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■ ' Founded In 189® by Col. W. F. Cody (“Buffalo Bill") and Col. Peake. VOLUME 24, NUMBER 22 OPPOSITION TO PARK NONOPLIES IS ON INCREASE The People’s Play-Ground In Hands Os Favored Few-Pub lic Charged To Drive Over Roads Built With Its Money (Kemmerer Republican) Everyone is fed up on Saturday Evenin Post, Country Gentleman and Outdoor Life park enlargement pro paganda, and it is Indeed gratifying to observe that at least one newspa per ot national circulation, tells the truth of the national park system of this country. The recent death of Enos Mills, who died from a broken heart after observing "his par." the Estes, under the grip of the monopo listic hotel and transportation outfits. The Yellowstone park is on excep tion But, anyway, let the Tribune tell It. "Our national parks are intended to be national playgrounds, open to all the people on terms of equality. They are planning to conserve the greatest wonders and beauties ot the conti nent, and to make them available to as many persons as possible at a minimum of expense and Inconven ience. So tar as they accomplish that purpose they bring pleasure, health, recreation and spirttnal stlmula to thousands ot visitors annually. In so tar as methods of administration defeat that purpose the parks fall of their purpose, and public funds spent upon them represent waste and in justice. "Senator Cameron of Arizona, op posing the Grand canyon appropria tion, said the money would go to build community houses, trails, and roads over which one corporation could put on busses and get that much mo | from the public. He spoke a truth which such famous men tn the out door life of America as Enos Mills of Colorado and Henry B. Joy, first president ot the Lincoln Highway as sociation. have been trying for a long time to bring home to the America i public, which owns and should use the parks. Many Instances "The Grand Canyon park situation is typical. The monopolization of park concessions under the system which gives the director ot the na tional park service, an Interior depart ment appointee, absolute control, has resulted In groat injustices to visitors and potential visitors to virtually every national park In the country. For instance, in the Rocky Mountain National park we find park rangers, government employes. acting as policemen to bar from the roads auto mobiles running in competition with the park transportation monopoly, white volunteers fight a forest fire and trails go to ruin. At Estes park we find a ranger, arrested on a visitor’s charge of as sault, admitting the attack, and ex plaining it aa made while enforcing his orders to keep any for-rent cars, except those owned by the transporta tion company off the Fall River road, which was built bv the state and Is maintained from state funds. Yellowstone *7.50 Toll In Yellowstone park we find the Park officials charging *7.50 toll on each private car passing over roads built by the public, and doing this not by act of congress but on recommends Hon of the park transportation monop oly. In addition, the private car owner is forbidden to pass monopoly cars on the road, and must give them ' fight of way at all times. "Vlrftor, are simply mulched by hotels, camps, and supply depots, without any redress. The wholo ad ministration ot the parks In Prue alanlzed. Instead of being made ac ceaslble, convenient, and within the financial resource* of great numbers of visitors, they are maintained for a tew who will submit to high prices and any service ottered by the conces alonariea. Where hundreds of thou aanda might visit them annually they no * have tens of thousands. 'ln such circumstances It seems mat the senate action on the Grand Fanyon park was entirely proper. “«X It lead eventually to complete reorganization of the park adminis tration System. < William Simpson, according tolatest reports is now In Washington D. C. Jake Schwoob drove to Powell one y last week. As a matter of fact, “ Saturday sight. eifte Cody Enterprise CODY, PARK COUNTY, WYOMING—GATEWAY TO YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK BLUE LAW ADVOCATES BUSY IN CONGRESS Washington, Dec. 16 —Legislation to enforce observance of the Sabbath as a day of rest in the District of Columbia is being vigorously de manded of congress at this session by various religious and welfare as sociations. The Religious Liberty association is sounding a warning of the activities of “professional reformers” in lobby ing for the passage of District of Col umbia, "blue laws,” asserting that “the leaders of the Lord’s Day Al liance. the National Reform associa tion and International Reform bureau are demanding even more drastic Sunday legislation than is now pro posed.” In a statement