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God's Christ Science Universal Messiah World Healing •CT TS .VJW Si =«-*CV *.- TO E«**a -J? LX4DCMH.4 I ADDING 10 «H«T... U tfmf Cmhft P+*+r, tad LBaratitt Frtm the Bred-The M-y-f-U - The At+Orist Admtdte Est-Te fie Oerjy! The Pubht-Aad Yea... M mi Cessrioe ts Wars A Care Far (riae Dmae TbwderWts of Truth;" A Geaeratiofl Mare Of' Aaaa< • Mayaetha UwiirVwT —S mooed Naked! Tbe Serpent, Bondage. And Racketeering Os Sex—Of An Os The Human Races. # *V ’ f “*> «* 1 v v* r>n «.—■ <a arr - —w rt W t>> * *» ,4**«. t* «ivt**-* V- «e-*r* t". «*»t ***t*»w». s/ "♦ i*- **r« * fitr *»• i/ mV” <1 M ** r* ever- »-t»t */*r~er9 »; r* »/ *»4 "*» *V V* <*H W! <v y<4rs"( v* V-v '/nK ■* •■"•'V-• '«■-••►- •*-* *r *•»»** 9 9 9 bf Atdrem F. FrmhmH. CS. * * * C" r r >.♦*<4 C'/UrSUr' w * v v* v/* Vv; « -V/t S- ✓.-r'-'JI 4»-«S V*' / .'r. Vs *'-i' 4 lec't-’ li«r» »— * 4 *'✓.{ -rK^ *' • - 't'e r *4 '/ Vt»C at < V 4 * " 1 iSt *.'<J *<>• >. ♦'O* 4 " v.' >/‘ww i Vvi 1 : _ va-rv v* r *4 si 4 a -* >f> ,e >v: T-Ah ’»-? A’ »E A*o ’-5 r< r "E> II ►*; ra e*o w; ; - : >ev*_e #♦*•'/'• 4-n-: ' y •n,v<*v. t*' '♦-*< '. T»4 »»«•••"• '»* • « ( W i P«'*o->e' I W.. FOL-CW **■--*„. ; ; : t .ev/. •* ras V' ES'E - M' • AND GREASE* .EGjS » * r A— C" :* e- *" 'a* "4 "..7 C'r 4 * '/ *' ; i'' "r u C »/ f f v. y. **" A ~*a' ,f a*. **' ♦; GvS n # « « God's Curse On Sex and Unblessed Human Births!!! Jesus: "This [Unreal'] World Shall Pass Away." '• -->-?*« •4"-. *0 /C ~ ' * 'v -« *' * - -"„ •p f E..♦ AC 4 «'{ E re*.—>l -- -3 '‘ *' ' ' '"5 ' *"♦' «' "i v v/i «'j e< ♦"< GE / „ ' rs . 4VV .. t -*-*• ’ra ••? g -y, 'ear; 5 'ears 'fGk' fc;' r ”*E u * Th£ GE/-SH F G.. L / OE e-A/ SO y'/AS G*F>PP SO ’ VOS ASV ".E:u t os oe /,aa; > AFRICA - [ MORAL RE ARMAMENT ] "REVERSAL OF THE COMMUNIST STRATEGY" ' <*' *«'r >'/ Wvv'v** '44’ fc,' ~g AS** t n»/,r 5< e<; O' '4 * * ***• *'•» 4/p V * *'< * r » | %/tr / M »4r. v.*. 4-5 ♦%* VV< < %4 r, v ,^,p', *n<j «rr>bi* ♦V' r frV*r. r.4'/ 4'-5 err '% Trr V- g. v, 1 cr( . rftt ' foUtr-rtd tr/ *,O«. ;p'4*'s nr / 4'<3 <»4f, v 4 Ovf' "yr .vt rdt » 0 p^nv ,r ' 4-3 Thi» e**t to t«kt p 4'.* o' tr 4 folio#/,ng tr (f%% » 4 v f ront t '' CON W, t't 4* ‘'it tim* *n 4/4/4^ p*opi* rrtft Ung k.lkrj 4 4l rttglf tnb4l W4f, * f< rt ’" t '<rv f 'S/ 441 to form p 4 rt of 4 co4%t-to-co*it Comm >r,at p*r *3 40rot: Afr c*. op t#ro vectiont. ‘ i> L. *rrere tr.% aver #r4c to be kept 9omg 4; ior.g 4; po-.i.bie. ending ,n the e/p-jlsion of ail f-rencb interest; , fi Africa 3/ >V'JTh AfkiOA, Mhere racial division *ai to be kept m ferment The Kremlin't »trate^ r mat to divide Africa and through moral breakdovm and iubvertion effect a takeover. See COt+M ONI ST STPATEG/, Page 2 "N.J. DEFERS FINAL ACTION ON DOCTOR IN 14 DEATHS" N.Y. Trib. 112 THE DOOM OF NON CHRIST SCIENTIST WHITEWASH CURES !. . . POLIO FDR's PEARL HARBOR INFAMY 11! PRINCETON, N J , Jan, 1 \.