such lch certificate l 1 t itka t in the name w n1 > of If L LHawkins W WHhvkin 1 1Hawkins
Hawkins Unless said certificate shall shallte shnllrc shallle
te redeemed r > clcetllld according to law tax deed deedwill decdwill 11 11wm
will issue thereon on the th i pth clay hi of July JulyA
A D 1000 1000Witness 1001itncs qo qo11itncss
Witness itncs my ml fJiiciui 11 signature and andtti anI anIb andsas
tti b this the thiisth th I zSth th dy d da d f June fun A I Iroc D DJ
roc 3 ICr ICrt CO
t lita tiea1J tiea1Jlcrk 1 SAV q DOWAX DOWAXPARKERS 11 i r 1 II 1 A Aclerk N
clerk lcrk l lrt ir > I tltity tltityt nt ntp
p rI < 1a
Clctrn CItr trod Ixftiilirid Hit hair t hairill lr lrIidinotH =
ill 1 IidinotH limn 0 iuxurlait uxurl1 piowth rruflhNenr i UIh UIhNercr I INever
Never Fall J Utetorc Gray GrayHnlr GraylInlr Graytn1r
Hnlr 10 its It Younlal Color Co1orCL ColortNk I ICuii
Cuii ci rL1 > ilMfifri dr itint fI j JZ Alm lialt idi idit laltoj hUU hUU1oud
1oud I II II nfIJ iP1 iP1I
Colored People PeopleRev
VIl1 J
Rev S G Baker Editor EditorThe
The int basket lLt Kiven by Miss Ii lela Over Overstreet llvcrstreet lI lIslllt
street at till Odd Vlvs hull lust lustMonday III lintlottlltil t tInday
Monday lottlltil ni Right ln alert was a a niupktr smvesi smvesiand Fllllltand lllllI lllllIund
and was u an occasion of gnlIt rcal iiKTritncnt iiKTritncntand nnlrinltntand
and innocent enjoyment aniony amoll tin tinyou thlyuul1g tlttyoung
you young UK i > lllIpl cnJU of her circle It was wastfivcii wa waginlI ryasgiyn
tfivcii for the th hinelll of the he new Bethel BethelClmnli Iklhllhullh Bethellltu
Clmnli < lltu ch of f which she is a meinber meinberMr ntcntlvr11r 11mlIIII
Mr II Charles I WrlllI Williams and alII ti I Mr 1lrs Iral Majxie MajxieWilson IlaggielvilsanVert Iauilil
Wilson lvilsanVert il I11 were quietly hied united in wedlock 1tllarklast wedlocklust wldllllkllist
lust Monday 1l11110 nj night ht III t the residence of ofthe IIfth ofi
f the th bride the Rev Hl S G L Maker ofneiat ofneiatA ofliriat111g
A willing + workers + club du has hll Urn or orlanix III IIIgallizul nugani
lanix gallizul it 1 ly Mrs Its Mary llar Ial Smitli Smitltliwl and others othersfor othersfor
for the jniriose lUl l of raising raisin illunel money 1II111t for forMethel fllBlth1 fatlittcl
Methel elnireh Let others do I Iilcwisycr likewise likewiseA
A very ycr J enjoyable social was US given at atMrs a atUrsl I I1Js
Ursl Mrs 1Js Klvira hobinsuns Ril oIjI1o > insinxlast > on lust Friday nigh niyhlby nightby I Ithl
by the HuildinK Club lilt of If f which + Mrs llrs1laggit MrsMiiguie
Miiguie illgg l Stocktmi Stolkll t Ickt 11 is president presidentDr l1liidln t
Dr 1 A 1errin of II Tampa arrived arrivedin
in the city dt last Sunday morning and andleft andkft
left Tuesday TUls ia y fur fll other lit hll points PIl Ill I
atory atarto to his coiterencc which convenes convenesat
at Seville on Thursday ThursdayMisses I11IISIIII I11IISIIIIl ThursdayJltsss
Misses l Dinah Bruilsford and Mabel 1labclttInrlrs MabelSauiidcrs llIbllaul
Sauiidcrs aul lkls vlni wh l have u e been away at atschool atSul
I school Sul vl are spending the summer at athome athOJlll
home t with wi t h their t IIlit parents parentsMiss parentsIis patents11iss
Miss Iis l Lottie t ttic drillm royally royallyntrtuinrd royallyntrtuinrdmarl entertained entertainedmany
many 11111 marl of her young friends at the resitlcncc resi residence IlsidlIHl ¬
dence of Mr 11 and Mrs 11tsl Radfurd l ad lJlll Yarn Yarnlast YawnEast HIII HIIIIist
last 1rilha Friday y night the th proceeds of f whieli whieliwent whkhtllt whi kh kh1SCit
went tllt for the benefit 1 of tin new 11l Bethel Bethelchurch BllIIl1dulll Bethelchurch
churchliss church churchMiss h hliss
Miss liss Minnie 1resha who has ha been beenspending 1IlnI
I spending the winter S + ititur and spring with her herbrother hlII hetbruthtI
brother Moses returned rtu ncil to her home homein holl1lin huntin
in Montieello last Sunday Moses ac aucuutlaniid accompanied 11 11lllmllIn ¬
companied lllmllIn ltI her as far as Jacksonville JacksonvilleAmong IallsIIIWillltnong Iacksinyillsnwng
Among tnong those t who look in the theIanipa theIanipacxcttrsdan Tampa Tampaexcursion Iall1palXlUI
excursion lXlUI illn last week were lll Muses lS 1rcslia 1rcsliaII