issued Saturday the Religious Liberty association says: “Chairman Focht of the house dis trict committee states that some of these reform organizations are threat ening to members of his committee with political heheadal if they refuse to act on the pending Sunday bills for the District of Columbia. These re formers will not be satisfied un they have stopped the sale of Sunday newspapers, the sale of gasoline to automobilistg on Sunday, Sunday con certs and theaters, in fact, they are planning to close up every door and every avenue of secular interest, leav ing open only the avenue that leads to I the church door on Sunday.” THREE BILLS PROPOSED FOR CONSIDERATION Three Sunday bills have been intro duced, one in the senate and two in the house of representatives, two of which, fathered by Senator Myers, (Democrat. Montana), and Represen tative Zihlman (Republican, Mary land), provide for one day of rest in seven for employes in certain employ ments, preferably Sunday, and the i third presented by Representative Fitzgerald, (Republican. Ohio), Forbid ding any person to labor or employ others to labor on Sunday except on works of necessity or charity, to keep open any theater, moving picture house, dance hall, place of public as- I sembly or amusement for secular pur poses, or “to engage in unlawful I ?jAjrt B on the Lord’s day, commonly I cal cd Sunday.” “Unlawful sports,” it is explained by advocates of the bill, would be any games for which an admission fee is charged. The bill makes no exemp tions in favor of those observing any day other than Sunday and provides for penalties of from 15 to 1500 fines or imprisonment of from one to six months, or both. | The Fitzgerald bill, the most drastic ' of the three, s indorsed by the Na tional Reform association, the Lord’s Day alliance, the Pastor’s Federation of the District of Columbia, the Y. M. C. A. and the board of temperance, prohibition and public morals of the Methodist Episcopal church. “There are too many laws on the statute books now that can’t be en forced.” Representative Focht said Saturday. Against all “blue laws under which, according to C. S. Longacre, general international secretary, Ser enth Day Adventists are already bo -1 ing persecuted in various states, the Rellgioug Liberty association protests and especially against congressional act*on even for the District of Col umbia, which the association fears, will bo the first move in an attempted nationwide insistence on the observ ance of Sunday and the destruction of the constitutional guarantees of religious liberty. “In some of the statee where dm 1 tic Sunday laws are now on the sta tute books," says Mr. Longacre, “re form organizations are carrying on crusades which harken back to the days when the puritans lorded it over the consciences of dissenters and non-conformists. Recently Sousa’s band played hlghclaes music on Sun day afternoon in Binghamton, N. Y.,' and the Ministerial association ar rested the promoters of the concert. “These Puritans, if they had the power would, no doubt, stop the birds from singing on Sunday. It Is a wonder they do not petition to God of heaven to atop the angelic choir that sings before the throne day and nlghL without ceasing. The Minis tertol association nos Washington, D. C. had no Sunday law to arrest and stop the community concerts held on Sunday nights in the Washington Central High school auditorium, so they protested because the concerts attracted so many other church mem- ( ber 8 from the evening services. Now they are beseeching corgress to pass (No. 1, Page 4) | AND THE PARK COUNTY ENTERPRISE As Seen From The Wer-Wagon There i s considerable agitation at present over the workmen's compen sation act. The point of attack is the flat rate assessment. As the law stands those employed in the mechanl cal department of a newspaper are in the same class with coal miners, oil drillers; users of explosives and other admittedly dangerous occupations, j The publisher therefore pays the same tax as the mine owner, which is manifestly unfair. The newspapers throughout the State are unanimous in demanding a change and a new bill is being drawn up at Cheyenne which will be presented at the next session of the legislature. If employments are classified in respect to their degree of hazard, we think the writing staff of a newspaper might properly be listed along with the coal miners and workers in high explosives. At any rate it is a far more hazardous oc cupation to be editor of the Cody Enterprise than to feed its job press es. The most fascinating picture we have seen since we came across a ' likeness of the Rev. Harry Bowlby, head of the Lords Day Alliance and leader of all the organized Kill-joys in the country, is that of Miss Geor