Editorial * Del roil Tribune ♦ Representing “Our Father-Mother God:*' our Divine Pub lisher Crusader For The Invincible Triumphant Divine Rights of Man. PLEDGED to secure and uphold human and civil rights. WO. 2-1022, WO. 2-4937 970 GRATIOT Published every Wednesday by the DETROIT TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO.. INC. Entered as second class matter at the post office at Detroit. Michigan, under the act of March 3. 1879. SUBSCRIPTIONS: One Year. $4-50; 6 mos.. 12.50; 3 mos.. $1.25; Foreign, yearly $5.00 National Advertising Representatives: Interstate United Newspaper Andrew F. Fruehauf. C. S.. Owner and Publisher B. Elisabeth Ellington. General Manager-Managing Editor RACE FEPC THE CHRIST-LIKE THING ON RACE IS THE RIGHT THING.” 1 "God s liberator of the Bible, the Christian Science textbook has the necessary wisdom." Heaven, OUR eternal life, and ALL reality (spiritual, of course), are found —are discovered —IN human con sciousness! "If thou would be blessed! Obey God's Science! and bless others."—by ANDREW F. FRUEHAUF, C. S. Civil Rights A Political Football By CHARLES M. TUCKER, JR. Millions of words have and are beinjr written about the controversial civil-rights bill that is now before the Senate of the United States. This bill long promised hy the President and liberal Democrat now seems to be bogged down in the muck of compromise and behind the scenes bargaining. To the millions of Negroes in our country these poly genous arguments of the southerners hold familiar ring. Beginning with his original defrachisement under slave status, he has worn the shackles of “white primaries” and “grand-daddy clauses” to mention only a few of the legal barriers. • Now. in a modern and ever changing world where our country has emerged as a world power and leader, our tan hued brother mired in the abysmal rot of southern bias is asked “how many bubbles in a bar of soap?" and similar idiotic questions to qualify for his constitu tional right to vote • We now have what appears to be a full scale legis lative battle on civil rights. With those Democrats and Republicaians alike who have large Negro voting blocks in Northern, some Midwestern and Coastal states saying with loud cries and shedding great tears of righteous ness, “OH LISTEN THOU BLACK BROTHER, 1 AND MY PARTY ARE FIGHTING FOR YOUR RIGHTS, LIS TEN AND DO NOT FORGET THIS AT ELECTION TIME*' • Many times before this is as far as our Civil-Rights Bill has gone. With Ike’s election promises and this Bill being “his” Bill he has remained strangely silent on urging its passage and has indicated that “he has not had time to go into it throughly”. The real maneuvering behind “tne Hells Canyon Bill passage will soon come to past as liberal senators vote with Southerns on rights amendments in repayment to the southern vote for Hells Canyon. (The Hell* Canyon Bill passed the Senate. It was a bill dealing with a n.lilti-million dollar erection of a Federal power project and was the pet project of many of the so called liberal senators. The bill could not pass without southern support. Much speculation has been offered as to the deals certain senators made with each other in the trading of votes. Its the of “you help me this time and I’ll help vou next”). • So, to both sides, the rights football is kicked. With America’s Negro population sitting in the blistering bleachers of defrachisement and race bias with all eyes on the ball, hoping that this time their side will score the touchdown. Monday, August 12 Last Day To Register Monday, August 12, 1957 is the last day in which to register as a voter for the Municipal Primary Klec tion of September 10, 1957. All Fire and Police Precinct Stations, excepting Headquarters in both instances, will bo opened on Fri day, Saturday and Monday, August 9, in and 12 re spectively, from 12 noon to 8 p.m. for the purpose of accepting' registrations and changes of address. Registrations can also be effected at the Election Commission Offices in Room 202 of the City-County Building, any day Monday through Friday, from S a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and on August 9, 10 and 12 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Electors who have registered, voted or transferred since January 1. 1955 are not required to re-register. Persons who regittered prior to January 1. 1955, but have not voted since, should apply for re-registration. Electors who have registered or voted since January 1, 1955 and have recently moved from one address to fanother, both within the City of Detroit, may transfer by listing bheir old and new addresses and signature on a postal card or on the reverse side of their regis tration certificate and mailing same to the City ElecHon Commission, 202 City-County Building, Detroit 26, Mich . igan. GOOD THOOG» »t* " •» “Father, gloify thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, end will glorify it again. “Now Is the judgment of this world: now shall the prr.ice of this world be cast out. “And I, If I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. “Then lesus said onto them, Yet a little while is the light with you. Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you: for he that welketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth. “While ye have light, believe in the light, that ye may be the children of light. These things spake Jesus, and departed, and did hide himself from them."—John 12:28, 81, 32, 3S, 34. 4 DETROIT TRIBUNE, SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1957 .- j. *.• 4 Senator Potter reports • • • the latest news from Washington of special interest to Michigan . • . MAYFLOWER IT. famous replica of the ship which brought the Pilgrims to Plymouth Rock, may sail the St. Lawrence Seaway, calling at Michigan ports. Now being discussed in London is my invitation to bring t. e historic vessel into Lake waters. When 1 presented the idea to Captain Alan Yilliors. world-filmed skipper who sailed the Mayflower across tht Atlantic, and Mr. Warwick Charlton, founder of the project, both were » nthusiastic. ‘Certainly the magni ficent gesture of fritmbhi pwhich you have extended in tre people of th s nation,” my invitation reads, "should in* completed by bringing the aMy flower 11 in to the industrial and spiritual heartland of America.’ Such a voyage would loom world attention on the Seaway and the new Mackinac Bridge. As the Mayllower II anchored at Detroit. Port Huron. Saginaw Pay. Muskegon Benton Harbor and other ports she would he a spectacular tourist attraction all the way. Many of her original crew have dispersed and I hope that an experienced Great Lakes crew with a complement ot Michigan Sea Scouts, would be recruited to man her. It's possible, but no! probable, that plans could be worked out before the Seaway ices over. More likely is an early spring voyages. Right now Mayflower II is moored in New York Har bor. attracting thousands of tourists, as she awaits formal transfer to Plymouth cn Thanks giving. Michigan tourist officials already are visualizing a series of pageants to greet the fam ous ship as she sails into our waters. I expect to be in touch with Secretary of State Dulles : H. BRAITHWAITE OH** Ro&N IN MASS , IN IR7R, 111 Hr LCf T SCHOOL A*i .!!£ GCA'.; »!•$ fATHER, K' :'i r .l w,\c:g;ji r*v A RECCGNITTD AUTHORITY OM LITERATURE - - nr umic-RFD many y.ii^ly .? ”' rM,> S'-»?o 'P.’O f *i f J. '.?i SCALE, WON CCiTT*! LIABLE ACCLAIM / *++rc**+S Fear No Evil— (Continued from Bock Pogo) hand, and all oppressors ev eiywhere shall see and know that the power of Clod reigns supreme “over all and all.” God has spoken through the prophets of old, and in all ages lie has given spirit ual men and women domin ion. So it is good to he still and know, even through the pathway may seem dark and dismal. Ihe h irmony of Soul reigns supreme. And when there is seeming unrest in human affairs, and one group is denying another group their human rights which the law already pro vides: and when it is in their fia ids to- hit the mark; and make it eligible for all man hind to be free citizens, mov ing and having their b ir.g in God and il appears to be denied, do no t be dis couraged. Go 1 has n w av o"t. l.et thoughts of goodness instead of bitterness, pass through consciousness, and thus proclaiming the sound ness of the one Mind, which wis in Christ Jesus, rise in Spirit and just do not be human, but spiritual. Whenever you can. try to assure yourself that. “Man is spiritual, not material.” And mortal, carnal thoughts can not hold you in anv human bondage, when you follow the trim example, and ding to God through Christ Jesus. There is a great power working in the affairs of men and nations, to make them face each other, and work out the so-called problems of life. And no matter what wrong thinking may sav, or try to do. God’s power holds domin ion to refresh the conscious ness of men with ideas. r.*eauf? Spirit knows noth ing about sQg.’o; ated distinc tion upon the life of »" .1, the rat e of man 'aits, uarn The Governor Speaks By G. M~NNF.N WILLIAMS I AX.'IXCi Wlp r.ni !» y inert has now reached r ol 1 (>o, or 0.7 pricert of our labor froce, aiul i have declared it a public emergency to he attack id a.s \i.rorously as po.v idle by the slata government. . Wo n»c i Ia iou. iy p-inn to i hampered in (i.r »'ofrts \«» i;»:st the lev*. lof job oop i uui tit s by tlit* politic;.l exploiuit.'O of this is. ue which is it ;w in progress. The -'t.iiopt to paint Jos uncmp yn.. nt as the* re sult i)f state tax policies is a* bout the iini.4 repreh.ns hie and cold-kino*. i'ii o\pi<>it::lion ol hu ll an mi.doiuine I have ever seen. Those wli> are spre. ding this story, to the discredit oi their own state, are mo**o interested in votes than in jobs. UNEMPLOYMENT CAUSES The first move I made w; s to ask the Michigan Employ ee nt Securii Commission to make a fast survey to deL-nitinc fiom what sources tins unem ployment is coining. We know aliejdy that we are down about 50,000 industrial jobs since last November, and we know that almost 30 000 el those jobs are in the auto mobile plants and their supply plan s. eW know also that on May 15. we had tin highest non industrial employment for any comparable period 1 What we C*;.'. knew what a 1 that means. I asked MESC to try to tell us ho wmuch un employment c?n b"* traced to automation end similar lab^r the harmony of Spirit. And now is the time, while the norms, floods and crashes ore only the beginning of the .‘linking oi the land, and the earth. God’s kingdom being al ready established for the en joyment of all mankind mt»«t be recognized, and rendered pure in the consciousness of men. to make room for anew heaven of harmony. Science and Health with Kev to the Scriptures by Mrs. I’.ddv, teaches: "The muddv river bed must b* stirred in order to purify the stream. In moral chem icalization, when the symp toms of evil, illusion, are aggravated, we may think in ou r ignorance that the Lord hath wrought an evil; b it we ought to know that God's law uncovers so-called sin and its effects onlv that Truth m*v annihilate all sense of evil and all power to sin."— Science md Health, p. 540. “Be vc also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh. “Grudge not one against another, brethren, lest ye be condemned: behold, th e i >dge standeth before the door. “Is any among you afflict ed'.’ let him prav. Is any merry? lot him sing psalms. “And the praver of faith shall save the si:k. and the Lo’d shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, thev shall be forgiven him. ‘ Brethren, if anv of you do err from the truth, and one convert him: “Let him know, that ,he which eonverteth the sinner from the error of his wav, , rhMl save a soul fiom death. ml shall hide a multitude of sins”—James 5:8, 9. 13, 15, 19-20. srvirg production techniques; how much to the seasonal auto mobile layoffs; how much to monopoly ironds which caused the shutdown of Hudson. Kaiser- Frazer and Packard plants; and how much of it may be traced to the effect cf 'hard money on the home construction in dustry. Maybe MESC does not have accurate figures on these ques tions. an we will have to set lip special task forces to got the answers. Ir we can get some really de finite information- we can then perhaps t.ikc some effort ive .‘•tops to get people back on the job. “A bore is a person who often keeps you from being lonely, and at the same time makes you wish you were!'*