—The State Board of Medi cel Examiner! deferred deotion today on whether to exon erate or permanently lift the licente of Dr. Albert L. Wei ner, THE OSTEOPATH INVOLVED IN A SERIES OF HEPA TITIS CASES, FOURTEEN OF THEM FATAL. Pending further »tudy of the evidence, after a closed meeting held here, THE BOARD CONTINUED THE TEM PORARY SUSPENSION OF DR. WEINER'S LICENSE, and teid that a final report probably would not be reedy until the next regular meeting on Feb. 8. *♦# N. J. DEFERS ACTION, Page 9 t Vt Mr Tyras LCM USEtHL S MMOtTAL 1907*1927 _GJ*G I> STASIS *H>: Uw- *C 'HIW : f> *XS G€_‘G~~J_ -JL •* C* 5 - *C ""-5 *-«Ci*ir 1 *r*:S rß»a IliO, 5 * :i J _C%£SS Gestrp.* I*\» Ut4T *«• t >v£** : tr —« ; '<* •*»*-« “*rla f *'S**r -WO* rr —rSKC*"* «*2Br »*t*. •♦'t rr Wt-arm ~ ttr izh COV IT. ~ W«9tfV« *: »jr" **r~ »<«** i —*? «20rT n i> ■• y~ir.*~ 1 t' is _r •-—.*!* i *.tiO*r-v->c. !»** r»»rjr** i *t i -i tezrarit **Tm *»ijm G%*r ’ * -(t*« V*t .! «-Mi*i. —*rs* *♦»' **a s»ev* jr **"• tmt>» v*o—«tr- sr rTt-*,-* ar t/ sr *—»£«t*v; s# <«ra r- ‘ t-iri *V»* Md/ rS**** Cj’» ,** Vl'-ff- **i-*ts i.'rC *" < a»"»e«t»..«v f» M iVTa* i * -H i*it f £i- »»T* V s v.^>*'vr~.r r*« ism* «#r.t***asao»« xr*>*> zr^rjt — ar»«i *t i»->* *' J* T4Ci"|f tr *T^i*. **.tr , 3,iv-x C*«* y '*f. *r* a-V* '-J. ♦‘•-.r’ **t >»-.■'c 't< "* s>* ’ *«t : t"Jt zr i>-:i tfl -\*-tr.*t f».r xr* *"«&• l*l Vx j C*:* r.if Sc<rct uraocw /'.♦''Vl i'r-r •Hi" • - *t ~n >C r ** '. v • '-*« s t*t 'H-y i> :r*<trx rt grttyw e'l **•* >• «** '■; ■; U. r i»tir-crt •• irv r*vi hh r • .*■•*i'• i*c. “tH-i ' ; • *&<Mt a v.' vrio* z~ri : B s>«e : '■r'/V '*U i -1 *' : v.' * •» ~t *K4 5 :ifr_ »t*'J */. ••’*-*’ Hi' • r « * **r ; iH t'*-v~ ' « Wr* Ais i •'. tr* vt •: { v« *v 2*3 tr.t A« vt— * •'« ' - « h **r rrt- -c - •rs W-'K *"i* H '« Hit W.s* WC *V *H 1 'V* *-< /SB * 'j*xL _ U'jX H --G-ES r- S G-~ A CT ER A *» EAr _ * S.ASE CRASH! WEE’EFS SON Gwc Si"i *i' -wv *i .'/* A' 5* t-i Ca Vr i MA< i. A CrGG S C-R.ST SC EHCE SECOND COMING 0 C THE C*-F S’ TROTH ’he MESS AH to A-L-L PEOPLES on PAGE 2Sr 0- ’HE CHP S’ AN SC ENCE TEX’BOOK, " 5 C EE SO AND L ✓ NE hEAIiNG INCLUDES A PER fEC’ ** AND DEA _ PERFECT GOD AND n _ AND PERFECT UNIVERSE !. AS THE LAS SG 5 t AND DEMONSTRATION." LES’ **» S-ES PGP A SPEEDY AWAKENING' TO "OOP D # NE SPiPiTwAL, MASTERFUL, CHRISTLIKE iND /IDUALITY Set MP. TYRUS R. COBB, Pace 9 "CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP" Dec.