II I I F Hall Mesdames Nettie lllil Bryant BryantA
A C 1 Scurry Scttrr llItT Luna Ilollingsworth and andP and andp
1 P B Mall I a II They report a very enjdvuhlc enjoy enjoyable lnjflYIIbk ¬
able time timeAs tiu1lAs tintsa
As a result r Sult df f the t Ill teachers exauniltatiun examina examination lxHmillaliun ¬
tion which hkl1 was as h held ld last week llk the tlu fol following following following ¬
lowing persons Itt flns ns were lII awarded 11 11 Idld certi certificates lllt certiilcas i ifkatl ¬
ficates S ll l Baker first grade gmdlE Mrs MrsK 11rsE
E B Baker Ba second grade rails Angeli Angeline ngeli ngelinc
ne Wiggins iggins third grade M 1 F Robin Robinson RflbinSOli R dl tn tnson ¬
son third grade luIll M I l li Thornton thirdgrade third thirdgrade thirdglIL
grade glIL L I L I Wilbouriic illou1lll third grade gradeII
11 II 1 t Taylor Ia h r third grade Miss hiss Leota LcnttDing LeotaKing IlIIlaI
King I ing third grade Where Iwll the recom recommendations rlIfllIIn1llIdations rrrontInenlatian5 ¬
mendations of the trustees tttl ttt are sub submitted submittll Sttlunit ¬
mitted unit tsrl the appointments of teachers tenslterswill teacherswill llal1ltlswilll
will willl be made at it tt the meeting of the hootedin board boardin
in July The superintendent sUIlr ntlI1CIllIt says sats that thatthe thatll1l thatthe
the day of incompetent teachers tlal 1lIS is pastmul past pastand pastanti
and that it is the policy of the schoolaulhoriths school schoolauthorities SlhnnlautllOritks
authorities to employ those who ho are arebest 1111blst altbest
best qualified rite liked for the duty tint reposed in inthem inthlm inthem
them themS
S G 1 Haker and Arthur Ihm Moore C Cand C Cand
and 1II1I K 1 of of R and S of If Charity Lodge LodgeNo
No 1 o 40 41 K 1 < of d P 1 paid lb Mrs lls Nan Nancy anly Wai Waiden al allln a 1 1den
den the last Suoooo Si S oooo due hlt her on th thdeath tin tindeath lhlIIla
death IIla t h claim of her deceased husl husband husbandwho a uul uulch0dt1last nd ndwho
who + ch0dt1last died Ikdlasl last November
by Indigestions pangstr1ing pangs angstr trying ing many nianydoctors manydfCtars I
doctors and alH Sicoco ooco worth + ol f medieinee medieineein
in vain ain B Pvsrus F Ayscue Sl1 of Ingluside I ng1lJsidlC N NCat Nat
Cat C at last used lI user lf Dr 1 Kings ings New lW Life Iills Pillskund Iillsunl1 Iillstrod I
kund trod writes writ they thl wholly + hllll cured lltl him himThey himll1fl himI
They I hi cure cur Constipation Biliousness BiliousnessSick BtttousnssSick S SSk1
Sick Headache Stomach Liver kidneyand Kidney KidneyI Killnl Killnlani
I and ani Bowel troubles 2e sjc 3C at all druggists druggistsCaller 11l1ggistsis druggistsalleyVhy
Caller alleyVhy Why is your your OUI servant go going going golug ¬
ing about ilia tll house with her lw hat on onMistress onlistlCsSlw out1Ltmc
Mistress 1Ltmc listlCsSlw She S1 only n ning came this thi morn morning mOIning ¬
ing and hasnt yet lt made nHIIt up Itl her mindtyhcthcr mind mindwhether mindlwthll
whether lwthll she h will stay stav or 1 not IHtlICrpas IHtlICrpasilcddy liarpera liarperaA Iar pers persilrrkr
1A 1
The most m t delicate part of a baby is bits bitsEIv its itsbowels itsTowels
bowels Ever ailment that it suffers sufferswith suucrswith l1 s sith
with ith attacks the bowels also endanger endangering lIHnnglling ¬
ing in most cases the life of the infant infantMcGces infantIcGccs infant1lcGees
McGces Baby 131 Flixir Cures diarrhoea diarrhoeadysentery diarrhoeadentery
dysentery 11 cntr and all derangements of the thestomach thestomnch thestontachr
stomach stontachr or bowels b wcls Sold I by 1 all drug drugThe Inlggist druggtsts
gist gtstsJhs
The Pensaeola Journal is bitter in inits init inits
its it criticisms of Frank Clark But NutClark ButClark ButIal
Clark < Ial r is i at t least a live Ii one and nnl keeps keepshis klPShis peepshis
his district and line himself hiln l1f before IJl olc the thepublic thejJl1lk tli tlipuldie
public We 1e t have all 11II1olt but forgotten fo ottln the thename tlUname theante
name of the present bnt Congressman angre snlan from fromThird fromThin frontIItird
Third district Is h he working workingYOU workingYut + vurkinns vurkinnYUl
just exactly the cause of If your yutn uU rheuma rheumatism rHlIma rHlImatbm rhettimttism ¬
