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The Northern Wyoming Herald VOLUME 11 NUMBER 40. Interesting Program Planned to Make Fair Especially Interesting to all of Park County M FIRMS AND SOUTNFQRK FRONTIER ASSOCIATION PUT 1 THRILLING EVENTS FIRST RAT'S PROGRAM OPENS WITH A STRONG BILL INSURING IMMENSE CROWD Dates Are September 13, 14 and IS Each Day a Big One Park County’s big fair dated for September J 3, 11 and 15 looms up large en the horizon of events and the recent work of committees in building a program insures three days of interest ing performances. This year the main events of the program are taken over by{ individuals, firms and localties and staged by them and their money pays for the attraction. Thus has the interest in Park county’s fair been extended and enlarged and it is believed that the crowd the first day will exceed the record breaking crowd of the third day of last year. The first days program is perhaps the strongest on the pro gram. *ln previous years the initial day’s events have been of more or less of an indifferent character. This year the committee is determined to get the beat to the front and have staged three big events for that day. South Fr.rk TaVes Pack Racs This rnce has never beoh at- 1 tempted in this section and in some s respects it !s original. ' The cowboys are asleep on ■ the < track. The bed consists of a AjUr and two pairs of Hankers witfcvftf I middle for a pUlow. Two herses. < saddle horse and a nack horse. ar ! picketed near. On the ground are n 1 pack saddle and the two saddle Man j kets, a pair of chaps, boots spurs and ■ hat. 1 1 At the signal the cowl ov awakes ! pits on his clothes, rolls his bed packs the horse saddles up and leads his pack animal around the circle. The f.rst man under the wire with a good pack on pets the money. This race is put on a"d paid for by the people of the Southfork countrv. < The entries are onen to nil and the pr'zes will be a minimum of SIOO and will likely be increased The race will be on s he first day o the fair and half of the money wMI ' t e awarded that day. On the third , Jay the race will be repeated and the i other half of the fund expended. This feature prom ses to he one o r the big attractions. Its noveltv, i ft * fin and exciting features make the j contest among the cowboys one in which many will enter with ei\thu s asm. The generous purse will insure a ; large list of.entries. Entries should he made with I. H. Larom who has t een selected to manag* the event or t ehalf of Soutltfork Frontier As ?ociation. Cody Trad ; ng Company’s Relay The Cody Trading company has se lected the relay as their distinctive COMPLETE TICKET FOR LEGISLATURE A change was made in the list of Republican candidates for the legis lature yesterday by the withdrawal of W. L. Walls and the entrance of Henry D. Edmonds of Powrell. Mr. Edmonds had been regarded a candidate for the office by many of his friends but when the ticket was ready to lie made up by the central committee it was found that Mr. Ed moml’s name was certified to the office of precinct committeeman at l’owell and therefore disqualified. The name of Mr. Walls was temp orarily substituted until the resigna tion of Mr. Edmonds could be secured for committeeman. Mr. Walls ha:, now stepped aside with his usual Lord Chesterfield grace and Mr. Ed mond’s is the candidate. His running mates will be Wm. May of the Wood river jeountry for rep kresentative and ifr. T. Hogg of Cody sot the senate. euiure and Mr. Echwoob has made his plans to make it a go. Already strings have lean promised and the $125 s sufficient a guarantee to se cure several more. The usual rules apply in regard to tflia race. Each man has three hors es. ile saddles one. runs the half m le. pulls his saddle, puts it on a . fresh horse makes the run and re peats on another animal. Ihe possibility of some 1 ttie hitch to dJiy the getting started makes 'V. it- most e c : ting race It isn’t al’vr.' s the best r’-nnin.T horses that -ct firs* money. Few men can win a r r *in*rsce *av ce in sv"ca-* ,: '-n TV's „ on ) , v :]] take r'ace two duvs It ! s on 'he first and s-'cond he : pr : -»nc f~ r pnch dav are f 4O for first I and *22 50 for second. On the re pea*i”g of th° race the seonrd da' the winners of the first are not bar red The "rices for this race wll ho na'd f rnm checV-s drawn by the Cody Trading company. If you will enter this rocc or know of anyone who has a good relay string please write J. M. Schwooh and get into this game. W'lt-sc Picks a Funny One Ralph Wiltse of the Palace Market chose the Farmer’s no-cl'y race as his snec'al e-ent and the fan it crea *ed ls3t year when “Red” McCorkle had such trouble stowing his nair i will rrod 'ce a keen anticipation for ‘he race this year. This race is put on as follows: Tie horses enter the ring hitched to a light four wheeled buggy with sad dle and blanket in the back. The horse is unhitched and has a rope, halter on only. At the signal to “go” the contestant saddles and rides a round on a walk. He then harnesses up and drives the buggy around on a trot. The third turn is made under saddle on a run. The money Mr. Wiltse has nut in this race amounts to fifty plunks and you’ll see the farmers that believe they have the best all ’round horse lineup by the dozen. The first money ! is S3O, the second sls and the third a $5 check. • This event takes place the after noon of the third day. See Ralph Wiltse and make your entries as ear ly as possible. Mitchell Wagon Race Big Event The Brundage Hardware company has taken over the handling of the farmer’s wagon race. In order to prevent accident tho specifications call for a three inch Mitchell wagon and entries may use their own or a borrowed one. The amount has not been announc ed as of this cele brated wagon are expected to co-oper ate with the Brundage people and the reply has not been received as to the 1 amount they wish to increase the of fer of their local representatives. This race is one for the second day (Continued on Page Five) CODY, WYOMING FRIDAY, AUG. 18, 1916 Opportunity Is Given You to Have a Picture of Home in Special Edition The Herald it to send out a special illustrated edition sometime in Sep tember that will tell to the world the resources of Park county. F. M. Gill, an experienced newspa per man has been here for two weeks marshalling the co-operation of many local people who have prepared artic les covering the different branches of industry and has about completed his work. The printers are busy with the mat ter and several sections of the mam Herald Places Itself on