Newspaper Page Text
"Do Thou Liberty Groat. Inspire Our Souls and Muk? Onv Lives in Thy Possossi?? Hnppy, or Our Deaths Glorious iii Thy Just Defence.'* VOL, XXIV. BKNNETSVILLK, S. C., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1899, NO 45 AN ULTIMATUM Frota the Plucky Boors to The Powerful English Nation. MUST BE WITHDRAWN. London Startled from Hopes of Peace to Face War, Which No Doubt is Now On. Tho London Nows Agonoy published the following dispatch from Pretoria Tuesday morning: "An urgent dispatch has ?just boon handed to Conyngham Grcono, tho British diplomatic agent, requesting an oxplicit assurauco of tho withdrawal within 48 hours of tho British troops from tho Transvaal bor dors, as woll as tho withdrawcl of all tho British forces landod in South Af rica sinoo tho Bloemfontein confor enoo." Tho ultimatum has bcon rocoived from tho Transvaal and has boen made public It demands that tho points of difforonoc bo submitted to arbitration that all troops bo withdrawn, all rein forcements that have arrivedsinco June I bo removed, and tho troops now on tho high BOBS not to bo landed. An an flwor was domanded by Wcdnosday, Oc tobor ll, not later than 5 o'clock p. m. Tho ultimatum conoludcs with "in tho unexpected evont of au answer, not satisfactory, boing received, by tho Transvaal within tho interval, it will, with groat regret, bo compelled to re gard tho action of her majesty's govern ment as a formal dcolaration of war, and will' not hold itself responsible for the oorrcotness thoroof, and that in event of any furthor movemont of troops ooourring within thc above men tioned timo in a nearer direction to its borders, this government will bo com pelled to regard that also as a formal declaration cf war." IN SUSI'KNSIO. A dispatoh from London dated Oct. II says up to that limo no dispatches had boon recoivod from tho Capo sinco tho expiration of tho ultimatum, so it is not yet known whether thc first shot has boon firod. A tologram from Pre toria, timed 7:30 Tuesday evening sajs: "The situation is becoming moro criti cal hourly. Numerous Americans, GormanB, Frenchmen, Swedes, Bcl ?ians, Norwegians, Banes, Italians, bitohmen, SwisB and and Capo Afri kanders hare gono to tho border to fight for tho Transvaal, although they aro not burghors, whilo many British rosidonts havo taken tho oath of alle giance. Tho hope is oxprossod by immy that war will yot bo averted. Nothing ??noo th ic han -boon ?roeoived from Pre toria and doubtless telegraph communi cation with tho Transvaal is now cut. LEAVE LONDON. Montaguo White, consul general of tho South Afrioan ropublio in London, eallod at tho consulate Wednesday af ternoon and immediatoly loft for th? oontinont. Mr. White's departuro was not attended by any excitement. Be fore shaking off tho dust of England, ho said toa representative of Tho Associ ated Pros?: "Tho expected has happen ed. I only hopo tho hellishness ol this promeditaded orushing out of a hardy ropublio is now apparent. L?t mo re mind Araorioa that the onus of war lies not upon those who lire tho first shot, but upon thoso who compel it to bo fired. "Technically wo have temporarily put ourselves in thc attitude of an ag gressor, but who would not have dono BO if tho oxistonoo of his country was at stako? I think wo must look far ahead to soo tho consequences of this war. Instead of thc pacifaction of South Africa, whioh is tho alleged act of England, wc Bhall have perpetual unrest. These very pcoplo for whom England is now fighting will turn against her in time to como and pro test against her rulo as bitterly as they aro now protesting against ours. "For weeks I had seen England's do tormination to forco a hostile issue, or ratbov Mr. Chamberlain's. I am suro he is tho only member of thc cabinet whoso mind was thoroughly mado up throughout all tho negotiations. What his intentions woro is evident, from tho situation today. Had tho franchise boon the chief grievnncc, our five year proposition would certainly havo been aooeptod. I have reason to believe that England outers upon her warlike course by no means a unit. Opposition lo Mr. Chamberlain's policy exists to a greater oxtont than is generally conceived. ALL 1I01M? (IONE. "Our evident desire to conciliate has boon muob appreciated, and our refusal to allow our household h li ai rs to b<? ad ministered by another nation has not oxoitod genuino indignation boro or in any quarter of tho globe. However, Mr. Chamberlain has accomplished his fmrposo, and all hopo is gone. I bo iovo, nevertheless, that a considerable revision in British opinion would bo nf footod by any serious defeat, for most of thoso now supporting the government are doing so with a light heart and on general principles, not stopping lo oount tho oost of war." Mr. Whito cited tho Isandlwhaina massaoro as an instance of such a chango in British opinion. Ho then wont on to Bay: "I supposo there can Wonly ono ultimato result of tho hos tilities. As to the duration of tho war I am not able to ventuio a gu?s?, lt fjpemcd to me a matter of tho greatest uncertainty. I hear that Great Brit ain will not begin the wiping out pro cess until December. In tho meantime wo sholl seo what wo shall seo. "I havo recoivod no special instruc tions or novio from tho Transvaal dur ing tho last 48 liourSj and I oxpoet nono having long ago received directions as to the oourso for mo to take whon mat ters reached this stago. I shall ro main on the oontinont, and if anything furthor can be dono in tho interest of my government, I shall, of oourso, on doavor to do it, although thoro seems nothing left but to fight it out to tho bittor, unjust ond." MUST HE EREK. ' Tho following oablogram was receiv ed Wednosday night by tho Chicago Tribuno from Prcsidont Kruger of tho Transvaal ropublio. . Tho oablogram was sent in answer to a mossngo f^oin The