tism but you I know you have it Do Doyou Dovl Joyou
you vl know that Ballards Snow Liniment Linimentwill Linimlntill Linimentayill
will ill cure cur it relieves the pain pdnlIdlccs pdnlIdlccsthl reduces reducesthe
the swelling and limbers the joints and andmuscles andmmc1s andmuscles
muscles so that you you Ill will be as It active and andwell andwl1I andIvcll
well as you you 1 ever 1 were Price 2c cc c hocand joe joeand 50eand
and Sre I at all druggist druyyistsI c1rlgghtTlw
I The Angel n Child hihl holdMother Mother JthlI Ive I been beenwondering hlln11Icring beenwondering
wondering 11Icring al about a out something acmethingMother11hnt somethingMother mtt hing hing1cJthcrhht
Mother 1cJthcrhht What do r1 you cu 1 wonder wonderI wonderchild onllc onllcd1ilcl
I child childThe d1ilclThl childThe
The Angel Child J wonder woad if the thefirst therst theirst
first rst parasol wag W i made ma e from ircm 1n Ill n umbrella umbrellarib
rib Puck
I I J Iv I Kdiuoiioji of If f tlii > city city lit has sold soldto oldto
to the St t Johns IrJhn Development 1ctr 1111 nttni company companyon lll lllrlI
I II on Crescent trt Itnt Lake a large plow plr for the thepu1pos thi thipurpose 1111f
purpose of f clearing the mih palmetto palmettohinds nllrn t + u uland
hinds in in certiiin sections of tilt eoi eoipanvs or ordrtatn
panvs 11lny domain domainThis drtatn1hia l1 l1hb
This hb plow is pulled by h four lilIl mule nil nilthey 11dtlw
they tlw can lallllIt cut cutup up 11 two acres of this thi land lal lalIt tri tria u ua
a day dll rift The plow cuts right through throughthese
these palmetto roots as It though Uu Uuwere thlWlr v vwere
were so much cabbage la hUIoI and I nd all iliu iliufurther 1 tl h II IIfulthll t tfurther
further needs to be done Ilan is m i for men ml t tfallow to tofollow tofollll
follow follll gather lIlllL up the roots and an I plu c cthem cthin
them in pile pil to tl 1 burn burnHeretofore hul hulIllILofole luiIiI
Heretofore I it has been thought nect nectsary nll nlli flirttspry >
spry i < lIr to spend from Sjo to t So i per r acre acreto artii j
to tollU1 ii clear scrub palmetto land With It11 this thisplow th thisllmy
plow l11I In t turn ll 111 them up III the I Ill cost lIst is i reduced reducedto I
to from Vi Ill Sic I i i per acre 11111 IdIlia IdIliTOO 11111TOO i < vl vlAv
Av AvTOO a
A story start i is > told IIf f n t rcnchman l who whowas + yharyas hl hlal
was al very 111 lry anxious to Id see ll an American Americanbusiness lutcricanlttsinss II1llkal1hmdlllIIo
business man at his home savs says a1i tin
American Magazine The first Ii 1 l morntug morn morning Htlrning ¬
ing when he licallyd called at the ti house the lh maid maidreplied intilrhlirl Hailll
replied l to his IJIIIIyTill itery ltirrlFit iteryThe
Till Fit lIH1stll is not down yrt It 11 ntriu ntriulug It II n nil1g
lug dlW1l downstairs downstairsThe tll 1 1Ihl
The Ihl following fo1Jllwin morning he called again againand uga againail il1
and 1111 I was met withIIlt with withThe wit h hIhl
The Ihl master is not up III yet et nieanin nieaninthat 1I1lUl1iJg 1I1lUl1iJgtltat II11fttltigthat
that he had hllfilltlt h al not arisen Ill sllI from his bed bailThe bedThe IdIhl
The I Frenchman looking at her with withdoubtful withdouhtful it Ii Iidoubtful
doubtful eye e l paused Jtau ld for fll a few seanlsIsct seconds secondsIJel lIllIdsElt
IJel is ver lr dcefcult but Illttllf eel xe z mad ntudun mademoiselle mildlHoillIl ¬
emoiselle un isrlle will tell me when w master masterwill maslllwill muslarwill
will be neither up 111 1101 down duw n but in tx txmnlMle tZI tZIl11idllk tztnmiiiik
mnlMle zeal xenBOUGHT I willlull will call at lat till1l till1lBOUGHT tin tinBOUGHT
From the I hl Philadelphia Inquirer InlutrsrStakui i iSeaford
Seaford Del ll June i Buying a asmall asmull asnrtll
small safe for two dollars at a public publicsale pullkaJl publicstle
sale aJl over thirty years ago exCoroner exCoronerNathaniel lX nroner nronertthanil Oll OllutlH1nh1
Nathaniel Ionwav natvav of f Sussex SlS l countv con atl i
who wh resides here has come into inl a afar afartune for fortune fol1UI ¬
tune 1UI At t the same lime lint of 1 the pur purchase lttrchas Ul UllhaH ¬
chase Cotnvay I IIIay tmtvay stored the safe in 1n his hisstables hisstabll hisstaples
