Newspaper Page Text
?. A. BROWN - - - Editor. Wodnosdav, November 22,1899, Subscrlptlo? Frico t Ono vonr.$ 1.00 Six months.b0 Three months.25 COURT OF GENERAL SESSIONS. Our report Inst week closed with tho? trial of thc Messrs Tedder and Byrd for broach of trust. Tho case consumed Tuesday, Wednesday and was not given to the jury until near noon Thursday, and after remain ing out until night failed to agree, and a mis-trial was ordered. The Grand Jury iu tho case of Wal tor Dimery, charged with tho killing of Nelson Rogers, found n Iruo bill, but ns tho caso could not bo hoard ni this to:ni he was granted bail. Tho work of tho Grand Jury was completed Thursday afternoon and they were discharged--seo report. The criminal business of tho term will likely close today and tho Court of Common Ploas will opon. Tho following cases have been dis posed of nineo our last report : George Malloy, escaping from chain gang. Plead guilty-sentence 0 inths A. J. Matheson, failure to tag ford: izers, judgment pronounced. A. C. !.. Railroad, same. J. D. Calhoun, soiling crop under a lion, not guilty. John and Joe Adams. A. .& B. &o., not guilty. Allison Holmes, A. and B., plead guilty-sentence 0 mths or $75. Ben King, sanio, guilty. G months or $60 Rue. Yvill Covington, attempt to commit rapo, guilty-7 years in penitentiary. E. Stnoot, burglary, &o., guilty sentenced ono year. REPORT OF GIUND JURY. To tho Hon, \Y, C. Benet, Presiding Judge : Tho Grand Jury cmpanolod for tho pres eut year for tho oouoty of Marlboro, hav ing passed upon all Billa of Indictment .submitted to thom by tho Court, and hav ing attended to all other duties devolving upon thom at this terni, bog loa>o to sub mit this tholr fluni roport : That at a previous term ot Court suita< b'o committees woro appointed to oxamino into tho county O?IIOOB, books of offioiuls, tho bonds of said officers, thc jail and poor farm, with hiBtruoilouB to roport tho rosulb of tboir findings to this Board, Tho said committees having performed said duties, report UH follows : _JrVo haying examined tho oflloeB fiud thom in gtbod condition. Wo havo niuo oxum iued tho books of nil officials nnd find thuin properly and neatly kept. Upou examina tion of the bonds .of tho Couuty Officiais, wo approve thom as sufficient. Wo would recointuond, howevor, that tho offico of tho County Supcriutondont of El ucatlon 'io mad?* mero ioctlro, ns bi* fm qucuOy han on lamil ROI ci al lui nd tod doti laut iv ol th cf t:oliOtl becka belonging lo thc nnnntvi We lifiy? examined tho condition of tho Poor Farm, and find tho samo well kept, tho inmates woll cared for and good crops growing ho farm conuccted therewith. Wo flnu tho Jail neatly kept and in ns good condition as tho present buildiug will allow. Wo also beg to call attention to . the foot that tho present jail is very unsafe and that steps should bo taken for the erection of a now one. Tho matter wo refer to tho members of tho Legislature from thia county, and recommend lhat it bo removed to a moro suitablo location, and that thc proposition horotoforo made by Col. C. S. McCall to furnish n lob bo given duo consideration in locating samo. Wo recommend that tho Board of County Gommieaiouors do forthwith purctinso pro per modern and convenient f urnituro f< r tho uob of tho officers of tho Court and tho members of tho Bar in tho Court Room nnd niuo in tho respectivo offices of tho county officials. Wo also recommend thut V before making such purchases tho said County Board Commissioners do consult the officers of thc Court nnd tho members of tho har as to auch propor, modern and convenient furniture tor tho Court Room, nnd givo their suggestions duo weight nnd consideration. Wo beg to call tho attention of tho mor chants of this county