gia Hopley, of Bucyrus, Ohio, who claims the distinction of being the only woman prohibition agent in the United States. We throw this newspaper cut in the 1 waste-basket only to fish it out again, 1 prop it up in front of us and study ' it, each time more firmly convinced that the Almighty especially created Miss Hopley for the job of prohibi tion agent. Yet it is not tfce fierce aggression, the gleam of high purpose shining from her piercing eyes wh eh attracts us and draws us* again aid again to the picture of the only wo man dry agent in America, it ;s a desire, as reprehensible as it is im p ssible, to visualize Miss Hopley in a one-piece bathing suit smoking a Lumet —ww— We have observed that winter is our season of strife and turmoil. In the summer we are too busy to fight but as soon as the tourists have de parted we take off our coats and go to it. With ample time to reflect upon grievances, feuds are resurrect ed; the Purity Leaguers begin worry ing about other people’s morals; the Vice Crusaders start sniffing out evil; everybody pets touchy and sensitive, and it behooves one to smile when he makes disparaging and personal remarks to the friend of his bosom. We look at each other critically and ' suspiciously, and make no bones of saying that we could run our neigh bor’s business much better than he does. Black eyes and a few bruises cause no comment, while $lO and costs for disturbing the peace is the Judge’s favorite sentance. Then the snow goes out of Sylvan Pass and the Palefaces come in from New “York, Boston, or Buffalo. Presto! The two that were trying tc I MAINLY ABOUT PEOPLE _ - - Mrs. Lulu Hall received in a letter' from Mrs. E. J. Kerrigan of Cheyenne the sad news of the condition of Orrin Kerrigan who broke his leg last Fall in an automobile accident on the Powell Road. It seems the leg which was generally supposed to be well on the road to recovery, though some what shorter than the other, has bothered his considerably of late and during the last few days a seconl oners tion has been necessary in Den •er. Kerrigan’s many friendi who remember him as an employe of the Cody Trading Company will be sorry 1 to hear that the operation has affect ed his heart, making him for the time being at any rate, quite a sick man. Frank E. McGrew, Forestry Ranger on the Greybull, came to Cody on Wednesday in order to attend a meeting of rangers. Mr. McGrew was formerly stationed at Valley. Dale Petit who has been wrangling dudes and horses at the Valley Ranch for the past two seasons has gone into partnership with Howard Burtch who is also well known In Cody, and the two have established! ' a dude ranch of their own In Pryor 1 Gap to be known aa “Castle Rock | Ranch." ... disembowel each other in December are off on a bear-hunt together in March or April. The Purity Leagu ( ers leave people to look after their own morals and the Vice Crusaders quit crusading, while feuds are buried and the Judge says “For speeding —sso.” —ww— Six persons are dead and twenty in the hospital after New York’s “driest" Christmas. The dry chiefs made their boasts and <as a result people had their holiday cheer at home instead in cases and restaurants Chicago’s Chief of Police said long ago that in order to enforce pro' tion it would be necessary to have a policeman sitting on every doorstep and it really looks as if he may have known what he was talking about. Speaking of New York’s “driest Christmas”, 15 rum runners slipped millions of dollars worth of booze into the city while the flagship of the dry fleet was tied up at her pier. When I this fact was investigated, it was learned that 20 cases of confiscated liquor had been found aboard of her and the dismissal of her crew for this offense left the Captain so v short handed that he could not go out, even if his engine had not been dismantled as the result of a mysterious order purporting to come from headquarters The job of making people good by law is certainly an uphill business and enough to discourage folks who were not well paid for it. An automobile salesman who was lost for 12 hours In a snowstorm pear Wheatland announces that he is going to write a novel based upon hi 8 ex periences as soon as hereturns to Denver. When the reviews beg n to come in he will very likely conclude that freezing is* a pleasant death compared to roasting. —ww— Again we quote from our favorite author. Editor Ralph Smith of the Meeteetse News: ( THE MOPING OWL DID COMPLAIN The other morning we went out to see the hoot owl that nocturnally perches on top of the cross on the little church next door. How incon sistent for that hlurried-eyed, unme lodious creature to disgrace the em blem upon which the Prince of Glory died, instead of the emblem of peace —the dive. Upon