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PAGE EIGHT PROTEST DISCRIMINATION AT ROUGE SWIMMING POOL IN THE SHADOW OF THE STARS By -flbbe' U)a! lace Mpntalist On Tuic AheqiCau Stage 1 7“ 7 ’ NOTE:—Your Question will be answered FREE in this column ONLY when a clipping of this column is enclosed with Your Ques tion, Your Full Name, Hirthdate, and Correct Address. For Private Reply send twenty-five cents in coin or money order, and a self-ad dressed envelope for my New Astrology Reuding and receive by re turn mail my Free Advice on Three Questions. DO NOT SEND POSTAGE STAMPS. Send all mail to Abbe Wallace, care of the DETROIT TRIBUNE, 2146 St. Antoine, Detroit, Mich. I>. G. H.—WHI my people ever come to themselves again and what should I do until they change their minds I Anß: Go away for a few months . .your people are very OLD FASH IONED and they just can’t seem to grasp the new ideas that you have brought into the home at one time. Leave them alone for a month or two and they will soon get accustom to your way of liv ing. G. A.—l want to know if there is going to he any marying done in our house soon! 1 just feel like that 1 am going to have a brother in-law. Ans: No not a brother-in-law but a FATHER-IN-LAW. You need not begin getting sore about it for you will think more of your mother's choice of a husband than any of the boys your sisters are going around with. He will be a help to all of you. L. 11. S.—ls it best that I con tinue on in school or teuch this next year? Ans: Get your degrees and then teach for you will be so much bet ter qualified and will be able to get a much better SCHOOL. It won’t be necessary for you to stop and teach for your father will fi nance you another year. N. M. C.—l am planning to take a trip In August and would like to know If 1 will be welcome! Ans: Your BROTHERS and SISTERS will be delighted to have you in the home again. They rea lize that the incident that occur ed three years ago was not alto gether your fault. They will not mention it to you. W. A.—Will this mun marry me and If he will not then what in the world does he intend to do! Ans: He has proven a long time ago that he is not the MARRYING TYPE. He is a confirmed old batchelor and he just doesn’t want the feminine touch around his home. !f. B. X.—My parents are taking a long vacation by motor this sum mer and I am trying to make them let me stay with my girl friend. Do you think 1 would have a good time? Ans: Don’t give up this marvel ous trip that your parents have outlined for this summer. You on ly think that you want to stay be hind but you will meet many new friends on this trip and enjoy your self much more than staying be hind. Your boy friend will be at home when you return from the trip and you won’t lose him. HAILE SELASSIE MAY VISIT UNITED STATES London —(C) — Emperor Halle Delassie of Ethiopia may tour America on a lecture tour, it is rumored here. The emperor has been offered $500,000 for such a trip, It Is claimed. Whether this proposition is designed to keep Selassie from returning to Ethiopia SCHOOL DAYS ». • .* sees T^T % \ CU "J / f. \_OVt ** ' see i MOH V I »/ • • • m . x .x 7 Jt *»/ K .* r VV> NS >" < *i I li* *\ ./■"XX, \ £., 1 P> \ • ✓ ' » CUttf * * t * ERfi*r\C>! N # # % •• _• • \ jr >■ Sets \V V **• * *•* # % % 2g§£> Circus < vA i' *** • • \*, &u*- / V .. • »oX v Ak ~ / V. *' sPRiMSi*' CfMS® ifCGr’ i 1 5 #,* uc*cs v% .frie/ww***** TO co%e £ -' s c#r ! T jf -75 fcgiT-f*- qV |7(«Ap . sehC> so** l l» m boys-. i M a a JMM 11. A.—l have been married three years and my husband hasn't had no success ut nothing lie tried. Tell me if he ever will for 1 am disgusted i Ans: He will not until you get over your disgusted attitude. Your being dissatisfied only makes him worse so..cheer up and give him a few encouraging words before he leaves the house in the morning and he will soou get a job. This is the least thing that you could do to help. S. II. —I bate just succeeded in getting a good paying job and 1 wonder if it is best that I hold to it and not go back to'school! Ans: It seems to me that the particular job that you have, the work could be done in the after noons and evenings. Why don’t you talk with this man that hired you in a few weeks and see if he 'couldn’t arrange to keep you so you could return to school. W. K. J.