-Jan. of Washmg 4 on, D C. "FAITH IN CHRIST AND WORLD CRISIS" B 1 Dr. Cnarles MaliW. GODS DETROIT TRIBUNE IS GLAD TO PRESENT SOMETHING OF THE THOUGHT OF DR. MALIK. A PRO FOUND CHRISTIAN STATESMAN, WHO UNOUESTION ABLY HAS BEEN PROFOUNDLY TOUCHED BY THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MOVEMENT 'HEALER OF THE NATIONS'! REVELATOR OF THE REAL ! 'THE NEW HEAVEN AND THE NEW EARTH _ OF THE EXCLUSIVE RcAi.IT i Or SUPERSATURATED. UNINVADABLE, OMNIPRESENT HEAVEN AND ETER NAL LIFE ! THE MODERN KINGDOM OF CHRIST JESUS' 90 YEARS 'RETURN' ! FOREVER MORE MAKING VALID HIS "FATHER'S BUSINESS,' THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHRISTIAN SCIENCE STUDENTS, THINKERS, LEADERS ! ALL OTHERS ARE 90-YEAR PLUS RIP VAN WINKLES ! PRISON ERS OF THE DEVIL ! NOT NECESSARILY IN OBVI OUS WICKEDNESS, BUT IN INVOLUNTARY ERROR ! "CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP" "FAITH IN CHRIST AND WORLD CRISIS" See CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP, Page 2 "HOMOSEXUAL INTERNATIONAL" By R. G. Waldeck — r "Human Events" 9*29*60 On March 25, 1952, Mr. Carlisle H. Humelsine, Depu ty Undersecretary of State, told' the House Appropriations Committee that the State Department had ousted 119 homo sexuals during the previous year. Thus, almost casually there was brought to public attention a most important and dangerous state of affairs, namely the invasion of Amer * can political life by the men of Sodom" (Genesis 13:13). POPULAR REACTION TO THIS SENSATIONAL PIECE OF NEWS RANGED ALL THE WAY FROM RIGHT* EOUS INDIGNATION ON RELIGIOUS GROUNDS TO A PSEUDO LIBERAL ATTITUDE OF "TOLERANCE." HOW* EVER, FEW PEOPLE BOTHERED TO INQUIRE DEEPLY INTO THE FACTS OF THE MATTER. EVEN THOSE WHO CAUTIONED AGAINST HOMOSEXUALS ON THE GROUND THAT THEY REPRESENTED A BAD SECURI TY RISK, DID SO MAINLY BECAUSE THEIR SOCIAL VUL NERABILITY EXPOSED THEM TO ALL SORTS OF BLACK MAIL. See HOMOSEXUAL, Page 2 Tribune "Ow FiiKif-Mattei CW^* • -,-irr |- Th* Ivw.noe.e Trnv**eb*«t Divine tifha* a# Men TKIB' **E S ITI KDAY J.Y.N' 28, 1961 ff lfl .VO EVIL J~lai< in the flower of (jo<l E. ELIZABETH ELLINGTON AN- THE -C9D SAID IF YE HAVE FAITH AS A G4UL s SEED YE MIGHT SAY UNTO ~-E S^C AMO*z = E BE THOU PLUCKED UP BY THE SZC~ AND BE T ->OU PLANTED IN THE SEA; AND IT CBEY YO W Jews. • • • P SE IN SPIRIT T_:: . *.:.»• : ' ' »M pecp't h:te - u?t oppor * -r* - • tfe false ev*derce of the » s*'ir« -’5 sp - *.j edoe ansdorn. Tli*. I* - * *.e' *"-* ■; r. 3• t; fji'r. .r. Gc<i ar.d t Lit i*:vt: :: filvt literal beliefs is 11.1 *.. i_it 1 r 1 1 ’• r.t'S i.ll. •. i -*—/ 4rx) coi* 7it*t *.i. : i; fir si;- vr.e M know his w: rp.r.