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ZSZ-<*CMS&/FJEI> HOUSE FOR SALE Seyburn near Kercheval brick 4 bedrooms, oil heat, 2 car garage, full basement.. Real buy; anyone; terms. VIGGIANO 7128 E. 7 Mile TW. 2-5030 FEMALE HELP WANTED EARN MONEY at home, in your time. Experience in sew ing and knitting helpful but not necessary. No selling by you involved. For private in terview in your home call Miss Thomas, DI. 1-3700. ■ l ■■’ /■ ■ FURNITURE FOR SALE Apartment furniture for sale— UN. 1-0325 CAR FOR SALE 1950 PLYMOUTH; good con dition; very cheap. LI. 6-4346 HIGHLAND PARK Elmhurst near Woodward 8 room brick; reception hall, living and dining rooms, kit chen, 4 bed rooms and modern bath. Basement has recreation, storage, utility and shower bath rooms. Terms arranged; quick possession. Telephone owner. TOwnsend 9-7464. UNFURNISHED FLAT FOR RENT North-East Section, 6 rooms upperflat. Good Transporta tion. Nice Neighborhood. TW. 3-9379 APARTMENT FOR RENT 9 Rooms and bath, clean, con venient location. See caretaker —4461 Russell. FURNISHED APARTMENTS 1 Room furnished apartment. Gratiot and Van Dyke area. Good transportation; $14.00 weekly. WA. 1-7544 or TW. 1-0414. BEAUTICIANS TRADE xhe scintillating new magasine for Beauticians . .. Chockfull of smart new hair styles, pointers on making more money in *56. It's jus! the magasine you've been waiting for. If your jobber is out of BEAUTY TRADE, or der your subscription by mail Only $3 for seven months. $5 for one year. Write today toi BEAUTY TRADE. 101 West 46th St- New York. 36. N.Y. FLAT FOR RENT FORD near 14th —6 rooms and; bath, automatic heat and hot : water. Newly decorated. Ex cellent ransportation. DI. 1-1320 HOUSE FOR SALE 574 CLAIRPOINTEE. 3 bed rooms. full basement. SI,OOO down. DR. 1-9135 FLAT FOR RENT VERNOR, East, 954. Children ok. 5 rooms, $55.00, Mrs. Per son, WO. 4-0705. ABSOLUTELY SENSATIONALI S Complete Rooms of repossess ed furniture; oil heater, stove, refrigerator, washer, bedroom, living room, kitchen. Pay off Balance $l9B 18 Months to Pay DAY FURNITURE CO. 6462 Chene St., at Grandy FURNITURE FOR SALE Living room and Bedroom Suita also Kitchen Furniture. 3359 Cortland Apt. No. 105. FURNITURE FOR SALE Complete living room and Jun ior Dining Room. Will Sacrifica. 3359 Cortland. Apt. No. 206. - • ■ ..... i— i ■ . ■ ✓ STORE FOR RENT Milwaukee East 322. Store good for Barber Shop, and Beauty Parlor. Reasonable Rent. HOUSE FOR SALE Norlhfield 5872 Near W. War ren. 6 rooms house, full base ment. Hot Air Heat, Terms. Owner. TY. 4-2960 FURNITURE FOR SALE Fntire house of furniture sale. Excellent condition. WE. 5-7924 RetUurant Equipment For Sale BARGAIN Must vacate in 30 days. Beau tiful All stainless Steel Restau rant Equipment in Running con dition. Like New. Air condition ing, Refrigeration. Large Mc- Ray Walk in Box, Leaaher Boo ths. Beautiful Stainless Steel So da Fountain. French Fryer, Garland Stove Etc., Seats 42 people. Will take Cash, trade for vacant or improved proper ty, Car or what have you. Will help move Equipment Call TO. 5-5288 Till 11 A M. Call TO. 5- 0131 After 11 AM. 10 DETROIT TRIBUNE, SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1957 Complete modernization, attics kitchens, basements and ad ditions. Fully licensed. LI. 3-0555 HOUSE FOR SALE Grand Blvd., 335 E., center en trance. Colonial, face brick, solid masonry, four bedrooms and bath; large finished room on third floor. Large lot. first floor Lav., TV Room. House in good, sound condition. Sin gle owner. Low price and terms available. Agent. TU. 4-0100 FURNISHED APT. FOR RENT An ideal apartment for newly weds or working couple. Com pletely furnished; 2 rooms, tile bath, private shower bath. WA. 3-0282. SHOE SHOP FOR SALE Shoe Repair Shop, established business; all equipment. Illness' forces sale. 8737 Lin wood TO. 9-7919 FOR LEASE FOR LEASE to responsible party —6 unit, modernly furnished apartment bldg., centrally lo cated near Wayne University. LO. 7-0608 till 5 p.m. Evenings UN. 1-2205. | MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Leaving town. Automatic wash er, Electric stove, television, picture miscellaneous. KE. 3-7262. HOUSE FOR SALE INKSTER INKSTER Norte Dam* Near Jim Daly. SBSO Down-55 850 Full price. Large 1 Bedroom Home. Full Bath. Extra Large Living Room. Stairway to Attic for Extra Rooms. Garage Fruit Trees, etc. All located on nice large lot. Payments only sso.