OCR Interpretation

The Cody enterprise and the Park County enterprise. (Cody, Wyo.) 1921-1923, November 15, 1922, Image 2

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Majority Party Will Have 225 Mem
bers in Lower House and 52 in
Upper; Democrats 204 and 42;
Several Strays
Washington.—The political complex
ion of the next congress having been
definitely established, turned on the
probable lineup on the question of
modification of the prohibition enforce
ment laws. Both the “drys” and
“wets” were claiming a victory as a
result of the recent elections.
For the Anti-Saloon league, Wayne
B. Wheeler, general counsel, said the
“wets” would not have as many votes,
by three at least, in the senate as here
tofore, and that their strength in the
house would exceed 140, or less than a
On the other hand, the Association
Against the Prohibition Amendment,
through G. C. Hinckley, its general
secretary, claimed a gain of 80 "liberal”
votes in the house, which, it was as
serted, would give actual control of
the body to the modifications.
Chicago.—A continuation of Repub
lican control in congress, but with a
majority of 165 in the house slashed
to 15 and a senate majority cut in two
is assured by virtually complete but
unofficial reports from the election.
While the Republicans retained only
seven above a house majority of 218
and five above a senate majority of
48 they will have In the next congress
a plurality of 18 over the Democrats in
the house and 11 over the Democrats
in the senate.
Tight races and belated returns left
the exact majorities in doubt for two
days, but returns from the Third Kan
sas, the last district to report in the
congressional race—apparently assur
ing the election of W. H. Sproul—in
creased the Republican majority in the
lower house from six to seven.
With the third Kansas district In
the Republican fold, the sixty-eighth
house of representatives probably will
be composed of 225 Republicans, 207
Democrats, one Socialist, one Farmer-
Labor and one Independent.
These returns forecast that the next
senate would have 53 Republicans, a
loss of 7, 42* Democrats and one Farm
er-Labor senator from Minnesota.
Harding Issues Proclamation
Washington.—President Harding Is
sued a proclamation to the American
people in connection with the annual
roll call of the American Red Cross
which opens Armistice day and closes
Thanksgiving day, November 30. No
vember 12 was proclaimed as Red
Cross Sunday, and all the people in
vited to “unite with their spiritual
leaders in such observance of It as may
promote a renewed consecration to the
gospel of service based upon divine in
junction and sanctioned by all good
Ross Elected Wyoming Governor
Cheyenne.—W. B. Ross, Democrat,
was elected governor of Wyoming, It
was shown by re turns gathered and
compiled here. The last hope of the
Republicans that their candidate, John
W. Hay, could overcome the Ross lead
was dispelled by the receipt of re
turns from Uinta county, which had
been counted a G. O. P. stronghold.
The legislature probably will remain
Woman Will Have Last Word
Chicago. Mrs. L o 111 e Holman
O’Neill, of Downer's Grove, the first
and only woman elected to the Illinois
legislature, let It be known that she
would not he bound by the actions of
Illinois voters approving by a large
majority an amendment permitting
beverages with 2% per cent alcohol.
She announced she would oppose any
legislation attemption to enforce the
Gets Democratic Governor
New York.—The outstanding result
in the east was the defeat of Governor
Miller, in New York, by Alfred E.
Smith, the Democratic governor of two
years ago. Smith carried Syracuse,
the home city of Governor Miller, by
6,704 votes. Governor Miller con
cedes the election of Smith.
Wheeler’s Majority, 18,000
Helena. Mont. —The majority of Bur
ton K. Wheeler, Democrat, for United
States senator. Is estimated nt 18,000.
With practically all precincts of the
state reported,' his total was 78,829 to
61,496 for Carl W. Riddick, Republican.
Fess Defeats Pomerene
Columbus, Ohio. —The complete un
official vote for United States senator,
showed Congressman Simeon D. Fess,
Republican, of Yellow Springs, to have
defeated Senator Atlee Pomerene,
Democrat, of Canton, by 52,018 votes.
Fight Revived on Newberry
Big Rapids, Mich.—Woodbridge N.
