OCR Interpretation

The Marlboro democrat. [volume] (Bennettsville, S.C.) 1882-1908, July 08, 1904, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92065637/1904-07-08/ed-1/seq-4/

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BY 8. A. BROWN & CO.
Office on Marlon Street Opposite
Masonic Hull.
Friday July 8,1904,
professional dar?e.
OFFICE Up Btnire in Gr?nland Building,
Phone 180.
Office Over Inuacsohn's Storef
PHONE 196.
Attorneys at Law,
Offices Over Planters National Bank.
? Attorney at Law?
Bcnnottaville, 8. 0.
Offiuo on Darlington street near Posta
Telegraph office. January, 1899.
Attorney at Law and
Probato Judge
Ofllcu in Court HOURO.
Electrician . - Machinist, |
Contractor for Electrical work and dealer
in Electrical supplies Hot Air Pump
ing Engines and Gas Engines installed. |
Pipc-tiitting and ?encrai machine work
August 20, l'JOS.
A WA'? r'Jr N LIKE /. MAN. it
NEEDa ;Cl.KAN?Nii O?'T imo" PK
PAIUINO bh?;.? iu . ulule, f ww thc
.Repairer and Kill ?ive y? UT '/Vattb .
sure euro Treatment, IF YOU WILL
door north of tho Posloffice-the white
front building.
Flowers 1 Flowers !
Mrs. Jno S. Moore lias a fine
lot of (geraniums, Begonias
-Perns, Palms and other plants,
well rooted, thnt she desires to
sell Cuttings 25c per dozen.
Answer Before F.ealnft This?
Some people have worms and alten
don't keow it. The doctor is too polite
to. tell, them. Here are some ol the
symptoms : A sick feeling in chest,
choking cough with tendency to gag,
sudden uneasiness and pains in stomach
itching around corners ot nose. All
these, and more, indicate worms. An
irritable temper is one ot the surest
signs ot Worms in adults and children.
King's Vermifuge is the cure, and it is
sure. For very young children give
King's Worm Candy, which is pleasant
-tastes good. Children like it. The
price tor each is 2f> cents.
Horses Do Got Sick.
When a horses and mules are poor
it is not always and iudication that they
do not get enough to eat. Many ani
mals, just like human beings, have in
digestion or the system is all run down
and a tonic is needed, lt is not the a.
mount ot lood eaten that makes muscle
and fat. More depends upon the prop
er digestion or assimilation ol thc lood
than is commonly supposed. Nothing
has yet been discovered that will build
up a horse or mule better than Ash
cratt's Condition Powders, the only
remedy in its class sold under a guar
antee. Ask Mr. Smith Newton, Den
nettsville, lor it-the kiud put np in dos
es. And McColl Drug Co., McColl, F,
Rock Hill Muggie*.
The ?gent Mr. P. A. Hodges ha
ju3t received a carload of those hand
Home buggies and if you want it fin
buggy call on.him
Our Town (iorvcrnmcnl.
MAYOR-1\ A. Hodges
AL.DEU.MEN- J. Frank Breeden, C. ii
Chaffin, A. ti. Sinclair, W. W. Dale.
Lauviu. (Ellice open daily.
pol.tCK- J. F. David, U.C. Harper.
Marlboro County Officer8.
g II KRIPP-J. H. Oreen
' CLERK or CLERK- J. A. Drake
/ JUDGE or PRORATE-M. McLaurin
' CORONER-C. F. Covington
t?ui'KRVlt?OR-M. E. Coward
TREASURER-.1. H. Thoman
AUDITOR-Chas. I. Sherrill.
SKNATOR-Chas. S. MaCall.
J. P. Bunch, Welcome Quick.
MAOISTAIES-C. I). Easterling, T. ]
Crosland, Bennet (avilie,
IL li. McLauiin. McColl
John A. Calhoun. Clio,
W. J. Atkinson, Blenheim,
D. D. Stubbs, Brightaville,
yV. W. Irby, Smithville.
?j?Jftr~>. rrv.TfT^%^J?.?. ITjgMjjj iinntift?vtivr- iYjifi'v
Mr..G. B'Barratt is again on
the police force.
Mr. George Rivers l? still very
sick with fever
We regret to report that Mrs
J C Harden is quite sick
Mr Herman Hood and little
sister are quite sick with fever.
