Newspaper Page Text
VOL. V. NO. 13. BRAVE MEN Rhode Islanl Sol diers Parade. A BIG SIGHT ! " Theßrigade Out in Full Force, - New Uniforms! All the G. A. R. Posts Show Full Ranks. SONS OF VETERANS. They Do Great Homuor (o | OUR DISTINGUISHED GUESTS Come Our Sister States to Fow-a-r-r-1-d! It wae 16 :30 to a second where this com mand rang down Mineral Sprirg avenw this merning and the military parad: of the weck was set in motion. Pawtucket has seen a great many parades and bas viewed numerous processions bu’ never did a better one grace her streets than the oae that today paid tribute to her enterprise and honored the memory of th founder of the state's lealing industry. Samuel Slater. For a 2 hour and a half the streets ha’ been alive with citizon solliery, men i blue with those letters on their hats that proved that in the dark days When the Nation Was in Perll ey rallied to its support, snd young men on whose breasts hang the mystic badge that betokened the wearers descen' from a veteran of the war, if not one him pelf. None had stayed at home but all came out, ready and anxious to obey their com mander’s call and shoulder ty shoulder to march through the city strects and let th people of the state know who would be her bhulwarks when danger threatened. Flage flosted proully on all sides, Bayoncts Glitter.d In the Sunshioe, swordt flushe d and pra:ciog steeds her and there mide havoe among the too curi ous Iyok-ra 0n who crowded the silewalks aod pushed into the gutters axd ofttimes half way into th 2 street. It was & great day anl none knew it b:t ter than those who were taking part in it, @wpecially the members of the Drig e, R X. M., who for the first tim» appeared in their Yew and HMandsome Uniforma wo'long needed but long lovk:d for, come at lsst. Tas Tuinuse roportors, always alive to the situatior, were out in force and theit mimble pencils jotted down every item of inter. st The line was a long on>, but the stirriog masic o fthe bands male it pass any one point far too soon, ald it is safe t) say that not 4 person but was sorry to sce tie last plv 2002 of the Sons of Veterans as they closed up the line. ¥ It was shortly after 9 o'clock when Chee s and Waving Handk 'rehilefs near the janction of Miner- | al fpring avinue and Conaat 1 stroet gave eviderce that some comman ler | was in sight and a moment later Gov. Davls | and his staff, escorted by a staff of cavalry appeared and took their position on the | right of the lice. H wlfy hal they gotin position than the beat of horses’ hoofs from anot'ier direction was heard anl the eom mander-in-chief of our sister state, of Con necticut, G,v. Bulcley, with his staff and ‘ escort dashed up and the Two Governors Warn Iy Fhook Maids ' while tha visitor expressed his ploasure at being present and extenled the greetings of Lis state to the most go ah:al city in Rhode I<lnd. Just back of them was a gatheriag of the dignity, wealth and business ability of th» state, headed by no less & personage than the chief marshal of the day, Ilis sta® and alds were almost num rous entagh to mike a regimont by themaeelves and many of them showed on the coats the button or badge of the G. A. R. They were & noble set of men anl the following Pawtucket, Yisit Us. General O nyy Arnold PAWTUCKET TRIBUNE list of them would be a crelit to any state or city in the Union: | Staff and Marshals, ‘ Hoxorany Stare—Gov. Alfred IL Littie ficll, Gov. Lucius B. Darling, Gov. Dauiel G. Littlefleld, Gen. William R. Walker, Col. William F. Sayles, Col. Stephen R Bucklin, Major F. Clark Sayl.s, Judge Advocate Gen. Pardon E. Tillinghast, Surgeon Goneral Jamos L. Wheaton, Chaplain Rev. J. J. Woolley. Aps 1o Curer Mansuan —=Cel. Alonzo ? Pierce, Col. Almon K. Goodwin, Col Lyman C. Goff, Col. Wiliam Toward Walker, Col. Robert McCloy, Major Alexander Straunss, Major Eugene I Crocker, Major Frank M. Dates, Major James W. DLarkin, Col Randall fI. Rice, Col. John K. (lark, Col. Henty A. Picrce, Col Eben N. Lattle fleld, Major Stephen F. Fisk, Capt. lenry ¥. Jenks [Capt. Charles Rittmany, Licut ‘Fcrdin.nd DBray, Lieut George J. Fa'r ‘ brother, Col, Thomas M. Sweetland, Col William 11. Garney, Bornard T, Lennon, } J. Milton Payne. Mausuars —llenry A, Stearns, Henory B. fetcalf, Elward L. Freeman, Albert Sher: pan, John E. Thompson, Lyman M. Dar ing, George li. Newell, Charles E Long:- lay, KElward Smith, Arthur Stanley, Acscl 0. Nickerson, George L. Walker, William . Moroney, Charles A. Lee, Christopher Duckwerth, Everett . Carpentcr, Joha 8 Brazeau, Juhn T. McGuire, John F. Ab yott, James Lintor, Eiwin Darling, Elwar! F. Darnelly, Horstio A. Brown, J. Os le'd, Je.. Klisha W. Bucklin, Benjamio F. Smith, Benjumin G. Perkins, Teary M. Arwold, Philo L. Thayer, Frarcis Pratt, Jac o Sharterbe:g, Daniel A Jillscn, Berna | McCabe, George F. llaycs, Abra- ha o Z Falcon, Daniel 8. Dexter, Wil iam Dempsey, Charl:s 1L Fuller, Elward McCaughey, James 11. Coyle, Waterman V. Dexter, James Nisbet, Thomas Me Keough, Fred. A. Patt, Patrick Keenan. AssistayT MagsiaLs.