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'niliip?B??iBIII nw Bimini iBi'wunim*jnx*muKa\t7Ut THE FREE CITIZEN. SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1876. OI ty Directory. CITY OFFICERS. r MATOR. - - George Bollvcr. Ct-SKK. - ?-jr?KASrtRKH. TLI.I>V.?MKN',-.James. V. i/.lai. John M. > Thompson, J. JV, Camion, J. W. Moseley. * Posm* s.vKit. - A. Wehster. CHURCHE8. METHOMST EPISCOPALOnuucH-R??V Thomas Phillips, pastor. Services, moi li ing, afternoon and evening. BAPTIST.-Rev. Mr. Norris, pastor. Services, first Sunday evening, and thu second and fourth Sundays, morning, and evening. MKTHOMST (sourit).-Rev. Mr. Cam pbell, pastor. Service* moruinjr and eveuirijr; Sunday-school. 9 A. M. PltKSUVTEUtMI.-Kev. Mr. H row li evangelist. Services, morniuir-und after uuvii. Sunday-school, 9 1-2 A. M. EPfscocAT..-First and third Sundays Morning and afternoon. LUTI?ERAS CHURCH.-Rev. J. B. Has kell (?hstbr. Services, morning IQ 1-2. evening at 7 oltiock. The passenger trains on the S- C. R. R., on and after Monday next^ill pass through Orangebucg -aa follows : ^TDay from Columbia, 11.57 a. m. Day, from Charleston, 2.15 p. m. Jiight, from Coltnsabia, 11.53 p. m. from Charleston, 4.00 a. m. OFFICE HOOKS AX OUAKGEUUHO DEPOT. Front 8 o'clock A. M. to 2J P. M. Fron/8? o'clock I?. M. to 6 P. M. Goods received and delivered only office hours. THIS PAPER IS ON FILE WITH j? WIIOTO Advertising Contracta eau bo nuuk TOWN CRIER. Mrs. LINDA THOM KS Fort Mette, aged 00 yeti died KJti.vxr.ii>rr j ?e :'*KTC:X? <c?*-*nr*-^i /amr r,. ra? K? ra ^ .->.??A tr.? two pleasantly,, without being subjected* to evil influences, they have established a reading room where may be found some of tlie lending periodicals and jour nals of the day, such as Little's Living Age, Scribner's Monthly, the New. York World, etc. They have also on Hie the Charleston News and Courier, our local and other journals. A library is being formed, and for this donations ol books, etc., will be gladly received by Mr. S. It. j McUichamp. chairman of the com. on! reading room. The Library is open to j members and guests every night, except Sunday, trout half-past S to half-past Kl o'clock. The Association have :ii<*ir rooina and hold their meetings y the lud? -?ver Mr. J.C. Pike's store. Mi Pike having ten dered them tin. use >t hts Itali, free of rent, to the 1st of September. The furni ture and lamps wei? kindly loaned hy Col. Paul Felder. Applications for membership in tin Association may he lett with Mr. .1 M. liruusou at Kuhn's suire. The following are (he officers : Mortimer Glover, prepldnlil: J-.dn. A Hamilton, vice-presidentF. S. Dibble secretary; J.C. Pike, treasurer ; <'. Wil kinson, librarian. BAPTIST S. S. PICNIC-One of thc most, successful picnics that have ever taken place in this vicinity was that of the Baptist Sunday School ou Wednesday last. The day was a channing one for outdoor (pastimes, and the spot selected for the picnic-the Fishtrap-was refresh ingly green, shady and inviting. There was, besides thc children, a large atten dance of ladies and gentlemen, who were apparently ns much delighted with the sports ns their juniors. The exercises were opened with prayer and the singing of a hymn b}'thc children so sweet that the birds held their peaee to listen. Then followed a programme, most judiciously varied, comprising addresses, hymns, re citations, egg-hunting, crowning the queen (Mhss p. Whitmore) and proclaim ing thecoy?l captain ("Master Henry Liv ingston), m oslo by thc band, running and Mig mutches, archery," sack race?, poll i'll?. Ling, base ball.'around the May pole ani' several other iimusements.'all of which followed each other in snell 1 welforde. ed succession as to keep up an I unflagging interest throughout Hie entire day. A bountiful collation was served ?diorUif ,'ifriT noon, to which full justice was mme. hy young and old. . . e o:' the day th,- fol lo Whip . distributed by Mr. S. Ii, Mel. li ' subsequently addressed the neat speech.fid I of good an PIece8.