stables lien he was elected coroner coronerto lUrOIllla
a flw fftvvars YlHIS ago hl had t the hl sa safe il llnOld llnOldto
to his office 1111 but was unable umini k to open Oln it itThis itThis itThis
This week he was determined to find findout lindout liedout
out its contents and broke the lock with witha
a hammer hammerTo ha hamntcrIn 11 nKI nKITn
To his amazement gold coins of dif different eifflllIt difftrllt ¬
ferent denominations began rolling lullill from fromthe fJumthe Roantime
the safe t to the floor The noise lIui l attract atllnctcal attracted attlaltld ¬
ed a crowd and from the outside Con Conwav Iullway Iconscar
wav way could le seen gathering the goldfront gold goldcor
front the II III cor I II ami Imd p pConway put patting till il in bags bagsConay bags0nwiy
Conway 0nwiy refused to U say sl IY how ho much muchgold 11111hgolll nrtelmgold
gold the safe sHI contained but says says he hecan hican liecan
can live Ii the rest of III his hi days in luxury luxurywithout Iuxltlywithout luxurytvithnut
without anv all uty public oliice oliiceRICH IInkRltl oftcrRlII
beside this thi J want ant ti to go on record a asaying as assaying asHling
saying that tha t I regard Electric Bitters as asone ason asone
one on of of the greatest gi c test gifts that Clod oll has hasmade hasmach hastmauk
made to tr woman 0111111 writes Mrs Its I Rhine Rhineault Ihimvnult Rhiavault
vault of Vestal ttal stal Center nter lIt X V 1 1 can cannever lannler cannever
never forget what + it has done for fOIl11l fOIl11lThis me meThis incJhis
This glorious < medicine mlIJie nl gives g l a woman womanbuoyant wo111at1lluoutt
buoyant s spirits sirit trots vigor igol of If body hn1tuul and jubi jubilanthealth jubilant jultlant ¬
lanthealth lant health It ouiekly 1ui1kl cures Xervous Xervousness ltOUS ltOUSSlllllssmss ryouSnss
ness Sleeplessness s Melancholy Iandwl Head Headache Ileadache ¬
ache alw Hackache Fainting and Dixy
Spells soon Jn builds up the weak ailing ailingand ailinganI ailingand
and anI sickly Try them 50 O c l at all alldruggists allruggists alldruggists
druggists druggistsi druggistsAoticroappicalim ruggistsolicel
Aoticroappicalim i tiect > > f Application for io Tux Deed trd Lnder Lnderi7iHi ader aderrilinn der
> i7iHi 1 dill 1 S f oj II 1 Chapter 4SSS I SSS S latiS of o oi
Fhridd FhriddXotice i lIrkrNotice I Iotkl
Notice otkl is hereby hlrllJ given that Frances FrancesDickinsonpurchaser FlanclsDkkinI Irtutce1iekinsnnptu
1iekinsnnptu Dickinsonpurchaser DkkinI 1UtlhaII chasei of Tax Certificate CertificateXo llltif latl latlI
Xo r I Ii r rA < l dated li tt 1 the 1st I st t day da 111 of t June JuneA luneD I ant
A D I i I1jC oo has tiled said sa lI certificate certit latl in ii my myoffice m mOfl nt1ailcc
office Ofl ll and has made application for taxiced tax taxdeed tax tax11lll
deed to issue in accordance with law lawSaid la laSail antSaid
Said certificate llrtit tatl embraces the following follnwingrlescrile1 followingdescribed foIIOintllHIi1lll
described property JUIltt rcqerty situated site led tlI in Vohtsia Vohtsiacounty Ynlusiacounty lIltlsi lIltlsilOtnt
county lOtnt Fiarida Florida F rida t towit to wit Lot 15 r lilock BIlK BIlKanil 131akand
5 and Lot 2C Block o I Ivonomoe IvonomoeSection KtlOnWlSlltinI1l lonounSection
Section SlltinI1l T t KJ ii South llItl1 R I 30 o East vast The Thlsail ThlsailIIIIH said saidlandbeingasifssedal saidland
IIIIH landbeingasifssedal bdngmISSlcI at the t hl date da tl of the t 11l issu issuance issuann issuanceof ¬
anceof ann of suchcertiticate such ll1t ccrtItieat i tiea tl in the name of f C I I1 I1Cilliuns P PWilliams J Jitiams >
Williams itiams Unless l1I1t S said certificate t shall shallbe shallhl skitllle
be redeemed nlllmlI according to law tax dead dcvdwill dl11will deadwit
will issue isu thereon on the t hc 511 th day Ia of ofJulv e f fuh flull
Julv lull uh A 1 D I K0 K0Witness 1 tioitnc 01 01itt <
Witness itt itnc ls s my n official II ftid a I signature si natllrl ami sealthis seal sealthis al althis
this 4th ilayof cln day of i June IUI1l A D igoy igoySeal ljOIISenl rOOqISeall
ISenl Seal S SAMI + tiI D I JOKUAX JOKUAXClerk JaitDANClerk IOI < IIA IIALlllk
Clerk Circuit Court Yolusia County CountvFlorida CtlUlltFIlrill
Florida 1 lurid