to tho Statuto Law prohibiting the salo of cigarottos to minors. Auy violation of this statuto by any person after this notico will bo punished by n pro sent ment of tho matter to tho Court, Wo present Mingo Stephens nnd Martha Stephens for ci aol treatment to their chil dren, and not (inplying them sufficient food during tho years 1898 and 1899. Wo present Lanie Alston for bigamy in having two wives living, namely KHz Hurt nnd HcBtor Miles. Wo present Jumes Carter and Laurence Brewer, for abusivo nud otuel treatment and n88iuilt and battery of a mont aggra vated raturo and unnatmn! miecouduot to wards Tomp Garner on October 1 1899. Wo present Miko Parkor and Mary Ann Freeman for living togothor in ndultory sail Mary Ann Freeman hoing a married woman, Wo present Zanio Jackson for assault and battety of a high and aggravated nature on Frank Threat, by beating him over tho bend with a pistol, on or ubout tho 4th of July A, D , 1899. Wo present Calvin Jacobs for an assault nnd bnttory. with Intent to kill on Amoila Recd on or about tho 23d duy Soptembor, 1899, by shooting at her with a pistol and striking her with nn nxo and hoo. Wo beg further to roport that all ro commendations horotoforo mndo by this body have received proper attention. In conclusion, wo bog to thank your Honor and tho officers of tho Court for tho courtesies shown us tho presont tomi, J. C. TOWNS BND. Foreman, Cotton Bound to uro up. Tho funner who held sonio of his cotton for better prices will soon 3co tho wisdom of it when cotton goos up, Tho statician of tho agricultural dc pnrtmout at Washington hus figured that tho crop of 1899 will be ls* tbao 9,000,000 bales, lt this is so cotton will surely go np, and that very soon, in spite of tho lying statements that tt >argc crop will bo made. The game ie yours if you wait awhile. PARNASSUS ITEMS. Our farmers are well up with work. Prayer meeting has been changed to 3 30 Wednesday alta noon. Everybody Invited to attend. The Young Peoples Missionary Soci ety held its regular monthly meoting last Sunday. Thc society is moving on very nicely. The 4th Quarterly Conlercncc for the Blenheim ct., will be held at Whenever next Saturday-some of our Parnassus people expect to attend. Since last you heard from our com munity we have laid to rest at Parnas sus the body ol Miss Sallie Galloway She was 63 years ol age. She was strick cn on Saturday morning Nov. 11, with paralysis and died 8 30 Monday morn ing 13th. She was a good woman, was true to her church, Sunday school, pray?, er meeting and missionary society. Sire was buried Tuesday morning Nov. 14th -burial services conducted by her pas tor, Rev R. E Stackhouse. Wc have never seen a more beautiful Sravc-such choice Howers. She now wells in a land where il jwers never lade. Nov. 21, 1899. C. T. An Evening at Oarthago. It was our pleasure roconily to at tend a recital given iu Carthage, N. C., uudor tho direction of ono of Bonnettsville's most talented daugh ters, Miss li. Vibta Dudley, who has charge of tho music department of tho Carthage school. Tho program was artistically nud tastefully selected and was rendered, by home talent, with suoh finish, flex-? ibility and smoothness as to hold the undivided attention of a large audience For tho entertainment of tho ovon mg, much praise is due Miss Dudley, who, with n burning enthusiasm for whatever ongnges her sympathies, combined with passionate earnestness and declamatory cucrgy, ha8' justly won tho esteem and admiration ot those who appreciate tho truo and tho beautiful. Dignified and 00 th tu and i ag iu np pea rance, with features lit up from lime to timo by tho tiro in her eyes, or by a bewitching smile, ali sup ported by easy and impressive action, she easily holds her hearors. Her