Mr. Robert Picker of Beaufort
is visiting his friend Mr David
Mrs. R. C. Davis, of Florence,
is visiting at the home of Col. R.
C. McIntyre.
Mr. E. Sternbergerof Clio has
been enjoying the sea breezes at
Mr. Walter T. Jones of Red
Hill was up Saturday and called.
No special news.
M iss Annie Sampson spent
last week with her sister Mrs
Ori el at Darlington.
Mrs. Odom of Brightsville
spont Saturday with her daugh
ter Mrs. John Bubbard.
Little Miss Dora Meyer of Red
Springs is visiting her friend
little Miss Meta Isaacsohn
We regret lo learn that Mr. J.
Frank Breeden is quito side at
his home in East Bonnettsyille
Mr. Milton Wright has given
up his position ai the j.ostoffice
and Mr William Eason takes his
Misses Anna and Mattie
Draughon and little Irene Rowe
aro visiting relatives near Fay
Mr and Mrs J J Pearson, who
have been spending some time
in Darlington have returned
Mrs Mav Tatum and Children
of Tatun1, have been visiting at
tho home of Dr. E. T. Barren
tine at Society Hiii.
Mrs. A. B. Coward of Ch er aw
spent several days last week in
our town the guest of her sister
Mrs. W. L Pearson.
Among those who left for St
Loais friday wen? Mr. and Mrs.
Gary Calhoun Miss Marcella,
and D. D. McColi Jr.
Mr, T. J. Capel, now of Wil
mington, has been spending u
few days with his parents, Mr
and Mrs B. A, Capel.
Miss Emma Munson who has
been spending two weeks in our
town returned to her homo in
Marion Friday morning
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Weatherly
of Red Springs cann' down Sat
urday and spent the 4th with
Mr, and Mrs. Willis Turlington.
Mr. and Mrs W. J. Kirkley of
ru,,-?.,," ??.nte over Friday night
and spent titree days with Mrs.
Rirkley's parents at. the MUI sil
lago. * 1
j Mr John David, Misses ?dna
?I);* yid Martha, Annie and Kit iel
ram ny ui nit1, Clarence Mooro ii.
Mr. and Mrs Brooks Coopet
and children of Camden came
over Saturday and spont three
days with his mother Mrs Mollie
Hon. W. P. Dargan of Darling
ton came over Tuesday night tc
spend a few days and got bettet
acquainted with our people in his
race for congress
Misses Lillian and Elizabet}
McNairand Miss Mabel Wootei
of Maxton, and Miss Minnie Mc
Nair of Winston-Salem are visit
ing their aunt Mrs. J. T. Eason
Miss Louise McIntyre, of Vir
ginia, after a charming visit tt
relatives and friends in Florence
Marion and Mullins, has returnee,
to her graudpa's. Col R. C. Mc
Intyre. She will soon return ti
her Virginia home.
Rev. Bunyan McLeod pastoi
of the Presbyterian church lef
Monday for Boston to be gout
live weeks. Mrs. McLeod accotn
panted him as far as Old Poin
Comfort, Va., where she wil
spend two weeks before going ti
Died ut her home iu McColi at ll,
30 H. m , on Wednesday duly St 1:
1904, afti-r a long illness, Mrs Emil;
I Harria, widow ot the late J. W. Utir
. ri?-a aiater of Mr. Ervin Towers ant
. a Indi' sister of Mrssis >S. F., El lorin
. Anbury und Clarei.ee Powers-age
. 74 yeara She leaves u huge lum i I)
nearly ul) growu.
ri'u-d ut bis borne near Blenheim o
Wednesday night July (J; 1904, aft?
p a short illness, Mr. B. F. Whitlake
a wall known citizen of Puruuasu
c' coutmunity He leaves a devoted wil
ami severn! children, who have th
sympathy of thc community.
Homicide nt Latta.
; Mr. ll ll. Wallace, a printer, wi
wml.. d on the Dillon Herald, und r
> membered us working here at oi
time on the Adv cate, waa shot at
killed ut Latta on lau* Friday nig
_ by one Willie Jacobi. A tamily ro
uiid liquor waa the cause of tho abor
ing. .7ACO1)8 baa not yet been arreate
Yes, You Can
~Get your razors made sh ai
and keen, with edge right f
shaving leaving the face sinootl
anti clean-at McLendon Bro
Barber shop in Bennettsvill
r- Bring them alonp and we
prove it.