Solid Business Basis and Asks the Co-operation of Its Readers Conditions of wh'ch all readers are i familiar have made changes in the rqethods of do ng business in all lines of activities. i These have had their first effect on the Herald and make it necessary fur this paper to go on a strictly cash in advance basis on subscript'ors. The change will be made September , 15 when all not pa’d in advance will be cut from the list and collections made on past due accounts. You Can .Make Money The Herald realizes that it will lose some of its readers by this method i but the advanced costs make it abso lutely prohibitive to send the paper without ti e money and altho we would like to furnish you with the paper without money and without price it is ; impossible. The Hvralv) man knows from fifteen years of business experience in Wyo ming that it costs money to make col lections. For that reason he is wiling to pay you that cost prov'ded you will come in and pay that amount voluntarily. , This will make it a direct saving to you and you can have the money. Naturally if we are compelled to make the collection we cannot afford i to make a discount on the b'll. Who Owes for the Paper? Since taking over this paper we have found quite a few readers who i never ordered the paper and are lab oring under the delusion that under those circumstances they owe nothing on subscription. The ruling is to the I Beginning the 1 sth. of September the ; subscription list of the Herald will be on a CASH IN ADVANCE basis. The increased cost of production is the compelling reason. It is necessary that we collect all back accounts and to this end all who will save us the expense of collection will be paid a liberal commission. You can help make the Herald a bet ter paper by paying up and paying a year in advance. SEPTEMBER 15 IS THE DATE t... moth edition are already in type. The edition will be illustrated and we invite all the residents of Park county who would like to have a pic ture of their home in this fine edition to send us a photograph and there will be no charge made except the cost of the cut. Early response is necessary in or der to get a picture in this edition as it takes some time to get the cuts back from the engravers arid the edi tion must be out within the next few weeks. effect that whether tile party receiv ing the paper orders it or not he is liable for-the paper so long as he takes it from the mail box. We Can Adjust That It is not the desire of the Herald to force itself upon anyone, even tho t paid good hard money for the sub scription list and wl.qn you call to pay up and pay for a year in advance that matter will be adjusted to your satis faction. How Far Behind Are You? You may not know how much you owe. On your next week’s paper will appear your name and the date to which our records show you are paid. The price of the Herald was $1.50 up to April 1 of the present year and $2 a year since. You can easily figure the amount due the paper. All Will Pay We have enough faith in the in tegrity of the readers of this paper and their desire to see a first class newspaper, in Park county that they will respond to this appeal to get squared away for the past and the fu ture. Who Will Be The First? The first one to come in will have his name written at the head of a roll of honor which the Herald proposes to carry until this matter is cleaned up. The next will be second and so on. Os course we know no one want. his name in the paper, but for once we are going to have our way about it. Who’ll start the ball to rolling? ISN’T HE THE HANDSOME MAN! CRRIIAN SCOUTS TO REPLACE THE SOLDIERS IN TELIMONE PARK MAMMOTH HOT SPRINGS, Yellowstone Park, August 18— (Special to the Herald) An official statement has been received here to the effect that the soldiers in Yellowstone park will be relieved September 30 and civilian rangers will be substituted. Two hundred soldiers of the regular army are now employed and the policing of the park is under the War department. Under the new plan of using rangers ninety will be employed and will be under the Interior department. The soldiers will be set back to their original regiments and as practically all of the United States army is on the Mexican border very few will be stationed elsewhere than along the line. For a number of years the administration of the park has had this plan in mind and it is believed that a change will be productive of greater efficiency and at less cost. ADAMS PROVES TO BE GREAT AIRMAN Many Dare Devil “Stunts” to be Done by the Birdman at the State Fair This Fall With the date of the Twelfth Annu al Wyoming state Fair drawing near much interest is being manifested through the state. Many are watch ing the papers of different sections for the accounts of the “stunts" pul led off by the famous Baxter Adams j vho is to perform at the big show i this fall. Adams was engaged at a I great expense to the Fair Comrais- ; ■jion. The following account from the ; Grand Forks. (N. D.) Herald tells of , some of the wonderful flights made i at the Grand Forks fair a week or so ; ago. “Thrilling the largest crowd that | has been in attendance at the Grand j Forks fair, Baxter Adams, one of the j most distinguished aviators perform ing for the entertainment of the pub lic made a sensational flight yester day afternoon and for 13 minutes kept his huge Curtis bi-plane per forming marvelous feats nearly 2,000 feet above the sarth. As a daring a viator, Adams has few superiors, and his work yesterday afternoon was de clared to be the best that has ever been staged before a Grand Forks au dience. “Exactly at four o’clock he swept' $2 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. down the center of the field before the grandstand and made a pretty ascen sion over the fences and buildings, soaring north and sweeping back down over the field. In order to give the (Continued on Page Five) BROOKS AND LAROM ROUNDUP REIOT Many Cody people will attend the j Valley Ranch Roundup tomorrow and j Sunday. j Every detail of the big wild west show and open house party of this j popular company has been arranged. I ranged. j Cody business men have put up j merchandise prizes for the events | and a great deal of interest is mani 'fested. HOME FROM WAR Charley Hill and Walter Ross are back from Camp Kendrick at Chey enne and are pleased to be at home. They are not overly enthusiastic about the treatment they received at the hands of our uncle and prefer the hand work at home to the so-called easy, existence in army circles. Mark Stephenson is also out of the service and is in Laramie.