Newspaper Page Text
THE FKE&'GITIZEN, 53. A. WEBSTER, Editor. ** TERMS : ONE COW, ON IC VF.AU, - - - $2.00. Invariably tit Advance. v NOTICE. Weare not responsible Tor thc views of our Correspondents. . Advertisements to lie Inserted inutile CITIZEN 'vmuat bc receiver! by Thursihiyxvcmng. Advertisements inserted nt One Pidiar per inch, fbrrfue first insertion. Further terms can lu; hiul'iin application totlu EiUlu . nr V'i'ilislicr. Communications mi matters of State or Local iulerest, respectfully solicitud. f AU etiler? for .lul> Printing left at lilia ofllec will receive prompt attention. Afronta unit Correspondents w.tnted in all Towns of tho County. . SATURDAY, MAY 27, 187G. The County Frauds. Without expressing ourselves as believing or discrediting thc evidence given hy Humbert at the late session of thc Court, in reference to the com plicity of other persons in the frauds that have been in the past perpetrated in this countj' with perfect impunity, and without making any comments as to the seeming probability of that testimony, we give below a few facts which are matters of recbrd as relat ing to this matter. F. H. Greene did not have a settle ment with the school commissioner for the, State* apprcpriation because, fault of his own, he was unable to elfect this settlement, but he turn ed over to T. K. Sasportas, his suc cessor in the county treasurer's ofllce, thestj vouchers, and took bis receipt for the same, as is clearly established by the following affidavit: Extracts from inventory of books, papers, vouchers, accounts, furni ture, &c, and receipt for the HuirW given by T. K. Sasportas to Krank H. Greene, late treasurer of Or angeburg County, S. C., upon T. Iv. Sasportas. assuming the duties bf county treasurer : " One (1) package of .school vonoh marked " ?v? containing sett! iii me nrrounting to six thousand ?o hundred and twelve dollar ielve?nts, iSfi-ilvjo January I, 1870^ bf Orangcburg County. Q. When Humbert made bis settle ment he had clean vouchers, had he not? * ^A. Tte had. Q. Those vouchers were placed in your office* were they not? A. Tb.ev,wcre. * O. Will* you state what you know about thif^jnatier A. Wilde on ?h? train of the South Carolina Railroad, going from Or angcburg to Columbia, l*told Mr. Andrews- that I had missed some of thc vouchers out of my office, of the settlement he (Andrews) had made with me. Mr. Andrews told me that, inasmuch as a committee of the grand jury of the county had beeu appoint ed to investigate all ?the offices of the count}', that the.b'est thing I could do for myself, before that committee, was to make a statement to the effect that J. .L. Humbert, county treasurer, had come into my olllee during my absence, abstracted Andrews' vouch ers and. made a settlement with inc, as county'treasurer', fdr.the State ap propriation of the school fund of this county for'tho year ending October 81, 1871, as*he (Andrews) held my receipt in full for his settlement. ? QI, by Humbert* Did I abstract any vouchere appertaining to Mr. T. C. Andrews' settlement? A. You did not; but Andrews did. A few days after- the conversation spoken of as having taken place on the train, I met Mr. Andrews at Orangcburg Court House. He told me that he had taken those papers out of my oflice that were missing, for the purpose of cancelling them, ns they had not boen properly cancelled ; that he had tried to borrow from Humbert some of his school papers to put in my ollice in place of those he (Andrews) had taken out, and that Humbert bad refused to give bira tliose papers. Before this same committee Primus Burwiek, being sworn, testified : I was Mr." McKinlny's clerk. I was clerk for him from the time Mr. Andrews was treasurer until Mr. Mc Kinlay went out of .office. Mr. An drews had .iome papers in thc office- - some p:?pers that he had made a set tlement with Mr. McKinlay with that had bee:: changed twice. They WCli; bUjj&ol 0*0.1. ' ' th vee jdWiiysUofore tho committee that wa^'appoiiifCd-^Xv t??e grand jury met, ag&r. Andrews brought some vouchers tho office-school ciaims-and s?jd ghat they were some papers that j;\ s&a^Lfci??& out of there some time *ig$l Our phip -? ; [From our Regular Correspondent.] PMII.ADK?.^'JUA, May itt, 1S70. t I have been for four dnvN winking! through the immcuse buildings in Fairmount. Park, and have come to the conclusion that it is a big, bewil dering thing- a vulgar thing in one sense, for the principal shopmen of the world have come here to adver tise their waren, and tbi.s advertising is the pronounced feature of the In hibition. .Scandinavia advertises lier iron and furs, Galibi her wine and silks, Cathay lier vases, and Philadel phia her drugs. If there is anyone who does not believe that there is Ho- ; quence, poetry, science und arl in advertising, he will bc convinced al every turn herc. This is ?i superficial view ; beneath the sordid motive that inspires the in- \ dividual and. the mass, the man and . 