* 00 per month. REGAL • EDWARDS REALTY CO. LO. 3-6400 or CR. 8-2700. HOUSE FOR SALE Grand Blvd. 33S E. between Kercheval and Jefferson. Vacant. Sound Value. Single Owner. Good Condition. Bargain Price. 4 bedrooms. Face Brick. Center Entrance. Colonial. First floor lav, T V. room, finished 3rd floor. A Steal and terms avail able. Open 2-5. Agent. TU.4- 0100. FLAT FOR RENT Adults. Blvd and 14th. 7407 Dunedin. Nice 5 clean rooms and Bath. Heated. Stove, re frigerator, washer »and fire place LOgan 3-0268. ROOM TO RENT Nice room for single man or woman. A. D. C. Mother, 1 cr 2 children accepted. TY. 5-2579 after 6 p.m. BUSINESS FOR SALE Paint Store; very good location. Very reasonable, 10 years in same location; illness reason' for selling. Corner Mack and Mt. Elliot. 3724 Mack LO. 8-0700 STOP! Improve your Health and Hap piness, with South Florida 1 living. Many jobs now open. Comp. Classified. Send SI.OO to 1213 N. W. 11th Place, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. LOT FOR SALE ON BASSET EAST of WEST OUTER DRIVE. For informa tion call KE. 3-0398. GAS OIL Conversion Burners or Furnacea Low - Low Price* HAVE GAS HEAT NEXT WEEK Better Home Heating Cos. Call TRinity 1-0232 We Give S&H Green Stamps HOUSEHOLD FOR SALE Moving to smaller apartment, bedroom, dining room. Odd Chair*, dishes. Call Sunday or Weekday afternoons 8c even ing*. 225 Merton Rd. Apt. 303. BUSINESS OPPORTUNTIES Peanut and Bubble Gum vend ing machines on locations. HANDY VENDING COM PANY. LI. 7-0919 HOUSE FOR SALE 13517 Monica, 6 Beautiful Rooms and Breakfast Nook. Gas Heat, 2 Car Garage, Storm Windows and Awnings included in price. Have to see to appreciate. Can be seen Sunday between 2-5 P. M. CAR FOR SALE CADILLAC 1952 Fleetwood, re cently completely overhauled, excellent condition. All accesso ries. Private owner. Going over seas. Will sacrifice. WO. 1-1800. Evenings VA. 2-2181. LAND FOR SALE 10 Acre* outskirts of Port Huron. Ideal for Playlet-Park or Private Picnic Grounds; wooded. 53500, Cash or Terms. TW. 1 9627 Lega Is William T. Patrick, Sr. Attorney at Law 911 Gratiot Ava. STATE OF MICHIGAN In The CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF WAYNE IN CHANCERY MARY LEE HOWARD. Plain tiff. vs LEONARD HOWARD. Defendant. ORDER TO APPEAR No. 549-087 At a session of the above en titled Court, held in the City- County Building, in the City of Detroit, County of Wayne, and State of Michigan, this 19th day of July A D., 1957. PRESENT: HON. NEAL FITZGERALD. Circuit Judge It appearing by affidavit here to attached that the defendant. Leonard Howard, is not a resi dent of Michigan, but that his last known place of residence was at No. 2615 Elmwood ave nue, Detroit, Michigan; and. that he is not at the present time residing at the same address; and. and further, that his pres ent place of residence is un known. On motion of William T. Pat rick, Sr., Attorney for plaintiff. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, that the defendant enter his appear ance. either in person, or by Attorney, within three months from date of this Order to Ap pear, or the Bill of Complaint will be taken as confessed against him; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a true copy of this Order to Appear be mailed to the de fendant. bv registered mail, re turn receipt requested, and that a true copy of said Order to Appear be published according to law. NEAL FITZGERALD. Circuit Judge A True Copy Edgar M. Eranigin, Clerk B\ Elizabeth Keegan. Deputy Clerk 7-27—fi-31 Ally. S. J. Flamagau 1627 E. Davison ORDER OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MICHIGAN, in the Circuit Court for the County.of W’avne in Chancery. | EZELL CLARK, plaintiff, vs. 