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Candy Johnson Moves Into 2nd Place Behind King Porter DETROIT TRIBUNE SATURDAY, JULY 17, 1948 6 Douglas, Bellboy, Tied In Disc Poll I guess all of you know that ©ur man—Van —is no longer a spinner of aolid platters for WJBK. I know that you've heard some tall ones about this situation, because I have. Well, the truth of the matter is, that the station is putting on an ex tensive economy program, and Van. being one of the newer Disc Jockeys, was one to catch thedis nuasal. It is no reflection on the character of Douglas, circum stances, merely, that’s all. But what I want to know Is —art you In accord with me, when I say. that he should stay right in the contest so that he will realist just how many friends ha has accumulattd— VICTORY SUPPER CLUB t/'* Present* M 1 Henry i§j McWorter ‘and his : band ITT ini TW. 1-9681 17910 Conant PARADISE iSIVPni WINE - BEER ■ O ▼ wl II LIQUOR • MIXED DRINKS MUSIC ~~ ,Y Babe Brown —ALSO— AIR CONDITIONED 3639 Harrison Road Inkster, Michigan MAX R O T T. . . Pr Mania KING PORTER “The King of the Trumpet” an d his BAND STILL HOT AS A FIRECRACKER Royal Blue Bar 8401 Rueeell TR. 2-9199 CHESTERFIELD —LOUNGE— Presents— GILBERT HOLIDAY AND HIS FIVE CHORDS • EDDIE GORMAN, Vocalist • JIMMY PONDA, Drummer • JOHNNY HOOKS, Alto Sax • WILLIE SHORTER, Piano • GILBERT HOLIDAY, Baaa WINE - BEER - LIQUOR MIXED DRINKS AIR CONDITIONED 4721 John R talking to tht crowds nightly whilt spinning tht plaitars that madt "stay-at-homt" nights, much lighter. THIS WEEK—THINGS ARE ALL TIED-UP Our man Van has closed the gap between himself and Jack, which has existed since first this contest began, and now we find these two battling it out for the No. 1 slot. Here are the tallies for this week: Jack the B-B 200 Van Douglas 200 Joe Gentile 100 Warren Kelly 95 Paul Williams 80 Earl Hayts ...» 78 Todd Pure 55 In Tribune Band Poll; Bunts Third BY ROBERT BEATTY Well, I’m here, you're here, and everyone is set for the little tally and talk that we must in dulge m to keep this contest on the move. As far as I can see King Porter is still holding on tight to his first place lead, while Candy Johnson has moved into the sec ond place slot with vim, vigor, and vitality. Candy Johnson was by the Parrot the other night with all his steam up blowing his top. on every piece that he blew his top, the crowds blew theirs al so. Candy is not only a wonderful musician but also a fella of re markable showmanship; he s tops as far as an all around good fel la is concerned. JOHNNY ALLEN LEADS Johnny Allen, the man with a million tunes, unwritten, in the hack of his head, is taking the •cianging section of this contest by storm. For you people that know Johnny, know that he is tops, for you that don’t should make it your business drop in the ‘ Frol ic” and hear this man convince the world that he is the greatest, then when you are convinced, don't stop until you've cast your vote for him,. But any whtra you don'l think that ha is tops, cast your vota for your choica. as far as that’s concerned; don’t stop Witb just the casting . your., vota for your choica or arran gars, vota for your choica in all (actions of this band poll. For you art Johnny-Q-Public and what you say goas. » ( I A batch picnic la always fun, and doubly so when eomeone like Virginia Mayo, atarring in Samuel Goldwyn’e "A Song is Bom", is around. Os course, there's usually a photographer on hand to take a picture! In this one, Virginia has just unpacked the food and the paper napkins; and wisely holding a paper napkin around a "hot dog", she prepares to enjoy her favorite picnic snack. Here's Real Service! at PROVIDENT *lO to *SOO LOANS COST LESS! Remember this fact ... Provi dent e leoi-thrm-legnl rote tores you money. Since JPOfi Provi dent has specialised in small loans, and has always been known for friendly service. Quick, convenient, private loans made on your furniture, •uto or note. Repay in monthly payments to fit your income. Payment Plan fxamplesi on Chaste MaatMj Rp—| Han CASM * U I » rat new rtyann rtyneeti tioe »»n uo iso T7.ia u 39 ess *oo u 17 i» 36 it at *se 43 12 34 12 1377 SO* 3408 *BB7 1883 400 71.40 31 04 24 70 see 44 90 47 01 30 20 pntrmmtt inrlndo nor monthtp tOorpo of I'+% am kolonnro