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fripax. avg. iKitif, PARK COUNTY FAIR WILL HAVE • - - - • •• • PROGRAM SHOWING RESOURCES Park county's fair, bigger, better | and brighter than ever, is dated for i September 13, 14 and IS and with the work that is being done oh the pro-1 gram promises to be the greatest \: agricultural and social event of the!i year. j Meetings are being held every few: nights, the committees are hard at j work and the program is assuming definite shape. ! The dominant note will be agri- ] culture. About this industry the. fair will be centered and it is the 1 plan of the board to gather together j the greatest exhibit that has ever been produced in this section and to this end is reaching across the country to every farm and fire side to get. exhibits. An extra large tent has been order- j ed for this exhibit and a committee; placed in charge that will see that the i display is tastily arranged and with j a view to showing off the agricultural I resources of Park county. | The stock interest are being looked; after, too, and wth the promises of; exhibits of blooded cattle and high! grade horses this end of the program j will not be the least bit lacking. I But there will be fun too. I This end of the program starts on j vatiit. Our Goods are Bound to Please Because ‘We Select Them With Your Needs in i * Mind. Our Prices are the Lowest Cash Quotations and You Make no Mistake in giving Us Your Custom. I L r oes That I Suits JHBfc | For individual style there Sllrf fStj W 4* J are no other shoes more de- VaII Iflvw JKMfijMjjSßh rafld \ 4" i sirable to the woman of I Ull I These shoes always come in the designs most approved by l freshened women of taste. She who wears them has the satisfaction of knowing that they are new and individual in every sense of the U P stock Wwß If you would like this satisfaction wear Utz & Dunn Cn. all the sizes. Hi ■Hki l The new styles are in. Give yourself the pleasure of a look / j \ ' at them to-day. Better still, give yourself the pleasure of wearing V ® H _ | $3. $3.50 $4. $5. $6. $7.50 j ” Jl % V Conrridht 1013 The Hook of KuppeuUeuMf Harvest Time Is Work Shocs Must Dish Time Give Service '' if If »ro Se,vy and strong, (he counters role leather, fflr iLTiir double stitched throught and the workmanship is several pretty patterns. All earned in open stock » ; ***& that you may select just the;pieces you desire. • $4.00 $4.5Q Os ssioo' the forenoon of the first day and , doesn’t quit until the evening of the , third. | Each day there will be a special j feature that will tickle the stoic and , and keep the crowd in a good humor. . Some special cow boys stunts have ] been arranged to take the place of the time honored, and some say time: work bucking and bull dogging con- ‘ tests, and these will be heartily en tered into by the old time punchers to the amusement of the vast crowd. ROUNDUP ON SOUTHFORK ! DRAWS LARGE CROWD 1 (Continued from page one) horse of the Valley ranch company and pleased the crowd. Roy Jones came out of the chute on a big fat | bull and t was a question which would land on top. He made a wonderful ride. In the half mile cow pony race L. B. Shepherd, one time a dude now associated with Walt Hope and fast learning the wiles of the west, came in first, with Frank Glasgow second and Monte Jones third. Albie Russell mounted a red steer that did the contortion stunt just ; like it was paid for doing it and came | near unseating his rider. The reas- j NORTHERN WYOMING HERALD oh he didn’t was because Albie stuck 1 too tight. Henry Purvis drew one j that disappointed him because he l was too fat to travel like Henry thot ] he ought. j] "rite grab race created lots of mer- : 1 riment and was won by Blen Hoi- 1 man with Tex Crockett coming in < second and Shorty Shaffer third. Clarence "Snyder, 14 perhaps sum- < ished more of the program than any- 1 < one else for his age. He topped off ! a rep steer called Hooligan and stuck ] like a burr. Later in the program he j rode another that outdid all the rest j the bovines they had in the bunch. . This boy knows no fear and stays , right on. It was he that pulled a j kid brother out of the river and