'DORA MAE CLARK, defendent. No. 558.396 At a session of said court held at the city-county building, at the city of Detroit. County of Wayne and State of Michigan on this 12th day of April, 1917. PRESENT The Honorable Wade H. McCree Jr., Circuit IT APPEARING from the Af fidavit attached hereto and filed herewith that the defendant named in this cause is not a re-! sident of the County of Wayne and State of Michigan, but that she resides at :lluto Mclvy Home Project, No. 7-G. in the City of Bainbridge and State of Georgia; Therefore. ON MOTION OF S. J. Flana gan. attorney for the plaintiff. IT IS ORDERED tha thi above-named defendant appear, and answer the Bill of Com plaint filed in this cause within three months from date of this Order, or the same may be tak en as confessed against her; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Order be sent to the defendant at her lust known address by Registered mail or a like copy be published according to law. WADE H. McCREE. Jr. Circuit Judge (A True Copy) Edgar M. Branigin. Clerk Ey N. Greenberg, Deputy Clerk 6-22—7-29-57 Atlys. Simmons 8c Bibb 585 Gratiot Avenue STATE OF MICHIGAN IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF WAYNE IN CHANCERY. No. 560-137 MARVIN REED. Plaintiff, vs. P.UBY LEE REED, Defendant. At a session of said Court held at the Court House in the City of Detroit, County of Wayne and State of Michigan r.n the 31st day of May, A D., 1957. ORDER FOR APPEARANCE PRESENT: HON. GEORGE E BOWLES. Circuit Judge. It appearing that the defend ant is not a resident of the State of Michigan, but resides in the State of Los Angeles, Califor nia; that from diligent search and inquiry made by plaintiff among defendants friends, ac quaintances and relatives, de fendant’s present whereabouts are unknown; IT IS ORDERED that the de fendant enters her appearance in this cause on or before three (3) months from the date of Or der or said Bill of Complaint will be taken as confessed; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Order be sen' by registered mail to said de fendant, Ruby Lee Reed, at 1639 East 90th Street. Los Angeles, California, her last known ad dress, and if not received 1 per- u V FURNITURE FOR SALE Kitchen Tabl* $5.00. 2 Cedar Chest $5.00 each. 2 End Tables SIO.OO each. 2 Chest ol Draw ers. SIO.OO each. Large Book case Desk. $25.00. Small Ra dio, $5.00. Automatic Bendix. Washer. SIO.OO Large Chrome Coffee Set. Electric. $25.00. 9 Piece Dining Room Set $125.00.. Drapes, Dishes. Nick- Naks. 2 Mirrows. TU. 3-1626 FOR SALE New Remington Portables. Payment about $4.00 months. Starts after New Year. Mail your order to: NELSON Box 2716 T. Detroit 31. Mich. HOUSE FOR SALE 3775 - Hth Street. St. Leo Parish district; 9 room brick house with tv o-car garage. $6,000 down. STATE OF MICHIGAN, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF WAYNE IN CANCERY BERTHA WILLIAMS, Plain tiff. vs. JOHN D. WILLIAMS, Defendant. No. 556.210 At a session of said Court held at the Court House in the City of Detroit, in said County, on the 2d day of May, A. D. 1957. PRESENT: The Hon.. Joseph A. Moynihan, Circuit Judge. In this cause, it appearing to the court by affidavit hereto attached, that chancery sum mons for the appearance of the defendant has been issued out and under the seal of this court, and that the same could not be served on or before the return day thereof, for the reason that said defendant, being a resident of the City of Detroit, County of Wayne and State of Michigan, chancery summons has been re was concealed therein, and said turned with the certificate there on endorsed, showing that after diligent search and inquiry, said defendant could not be served at his last known address, 1635 Gladstone avenue, Detroit, Mich igan, on or before the return day thereof: Therefore, on motion of James D. Lee, Attorney for the Plain tiff, IT IS ORDERED that the de fendant, John D. Williams, cause his appearance to be entered in this cause, within three months from the date of this order, and in case of his appearance, he cause his answer to be plaintiffs bill of complaint to he filed, and a copy thereof to be served on the attorney for the plain tiff. within 20 days after service upon him of a copy of this order, and bill of complaint, and in default thereof, that the said bill be taken as confessed by the said defendant. