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Thc Art Gallery. Thc most imposing anti ornate of all the structures is memorial hall, built al a coot of $1,500,000, hy the state ol Pennsylvania and the city of Philadel phia. This is placed at the disposal ol the centennial* commission, to be used during the exhibition aa an art gallery, after which it yt designed to make it the receptacle of ?n industrial and art col lection similsr to tho famous south Ken sington museum, at London. It stands on ti line parallel with, and a short dis tance northward of, the main building, and is in a commanding position, looking southward across the Schuylkill over Philadelphia. It stands, upon a terrace ono hundred and twenty-two feet above tho level of tho Schuylkill. Being de signed for. an absolutely fireproof struc ture, nothing combustible has been used. The design is modern Itcnaissance. Jt covers an acre and a half, and is three hundred and sixty-five feet long, twe hundred and ten feet wide, and fifty nine feet high, over a spacious basement twelve feet high. A dome, rising one hundred feet above the ground, sur mounts the center, capped by a colossal ball, from which rises the figure of Co lumbla. Tho main front of this build ing looks southward, displaying a mail entrance in the center consisting of thret enormous arched doorvKvys a pavilion tu each end, and two arcades connectin? thc pavilions with the center. The cn trance is seventy feet wide, to whicl thorp, is a riso ot thirteen steps. Eacl of thc huge doorways is forty feet higl and fifteen feet wido, opening into ? hall. Ilctween the arches of the dont waysare clusters of columns, terminatinj in emblematic designs illustrative o science and art. Thc doors are ol iron relieved by bronze panels, displaying th coats of arms of all thc stales and tci ritorics. Thc United States coat of arm is in thc center of thc main frieze. Th dome is of glass and iron, of unique d< sign. While Columbia mes at the to( ^a colossal figure stands at each corner t thc. base of thc dome, typifying thc foti quarters of the globe. In each pavilion there is a large wit dow, twelve and one-half feet by thin; lour feet. There are altogether eight < these windows, used for thc display i stained glass paintings, cte. Tito arcadi designed to screen thc long walls of tl galleries each consist ot five groini * arches, and form promenades look ir outward over tho grounds and in\va? over gardens extending back to the mai wall ol' thc building. Those garden plo are each ninety feet by thirty six feet,ti nainented in the center with fountain and intended to display statuary. Tl arcades aro highly ornnncnted, and tl balustrades of them and of the* stairwa arc abo designed for statuary. Tl walls of the east and wost sides of t structure display thc pavilions and t walls of tho picture galleries, and t i relieved by niches designed for statin The frieze is richly ornamented, a ' nrc it tho central (lome BIIOWS to gre unlace. The rear or north front building is of -tye -same gcnei .actor as the maia front, but, : of thc arcado, has a series of arch ?ll:. ,. ' .. ... . ; ' .'. ? ? .-, ?>. . ^'iifci: I ? - - - 'j ~ ? ?*'. V t ? 1 ' x>>--.,yy/[. *,:;". The Pennsylvania railroad company, whose linc? penetrate every section of Hie Union, and directly connect all important points with Philadelphia, has made magnifi cent preparations for conveying, with safety and comfort, the inilliuns of jKioplo who in tend visiting the Centennial Exhibition di rectly to the Centennial ground.?. The loca tion of the Exhibition made it impossible for any other railway to directly reach thc Exhibition buildings and grounds, and thc management, ever since the site was des ignated, has employed its gigantic equip ments and unrivuled facilities to make the Exhibition a success, by providing the amplest accommodations at the minimum price, for both exhibitors and visitors. It was titting that a railway company,national in its character and operations,should thu: second thc commissioners in illustrating om centennial history by demonstrating thc high degree of excellent** attained by thc railway transportation system of America in making thc great thoroughfares muting the Atlantic seaboard and thc Mississippi valley, tho W?