Newspaper Page Text
? i anmaa? tunrHxxanawj.tai^ars'-3 nartnntrax.imMi'.rz E. A. WEBSTER, Editor. TERNIS : ONKCOJ-V. OM: VKAK, - - - ?2.00 Invariably in Advance. NOTICE. We nm not rosnon-sllilc for tlic .views c f om Uorrcspoinlonls. Ailvcrtisenicnts tn lie i ll ?crt Oil in thc CITIZEN ' imi?t bo reocivoil by Tliurmlny evening. Ailvortisomonts insortoil at Ono Orillar ju?r ?in li, for>tue first insertion. Further terms can lonai'pltiatii i ?>. Killi ?rVtiMI?hcr. Communications nu mau il -i. ..; I.oral interest, rosjiortl'tiUv .?iliolte.l. ? N?I Mr!, i- l'or .Inti I'viiiilne '.-il ,i itu- ofllce will receive |>roin']il lUieiitltiii Agents a,,,, luted in all Towns of tho County. SATURDAY, MAY 27, 187G. The County Frauds. | Without expressing ourselves as believing or discrediting the evidence given by Humbert at the late session of the Court, in reference to the com plicity of other persons in tho frauds that have been tn the past perpetrated in this county with perfect impunity, and without making any comments as to the seeming probability of that testimony, we give below a few facts which are matters of record as relat ing to this matter. P. II. Greene did not have a settle ment with the school commissioner ?br the State appropriation because, by no fault of bis own, be was unable to elfect this settlement, but he turn ed over to T? K. Sasporlas, his sue < essor in thc county treasurer's ollice, vhcs? vouchers, and took his receipt for thc same, as is clearly established by the following ailidavit: Extracts from inventory of books, papers, vouchers, accounts, furni ture, &C, lind receipt lor the same" given by T. iv. Sasporta-o to l'Yhiik H. Greene, late treasurer of ?r angeburg County, S. C., upon T. I. ' Vnrnr.pUc r.?-. i ? ?, . ? i , , , ((.,. fl (J fl CS o? county treasurer : One (1; package of school ybrichr ,*s. marked . >V containing settled |airn? nu omiting lo six timbs Po hundred arid twelve dollar.? J a u ti arv !, IBlf.-A ot Orangeborg County. (J. When Humbert made his settle ment he had clean vouchers, had he not? A. Ile had. Q. Those vouchers were placed in your oilico, were they not? A. They were. * O. Wilf yoi" slate what you know about Uii.%i,c.aUcr ? A. Wlnle oh the train ot tho south Carolina, going fro iii Or ungeburg Columbia, l*told Mr. Andrews that I had missed some of thc vouchers out of my olllce, of the settlement he (Andrews) had made with mc. Mr. Andrews told me that, inasmuch as a committee of thc grand jury of the county hud been appoint ed to investigate all the oillces of thc county, that the best thing I could do for myself, before that committee, was to make a statement to the effect that J. Ii. Humbert, county treasurer, had come into my ollice during my absence, abstracted Andrews' vouch ers and made a settlement with me, I as county treasurer, fdr the State ap I propriation of the school fund of this I county for tho year ending October 131,187-1, as*he (Andrews) held my j receipt in full for his settlement. (,)., by Humbert. Did I abstract j any vouchers appertaining to Mr. T. j C. Andrews' settlement? A. You did not; but Andrews did. A few days after the conversation spoken of as having taken place on the train, I met Mr. Andrews at Orangeburg Court House. He told me that he had taken those papers out of my oilice that were missing, for ! the purpose of cancelling them, as ! they had not been properly cancelled ; that he had tried to borrow