Ferris, Democratic senator-elect from
Michigan, plans to do “what one man
ran to oust Senator Newberry from
the senate,” lie announced here re
Volstead, Committee Chairman, Goes
Down to Defeat; No Women
Elected for this Congress
Washington.—The election results
are due to work a considerable up
heaval in the senate, probably In
leadership and certainly in important
committee posts, despite continued Re
publican control.
Primarily, the present Republican
majority of 24 is reduced probably to
12, as compared with the existing line
up of 60 Republicans and 36 Demo
crats Republican leaders have said
they would welcome a somewhat re
duced and cohesive majority. They get
the reduction, but enhanced cohesive
ness was declared to be questionable in
view of the election of what have been
termed radical, progressive or liberal
Both parties lose powerful veterans
and secure strong adhesions. Defeat
of Senators Kellogg, of Minnesota, Fre
linghusen, of New Jersey, and DuPont,
>f Delaware, all intimate personal as
sociates and champions of President
Harding, was coupled with the down
fall of three other prominent Repub
licans, Senators Townsend, of Michi
gan ; Calder, of New York, and France,
of Maryland.
The Democrats, on the other hand,
lose Senator Pomerene, of Ohio, and
Hitchcock, of Nebraska, the latter vice
chairman of the Democratic organiza
tion, ranking minority member, for
tner chairman of the foreign relations
committee, and former administration
of the floor leader.
Volstead Loses to Minister
Washington.—Senator Volstead, au
thor of the prohibition enforcement I
law, was the only Republican commit- I
tee chairman to go down In the nip
and tuck race to control the next
house, but he fell before an Independ
ent minister-candidate, self-proclaimed
drier than himself. This fact often
was overlooked by those who professed
to see In the defeat of Volstead a pun
ishment for the dry law.
While they had been expected to
take a big hand in the election, the
women of the country were unable to
elect one of their number in the helter
skelter race for seats. There will be
no women in the next congress. Alice
Robertson, of Oklahoma, and Winifred
Mason Huck, of Illinois, elected to fill
the remainder of the term of her
father, the late William E. Mason, ex
piring next March, will go out then.
Busy For State Good
Lewistown, Mont. —Carl W. Riddick,
defeated Republican candidate for
United States senator, in a statement
said, “I fully expected to be elected.
Naturally, I am disappointed at the
result, but am not unhappy over the
outcome. I believe in majority rule
and when I learned the majority ol
Montana yoters preferred Mr. Wheeler
to represent them in the United States
senate, I cheerfully acquisced and
promptly sent him a telegram of con
gratulations and extend my sincere
wishes for his success.
“I appreciate much more than I can
express, the generous and loyal support
given me by my friends in every county
and thank all these for their efforts in
my behalf.”
LaFollette Re-elected
Milwaukee. —Senator Robert M. La-
Follette, running as a republican in
Wisconsin’s election, and as a five to
one favorite In early returns, has been
re-elected United States senator by a
majority conservatively estimated to
exceed 200,000 over his opponent, Mrs.
Jessie Jack Hooper, who headed the
shat te red democratic independent
Democratic Landslide in N. H.
Manchester. N. H. —Election returns
complete, show the greatest Demo
cratic landslide In New Hampshire
since 1856. The Democrats have a ma
jority of 10 in the state house, while
the Republicans remain in control of
the state senate and governor’s coun
Edwards Led 90,000 In New Jersey
Newark, N. J. —Gov. Edward I. Ed
wards, Democrat, stands as the choice
of New Jersey voters for United States
senator by the safe majority of 90.000,
having defeated Joseph S. Frellng
husen, Republican incumbent.
Ralston Leads in Indiana
Indianapolis.—Returns from all but
11 of the 3,895 precincts in Indiana for
United States senator, give Beveridge,
Republican, 519,250; Ralston, Demo
crat, 556,218; Henry, Socialist, 11,155.
Poindexter Lacks 5,000
Seattle, Wash'.—Returns in the state
tabulated, gave for United States sen
ator: Dill, Democrat, 128,107; Poin
dexter, Republican, incumbent, 117,987.