—Charles O, Read William 11. Park, F. Euagene DBurker, 8 “ugene Wou!, David J. Wiity, Frel w Jaston, Cisrlce E. Pervear, Charles R Bucklia, Arthur I Mctealf, Jamcs A Nealey, Elward W. Blodgett, C. Fred seawford, Philip C. Steldon, John 8. Cot rell, 8. Frank Dexter, BDerj W. Gardner, \rthur B. Mann, James F. Barry, Deshler ¢, Stearns, Clau'ge J. Farnewor'h, W 1- iam M.Gregor, George M. Thoritcn, jeorge C. Newell, €amuel M. Conant, Lyman T. Goff, Herb ri C. Darling, Fred i. Mason, Heory I, Spencer, Bortrand J. Horton, Walter 11 Stearns, Jesse M. Fair yeother. Lucius B. Darling, Jr., Robert L Sarkoer, Charles L. Kaight, Fred W. D.a tor, Frank L-orard, llerry I Sager, Fred w. Allen. Bat the time for marching cam> all too soon anl when the order t) alvance came it secmed as if all was confasicn. It was ot 80, however, for from street t) street narched the different commands and as they formed in lize in their projer jlices it was )1y too evident that the chief marshal was he Right Man ia the Right Place, As the liny starte] down the street wlich hears the honored name of him whom th city and state honors today, at its head -ode the chief of pokee, Col. Oliver H. Perry, with Lis attractive uniform while yaside him was Iligh Sheriff Rathbone and nis deputice, who aeted as skirmishere. Dehind themrole four Luglers and the ringing notes that they sert pealing down the line called back many memories to the (3. A. R. men anl sll along the etrects men who were at the front during the struggl to preserve the <ll flag thought of the daye when the Bug'e Call Meant "erh ps Leath to them or their comrad.s. These feelings were heightencd when th soldier form of Brigadier G neral E. IL Rhodes appearcd and apyliuse rarg out on all sides as he rode proudly at the head of the flower of Rhode Island's youth. Ilis staf were uli on land ard behind them with signul fligs tightly rolled on tha polos marched the Signal Corpe, and their com mander, Captain Charles R (tmano, oune o Pawtuck.t's pet sons. Bat the offizars were lost sighit of when the long lin2 of blu2 appearcd anl from all were heard praise of The Now Uniforins that fltt2d so wel! anl set off the eitizen soldiery as they have never been seen be fore. The pride of the brigade Dattery A never looked better anl Capt. Grey scemsd at least a foot ta'ler as he lo Kkod back at his command, every man in position and looking ev-ry inch a eoldier. The cavalry lroked finely, Maj r Strauss riling as gal lantly as the brave Custer. 1t is safe t) say that not a taxpaycr bul was proul of the state militm and did not for & second rogret that a portion of his money had goue to make the brilliant sh w ing. But almoet before these thouglt: hal forxed themsclves there was another oul burst of applausc as Col. Cyrus M. Vau Slyck, ia the brilliant aniform of the Ui ted Train of Artillery, role at the head of the Provisional Brigade of R. 1. M. I command looked as well as could be with out being uniformed alike, and it was bar! t> say whether the Newport Artillery or the United Traia lock:d the bost. Th Kentish Giurds and the command from Bristol were also in excellent trim an) marched as if the eycs of the country were upon them. To the masic of tho band came Gov, M G. Bulkcly of Coanecticat anl stafl ¢s corted by thit Magulfirent’'y Body of Wen, the Fuol Gaards of IMartford, with Major McKinley, who has the bt of frienlsin Rhode Is!:nd, at theie Leal and the ap pliase that tley received was continucd as the licutenant governor of Massachuscits avd officialy of other states rode by in carringes, only t) be doublel as Mayor Carr il and the Cit; Connell came in sight. Hi¢ [Tunor's Lat war in the ait all the time and even then e cou'd only avewer a fow of tie salutatois and salvos of app'ause that greeicd bim, PAWTUCKET, R. 1. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1890. § IMore music heralded the approach of & 'new division and clieers loud and long ' greetcd Benjamin F. Davis, I)opntmenti‘ (ommanler of the Rhole Island, G. A. R, as he and his staff led the long line of boys | in blue, | The Sllv red Malr ‘:nnd fultering steps of many telling only ' too plainly of the lapse of years since they shouldered the muskets, and giving s - warning that it will not be long before the . G. A. R. will live only in the moemory of ‘those whose country they saved. Every post was cut and full ravks bo -~ tokened the interest that they took in the life and activity shown by Pawtucket. Again the stirring toncs of ma:tial music - turned all eyes towarl s ‘ Slight But Soldlerly Figure who, with eyes tront, led a line of boys in blue, not as the term is used ordinarily “butin reality ; it needed no programme to t:1l that this was (1. Theo. A. Barton |or that his division was the Sons of Vet | erans, who alone can perpetuate the deeds |of their geilant sires. They marched ~grandly and they and their officers have ,every reason to be proad of Rhode Island’s Sons of Vetcrans. | The line marched on, greeted from all 'sides wit's cheers and waving handkerchiefs and flags until Broadway was reached where they passed in revicw, making a ' splendid showing to the Jignitaries who ' viawed them, and then once more the march was t.ken up and continaed to Main etrect where the Jine was dismissed. It was the biggest thing I'awtucket has ever scen, the biggest Rhodoe Island has ever witnessed and the memory of it will long linger in the minds of those who saw it. When the parade was over it is safe to say that every man in line was huagry, but an hoar later not a one but had Loosened His Belt and fol* at peace with all mankind, for in the big tent ou Dexter street a first class dinner had been served to sll anl every on: hal done fu!l justice to it. The work of the soldiers was not over yet, however, and shortly after 2:30 o'clock Gen. IRhodes had his brigade Agnln on the Ma'ch and headed them toward Cot'age street, where on the cricket grounds, they were to show ability to perform. A Dress Para le and were to be inspectcd by the