to $100: 4% on koloneoo ooor $lO9 to $$00: %%<*n Omionroooooe ftoo. PROVIDENT LOAN t SAVINGS SOCIETY Cenventent Dewetewn Office 139 Cadillac Squor* Right ecrest frem the Ceewty Bdihfing 304 lawyers Building Phase Woodward 2-2542 Leading Band Poll mm yC ■flt 7 fir King Porter and hia band art laading tha band poll this weak with a total of 310 vote*. Porter himself, tha man man on tha trum pet. is shown blowing away. Tha band U appearing currently this weak at tha Royal Blua Bar. HOW THEY STAND BANDS King Portar 310 Candy Johnson 291 Howard Bunt* 287 Gaorga Jankin* 160 Tad Bucknar 110 Todd Rhoda* 00 T. J. Fowlar 44 (Nona listed under 30) * * * TENOR SAX Candy Johnson 370 Lefty Edward* 340 Warren Hickey 152 Laurence Freeman 120 Cranford Wright ••• 80 Jimmy Caldwell ... ... 30 (None listed under 30) ALTO SAX Ted Buckner 230 Hal Dismuke* 150 Eddie Jamison 110 ; Frank Porter 100 1 Alvin Wall* 60 Gan* Nero 50 Frank Taylor 30 (None listed under 30) TRUMPET King Porter 230 Willi* Well* 172 Billy Horner 110 Lloyd Henderson 50 John Lawton 64 Eugene Galliard 40 Johnny Wilson 40 (None listed under 30) BARITONE SAX Tat* Houston 200 BAND POLL BLANK Write in name of your favorite. Cut out ballot. Mail to Dick Jennings, Band Poll Director, Detroit Tribune Newspaper, 2146 Sit. Antoine, Detroit 1, Mich. BAND TENOR SAX ALTO SAX BARITONE SAX CLARINET TRUMPET TROMBONE PIANO GUITAR * BASS DRUMS FEMALE VOCALIST MALE VOCALIST ARRANGER WHan an intarnatioaolly foment •tmMfl' T** **• "* w Sctu'Wi b **<• "ta* >'*• s»aarad"-yaa ••« *• **• •*'» truly tor Mr Waynar camat Iran • *••">/ ataaoatad wltb tKa brewing of goad bear tinea lIU. TWi to tbe 7S*b Anaiaanary af aaf brewary—wa’r# celebrating arltb quality baar that b H*e bail wg'wa car brewni—tHe bad ye*‘«e aver tatted Try • battla lodey-yeeH be g*ad yaa did. fl chmiclt’s ta» amain Mama N. latvn • atra Georg* Favors HO Howard Bunts 90 CLARINET Rudy Rutherford 392 Louis Barnat 100 Alvin Walls 60 TROMBONE Charles Graanla* 162 A1 Hayes 140 Smitty Carter - 90 PIANO Willi* Anderson 210 Ted Sheely 180 Johnny Allen 170 Randy Leftwich 100 Thomad Hammonds 70 Todd Rhodes 50 T. J. Fowler 44 (Non* listed llnosr 30) GUITAR Billy Burrell 270 Emmitt Slay 160 George Dawson I*' l Wilson Warren 40 BASS James Glover 252 The Great Mule 150 George Washington 120 Beau Glover 60 Leonard Morrison 60 A1 Martin * 30 (Non* listed under 30) DRUMS Willi* Benjamin 240 George Jenkins 230 Bob Atchinson 132 Don Cox .. 80 "Best beer I‘ve ever brewed** Myi Gustav Wry mar, our famous New Master Brewer SB mtm yfy j • IB B HHrt ■ » pl£2>] t L SEER | ~ Ip Hitting The HOT SPOTS BY ROBERT BEATTY PARROT BAR JUMPS Here 1 am again with tales, some more, of the night lifers and the “mad men” of music who make night life in Detroit worth living. I was by the Parrot Thursday, everyone was happy and fairly knocking holes in the tables. Why? You’re probably asking yourself. “Well, I’ll talk.” Candy Johnscan came in with his pipe of long, and started blownig his smoke of happy notes around like mad, while Phillip Hill and his octupus like fingers reached and grabed at all eighty-eight, in fact all were having a ball and “yours truly got happy right along with the mad characters. OUT GOES THE OLD IN COMES THE NEW Pierce. notad for bringing tops in antartainmant to kis public throuqti means of his lovaly Club El Sino. has Just closad out a wondarful show, but don't you Mr. and Mrs. Reporters Hold “Bull Session" At Club Ebony By JAMES L. HICKS NEW YORK (NNPA)— Floyd Nelson, the long time public relations expert, threw a press party for visiting newsmen at the Broadway Club Ebony dur ing fight week and it being a typical newsman’s party with the usual shortage of women, the newshawks immediately fell in to a discussion of their second favorite topic, their own news stories. (Their first topic of dis cussion is always women.) By the time that every news- | man present had attempted to convince the others that he should win the Willkie Award or the Spingain medal for his great stories m the interest of better race relations, someone began to insist that Marion Jackson of the Atlanta Daily World say a few words. Jackson then modestly told of some of his hair raising ex periences in covering the on the scene activities of the Ku Klux Klan