GENERALLY, Hie part,
shoes that pinches is thc price, 1
inspection of our stock will ta
away this fear.
?ni n*rt*t'n~irir ^riuiurf
Seo pental card of Dr. Spen
cor to dey
- Mr. E. Powers served cool
drinks on tho 4th.
- See quarterly statement of
tho Bank of Clio
- Refreshing showers coutin
ue to como so gently
- Bennettsville is going to
have its own Ice factory.
- Crops have improved won
derfully since the last rains.
- Our city council have added
another Rule to the Electric
Light system
- What would we do without
the help of North Carolina in the
poultry line.
- The Bennettsville Guards
are preparing to go into camp at
Columbia on the 25th
- Have you tried those new
summer drinks at E. Power's.
Ho keeps thom on ice
- Tho "Rabbit Foot" Min
strels, colored, played to a crowd
ed tent last Thursday night.
- No wonder Crooked Creek
has been full sinco the rains
with the gatos all out at the
Burnt Factory.
- Administrators, executors &
others required to make returns
are reminded that July is the
- Mr. Wm Usher says the
foxes are stealing chickens in
his section. The hunters are in
vited up.
- A hail storm Tuesday eve
ning passed ovor the upper part
of tho Township Mr Zack Pear
son and others suffered severely.
|3gr~ Okra and tomatoes only
10c at Claude Moore's.
- Mason's Fruit Jars at
W. M. Rowe's
- We are pleased to learn that
there are a number of candidates
for the college scholarships to be
competed for to day at the Au
- Just received a Barrel of
"new ketch" Mackerel. They
are nice and cheat).
W. M. Rowe.
Lowney's Candy, best made
Call at Covington's market for
your icc tickets
- The Twentieth Century Lib
rary hours are: Monday 1.30 to
0..10 p. tu. Thursday 10 a. m. to
12 tn.
- We are headquarters for
Butter Hnd Cheese. We keep
nothing but the very best, and
guarantee both to suit you or
Ciin 3 vour money.
W. M. Rowe,
-Now Line Einbi()?deri?js and
Laces iii
(i, I?. Oros land Co.
IC/' Putronixe and iiiie yt ur ic
ilutuice for i'ch.'.mlou Bros White
burlier Shop aud soon you will have
the best shop in tbe State.
- -Get a bottle of Harris Lithia
Gingerale for sale at E. Power's
G rocery
- Weatherly's Big Depart
ment Store want's your attention
this week.
BW Artistic, neat, modern are the
correct terms for McLcndou Bros, the
White barber Shop.
- The Baptist parsonage lot
at Blenheim is offered for sale
See notice elsewhere.
- Read Bennett & Covington's
ad about Organs, Pianos and
Sewing Machines
- Just recd afresh lot of D.
M. Ferry & Co's Garden Seed
at W. M. Rowe's.
- Fresh lot of canned Peas,
Pears, and Pig's Feet at Claud
i&~ Pipes and Smokers Supplies in
endless variety can he found ut J. T
Douglas it Bro.
Saved From Drowning.
On Friday afternoon last, thc
12 year old son of Evana Thomp
son, colored, was Ba veil from r
watery grave hy Messrs France)
hide and Billy Wise at the Mt
heed old mill creek, w. ere tin
hoy with several others were ii
bathing. The boy it seems got ii
over his height und was Micket
limier. Tho timely pr?sete? o
these gentleman, who rushed ti
his rescue, wu* all that savei
fi*a>'" While heilig served at th
Whi e barber's ?Shop-McLeudo:
Bios- ott will lie kepi cool will
electric inns already installed.
l^gf" 200 Pair Boys Kne
Pants 20c to 75.
at C. B. Crosland's
- - hp to dale line of Ladie
Shirt Waist Suits at the
C. B. Crosland Co.
Some days ago I sold one ot my cu:
tomers, Mr. -, of this place,
box ot Dr. King's Worm (Jandy. Hi
wile had been m had health lor som
time, and bc urged her to take soin
Worm ('andy. She, ol course, did n<
want to take it, hut after some vet
strong argument he finally prcvailct
She took lour (4) Lozenges according t
directions, and was relieved ol some C
worms. She had been taking medtcin
Irom several physicians and they di
her no good, lie is willing to be qua
ilied that some of thc worms were a foi
long. Ii also gave his child some
the candy and it was relieved ol thr<
(3) worms, making in all sixty six (61
worms from one box ot Dr. King's wor
(Jandy. This testimonial is entirely ui
solicited, but 1 thought it my duty I
inform you of the merits ot the Wor
Candy tn this section.