1 i the manager, there is the restless tur moil of subtile occult forces oom. nd ing incessantly for that which is wost useful in labor, truest in art, gre:test in man. The Exhibition so far has not 1 ecu successful in n pecuniary sense. Thc entertainment is iead? (at least par tially., so)-the music of pipes and cymbals may be heard in the Main Building and in Iii?, temples of Epicu rus that have sprung up like toad stools in and around the grounds but the guests do not ^ome tc thc feast. Cent?n nial hotels, baili for this occasion, euch with accoteinoda < Hons foi not less than a thousand guests, ai e not one third full, j Mut few, comparatively, conn: ?.tither to the hotels or to thc show. Philadel phia cannot be much nunc cro/vded at this -imo than New York or Balti more. The reasons are plain. While the whole country, a nd j indoor, tho world, as an interest in this Exhibi tion, w ile literal millions are willing lo be. :i the labor and expense ty see ii., j ii. delpliia alone, who has the key to looks upon it as create expr?s [y for her gain. There i scarcer a brother of them, bqo&luc or ban r, who is not looktug^p in ios fire better here than in Europe, und that our people are more accus tomed to travel, still it must be re membered that population is. not so dense here, and that a visitation of ten millions would be one in every lour of our entire census. Upon the whole I think the gentle men who have the management ot' this Exhibition, and those who have rear "d booths of extortion in and around it, do not fully understand their day. f hey have failed to take into account ?he recent panic and the depression iii business and industry which p3r rades the country. There are mil ions who desire to come here ?for deasure and for improvement, bul he denizens of: the "City of Brother y Love" must not think that these uotives are as powerful as the ava ice which is burning in the bowels md brain of every Philadelphia^ Making bim insane with the folly that tie can grow rich in six months brough extortion of transient visit ors. C. [Since this letter was in type we lave seen tho announcement that the .jading hotels in Philadelphia have -educed their rates to 83.50 a day, ind that the reduction would extend o every tiling required by visitors.] ?:D. F. C. Charleston District. .KKACHERS' AND STEWARDS* MEETING. There will be a Preachers' meeting, 'or the preachers of the Charleston District, local and traveling, to com mence at Orangeburg on Tuesday, the 13th of June, at 10 o'clock, A.M. Thc meeting for the District Stewards will bc held at the M. E. Church, at Drangeburg, at 10 o'clock, A. M., on Wednesday, June 14th Arrangements -.viii bo mude fot jublic exercises after the. ino ting u :oii vetted. ESSAYS. 3n Advantages pl our Ltiiieiaitt S\* tem-T. J. Abbott, .7ns. R. Town send. Thc Minist:y '?Ve \'< nd-E. Cooke, L>. D., J. E. Low tey. Liie Hcst Method of Promoting fteli PEABODY HOUSE, CORNER OK LOCUST AND NINTH STS., Philadelphia, Pa. Convenient to nil places of Amusement nnd car lines in the city. No changes to and from the Centennial Grounds. Col. Watson, proprietor of t lie II KN lt Y HOUSE, Cincinnati, for the past twenty years, and present proprietor, lias leased tile house for a tenn of years, and has newly tarnished and titted it throughout. He will keep a strictly lirst-chiss house, and has accommodations for 3U0 guests. Terms only per day. COL. WATSON is it native nf Virginia, ami probably the only Hotel Proprietor in Philadelphia from the > >.uh. JAMES WATSON, mny27. 2m I'IMIPKIKTOR. Axcarded the Highett Medal ul Vienna. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & Co., 591 Broadway, New York. (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel.) MANUFACTURERS. IMPORTERS & DEAL I HS IN CHROMOS & FRAMES, Stereoscopes A*n Views, ALBlhMS, ?RAPII08C0PES AMI SUITABLE VIEWS. PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. We are Headquarters for everything in tlie way of Stereopticons k Magic Lanterns, Being Manufacturers of the Micro-Scientific Lantern, Stereo-Panopi icon. University Storeoptlcnn. Advel tiser's Stcreopticon, Artopticon. Seliool Lantern, Family Lantern. People's Lantern. Each style being the best of its class in the market. " Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides, with directions for using, sent on applica tion. Any enterprising man can|Mfkelnoney with a Magic Lantern. fig?