voice is of moro than usual melody and power, and has the faculty of imparting to ordinary expressions an inexpressible fneiuation, and in listening to ils melting-tones tho en thusiastic hearer might wo!l say; "Thy Bwcot words drop opon tho cai aa soft AB roso lou vos on a well; and I could lieteu AB though tho immortal melody of hoavou Woro wrought into ono word,-that word n word a whipper, That whisper all I want, from all I lovo." N. C. FROM BROWNSVILLE. Mr. (J. F. EU wanger ot North Caro lina spent a lew days last week with bis daughter Mrs M. ls, Brigman. Mr H M Hodges made Irom one quar ter of an acre 135 gallons ribbon cane molasses. Mess. M E Brigman and C. P. Hodv ?rrs snr*nt Thursday al h?nn?ttsvjjlc; 11 i > Vu I .. H?lben wSs down U w section last, week The .sportsmen ol this section say tji ?y itt: niraid to go out gunning tor fe ai they will miss the game and hit a Mor mon elder. Mr. Murray Griflin was calling on his best girl Sunday. Judging irom the smiles he wore home he had quite a nice lime. Nov 20 Cl-ODIIOPI'KU, BOX T WAIT TOO r,OKC?. Messrs. Baxstcrand Murray Mc Lendon, the hustling picture ?nen, want their patrons and friends to know that they are receiving work daily and will deliver iu a few days. We learn that of the 500 orders re ceived only one person raised a sin gle objection. They have beat the record ir. the Pee Dee .section. New orders should bc sent in at once to get a delivery of the work before January. And it is possible after t hat date they may be ordered away to new territory. No other house does such work at the price, and no agents have given such pleasure or satisfaction. If you want pictures enlarged now is your chance to get what you want for little money. In an outburst of cnthusiasiasm a divinity student in a North Car olina eollego uttered thia earnest prayer: "Give us all pure hearts; give us all brave hearts ; give us all clean hearts ; give us all sweet hearts.*' To which tho congrega tion responded "Amen I" ^ . USocl ?iy KritlBh Sohhors In An ion. Capt. 0. 0. Dennison is well known nil over Africa as commander of die forces that captured tho famous rebel Galisho. Unpcr dato of Nov I. '97, from Vryburg Bcchuanaland, lie writes: "Before start ing on the last campaign 1 bocbt n quan lily of Chamberlain'* Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which I u-od myself when troubled willi bowel complaint, and bad given to my men and in m-ery case it proved most beneficial." For salo nt Douglas' drug store. Thc ? Plow B.y l)reacho.1"Rey. Kirks man Belle Rive,III., says ''Aftor years of auf?eiing from Bronchial or lung trouble, I was cured hy Ono Minute Cough Cure lt is all that is claimed for it and more." It cures cough?*, colds grippe ?nd throat and lung troubles. Douglas Bros. A OAR LOAD Of tho colobratod ?. PULT ?5 BEEB WHEAT," just arrived and for salo at MAiu.nono WHOMCSAI.IC GIIOCKUY. Nov, 21, 1899 "|'2 Notice. To my friends and patrons. Having sold my property in the town ol Blenheim, S. C., to Mr. Wm. Evans, I now offer my ENTIRE STOCK OF GOODS AT COS I' (except groceries) for cash, until the 15th ol December next, I899/ COM1? AT ONCE and get bargains while they are going. Respectfully, J.R. Townsend, Blenheim, S, 0,, Nov, 20 18??? Ohftinborlam's ruin Hahn Curos Others, Why Not YouP My w?fo has hoon using Chamberlain's Puin Holm, with good rosnhs, l'or n lomo shoulder thot hos pained her continually for niuo years. Wo Imvo tried oil kinds 11 ol'medicines and doctors without recoiv-|< iv i any benefit from any of thom. Ono day wo 60W un ad vert ?sc inc nt of this med icine and thought of trying it? which wo did with tho best of satisfaction. Sim has used only ono boitlo and hov shoulder it* ...nil A ,1,1..I. 1 !W:i1.... M "!'Ji"ul ..VII. ..lillian JJ I'lillVKl 1'iU chostcr, N. II. For salo ut Douglas' drug stoic, Benuottsvillo. Admiral Dewey has conveyed to Mrs. Dowey the house given him by tho American people. It will not bc a surprise lo any who oro at all familiar with thu good qunlhieu ol Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to know that people everywhere tako pleasure in relating I heir experience in tho uso ot that splendid mcdiomo and in telling ol' i he benefit they have .received from it, of hud colds it has cured, ol' throatoncd at tucki? of pneumonia it has averted and of tho children it has stvod from attacks of croup and whooping cough. It is a grand good medicine Douglas' drug storo. A boy never gets much com fort out of his first cigar, but he gets lots of experience. Joseph Stock ford, llodgdon, Mo, heal cd a fore running 17 yoars, and cured his piles ol long standing by nd nar DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo. It euros ull skin dis? cuses. Douglas Bros. After all there was a meteoric display last week, and ono foll on a residence near Orescent, 111 ,and wrecked it. In Russia tho display was brilliant and tho people were panic stricken. Millions o? dollars, is tho value placed by Mrs Mary Hird, Harrisburg, Pa-, on thc life of her child. which sha saved from croup by tho usc of Ono Minute Cough Cure, lt cures all coughs, cold*, throat and lung troubles. Douglas Bros The trust may be able to lim it the output of whiskey, but it can't limit the input. Fiat plenty, Kodol will digest what you cat. It cures all forms ol' dyspepsia aud stomach troubles E.Bi Gamble, A'ornou, Tex. says, "it relieved mo from tho statt and cured me. It is my everlasting friond Douglas Bros. A ll a man has to do in order to become famous is to do the public. '"If you scour thc world you will never find a tctnedy equal to One ?Minuto Cough Curo," Kays Editor Faekler, ol'thu Mi canopy Fla.. Hustler- lt cured his family of LaGrippc and saves thousands from pneumonia, bronchitis, croup, throat and lung troubles, Douglas Bros. Trying to stand upon one's dig nity often results in a hard fall. President King, Furmer'sBonk,Brook' lyn,Mich., has used Do\V it t's Little Farly Misers in his family for years- Says they arc tho host. Those famous little pills cure constipation, biliousness and all liver and bowel troubles. Douglas Bros. Definition-Something looked up in the dictionary to day aud forgotten tomorrow. The safe in the sherill's of lice at Hillsboro, N. C., was broken open last week and robbed of $f5,000, $1,000 in one dollar gold 'W(ici) eui boys w?ro'uhnOvl d :>:?d hom , wilie ?pitn,' tiOafdi'i'ditr ?loelor gave' ( hie Mi i j Mic ' JoMhCuri fliev recovered vapidly, ' I I'l l! ii? ll< .-, .?*.?ylo? Pa. lt cures ?'tUgh.i cold.4, grippe and all throat and lung troubles. Douglas Bros. FOR SALE. A good Famih Horse. Terms reasonable. Address P. O. Box 33 Lester, S. C. WARNUNG NOTICE! ALL persons aro hereby warned not to trespass on any of my lands, or any I control, cithor by hunting, fishing, riding, walking or hauling. I will prosccuto anj violation of this notion. W. J. COVINGTON. October 24, i8r,Q. WARN?N?G^?OTBCEr" ALL persons aro hereby warned r.ot to trespass on any of my lands in any manner-by walking, riding, bunting or fishing day or night. I will prosecute any violation of this not ico. Oct io 1S99 TOM 0. HAMER Warning Notice. All persons arc hereby sWarncd not to tresspass in any manner oh any ol the lands belonging to either ot thc under signed, by hunting, fishing or otherwise. A reward of five: dollars will bc paid for prool to convict anyone violating this notice 1) Fosterling, J. 1?. Hamer, C. T. Mumer, lObby Fletcher, ll. H. Hamer, D. J. Easlcrling, .1. F. Robinson, C. T l'?tslcrling, L H. Kasterling, ,J. F. Bollon, J. 1). Watson, J. B. Watson. STATIC OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Marlboro County-Court of Common Pleas. Complaint for Partition. Mutio Bradford, Ititta Liions, 00 Othors, Plaintiff.