Tribunno requesting a statomont of tho position of tho Transvaal in tho prOflont crisis. In tho oablogram whioh follows Binall words have boon fillod in in ?rdor to mako smoother reading: Pretoria, Oct. ll. Through Tho Tribuno wo wish to thank our many American frronds for sympathy in tho prouont oriais of tho ropublic. Last Monday wo gavo Eng land 48 boura' notice within whioh wo givo assurance that tho disputo will bo Bottled by arbitratian or othor poaooful moans. Tho notico expires at 5 o'olook today. Tho British agent is roon Hod and war is certain. This ia tho Utting, end of tho British policy of foroo and fraud whioh baa marked all South Af rica with tho blood of Afrikandora. Wo must now nmko South Africa froo or tho whito man's gravo. Tho repubho t'orocs include all nationalities, among thom a strong American oorpB. showing it is not a oaso of Boor ngainBt Uitland or. but all nations against tho English. Wo havo full faith in freedom and re publicanism and tho rightcousnoss which guides thc destinies of nations. (Signed) President Krugor. ENGLAND'S REPLY. The following is tho toxt of tho Brit ish reply to tho Boor ultimatum: "Chamberlain to Nilnor, high commis sioner, sent 10:45 p. m., Cot. 10, 1899: "lier mnjesty's govornmont has re ceived with groat regret tho pcromptory demanda of tho South African republic convcyod in your telegram of Cot. 9. You will inform tho government of tho South African ropublio in roply that tho com!i'ions domaoded by tho govern ment of tho South African ropublio aro such ns her majesty's government doom it impossible to discuss." THE WAU IS ON. A dispatch from Johannesburg says that war was doolarcd by the Boers on Wednesday, and that the fontol declara tion occurred at 10 o'clock Thursday morning. ACTIVE WARFARE, A special dispatch from Ladysmith, Natal, says tho Boors occupied Laings Nok tho moment thc ultimatum oxpir cd, and aro now pouring into Natal. Ingogo heights Havo been occupied. Ollieial continuation of thc announce ment that thc Orango Freo Stato burgh ers have entered Natal by way of Van licences' pass is at hnnd. It loaves no further room for doubt that acts of war havo already boon committed and that thc campaign has begun. A STREET FIGHT. Newspaper Cartoon Causes Wounding of Three Forsons. There was a torriblo street ?uol in front of newspaper row on Camp street New Orleans Wednesday afternoon in which Dominick C. O'Malloy, proprie tor of tho Evening I.tom, and a woll known promoter of sport and C. Harri son Parkor, atato tax oollootor, chair man of tho Domooratic state campaign committee and editor in ohiof or tho Delta, tho anti-lottory organ, during its oxistonco, wero both seriously, if not fatally woundod. Tho trouble is said to havo originated over a cartoon in tho Item last Sunday representing Colono 1 Parker," a little dog being lod by a string by Governor Foster, and labelled "Mo too." About three o'clock Wednesday af ternoon O'Malloy came out of his office accompanied by Parson Davis, and walked only a few yards, when Parkor, who was across tho street conversing with some friends, turned and saw him. Ho started towards O'Mallcy and tho men seemed to know that troublo was expected and began exchanging 45-cali bro bullets, each firing until his pistol was empty. By tho timo tho duel was over thc men wore only about thirty foot apart, and each walked away to get attention. Parker ?cccivod a hall in tho sido, which is a dangerous wound, and ono in tho shoulder. O'Malloy was serious ly wounded in tho groin and also re ceived a bullet in tho log. A nowsboy fully a hundred yards away was shot in thc head by ono of O'Malley's bullets. The boy will recover. Both mon aro resting cosy tonight. O'M alley lins been in scvoral shooting affrays, and Parker wounded Mayor li. A. Burke, then state treasurer, in a famous duel in 1882. Tho South Controls. The Philadelphia Record, which is a very oloso observer ol' tho development of thc south, consider.* tho growth of thc iron interost of this section ono of thc most phenomenal industrial ovonts on record. Tho Record quotes tho president of tho Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad company ns saying: "'Twenty years ago tho company had a capital, counting bonds and stooks to gether, of $700,000, and was working 500 mon, with on output of 100 tonB per day of coal and 300 tons of coko. ,1t was scarcely known beyond tho coun ty in which it was operated and tho oity of Nashville, Tenn., to whioh its coal was mainly shipped. "Today with u, bonded and Btock capital aggregating $30,000,000, with over 14,000 employ ees on its poy rolls, with a daily output of 14,000 tons of coal, 3,500 tons of coke and 2,500 tons of pig iron, and an approaching output of 1,500 tona por day of steel, it absolutely controls tho prices of foundry iron for tho entiro world, putting thom up or putting thom down." Cost of tho Navy. The estimates for tho maintenance of tho naval establish mont for tho noxt fiscal year aro hugo compared to any over mado boforo for a similar oxpondi tu re by eur govornmont. They amount to $73,045,183, which is an inoroaso ovor tho appropriations for tho ourront year of $24,537,187. Included in tho increase for tho next your aro appropri ations of $12,208.474 for publio works and navy yards and stations Thoro ifl also an ostimato of $2,021,000 for tho new naval acadomy. Tho ostimato for tho navy, including armor, guns and mnchinory, ia $22,983,101. Tho osti mato for tho buroau of construction and ropair is incroaacd ovor tho ourront ap propriation about $3,000,000; forstoam engineering $1,000,000; for pay of tho navy about $700,000, whilo tho esti mates for ordnanoo aro dooroasod about $700,000 Changeable as the Wind. If any porson oan find a publio ques tion having moro than ono sido, on both sides of which William MoKinloy hos not hoon found in tho past thirty yoara, that porson will bo ontitlod to tho palm ns tho greatest disoovoror of modorn timos.