our visit to the owl those glaring globules of gold beheld us with disdain and for sever al moons it swayed to and fro upon some nearby clothes line. Our thoughts* then reverted to the truth expressed in that classic poem: Grey’s Elegy Written in a Country- Churchyard: Save that from yonder ivy-mantled tower The moping owl doth to the moon complain Os such who wander near her secret bower Molest her ancient, solitary reign. | Pontoon Johnny explains that the reason he did not appear at the Stampede Ball to give his musical number on the program, was because the pack rats got into hig Swede piano and ate out its In’ards. The story of the Stampede Ball written for the Casper Tribune by Alta Booth Dunn, appeared inthe Issue of last Sunday. It was well done and interesting, showing clearly that Mrs. Dunn Is making strides along the path she has chosen. Stories of this advertising that Cody and the Stampede could have. Ray spent a few days in Billings and Forsyth during the holi days. Will Richard, veteran taxidermist, Is planning a hunting trip to Africa soon. At the meeting of the Shoshone Ixidge No. 21, the following Masons wore among those elected to become officers, — Worshipal MasterOOtto Koenig, Sue reeding Fred McGee Senior Warden—Gothrop. . Junior Warden —Charles Stump. 1 Secretary—Jim Rousseau. Chaplin—Rev. Blaske. Marshall—Major Hoopes. Tayler—Van Arsdali. ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDA MONTANA RANCHEBS: ASK RELEASE FROM IRRIGATE DISTRICT L A situation similiar to that which 1 now exists in the Greybull Valley Ir rigation district has developed over ' in Montana, where the settlers are | protesting against being taxed for the building of a canal they do not need, and where misrepresentation i as to cost of construction on the part of the promoters is charged by those who are expected to pay the freight. The cases are so parallel that the history of one might be the history ’ of the other by the mere changing of names and with some little difference i in minor detail. ' The following) is from the Red i Lodge Picket-Journal: Claiming that the cost of construc- 1 tion of the proposed Red Lodge Rosebud Irrigation district canal will be excessive, and far beyond that > which was originally represented to them as a reasonable estimate, many farmers owning land which i is included in the district are signing a petition wpich will be presented to the district court asking that their land be withdrawn from the irri gation district and the work allowed to proceed without their financial assistance. Acting upon their promise made with the district board at a recent meeting in Billings, the state irriga tion commission this week passed a resolution approving action of the board in contracting for a sale of the bonds of the district and accepting a bld for constrrxcloC* Immediately when .‘t became ap parent that approval had been given to the plan many land owners in the district among whom are several of the most prominent ranchers in the county, called a meeting to protest the action and attempt if possible to I withdraw from the district through a I petition to the district court. It is /claimed that owners of more than , half the land in the district have signified a willingness to sign the petition. The petition is a lengthy legal document, going Into every phase of ’ the question. Instigators of the plan to withdraw from tho district cla’m ' that when it was first r. a<d rep ‘ tesentation was made •> tb n m Hat ’ the cost would not exceed $25 per ’ acre. Now, they claim, the most recent estimates place the probable cost at not less than $43 per acre ' and many persons, claiming famil iarity with this class of construction, ’ my the verk would exceed that amount. After having rejected several bids ' for the work and been in numerous conferences with members of the ’ state irrigation comission, members of the Irrigation district board ac l cepted a bid of $219,800 for the work and of 85 per cent of par for i a bond sale. This action was ap ; proved by the state commission. t • COULD THIS BE OLE OLESON OR MAYBE PETE PETERSON Copenhagen. Dec. 23—Prince Eric whose father and brother were strip ped of tholr money through tho col lapse of tho I-andxmansbank. has de cided to sell his magnlflcant Jutland . estate at Kokkedal. | Under an assumed name tho prince , has lived and worked as a cowboy on , a big western ranch in the United , States for the last 18 months. He I wrote to a friend here not long ago , saying he was quite happy in his ( wor, and that life in the open was the only one worth living. Henry Pool, who has recently taken , over the Mint Soft Drink Emporium and restaurant, commenced taking active interest in the place on Wed ’ nesday. Bill Borron who has been