from Humbert some of his school papers to put in my ollice in place of those he (Andiews) had taken out, and I that Humbert had refused to give J him tliose papers. Before this same committee Primus Harwick, being sworn, testified : I was Mr. McKinlay's clerk. I was clerk for him from the time Mr. Andrews was treasurer until Mr. Mc Kinlay went out of ollice. Mr. An drews hud -onie papers in the ollice so mo impert? that he had made a set tlement, wilh Mi. McKinlay with that had been changed twice. They ? Wfcic augiry. . three drayghofore the committee thal whf>/appoii,'iCd fey the grand jury met, Andrejs brought some vouchers P*J 1 o oilice-school claims-and ??yd gh.\( tiley were Rome papers \\i-d ?wmiiiMi wi I j v u : -f [From ?. r Regu ir < '..?ri -, undi . Pilli.AOK.l.j/lilA, Mav >.'!. IS7tt. I have been for four days wai cing through the ii imcnsi Fairinouh l.'urk, .sn-i . loni the concl :m t hai dering l! vu ir. th a? in o ie sense, for Itu pi ncipul diopmen ol the work i mic here t,? i Use their wares, and I .-. verl is the pronom ed feature of tl.-- Ks hibition. Scandinavia adv* rti hei iron and furs, ? ?alibi hui ?vine . silks, Ca: ay 1er va . and i'i., . phia her di ?gs. If I \u -e i who does io beti ve th lhere i quence, , >etn . sch nee md ai in advertising, he will bc e mvin every tum hen This is a superficial view ; beneath the sordid m live that inspires the in dividual and. tin: mas?, the man and tho manager, there is th moil of subtile occull foi H.; CI ing incessantly ." but .vhich |s 1 ?si useful in labor, truest in art, gre . si in man. The Exhibition so far has nol l een successfr .. ; cuniary si : -<*. 1'he entertainm< n' is ready (at leastp tially so; - the mu ?ic of pip .. : cymbals maybe heard i the Main Building find in tua lem j il' - if rus that have -pn-ng up like toad stools ii) .?.'I u nin ; I he gr< u but the ?iii?sts do n : onie Lin feast. ( eu . nibil lu tels, builj b-.j this occasion, rh v . accc> o nv ula tions fo. not lian a thou an guests, are nol om thud full ?Hui few, compan h ?. . corne either ti the hot? how. rhiiadci phia cuii"iii |>o iiuudi more cmivdei at this time than New :> ork di haiti more. Tin i asons ai j '-nr.. tVluh t!ie wirrie country i aud* indee/ Hu world, :1E: au interest in this Kr.hibi tion, w ile literal millions .ire w Hint ty bc n thu labor and expense: fc> S,M ic, i li. ltd pu ia alone, who has Un key to .. looks upon it a.? ci ?ate expr?s .. for her gain. There i scarce! a brother of them, bootAilac .or hun r, ^\\(? is noi lookiuejo in |.i. ^ ^^/^V in - IIIII IIIIIII ?.- n ,^Titaar'i**aM^w-rt\M??tarmam :vs fire heller '.?.re tuan iii Kurepe, I mi mai our people are more nccus omed to travel, still it must be re aembercd that population ia not so lense bete, and that a visitation of en millions would be one in every our of our entire census. Upon the whole I think the gen' Io nen who have the management ol' .his Exhibition, and those who have rsar d booths of extortion in and around t, do not full)' understand their day. They have failed to take into account he recent panic and the depression a business and industry which par ades the country. There are mil lions who desire to come here -for leasure and for improvement, but he denizens of. the "City ol' Brother y Love" must not think that these ?otives are as powerful ns the avn ice which is burning in the bowels brain of every Pbiladelphian, . laking him insane with the folly that e can grow rich in six months brough extortion of transient visit ors. C. [Since tins letter was in type wc I ave Been tho announcement that thc mading hotels in Philadelphia have educed their rates to 83.50 a day, aid that the reduction would extend o everything required by visitors.] .