*?5 Northwest and Southwest with theCenjiPninl Cityy-os r crfect as possi ble in nil ha ewKJUials ? nd detaiis. N Its roiiics followVn? geographical chan nels of continental drfter-communication uniting most of the larger cUio^?a vin. CENTENNIAL DEPOT, I Hoiitliern shores if the great lakes, on the Mississippi and V)hio rivers, and on thc At lantic harbors. li?? main road from New York to Philadelphia though poising througli the principal cl'?es ot New Jersey, does not deviate six miles from an air line, and this deflection is due to tho interposition of navigable waters. These roui->d not only excel in directness as well as in tl?., number of important cities and towns Uiey'?jpimpet, but they arc confessedly superior ii ^'Con struction and equipment. Between Pitts burgh and New "York. 4<M miles, the entire linc is double track, laid witlydieavy steel rails willi joints connected between..ties by a process that gives the effect of .conihiuom rail, on which there can bc no unpleasant jarring. All bridges on thc line are of iron or stone. A large portion of this distare0 -- provided with a third track, which enable* freight trains to keep entirely out of I the way of passenger travel, and permita thc express trains to run their allotted d?8tAnct without interruption, and near Phiftdel ?ihin, mid other important terminal poi".18 our tracks have, for considerable} di* tances, been completed. The Block signal system, cxclustte)> used on thc Pennsylvania railroad Mirri"!?"" out its entire length, compels thc eng}"0*:1 of a train to know whether the tra''c u clear or not io tho next itom ' -. i ? .. . .. "-- " ENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD or ten miles, and every modern "appliance for combining tho highest speed with (lie most perfect safety has been adopted. Thc company has built "200 elegant ears, willi engines of thc first class ample to move all trains that may possibly be required. * .Centennial visitors will find die Pennsyl vania road the only direct route from thc West, North and East to thc Centennial Exhibition, thu ratos as low as by any othei route, thc time made by it thc quickest, MK the accommodations for comfort, luxury and safety unequaled. Careful agents, 01 all trains, will arrange for ihe prompt am cheap delivery of all baggage, and, for ii ft j cents, sell seats in a comfortable carriage tc any point in Philadelphia. Above all, these visitors will be landed a the very doors of tho Exposition, in tin beautiful Centennial depot of thc company represented in thc above cut. It Htands op positc the open space separating thu Man exhibition building from Machinery hall facing thc principal entrance gate and th* Judge's pavilion, and in close proximity tc several immense hotels and restaurants. I is 340 feet in length by 100 in width, tw< stories high, and surmounted hy six towers In design it is tusteful and ornamental comparing favorably with tho many beaut! ful structures erected for thc purjioses of tb Exhibition. Thc first floor contains a gen fr eral wailing room, 130 by 100 leer, a lanie." waiting room eighty-one by 100 fool, a ling gage lonni forty-nine, liv 100 feet, a tickc oilice thirty by forty feet, a package roon ten by thirty feet, and a number of retiriii] rooms, all bandsoinely finished, and pro vidocl with every convenience. Thc loom on tlie second floor aro for thc use of th railroad officials and employees. Tbis depot is readied hy a circle of Ihre traeks sweeping from the main road wa; four-fifths of a mile long, and the di amele of the circle, they deserihe is OOO feet. Al trains will enter thist circle heading west ami depart from thc depot handing ea.if Three trains can ho lauding or receivini passengers in front of thu depot at th same time, tlie entire tracks Innng HOOL over, and no maller in what direction th trains may come or go, they can las movci without confusion, delay or danger. Seventeen additional sidings have j nee: constructed, connected with this circlet of : length of 1,000 feet each, upon which wait ing trains can be run and remain with cn gincs attached, until thc time arrives f<\ them to enter upon tho circle, receive thei passengers, and depart for destination This arrangement of tracks and sidings i novel, and a (lords facilities for thc transar, lion, without detentio.v or confusion, of ai almost unlimited passenger business. O WE MEAN IT! Ami aro prepared to demonstrate the faut. OTJR AUGERS oro operated entirely by HOUSE POWER, and will bore at tho roto of 20 PEET PER HOUR. They boro from 3 TO 8 FEET IN DIAMETER, AntftfNY DEPTH REQUIRED. They -will - boro in All Kin.I., of Earth, ?ort Nanci and i!s:e.".ton?( Itiiumlnnnn Stono 'Casi, Minto and Hardpan. And wc MAKE the REST otVWKLLS in QUICKSAND. GOOD ACTIVE AGENTS Wanted In every State nnd County tn the United .States. ? Keno for our Illustrated Catalogue, terms,, ?kc., proving our nd vcr I i s emeu ts buna /tile. Address GREAT WESTERN WELL AUGER CO. BLOOMFIELD, DAVIS CO., IOWA. JVState in what paper you saw this adver tlietnent. "TREVIBBATOR" 1000 SOLD LAST SEASON WITHOUT ONS FAILURE OU REJECTION Tills la tim tommi* Threshing machino th nt has -?wept tho field " omi created mich a revolution.!!) tho trade,hy Its MATCHLESS QRAIN-SAVI.NO AXU TIMI>SAV. INO prlnciploi.