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The Cody-Park Steam Laundry Equipped with ail Modem Improvement* Work Speedily Executed aad Guaranteed to be Satisfactory At the Park Steam Lauudry is a soft water tank, used for all kinds of flannels and woolen goods. Work guaran teed not to shrink if not shrunk before. Rough dry, fie per lb; all flat work ironed. In this day people We meet that demand demand pure liquors in every possible way The Senate O. D. MARX, Proprietor A Gentleman's Resort Pore Goods, Large Sheridan Avenue Stock, Right Prices Cody, Wyoming >I UMBING We are prepared to do your Tinwork, Plumbing, Steam-Fitting and Furnace Work promptly' and in a satisfactory manner. Wo have bad many years of successful experience and use only the most modern and improved methods. Satisfaction guaranteed Klein & Carpenter Others may equal us, but none are better The Crystal . HENRY POOL, Proprietor Sheridan Avenue : Cody, Wyo. Removed from the Splendidly Eqnipped Newell Building Cp to-llate and to present location Ready for Business [saddle rock RESTAURANT w i i J if iv-▼- ■V “ V V V *V 1 V -h* I Mrs. Chat. Clark. Manager f A Place to Eat” Hke make a specialty of Binday dinners. Sunday’s MENU 'A Oyster Soup Boast Chicken Dressing 2: Boast Loin of Pork Bpple Sauce Beef a la Mode |B Mashed Potatoes Spinach Celery Baked Apple Pudding ■ Lemon Cream Pie ■ ( ' a Coffee I T. TUCKER, Powell, Wyo. EMBALMER and JNERAL DIRECTOR. Calls answered day or night. erythlng In furniture POWELL, WYO Telephone 124 Black Buffalo Bill’s Hotels in the Rockies Col. W. F. Cody, L. E. Decker, Proprietor Manager THE IRMA, Cody, Wyo., European plan. SI.OO per day and up wards. Modem and first-class WAPITI INN, 36 miles from Cody, on Yellowstone ParkGovemment road. s2.soper day, sls weekly PAHASKA TEPEE, Foot of Sylvan Pass, 60 miles from Cody, on Yellowstone Park Gov’t Road, 1 1-2 miles from Park entrance. $3.00 per day, $ 15.00 weekly Pakuka aad Wapiti art m Ika ktart ai tka Bi, Gum cMatry, aad Fiscal Tract Finkiag cad McaaUia See eery ia tbe Rockies. SPLENDID . MOVING PICTURES EVERY NIGHT AT CODY OPERA HOUSE CHANGE OF BILL Every Other Night. COME and DRIVE AWAY THE BLUES Our Prices - - - - 10 & 15 cents. CODY OPREA HOUSE *************************J I News of the Week | ♦*** *********************j J jtom, of Intmrort about tba Poopto of , Cody aad Adjoining Country , * * ************************** Libby’s White Kraut Just received at the City Meal Market. Newcomer and Bjsseau have In stalled a new safe. Clarence Sirrine and wife of Clark's Fork are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Thompson. The Newton Co. has the exclusive agency for Chase & Sanborn's Seal Brand Coffee. The cldse of another week and an other session of the Wyoming legis lature will be a part of Wyoming’s past history. At the Wynona (sunlight) mines there is reported to be not less than thirty feet of snow piled up In the mountain ravines In and near that famous mine. Card Bros. were In from the Pat O'Hara country Wednesday with s load of sacked oats which they dis posed of at 11.50 per 100 at the Key stone barn. Master Francis Hayden has been quite sick with the grip but is now rapidly convalescing and ere many days, perhaps hours, will be kicking as high as a lusty two year old. Mr. James Kimball, the senior member of the Engineer Kimball family will leave Bed Lodge In a few days to be present at the meeting of the Engineers at Philadelphia. Don’t forget that we have the great est variety of local view post cards in Park county. We also get out your Ko4ak work on the shortest notice and get the best results from your Blms, at the Hlscock Studio. ts The new type writer used in record ing deeds and mortgages by tbe dep uty county clerk, fused on Monday last and the machine had to be re boxed and sent to Portland for neces sary repairs. Jay Blood has rented the Nova E. Brown ranch, (tbe old Alva Burns homestead) for the coming year and expects to make a howling success of raoch life In connection with a big job of contract work on tbe Ilammltt ditch. Lovell boasts of a new and splendid opera bouse and the Herald congratu lates not only the town but the whole country round about on its new ac quisition. Lovell Is the commercial center of «>’« valuable and desirable beet cwture land than any other like are* imWyoming Atbur Elder, now temporarily over on the Greybull, hired a Key stone bars saddle horse sixty-one days ago, and now that the proprietor, Earald Bussell, has his horse and saddle safely In the barn again, he feels that be played to good luck, as be Is ahead tbe experience and the horse and the s-a-d-d-l-e: Tex Hoim has again been beard from and has already secured con tracts for tourist parties that will mure than tax his capacity to handle. Codyl-** should early begin to make all proper arrangements ;to properly provide for the wants of the Incoming travellers. As tbe appropriation for tbe site of the government post office for Cody Is quite liberal, the adherents of each of the two proposed sites should get together and effect a compromise by dividing the appropriation, and when congress Is called upon to make an appropriation for the building itself, try for a sufficient amount with which to build a post office aad also a post office annex. Prfisecutlng Attorney W. L. Walls Is to be congratulated on the very able manner In which he conducted the prosecution to a successful termi nation of the State vs. Bert Marvin. The defense was ably conducted by Attorney Van Horn, and he did all that lay wltbin his power to dear his client, but tbe court took tbe uther view of the case, after hearing a long list of wltuesses for and against the accused. The county commissioners ,at their meeting last week, had an informal talk on the propriety, or rather on the feasibility of calling