—People are trying to make me go in the ring and lie a fighter and I want to know what you think about it? Ans: Don’t you think that you have waited a little too though you feel physically fit you have reached the age where it would be very hard to be a good fighter. You would be more suc cessful in some other field. The best fighters must train before twenty-five. C. L. K.—Does this mun really care for me und should I go on this trip with him? Ans: Yes he cares, .and both of you would spend an enjoyable time taking your vacations at the same resort. He will make every min ute of your vacation a pleasant one. WORRIES—I am undecided about my health. I feel that I can get well without doing what my doctor says. What do you advise me! Anß: You are acting very fool ish in trying to diagnose your own case..why have you spent so much money going to the doctor if you do not believe what he tells you? You must have the operation as your doctor prescribed before the Goitre will leave. B. N. P.—You have helped me four times in the past and I come to you again. Should I marry this mun or not! I know I get hellish at times. Ans: He loves you and will pro vide wonderfully for you and your little son. I too believe that some times you are responsible for the little misunderstandings that come between you. You can’t find a bet ter man than this fellow. to lead his armies in the West, as he announced at Geneva he would do, is a matter for speculation. If the emperor tours America, it is likely that his daughter, princess Tsahai, will go with him. It is said such swanky resorts as Newport and Southampton would see the emperor first. ATTY. WM. B. BANKS SENDS LETTER TO COMMISSIONER HENRY W. BUSCH Protests are b e ing made to Henry W. Busch, commissioner of parks and boulevards; und other city of ficials, aguinst the barring of Ne gro citizens from the public swim ming pool at Rouge Park. The following letter to Commis sioner Busch, was written by At torney William B. Banks, well known local attorney, and it speaks for itself: July 14, 1936 Mr. Henry W. Busch Commissioner of Parks & Illvd. Os the City of Detroit Dear Sir: This is to advise you that I have been referred to you in order to bring a matter to your attention that is in your department, and, therefore, under your control. It has recently been brought to my at tention on several occasions that there was gross and flagrant dis crimination against persons of the Colored race at the Rouge Swim ming pool. It has been conducted in one of the most subtle manners. Several members of the Colored citizens of the City of Detroit have had occasion to enter this park for the purpose of entering the swim ming pool and they have always been advised that they could not be permitted to swim in said pool be cause they had “athletic feet”. Whenever their children sought to enter said pool, they were told that they could not go in for the same reason. On taking this matter up with some of the officials In pursuit of taking criminal action for the gross violation of law, as a violation of the sense of justice, fair play and right of citizenship to all intelli gent thinking people, the commit tee was advised that, if this matter was first called to your attention, YPSILANTI, MICHIGAN Sunday service at Brown's Chapel A. M. E. was well attended. Rev. A. T. Williams brought the morning message. At 3:30 p. m. Rev. Garther Roberson preached. At Second Baptist Church Pas tor Roberson brought the morn ing message to a large attendance in spite of hot weather. At 7:30 p. m. sermon by Pastor Roberson who leaves Monday with his family on a trip to Alabama to visit parents and friends. Mrs. Hancel Wilson will accompany the family. The Ypsilanti Civic and Social Club, a group of public spirited and pro gressive young men. was repre sented creditably with an exhibi tion booth at the Ypsilanti centen nial July 3-5 at Recreation Park. Many old Relics and works of Art, were shown as the property of various Ypsilanti pioneer colored citizens. Chicken, barbecue and pop were sold to the public and brought in nice returns. The com mittee in charge of the booth were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brooks, Mrs. Elmer Carter, Laurence Crosby, M. Payne, Frank Rober son, president and Mr. W. M. Bran non, secretary. K. W. C. Club met last week at the home of Mrs. Bessie Burden. Mrs. Rose Starks was charming hostess to Palm Leaf Club last week. Rev. Edmond S. Carter, Ann Arbor, Mich, brother of Mr. Arthur Carter of Ypsilanti, who was born in New Boston, Mich., April 15. 