By 3y R I P I llandin U C CXotice 1 1Xolice c1oike
Xotice el Ij Application for Tax Ta MrJ ihod1ndrr MrJlitdcr e l lIllda
litdcr Section S of o I Chapter jSSS jSSSIMUS SSS SSSarts
IMUS 111 arts S of o Ii Florida FloridaXotice FloridaotkC hlor idI idINotice
Notice otkC ii i hereby hlrc1 given that hm Frances FrancesDickinson 11aIHlDkldnslll1 mees meesIkldnsn
Dickinson purchaser plttlha purchaser l of Tax Certificate Certificate1Xo
Xo o m 22Co > elated the 3d 31 day of Juno JunoA
A i D i rci < ic > c7 has ha filed said certificate in inmy inmy inmy
my oliice lJt ll2 ll and has m made application for fortax fortClX fortax
tax deed to tl issue i snl in accordance with i tit law lawSaid la laSaid lawSaid
Said certificate rti licit tl embraces lmaclS em races the following follutvingdescribed followingdescribed folloi ns nsllSlribld
described property situated in Volusiti Volusiticountv Vnlusialllt Volusiacounty
county lllt Florida towit to wit JJj E of Wt WtIJf V Vof Yl Ylof
of S Stof it f SHI SE l ff If NV > i t t iw ll T 1 10 m o South SouthR
R 30 o East The said suililand land being bl IIg assessed assessedat I Iat lat
at the date of the issuance of such SUd1llrti SUd1llrtinlaH certi certificate ccrtificat ¬
ficate in the name of If Klixabcth Gal GamUnlcis Gary GalUnlls
Unless aid > certificate ccrtif lILtl shall be redeemed redeemedaccording Ilclem redeemedaccording ll llaording
according to law l 4w tax deed will issue issuethereon islIcll1lnln issuethereon
thereon on n the 5th day AY of If July Jul A D Di I II90Q im
i I90Q fog goJ1itnets
fogWitness Witness itnes my m t official f1kinllii signature nRtlIc and seal sealthis slalthh sealthis
this the 4th day of If June hllll A D I K IIOC IIOCSenl i > CO COStfdJ cqISeall
Clerk Circuit t Court r eurt 11t Vohi V oluia > ia Countv CountvFlorida ou ount ountFlorida 11 tv tvFlvrida
B By R P1Itmlin P Hnmlin D I C Cyj
The Kind hul You Huvo Always Alwn s Bought nod ml w which ° hkh JiltS IJCCIB IJCCIBiu hcClSin Ucesnill
iu use ll e tOt over el i0 years cnls JUtS burno the trigim1110 of orv oYand
v > and 1 Juts i peen made UTuler his 1I1 Ii IS jicr JrerSoual jicrslon 101 101fiCHU1
fiCHU1 I1I11mlslon slon since itsinlaiKy itsinlaiKyiiiow its ittihnt illl uur uurAlluw y
64 Alluw iiiow no d one 011010 to deceive you Ult in it this thisAll tJli tJliAll thisAll
All Counterfeits Imitations and dusl Jiistas asgood ood arc hut JiufjExperiiiifiils huttllilti hut1x
Experiiiifiils 1x periuttut that tint trifle with and endanger lii the health ol olInfants orInfants ofIuliutt
Infants and CItildlctExpcrlenc0 Children Uh I1tllcJll Experience against II 1tiIISt Experiment ExperimentWhat I Ex XIIClhllcntWhat tcrltucnt tcrltucntWhat
CU Custorla tmlu is a harmless suhstitutc for t Castor Oil Pare Paregorie Pnrcolle PareJorie
gorie olle Drops and Soothing Soothlll Syrups llIS Jt is Pleasant PI llsnnt I IcontulIS Jt Jtcontains I IcOlltltlllS
contains neither ttlt her Opium Morphine nor other 1nrcottct 1nrcottctsubstiutcc NUICutIflIllstnlaec Narcotic Narcoticsiihstunce
siihstunce Its ago is its guarantee It destroys f1lstlo S Worms Wormsand VcnIIISuncI
and allays Fevcrishness 1 wls1I1lcso It cures Diarrluva and Wind WindCollui 1VlnLCoale VhlClCCllle
Collui It relieves lclll CS Teething Trouhlcs TIlIhl s cures cur Constipation Constipationand
and Flatulency PJllt1l1cll1c It assimilates the l10 Food l oucl regulates nllat < s tho thoStomach tho8tClIIIII11 tun tunStomach
Stomach and 11 Bowels A giving ivih lIr g hcaUhyaud IIIrllf lClIlth h soul natural sleep sleopThe sh sleepite I
The ite Childrens ramieea ulIllcILrhe The lothers Friend FriendGENUINE JrlcIJlclCENUINE FrtndGENUINE
rf Bears the Signature of ofThe ofThe ofThe
The Kind You Have Always Bought BoughtIn
In n Use For Over 30 Years YearsTHE
yltl lh of t 1 11 l lI
InJir I SVN trli S j JIIIII > r rI jxss jxsslilV I > S SIII
I III lilV is Ij I II it > > Uilt UiltNulice Iii IiiN
Nulice N 1I aiet ll is i hereby hn ghI11 4l ivm yin that Iraiuis Iraiuislickinson FIa1l IratlesIickinson < l lDiddl1stJn
lickinson purchaser of 1a Tax x Certificate CertificateNo ttltit lat latII
No N II igij II dated datl the ud I nil day dn of June JuneA IlInl IlInlD
A U I limo lIOi has filed said certificate in inmy inmy