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order be published in any newspaper published and circulating in the County of Wayne, and served, according to law. . JOSEPH A. MOYNIHAN, Circuit Judge A True Copy Edgar M. Branigin, Clerk By Hugh A. Merron, Deputy Clerk 5-25—6-29. Ralph W. Miller Attorney for Plaintiff 11739 Dequidre, Detroit 12 T. 9-9177 STATE OF MICHIGAN IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HIE COUNTY OF WAYNE IN CHANCERY. IRENE BUTLER, Plaintiff, vs. JAMES BUTLER. Defendant. No. 559 845 ORDER OF PUBLICATION At a session of said Court held in the County Courthouse in the City of Detroit, Wayne County Michigan this 24th day of May, 1957, A. D„ PRESENT: HON. GEORGE E. BOWLES, Circuit Judge. In this cause it appearing from affidavit hereto attached that the defendant James Butler is not a resident of the city of De troit. Wayne County, Michigan, but that he is a resident of the State of Missouri, residing at Bragg City, General delivery; IT IS ORDERED that tne de fendant James Butler appear or answer the bill of complaint filed in said cause on or before three (3) months from the date hereof or that said Bill may be taken as confessed. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order shall bo sent by Registered Mail to the defendant at his last known ad dress, Bragg City, Missouri, Gen oral Delivery, and in sase no re turn receipt signed by the de fendant is received that this or der shall be duly published as icquired by Law. GEORGE E. BOWLES Circuit Judge (A True Copy) Edgar M. Branigin, Clerk N. Greenberg, Deputy Clerk 6-22-7-27-57 tonally by said defendant* at least twenty (20V days before he time prescribed for appear ance, that this Order be pub lished as required by law. GEORGE E. BOWLES Circuit Judge (A True Copy) Edgar M. Branigin. Clerk Elizabeth Keegan, Deputy Clerk 6-22 -7-27-57 Ally. Wm. V. Bank* 2101 Gratiot Aw. STATE OF MICHIGAN, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF WAYNE IN CHANCERY MARIE LEE. Plaintiff, vs. HENRY LEE, Defendant. No. 558.826 ORDER OF PUBLICATION At a session of said Court held a* the Courthouse in the City of Detroit, County and State afore said this 25th day of April A.D., 1957. PRESENT: Honorable VIC TOR TARGONSKI, Circuit Judge. It appearing that the defend ant is not a resident of this State, but that his last known address is 90 Lodds Street, Ak ron. Ohio. IT IS ORDERED that the de fendant enter his appearance in this cause on or before three! months from the date of this order or said bill will be taken as confessed. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order be sent by registered mail to said de fendant to 90 Lodds Street, Ak ron. Ohio, his last known ad dress. and if not received per sonally by said defendant at least twenty days before the time prescribed for appearance, that this order be published as required by law. VICTOR TARGONSKI, Circuit Judge A True Copy Edgar M. Branigin, Clerk Bv N. Greenberg, Deputv Clerk 5-18—6-22. STATE OF MICHIGAN. In The CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF WAYNE IN ! CHANCERY ELIZABETH COG MILL, plain tiff. vs. JAMES COG BILL, de fendant. No. 560.113 ORDER OF PUBLICATION At a session of said court, held at the courthouse, in the Wayne County Building, in the City of Detroit. County of Wayne and State of Michigan, on the 31st day of Mav, A. I). 1957. PRESENT: THE HONOR ABLE GEORGE E. BOWLES. Circuit Judge. It appearing by affidavit at tached hereto that the said de- j fendnnt, James Cogbill, is not a jesident of the State of Michi gan, and that his last known address is 2050 North 25th Street, Philadelphia, Pennsyl- j vania. On motion of Alonzo I). Petti- | ford, attorney for plaintiff. IT , IS ORDERED that the said de- | fc ndant. James Cogbill. enter i his appearance on or before i three (3) months from the date i of this order or that the Bill , of Complaint filed herein be takon as confessed, and that the said order be served and pub lished as required by law. GEORGE BOWLES. Circuit Judge A True Copy Edgar M Branigin, Clerk B v El.zabeth Keegan, Deputv Clerk 7.6—8-in. Jesse E. Williams, Attorney 1308 Broadway, Suite 206 Detroit, MJchigan JOURNAL OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wayne ss. 452.988 At a session of the Probate Court for said County of Wayne, held at the Probate Court Room in the City of Detroit, on the Eighteenth day of June, in the year one thoupsand nine hun dred and fifty-seven. PRESENT THOMAS C. MUR PHY, Judge of Probate. In the Matter of the Estate ot ROBERT H. WILSON, De ceased. On reading and filing the pe tition of Lillian Wilson praying that administration of sajd cs tate be granted to Norman Gaubbs on some other suitable person: • IT IS ORDERED, That the Twenty-second day of July, next at ten o’clock in the forenoon at said Court Room be appointed for hearing said petition. And it is further Ordered, That a copy of this order be published once in each week for three weeks consecutively pre vious to said time of hearing, in the Detroit Tribune, a newspa per printed and circulated in said County of Wayne. THOMAS C. MURPHY Judge of Probate I do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy with the original record thereof and have found the same to be a correct transcript of such ori ginal record. Dated June 18, 1957 JOHN E. MOORE. Deputy Probate Register. 