Kendrick Defeats Mondell
Cheyenne.—Frank W. Mondell, Re
publican floor lender in the house of
representatives and for more than 25
years almost continuously a member
of congress, has been defeated for
United States senator by Senator John
B. Kendrick, Democrat, incumbent.
Democratic Governor for Oregon
Portland, Ore.—The Oregonian, re
publican newspaper, conceded the
election of Fierce, democrat, for gov
ernor over Olcott, republican, by an
estimated mnjorty of 20,000 votes.
Rescuers Believe Unrecovered Coal
Diggers Are Back of Brattice
They Built in Flight After
Spangler, Ta. —Fifty-five ot’ the 94
miners who went down into the Reilly
mine of the Reilly Coal company here
a few minutes before the workings
were torn by an explosion, are unac
counted for. Twenty-five, it is said,
had probably been killed and 14 had
been taken to a hospital badly hurt.
Thirty pale and weary survivors
from the Reilly Coal company’s mine,
most of them young men, lay in a
double row of cots in the miners’ hos
pital here, anxiously watching the en
trance to the mine. They were the
known survivors of the 9-1 miners who
went into the mine in the morning, a
few minutes before a terrific explo
sion. The exact number of dead was
still undetermined, although it was the
opinion of rescue leaders that perhaps
50 or GO had lost their lives.
Their vigil began when the first
eight were brought to the hospital.
The entrance of each stretcher meant
that another survivor had been
dragged from an underground sea of
Hope that some of the missing men
were still alive was reflected in re
ports which came to the surface that
a brattice had been built of old timbers
by the miners after the explosion cut
off a part of No. 8 heading to the left
of the main entry.
“Look behind this wail,” had been
burned In a smooth place on a timber
by an acetylene lamp. Knowing that
experienced miners would take every
means to help their rescuers, this
startling sentence was taken to mean
that the men were still alive.
But no attempt was made to tear
down the brattice, for the main entries
were filled with gas and the United
States bureau of mine engineers feared
that such a course would send the
deadly poison to where the men, al
ready weakened by hours of anxiety
and unprotected by oxygen helmets,
were hidden.
Every effort is being made to locate
all of the living. As soon as that has
been done, the work of removing the
dead will commence.
Companions Feared to Report Victim;
Cars Recovered and Several Arrests
Made After Wyoming Discovery
Casper, Wyo.—W. C. Conway, who is
best known as Henry Hawk, now lying
in a local hospital as a result of ac
cidental, self-inflicted wounds which
make his recovery doubtful, has re
vealed the fact that he was at one
time an employe of the Midwest De
tective agency of Kansas City.
Jack Hagan, president of the agency,
was recently Indicted by the govern
ment on several charges including bank
robbery. Bank robberies which netted
$20,000 to $60,000 were common oc
currences for the agency, it was re
vealed by officers who have questioned
Hawk was arrested by Sheriff Mar
quis as a member of an organized band
of automobile thieves who made their
headquarters on a ranch near Casper.
Six or seven others have been arrested
and 10 cars have been recovered.
According to Information given out
by the authorities Conway was shot
when a gun in his pocket was acci
dentally discharged. Not wishing to
draw attention to him, his companions
permitted the wound to go unattended
nearly two weeks. Conway recently
was released from the Missouri state
penitentiary, It was said.
Kansas City, Mo.—Montana will be
represented by twelve head of Here
ford cattle nt the American Royal Live
stock show to be held here In the new
half-million dollar Royal building, No
vember 18-25. The Herefords have
been entered by A. B. Cook of Town
Galen Is Judge Advocate of Legion
Great Falla.—Appointment of Albert
J. Galen, associate justice of the mi
preme court, to the post of Judge ad
vocate of the American Legion in the
state of Montana, has been made here
by L. J. Molumby.