in Georgia and other points south. After he spoke there was a respectful silence. Nobody, par ticularly the New York report ers. wanted to talk about then small work when a combat vet eran was in their presence. LAUD REPORTERS When you make your living re-writing handouts from public relations men you just don't be long in the same league with these guys who are actually out there reporting on the firing line in the field of race rela tions Pardon us while we drink to guys like Marion Jackson. Percy Green and the rest of that crowd down there who have to sometimes lay -low for a few days after their stories hit the streets. Huestell Tally 40 Jo* Askew 30 FEMALE VOCALIST Loren* Carter 210 Honey Brown 110 Mildred Mclver 70 Toni Palmer 60 Beverly Bowers 30 MALE VOCALIST Louis Hey wood 170 Sonny Carter 140 Georg* Favors 110 Lefty Edwards 70 ARRANGERS Johnny Allen 27’ A1 Have* Lefty Edwards 90 (None listed u Public, faal slighted., for you'ra not losing. Pierce brings to you a com plete new show'. You'll see such acts as Robert Harvell and his trio. Some people are down on imitations but when they are done as well as Harvell does them it's great. Harvell was King Cole s under study for quite some time and is now singing and playing with the same amount of public ap praisal. some people call him the “poor man’s” King Cole. Also at the El Sino is Delores Brown, a talented vocalist that comes to you from Florida where she spent a half year at the Rockland Palace as well as three months at Club Savoy. Rocky and Vicky are amusing the crowds with their happv feet. Rocky and Vicky come t > us from St Louis "h- . spent tw’o months at the Clgb Rivji ra and a mo.ith . . Zanzibar. THE CHOCKLATEERS RAGE The people are now enjoying the music of Big Nick and his Chocklateers who are now playing at the Rex Bar with all tlv zest and abilitv of the musicians that thev really are DISC JOCKEY BALLOT Mark an (X) in the space opposite the name of your favorite Disc Jockey. Clip this coupon and mail in to Robert Beatty, the Detroit TRIBUNE, 2146 St. Arrtoine, Detroit 1, Michigan, e/o Disc Jockey Con test Editor. Jack the Bellboy—WJßK ( ) Eddie Chase—CKLW ( ) Toby David—WWJ ( ) Van Douglas—WJßK ' » Joe Gentile—CKLW Larry Gentile— CKLW Earl Hayes—WJßK Warren Kelly—WJß ( ) Bob Murphy—WJßK ( ) Russ Muleholland—WXYZ ( ) Frank Petay—WJß ( ) Todd Pure—WJLß ( ) Larry Ruppel—WJßK ( ) John Slagle—WXYZ ( ) Jerry Snider—WJLß ( ) Stu Strand—WJßK ( ) Paul Williams—WWJ ( ) HOLIDAY DINNING ROOM Formerly • • • MURRAY’S CAFETERIA i ) KOSHER LUNC HEONETTE Chinese and Creole Food Specializing in Shrimps Bar ' B ‘ Q Uf * A Chicken and Ribs WE CATER TO parties 4711 John R l^ljjfe OPEN 7 A.M. to 3 A.M. TE. 2-8763 HOLLIS St DAY, Proprietor* Victory Hotel OVTERS New Modernistic ROOMS FOR RENT Permanent and Transient 17§10 Con ant TW. 1-9661 DRUMS-GALORE Ge°rge Jenkins is the M with licks to spare who T for some time now been »Uy B , the blow top crowd around wj when they step in the door . the Frolic Show Bar. Have v <» heard George play “Sing, Sins' or “Lover/' in which he take one of those lone breath- takiw drum solos? When he ,ta!2 playing the crowds hold the* breath and by the time hei through he’s wet with perspir* tion and the crowd need a drink DO YOU DRINK? , So if you’re not a dunking man and you still insist on *«! ing Jenkins, you’d better tab your teething ring with you. you’ll have something to chew upon when Jenkins makes it hot for vou. WHEN YOU DON'T PAY. YOO MUST STAY By the way, when I >ay out and have a nice time I mess it. but know you as well a? 1 know, that to have a Rran j time you must take along vour own moo-laa so as to duck tht embarrassment of not being able to foot your bill. Don't ever let ii be said that you drank and drank, and when the little lady of treys came trudging by to make her boas happy, your loot couldn't be found. Why? Because ths pocket was flat when first you entered the place that jive built; in this case. Club El Slno. And don't be un hip when the men or waitresses ask you to 'leave' your hit and coal. Juat that happened at the above club last week. No doubt the chicks with ths cats ware “slightly peeved.* Wouldn't you have been? See you next week meantime. I’ll see you around the circuit. So look out for me.