saved ■ him from drowning six years ago | when the water was high and the ' ! boy was being carried down stream, i Clarence is easily the pride of the! I Southfork and gets his popularity , from his red headed dad and his good leoks and fine behavior from his j ' mother. I Dick Soderholm rode Highland Polly a sorrel that looked and acted i wicked. i Tex Crockett, champion roper of j the southwest, famed internationally , as a rope twirier, did all sorts of seemingly impossible stunts with the rope and when they brought three horses out and ran at full speed abreast he looped them all at one throw. Then they put in four an4l : finally six and he got them all with ;in the one loop. As a roper he j proved the reputation which preceded him.' li Bob Loomis whose shirt substituted for the brass band Mounted Wind River and made a spectacular ride. Roy Jones on a red steer had all he could do to stick for the beast had a firm determination not to be rid den- In a race for dudes they got out of their mounts every iota of en ergy they possessed. Lawrence Shepherd came in first with Hovey. Hill second and Parsons third. Harold Snyder won first in a walk ing race. Lawrence Shepherd second and Frences Jay third. This was the slowest race of the day. | Evan Holman, Newlywed, showed : good form in topping off a wild one and got a big hand from the airfrhi , theatre. j Blen Holman with Mrs. Brown's string of relay horses made an easy victory and made the changes in fast time without a bobble, j In a kids’ 25 yard dash Charles Martin came in first and Marvin | | Ewalt second in the face of a big i field. j The next number on the program] was received with applause. It was a collecton as announced by Presi- j dent Ames to be given at the close of the season to the boys that furni- ; shed the entertainment. An offering of SIOO is reported. | The burro race was amusing, for speed was the least qualification of these beasts and the boys had to havp them hazed around the circle. Clar- George E. Hayes, (M. A. S. E., M. J. M. M., M. I. C. E., A. I. M. E.) Member: The Associated Society of Engineers, London. Member: The Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, London. Member: The Institute of Civil Engineers, London. Member: The American Institute of Mining Engineers, N. Y. Reports furnished on all minerals. International Expert on all Oil Lands. Office in Herald Block Cody, Wyoming. ence Snyder showed his ability to get i both speed and direction and came in I for first honors. Dick Soderhilm was 1 second and Blen Holman qualified for third. j Frank Glasgow took his turn at riding steers and drew a black one j that had a heart as wicked as his • hide was black. Albie Russell in mounting Ainsworth was thrown be ' fore the usher had shown him his seat. With plucky grit he piled on ■ again and rode well. I The quarter mile dash for dudes was on as Alec honked for the start . home and we had to go. j The program lasted another three I quarters of an hour and was interest i ing up thru the last event, j The roundup supper was served at the NE ranch grove and the big crowd went down to Tom Ames’ big log house for the dance. Twenty cars carrying a hundred people went from Cody. The crowd numbered about four hundred with the three score dudes and dudines. The event was a great success. PRIMARY DIE CAST LITTLE INTEREST (Continued from page one) missioner for the four year term and the Democrats name the one for the two year term. That there will he an unusual amount of writing in of names neces sitating many long hours for judges and clerks of election is evidenced by the number of blanks on the balots. The ballots as they will appear will be approximately as follows: SENATOR Wm. T. Hogg. Republican Noah Farlow, Democratic. REPRESENTATIVES William May. Meeteetse, R. William L. Walls. Cody. R. CLERK OF THE COURT George S. Russell. Cody. R. "COUNTY ATTORNEY I. E. Ferguson. Powell. R. R. L. Donley. Cody. D. COUNTY COMMISSIONER Abbott Williams, Powell. R. Charles Webster, Meeteetse. D. COUNTY ASSESSOR Ora Sonners, Cody. R. COUNTY TREASURER E. Erickson. Cody, R. A. P. Libby, Cody, R. A. T. I.oftsgaarden, Powell, R. John H. Ruff. Marquette, R. Gus