-l. Mi-'- Clara Wiles. STATIS ITJb?Ma. -Tlic prop-prospects In nearly every section of the Stute are considered good. -The Augusta Constitutionalist learns that an attempt will be made to sta}- the ex?cution ot" McKvoy. the Gruiiitevillc murderer, by an appeal to tb? Supreme Court. -Charleston will shortly be noted fur six . of the greatest bores on the globe, Th? City Council has josi appropriated ?i?.nuo toward boring live additional artesian i wells. Water is found ai a depth ul" Iwo 1 thousand feet. -The Hurry Mews n-por s thc deal h of a child lillie years obi. son nf a colored man minif.d Wn*hliigtv>li Miller, ?if [.tittil? Hay. I brough tin* discharge ot a gun willed he ivas try hm: to wrest froiii bis I seven-year nhl brm ber -A mau named Burn* committed sui cide near Pratt's .Mill, Due West, mi Sat tn day la-t. betta use of bis nnoieeess I mi elT'irts tu obtain employment by w hieb be could get I trend for bis family- Tit? t rie- <.! bis Inuiifhlng ebiblren fur fuml nilsen led hi- ininti. Si? sail an occur-] renee is a disgtuo? lt? llie locality. ^ - The black laborers in tint rico Ileitis of the Ashcpoo and Combabee are ou a strike because their wages were rethiced lo forty cents u day An utteiupt was made by a lime-serving Charleston jour nal to give a riotous anti bloody chante- t ter to the strike, but authentic accounts show that from the lirst thc strike has been conducted in au orderly and me thodical manner, and that no damage has been done to either life or property. -Two steamers belonging to compet ing lines are now running between Charleston, Mt. Pleasant and Sullivan's Island, and,.leaving at the same hours, arrive together at the single wharf at Mt. Pleasant, each trying lo make fast tirst. The passengers are tims truutoct to the exhilarating sensations produced hythe race across the harbor, with the prospect of a boiler explosion or collision at^tbe end of the txlp.,? Kare both ways only til teen cents. LTKcn LAW IN ABBEVILLE.-Tho rc-' port coincs^from Abbeville thnt five col ored men were lynched there on Wed nesday last they were presuma bly guilty of the murder of Mr. and Mrs. John Harmon, near the lOdgefield line, last week. These men were arrested, it is Slated, through tb? eotifeseion of one I of i heh number, ami wen- lodged In juill Ut Abbevilbt. win.?tee they we o tiikiiii; I against die reinon?trahi es ?>!" the beiiln fand shot .. in the presence of three hun dred iii)/ ns." th? dring party biting composed (if .? ut. !n.-s ti;,.i. i:?u.- nnnilreU nr.: mitM nt- ? b Of fi c e ! V ? rec?u \\ been to tin: expense ?nil ilete J< b Onice. Wv >(CCIlte .Job VN or . I :v? . i . neb ?ts .A'? ?II. \ N !\ S. LAW BIM Kl"3. HAN fi HILLS. USTE HS. Ul Ll. HEADS. J3TIT.K HEAD*. r.t'si s KS* (Aims. VISITING CAHDDJ ?V^f** S TYLZ PLACARDS. MC S RAI LY ND PROMPTLY >:XEC f?bi Job* ?V . be recel' .'<? ?iud dell veri .1 nt he 1''-; i . Cu and ex uuine ?pecl nen Oritn^?bnrg. Juin try, |j?7tt Soli';;-.;" pjt'i'otii e of t'ne imbi at he oh' tm <l of J. G< F?S?. A ? il] Assortment OP ? IS ? ?T1 Til PAUL \ & CO.'S ORGANS eficct^^ belo? au^^ ?uapiea lor Amateur .ind Professional, and an ornament in anX parlor. QT BciU?fal No? tfylWBC?r??Zr TTABEBOOM?.^^,??0!. ? CO" Cambridgeport, Mass. mWABraOTK8^8W..hl?gto? 8?M Boston; 170 State St., Chfca^; l?Wte Hill, London. VUA HlmANA? rt?1**M?MCal Journal of selected music and valuable reading matter. THE NEW "DOMESTIC" A Double Thread Lock-Stitch Machine.