*" Cut out this advertisement fo ref erence._ _may27 bn 18767 The AtiajiUc W. D HOWELLS wp! contribute ? new AMERICAM-NVV Kl., entitled "Privat?- Tltentrieali-'."i*ao will also furnish .Sketches of T i !h a racier. MRS*. F RANI ES ANNE KK> Will continue ber charmin graphical papers, "Old Won ("Sk" t?j?ftK TWAIN 5?^U\Udd to bj-?.aj.ital sketch BISAD THE ANNOUNCEMENT OP TMS i Murray Hill Publishing Co? John P. Jowett, manager. fflUDf?MI?B DISEASES Care?. l.HnlllMllB New path? m&rlted uu? VllHwIllV to Health by that plain est ot all books-PLAIN HOHE TALK ABO MED ICAL, COMMON SENSE, which contains nearly lOOOpageBof original matter as entertaining as a fascinating story. Health and long life maxie easy for the learned and unlearned. Crammed full of brand MOW Idcaa which aro cheering to the Bick, and intensely enter taining to those who aro fortunate enough to escape disease. It guards thereaderngalnsfc the pltholes of human suffering, and points tho way of delivernnco to those who ore al ready engulphud.* Dy all meanslNOnd out all aboutit. It IN Tor you. It's anther. Dr. E. B. FOOTE of ISO LEXINGTON AVEXUE, NETT 'YORK, is consulted by invalid;; at home and abroad, in person and by letter, and has had the experiouco of nearly a Quarter of m. century in tho treatment or long standing and dinicult diseases of every character; hence his ability to write practical truths for the invalid reader. His consultations ara free to the sick everywhere; hence his im mense correspondence with the sick all over the globe. You, READEH. ins AT LiDt/.trv TO CONSULT tho ablo author of Plain Home Talk and Medical CommonSense, g Write to him and you will bo struck with his Common Sense. Whatever your malady, you will ro ciovo light which will do you Rood by inves ing only a postugu stamp, and writing to Dr. F. Wo wish to Interest you in both tho doctor nnd his Immdti al book. Tho book itself, which gives satisfaction to all who recd lt, can bo had of agents, or of thu publishers direct. Plain muslin binding ?3.25 in the Eng lish or German language. Library binding. In English only, I3.T?. Rent by mail, postage) prepaid, on receipt of tho prlco. One reader says-"I have found lt to be ono of the grand est works of thcnf?e." Another says-"I would not bo without it for twice its cost." A phy sician writes-"t am thankful that thero'lj ono lunn ill America who has the ability and nervi- : . t ll .s:!?Toritig humanity what they want.' f A Indy writes the author and tells bim-" I h.ivo always f. ' -'were thr physician <>f th? world. 1 . :-f your wonderful success ... .." wo could fill Ibis page wi \? rv.vo ulais to the author mid to t 'V>J? lenli tutti? *entfrte. Send for it. ^ CrtlFlilAFiN S'JTOItYtorSnmmy Nl?8r WlirTu,,,,s' ,l'L' Boy Unci??. \J li i Ba 8 W \J iL an. I Sponsin, the trouble some Honker, hy Pr. E. B. FOOTE,, author of Plain Home Talk nml Medical Compton S^nse. POM.INO ovKit with Fun, 11KI>LETB with AwvrE KENT ftllll IXSTItrCtlON, YOL'lt 1?OTS AUtl OtHLS ? iii feast upon these wonderful pages, culling knowledge from every sentence I Turin TE Rt'SAl. WI I.I. DRIVE Ttl J? DLL'ES F1COM OM.'LU NODDLESAM>it.vKi:Tiin iiYfocnoNnniAc utt-ant Each volume contains i?T-Ti ragos and over 60 comic anti scienllflc illust:. .lons: Siper vol., for Extra Cloth, hud RI/.O per vol., for Holi day Style. Send for the first vt I., ?j.;! If you like it. "order the 2.1. .'Sd, ?"ie., lill \ - :i ?. ive all. Sent by mai!, post/ire prepaid.. .?...?eint of price. Contenta'/. ft. 3 ft ti F" pnhlle.tClojiN. V. - < fttr 11 fi kel ST n'sh all of lu:. FOOTE'* > : 'dar ??aS?tS^ D?me Publie,?lioh? \ ;:i mid t .?.>...;. "OLP/ EYES .. . '.ll M.A'.t. llf}..owti.:e:-.toiell,o^l,"ht nt:<trtii up gtnsses. without th" nid nf 1 i <:t.,r ..f ftV.xll . H . ll !."..? leillloui'. > Iieen ii'?:ivt olra'M.y' '. ( - XK?HT ANO fl -- Wit TEE l?' f-l VtiKr.'" Is i. vjile ibie ;n.m.ti for lbo.-e who fire t.itiet i i ,t:th ?t'iptuio ir liern?SL '.I*iiv:?i iwjft.i. IiiPitovEMnxT -? l?t ?AM?Vi" rc-?utea lo :hv Bubj.-ct i fii.". ; rpcop?e hom ' \>t.a loiAHUOAt. '?!. .,.\'.f. H'M* u-f ?i.:,!'1, re si III .Jiesr-v..vdtng.tiiM l:iwa govern: ? li u\ pera'iieitlAlndtiptnlion fie. "\\.,r.i- :::: Pr.*.nr. ronnie MAtinino"-A erl?ici*w ?rn vsrlous. methodsresorted Infor reguh Mr reproitir tion. "SrjtttiiATpuniinJA or ? >>*?:afc r.e. s.withevi.le'i. ? ,f its ell ral ttl i ' .. Cunee, i ^ . ::n^es. prevention n::d e .- '.>> ...? ry mother haring tho ea Coi.ti '.?|,r.-i,,''i ,ii'..-". . .