Yours truly, WAI.TKR B. B KE
Jonesville, N. C.
Sohl by all druggists at '?ic.
Our Methodist ohutoh was fully test
pd Sunday as to its genii og capacity
It was tho largest congregation ever I
assembled in a Methodist church in
Kev Shceley of the Gospel.Mission ?
at Columbia who with bis good singer
Mr. Shceley closed au interesting
meeti g at the Cotton Mill hut week
aud wout over to La uri ti bu rgx, to be
gono ten dav?, when ho will return aud
cpeud ten days.
Among the distinguished visitors |
to Woman's Missionary nieeliug Hut
week were Bishop A. W . Wi I s eui, Rev.
J. W. Wolliug, now of Brazil, Mrs
Hargrove of Missouri, Mrs Wightman
of Charleston, Mrs Martin aud Mrs
Humbert. It will be'rpany years be
fore we have tho like 'agaiu.
Three of the churches were open'
Sunday morning. Bishop Wilson
Breached at the Methodist church,!
lev. W?lling at tho Baptist and Rev. I
Bunyan McLeod at the Presbyterian.
Rev. Welling made a talk to the child
ren of the Baptist Sunday School Sun
day morning. \
A mass meeting of the Sunday
Schools was held at the Methodist
Church Sunday evening, and interest-j
iug tulka were made by Mrs. Har
grove and Rev. W?lling. M rsv Har-1
grove presided. The children will not !
forget the latter part of verse 8 Math. I
ew 10th. "'Freely ye hive received, '
^ freely give." jQQ Z
The Epworth League' Prayer meeting,
tn Leid eveiy Wednesday ctcniug in tin :
Suu<!ay school room ot tito Methodist '
ohurch at 8 o'clock. The publie invited.
The hour fur evening services at itu
churches is now 8.30 o'clock.
Prayer meeting; at tho Baptist ebarot
o vu ry Thursday evening ?t S 30.
Prayer mooting at the Methodist ohurot '
every Wednesday at S.30 p. m.
Prayer meeting at Presbyterian oharct
Tbnrtday evoning at i 30.
The hour for Sunday Bebo tl at th? ;
Methodist ohotoh bss bssn ehaeged tc !
5.00 o'clock ia tho afternoon.
Cool and Fresh.
Mr. W. M. Rowe has purchased
a large Refrigerator iu his store, j
and now Cheese, Butter and perish
able goods arc kept on ice, pur
and fresh all thc time. You gc:
everything fresh and sweet.
You Gan Havo More Light.
Rule ll, published elsewhere give- .
the Chairman of Public Works th
power to supply parties wanting elec
ttic light after midnight; Partie
wanting light after ihut huur cati se
Mr. H. L. MCCOI.L. who will supply
thc sumo on the terms named iu th
rule. . !
1x7?, invite Tnecisl ?trtc?t?on ti
tiiti odyertiecmeiit. pf G Wi, V .
dill und Boil thin A'oek. Ti icy ;aru
goinj.1 to give you a regular 411
J lily ; blaze in reduced price's iu
Ftiriliijare. Road and give them
Our Now Bakery.
We invite special attention to
the announcement of Mr. J. A.
Newberry, who opened a Bakery
at the staud on the north east cor
ner of the public square, where
you can get fresh Bread, Cakes,
Pies, &a, daily. Parties and pic
nics supplied on short notice.
TICKLERS of every man's
family are thc handsome paterns in
our spring and summer showing or
Suits, prices $250 and up. Give
us a cal).
fjjr Fall in line and patronize de?
cent White barbera-io cigarette or
anything offensive to the most fastid
Don't You Love Flowers?
It so, and yon want some pretty
pots of all sizes in which to pla* t
them, call at the Hardware store
and you can be suited.