ecritical eyas of Governor Davis and Bulkeley. Refreshed by the dinner and aware that they hal to uphold the good name of the state the men marched |ke veterans, A riving at the ground the parade was at once formed and never did men do better, their commandirg officers even being unstint d ia their praise of the good work done. This closcd th 2 work of the day for the military and not & person can say that it was not a - Yerfect apd Grand Success. This evening at 7 o'clock there wil baa grand camp fire at the large tent on Dexter street, vhen Dept. Com. B. F. Davis will preside over some 2,000 veterans and Sons of Viterans. Among the distinguished visitors will te 8. V. C., G. A. R. Richard | F. Tobin, Q M. Gen. John Taylor ani many others. ,‘ ATONG THE LINKE, Charley Brayton road his horse well, but | he wasn't boss | he wasn't boss ' The “Kcarneys” recilved a rousing I welcomo, ' Governor Davis and staff saluted the Trinvsy headquarters. '. Gieneral Arnold chief marshal, was warm- | iy greeted. “ The line was scventy-sour minutes paes ing a certain point, } The standard bearer of the DBrockton l Veterans carried a large shoe on a staff on which was the | 'gend, *“Nothing Like Lea- ‘ ther Except Cottyn.” ' There were fourteen bands in line. l - e e ‘ CENTENNIAL NOTES. l Is this the entrance to the city? inquisi- | tively asked a visiting hayseed as he looked | but l'm when near te arch atthe foot of Droad street yesterday, I The “hurry-up” wagon of the police was : kept quite busy today. ‘ Th» American banl arrived home from | Minneapolis this moriing. 1 The “Cotton Centennial” March played by the National band tolay was finely ren dercd. Tt is for sale at Mo'klejohn & Loomas’s standia the exbibition. i Largs crowls of visitors arrivel in the : oity from up the Val'ey today, and the horse car facil ties were severely taxed, | The Pawtickost Street Railway company wisily put conductors on the Broad strect route this we k, aad doubled the service. The Grand Army camp fire this evening wiil be lightd in the big tent on Dexter strect ot 7 o'clock. Tho original card uscd by Samuel Siater irrived yesterday from Washington and hias beon placed near the improved one of today. The contrast is quite striking. An out-of town crook wearing a elouch hat, was coscly shadowed by Detective [laberlin on Main street last evening, When the detecctive was satisfied that he was an 01l time pick-pocket he eecorted him to the station. The be!l on the o!'d Sldter mill is rung at houss that used to constitute s day’s work in ¢llea times. A few of the oaremoen who are to com pote at the regatia have arrived. Cl.n Fraser, The me nhers and guests of Clan Fraser arve re juested to mart st thelr on Wednes lay October 1, 20atl pm. prompt. Full regal w.ll be worr. o " The Veleran Fireman Wi hodl a geind soclal 1a Eiremen's Tiall T.ealer, Wedne day aad Tha=sday. Musl: Ly the Continental bant orcaestoa. Tichets ¥ ocguvr. ° ‘ . ¥ | Meholson & Thackray " Haverecelved alarge conslgnment of regular S ocentt awalohthey arysellirg ot 28 cents a pouad, fous pouils for 0 ¢ doliar, OLD SLATER MILL. Writien Forthe TRIBUNS. BY W.T.v. The hero In batt'e 13 lasuded in sony, 1118 doel®s are reco:ded 1o story ; Fame Joytully yields to the warrior strong Her b autiful halo of glory. But & wige man of peace 1s tke thexe of my lay A bright genius whose labor and ekill Is admired Hy the thousands who visit today The pride of our city, the Old Slater Mll The noblest of man 1s he who by toll Lrecta hils own monument grand ; The troasured most prized today on our roll Arve the work of his Lrain and his hand. famuel s'ater's fair lower continuoato grow In the meadow and valley, on hill; Ita branches aro fruitful whorever we go And Its root 1s the Old Slater Mll May proaperity emile on and fortune reward Pawtucket's bright rons and the press Who have spared no expensg and have laborel #0 hard ' To makn this affalr & success. Our elty's bright futu~e can never grow dim If we have but the courage and will To luprove hor resources and labor Jlke him Who has left us the Old Slater Mll GENERAL ORDERS, Headquarters of the chief marshal of trades’ procession. Cotton Centennial Celebration, Pawtucket, Socptember 20, 1800. (General, No. 1. 1. leadquarters of the chief marshal on the morning of October Ist, will be on Mineral Spring avenue corner of Conant street. 2. First division will form on Mioeral Spring avenue, right on Conant street, David Harley, division marshal. Sccond division will form on Main street, right on West avenue, George H. Spauld iug, division marshal. Third divieion will form on Mulberry street, right on Main street, Timotby Butler, division marshal. Fourth division wil form on West avenue, right on Maian rtreet, loratio A. Brown, division marshal. . Part'cipants wi |l report to the marshal of ‘the Division to which they have been as- Y signed at 9 o'clack, | 3. Marshals and Personal Staff will report ‘to Edgar K. Gridley, chief of ataff, mount ' ed, wearing dark clothes, si'k bat and white " gloves, st 9 o'clock. 4 Members of the staff of General Ar n Jd, Chief Marshal of the Cotton Certen ‘ary, are inv.t dto join the parade. Plsce | will be assigned to such as may report to E K. Gridley, Chief of Staff, 5. The procession will move promptly at 10 o'clock. \ ‘ GENERAL ORDERS. Ileadquarters of GeorgeJ. Fairhrother, cbief marsha! of theday. Firemen's parade Pawrveker, October 2, 1890.—Geners! Corders : ! 1. Headquarters of chicf marshal of the “firemen’s parads on the morning of Octo 'ber 2, 189), will be on Park Place. | 2. Marshals will report to Benjumin F. 