-Columbus, Ohio, Press. NOT WORTH IT. A Private Soldier's Opinion of the Philippines. MORE TROOPS NEEDED. Angelos One of the Finest Cities in Luzon and tho Seat of an Intelligent Government. A privnto aoldioi vf ritos ns follows to tho Washington Post from tho Philip pines: It has boen n littlo over ii year since Manila was surrendered to tho Ameri can troopn, and from that timo on it has boon hard mut exhausting work for tho troops, with everything at -tho prosont timo pointiitg to fighting and a stubborn rosistanco for overy milo of toiritory we nre now advanoing over. What has boen accomplished in tho past year scorns so littlo in comparison with whnt is beforo us that tho sontimont is that ton years from now wo will bo lighting in tho Philippinen. It is truo that we havo advanood into territory that tho Spaniards never wero within miles of, for all of their campaigning was ncvor more than five miles from Manila at tho most. Still wo aro a long way from conquering tho Filipinos. Towns and villages that woro captured months ago by tho Americans on tho lino of tho laihoads are ?jiving tho troops loft to garrison them a greatdcatof trouble, as the main body advanoes farther north. By this harassing a largo body of troops h?.s to bo ioallcrcd ulong tho railroad to proteot it, thus preventing their ast-ii tnneo in tho advance Tho situation alo og thia road can bo Bummed up in a few words: We havo oontrol and tho light of way over nearly fifty miles of the road, which wo oan hold by forco of arms, but n milo on oithcr sido it ia as good as a man's lifo is worth to yon turo, and hardly a night passes that thoro is not soino troublo about Caloo can and Malolos, townsoapturod months ago. This alono seems to point to thc fact that tho Filipinos aro notthirsting to drink of tho waters of protootion hold out by Unelo Sam, but prefer thoir modo of govorning thomsolvcB. It eau bo nothing oise than patriot ism with these pooplo or thoy would novar havo hold out as long as thoy havo. Thoy aro not savages nor ignor ant and illiterate. Thoir mode ofliviug is difforont, thoir manner of dross and oulture aro difforont in somo respects from ours but in businoss rcspoots thoy aro ablo to hold thoir own with a Bax ter stroot morohant. Thoy nil soom to bo fond of tho advantages of oduoatioo, and very dovout in thoir roligious bo liof, judging by thoolnssof books loft bohind in their houses, as all tho works aro roligious or historical. Thoir writ ing shows groat c?ro in their penman ship, and some of thoir lodgors and ac oount books oomparo favorably with those of any bank in tho Stntos. With this advnntago of education and tho cunning instilled into them from thoir ancestors and intermarriage with tho Chinese, they make a foo dif foront from any that tho Amorican oreos havo had to contend with yot. It oan never bo ohargod that tho Amor ican army was over anything but hu mano in its warfaro, but it is nt times a bittor doso with thoBO people. Our f oroos will advance on a town and af tor a slight rosistanco tho nativo vamooses and tho Amorioau forces tako posses sion. Tho next day in thoy will como through our lines, dressed in thoir whito clothes and oarrying a white Hag. Thoy aro "Amigos" or Maeabobos then, but wo havo learnod at last, at tho cost of the lives of several good American sol dier boys, to trust nono of thom, for thero is nooonfidonoo or respoot of word to bo placed in any of thom. Tho "aloaldo," or mayor, of a town-will meet you with all tho protostations of friend ship and good-will for thc Amcrioan and toll you that tho Filipino and Aguinaldo aro "marlow," (no good,) and nt tho santo time, as was shown a fow days ago in oapturing ono of tho most friendly to tho Amorican causo, have a commission as colonel or somo high eflico in tho insurgents' army. It is a hard thing to havo to do, but thc only plan before tho American army is to drive thom boforo you womon and childron, and if they want to comeback in tho town take tho mon prisoner;) and sond tho women outsido of tho lines. This has more effect than tho usc of force, as tho Filipino household scorns to be a happy and poacoblo homo, and to separato tho husband and father from wife and ohildren onuses tears and lamentations, moro than the bullet will over do; but God forbid that tho Amor ican anny will ovor be oompcllod to resort to such actions to gain their vic tory. Thoro is ono peculiar thing noticoa blo as tho advance is mado farthor north, and this is that though Manila is spokon of as tho ohiof oity of f ?on, and tho ?eat ol learning, wealth ind culturo, tho farthor north you go from Manila tho appoaranoc of tho country and habitations of tho people shown marked improvement. Tho land scorns tobo bottor cultivated and the homos aro far bettor built, making a neater appoaranoc than thone near Manila. In this town of Angelos, oapturod by ton companies of tho 12tn infantry on Au gust 1G, after the strongost rosistanco onoountored yot, overy indication points to an intelligent, woll-govornod oily. Tho houses aro largo anti commodious, a number of them built of stone, brick and framo, whilo thoso built of bamboo aro of a difforont dosign than in otlior places. There is a magnificent ohurch built of stono and finished in mahogany and the furnishings of tho altar will oompare favorably with tho finest ohurch in tho States. Thoro aro no pows in any of tho churches I havo soon in tho intorior. I should say bo twoon 3,000 and 4,000 could worship in this ohurch without crowding. On Monday morning, August 14, a part of tho 17th infantry and bist Iowa went out on a soouting trip, to gain knowlodgo of tho lay of tho land in our front, and met a largo party of insur gents somo distance from Angelos, and about two