1895 died Friday morn ing July 10 at the age of 41 years. Rev. Carter was killed early Fri day morning on way to work in company with 3 other WPA work- By DWIG THE DETROIT TRIBUNE SATURDAY, JULY 25, 1936 that it would undoubtedly be cor rected without any undue publicity and embarrasment being caused our public officials. When I first brought this mat ter to the officials, it was not thought possible that a thing of this type was being committed in a public purk, especially in view of the fact that it was not being committed in other large public parks In the City like Belle Isle. Inorder to ascertain that this vio lation was actually being practised at Rouge Park, the writer person ally went to the said Park on July 11th at about 6:45 P. M. and was sold a ticket to enter said pool, that when he approached the door of entrance to pool, the manager there went to the person station ed at the door (who later told the writer that he was the pool in spector) and made some sign to wards the writer. When the writ er reached the Inspector, the In spector immediately advised him that he could not enter said pool because he was possessed of "ath letic feet”. I thereupon asked the Inspector his name and was told it was John Holly. I was given a brass check and told to return to the office and my money would he refunded. I retained said brass check as evidence of my rejection. As chairman of this committee that has been appointed to investi gate this matter I desire to know your disposition of this practise and please advise me when it has been eliminated and it will be a gain ascertained if some of your employees or servants are con tinuing this conduct after you have made effort to eliminate the same. Yours truly, (signed) Wm. V. Banks era. Mr. Frank Fields, 927 Main street was also killed. The other two, Fred Adams and Richard Woods, all of Ann Arbor were seriously injured. Funeral ser vices were conducted from Brown Chapel A. M. E. Church Monday, July 13, at 2 p .m. Rev. Handcock. Detroit officiating, assisted by Rev. A. T. Williams. Burial in Den ton, Mich. Rev. Carter’s car was run down by a 10 ton truck. He leaves to mourn his passing his widow, Mrs. Carter, 4 children, Edette, 13, Edmond Jr, 11, Lo raine 10 and David 17 months; 4 sisters, Mesdames Sarah Wil liams, Mae Guy, Zora Evans all of Battle Creek, and Kathrine Baker, Ann Arbor. 4 brothers, William of Detroit, John, Battle Creek, who is ill in local hospital, Arthur and Daniel of Ypsilanti; and a host of other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Taylor, St. Louis, Mo. and children, Harriet and Charles are house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Neely. Mr. Taylor is attending summer school. Mr. and Mrs. Clemon Tan ner now reside in their new home at 134 Hawkins street. Mr. and Mrs. Chancy Green have as their house guests Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chinn. Mrs. Bertha Davis and Mr. r«ddl« Green all of Chicago, 111. Mrs. Caroline Brown left for her home in Chicago Wednesday. Her sister, Mrs. Virgil Sears accom panied her home. Beauty Culturist Wins Trip To Paris Indianapolis—(ANP) Madame Sarah E. Helm, well known beau ty culturist of this city and pro perietor of the “Growin Beauty, Hair, Scalp and Toilet Manufac turing Co.,’' was signally honored here last week at the national meeting of beauticians, held at both the Lincoln and Severin Ho tels when she was awarded first prize for her famous “Shadow Wave” coiffure, the award carry ing with a six-weeks’ trip to Paris, France. While abroad she will study “Blending” and also give in struction in the “Shadow W'ave.” Madame Helm’s invention and formula, It Is said, have been re gistered in Washington D. C., and she has already refused an offer of SIO,OOO for the “Shadow Wave” and a compound devised to grow hair on bald heads. She Is form ing a manufacturing company to produce the preparations, her as sociate in the business venture be ing Dr. Arthur W. Womack, 1926 N. Capitol Ave., this city. When your head aches; when Neu rmlgia tortures you; when Muscular Pains make yam miserable—take a Dr. Miles* Anti-Pain Pill