'Davie, chief of staff with gloves at 8 .50 | promptiy. . 3. The line will form at 8:50 promptly The column will move at 9 .30. Per order of Gronar J. Fammprornegn, | Chief Marshal. Bexaasmin F. Davis, Chief of Staff. | - ‘THIEYES AT WORK | ORK. Thieves entered a residence on West avenue this furenoon, while the people were 1‘ watching the parade, Lverything of value was taken. | ! _— e . PRINTED IV THE RXUGIBITION. | The ‘Tribuue's” Display Is the Blpgost of ! Them All, ~ “This is the biggost feature of the whole ' exhibition.” i That's wlat eversbody said yesterday ‘upon witnessing the Trinoxgs all set up and | i pricted in Centenary lall. When the | press started the crowd ebout it was an Vimmense one, and all wasted to get a paper a 8 a souvenir. i Maror Carrol! and a orowd of distin | quished visitors watched the Lig press ‘throwing off the papers, and Ilis Honor was i very eager t) get a copy. Ile got one of the first turned off. - Atthe Trinexe's stand in the outer hall the papers went |ks hot cakes. The first paper printed in the exhibition can be seen ! there. | Today the Twincse compositors are ' wearing Samuel Slater bunting coats anl present a unique appearance. - The DProvilence Journal s:'ys: *‘The Pawtucket Tribure has a new doublo cylin der printing press set up, and during the week ite editions will be run off here, the type being set in Centenary lall. Ouat. side of the cotton machinery this is the greatest novelty in the building.” -- - - ! James Murphy, ' Dealer In choles groceries and provisione Goods delivered promptly and free of ox pense Imwigration agent for the Cunard, |aman, | White Ltar, Anchor, JNatlosal, Siate and [ Giulon ltnes of steamanip, also the O Pactlis Mall steamship company. 49 Central letrect, Contral Fulls. | | - - -—- | Dr. Edwarl C. Hugher, Rockfor?, 1. | (graduated N Y, City 1866) voluntarily L testifies :~*Some years ngo my only son sged four, byl an attack of the Whooping | Cough, charecterized by the most violen Coepasms | hiave ever egen in u practice of 1§ L years. Had severel sOneu'titions with eml ~ nent physicians and all ordinary and extra ordinary remedics wore resorted 0. The paroxysms were simply frightfal. I believec the child woull die. 1 roluctantly sriec L Dr. Beth Arnoli's Cong't Killer and the effect was magical. Thrce bottles cure him.” For sale by all druggiste. J'rice 25¢. Boc. and 81 00 per bottle. Jermyn Coal, 1! Iy uwant goolecoal f r your range, call a , | No. 202 Malnstrect and order Jermyn Stove Coal 1 Jonus 8. Ccorrgrre, Trustee. - Pawtucket Furnlture Co, The place to buy Faurnitore, Carpets and Pag ¢ lor Stoves and Ranges. Byecial Carpet Saletn) y men b, We furnl:h & house comrplete. 3. Nordl Maln “troes. THE GARFIELD CLUB. Advantage Taken of the General Celebration. A "CENTENNIAL" BANQUET, Speeches by Many Distinquished Republicans. The Garfleld Clab held a **Cotton Cen tennial Banquet” in Musie lall last even ing. There were about 300 covers liid and all were taken. The hall was noatly deco rated with red, whits anl olus bunt ing around the balcony and the shiclds of the thirteen original states, anl over the stage were American flage nicely draped, and the word **Welcoma" in large lotters, while suspended from the centre of the ceiling was an imitation of a bale of cotton bound with red, and blue ribbons. On the front balcony over Rhode [sland’s shield was an old fashioned spin ning wheel anl in rear was stationel Hed ley's National band which discoursed popu lar airs.§ About 8 o'clock scats were taken under the directien of W. IHoward Waker, the speakers, guests and officers of tha club being assigned to the two tables on the rtage. President Tiepke presiled and on hie right sat Governor Morgan G. Bulkeley of Connecticut, and on his left Lieutenant Governor William 11. flaile of Massachu setts and Ilon. Jon C. Linchan of New Hampslire. Divina blessing was invoked by Rerv J. J. Woolley and those present were in vited to partake of the tempting viands pro vided by Cocke of Boston. When the cigars were lighted Chairman Tiepke called the meeting to order and wel comed the guests of the club in a neat speech, and presented Gen. Charles Carle ton Coflin, who made an interesting address Gov. Morgan GG. Bulkelsy was nextin troduccd and as he rose the band played ‘‘llail to the Chief.” He received a flat tering ovation from those present and he made an el quent address. He was elected an honorary member of the club. Lieut Governor Ila‘la of Massa chusetts was then introduced by the chair man and he made a ringing address, and was also elected an honorary member. Hon. John C. Linehan of Concord, N. H., was the next speaker. Ilis addrees was the gem of the evening. IHe male » pleasant references to the fact of being himself of foreign parentage, saying although he could not trace his lineage to Plymouth Rock, he could trace it tha “Blarn-y Cartle”, The last spesker was ex Gov. Taft. e e e ifousekerpers Road. Kichcolson & Thackray, grocers in the Record bullding, are selling two ocarloads of the best Haxall flour at $0.25 a barrel. - - Don't Forget Ouar e Formoea T.a which wo are at!ll selling at i 8 cents, four pounds for sl, Nichol.on & Thackray. eet e~ e e , NicLholson & Thackray ' | [Tas just rocelve! two ocarlols of the bewt | Paxall four and for the want of room will | glve thelr customers tho Leanefit of 1t at $6.25 | barrel. Coal. White rose, stove and cgg, Susquehanna stove, I Richland choagrnut, (Kast) sugar Lehigh egg, | Frankiin stove and egg. Carefully screenod amd | slated. CiTY COAL Co., 17 East avenue. ‘ - = i Coatennial weok evary jurchasor of one ' | pound of tca from Lyons Delany & Co. will get | |an arUstically decorated souvenir oanisier l | with ylcture of Samucl Blater cone Ia c¢namel | | Only @ne $2 each customer. rl g _ S | John D. Sawyer & Co. | ! Are recelving orders for tbholr pasost Wi'so» belt hook from all over the ocuntry. They are | llhodohngnhr;o business In leather heltlng | - ‘ Trinity Square, foot of Broad streot. ' ] - ' || “AsK for the *Perfection Clothos stick. . !