DWELLING contsieiug ?beet (2) tw<
screH of laud, centrally located in desirable
part of Town of Bluuheim.
Apply to the und i'rs i [MI ed for patliularo
Muy 18, 1904. ? Wiu. EVANS.
Jt?y" Helter secure youl needs iu Mat
linee while ihey are going so low at Wud
dill \ Son, none better in town. Thi
Kinn: gnud ?re being sold in ftenntt?villi
at from fi lo S ctn per yard higher. Wil
show invoices in proof. Sue also ihei
Moxpiito Canopies.
Driven To Despuri.tion
Living at an out of tho way (il ?Cc re
mote (rom civil z .linn, n family Itt uflfti
driven to desperation in caso of accident
ri Hulling in Itiirtm, Cuts, VYnuudK, Ulcero
etc. Luv in H Hiipply nf Buuklcn'u , Anne.
S'.lv*. I' 'H tin, 111 ? i ou earth 25c st J T
Douglas, Druggist.
Prepared for the Work.
Mr. S. J. Pearson, the Jeweler, ha
now one of the intent improvement
for engraving your name or initial
on any article of gold or silver 0
plato in tho most up-to date manoo.
Tho samples of work already done b
him uro just fino. Call and see him.
Tho Russel Wagons.
Mr. P. A. Hodges ia opening'* ca
of these durable wagons-one nn
two-horse, every one of them guarru
teed against uny defect in matetii
or wormaiiship.
TWfOTlOE is hereby given to all tl
JCT creditors of the estate ot HARRI
PATE, deceased, that they must rend*
an account ol their demands against sai
estate duly attested 10 the undersigns
D. K. STANTON, Execuh
Bennettsville, S. C., May 16, 1904.
thc Hunk of Cuo Clio, rt C . ul the
elute of UttniiiL'ai Juno 30, nj') j :
I?OHUM, . ? S ; 7.10 33
Futult?ru. 400 ou
Ovonlruftfl. 34 04
Cu?h ou limul Hld lu Hank, . . IO.S77 72
$.?5,052 09
Cauitnl,. $'25,000 00
Undiviilfil profus, (ucl) j.o.i8 oi
Ho.li'OouulM,. 3S.,V>95 00
Unpaid divide- ?I??,. 47? 00
Deposita ,. 30 643 ?S
? 95 052 09
County 01 Marlboro. J
Poreott'ally ui poured before ma W. F
Cr J?*, Cashier, wini being ?worn, ?aya that
th< BUOY* Ktuteoient ia correct to tho beut
of hi Vu .vs ? . ?; 1 und belief.
\\\ F. CROSS, Cuabier
Bnoru til bid oro mo this i^t day of July
1904. 'JIIA9. MANNING,
Notary Publia
Correct-Attest :
McLanriu Judge ot Probate.
lAfuituiCA.H, .? . BENNETl\ lw mude
nade nnlt o mo to gruta unto him
!.etteo< nf AdiniiiUtruclna of the Est?te
und EftfceU td H W Btraneit, deejayed
'; ;.i.(. . ri ['mo to oitu nod admonish
. :. \ ?'? u ie kindred und creditors
nf th? ?aid 'J Vf. B.unett, doo'd, that
tl?, ba bud .i';v:ar before ino in the Court
ff Prob? fe co i j held ut Bennetlsvillu ou
the i?ii' ?uy of July, 1904, ufter pub
lication thai of, t II o'olock in tho for??
td ibo . uo, if tiny they have why
dil wind ul dion should not bc grunted.
Ci von uruba my bund, thia 6th day of
Jul^ A. D . ?004.
, i M. Judge of Probate.
[ii i ni ?AROi.iNA Kow
? 1 - 1 ABOARD Ant LINK
. ? nowell 25th, the
Suah ard Air Lino Railway, in
com pl inti co with tho now law, have
on salo LOW) ?nile tinnily I ?clo-tn,
tpiod for t he use of thc ?ruined iuio
loinhori? ol mo family, hetwoCn
.11 the State of Soui.li
idilin (?ti tho line of tin; Sea
ne Railway. These
dd ut ?25,00 nuil arc
limited . out? year from dato ol
The popular Interchaugcuhlc
'. good over 2fi diftereut lines,
Ihn 00 Hale under .-?une
I ' .... heretofore.
