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THE FEEE CITIZEN. SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1870. Ol ty Directory. CITY OFFICERS. MATOR. - - George Bolivar. Ci-ERK. - JT-KK ASCR KR. :.?., % ' HUI k. Y ? i;,' John M. Thompson, J. ,.\\ . Cannon, J. W. Moseley. * IM st KR. - A Webster. CHURCHES. METHODIST EPISCOPAI.OlIURCH-R?v Thomas Phillips, pastor. Services. lilOl n ing, afternoon und evening. _. BAPTIST.- Rev. Mr. Norris, pastor. Services, first Sunday evening, and the second and fourth Sundays, morning, ami evening. METHOMST (south).-Rev, Mr. Cam pheli. pastor. Serviee.? morning and evening. tScnday-selteol. fl A.M. PRF.SU YTER? OJ.-Rev. Mr. lt mwu evangelist. Services, morning and alter noon. Sunday-school. S 1-2 A. M K'^sr-orAT..- First and third Sundays blunting and afternoon. ?. ITU ERA? CHURCH.-Rev. J. B. Has kell pastor. Services, morning ii> 1-2. at 7 oVsUtek. The passenger trains on the C. H. R., on and after Monday next, will pass through Orangcburg us follows : Day from Columbia, 11.57 a. m. Day, from Charleston, 2.15 p. m. Night, from Columbia, 11.53 p. m. " from Chatieff?on, 4.00 a. m. OFFICE HOCK? i.r ORANG?I?URG DF.I'OT. From 8 o'clock A. M. to 2} P. M. IFrom 8? o'clock P. M. to 0 1?. M. Goods received and delivered only office hours. THIR PAPER IS ON FIXE WITH W li ere Advertising Contract* can be inuit TOWN CRIER two pleasantly, without being subjected to evil influences, they haye established a rending room where may bo found some of the leading periodicals and jour nals of the day, snell as Little's Living Age, Scribner's Monthly, the New.York World, etc. They have also on l?e che Charleston News and ('ourler, our local and other journals. A library is hi ing formed, and for this donations ol books, etc., will be gladly received by Mr. s. li. M el Heh uni p. chairman of the com. on reading room. The Library is open lo members and guests every night; except Sunday, (rom hall-piixt S to half-past io o'clock. Til? As>ocial nu M.. ii ?ir room- ami hold their nice)ings hall over Mr. J. <". i*ik?-\- sion kc having U-n dered ?heal tin ? ii hail, free ol' rent; to the 1st of ' ?emhcr. Thefurid ture and lamps ..<?. kiotlly loaned by Col. I'aul Felder Applications for membership in rh*.* Associatbin may ile left with Mr. j M. brimson al Kuhn'.- store. The following ar?! lite officers: Mortimer (.ilovt-r. pr- sal. ut ; .1 ?hn A irainiltoii. vice-president ; F. S llibbo* secretary; .J.C. t'ike. treasurer; i '. Wii kinsoii, librarian. BAPTIST S. S. PICNIC-On? of the most successful picnics thal have ever taken place ill this vicinity was that of the Baptist Sunday School on Wednesday last. The day was a charming one for outdoor [pastimes, and the spot selected for the picnic-the Fishtrap-was refresh ingly green, shady and inviting. There was, besides the children, a large atten dance of ladies and gentlemen, who were apparently as much delighted with (be sports as their juniors. The exercises were opened willi prayer and the singing ufa hymn hy the children so sweet thal the hirds held their peace to listen. Then followed a programme, most judiciously varied, comprising addresses, hymus, re lions, egg-hunting, crowning thc >; i ; M i- s O. Whitmore) and proclaim d captain ("Master Henry Liv ihg>:ton). iiuisio by the bnnd, running anti mudies, archery,* sack rac?:? pull ?. ig, base ball.'around the May pull and several other amusements.Tal <,t which idlowed each other in stiel .veil . ?li ' succession a? ito keep up ai unflagging interest throughout the entire day. A I' . intiful collation was servi t .' .tty nf'er noon, to which full Jusiiei \ d me by young and ?dd. . itlfsecpieul . ?pee :htful! o j -Thc crop prospects in nearly every i section of the State ?ir?! considered good, j -The Augusta Constitutionalist learns thiit an attempt will bc made lo stay the I execution ot' MeKvoy. the Graniteville [ murderer, hy an appeal ti? the Supreme ! Court. ! -Charleston will ?hoi Hy be nut ed tor sis i of the greatest hores on the globe. The . City < "nuncil hus just appropriated 81?.01M) toward boring live addiiional artesian : wells. Waler is round at a depth ol" two i thousand let t. i -Tin' Hurry Xiws ri'por s thc deni h of j a child nine years ?dd. sou ol' a colored 1 mau mimed Washington Miller, ?if l.uea ! Hay. through the discharge ot a gun which he was irvin? to wrest from his ! seven-year old brother I -A mau named finnis committed sui cide near Pratt's Mill. Due West, on I SatUMlay ia-i. beean sn nf hi- unsuceess ! mt ell* Tl s to iibiain employment b.v ? hicli I In? e nihl gi ? iiri'iid Ixe his faiudy. Th?; i erie?? ..! his famishing ehildr<*n for lVn<d .io>?'il!i'd hi? mind Si? --ul ?iii oeeu:* j lenee i- a di.Saiaei: to i lu- looa lily. - The black laborers in the riee li.-hi nt the A-hepoo ?md Combatir? are ou a strike because their wages were reduced to forty cents a ?lay An attempt was made hy a time-serving Ch-irh'ston jour nal to give a riotous and bloody oharae j ter to the strike, but authentic accounts j show that from the lirst the strike has ! been conducted in an orderly ami ine ' thodieal manner, and that no damage has j been done to either life or property, i -Two steamers belonging to compet ' ing lines are now running between Charleston, Mt. Pleasant and Sullivan's Island, and, leaving at thc same hours, arrive together at the single wharf at Mt. 1 Pleasant, each trying to make fast lirst. The passengers are thus t runted to tim - exhilarating sensations produced by the ; race across the harbor; with the prospect ? of a boiler explosion or collision iit'the ? end of the trip.,*; Kare both ways only ltI 1 teen cents. LYNCH LAW IN AIIUKVII.I.K.-Thc rc 1 port comes,from Abbeville Dint five cob i orrd men were lynched lhere on Wrd . nesday last because they were presuma s hly guilty of thu murder of Mr. and Mrs. I .lohn Harmon, near the lCdgelield line, e lu?t week. These men were arrested, it I is slated, thromrh the. eonf???ehoi ot .* V J?. - Di ?I i II.C?I ?fice! CV I LA LE EVE??I :- 'J boen tn iii? expense . K ti ,!. I> O tile?. Wt :ecntu Job >v ur i nell ns s. ILI.s. USTEliS. Ul JJ HEADS, l'A IH IS. v lsi I IA-. CAltDn, . PLACARDS. WC i NH PROMPTLY J I ai the i . . . ? < . anti iii ijuiiit! -peel niei 0 * Soli i : sortment GEO. WOODS & CO.'S PARLOR ORGANS.