|e ; | 4. Hogan, Florlst, Feaiss, Statess, innis | | seeds, eto. Flowers for every occasion. Green - honses on Carver streat. Telephone. t | - . s , Hold It to the Light. | l The man who tells you muMenu‘ Just what | will enre your cold 1 prescriblng Kemp's Bal 2 | sam this year, lathe preparation of whis re 1 ’ markahle maticine for coughs and colds no ex pense 1 spmrod to combloe only the best and vurest Ingrediants. Holl a bot'ls of Kovp's | Balaam toth” Meght and look threugh 1t notlce B the bright, ¢l ar look; then compare with other . | remedics. Prices ¢ and #l. - - ¢ Frees e Samplcs of Dr. Miles' Restorative Nerviro at . Dr.C. E. Davis and Son's. Cures leadache, . l Nervousness, Sleeplessnoss, Neuralgla, Fits, elc. | - il S ' A Rocky Mountala Cure. Y The drnggistes clatm that yeople eall datly for 'the new cure for consipstion and alck head | Ache, dl«covered by De. Bilas Lana while 1n the | Rocky Mountains. Isls =ald 1o be Oregon graps . | root (A great remedy In the far west f r thore ), | CO " Dlnlota) combloed with simp'e berbe, and ls a 4 made for use by pouring on bo'ling water o draw out vhe <trongth. It salls as 5 conts & ® package an fecalled Lane's Family Medicine 1l - B i Wanted, I Two your g men and two boys to so'l badges , and pouvenlirs centennial week. Apply to M. y ' Moy. L e —— . 8 Visltors to The Centennial it Are herehy remloded that Timothy Putler, 19 8 North siveet, has ffiy cot beds 4o let lothe = rooms over hia store. b= | - - . ¢ i Do You Waut 10 Seo The Parndes?® d| Windows to Jot at corner of North Ma'n and 9 Exchange streets by (e day or week., All pro. ® | cesrlons pass this polut. Good wview. Inqulre J of C.A. Ocr,BBpiing street, or W. L. Keach, 1 @ | Blackstone avenu:. | - - From Ilon. K. L. Freemun, Elitor of | Weekly Viel or, Central Falle, R [.—*"Dr. At Seth Arnold’s Cough Killer has been used 1. by myself personally and in my family with most satisfactory resulte. [ regard it a» the best medicine for the jurposes for which it is recommended with which |am r. Acquuinted.” For sale at all druggiste. 18 | Price 25¢. 50c. and $l.OO per bottle. b|- - Ask for \he ‘Pefection” C vithon stick, Nicholson & Thackray TOMORROW'S EVENTS. Tho Trades in the Forenoon and SBocieties In the Afternoon. The Trades' procession line tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock will form at Mineral Spring Park, under dir.ction of Chief Marshal J. Milton Payne, and will march through Miueral Spring avenue, Main, School, Prospect, Pond, Summit and Cot- HE DESCRIBES HIS TREATMENT tage streets, Allen avenoue, DBroadway, Main, North Main, Exchange, High, Bar wu , broad, Miller, High, Exchange, Broad and West avenues to Main street, where the line will be dismissed. o Wednesday aftercoon will be the parale of the secret and civic societics. The line will form near Mineral Spring Park, under direction of Chicf Marshal William 11. Gur ney, and will consist of the various secret and civie socleties of Pawtucket and vicin ity, in almost countless numbers. The line will move at 3:830 o'clock sharp through Main and Minesal Spring avenue, Slater st Quincy avenue, Main, S :hoo!, Prospect, Pond, Summit sad Cottage sireets, Allen avenue, Broadway (being reviewel at the corner of Blacksteme avenuc ), Main, North Main, Exchange. High, Darton, Broad, Milr, Monigomaty, Eschings, Brosd sod Main streets, Bast avenue, Codar street and West avenue, to TMain strect, whore the line will be reviewed and dismissed. . A o - e - —— CENTRAL FALLS. Philip Green is superintending the build ing of the staging and bud for the new stone crusher. The location 1s on one of the old lime kilns on the Louisquissett pike. John Durkin and his sister, Annie and Miss Katie McCann of New DBodford, are visiting friends in this place. Tomorrow the dogs may go without muzzles. Coust Flower of Dextr, A. O. F. of A, will entertain the Foresters who take part in the parade tomorrow. A collection will be served in their new hall. Miss Mary E. Walker of Central Falls was married yesterday to Mark Wilson, Jr., of Providence. Sayles’ Ll-achories will close in order to give the employes an opportunity of taking part in the centenary parade. Conant's mills shut down last night until Thursday morning. The Woodlawn Co-operative society will be!d an English tea party, concert an social in For rte:s Hall, November 1. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES, Joseph Suvory was elected lord mayor of londen. A Froonch oxpedition agalust Dahowmey s preparing. American live beof sau lswue ia Aut werp politics. The schiooner Hattle Perry % aghiore on the Virginia const, Premler Crispl devounees the attitude of France towurd Italy. Paul Wing, a widely knowa educator, died at Sandwich, Mass, The stilke of the shecp shearers a Aus tralia Is a partial fallure, A T-year old boy In West Virginia mur dered his 5-year old sister. Two men were killed by a ocollision on the Northern Paciflo railroad. Portugal s uudiut sn expedition to MozambAyne and Mashowalaad Alabamna vewspapers are bolug selsod for violating the antl-lottery law, Benator Eilwnuun proposes (0 boke an active part In the campatgu in Oble. ' 1A Germen steamer whh a 83000 000 catgo of tobaocco arrived at New York. Zenobkia, a 6 to 1 choles, won the Nop tune stakes at the Brooklyn Jockey elub | rices. f A genernl strike of the mMers in the de partment of Loire, France, has been or- | derad, | The body of &brakeman, killed on th | Cinelnnati Seuthern rallroad, was robbed | l of #B5OO, I u' The threatensd strike of conl miners In l Ilinols, ludiana sud Missourl has been | { averted, ; The heire %0 the Brewstors, felands in | Bostou barbor, are said w have boen dis- | covered. , A Pistsburg and Western rallrgad train lenped a trestle, killiug two men and fu- | l tally injuring a third, ! | The outlook for snccess of the non-par- | tisan municipal ticket in Now York Is thought to be uncertain, Three indictwments have beon found | agalnst the Biddeford aldermen 1n conneo | ton with the registration of volers, ‘ | British troops are to be placed in bar rucks at Port Sald, securiug England pos | | sesmion of both ends of the suez caual ‘ I Euglish papers eontinue to commeunt on the McKinley tariff bill and insiss that is | will do most harm in the United States. ' A train on a Rossian rallrcad was Cwrecked in an attempt on the life of the | czar, who, however, did not travel on that | train. | . Lisbon tlour millx threatem to shnt down Cunless the governwment repeals shie law re stricting the amount of wheat they may " lmport. ' The MoKinley tariff bill eousinues to " excite Kuropean circles and om the conti- L nent there.ds a very genefal demand for retaliatory aoction. " T'wo despernte burglare were captured i house in Roxbury (Boston) lust nights - Befors they surrendered they fired throe : shots at the otlicers. v The Nationalist landers, on triad as Tip perary, anuounce thelr lutontion to appeal o the high cours agalust the allegod bias of the sltting magistrate. » It 13 expwcted that a wumber of persons ' who were prasent during the wl}lnhm be © tween the polics and ¢rowd at Tipperary aro to be procoeded agalust for lciting & riot, ) Four of the filve dry houses connected with the Otls compuny’'s mil at Ware, Y | Munss., were badly gutted by fire aud the malu bulldings were saved witu diffioulsy. | Lows, $2000: tully lusnred. 1 | A wan supposed, trom papers found fn his pocket to be Robert Wallace of Boston, " was struok by a locomotive near Pliladel " phis and wstandy killed. It W belleved 1 10 have becu a caso of suicide, ; | J. ¥. wioddard, who recently resigned ' tho chinirmanship of the Western Passcos gex aswociation, » to sucoeed Albert Fink | na chalrinan of the Trunk Line wsseela , Hon, with headquarters at New York, s The lilinois Central report for twe ¢ mouths, ending Aug. 3l,shows I!lm“ earn y Ings of $2.931,719, lucrease $21,670; operat " jog expenses, including taxes, $1,657,00%; " increase §3)1,5637, leaving the not eurnings - §008,652, a decrease over she same period for last year of $270,%04, ot 3T L esel Al ARSI (~ LIFE IN TIPPERARY. John Morloy’s Experience in the Recent Riot. And Denounces the Conduct of the Au thorities as Arbitvary and Tyrannical. Hopes of the Unionlsts Blighted, LONDOX, Bept. 80.—Johu Morley spoke at St. Helous last uight to a large aundi ence. He gave a graphic account of his experfences durlng his recent tour of Ive land, referving particularly to the condi tion of affuirs in Tipperary and to the scenes fu which he himself took a personal part. ‘The speaker began by asking the coerclouists of St. Helens and of the whole country whether the state of Ircland was what they had barguined for when they voted for the present goverment, Then ‘ he went on to give instances illustrating | the arbitrary and tyrannical methods of the Irish nuthorities. He said that a weck ' ago Johu Dillon went to address his con (stitueuts in Kust Mayo. Upon arviving (8L the town where the flrst meeting was to bo held, Mr. Dillon found the platform |of the station surrounled by police and | military, aud he was tld by a Unionist i magisteate that if he used illegal langnage Lt would be the magistrate’'s duty to dis | perse the meeting. Now, iu the first place, this simply meant that the divisional magcistrate | would be the judge as to whether Dillon’s [ language was legal or illegal; end in the | socond place, what appeared to be alimost | Incredible, 1t meant that i Mr. Dillon | used language that the magistrate con | sidered fllegal, it was the magistrate's | duty to disperss the meeting with baton (and rifle. After over four years of reso ' lute government eauld not an Irish mem ber of parlinment be trusted to address | his constituents without the adoption of ‘snch measures? Suppose that at that | meeting he (Morley) had scid something I’whlch the ehief constable of the district Cehose to think illegal, was the eonstable, instead of arvesting the speaker, to baton | and shoot the andience? Many Unionise | orators had prepared addresses for the }nntumn campaign, the chorus of which was that bank deposits and railway re | turns In Ireland were unprecedented: that | the Nationyl league was a thing of the ![uut; that the Natlonalists were cowed | and beaten, and that the Irfsh movement had blown over as Irish movements had blown over before, The Tipperary prosccutions, however, had cruolly blighted the hopes of the (Unionists