my 11 dllice olio aui and l has made application npplit Itian for fortax rflrta fartax
tax ta Ili deed iI ti tn I issue i lIl in accordance with law lawSaid lawSa lawraid
Said Sa raid ill certificate 1111 ifkn t finlirncos lI111rnllO the following followingdesrdlcd followinjdescribed
described in pmperty ty siituated in Volusia 1olusiacounty Volusiacounty VllIsiaFllJrila
county IMortdii Irln ihrIi towit it V jof of SVoac SVoacof
of Lot 2 Sec ll c i I iS South Range c cliist CEast cEast
East 10 acres The 1h said land being bcintfassessed IJlII IJlIIa beingassessed
assessed a sllisld at the date 1111 thtI tl uf the issuance ofsnh of ofsuch If Ifslldt
such cerlilicate t in the name of CIturhr C l J r rImdlll
Iarcher lnli Unless s said ccrtilicato llltil tall shall shallbe shrillIrcilcemciI
be IrcilcemciI redeemed according to law la tax deed deedwill dlllwill deedwill
will issue thereon on the fith lh day ria of ofJulv ofluh ofJuly
July luh A I D troy < tci tciVitnesH OC OCiuHsi >
VitnesH iuHsi my ullicial signature anal amiseal IIIII analseal
seal 01 a I this the jth th day of June A 1 1Seal lJ 1I
1101 I ior
Seal SealFlorida call II SAMI i 1 JOIUIAV JOIUIAVCourt I OIWA OIWAhr
kuk hr lilcuit Court Volusfn County Countyfan flUlIl flUlIlFllldda aunty
Irlori Florida Floridaticc FlllddaXIIhe la laoti
XIIhe oti > ticc of l lfplhllliml fan for Tux Lt Iked Ikedof Dlc1lIdl d dlair
lair lIdl lamina S of I Chapter tSSS tSSSNotice ISSsIall 1SSBLiars
Liars o < j FloricII FloricIIfllil horidaNotice
Notice fllil is S hllllo hereby given thaL J f B BCampbell BamphtlI Banlplitll
Campbell purchaser pltcha lr of Tax Certificates lcrtitLlltcsOS2 CertificatesXos2ij
Xos2ij OS2 ns 2II I and aII zn JY sale 1ll of June Oth 6t h A D UIyo4
1904 Iyo4 Certificate Xo 0 Soo sale of 01 Sep September 5ptembcr ll lltlmhlI ¬
tember ISSS Certificate lrlit tatc No o 1501 1501sale 101all i o t tsale
sale all of June 2 1 A I D 1X96 IS9 has filed said saidcertificates studrcrtiticitle fl flllrtilkiLllS
certificates > in my 11 otlice and has ha made madeapplication 11111111alplkatillll madaplirntiotr
application for tax t x deed dll to issue iSStt in in a arurdutce ac accordance allUrtlal1ll ¬
cordance with ith law Said aill certificates certificatesembrace eeltif certificatesnihi latl latllmlttihl
embrace nihi the following fullo + ving described prop property Iroplt property ¬
erty lt situated il Iatld in Yolusia lllsia count v Florida Plnritlatowit Floridatowit 1 II1litlllto
towit to l Lot 40 41 Assessors ssessurs 5L IIOI5 Ivntcrprise IvntcrpriseSec 1 I
Sec 6Ip 6 Tp 11 n I S R 31 I E Lot Lutlo 10 Sub Sultof SultofSll of ofSWJ ofs
s SWJ Sec 5 Tp 11 K I t S R i IE K Lot i iBlock JmOlk 2I31ok
Block 12 t 2 Osteen I 4lln and Lot 6 Block i iOsteen 2Steed I IIhtllll
Osteen OsteenThe IhtllllThl Steed
The said a alate ill t l lands I at 1 being assessed IIlllSIiCI at t t the thedate thldatt
date of the t hl issuance i IHtt1ll of such certificates certificatesin llItif latl latlin
in the name of l li Oats Unless said saidcertificates sa saidcertificates lI lIllltif
certificates llltif latcs shall halllllllllllIHld be redeemed according accordingto
to law ht v tax deed will issue h Ic thereon on the the22nd thl2I1Cllla
22nd 2I1Cllla day of June A A 1 D ioo iooWitness IIOIj IIOIjitl1lS igoOVitness <
Witness itl1lS m my In v ofticial signature and ant seal sealthis Slillthis sealthis
this 2ist Ist t st ihtyof day f May Jlay Ia A U goy ujoySeal 1901Seal i goycal
Seal cal SAMI UII u I 0 1 IOIWA IottulNlkk < tx txClrk >
Clrk Circuit Court Yolusfa olll it a Countv CountvAWfV COUlltFlorir1n Cntatllortla
AWfV 1 it oj > 1 rpliciOlI > > Vor fur d ii T Jnv fiX fcd I cci cciIutltT td I IirII
IutltT Scitinii etIni irII S 0 aj i Clmplir 11111 ISI SSS SSSV SSSLoas II
Loas 1 V I i FIrid FIridlItilI IYru fil filNatlit II IINotice
Notice lItilI c is hereby hln lcreb given that A II IIllutehinson IIIlutlhinsIII1 11Ilntchins
llutehinson n purcliiser ptu chnscr of If Tax Certifi Certificate lltitillIll ttrtitidte ¬
cate Xo o J dated the jrd p i dav m elf < > f June JuneA lunlD inn innI
A D I iOo7 HC I IOi has filed said certificate Ititklltl in inmy inm inday
my m office J1 ill and has made nUHl madltpplitmtin application appl latiJI for fortax fillta 1 r rntxleed