Mr. Smith is one of millions who have found this easy way ts prompt relict He says:— "7 keep Dr. Miles' Anti-Palm PHls tn my pocket and when I get a dull heavy feeling in my head, 1 take a Dr. Miles' Anti* Pain Pill and the pain passes off * DR. M I LKS' -ANTI-PAI* PIUS Miss Etta Moten Returns to States New York City—Miss Etta Moten disembarked from the S. S. Ameri can Legion last Wednesday return ing to America ufter a four month stay in South America. As she des cended the gung plank, Miss Moten who was accompanied on her tour by Miss Enid Lee of Boston, her accompanist, expressed her appreciation at being “back home” but admitted in the next breath that she had been charmed with the beauty and graciousuess of the Argentine and Brazil, the two countries which she visited. “It was a remarkable experience to have no sense of inhibition be cause of race or color,” she said. “In Argentine, the people simply do not think of color while in Brazil being brown was a virtue." Miss Moten played the exclusive “Muipo” Theatre in Buenos Aires and the Urea Casino, a theatre in De Janerio which she described as WOULD IN REVIEW (By Frank Marshall Davis for AM*) AIMING AT HKARST It’s a parlor pastime to take oc casional potshots at William Ran dolph Hearst, the multi-millin aire publisher. Communists are opposed to him socialists dislike him, liberals do not care for him, New Dealers call him their foe. Negroes are joining in with their penny’s-worth. He is loved only by those who wknt to keep this a country for the moneyed men to exploit the poor. And yet, his pa pers are read by millions of Americans every day. According to a survey conducted recently by Fortune, the high class subsidiary of Times magazine, 43 out of every 100 persons in cities with Hearts newspapers regard their influence on national affairs as bad. This shows a higher level of intelligence than many thought possible. The Hearts press has come in to disfavor among some Negroes— who read it anyway—because of the stand of Arthur Brisbane and certain correspondents on the Ethiopian war the position taken on the Louis-Carnera fig|it, and lately the comments of Hearst.’* International News Service sports writer on the defeat of Louis by Schmeling. Nurses To Meet In New York City New York —(ANP) —On August 18 and 20 the National Association of Colored Graduate Nurses will feature a two day institute on Maternal Care and Tuberculosis. These subjects were selected for discussion, as they still contri bute largely to the high death rate among Negroes. This institute is part of the general convention pro gram of the Association whose 29th annual meeting will be held at the Y. W. C. A., in New York City, August 18-21. DOUBLE STRENGTH | V > DOUBLE ACTING Wmt.eti.WatAcA’is nNPE RFUL HAIR GROWER Mod* with doop ponotrotmg tecmt oill that relieve dandruff, itching tcalp, thin •nd falling hair. It thickoni, toftoni and booutifiot tho most itubborn hair. Fmll lit# box only 3 Or . , . Whether you waar your hair bobbad or long, you owo it to fourtolf to mo to it that it b healthy, toft, wavy and thick. Scod /or Fret Cxi ale l • INI UML C. 1 WAIICBt MF6. CO. tOUMAKXII WOAWA LOOK! BIG MONEY FOR YOU! the most beautiful theatre or place of entertainment that she had ever seen. “A distinct appreciation for artists of color seems to exist in South America" she said, “and I have an invitation to return next spring with an entire company of "Morenos," as they call us.’* During her stay in Rio, Miss Moten sang twice at the resi dence of President of Brazil Var gns und Mrs. Vargas. Miss Moten was met at quaran tine by her husband, who rode the government cutter down the bay to bourd the steamer before it docked. She was booked to play the Appollo Theatre as soon as she lauded from the boat and will re turn to begin that engagement July 17 from Chicago, her home, for which point she left after a brief stay here. If Hearst continues his policies, Negroes who do not know what position to take on an issue may merely watch the Hearst press, see its stand, and conclude that the opposite position is the safe way for the race. WILBERFORCE INVITES NATION Wilberforce, O. —(A N P) —The public is invited to vacation at Wilberforce University during the National Matches of the Ameri can Tennis Association, August 17 to 23, 1936. Here one will find a rare