6-29 7-13-57 FOR LEASE For laasa to ratponsibla party 6 Apartmant Building. 2 a id 3 T °om afficancy. Complataly da coratad and furnished recently. All utilitiaa Gat haat. Private parking. Wayna University Sec tion. LOrain 7*2123 HOUSE FOR"SALE 5750.00 Down. Bawick naar Warran. 7 rooms. Excellent Condition. Discount For Cash WE. 3*2735 or PR. |.|4lf Tiger Highlights Detroit Tiger minor league teams have retained their first division standings, and the sec ond half of the seuson finds two Tiger farm teams in first place, and two more in second. CHARLESTON SENATORS. American Association, Manager Bill Norman: • Two recent player transac tions and anew manager has enabled Charleston to record a 9-7 record the past two weeks, although the Senators are still in seventh place. Bill Norman replaced Frank Skaff a weak ago, pitcher Harry '•Duke” Markell was purchased from Rodhester and ouifiolder Ben Thorpe was traded to Oma ha for pitcher Herb Moford and cash. Jimmy Small has bounced as the team’s leading hitter with a .320 average, four points bet ter than teammate Archie Wil son. Wilson has retained lead ership in hits (114) and total bases in the American Associa tion, and last week took over the lead in doubles with 26. BIRMINGHAM BARONS. Southern Association. Manager John Pesky. A recent surge of 13 victories in 18 games has moved the Barons into their highest posi tion this season, second place. John Pesky’s team hit 13 homers in 1 of th6ose games, and col lected 30 extra base hits in their last 31 games. Jack Dittmer has five homers, batted .340 and averaged a run batted in every three times at bat since arriving from Detroit. FEMALE HELP WANTED Women sew easy ready cut wrap-a-round aprons home. Earn $26.10 dozen; spare time. Writi: Accurate Manufacturers Freeport. New.York FURNITURE FOR SALE Living Room. Bedroom Set. complete 5-piece Dinette, mis cellaneous. TO. 7-8988. STATE OF MICHIGAN, THE PROBATE COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF WAYNE No. 452.082 In the Matter of the Estate of ONNIE TINSLEY. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that all creditors of said deceased are required to present their claims, in writing and under oath, to said Court at the Probate Office in the City of Detroit in said | County, and to serve a copy thereof upon WAYMOND TINS- I LEY. ADMINISTRATOR of said j estate, at 5045 Underwood, De troit 4, Michigan, on or before the 7th day of August, A. D. 1957, and that such claims will be heard by said court, before j Judge James H. Sexton in Court Room No. 1221, City County Building in the City of Detroit, I in said County, on the 7th day |of August, A. D. 1957, at two j o’clock in the afternoon. I Dated May 27, 1957. THOMAS C. MURPHY, Judge of Probate I do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy with the original record thereof and have found the same to be a correct transcript of such orig inal record. Dated May 27. 1957 | Allen R. Edison, Deputy Probate Register Published in Detroit Tribune once each week for three weeks successively, within thirty days from the date hereof. William T. Patrick, Sr. Attorney at Law 911 Gratiot Ave. STATE OF MICHIGAN. In The CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTV OF WAYNE IN CHANCERY DOROTHY LEE LEE. Plain tiff. vs. CHARLES F. LEE, De fendant. No. $61.979 ORDER TO APPEAR At a session of the above en titled Court, held in the City- County building, in the City of Detroit. County ot Wayne, and State of Michigan, this 19th day of ,Tulv AD. 1957 PRESENT: HON. NEAL FITZGERALD. Circuit Judge It appearing by affidavit here to attached that the defendant. Charles F. Lee, is not a resident of Michigan, but that his last Known place of icsidenec was at No. 2107 Minneapolis Street Witehita, Kansas. On motion of William T. Pat rick, Sr, Attorney foe the plain ti r s IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the defendant