<:?. F. C. Chariesion District. I'RKACIIERS' AND STEWARDS' MEETING. There will be a Preachers* meeting, for the preachers of the Charleston District, local and traveling, to com mence at Orangcburg on Tuesday, thc 13ttl of June, at 10 o'clock, A.M. Thc meeting for the District Stewards will bc held at the M. E. Church, at Orangcburg. at LO o'clock, A. M., mi Wednesday, Jun?.' 14th. Arrangement? %vill be nin'b; :,.i public CXIVV.?M?K after th? mering u convened. ESSAYS. On our liiueiant Si. tem-T. J. Abbott, .Tus. H Town .ililli. Thc Ministry '?Ve N'ord--K. Cool:?-, .y. O., ?I. Ks Lowboy, The Beat Moiboo ol fc'rohioiihg Ucl}: PEABODY H?JSE, CORNEL* OF LOCUST AND NINTH STS., Philadelphia, Pa. Convenient to ?ill placea of Amusement1 mid oar lines in the city. No chances to nuil from the. Centennial Grounds. Col. Watson, proprietor ol' the II KN KY IluU.SK. Cincinnati. for lite past twenty yours, anil present proprietor, has lensed lite lion-su l'or a terni of years, ami has newly furnished ami lilied it throughout. lie will keep a strictly iirst-clnss house, and has accommodations lor .IOU guests. Terms only ?.'1 per day. Coi.. WATSON is i tutti* 'Virginia, and probably the onbt lb i Proprietor in Philadelphia from tin ?.? J A M ES V : O N , in ny 27. 2iu PltOPIHKTOR. Aicurdtd thc Jliyhc V lu Vienna. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & Go., 591 Broadway, Neiu York. (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel.) MANtKACTUItKHS. iMPOUTKitS & DKAI. EltS IN CHROMOS & FRAMES, Stereoscopes a*D Views, ALBUMS, GttAPIIOSCfll'ES AND SI'ITA BLE VIEWS. PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. Wu are Headquarters for everything in the wa}- of Stereopticons L Magic Lanterns, Hein?; Manufacturers of the Micro-Scientific Lantern, Stereo- Pnuopl icon. University Stere?pticon. Advei tiser's Stere?pticon, Artopficon. School Lantern, Family Lantern. People's Lantern. Each style bein?; the best of its class in thc market. Ont a I opiles nf Lanterns and Slides, with directions for rising, sent on lippi icii lion. Any enterprising man cnn'iwnf t .. with a Muffle Lantern. <nt out ibis .-nlvertiscmoiii fo ref erence. non . lu 18TB. I The A lan no Moiii.^ ly W fi HOWELLS Will contribute a nriv AMt'RtCJ r '. . Kl., entitled Pl i Vu te The;iiiicaL." Vs. will also furnish Sketches of T i 'Iiarrtcrer. MKS. Y ll \X< KS \ SS K KK> Will cniitiiiue ber charmin ?riipldeul papers, -Obi Won tSMttMS^-^V;".vf.v iv-;u- o.vrT ?.T,v.kt ttU?D T1IK ANNOtM'EHENI OP THE Murray Hill Publishing Co. Jolia P. Jewett, manager, AUDnMlffc DISEASES Corea. I.HHI11 AS Ila New pntlm rnnrk^d ou? UllllUlllV to Health by that plain est of all bookB-PLUM HOME TALK ASD MXD IL'AI. COMMON SsNsr, which contains nearly IUOO pages of original matter as entertaining as a fascinating story. Health and long Hf? made easy for the learned omi unlearned. Crammed fall of lirnntl now Idea? which ar? cheering to tho Bielc, and intensely enter taining to thone who uro fortunate enough to escape disease. It guards the reader against tho pidi?les of humuu suffering,, and pointa tho way of deliverance to those