1 . further information apply
agontij, ur " i .
.rt. Tra v. P,,,. . \ jeni
I Ct>??i?|>^?^ J.
2 ". . cs Full c
J, Purniture
ck Hits.
... ind 1250 Hat Back
I \. o. roven ?:. y popular this sou son
I'hoj uriully good values' at thcsi
havi large mirrors, and ari
li brass. Special lb
TWO VVtr.KS at
50 to $10
s 011 Chiffoniers.
. i offer souio exception
.1 Chiffoniers. Thost
. , ;ods ind have ult alon;
I... i, . i'd splendid values nt th
The special pri?es to
. sell them right out.
j $.] . Bonier $10.98
1 Chiffonier, well mud
I 1 beveled mirror ; dand
week's sale $10 US
?.HOH??* ?I.?
Thii ; portuni
I v of lifel .i. .-. For
lc slcep
; ? 'ssary to
uh; Mat
nie .'cit Mat
tress, i we Kell arc mntle
i cool ?un?
.so little
If 'li'll
Felt Maitres
. lUtiful Mattress, mai
?rs of carefully aolceu
.1 . : her as to make a smoo
. i. .-i All colors of line A
.tty tloral designs, 'flu
H. These mut tresses si
Duting this sale we w
offer the ut loi
00 each.
West Si
PIES, &c,
Daily at
J. IX. ll iii ll l.MJIHL I ?J
Juno 30, 1904.
Wood! Wood!
lam prepared to fill orders for
wood-either for stove or chim
ney-at short notice. Leave
your orders at "W. M. Rowe's
store, they will recieve prompt
J. J Muhnerlyn.
July 9, 1904.
All persons owning loin in Oak liid?c
Cuuietery, tiortli east, of the town ol'Ben
nettsvil'e, will please eoniuiunicatc with
thc undersigned, givimr the number ol' |
each lor owned by them.
The Company tia-* been unable to find
the name of the owner.-? ?d' some of the
lots and a.-ks thai all will CO'Jimunicatc
with the undersigned so ns to avoid
mistake* and br; sure to c?)t thc names ol
th'i-e whoo hos are unknown. Th H will
prevent any unknown Int from heine sold
to ? her pi opie.
Bennet tsvilln. S. C. L J Breeden.
June 10th, 1 "JO 1. Soc, & Treu.-urer
Kyh. ?T ?? Made a
iBtb?y.ff^^^JL Well Man
15th Day. ^$fffi Of Me.
THE GREAT 30th Day.
Produces the above rcrjits in 30 DAYS. It acts
powerfully and quick!). Cures when ali others
fail. Young men and old men will recover their
youth lui vigor by using REVIVO. It quickly
and surely restores from effects of self-abuse or
excess and indiscretions Lost Manhood, Lost
Vitality, Impotency, Nightly Emissions, Lost
Tower of cither sex, Failing Memory. Wasting
Diseases, Insomnia, Nervousness, which unfits
one lor Study, business or marriage, li not only
curer, by starting at the seat of disease, but is a
Circai Nerve Tonic and Blooddhiilder
and restores both vitality and strength to tho
muscular and nervous system, bringing back
the pink jd"\v to pulu checks and restoring the
lire of youth. It wards off Insanity and Con?
sumption. Accept no substitute. Insist on hav
ing RliVlVO, no other, lt can bc carried in vest !
pocket. By mail, $1.00 per package, in plain j
wrapper, or six 1er $5.00, with a positive writ
len guuruniec tu cure or refund the money in ?
every package. For .'ree circular address
w> . .. . . milfdfn?, 1
woy JU jtituivtuu v.o. CAu0.1r.i~ ,
;. t. DO I ?GI % BRO. '
)f Unmatchable F
: Store. They all woi
Some Suit Specials.
s This week we will sell ihrec difforout
lots ol' thieu-piece bed rhum suits at
B t?reat ly reduced pri?es. We have n-vor
fl ntrereil liner suits for the money. You
i eau't mulch these values anywhere.
$65 suit $49.25.
LOT No. 1.
A linndsomu bed room suit in quartered
; oak. three piceos-bcd, dresser ami wa>h
< Hi und. Handsome quartered panr I?,
e b uce mirrors. One ol'the best suits eve;
r so'd tor (1.0.OO Two week's spee'ul bar
gain pri?e al .* 19.25.