*, - against Hercules Bradford and Others, Did'tn. IN obedionco to nn Order signed by His Honor W. 0. Benet, Presiding Judgo, and datod November 11, 1899, I will soil liefere tho Court HoiiHO door an Bonnetts ville in tho oounty and stat? nforonaid, containing-acres, moro or loss and bounded on tho north by tho run of Crooked Creek, on tho cast by lot of Jool McKinuon, on tho south by tho ntreoc loading from tho public Rquaro to Choraw s'.root, and on tho west by lot on which John B. Bristow now resides. Tot ms of salo one half Cash, balanco on a credit of Ono Year; tho credit portion to bo scoured by tho bond of tho purchasor with a morlgago of tho promises to draw Intorost from day of salo at 7 per oont poi annum, payablo annually, and oontalu a provision for io ncr ?ont ns Attornoys foca In cuso earn? is not paid at maturity and snit is brought to oolleot samo. Purchaser to poy for nil paporp and Btnmps and havo prlvilogo of paying all oash if ho desires, J. A. DRAKE, Nov, lt 1899. Clerk of Co nit, $15 REWARD. n TOLEN from toy e.?r??u Hold on tho J. T. Coving tor. place m-ni tho M re. Feu.? ulo Covington old regido nco on Monday night Nov. 20th, Two Shoot/- Mood Cotton Ou ono of tho hhcolti tho lettotra ll. M. ip plainly aliowi). I will nay tr.e ubovo to ward for proof to eonviol. J.UO j arty or load to tho rooovory of tho opttou. I a*k tho awnors of gloB to keep a lookoab for euob iheats Piled with . : "Stt'ou and assist mo in Unding tho .guilty party. .7." T. HUBBARD. Nov. 2i, ISQQ P 0. Ciao. . WOOD FOR SALE. Wo aro now prop ?rod to fa?nish Wood of all kind on f-bort.-noli': .. owcsl caob prieca delivered. Bl lMSKHI.v -, vi; LlDIfi. NJV. 23, 1899. PLANT OATS NOW. 500 bushels ?{cd llusi Proof Oats for 6ulc by\ P. A. HODGES. Giiii?r^i^ CO,, 'i\ \ \ i NC Hil' ! in J I j? 5 oilier: i >f Mn fl ! m 1 lipid j t'.to) e AS t.iuKi'dirxkii i \- right Notice i i b?icHy gi' ll \ppiy to siid Court on thc 7*!i day ol Dccem ber 1.899 lor a final discharge as Guar dian aforesaid. J. ll. WltlGHT, Nov, 7, 1899* Guardian. Warning (Notice. ALL persons arc hereby warned not to trespass in any hi ihn?i on any of the lands b?iongihp to either of the undersigned, by huhiing, fishing, riding walking or otherwise. S P, WU I OUT, . Noy 7 '99. (J. B. , '. KM AN. Notice of Dissolution. NOTICIC is hereby gi? il III tl he ll rm ol Hamilton & Lh , IVK chants, was this day dissolved, an 1 ihe firm name changedlo Munn.'rjyri \ hide Mr. J. J Munnerlyn '?;.> i ?; th interest I of J Ii. Hamilton. ?The new firm ?s?. | sumes all liabilities ol th )ld li rm. J ?. l l A I .'I ON. NOV. 7, 1899 C. ; tai ! SALE PINK Cotton Pla! ita lion in Suinter,] County, adjoining 1 ??! ! r. J. A. 1 Woodley, Ii. Thomas Ld- ns and others Containing 1450 acre; About owe hall cleated and in cultur? , '-ace in virgin pine, oak and hi ? > iold to setile an estate, Apply to R i ) . r:, Ifix'r Nov. 7, 1899. Sunnit .5. C. FOR S/U.5U % desirable Farm noted lol health, iii Containing 130 acres, mon r less. Part cleared and uridei 1 :. :. culti vation and pari choice limbe) land A large two story nous? with en at tached and outbuilding?; Good pasture On a popular public ? "I int ed by Stale road leading fro . 5 from Lynchburg, S. 0. Kn ivvp ? Miller place. Now cooli pi i'd I . ot our best (armers, Mr. Irby Vrulucl. Church and school house within .1 t< \ yards ol dwelling. Apply to. HAYNSWORTH & i I ??. a\) O TH, Nov 7, 1899. Sumter, S. C. I np, RInT "r r ! Oil R U l "lilli m. . wv . .i.