milos from Sindclon. After having a slight brush with thom thoy foll back to Sindoloiij having accom plished their rcoonnoissanoe. Tuesday night ordors carno that ton companies of tho 12th infantry, undor command of Col. Smith, would bo roady to movo at daybreak to niako ft rcoonnoissanoo in forco. Th evo was no thought of an engagomont, and wo wovo oxpootod in Siudolon for suppor that ovoning. By 5 o'olook next morning, Wcdnosday, August 10, wo woro in lino, and march ing up tho railroad traok. Wocovorcd about thrco miles in this position, when a halt was mado and tho companies di vided up; tho 1st battal lion wont to tho right, tho Boooud was to oontinuo up tho track and tho tuird to go off to tho loft. In this position wo advanood a milo or moro without Booing any sign of insurgontB, whon tho 3d battalion tho ono I accompanied oarae to ono thoso fre quent streams, lined with brmbao troos. Hero wo deployed as skirmishers, as tho domo und stccplo of tho ohuroh could bo scon in a cluster of treoB. Hardly had tho advaneo boon mado boyond tho sholtcr of tho trocs whon tho singing of Mausor bullots could bo hoard, though wo were too far oil for thom to do any damago. Tho first volley fired by our boys was at 1,800 yards, BO WO must havo boon 2,000 yarda off whon thoy openod up, but aa wo continued to ad vaneo tho firing booamo molo deadly, and wo protoctcd ourselves behind thoso saviors of Ainorioan soldiers, arico pat ty, which baa boon tho moana of sating many a life. By means of theso rico patties you can tiro a volloy and thon advanoo to tho next ono, a distanco of about ono hundred to ono hundred and fifty feet. Just bofor? our advanoo, and whilo waiting for developments, Col. Smith rodo up and, halting, said: "Woll, boys, wo will oat our dinner in Angolo? to-nny. " lils words carno truo, for after ono of tho hottost fights and thc most stub born stan i yot taken by tho inaurgont anny wc finally drovo them from thoir I trenches and scattered them in every direction, (lon. Miaoardo. who oom j mnndod tho army in Angele*, has been ! sovcrul dnyB trying lo gather his forces, and what started out asa rcoonnoissauce I in foroo wound up in thc onpture of one of tho largest towns outside of Manilla; also two locomotives and sovoral oars, several tona of rice, tho control of twelve miloa moro of railroad and tho beat aocoramodationa for a largo num ber of troops during tho rainy soaaon. Tho aoil ia aandy, and Boon absorbs tho surplus water, and tho air and water purer than at San Fernando. Though thrco of tho boys wero killed and sovoral wounded, it Booma miracul ? oua that moro woro not hit by tho onomy's bullots, aa thoy allowed in thoir firing moro ordor than any onoountorod aa yet. But thoy oannot atand tho vol loy firing and yoll of tho Americano. Tho skirmish lino of tho 3d battalion as it advanoed aorosatho rioofiold made a beautiful pioturo-not a broak in it, and ovcry man moving forward and fir ing ns if by maoliinory. But nothing loss could bo oxpootod with suoh cflioi cnt oflioora, and undor tho guidanoo of suoh a cool and ooll?otod ofiiooraa Capt. Wood, who commanded tho battalion. Always with tho mon, nevor hurry ing thom, but dirooting their firo where tho enemy waa thc strongest, and hus banding their strength for a final oliargo, if ucod bo, haB instilled that firmness in tho mon that suro to win tho day. At ono timo tho insurgents tried a flank movement, and for a fow moments tho bullets wero flying entire ly too closo to mako it comfortable, but their move was discovered by Liout. Cochon, commanding Company G, of tho 12th, who ordorcd a platoon to ohook thoir move, and after a fow vol leys their lino disappeared. In a short timo wo advanood over thoir trenches and woro in possession of thoir oity, whilo thoy wero flying in all directions. If 'thcro had been a largo forco or c troop of cavalry so aa to pursuo thom o I valuable paok train could havo boer oapturod; but tho men who had takor part in the engagement wero oomploto ly exhausted from tho cffoctB of th? sun and tho miro they woro coinpollot to mareil through. Tho losa of tho in surgonts muat havo been hoavy, at trails of blood could bcaocu where thoj had oarried off thoir dead and wounded .Thc dead found in tho tronchoa showot that they wore not roving squads, hui i organized and oquipped rogiinents, ant ' from tho statomont of a native boto keeper who romaincd thoro wore 2,80( mon, of which at least 2,200 men won armed, under Gen. Moscarda. Ho sah that tho day before they woro ontirol: out of ammunition, but a largo suppl: arrived that morning, a largo quantity of which waa captured. It was now nm had no indication of rust on tho ahoJls proving that they nave a atcady suppl: station. Aftor two days' rost, witl only a slight skirmish at timos, Com panics II and I wont out to a largi sugar mill to burn it, ns a number o insurgents could bo aeon hoverinj around it. After burning tho mil thoy decided to proceed about 1,501 yards farther on and burn a small Bot Moment of bamboo shacks, situated ii a bamboo thiokot. Thia turned out a disastrous move for tho insurgen ts waited until thc firB company waa about ono hundred yard oft', whon thoy opened a murderous fire killing ono of thc moat popular oflioor in tho rcginiont, Lieut. Albort Drow of Texas, an officer loved by his ontir company. It muat havo boon thoi aim was directed at tho officers, for ii advancing to thc relief of I company Liout. Uline, of Company II} was sori ously shot in tho head, hut it is though not noccsaarily dangerous. Aftor re covoring tho bodioa of thoir doad am wounded oommandors tho oompanio foll back in order with no other oasual ties. Wo oxpoot to romain in Angeles fo soino timo, wo hopo until tho rainy son snn is ovor and wo oan bo roinforcod for such wonthor aB wo aro now bavin takes all tho health and vitality out