who aro al ready engulphed.? Dy nil tueanB,\Ond out ali aboutit. It IN Tor yon. Ifs author. Dr. E. B. FOOTE of 120 LEXINOTON AVENUE, NEW *YORK. IS consulted hy invalids at home and .broad, in person and by letter, and has had thc experience 0f nearly a quarter or av century in til? treatment or long standing and difficult diseases of every character; hence his ability to write practical truths for the Invalid reader. His consultations aro free to tho sick everywhere; hence his im mense correspondence with Use sick nil over the globe. You, itEAliKlt. AUK AT LIBECITY TO CONSULT tho ablo author of Plain Home Talk and Medical Common Sense. ? Write to him arni you will ho struck with hts Common Behse. Whatever your malady, you will ro ciuvo light which will do you good by inves ing finly n postage sunup, nnd writing to Dr. F. Wo wish to interest you in both ths doctor mid his immoiihi book. Tito book Itself, which gives satisfaction to all WR? read lt, can \ni had of agents, or of the publisher? direct. Plain inuxlin binding S3.2S in the Eng lish or Herman language. Library binding. In English only, $3.75. Sent by mail, pestegu prepaid, on receipt of 1 ho price. One reader says-"I have found it to be ono of the grand est works of lite age." Another says--" I would not bo without il for twice its cost." A phy sician write*-"! nm thankful that theio l? one mi i:i America who has the ability ami nervi? . * lt .. ::?ori:ig humanity what they Wntit. C A lady write? the .-t'i'hcr ar.d tells bim- " I Im vo always W --v.-cre ihr physieian of tho world. : f your Wonderful KllCCl'iiS ?-.'? We coul.Hill page vv. i. ...i-.-.o iiltvls lo Hie author ?nd to i 'V?n? tents tutu? tent free. Send for il Ci^atMi*?"T STOW Vt. r \J%J a I?! ? Uaw and Spousie. the trouble-' some Monkey, tiy I)r. E. ll. FOOTE, author of Plain Homo Talk it n. 1 Medical Common Hens*: Pon.INO OVEII with Fun, UKi-i.r.TE with AMVTE KENT ililli IXSTlIUCTlON, vouu DOTS and QlRia \\ ill feast upon these wonderful pages, culling knowledge from every sentence I Tuon PE RKS A i. wii.i. nniVR Tint m.ues mr.-M oi.L-cn. jcouiii.r.sAMi M.VK::TIII: IIYI'CMTIIONIIKIAC UAUOHV E:ieh roluihe contains tSifi pagos and over ?0 comic and Kcleiitlllc ilitist: .ions; ?l per vol., for Extra Cloth; cud ?!..".* |.< r vol.. for Koli doy Style. K. ml for the first vi '..r.i<-.\ it you like it. order the-.M. \UI, ?e.. lill j :i Iuvenil. St nt bj- lunU. pi >-i . .. j repaid. ? -.?..r-lpt nf price. (.'. intent. i.d.i-- >'. ts. rnl>li?-.-??-?.fi<h. V.?,.?Iftir By?tfc?ff" lush nil nf Pi:. Foo*?'* i .'-r r. Jfi?s?-; Wine r-ii'd .<-..! i.-1 - ; lil nuil < Wiwin tl I -."-.. '.?>!.p ICY!-"1 . V.l. ?Ul ..w.t.:....!oivt! . >i vi '..: . r wes. ...ibmU t.- : id < f 1 ' e.l.,r..f K< . . . 1! I." :i lei'Hi.o . ? heel, ii ?-..vd t.'.r* ..y' ?rV1?!T ANlli"! - ll THE lt.* (-lt V.r.1*' L-l U .>.i- ..< (i. .? :. :. vit.o... who ll 'C ../M" t ?::'-i i- . ' cilia. " l*<;vo ??.?-..i ? 'A. IiiPfovrj-.r.V; - litI'AS?TV." i.ii.?es lo :>.e BVll?-Ct i.t ?... ; .. pt .? yVie i.o'-n : ."...?.?. r : tiIK:At. J) . . v ?? givii? tj.r%t:? re ?iesr-'i ......:.? the K-AS ir f. : .. ,-. t, yt. : . Menial nd; piatioji ?C. "V?.-.'.r Pf.'ni. '. yr. M.\:r.uni>"- A eritiel-r-i or, vsrioUM ti.-" -ods I'--- ?:>. I Infor regnli .. rrj : . t.. li ..SrK-!tt.4V,o..':ilc?-A ?.f ... .: . J >V.'.lfc willi eWtlen. > .f itseit.-.-l-1 ' ' line,., . ii p .?...' !ifV?n a:sd v ?? ...??J .? .r.-.-vim- l??.. i