tax ta ntxleed deed llII to tf issue i lll in accordance with law lawSaid InwSaifl anySaid
Said certificate llt certiticatembrnces it latc embraces the following followingdescribed folluwingIlllriltl follutvinglcstribcd
described property j iiert situated s lualCl in Volusia Volusiacounty olustcounty 0111111lunt
county county Florida Fit ridt towit Li ivut SJ of lot 5 Sec Seci SllT
i aI T I 1 iS S South R I i East It j acres 1Ilt The Thesaid Thesaid Thesaid
said land being 1l IIU assessed at the date of ofthe oftl f fthe
the tl issuance of such certificate in the thenaiiu th thIIIIIIWf thennna
naiiu IIIIIIWf of J I S Maker Bal t Unless Lnle said cer certificate rt rttitat ¬
tificate I itka II shall iliH 11 be redeemed according to tolaw tolaw totar
law tax deed will issue thereon thl ll on the the12th theI
I 12th Jth day da taut eli f July 111 A i U I ujoy 1101 1101ln
Witness ln lIs lIiv my oVlicial tlidal signature and seal sealthis sI Sealthis 1 1thi
this thi the nthday t rth clay of June J Ill A I D njoy t O9
Clerk llIk Circuit C 1luit Court Volu VolllOlI1 m County punts
Floriila FloriilaXfticc IIniInntic
i iIict
Xfticc Iict cf f Applitiitwn Appli ltiolt for Tax Deed DeedCtiiicr DeedCIdll DecdCnlt
Ctiiicr r Xeetivn rrti Sof so s of Chapter 4SS8 4SS8aits 4101SSIals 4SSRIaas
Ials aits oj 0 Florida FloridaNotice Floridao I lorfdaNotice
Notice o tiel is hereby hlIlh given R cn that thn t Frances FrancesIDickiiibon FrancesicldlliJon Prances1ickinaon
IDickiiibon purchaser lUldla er of Tax Ta Certificate CvrtilknteNo lll ncate ncateo
No o soi Ol listed the 3td rtl day 11m of June JuneA lunlD iun
A 1 D 1907 aye has hh riled said certificate cljtit LRtc in inmy illm inmy
my m office 0111 and nn ha has made application for fortax fortnx fortax
tax tnx died nd to iue in accordance with withlaw with1n withlaw
law 1n w stiid lic1 certificate le embraces the thefoUo theiollowin thefollowing
foUo iollowin following vini described property situated in
Voluii in i1 1 r l L < vn 1 Hi Hiof I
inf of Sli Ii I < l t 1 r S T I is1 J sujtli sujtliK lItll lItlli
i K I u < o Ilu Et i t < r Tin aid iii Mind being beingassisscil btitpit in inI
I assisscil i it I SId ill tilt date ot t ILIhl uf sucfl sucflcertificate lc lcIrlit t1et1 t1et1trtilir1tc
certificate Irlit tall in the name < > f I C c I Biter 111II1wrllIllsS Biterlilss inner innerUnless
Unless aid > ai certificate rcrtitie itt shall be reilecmed reilecmedaicording ndllmedtll it t unecl uneclncnrding
aicording to law la tax tu < deed will issue issuethereon is issuetlurcnn uc uctlwll1I
thereon mi n the 6th day lay of III July rlll A U Uigoi I Ii
igoi i 111
igoiWitness Witness illws my 111 ntydieial oihcial Ilidnllignutlll MgnattiV and 1111 1 seal sealthi sealthis nl nlt
thi t this hill the 4th1lny 1 tli t It day fIn of June J tnL A t D MO MOClerk IIHr uoO uoOiSetll <
r iSetll lnn StsiII I n IIWAS JnItIASfClerk IIWASlIcrk
Clerk Circuit iIllIi L Court oHrt girt Volusii 01 n1ia II > St a County IOUI1 ty
Florida Floridai llridadier I iaridaYrlce
Yrlce i dier > lici o 01 ApplicatipH for Tin Deal Dealfjtulrr DtctlUllcla ItcdUadr
fjtulrr r Srelfan Iylic S of c Cliiiptir 4SSS 4SSSIMHS lSSRLots ss ssa1l
Lots a1l of n If Florida FloridaXotice FloridaJtln 1loridanticr
Xotice Jtln is hereby jiven icon that C C CFanning GI Cfanning
Fanning I annin t purchaser n I Tax ax Certificate CertificateXo Llrtifk o ou
Xo u 1 jij II dated atld the < rd I day 111 of jam JunA jamA flI1A
A I D 1007 has iiled tilt said H1d curtiflonte in inmy illInV Iiimy
my InV oliice IIlHn and has made aheath application un fll fvrtax f flltax > r rtax
tax deed elll to issue il lle in it accordance withii with withlaw withlaw
law ii v Said ccrtilieaU1 embraces the thefollowing thlfollowing thetJilt
following tJilt wing described i ribcl pmperty situated sit ltatd in inVolusin inVClluliin inl
Volusin l 115U1 county Florida II rirln lowit ti tlI Lots Lotsi Iot IotI
i and aim I 2 ex io 0 o links of i if S n 1 1 i5icochi i5icochiSir i 5 tCo rcocit rcocitSt ch cht
Sir t 27 T I K t6 1 > South R I 3 Hast r Ii > The Thesaid Tlwaid rh rhsaid
said landbeingassesscdat la laudbeing nil l1lin IIsHssltl nssesscdattime at thedateof tlu dule datcof of the1 the1issuanceof thli tai taiissw0iteat
issuanceof i such certilinatc lItilh nk in tlKMianiuof tlKMianiuofJ the name of off ofc