of porson. Thcro is not a man in th company or rogimont that oan truthful ly say after a fow months' aotivo sorvio at tho front that ho is noar tho man li waa boforo ho oame to theso islands. In conclusion, tho sumand substnnc I of tho wholoquostion is: If tho Uinto States intonds to subjugato thoso if lands it must sond troops onough t push forward and koop up a Btoady pw suit until thoy havo surrendered or, boo oapturcd. This will roqtiiro a larg army, largor than somo of tho hight offioinls oan figuro out in Manila, an ovon thon thoro will be no oasy taal Tito Filipino, notwithstanding stat monta to tho contrary, hates tho Amor oan, and thin is shown as tho advan< is mado farthor north. We are t?l that tho only onomy to tho Amorion is tho Tagolog, and that in tho Pan panga provinco tho pooplo only waitt tho ohanoo to throw thomsolvos in oi arms and shod toara of joy at the deliveranoo, hut our reception on tl border of tho Pampango provinco was tho hottest accorded tho nd vaneo of any of our troops. Instoad of mooting ex pressions of joy at our corning and tho display of whito flags, aa haa boon tho oapturo of towna proviouBly, wo saw nothing but empty houses, ovorything Boomed to havo boon inoYod, as if ox pooting us soyoral days, and tho only sign of lifo woro tho doga and tho pro^ priotor of tho hotel, who has sinco boon sont to Bilibid prison, having boon do tooted in somo undorhand work, but you will find pastod on tho walli of most of tho houses or hung in a framo a oard with "Viva la Constituoionl" "Viva laltopublioa Filipinal" "Viva Su Ilustro Prosidontol" "Vivaol Invioto Ejoroito do Filipinas I" As Brig. Gon. Charlos King expresaos it, thoso pooplo are intelligent, indus trioua and capable of Bolf-govornmcut. In this town of Angels wo find thoro were sdhools cquippod with seato and doska similar to thoso used a fow years ago in tho Statoa, blaokboarda, otc Thora aro a polioo station and colls; a justioo Court room; thoro aroa well built jail and a pillory. They havo printod forms for tho paymont of taxos and othor provincial debts; thoy havo boon using tho Btub book for novoral years in thoir tax department, similar to that introduced in tho collector of taxoa' offioo in Washington. In tho professions thoro aro doctors, lawyora, dentists and druggists. Thoro aro a furnituro faotory, blacksmith and whoolwriglrt shops, and ovory ovidonco of thrift and prosperity. Tho benefits to bo dorived by tho United Statoa in oonquoring this island socio small in oompariann to tho deaths and hardships ondurod by tho troops. Thoro aro no traote of land to bo taken up; thovo is no opening for tho laborer or mechanic livery available noro of ground ia tilled, and in buildinga suit able for this climato tho native ia far auporior, for nothing scorns impoBsiblo to drim with a bolo and bamboo. Of oourso, tho inonoyod man has great proapoots boforo him in invo8tmonts, but for tho brawn and muscle of Amer ica's sons that aro enduring tho torrid sun and marohing thiough vapors of malaria and typhoid fovor tho bright vision ovor boforo thom is to havo thoir onliatment of threo years ond, and if thoir livos aro sparod, to onoo more sot foot on tho soil of thoir fathers, and build up shattered and brokon dor/n conatitutions and obliterate entiroly from thoir minds a plaoo called tho Philippine Islande. A SENSATIONAL MURDER. A'Judge Taken From House hy a Mob and Shot. A dispatoh from New Orleans says tho killing of Judgo Brazil La Plaoo waa ono of tho most sensational whioh has taken plaoo in Louisiana in years. Tho report in tho vioinity is that a youpg lady was involvod. Her father was connected with tho plantation and loft thoro Wednesday Booking to tako his daughter with him. Sho osoapod from him and remained behind. About 10 o'olook at night somo ono oaino to tho door and oallod for tho judgo. Ho carno out and whilo walking down tho I high stairway to tho road a mob with whito masks Buddonly roso around him, seized him and pinioned his arms. Bo was lcd somo distanoo whon tho orowd halted, ono man placed a pistol to La Place's baok and sont a bullot through his kidnoya, killing him instantly. Tho body was left in tho road. Hain foll upon it during tho night and it was ro souod from tho mud by rolativos who wont up from Now Orloana thia morn ing. Thoso rolativos avor that tho killing was politioal, but tho woman story is generally known and tho mob's action was based upon tho fact that Judgo La Placo ia a marriod man, bia family residing at La Plaoo, a few milos away, named aftor bia distinguished father. Judgo Boat has oallod a moot ing of tho grand jury of tho parish for Friday. Murdered tho Husband. Mrs. Leonard Ncumoister and Frod W. Nyo, aftor a preliminary hoaring at Tavarcs, Fla., on tho ohargo of mur dering Leonard Neumoistor, havo boen imprisoned, without bail, for tho orirno. Two yoars ago thoro oamo from Louis ville, Ky., to Altoona, Lake County, Fla., Leonard Noumoiator and wifo. and with thom was a man named Fred W. Nye. Not long bofore this timo Mr. Ncumoister had fallon hoir to about fifty thousand dollars. About throe weeks ago tho old man was missing and Mrs. Noumoiator roportcd his absonco to tho neighbors. She told thom that abo had just found a lottor, writton by him and loft in tho house, saying that ho intondod to drown himsolf. Tho mon then wont to a doop lakoafow rods from tho house and'thoro found hie life loss body in tho wator. It was thought from tho appoaranco of tho writing that tho lottor was not writton by Mr. Noumoiator at all, but by somo othor person. Thia lot! to the boliof that tho old man had boon murdered by bia wifo and Nyo. A Doro?ct Schoo nor. Capt. Sabiston, of tho sohoonor Hct tio J. Dorman, lumber laden, from Bogue Inlet, bound north, passed, on Ootobor 9, sovontcon miloo south of Capo Lookout, light boaring northeast by oast, a