Law’s Cabinet Limited to 16
London.—Premier Bonar Law hns
announced the appointment of the re
mainder of the government. He has
decided that his cabinet, Including him
self, shall consist of sixteen mem
Richard Gardner, architect for the
Mammoth Oil Company, is recovering
from severe bruises received when a
light automobile he was driving
turned over on the Salt Creek high
Midwest No. 1 well, located just
east of the Kent ranch, near Rock
Springs, drilled into the first Wall
Creek sand and tupped a heavy flow
of gas, estimated at 20,000,000 cubic
feel daily.
Rud Tinsley, alias Bud Samuels, was
arrested charged with the theft of an
automobile belonging to J. U Beider
-111:111 <f the Natrona Fuel Company.
Tinsley was apprehended In North
Casper with the car in his possession.
Night school in vocational subjects
and Americanization conducted by
government and stale departments, co
operating, was opened for the winter
session Monday evening, October 30.
Great results were obtained last year
through the medium of the school.
Alex Gulberson, an
Pugsley mine, near Sussex, was found
dead beside h’s horse, which was also
dead. The theory was expressed by
Coroner Klint that Culberson hud at
tempted to make his iiorse jump a
wire fence and the liorse had tripped,
hotli of them having their necks brok
en in the fall.
James Russell, of Moran, a trapper
and hunter, was given a hearing be
fore United States Commissioner C.
M. Cox, and bound over to the Federal
Grund Jury nt Cheyenne, charged with
having violated the regulations of the
Forest Department, namely, in start
ing a forest flrv on the Teton Forest
Jiitnos Oliver Curwood, famous novel
and film producer, who specializes In
themes of the northern' woods, is re
ported to have promised a national
forest official that lie would pay a
future visit to the Medicine Bow moun
tains lor the purpose of collecting
material for a novel, with those moun
tains for a setting.
W. W. Smith, 52 years old, died at
a Casper hospital of injuries received
when struck by flying pieces of iron
from u rag renovator wnich went to
pieces under centrifugal force at the
refinery. Shock suffered by Smith is
believed to have caused his death, us
both tegs were fractured and flesh
was torn from ids limbs by the jagged
Les Johns* one, a member of the
football team of the University of
Wyoming, widle shooting ducks, using
a boat on a lake, was thrown into the
water by the recoil of his shotgun.
When he and ids companions walked
back to their automobile they found it
frozen un, and it was about six hours
before Mr. Johnstone managed to get
into dry clothes, a blizzard raging at
the time.
Overcome by fumes from blasting
powder used in digging a well on ids
homestead near Baggs, Hlckox sig
nalled to William McDonald, who was
helping him, to haul him out of the
well. McDonald succeeded In getting
him within five feet of the top,, when
he collapsed completely and plunged
head first down the 25-foot shaft. Mc-
Donald also was overcome but soon re
gained consciousness and got Hlckox
from the well.
Sheridan, Wyo., Oct. 26. —The next
legislature of Wyoming Is to be asked
to adopt a state bee law, O. Humin of
Sheridan, president of tile. Wyoming
Beekeepers’ Association, has an
nounced. A draft of the proposed bill
Ims uireudy been made and will be
submitted for the approval of the
state association nt the first annual
convention of that organization, to be
held in Thermopolis November 23
and 24.
The Crucible Is tiie name of a new
paper published by the Sunrise High
School students. It’s u newsy little
sheet which devotes most of Its space
to school uctivilies. but saves some
space for Sunrise und Hartville Items.
A cut of the high school basketball
team Is a feature of tiie athletic de
Judge H. V. S. Groesbeck, of Lara
mie, the attorney for tiie plaintiff in
the case of Professor KJerwchow-
Agersborg against the board of trus
tees of tiie University of Wyoming,
was Informed by Judge William A.
Riner, of Cheyenne, Judge of tiie First
Judicial District, before whom tiie case
was tried, that tiie trustees, being u
part of the state, cannot be sued. “It
Is u well settled fact,” said tiie judge,
in communicating ids opinion to Judge
Graesbeck. "that a state cannot be
sued In Its own court, nor In any
other, unless It Ims expressly con
sented to such suit. It Is likewise es
tablished by ti e overwhelming weight
of authority that, If the result of the
action is to appropriate tiie slate funds
to satisfy the judgment rendered In
(lie action, the action Is against the
stale, regardless of Its form or against
whom brought.”