opportunity to play, relax or be entertained under ideal condi tions. Wilberforce, located in the beau tiful Miami Valley of the Buckeye State, is in the immediate vicinity of such large cities as Cincinnati. Columbus, Springfield and Day ton. A shady campus, well kept buildings, excellent cuisine and an elaborate sociul program will make a vacation at Wilberforce during the tennis tournament one long to be remembered. Write C’apt. James A. Nichols, Secretary WMI - Tennis Club, Wilberforce Ohio, for reservations. Atlanta Visitor Finds SIO,OOO Albany, Ga. (C) William Moore placet! in City National Bank last week a SIO,OOO U. S. treasury note which he says he found in Whitehall street in Atlanta on July 4. Moore claims he found a wallet on the street which contained the Treasury note and a $5 bill. He brought the wal let home and kept It for several days before he decided to “see If It was any good.” He was afraid It was counterfeit. The bank would not accept the note for deposit, but did accept it for collection. It is not yet known whether the note is good. Moore made the trip to Atlanta, to spend the holiday, In a truck with his brother, Andrew, and Robert Gladden. Floyd S. Snelson Quits Journalism New York—(C>—Floyd G. Snel son, Jr., nationally known news paper man, has quit the game, he announced Friday at his home, 437 Manhattan avenue, Apt. 58. Mr. Snelson, who has been in the business 27 years, says he has thought It over and believes It Is time to retire. He is planning to en ter business. Snelson started in journalism on the Boston Guardian under William Monroe Trotter when he was 15. His first job as editor was on the Columbus (O.) Inde pendent in 1914. He founded the Here’s Your Big Chance to Make Quick Money —Be Agent for SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing, Bleach Cream, 300 Products. It’s Easy; Do you need Money? Do you wish for the good things that Money would buy to make you happy? Then become a SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Money- Making AGENT. Men and Women wanted everywhere as AGENTS for SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing Pomade, Hair Strength, Skin Brightener, Bleach Cream, Face Powder, Perfumes, 300 Products. \ ou don’t need any experience. Work in Spare Time or Full Time. We show you how to make up to $40.00 a week or up to $6.00 in a single day. FREE SAMPLES BHlßJlM.immffak-.i1... Send No Money! j VALMOR PRO docts co. D« P t. m I Just fill in coupon and mail It I 2241 Indiana Av«. t Chicago, 111. , today for FREE SAMPLES of • 1 want to make Quick Money. Pl«*a«p wnd me I Hair Dressing, Face Powder and J *rooS«nplcs and so cial Offer to Agenurighi away. 1 Special Offer to AGENTS. Don’t t Name \ wait Mail the COUPON NOW! J I Addre 5f............ ... | Valmor Products Cos. D u's r * ■ "" 2241 Indiana Avenue, Chicago, 111. J 2146 St. Antoine Street, Corner Columbia Clifford 2924 FORD’S POWER HOUSE IS ENLARGED With consumption of electric power by the Rouge plunt of the Ford Motor Company at un all time peak, work has begun on an addition to the power plant to house additional power distribution equipment, it is announced at the home offices. The structure to gether with equipment will cost approximately $420,000. The addition is supplemental to the major modernization program which has been under way for the past 18 months and involved in stallation of a new’ 110,000 kilowatt turbo-generator, a steam boiler and the elimination of one low-pressure boiler, at a cost of $4,600,000. The new equipment will make available to the plant the new in creased electric power capacity of the power house. Provision also is being made in the addition for later installation of still more pow er distribution circuits to handle further increases in the plant’s power capacity, now scheduled and already in the blue print stage, it was said. The new addition to the plant will be 20 feet deep, 178 feet long and 152 feet high. The struc ture will exist $105,000. Bryant and Detwiler Company is the general contractor. The peak demand of the Rouge plant, world’s largest motor car factory, is now 155,000 kilowatts, sufficient electric power to serve an average city of 3,500,000 persons. A year ago the plant’s power re quirements were 130,000 kilowatts. The power required to operate the plant is increasing