$50 Suit 40.
LOT No. 2.
Those suits are very much ?ike those ol
si The Art Mattress.
lc j WKLh M A 1)10. A bed of 00 pouud
so ol Huffy Ich, covered with pretty, wei
l'' wcaiing Art Tick. Comfortable aud i
ly well worth the regular price of $13.5(
, || For this special s.de of two weeks w
ill \ oller thia Mattress for
$10 so
de Public Sqi
The Reacted
The M?galo
The s&eo.
The Mattresses are the best made.
?). McCAJLl<*
E*i?- - - - - - --r-T-r-- - ?- - ? r~--r-----1-."--r"r--'~xsi^r?&
spills is a Cut of The WOODRUFF 11 A V I???fe, a strong
1 heavy, durable Press that will ?lo lho work. (Susy to
operate. No Press made equal to thu WOODRUFF* unless
at double thc price.
Forlsale in Bennettsyille by
; .%~T~ \c. s. Mc CA I AA.
June 30, 1901
Makes poor horses and mules fat without bloating. It
does this by first thoroughly cleansing: the system of
all impurities, allowing perfect assimilation of food,
thereby creating solid muscle and fat.
Horses and mules improve in appetite and spirits
after the first few doses, thc hair sheds, and thc new
coat is always sleek and glossy.
Ashcraft's Condition Powders are packed in doses,
without "filler," and good for horses and nudes only.
It is a most powerful tonie and appetizer, being the
formulai of a practical veterinarian of over a quartier of a century's
experience. It is easily the foremost remedy in its class ou the
American liiarkct to-day. Price 25 '..nts package.
For sal* by SMITH NEWTON. Benu?t.tsviUe, 8. C.
MCCOLL r>ivqo aa, Mcti?tij s.j)..
'urniture Values at WABDJXiL &
rider Hore we do it. Watch those Prices.
Lu 1. excoptinc, they show loss work in
finishing. A beautiful suit, consisting of
lied, dresser and washstand, all in hiehly
polished quartered oak. Sells for ?J 0)
Two week's special ?-?lo pri?e is $10 iJD.
$40 suits $32.
Just Two.'
Only Iwo suits left ol' the Lot and we
oller them at a ridiculously low price foi
dds sale. Handsome three-piece suit*
of quartet od, polished oak. Regular
piice is 40 00. We will close out ihoc
i wo suits at ibis special sale at ?Iii ">0.
From 2 50 up to 10 0U cueh.
Former price it ?l) to 12 50
If you uro looking for a real
handsome piece of (urnitiiru at
abnormal ly low prices, soc our
Wardrobes. I'.o.iul ?lu! in ii nish,
elegant in completeness and neat
ness. Soiuu hu vu gluKHcs, o th o ra
plain fronts. Sold oak.
r'Cook's Special Felt "
A mound ol' Downy Felt that in\itc.-.
sleep all tho time. Well made Willi ?
covciiug of good, serviceable Tick, lt
weighs Forty pounds. '.Sells always ul
$0.00. For this special sale of 2 weeks
wc will olfer them at
C o U C ll O 3
Some Special Ititrf/atus.
This week wu will ?ell $12.50
Uouclios, closely tufted, imitation
loather, for
$9 bri
.$10.(10 full ?size Couch, imitation
leather lor
TWO CA!: LOA Di1 Al?KlVlil).
All ??nidos (non an Oak Kpjit Bottom
Chair iii Xl? ?. to 2 Vi fi highly polished
< arved Diner;
My cheap < 'ii iir.s arc ni \w, o ' Oak and
?oe ii'it lo ho elapsed willi a < ? mn chair
which i.? being sold in lowii a! a higher
I am ?II Foi: IULSINKSS. Most
people want io tin ibo host they
can in buying, some ullow their
prejudice io control I hem, 1
? eek the pal l ounge ol' thu for
mer. 1 appr?cia!? the trade
i hut has been given me ?ii I lu?
?>:ist, '.m l by clos prices hope
io retain ihui patronage.
Come and seo me.
may nol lasl over two weeks.
West sitie Public Square,
la 9
tare, Barfield old Stuitd.

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