in town ' for the past week, returned on Mon day to look after his extensive min ing interests on Sweetwater Creek. L. C. Freeman, who returned recent ly from a visit to New York says ' got a stiff neck from looking at the ' high buildings and sore elbows from riding in the subway. He also got a new suit. '’ Ned Frost writes from Ixmg Beach California that is has rained almost 1 steadily since he has been there » ' that he is homesick for good old Cody j Lou Ericson has received word of the death of his mother in Sioux Falls, South Dakota on Tuesday night *Fred Morris has been in town for a few days and to planning a danc« at his ranch on North Fork for Sat urday evening. The policy of this paper lei to uphold the standards m and perpetuate the spirit |1 of the old West. || WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1921 ROSS INAUGURATED BEFOREJIGCROWD States 4th Democratic Govern or Goes Into Office-Law En forcement Outstanding Feature Os Program Wyoming’s fourth democratic gov ernor was inaugrated at noon on New Year’s day before a large crowd whic*» gathered at the State house tc wit ness the ceremony. The ceremony was preceded by a parade from the executive mansion to the capitol, with Governors Rosa and Robert D. Carey accompanied by the remainder of the new offi cial#, along with Bishop Patrick A. McGovern, Mayor Ed. P. Taylor, Brigadier General Edmund Witten myer, Adjustant General R. L. Es may and Mrs. Ross and family. The party was escorted by a group ot mounted Cheyenne police and a squadron from the Thirteenth, cav alry of Fort Russell. One third of the inaugral address was devoted to the subject of pro hibition, the new executive declaring that it was his purpose to uphold "the majesty and the dignity of tha law at any cost.” His speech, in part, was as follows: ■ “While I am governor of this stat* all laws so far as is within my power, shall be faithfully enforced, whether they meet with my approval or not, and in the appointments to office one of the requlstlc qualifications, in ad dition to efficiency, shall be a high regard for the sacredness of law and the reputation for the observance thereof.” “The violation of this law is grave enough in itself, but in addition it to breeding contempt for all laws,” he continued. “Good citizens who have no sympathy for the prohibition law realize that laws protect human socie ty and that so long as a law exists it must be enforced. The condition resulting from the effort to obstruct the enforcement of this prohibition Jaw have become alarming. Regard less of whether we like a law or not, good citizenship and patriotism de mand that It be obeyed as long as it is a part of the statutes. If it an unwise law it should be repealed. I However, in this case, the prohibition law has been incorporated into the statutes of both the state and nation, and also into the constitution of each, and we have no choice, as good cit izens, unless both the constitutions and laws are changed, but to o it” . , SIMON SNYDER’S FORD TURNS FEW FLIP-FLOPS What might have been a most seri ous accident occured on Saturday afternoon on the South Fork Roard. when Simon Snyder turned over sev eral times in his Ford while near the Lake View Ditch on his way to town . following a short visit with relatives at Valley. Mr. Snyder who fortunately was alone in the car, was travelling along at a moderate rate of speed when the front wheels suddenly skidded into a rut, breaking one wheel and throwing the car to the side of the road where it executed several complete sommer saults on a small embankment, Simon was knocked unconcious for several minutes and awoke to find himself In the rather absurd position of standing on his head with his feet proludlng through the top of tho automobile. He says for a few min utes he could’nt quite decide whether he was dead or not but finally decid ed that he was’nt, and so extracted himself and walked down the road for several miles to a ranch house u he obtained a car and continued on into Cody. The Ford was only slightly damag ed and a curious part of the accident is that a complete radio outfit which wan being moved in to town, was absolutely unscratched in the mix-up. Snyder’s friends hope he won’t try any such stunts any more —but then you never can tell what’s going to happen to a cowboy when he begins fooling with these new fanglod con traptions—automobiles, radios, and what uui Warren S. "Mickey” Downs, form ; erly of Phtiidelphla but now a rest ' dent of Ishawooa, departed tn a hurry for the East last week. It is rumored that an Estate amounting to eleven million dollars with thirteen heirs has at last been settled, and Mickey lost no time in hastening to find out if by any chance be may be awost a millionare or not.