Word comes from Mr. Fuller, super
intendent of motive power for the
Union Pacific Railroad, that It has
been definitely decided to Increase the
shops at Evanston, so that all of the
heavy work cn the Western division,
from Rawlins to Ogden, can be done
Widle In Denver, A. A. Spaugh
closed a deal with the Richard & Corn
stock Company, whereby lie lias be
come In possession of tiie entire 77
ranch north of Manville. The ranch
consists of some 6,000 acres of deeded
land and 20,000 acres of leased land.
Valuable Food Deserves to Ap
pear Frequently in Menu—
Not Merely a Garnisn.
Dan Be Made Stiffer and Whipped In
Less Time If It Contains Butterfat
Content of 30 Per Cent or
Prepared by the United State* Department
of Agriculture.)
There’s nothing better than good, rich
cream for whipping, says the United
States Department of Agriculture,
which points out also that whipped
cream Is not merely a garnish, but a
valuable food which deserves to ap
pear frequently tn the menu.
"Bride’s cookery,” as one skillful,
sconombal housekeeper scornfully
intimated, is apt to be dressed up
with wb’pped cream to cover culinary
shortcomings. or because it lit an ap
petizing delicacy, easy to prepare; but
when properly selected, whipped cream
need not be considered a luxury, since
It adds to the food value of the dessert
or other dish In which it Is used.
Whipping Quality Tested.
Extensive experiments by dairy spe
cialists In the department have shown
that raw cream outranks any other
kind for whipping. While It will whip
fairly satisfactorily under certain con
ditions when It contains only 20 per
cent butterfat, cream can be made
stiffer and whipped In less time If It
is richer, with a butterfat content of
30 per cent or jnore.
A ftovor (rotary) egg beater Is the
only apparatus necessary to produce
good whipped cream, but the cream
should be kept ns cold as possible nt
•11 times. Its temperature should nev
er be allowed to exceed 45 degrees
InM *
■ ’*■
v- J
Cream That Was Just Right for Whip-
Fahrenheit. Aging cream Improves the
results, up to the point when It tastes
sour. Cream In the city may be con
sidered to be at least one day old be
fore It reaches the consumer.
Pasteurized cream will whip, but It
must be higher in butterfat content to
equal raw cream In whipping quality.
Cream that has been homogenized, or
broken up into tiny globules by means
of pressure, will not whip nearly as
well; and If It has been also pasteur
ized Its whipping quality is further re
Use Sugar Sparingly.
Vanilla and other flavoring extracts
do not seem to affect whljjped cream,
but sugar added at any time during
the beating of the cream thln«» It.
Good quality whips will keep stiff,
or stand up, for several hours if kept
cold, but thin cream tends to fall soon
after It has been whipped. Cream of
u higher butterfat content stands up
better. Evaporated milk can* be
whipped, but it falls immediately.
Powdered cream when reconstituted
will not whip, even when it contains
as high as 40 per cent butterfat.
In selecting cream for whipping,
care should be taken to have cream
of satisfactory sanitary quality.
Prussian Blue Is an Inexpenalve Solu
ble Salt of Iron and Easily
Bluings differ In composition as well
as In form. Buys the United States De
partment of Agriculture. The com
monest bluings are Prussian blue, ani
line end ultramarine. Indigo Is now
rarely used. Bluings In solution color
fabrics more evenly than does bluing
that Is merely In suspension. Prussian
blue ‘a m Inexpensive soluble salt of
Iron. It Is easily decomposed by soap
and If clothes are not thoroughly
rinsed Iron-rust stains may appear on
them when Ironed. Bluing can be test
ed by adding strong soapsuds; If the
color changes from blue to yellow, Iron
Is present.