and given the le to their rose colorad pictures, The proceedings of the last fortnight in Tipperary would havethe inevituble effect of Rallylng Every Natlonallst, lny and clerical, and of oneo more closing the Natlonallst ranks., It was no wonder that the coorclon party had been thrown Into a state of consternation. It would be claimed that this was not a question of policy, but a question of the law being broken, and that it was the duty of the government to strike at the law breakers, But this excuse would not do, because by the governmout’s own showing, those illegalities dute back as far as January last, Turning to the problem of the con gesteddisisicts, the speaker said it opened up questions of the greatest complex ity, and he would welcome an attempt to wottle t*u«s questions apart from all party considePations. But what, he said, was the use of appealing to ministers who were capable of the acts of crim inal folly now being perpetrated? But nelther could Mr. Parnell nor she speaker help to wsolve the prob lem with men who were so infatunted, He (Morley) has been eriticised for going to Ireland. That seemed to be a dog-in the-manger policy. Mr. Balfour would neither go to Ireland himself nor let any one else go. He (Morley) went to Tipper ary becnuse he felt that the proceedings there marked the Turning Polnt in the Great Battle, and because h» felt that the government was golng to drive n good strong nail into its own coftin, aud he wanted to sce the Mirst blow of the nanminer, When he arrive ! at Tipperary with his political friends, he walked peaceably to the eross rond, without having any foar of disorder, when suddenly he was huastled, pushed and mennced by constables ina stato of great fury. The gathering people were very few in number and nokind of obstruction was offered, the nearest ap proach to a riot being a shrill Tipperary cheer ralsed on his nccount. He never saw wuch annct of folly as the attitude of the wuthorities, The two members of the house of commons under arrest werein charge of a rquad of constables, who had the right of guarding the prisoners from rescue; but throughout the day, the gov erument officers put the constables inan attitnde that was calculated to provoke a brench of the peace. Col. Caddell stated in the court room that this was one of the most disorderly gatherings he had ever witnessed, ‘Three or four English Jadies who occupied front scats in the court room laughed ntthe absurdity of Caddell'sstate ment, snd soon after this the colonclwith drew his mon, These proceedings would have been ri diculous if they had not been so danger ous. But they were vothing to what tol lowed, The court house was in a small enclosure provided with strong gates It had been asserted that he and his com panions were followed to this entrance at noon by an immense multivude, This he sbsolutely denied. He believed that at no time did the armed men defending the court house number less than three to one ugninst the civilians, It was us o wigniticant and harmless a crowd as he over saw in his life. Mrve. Dillon, the wpenker, My, Harrison, M. I, and others wore admitted at the gates, but the police rofused admission to the townsmen. He nest saw a towusmnn, asolicitor, tlung violently from the getes and assaulted. Mr. O'Brion went out and protested agninst the cxelusion of the public. Messre, DlHlou and Harrison joined Mr. O'Brien and their volces grew loud, With or without orders the police drew their batons without a shadow of provocation aud } Biood Began to Flow Froely, Mr Balfour bhad alwuys refused toin stitnte an offective public fogulry, e haud always deujed the troavh of thecharges made ngaiast she police. Mo had always rofused to belisve sho word of an lrish wmember of parlimment, And thus the Irish pu;rlo lluul been left wholly at the werey of the authorities without any surpervision, without belp and without hope. No wonder the Irish prople did not respect the law! No wonder they hated o surnuwm which mspired such au abuse exegutive fuicel A Vig Bargain At Nicholson & Thackray's, Record Bullilrg, two carloads of the best Haxall flour at $6.25 » barrel. i - - —— - Nicholson & Thackray lave recelved & large consig: ment of regular 50 cent tea which they are selilng at 28 cents a pound, four poands fr one dollar, PRICE ONE CIiNI. e Visitors from Boston White- f’ . was* /. by Ansen's Colts, : BISONS F And Pound Out a Victory to the Seoro ' of Beven to Fouar - Results of Other Contests on the Dicmaond, : CiicAGo, Sept, 20.=Thoe game between | Boston and Chicngo was in all respécts rcynn'kuh.u. Hutehinson pitched wonders p ful ball, the Bostons making only one hit, A and that in the fifth inning. Nichols #lso pitched winning /il, but the Chicagos A bunched theiv hitsfd in the seventh inning, Y and seored the on), runs of the games* At- ’ tendance 801, ’ CIL 'AGO AB @ 10 TD BH PO A R Cooney, s sessin @ ) .8 . Ea-Bak @& Lavle, rf veree @ 0 1T FZECR W Wil ... seves 8 0 ). B R A ) ARROD; 1D ...ocamrne & §' 1 BF POTEE"E B 8 Burns, 8. ..., vl 3 1. Rl - el O Foster, of 7 sis B 0 0 0 0 3 0 0n Qlonalvin, 28.....00¢ 8 1. 0 BB E 0 Hutchinson,p. ...... 4 0 3 170 '0 71 3 NAgIS, Guoscrrer.nees b 0 RIEET SRR § ' Total..covevnvvns 8 8 5.8 o 2. 