largo doro 1 ?ot, nothing but tho stook of tho foremast standing, a flag polo aft, but no flag attached, ap parently abandoned; no signs or life aboard; lay by hor part night; wind sprung up and during night lost sight of sohoonor. Supposod to bo sohoonor Corrio A. Lano, lumber ladon, whioh was lost off Frying Pan during rooorit galo. Tho wind has boon prevailing northeast for tho past wook, and if it should shift southward tho wrcok would drift to tho boaoh. auito 01d> Mrs. Mary S. Wildon, who rooontly oolebratod hor 91st birthday at Oysor Bay, L. I., is living in a houso whioh is noarly 800 yoan old, and on tho poroh of whioh Goorgo Washington shook hands, with tho pooplo of tho town. England Barrs Dogs. Tho board of agrioulturo of England ha? promulgated an order forbidding tho landing of dogs from Ireland in Groat Britain, under a penalty o?'20?. This is dono to provont tho ?proad of rabies, whioh ia common in Ivoland just now. FIRST INSTALLMENT. Mr. Ouzts Starts His "Book of Revelations" REASONS OF HI8 RETICENCE. He Reviews His Suspension and Charges Members ot tho Board of Control -With Breaking Promises* Mr. D. A. G. Ouzts gave out Thurs day tho first of a sorios of lottors ho has written about tho dispensary. In tho introduction ho makes tho following ex planation of why he has not horotoforo mado publio tho ohargos ho nowbrings: "During my yoars of soivioe in tho dispensary I havo soon a number of things dono whioh I know woro wrong. Those I roportod to mombors of tho board, who woro, I knew, honest, ablo and pure. Thoy thought, howovor, that it was host to say nothing publioly about tho wrong-doing until mon like, themselves woro a majority of tho board. Thoy bolioved in tho dispen sary and earnestly strovo to mako it a success. In their judgment the dispen sary could not withstand tho offoot of suoh exposures, if its control wan in tho hands of tho mon against whom these oxposuros woro made. Thoy wantod to savo thc law for tho groat potential good that was in it. But. as tho contrary olemont has grown so confidant of its power that it has gono to turning honest mon out of oflioo at tho dispensary, so ns to fill all plaees with its tools, thus facilitating tho oarrying out of its plans, I deem it my duty to mako publio all I know, so as to exposo those mon, dooming it better that tho dispensary should dio than to oontinuo undor their cont roi, but hoping that tho effect of my eritioism will bo to drivo suoh mon out of tho dispensary and plaoo its man agement in the hands of mon abovo re proach. I mako this statement becauso Ido not wish to bo oonBidorod a Bore head or ns exposing things 1 oondoncd as long as I hold office" Ho first shows that ho had no intont to do wrong in selling a bottlo of con traband, that ho was ordered to do so by his superior officer and that ho thought ho was oarrying out tho wishos of tho board and that two mombors of tho board so assort. Ho noxt ohargos that Milos, Hasol don and Robinson promised to givo him a hearing boforo voting on tho question of his ponnnnont suspension and that thoy failed to koop their proinisos. Ho assorts that tho .majority faotion is conspiring to seouro complete oontrol of tho dispensary. Ho assorts that Chairman Milos haB shown, favoritism to Shipping Clerk Black, who has boon roportod for hoing drunk and disorderly in tho dispensary, against a rule of tho board, but who was not disciplined. Ho ohargos Chairman Miles with partiality to Chis nephew, Receiving Clork Young, who v?ai ropcrtod for inj competency and making serious errors in counting shipments rccoivod at tho dispensary. Friday Mr. Ouzts gavo out anothor installment of his "Book of Revela tions, " and there is moro to follow. His "Revelations" make rich, raro and raoy roading, but we havo not tho space to publish thom. Ho makos many charges against many peoplo, all of whioh is baoked up by ovidonoo whioh seems, and whioh ho olaims, to bo irro futab'o. Wo shall soo. Kodaks for Lynchers. An oastorn nowspaper, which > has givt n p ofound study to tho lynohing prubi ? MI has at last found a romcdy whioh it reoommonds with absoluto con fidence. This ingenious nowspaper is convinc ed that tho kodak is mightier [than the lynchor and that a moo whioh would defy the rifles of a sheriff and his depu ties might bo oasiiy put to flight by "snap shots." It thoroforo proposes that all sherill's and jailers in regions whore lynchings aro froqutnt shill be armed with kodaks and that as soon as a mob attacks a jail or makos a demand for a prisoner these terrible instruments bo turned upon it. Tho eftoot, accord ing to out sanguine contemporary, would be intantanoous and complote No would-bo lyncher could for a mo rnont hold his ground while his pioturo was boing taken. Ho would not mind hoing shot, but tho idea of hoing kodak ed would put him to hasty and headlong flight. They Want More Tie Tho oolorcd Republicans of Now Jer sey profoss to bo dissatisfied with the course of tho administration and allege that if nothing further is dono for thom by tho Cranberry Stato Republi cans in tho way of appointments to of lioo, somo of thom may bo impelled by a profound sonso of political duty to voto tho Democratic national tiokot in 1900. Man y Jersey Democrats hopo that thoy won't. Antipathy to nogro suffrago has always boon a nmrkod foat uro of tho Doinooraoy of Now Jersey. Now Jorsoy was ono of tho six Si a .