\> V?KM- i i py ( ; oid) Pi iffejs ior $1.98 b i will give you holies; raines in Watches, w . Iber gold or silver, 00 20 OOor 50.00 Doo'I o> M ct'to get Gold [>olhu l'or 49 cents, you'li got fooled every time. IL Wi Un troll, The Jeweler. Aug. 22<t, 1801). Setter Dogs For t? ale. I have on hand a li hoted lum ber of thc finest broil S1?TT?B| DO S in South Onrnlinn. Any mu: ??.shrug a go( i " l.luit isl ready for field duty wiil i? w ?ll to | write mc. Prtccs mod oral v. W. M ! : I. UK HT. ningham, S. C., A < . .. s, }8 91) TAX NOT? OK I TREASURER'^ > ri ,i M AHI.IK' ito '. t ?UN rv, Benncttsvillo, 9. C.. ;: lp) .;, S'99, THU Rooks for tho o61?ootloti ol faxet? lor Oic fiscal your coron icing Janu ary nt 1899 will bo open ii. 15 iiU(Uivil'o, Ootober 16, at tho Trca"i .. . Olli -, aid remain open until Decc du i 1899, when tho penalty will br. ... > . ll m,t paid by that dato Tho h . , is .. fi iowa For Stale purposes, ; mills] Oidinary county tax, milln Special ooi?ity tax, , 1 mill Constitutional Behool tax, milln Total tax levy . milli Poll tax of Ono Dollar ,:? ill 1 from 21 to Oo j oars of ago. Bunin tlsvillo Graded ? . . . | illa Tatum Special Suhool 1 ' milla Willis Special, milla J. H. TX*** m Our fcc returned il wc fal'. nctltiK ?ketch mid description of any ilivciitioii wlii promptly receive our opinion freo >i tiing thc patentability of snma. " ..' . 10 Obtniu a ratCltl" sent upon rc(|iicst. .1 ..:curcd through us advertised for sali nf' ir, ex pciifi?, PntClltft taken out UiroiiK>i i ! " -' . V loial voder, without charge, in lu > - Rac ORD, nu illustrated and widely !chc?ldU'U J?ttrtial, consulted hy Manufacturers i> ,- lors, Send for ?ample copy FREI' ar VIOTOR d. EVAN . C (Patent Attorn. > *.,) Evans Building, ' WAWMINOTON, O. O. To the Farmers and Giimofo of Marlboro Cbuiity. WE will pay you tho hillie ; m.vrkot prioo for your cotton . ed ui ?) Hell you Cotton Sood Meal 00 low aa fin? ?IIIRM .ooal oan bo bought. Why soil y om ii cd to bo shipped off when you oan do \? well at homo. I'atronii'O "Hom Industry1' and you will help build up our^, RoRpeotfully, MARLBO)tO r.' ird/ Ct? Sopt 22, 1997? ?ST Pipos and Smokcrn Supplt< i In 3ndle8B variety can bo found nt .J. T. Douglas*. Theres a Feeling of Security \ "When donling at EVANS" says a mun of experience, Ifot that all goodlier lies in one store, but it is our endeavor to keep shoddy aud unsafe i goods out ol' this ono. Man is a Poor Shopper : That is a Jae*, ho bi linders and worries and hurries and is very apt to get things that do not exactly suit. But our ono price system to all and our long atudy of tho wants of this com munity inako it entirely sate, madam, for yon to send your men-folks to UB to buy for you if it is impossible for you to come. To be Weil-Dressed Need not mean to bo extravagantly dressed. It used to be, hut the beautiful and artistic effects are now often produced in low priced dress goods, and the modest house-wife of to dny can command elegance that queens could not teach a few generations ago. Fancy Dress Goods "There are so many pretty patterns I can't decido which ono to select," so say the vid tors when looking over our now "Fancies" for shirtswaists. 'Tis a pity to pince them in this predicament but wo consider it ti good fault to have an assortment so bewildering. Wo have these beautiful silk mixed good.-? in colors to suit hil complex ion*? j heliotrope, blue, tau, gray and garnet, ns well as in thc fancy plaids. AB the Plumage Of a handsome hird adds to its bounty, so does a pretty hat add to the looks and comfort of a lady's general appearance Our stock of millinery is worthy ol'your careful examination. Wo havo all the popular new things of tho scoson and at more reasona ble prices than you can buy them in the large cities. Some People ' Ilnvo no towels, others havo many towels, bul no one has too many towels* Too many towels is au unknown condition in modern house-keeping. Did you ever have enough ? Well here'? your chanco Wc have them in size lox30 inches for 15 cents ; a bleached towel with dam* ask patlcrns nt 10 cents in s:zi 17x30 inches ; good bleached hem-stitched towel al 10 cents, ruVi 17x20 ; Turkish towel.