00 8 BOS VON A R IBTD U PY A B EAWE Ofiriiiies wn 8. QN 0 By SR SR 1N........0nn 3 BN ETEE B Sullivan, If. ... &@R .BB g 0 Brodie, ef.. a 0 8 W 9 99N " Lonz®s. .. ke 3 EBER B EE , 1 Beinett, ¢.... vess B TR SRR E 3 MeGarr, 3b 3 0 0. %' B 8 BIRIEE. B csccions ! Yy B ¥ 8 Blahol B . B BEELE & B A B e v e ek i A Totaldiesrnoveeonee 288 0 1 & .0 .27 1B & IR et v enviri BRS T B Chicago wssesnvins @ O A 5 5 & 060 Earned runs Chicago 2 Base oa bhalls—Chie cago 3, Boston 1, Base on wrors~Uhicago & Btruck out—Chicago 5, Boston 9. Douule play - Suith and Tuckor., Umpive ='owers, Clueinuatf, 35; New York, 4, CINCINNATI, Sept. 20.—-The Cincinnatis made a plucky up-hill fight, and by some of the best playing that has been done here this scason they pulled out the game, Cineinnati, ... seo 8 08 000 3} %48 New York.. vies 40 00 00000 0 00-4 Earned runs—Cincinnati 8» New Yoric 1. Baso hits—Clipecinoati 11 New York 10, Lrrors-Cin cinnati 3, New York 8, Batteries— Rhines and Harriugton, Shavrott and Clark, Philndeiphin, 6; Pitisharg, 2. Prrrspria, Sept, £2o.—-The bome team made a hard stroggle but failed to eone nect, ! Philadelphia.......... 1 & 8 00000 g:-fl CRUIDNT: s s 000 vuvi 1 0 00100 -3 Earned runs - Philadelplia 2, Base hits—Phil adalphia 9 Pittsiaue 3. Errors—Uittsburg 9. Batterfes—Gloason and Sehriver, Anderson gud Decker. Brooklyn, t; Cleveland, 3, - CLEVELAND, Scept, 20,—Clevelund lest to-day, 8r00k1yn............0 1 3 00 1 8 0 &0 Clevaland. ..., 300011300 0-5 Earned runs— Brookiyn ¢, Cloveland 2, Bass” ~ © hits—Brookiynu 11, Cleveland 6. Errvors--Brook lyn 2, Clevelund 3. Datterios— Lovett and Clark, Eeatin and Zitwmer. A PLAYERS' LEAGUE, . BUrrarLo, Sept. 20.—~The Bisons won t@- day's game in the ceventh inning by heavy batting, aidcl by the threo, and only ver rors of the Bostons, Radbonen was easy for the Bisons, but Conningham was more cffective, thovugh his bases on balls camo at coitical times, The Bisons executed, a triple play in the last half of the nirth inning. Drouthers aud Richardson had received buses on balls, and both were caught oft their bases on Clark’s eateh of Nash's fly. Attendance 635. The scorve; i BUIVALO A R ID 70 BR PO A B Hoy, 0f.... ccorusnsec B 3 & 05 SRR 8 Mack, ¢...........4 1 0 0 § 0 § 0% Clark, Bb.. e 4 8 8 8. 60ub. 100 > | J.lrwin, 1b.......... § | § " @& F ¢ a¥ 8eecher,if...c....... 4 1 LK & 0508 oivO Rowe, &8 ... e 8 0 F F EE.-F 3 White, 3b.....ce0.00. B | BB B 0 €OOB Stafrord. rf, 4 U B @ Bl 0 3 Cunningham, p....«.. 4 0 ¥ ¥ &5 ¢ 8 Total.....ivenrndo ¢lB 16 8M B 8 1§ BOSTOUN AL R In T™h 81 1O A 1 Brown, ef..occooooos 4 1 0 0 0 b 0 it BLOVEY . Misiseesrnend 0 § 8 1 1 0 0 Breaithers, Ih.. ... .. 8 S S RilmB-OVO Richardsou, U 3 1 3 BEEEEBCE S NAsh. BD..ssne 200520 8 0 § Intta}. 3 Quinn. 2b.. ... .4 0 F I W% M ‘ ‘ BPWIR. 88s oicvo6o 0o €7 0 B S Eal {0 - Murvhy, ¢ v 3 0 ¢ SRR B | Radboutn, 4 0 G 8 50 BBSS Totals.ccoieee.ose 30 €& T T AN EES -0 JBRIBES. cvrvsives voos 3 B 5 § B RNV N BRERIO oo6o+ 1001 0. 0 6.0 &7 Boston. ; : 01 031 898 4 Earned runs Puffalo 20 Poston 1. Two-baso hit - Ulark Three Lasa f.l -J. Irwin, Stolen base - Duitalo 1, ] m 7L Base on balls—-=Buffalo 1. Boston 5, S chout—bnfla'o 1, Boston b, Doubid « play Wlote and Kowe, Radbourn, Ndsh and Lrouthor Teiple phy-- Clark, brwin and Rowe. Umpires - Snyder and Pearce.” \ I Pittshurg, 8; Philadelphin, 1. ) Prirssvie, Sept, 20.—Staley’s curvea proved too much for Philadelphia, and : they fell easy victims to the hoi < teat., Pittshury ‘ 10100 ; d 3 0-4 Philadelphia ... 10 00 0 &U Ol Earue | runs -Pittshurg 85, Base, B% —~Ditse burg 10, Pulindelphiv 3, Erro s = Breurg 9, |‘||||u|n'ln‘|l 2 Batteries l‘_, e 5 "h“:d'. Kuell and Halomao, b Cleveland, 8; New York, 3. { CLEVELAND, Sopt. 20,—The Cleveland teson defeated the Giants by hard hitting, Cleveland . .0 0 020310 0 bath New YOorßicoisvonoee 0 §F O 90" N Base hits— Cloveland New York 6. Errorses " Cieveland 1, New York 2. Batteries—O'Brict and Sutelifte J Ewing and Brown, - - . Chicago, € Brookliyn, 1. . 3 ‘ CrieAGo, Sent, 20 ~The Chicagos rathos | ensily defeted the i“"-‘kl)’“‘. { Chieazo 3 00 0 % 000 2.6 | Brooklyn O 1 90 0 0 0 0 e | LFarpe! runs-Chicazo 3. Baga hits—(hicago [ 8 Brooklyn 7. kEreors—Chicago G Brooklyn | | Batteries Baldwin auld Farrell, Weyhing aud | Kinsiow. Z OUilther Gaales, | At New Haven-—New laven, 4; Newark, 2. [ At Columbus—Columbus, 5; Rochester, 2, At Louisville - Louisville, 6: Syracuse, 1. At Lebanon—Lebavon, 18; Harrisburg, 11, 1 commetmeipsitililigs ' Fool ball, ; SrriNarirnn, Mass,, Sept, 50, —~Capt ‘ ( Camnock of the Harvard football team " ‘ and J. A, Lovell, manager of last yeagr'ues 11 cleven, met Capt. Rhodes and Mana b | Scars of the Yule team at the Massas . | house to arrange for the Yale-llarva & | game in this city about Thanhsgivingsy [ time. It was decided to defer settling the { date until after the Intercolleginte Foogsi | ball associntion meeting in New York | Saturday. B w B i Baitrond Moo Kilted, ot ‘I WiLkespanue, Pa, Sept. 80.-—-A coaly | trado and a passenger train collided o 'thu Jeisey Central . between Lelighte and Packerton, Enginewr Digelow a . Firowan Duanlap of the conl train a l Firemau Mitehell of the passenger trufg S 8 | wore killed, Taylor Bedore, engineer of QRS the passcnger tram, and t&o brakemen , the coal traln were pinioned in tie wreals and very seriously injured, P ¢ Nearly Four Handred Killed, fi Panis, Fept. B).—Dispatehos from Rene-i gal say that Chief Ahmadon bosiegal | Kumemari hut was flnally repulsen by Freueh, who dispersed the chici's ) aud Killed 320 ol his wea. § MOY'S STEAMSHIP TIOKET _“t k AND NEWSPAPER DEFOT, 5 » | Tickete atlowest rates on all lines. A assortment of the litest Fashion Books, , Stationery an! School @oods. 301 Mala 0 '|ndotlonod\all~ O e It e + R . li“ " M-cwne o 1 Wl 53!1". c:bthm J ) “ -