steadily and by the end of the year is expected to reach 180,000 kilowatts. The present output of the Rouge power plant, largest industrial high-pressure steam plant in the world, utilizes all of the pre sent 42 power distribution circuits, intended to meet the requirements of immediate future needs. Pro vision has been made for the in stallation of 12 additional circuits at a later date, giving the power house a total of 66 main power lines to the Rouge plant. The cost of the distribution equipment to be installed immediately will be $236,000. Miscellaneous expendi tures estimated at SBO,OOO will bring the total cost of the new work to approximately $420,000. The new circuits will give the power house pow’er distribution e quipment capable of handling a load of 265.000 kilowatts. The ul timate capacity of the power house will be 345,000 kilowatts. The pre sent generating equipment has a peak capacity of 215,000 kilowatts, including one 110,00 kilowatts, three 30.000 kilowatt turbo-generat ors. and one 15,000 kilowatt back pressure unit. Two 30,000 kilowatt unit, now in place, is put in ser vice. NOTICE TO i LOCAL CHOIRS AND SINGERS Dr. Ernest Johnson, director of the united choirs and singers of the city who will participate in the choral singing in connection with the meetings of the National As sociation of Negro Musicians, Inc. which will be held in Detroit, Au gust 23 to 27, announces that all local choirs and singers are re quested to attend the rehearsals to he at Brewster Center every Monday night, at 8 o’clock. Hotel Tattler in Miami and brought it to New York. He has had some of the best connections in the Negro newspaper field, in cluding representation of the largest national weeklies. He founded National Negro Features in Atlanta, OJa., about a year ago and ran it until December. Snel son reached his peak when he wrote for the Buffalo Evening News, largest daily paper publish ed in New York Btate outside of City. Parent - Teacher* Congress To Meet In Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta, Oa. — (ANP) —The Na tional Congress of Colored Parents and Teachers, headed by the prea dent, Mrs. Essie D. Mack of Louis ville, Ky., will be held here July 26-29. According to Verna Smith, publicity chairman, delegates are being urged to prepare detailed re ports of all activities of their par ticular branches, for presentation at the convention. Financial re ports, charitable services render ed by the various associations, re ports on new members and pro motional work among colored par ents and teachers, will occupy the attention o fthe National body. —-o Don’t forget to read your Tribune every week. It always contains news of interest to everyone. REEBa HAIR CROWER »*SS«. <O0 “‘”*' St, "“ , '' , NOW2S. Nu-Nile Glorifies Negro Beauty. Have LONG—SOFT— Glossy Hair. TREE 1 French Marcel Iron 1 Beauty Course With Our Special *2.00 Outfit Belf 1 Brass Comb (fine wood handl£. S Double Strength Hair Grower X Pressing Oil Glosslne 1 Bottle French Perfume Supply it Limited. Send $2.00 Money Order. Act Todayi Only $2.00 cash, delivered to your door. No C. O. D. PEERLESS PRODUCTS CO. 00 Atlantis St., Jersey City, N. J. [ICAXT Wbßltf (SR? our AHD How many times has a Head ache ruined your day’s work— spoiled your evening’s pleasure? Users of Alka-Seltzer say that Alka- Settser gives unusually prompt and effective relief from Headache. Try AJka-Seltxer for Add Indigestion. Muscular, Rheumatic, and Sdatlo Paina. ADca-Seltxer contains an annlgaaln (Acetyl-Salicylate) for pain rattaC. Ms vegetable and mineral sllis Hears correct the cause when due to hyper acidity of the stomach. Ai your drag store soda Cantata and In Si and ft cent packages tm home use. ELLIS SUPERIOR SANITARY SUPPLIES For Institutions Hospitals Industries Office RnUdlng* Schools, Hotels Homes. Ellis Products Cos. Hi IS Stanford A»e. Detroit. Mich. Phone Garfield 4109-J OLIVE SKIN LOTION A woman’s secret for soft, smooth and beautiful hands and skin. Hands always in water do ing rough work remain perfect with Olive Skin Lotion TOODLE DRUG STORE, ONLY Frederick A Beaoblen TE Brace 2-980 G —2-8006 Oakland-Belmont STANDARD SERVICE STATION Now Independently owned. Yon will enjoy the way yog are treated at this Station. Mr. Reynolds says yon won’t go wrong by stopping at this Station. Ray Reynolds, Prop.