enter his ap pcarance, either in person, or by Attorney, within three months from date of this Older to Appear, or the Bill of Com plaint will be taken as confessed against him; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED lhat, a true copy of this Order to Appear be sent to the defend ant by registered mail, return receipt requested, and that a true copy of said Order to Ap pear be published according tr law. NEAL FITZGERALD. at Circuit Judge A True Copy Edgar M Branigin, Clerk By Elizabeth Keegan. Deputy Clerk 7-27— *-31. Pitcher Harry Nicholas. & n ar rival from Charleston, has col lected thrte victories in three decisions and reliefer Jim Atkins has posted eight wins in 11 dis cisions. DURHAM BULLS, Carolina League, Manager Bob Mavis: Durham has started slowly in the second half of the Car olina League after winning the championship. The Bulls have moved into sixth place with a 7-12 record, and the addition of several players should aid Durham. Monday the Carolina League All Stars edged Duham 7-6 in the All Star game despite the Bulls out hitting the All-Stars 12-7. Third baseman Tom Futch, sent down from Birmingham, has hit safely in seven games and averaged .455, whili Wy cliffe Morton continued to hit well over the .300 mark. Battle Creek righthander Dave Reed has won 10 of 13 decisions, but Scranton, Pa., southpaw Joe Grzenda stole the spotlight last week with a nine inning one hitter, including 17 strikeouts. IDAHO FALLS % RUSSETS. Pioneer League, Manager A1 Lakeman: Idaho Falls dropped into the second division for the first time this year, but moved into fifth place with a pair of victories over the Pioneer League’s sec ond place team late last week. First baseman Jay Cooke leads the league in doubles and runs batted in, while Jess Queen remains the team’s top hitter wih a .399 average. Righthander Bob Dustal be came the leading winner in the Tiger system bl recording his 12th victory last week. VALDOSTA TIGERS. Georgia Floi ida League, Manager Stan Wasiak: Valdosta is currently in fourth place, jumping '5 ' spot in the past two weeks. The Tigers also won first half championship, but dropped into the second division the first week of the new season. Tom Gonzalez. San Diego sec ond baseman, continues to lead his team with i • .348 mark, while Bay City’s Jim Spvhulski has blasted 14 home runs for the Tigers. Three Michigan pitchers have accounted for 29 victories and only 18 losses, with Romulus righthander Fred Gladding boasting an 11-3 record. Birm ingham’s Dick Sheldon has won 10. lost 5. and Flushing s Dick Walter has a% 8-5 record. ERIE* SAILORS. New York- Penns.vlvania League, Manager Charles Kress: Successive home runs by Den nis Mendyk, one a grand slamer. finally moved Erie into first place after a three game sweep with Corning, which led until this last weekend. Erie’s rise from the second division has resulted in some of the largest crowds in the league’s history, including over flow crowds Friday and Satur day night. Mendyk. the team’s leading hitter at .358, leaves the squad July 17, for football practice with the New York Giants. Manager Charlie Kress ic hop ing the other four players hit ting more than .300 take up the slack caused by Mendyks departure. ORLANDO, Florida State League. Orlando, the only Tiger af filiate to finish in the second division during the first half of the season, is currently in sixth place. Dennis Brazicl leads the team's hitter with .444 i vernge while Newport. Mich., lefthander Dick Vigliotti has record six victories against four losses. National Classic Caddie Wins DEARBORN, Mich.-A silver tnd dark green 1931 Cadillac Roadster, owned by Donald J Cole of Columbus, Ohio, is the Classic Car Club of America’s 1957 Primary Division National Champion. The seek, 16-cylinder entry collected 98 of a possible 190 points from pudges in taking first place in the Custom Class at the CCCA’s Midwest Grand Classic at Greenfield Village last Saturday (July 13.) Since the total was the highest among nearly 100 entries at the meet, the Cadillac become Mid west Grand Champion. Later a check with judges at the East ern Grand Classic, held simul aneously at Morristown, N. J* disclosed that no entry there had bettered Cole’s score and he was declared National Grand Champion in his division. » ■ ———J Mk I R* % §Jf S ts. if Mf»n ■■'''? s*■