Aniline blues are also soluble In wa
ter and are probably the most satis
factory. Ultramarine Is not very solu
ble. It Is sold In balls or cubes. When
Used, the water must be kept well
stirred to prevent the bluing from spot
ting or streaking the clothes. The
balls or cubes, wrapped In heavy mus
lin or flannel so that only the very
finest particles may pass through,
should be soaked In a bowl of water
•nd the blue liquid added to the water
lor rinsing and bluing the clothes.
Proper care of shoes means a
saving in shoe bills of from 25 to
50 per cent, says the bureau of
chemistry, United States Depart
ment of Agriculture. At the
same time It Insures good-look
ing footwear. Proper care of
shoe* means:
Have two pairs pf shoes to
wear on alternate qays.
- Us* shoe trees to retain the
original shape of the shoes.
Keep heavy out-of-door work
shoes clean and greased.
Keep shoes for street wear
clean and polished.
Have all repairs made as soon
as needed.
Some Important facts to re
member are that:
Wet leather Is soft, and there
fore readily stretched out of
Stitches cut through wet leath
er much more easily than
through dry leather.
Wet soles and heels wear away
Wet leather burns at a tem
perature that Is only a little hot
ter than the hand can Dear.
If dried too fast, wet leather
shrinks, becomes hard and mis
To dry wet shoes:
Wash off adhering mud and
grit with tepid water.
Grease work shoes.
Straighten the counter, heel,
vamp, and top to correct shape.
Stuff with crumpled paper.
Set the shoes in a place that
Is not too warm and let dry
Walt until thoroughly dry be
fore wearing.
Material Has Tendency to Become
Rather Harsh and Break at Hinge
if Not Greased.
Bookbinding leathers hare a ten
dency to dry out and become rather
harsh, finally breaking at the hinge. If
the leather along this line Is not kept
flexible by occasional greasing. To
keep the leather flexible, place the
I book, back up on a table In a well
* lighted airy place, and anoint It with
; vaseline that Is free from acid. Rub
i the vaseline well Into the grain of the
leather. Be careful not to get any vase
| line on the leaves of the book. Use
’ small quantities of vaseline and rub
' In well with a flrm flexible stroke of
the bare hand. It Is better to start
with a very small quantity of vaseline
and make several applications, accord
i Ing to the condition of the book rather
than to use too much vaseline at first.
It Is best to do this work in summer.
I When greased, place on a shelf to dry
’ for 24 to 48 hours and finally rub off.
says the bureau of chemistry. United
States Department of Agriculture.
Simple Rules Suggested by Depart
ment of Agriculture for Conser
vation of Fuel.
A number of commercial gas savers
are on the market, but the housekeeper
can save an appreciable amount of gas,
says the United States Department of
Agriculture, by following two simple
Have the tea kettle, saucepan or
skillet In place before lighting the gas.
After boiling begins, turn down the
flame to the lowest point that will keep
the food boiling. Furious boiling does
not hasten cooking and often the tex
ture and flavor of food Is ruined by
such treatment.
Gas can also be saved by watching
the baking carefully and turning off
the gas a few minutes before opening
the oven to remove the food. In some
cases the baking will continue for ten
to fifteen minutes after the gas has
been turned off.
>4ll >4round K
House o
Celery salt is a good seasoning for
cream of crab soup.
• • •
Boots and shoes hardened by water
are softened by kerosene.
* * *
Rings of ripe olives are decorative
and tasty In chicken soup.
• • •
Oil of peppermint dropped In rat
holes will rid a house of rats.
• • •
Cranberries are delicious cooked
with honey und chopped raisins.
• • *
When starch sticks to your Iron rub
the iron on sandpaper. Then on a
little piece of wax.
• • ♦
Biscuits will be lighter If the dry
Ingredients are sifted together before
adding shortening, milk and egg.
• • •
When peeling onions dip In cold
water off and on while peeling them.
This keeps your eyes from watering.
• • •
When washing windows or white
paint put a little ammonia In the
water. It makes glass shine and re
moves dirt.
• • e
To sleep with the window wide open,
with plenty of warm clothes on the
bed, Is one cure recommended for ane
mia and drowsiness

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