*.:-. si: Lis*. *J:rc-g!i seJ-exi.T^iatioc "'t • c r 1 and t>e’ —-a-y pe'vo-i; but if God is M'W'i *-'«'« is ou* o-e pe»* oecause , 'x , t s &w* o-t Goc His pe'vcnaliv ca v oe -e* K’ed no* *»■a - v —mk Goo has seas and *ney aM have o'-t p, *:pe a-'d pa-eniaga Tne c y p-ope** syn-ooi of God as pe-scn is Vund s inCmte sea What is this ideal? Who fall oenold i*? This ideal is God s e*n image spiritual • **3 infinite. Even e*erm*y A READERS OIGEST REPRINT: OUR F'J.V. SLING c ISCA to POLICY HAS CARRIED US A FRIGHTENING DISTANCE TOWARD DISASTROUS IN FLATICN WE MUST SOLVE THIS PROBLEM AND SOLVE IT QUICKLY. ' DO YOU WANT A TEN CENT DOLLAR?" By Roswell Mag;ll Chairman Tax Foundation, Inc. Condensed from The Saturday Evening Pos* 11-28-SB. The United Stages presents a curious spectacle today. Here is the richest country in the world either unwilling or unable to raise enough money in,taxes to pay its current governmental costs. K°M- r fe^ Cral defic,t this * ear is «*P«cted to be about ■ 2 billion dollars— considerably more than the total ex penditures of the federal government 20 years ago. See TEN-CENT DOLLAR, Page 2 "HUMAN PROGRESS AND ECONOMIC BROTHERHOOD" ‘in booklet form An Address by Ray R. Ep p, r ,. Bro7h * . B n roU9hS Cor before the Annuel Brotherhood Dmntr DETROIT ROUND TABLE of th. National Conference of Christians and Jews. Detroit, Michigan, November 17 1960 upon me. never end a sentence with a preposition and t n o*d*thaM * s r Ch Wi,H " S ' a,i ‘ ,iC - Sinc * ,h h.v. been and ,h4 ' 1 no 'onger need worry about the qeooraohv of Z:ZT n L “' am 90in9 t 0 IMum ‘ «<ond some sfatishes " re '" ed ' T ° ni9h '' 1 * 4 "* •« with lat| T n H lm^ Y |cY A hTv T e IC moVe H t A h T a^ b AFRICA AND the world s population Bt,l er cent of 20 PER CENT OF tub i« N »? UT PRODU CE LESS THAN PLE FIGURES CONTAIN AN^EXp!^ 6 ' THOSE SIM ’ WH.CH MUST BE OF See Pag e 2 U$ ALL ' " Q ™" r y BFG,NS TWENTY f OURTH YEAR" c NGEIS FIYING ™ ROUGH ™E EAVENS, SO THE GOSPEL MUST 60" The hour i, come' when' " OUr | Echo « j4nu4r r. 1961 take an inventory 0 f thoir evcr Ywhtrt must - «■•>. w.. 4 ,ew P*r»onal questions. How bio |, L * “* a ’ k our *« K '« much do I care that so..k . 9 my com P**»'on? Hew sacrifice thet every soul in m* H ° W wl,lin 9 * m « »<> gospel „ n V° b U ,' might be heerln, the "* ««*—* sonel effort to win . , ou | ? Wh 4 r » 4 ' «*•«"»# per 'ov. for Christ? How , ong w"n If? h ? P * n * d *• m T ««* the gospel work? If , vtrv . * k * ,h * ‘Burch to finish '* be finished? b * r l u ‘* 'lk* me would QU,ET H °W« begins. Pag. 2 utTHorr can -ever -e»eal the whole of God, since *here is no limit to infinitude or to it* reflec* o n s.. >:;ei:t L Heaiih eiLli Ke*. to the >:r.piurei b. Mar BsLe: Eddy p 517: 1 :-«4 » • • RECOGNIZE SPIRITUAL BEING Tn# man. woman and chi’d who pu s s t»>e ef fo-t *c claim his sp.ritval oei-ig is reaching ou* to God th'-owgn Christ Jesu*. In tfn* on Page Four