Holm’s, Cody, D. COUNTY CLERK C. 11. Scoville, Ralston. R. James W. Rousseau. Cody, D. SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT Anna Mahon. R. Jennie McGuffey, D. SURVEYOR •Howard F. Bell. Cody, R. SHERIFF E. S. Hoopes, Cody, R. W. H. Loomis. Powell. R. ROAD SUPERVISOR Cody, Charles A. Bradbury, R. Cody, J. B. Winter. D. Clark. O. C. Bevelhymer. D. Penrose, J. S. Wasden, R. Meeteetse. Eugene Phelps. R. Meeteetse, W. W. Purdy, R. THERE'LL BE A BETTER BILL When the revenue bill was up for discussion in the house, Hon. Frank W. Mondell took occassion to pay his compliments and in conclusion Rave the democrats this consolation: “Do not be downcast or discouraged, gentlemen on the other side. You will not have long to w>ait to see the details of a republican revenue measure. The remnant of you gentlemen on the democratic side who are here) after the 4th of next March will become familiar with just what we propose to do. The measure then presented will have for its purpose the raising of necessary revenue for the support of the government with the minimum of annoyance and burden upon the citizens. Its provisions will be fair and just to all. Incomes will pay their fair share, but we shall not penalize thrift and industry. Those who seek our great market shall make their goodly con tribution to the national treasury. Our labor will be protected in its wage, our home industries within reason in their market. In the meantime, the responsibility is yours, not ours. If you insist, on Your plan of revenue, you cannot reasonably expect bur support of it, even though some of its provisions pay the republican party the sincere flattery of adopting some of its policies. We stiU have in mind the ancient warning, long since crystalized into a. proverb, “Beware of (he Greeks bearing gifts.” (Applktise oti the* republican side.) ■- ■ ■ »■<-■*' t*yi; ; •. - ft PAGE FIVE Meeteetse, F. L. Thayer, R. JUSTICE OF PEACE Cody, Wm. Foster. R. Garland, D. D. Adams. R. Valley, Anthony Hubner. R. Clark, C. A. C. Snow, D. Powell, H. B. Loomis. D. Paint Creek. Ed. Manning, D. Ralston, A. r. Fergerstrom, D. PRECINCT COMMITTEEMEN Cody No. 1. M. O. Newton, R. H. W. Darrah, D. Carl Hammitt, D. Cody No. 2. C. E. Hayden, R. Dave Shelley, D. A. S. McClain, D. Cody No. 3. Charles Marsten.R. Lower Sage, A. J. Beam, R. Penrose, Peter Shirts, R. Ishawooa, Walter Kepford, R. Valley, Geo. Marks, R. Marquette, Eugene Wilder, R. Marquette A. J. Martin, D. Painter, William Painter, R. Wapita, Fred Richard, R. Paint Creek, William Hogan, R. Irma Flat, Nels Nordquist, R. Pitchfork, L. G. Phelps, R. Fenton. William Thayer, R. Powell No. 1. H. D. Edmonds,R. Charles G. Mudd, D. H. W. Howell, D. Garland, Geo. T. Rost, R. Ralston, David Powers, R. Geo. B. Kerper, D. POSTOFFICE TO STAY IN SAME LOCATION (Continued from page one) tion of the east lobby by running the box line directly east from the gen eral delivery, thus giving more room and light for the clerks and the put ting in of toilet facilities. It is understood that the fixtures recently installed by W. L. Walls are leased ones and that aside of some expense of transportation and erec tion his loss will not be great. A fight is being put up by those desiring a change and a reversal of | the order may be secured. I ° PARTY OF 84 Howard Eaton, the noted guide of ! the Bighorns, is in Yellowstone park I with a party of eighty-four people. ! They are making a trip on horseback land will spend three weeks viewing i the interesting features of Nature s ! wonderland. They entered the park at Gardiner but will exit the Codv : way. It is reported that upon their i arrival a display of "real western ! clothes, wild and wooly” will be I shown by these dudes. THE OLD TIMER ! Do you know that the Toggery docs ! french dry cleaning of all kinds? And I that we have the only extracter and 'dry room in Park county? And that ! when your clothes are handled in tha I above way that you will not smell like) |J. D. Rockfeller or Texaco? They are 1 fresh and clean. We send everything | home but odor and dirt. French dry clean and press $1.50. Phone 11. Me I are always on the job. Yours for up ; to date tailoring of all kinds. The Toggery.