-?, tho good "thirsty" kind, size 18x30 for 10 cents each. Genuino linen damask towels, all white or with colored horders and knotted IViuge, si/.) 19x36, for 25 cents each. If You See In Our "Ad" You will find it in our Store. Empty promises arc no part of our programme. EMS' YELLOW STORE, O HER AW S. C. November 1, 189?. No Bicycle ever attained ii.higher deg'oi of popularity or gnvo more uni voe'ei.u-r. ni IhiVi '.!. i \V Vvi?ULS t>f 1 SEND NO RTO^EY TO?^2E^^il^ . ? Tf-S^-838JS-SSASSBLSLS Li" S . wo win ?und you OUR HIQH 0RADE PROP CA01MET BURDI?K SEWIHQ MACHIHE freight,CO. IMul.lceltr!i???Sl??. lion. You Call 0?mnIno lt ut your nearest lnl|rht depot nilli li found perfectly aatlifattorr.oxnctly ns represented, cutinl to tnarlilneaotlirr* aell aa high a? ?0O.OO, nut) TIIK OUKATKST IIAKIiAlX VDU nxmffmeriu mStf?SS?t?i Special Otter Price $15.50 and might chartres. Miichlno welchs U'I) pound*und tliofreicht will avernujo 75 cont? for each ooo miles. GIVE IT THRE? MOUTHS' TRIAI 1" your own homo, nml wo will return your ilft.Mi nny tfijy yuU nro not pntlsflcd. Wetrll dltrerent iunke? nnd praiU-aof Kenln* #S Ml .10.00, ?11.00, ?IS.00 ?nd at>, all fully described in our Kroc 3?#|M Haehlne Catalogue, hut$l&.5l> tor this ?Hill* ?KSK CA MN KT l-l Minni ll t lie it rentr?t, villuo ever oll'ereil l>y uuy bimse. BEWARE OF HVglTATjOMS tlsomunta.olTei hu; unknoun ninrlilma under various linnie*, with inrlounIn ducement.. Write nome frlrml lu fhiendo and learn ?ho are reliable and ?Im ari-not THE BURDOCK ^h^X^^i^ " ?KAUM JUCHINK MI?K, WITH TIIK ."v. tho heat milkers In Aint-rlen, i?j???y^lV.OIll the beat rn ut erl ul rn o ney a SOLID QUARTER SAWED OAK DROP DESK CABINlLpUnopoiiiiied. ?Jif? ---T?------ .imo illustration shows machino (iglj Ji'?f.'i Uteni^ Bl (flit) to 1)0 used m n. renie ri. bl?, alan? orde.V, the other open With full loiiirth tahlo and head In placo for KOWlng, 4 fairer, lair.t 1809 akclclon train., earvoil, paneled, om. liosvcd and decorated, fluent nickol drawor pull?, roatson four easter?, ndjustnlilo treadle. KOIIIII ne Smyth Iron stand. Hneat largo High Ana MM, positivo four motion fcod, self throndtnir vibrating shuttlo. nutomatio bobbin windor, adjustable bearings, pntont tension Hhorator.Improved looto wheel, adjustable inoHsuro foot, lmprovod ul. nt th- cnrrlor, pnten t ncedlo bor, pntont dress guard, lirad U handsomely decorated and ornamented and baaotlfull/ nickel trimmed. GUARANTEED tho M?htet' running, nott durable and aurait nnUelcia machine made. Ku-ry knunn attachment la furnlihrd and our Froo In nt ruction Dook tollo Just how nnyono can run Hand do either plain or any kind of limey work. A 20-Ycara' Pinding (luaranteaia dent with every machine, IT COSTS YOU NOTHING 10 ".???'deiamlne.thlt machine, comparo Itwlth -' " ' ' thoso your storekeeper Boll? at MO.OO ta 030.00, and then If convinced that you nro Having ??5.00 to flO.00, pay your freight auont tho Alfi.BO. WK TO RKTllH.S Y OL'll * If nt any timo within tlneo moulin you ?ny you nro not ?atlallcd. minmi TODAY. DON'T DELAY. (Hears, UoohUOk ft l.'o. nro thoroughly reliable.