< s of tho country whioh rejected tho (if toon th amondmont to tho f odor al constitution providing for nogro suffrago. Tho other States whioh opposed it woro Kentucky, Dclawaro, Maryland, Cali fornia and Oro&on. Bad Wreck. Wodnesday at Short Crook, nino milos abovo Wheeling, W. Vo,, a north-bound passenger train collided with a spooial from Pittsburg, tho lat ter bringing delegations from Western Pennsylvania to tho Tri-Stato encamp ment of tho Uniform Rank of Knights of Pythias. Eight persons woro seri ously injured, two fatally. Tho spooi al had ordors to tako tho siding at Short Crook, but the enginoor of tho spooial, it is said, forgot, and a minute lator tho two trains oamo togother, and woro bad ly wreokod. New York For Bryan. The Now York State Domocratio Committoo mooting Wodnesday night was controlled by Richard Croker and Kx- Senator David IL Hill was turnod down. A Bryan resolution was adopt* cd, sooendod by Croker, andopponod by HABE A Bia HAUL. Burglars Sooure Four Thousand Bol lars Worth of Jewelry, Spooial from Durham, N. 0., says: Two dari UK burglaries wore co mm i tte d at tho rosidonoes of Gen. Julian S. Oarr and Judge lt. W. Winston, in this oity, Tuosday night. At Goo. Carr's tho loss will amount to $3,500 to $4,000. Tho burglar of burglars entered Gen. Carr's bodroom and stolo a diamond stud from a shirt bosido tho bed on which tho gonoral was Blooping. This diamond ornament was valuod at $1,000, and was a rcgis torod stone. It was stolon during tho world's fair at OhiongO,-b.ut was after ward rooovorod by Pinkortqn mon. A , gold wat ch belonging to Gen'.} Curr, val ued at $500; a gold wat oh bojonging to Mrs. Carr, valued at $700; a .diamond soarf pin. a pair of gold oui? buttons, sot with diamonds, bolonging to Clai born Carr; gold oar-rings, gold broftohos, oto., woro takon. V It is not known what timo tho \iob bory ooourrod. Not a oluo was loft fco hind to indioato how tho guilty partK got in or out of tho rosidonoo. Sonio of our pooplo think it was ovidontly tho work of a professional. At the residonoo of Judgo "Winston, as was tho ORSO at Gon. Carr's, it is not known in what way ontranoo was mado. Two watches, a gold ono and a child's watoh, two gold nooklaoes, two gold pins and Mrs. Winston's jowol caso were stolon. All of theso woro found this morning near a sido gato in tho baokyard, whoro it is supposed thoy wore dropped by tho burglar in his flight. Tho front door of tho rosidonoo was found Open this morning and it is thought that oxitwas made in this way. In neither of the two robberies woro tho oooupants of theso households in tho least disturbed, and knew nothing of it until thoy awoko tho next morn ing. NEW YORK'S MURDER MYSTERY. A Boy FindB a Package With Moro of the Hacked up Body. Interest in tho murder mystery grow ing out of tho finding of tho loft thigh of a woman's body in WcstSevontoonth street last Saturday had an inoroaso Wodnosday by tho reoovory Wednes day morning of what is boliovod to bo a portion of tho same body on tho boaoh at tho quarantine station of Staton Is land. John Hoinoman, a boy 12 years old, found tho paokago wrapped ia nowspapors and Manila wrapping paper. When ho oponed it ho found that tho outs in the nook woro jaggod, showing that thc head had probably boon bucked oil, and tho arms woro out off oloso to tho should o vs'in a olumsy manner. Tho polioo woro notified and took charge of tho find. Tho flosh was takon to tho morguo for oomparipou with tho parts of tho woman's body alroady there Tho parts of tho body now missing aro tho hoad, tho arms, tho logs from above tho knoe down, and tho right thigh, which was found but was oartod off to tho city dumps. A namo that looks liko "J. J. Nu man," and tho laundry mark "J. J. N. 183," was disooverod Wodnosday morn ing on ono of tho white skirts in tho bundle of clothing found in tho base ment of 210 West Fiftconth stroot. Thc lottors forming tho namo aro not distinct. They aro partly washod out and a little blurrod. Tho "J. J. N." of tho laundry mark is very distinot, how ever, and is oxpootod to load to tho idontifioation of tho ownor. Hold Your Cotton Noil's reduotion of his crop estim?t o from 12,000,000 to 10,000,000 halos oan hardly bo considered "boarish," though that sooms to havo been its effooton tho markot. Ho always over estimates tho yield, and his revised figures would indioato a orop not ovor 0,500,000 bales. But, assuming that he is oorrcot, this would mako tho crop a million and a quartor balos bolow that of last yoar. Now oonsidor tho furthor faots that cotton goods aro in great de mand and rising, that overy available spindle is running, that thc consump tion of ootton in this country will in oroaso by 500,000 bales, with porhaps an equal or greater inoaeaso in Europo, nod tho question is presented whether ovon 10,000,000 balos will moot tho world's needs? Wo doubt it. Liver pool and Now York oount on tho south's making a ruso to sill. Moral: Don't do it. Hold on to ovory bale you can and aftor this reaotion the piioes will go higher still.-Tho State. Killed About HogsT John MoEImurray, proprietor of tho Goodall farra, near Augusta, Ga., shot and instantly killed his cousin, J. A. MoElmurray, Thursday and soriously wounded a Negro wm? was noar whon tho ?hot was fired. Tho two whito mon bad quarrolod over tho possession of sorao hogs. Robbery of a Bank. Tho Roy nobb. Bank, at Iloynolds, Ind., wajklooted by robbors at 3 o'olook Wednesday morning, the safe boing blown up by danmite. From $3,000 to $10,000 was taken. Tho explosion de molished tho framo budding in which the bank was looatod. Tho thioves os oapod. _ Violent Earthbuako. A dispatoh to Tho Handolsblad from Batavia, oapital of tho Netherlands Indies, Java, says that a violent earth quake has visited tho south side of the Island of Coram, noxt to tho largost of tho Moluocas, between Booroo and Papua, oomplotely destroying tho town of Amhoi and killing, it is estimated, 4,000 pooplo, as well as injuring sonio 500 others. Tho dispatoh says that do tails of tho disastor havo not yot beon obtained. Retires From Command. A dispatoh from Fort Monroo, Va., says that Rear Admiral Sampson rotir cd from oommand of thc North Atlantio squadron Friday ovoning at 5:30, whon his flag was haulod down from tho after mast of thooruisorNow York. , A orow mado up of offioors of tho fiagu?ip rowod tho admiral to tho wharf. Ho loft at 7 o'clook for Now York. Ab tho steamer passed tho Now York, tho mw rd baud played tho national air. Ad miral Farquhar, Admiral Sampson's suooossor, will tako oommand at 8 o'olook Saturday, morning. A STRANGE" CAREER i* i Of a Lunati? Now in the Lock vji at Atlanta. CASE PUZZLES THE POLICE. - The Prisoner, Who is Confined in Padded Cell, Tells a Wierd Story of Ad venture. For ono wook thoro has boon oonfin?d in H nail dod coll at policy station pro- ;.'