J f l c Mclomlts Unless l nltss said certificate rertificahilia certificateshall clrtif lntl lntlhull
shall ilia II be redeemed according to t law II tax taxdeed laxill taxdeed
deed wil ill issue thcivon on the Oth day of ofJulv of11I1 ofIul
Julv 11I1 A 1 IX J njoij iOOIittas 10 10itnls
Yittics itnls my H1 official iidnl signature ti t + IHltll1t and seal sealthis sealthi sealthis
this thi the 1th lh day Ia of If June I lint A 1 U I t IIICIl IIICIllaIJ limaScniJ oi oiSeal >
Seal ScniJ laIJ aASIt ISAMI AMI I D JOKIIAN JOKIIANClerk IrRh1N IrRh1Nlerk 1I1 < 1IN 1INIelk
Clerk Ielk Circuit Court Vohtsia 1c Oh11I iounty lIttt lItttIrlIjlla
Florida Floridaticc IrlIjllaSul IlarirlaAdfcc
Sul Adfcc < > ticc < e uf Applie Application lIJI for or Tn lox Deed DeedViidcr IJerclUIda rrd rrdfuder
Viidcr Srciion nIO S S of Clitiptir Ita lIt jXSS jXSScI1lS iSSSrays SSS SSSIMC
IMC rays f Ii Florida FloridaXotice Floridautill IlnridaNotice
Notice utill is is herel hereby > y given thai r C CFanning t tFltllnill CFlutlting
Fanning Fltllnill ptui purchaser hnssr iIf Tax Certificate CertificateXu Ltif omitcnteNo lntc lntclI
Xu lI 412 1 12 dated the < rd day Ila nfjune nfjuneA III of fllllt flllltD itmeU
A n 11 IIOi iOo 07 has filed said certificate in inmy inmy
my 111 my tike and has made application for fortax lO lOtax fortax
tax deed I hl to issue in accordance with withlaw withlaw withlaw
law Said certificate mil rntlrares 11111IIl races the thefollowing thefllowi thefollo
following fllowi follo ing n described property y situated shull hrl in inVnlusiii inIlusin inolusia
Vnlusiii Ilusin county count Florida towit tiVi L S15J SE SEf g gf
> f SICJ EJ Sec 2r tK i 1 I1 > South Si tith U l 3 East I atlo atloillrl 40 40acres 40att
acres illrl att es The said lan land < 1 beauassessed beini hing assessed aS oillld at atthe attlw atthe
the date dll t of the issuance ofsuch n r such certiii certiiicatc l rertttiate llti i ila
catc la ate fl in the min of If f Nannie CltHl l MeCombs MeCombsUnless 11eotnb9Gals IcCombfenlls
Unless said certificate shall shalllw be redeemed redeemedaccording rldtn rldtn1llIIII1in rtdeeinedaccording
according 1llIIII1in to law tax deed will issue issuothereon issueIhersun ue uehlIln
thereon on the oth day ltt o of July A D Dlooi DIelOll I Il
looi l O
looiWitness Witness ittwsil my nw official 1 l al signature and seal sealthis scatthis lalthit
this the jth clay lay a of If June flint A D I mog mogiSeal 1Oyul ttrvthrall
thrall ul SAMJ S S111i JJ U I JORJJAN JORIMSettrk JORJJANClerk JORtrtxClerk
Clerk Circuit C 1uit Court Vohuta olnit Countv CountvFlorida
Florida FloridaAVfVr 1 1lorldlVoter loridaIti
Voter Iti of II Application 4 f 11 if ie jor or Tax Deed DeedIndcr D DcvrlI l lrla
Indcr I ndcr Section retie I iLH s of v Chapter Cm plrr jSSS 1SSSpts jSSSflccv 1 SSS SSSIa
Ia flccv n r oJ > Florida FloridaNotice INflllotk FlrriiaNotice
Notice otk is io hereby 11l1l given that C C CFanning CFutlninw CPanning
Fanning purchaser lUrd1 i1 i I Tux Certificate CertificateXo LItit l fttJ fttJJ
Xo J 297 J9 dated the ilt rd day of June JuneA
A D J 1907 has ht filed said certificate nItifil tc in inmy inm inmy
my m oHice and ha has made 1I1 1tll application for fortax fc fctOii fortax
tax deed to to issue in atar accordance lanee with withlaw withlaw 55ithlaw
law Said a1 certificate embrace the Lot Lotlotying fotlowinJo following ¬
lowing described property situated in inVolusiu inVolutia inVolusla
Volusiu count cotutty v Florida towit X i 577 i 7
ft 1 of 770ft i iC eft ft of Ie f XW N t ofNEt ot Nis E + Sec sectO SCcH
10 H T M I South K R32 32 East to The said saidland Midltnd saidland
land Ixing lwin h 7 asscsmd at R t the l h date of the th thi
issuance i lnnle of hsuch such certificate in tho name nameof nmnod namef
of f J J S Lamond Unless said certifi certificate ltrtitilltl ccrtttfcate ¬
cate shall be redeemed according to law lawtax lawtax lawtax
tax deed will issue isCt thereon on the Uh ithdnr Uhday th thclay
day of July A IX D I 1009 19e 19eitttesS
witness itttesS my official tfidalltlgnkture signature and sealthis seal sealthis Icalthis
this the 4th tlm day 4 of Ii June A D I 1909
Clerk Circa Cir Vulunn V UIUIII County
Yr YrF

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