-Editor.) _Address, SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) Chicago, III. .nu Diiring this year I hove sold out nearly tny entire stock of Mer chandise, but now wo have "NAME ON EVERY PIECE." LOWNEY'S Chocolate Bonbons. ron SALE av IC. M. HOWE, FANCY GROCHH, ilBNNEri'SVtLIiB, S. C. nguiu 'IMIK untlorHiyiiod would rcupcotfully in 1. form bia friondfl nnd tho ptiblto treno rnlly thnt ho lin? oponed n nftiit TlARBHU SHOP in tito now Brtok building noxt to tho "MAIU.IIOHO ITOTKI.," nnd i? propnrcd to BOrvo thew in bettor stylo nnd comfort than ovor before. Sftllsfnotlon j/nnrnntood, W, J i STE W?RT, N. ll.-Ocnte Clothing neatly repaired and oteAltbrl by bis wifo. N0TI0E TO CREDITORS Estate of Annie Jano Oamuboll. TNTOTICK is hereby given that all per JJ^f sons holding claims against thc estate of Annie dane Campbell dee'd, must present them to thc undersigned or to my attorney T. 0? limier duly proven wbhm thc time prescribed by law ; and all persons indebted to said estate must make pay to me or my attorney, NELSON CAMPUEU., Nov, ia, ?8QO. Administrator, A Full Lrne in all Departments. And the Trices I usk indicate whether 1 bought them for CASU or not. You aro welcome to test it ned compare tbeni. I have ti complete line of tho Thompson Glove Fitting Corsets, Prices 50cts, $1, $1 25. SIMON STRAUSS, BUNN .?TTSVILLIS, S. 0. Sopt 20, t8go. To PATENT Good Ideas may bo secured by Olir ni il. A it drr so, THE PATENT RECORD, Rainmore, Md. Subscriptions to Tho Putout Record ?1.00por amtu.a Throe Barbers ! Throe Chairs I J?uevfjthlay Wrst-Clrtss. SALOON ON MARION SI KT. EASY bl?A?RvS, CLEAN SHAVES BEST OF HAIR CUTS! Children receive special attention - el.her at tho Shop at their house, Your patronage solicited. J. A. GRACE, Barber. iiENNwrreviLM?, s. o, KIRKWOOD'S OUI STAND, How Open for Business. S. J, PEARSON Elg?n patches vary lu tsizo but not in timo tolliKg-accuracy IB un nttributo of all Elgin Watch 8-. Full Ruby Jeweled Elglns catt bo bad of all jowolors-thoy kaow thoir good point? in dotnil-auk thom. An Elgin Walch nlw;i>u lum tho nord "Flatii" ongravod on tho works-fully tcunrantood. ls NOW PREPARED TO REPAIR Yoi )' i)V K IN T?IK MUST M ANNIS H Ul And on tho Best Terms IN WEATHERLY li lt I OK BUILDING OFFICE 11 NEXT DOOR TO HARDWARE. All Wovk OuavniitetMl. 8??v Give mo a Cull. And get my 'prices. ELEOTROPOISE. Cures ail diseases witliout tie use ol medicine. A pure Oxygen treatment, by absorption, lt cures where every thing elie tails lt is needed in every t?truly, tor it will cure every weakness or ailment, to the mos: persistent chron ic disease, and without the use ota grain ol medicine. Thousands ol peo ple all over the United States, from pri vate citizens to Lawyers, Donors, Preachers; Supreme Judges, HJJllorS; etc., even Crowned Heads ot Knrop? have given written testimonials of these lacts. Hook of testimonials, with price ol instruments sent Iree. Agents want ed. $5 co to $io oo a day. THU JCr.KCTUoroiSE Co , 5134th gt, Louis ville, Ky. ' ' V Notice of Dissolution. The firm ol Moore & .Tones has this day been dissolved by mutual consent and the business will hereafter bc con ducted by A J. Jones, to whom all ac counts now due must be paid and who will pay all, outstanding accounts of the firm, ii. D Moore. A. J. Jone? BenncttsvtUe, 8. C , Nov. to, tgoQ, J, A. FAISON, M. p I'Jtyslettin mut Siir^voni. 1 H'JNNF/i'TBV.Ililli1', 9. O. OFITOB on Crosland uUeot, near Mr. T. P Rtoaud'? oflloe. Resldonoo boneo for merly ocotiplod by Mr, P. A, McKollar in Wont Hennottwillo. WANTED! Sevoral farm* in this Couutyi?i ?roved or un i in proved, for clion teal Estato Jiought, 8old and < changed and monoy to loan on Mo gage. If you have property to st como and seo nie-I can placq ?roraptly and to desirable purchatji f you wish to buy, I will endeavor t-? suit you with a aolection from a toni0 list of proper ti es I havo for salo, in Marlboro, Darlington, Sumter, Flor? euco and Williamsburg Cou nt ios Mid In Kiehmond and Itoboreon Ooufiti??, O. JllMUB T. Dt?fc?.fcY, Atty, nt .