|9H baldy tho most peculiar and at tho samo timo bost oduoatod lunatic over dealt \, with by tho local polioo, nw,, it has de veloped sinoo his arrest that ht is want ed by no loss than fivo difforont insano asylums. Tho ohiof of polioo is now vainly trying to got thooaso thoroughly straightened out. Last Tuosday night a tolophono mos .Sftgo to hoadquartora statod that a orazy nn\\Vi had offooted his csoapo from tho Grady hospital and was terrorizing tho ontiro Fcm'rth ward, having torn off nearly all ol his . olothing and was noting moro if?f? a monkoy than a man. .*N-?. Call officors Ohosowood^fld^Cornott answorod tho mossago aud after^tK?x oiting ohaso arrestod tho orazy mai?T*^ . who, at tho polioo station, gavohisnamo as John Williams. Ho was looked in tho padded ooll and beforo morning ho had torn off what romainod of his oloth ing and also all of thc padding of tho iron -oago. Ile was tho wildest man ovor con?nod in tho local police sta tion. Next day Offioors Cornott and Chose wood asoortainod that Williams had boort cmployod at tho raoo traok, at tending many of tho fast nags that aro to ontor tho racen at -tho t? tato fair. Gradually Williams has improvod in mental condition and now to talk with him no ono would ovor suspect that ho was ovorbothorod wi ' montai trouble Ho's porfootly rational about everything and is too wiso to impart to tho officors his roal idontity. Last Saturday tho two arrosting ofli oors put Williams through a vory thorough quoBtioning, and boforo thoy woro through thoy had loamed from him many things, obtaining probably __ tho most poouliar Btory-tsv?r" unfol3od~ to an officor of tho law in tho oity of Atlanta. Williams, ns ho now oalls himself, is tho son of a woalthy saloon and hotel mun in tho oity of Now York, but for many years ho has had a mental -afflic tion, which has oausod him to depart from tho quiet path in whioh ho was raised and tako up tho lifo of a tramp, during whioh time ho has boon adjudg ed insano no loss than livo times. Upon oaoh oooaairi^ ..Williams was sont to an asylum an-^iio has always, beon ounning onough to offeot an os- ' capo. Ho is well oduoatod and talks fluently and with much oaBO, and whilo tolling ^ his story tho only trace of insanity that oould bo obsorvod was his seeming fan oy for boasting of tho shooking oxpori oncos ho has undorgono. "Sinoo I was throo yoars "of ago,": ; said Williams toa Journal roportor, "I havo boon affootod with montai trouble, and at times I got wild and do things that I know nothing whatcvor about, whilo at othors I havo tho ounning ana tho sonso of tho shekost oriminal that over livod. "Theso spoils ooruo upon mo whou I am loast oxpooting thom, and thoy'stay with mo from ono week to threo years. ? was confined in an insane asylum in Philadelphia for throo yoars, o*oaping somo two yoars ago. Sinco that timo I have boon following tho horsos. "My fathor livos in Now York oity. Ho is a hotel and saloon man, and a F?deral veteran, having had ono of his logs shot off during tho oivil war. I loft homo when only 10 yoars old and havo novor boon baok sinoo. "In Harrisburg, Pa., about six year.: ago I was dotootod by a policeman whilo trying to do some dirty work. I ran and tho officor shot mo threo times, tho last bullet ontoring my baok and caus ing mo to fall. I was captured and sent to tho ponitontiary, but was aftorward transferred to thc Stato insano ny nhl m from whioh I osoaped." And just h?r? r-liia peculiar lunatio oxhibitod throe pistol wounds. Ho continued: 3 * ^ "Long boforo that I was sent to an asylum in Now York State, but thoy woro not slick onough to koop mo, and " I got away, aftor remaining thoro not a groat time Tho prison for orazy poo plo in Wilmington, Del., wasnotstrong onough to hold me, and I walked away ;<;' without any groat trouble "Whilo working with horses in Kon tuoky, Iliad one of those funny sp;?UsJ;W'|;-?i and was sont to tho asylum ?t Frank fort, from whioh I OBoapod and wont to Philadelphia, whoro I was adjudgod in flano and put in another asylum. I ro mainod in this plaoo for throo yoars, and two yoars ago. whon an opportuni ty prosontod itsolf I loft thom. I would not toll you who I am, for tho Philadelphia pooplp still want mo." Williams gavo tho officors th rae diffor ont names, Simon ltoinor, Simon Davis lind John Williams. The ohief of polioo is now in oorros* pondonoo with tho Philadelphia people and it is oxpooted that tho mottor will bo straightened out in in a fow days. -<. Atlanta Journal. Oraoked a Bank. A special from Navada, Mo., burglars oritorod tho Farmors' bank at Soholl City, noar thoro, Thursday night, blow opon tho safo' and soourcd $3,600 in oash with which they esoapod. Previous to tho bank robbery tho town watchman was captured on tho strcot hy armed mon and bouud and gagged. Tho robbers loft no duo, Hold Up the Train. Tho Northwostorn limited train, lowing Ohloago 10.80 Friday ftig'Kf$y was hold up not far from Dokalb, lU.}; and robbed, lt is not known whether tho robbors obtainod any groat amount of booty. Tho oxprosa oar was dyna mited. A spooial train containing a number of mon and dotoctlvos loft tho Northwostorn Station in Chicago short ly afterwards bound for tho ?cono of,tho robb or y. lt ia paid. thoro woro fivo niaskod mon engaged in tho op?rution.