an election for the purpose of voting bonds for tbe construction of u new court bouse and necessary county buildings. No formal action was taken but the con census of opinion seemed to be to give the matter mature consideration at the next meeting of the Board on Wednesday, Maicb 1, 1911. Contractor Mullen, whose bridge and cement layout Is now stored down at the Cody bridge, has decided to al low it to remain here until tbe county board meets again at which time it is understood they will advertise for proposals to coustruct cement piers for the 200 foot Howe Truss bridge now at the Corbett station. The settlers down In that neck of woods are quite enthusiastic over tbe pros pects of soon being placqd on tbe road map where they can cross over tbe river Instead, as now oompelled, to ford or to swim the river. The Newton Co. has the exclusive agency for Chase & Sanborn's Seal Brand Coffee. Mrs. Foster has been absent from tbe New York Store this week owing to an attack of the grip. Miss Motla Upton is spending a few days with Mrs. J. Blood, on South Fork. Mr. and Mrs. James McLaughlin were down from Valley and spent a few days visiting friends here. The City Meat Market's new deliv ery wagon Is a thing of beauty and is a busy little vehicle on our streets. The temperance advocotes for pro gressive legislating) seemed to meet with much disfavor at the hands of tbe present legislature. From all reports more snow now lies high up In tbe mountains of the North and South Forks than was ever before known. Miss Jessie Hitchcock, our county superintendent, Is spending tbe week at Meeteetse and surrounding coun try In the Interests of the schools. The Bev. J. McV. Haight made his last trip to Meeteetse on Tuesday. Mr. Haight will hereafter make a monthly visit to Ft. Yellowstone. Found —A bunch of four keys In front of The Newton Company’s store Tuesday afternoon. Owner can have same by calling at the Herald office, proving property and paying for this notice. . The Herald Is tbe official paper of Park county. The Herald is the only republican newspaper in Park county. Tbe Herald is tbe only paper printed In Park county that gives its readers 110.00 worth of reading for $1.50 per year. A boxing match will be pulled off here the fifteenth. Buy Coguil, of Cody and Charlie Banner, of Otto and Burlington will be the particip ants. Both of the athletes are well known in tbe community and we look forward to a warm bout. Scott Lyall Is letting out contracts for poles, logs and fencing galore, and long before the June roses blossom the new owner of the good old “Car ter ranch" will be surprised at the transformation that will greet his eyes when he tips bis hat to -old New York and turns his face westward to again view his Wyoming purchase. Miss Olive Kern passed through town Monday on her return to her home In South Rend, Indiana. Miss Kern has been visiting with relatives on Wood river since last May, and al though she may not return to that part of the country she is much pleased with Wyoming and expects to return In the future and remain with us permanently. ! Sheriff Henry Dablem, under or ders of the court, took Mrs. Jennie Parkins, cf Meeteetse, to Toluca on Tuesday last where, by previous ap pointment, he was met by Miss M. McDonald, one of the matrons in charge of the State Insaoe Asylum, to whom he delivered his charge, and this unfortunate woman is ere this within the walls of that Institution where. It Is hoped she may regain her mental poise. At the bearing of Burt Marvin held before Justice Bliven on Monday last he was bound over to the next term of the district court to answer to the charge of horse stealing, or rather to answer to the charge of stealing Mrs. Grace Heatons burrow That par ticular burrow is not yet fully devel oped being only some seven or eight years old, but with plenty of nutri tious oats and baled hay she gives every indication of expanding to mamnnu'h proportions and when fully grown will become a valuable adjunct as an asset to Park county. Word was received Tuesday from Mrs Judge Walls, that she would be home in about three weeks, a well wo man. As a great many people in Cody know, Mrs Walls has suffered a num ber of years with stomach trouble. A few weeks ago she went to see a Spec ialist In Omaha, who reports for her a speedy recovery. The Herald joins with her many friends lo welcome her home Engineer J. J. Marshall came in from Basin on Tuesday last wrapped in winter furs, cap and muffler, Icicles hanging from eyebrows, ears, nose and chin, 99 below at Basin and tbe fluid still dropping. Once safe In Cody he donned his summer togs and hied to his South Fork ranch where at last accounts be was munching cherries, picking strawberries and pruning his orange and banana trees between bites. He phoned down to the Herald late last nlgbt saying he never knew deer files and mosquitos as thick and bothersome as they are now at his old mountain home ranch. Since those Greybull fellows piped Basin full of gas and insist on keep ing It full of gas, thelcllmatlc changes are such that to get permanent relief, tbe old timers there are now flocking to the sunny hills backJofJCody, there to bo fanned by zephyrs so gentle and soothing that the thought of a return to tbe shades of the Big Horn, Is in deed depresslug to natures so deli cately attuned as theirs. yilallop^onGreiffe Lumber Company Carries the Largest, Best and Most Complete Stock of Building Material in Park County. Prices always right Shop Work ot all Kinds Done on short notice Kindling Delivered at your Home at $3.00 per cord H. B. ROBERTSON, Manager ..SHOSHONE NATIONAL BANK.. 0T CODY, WYO. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: 9. W. ALDRICH 9. C. PARKS, Jr. President j n a joNES C. E PARKER, Cnshiei director*. g c PAKKS j r . W HLOOMQI'IST, Asst Cashier c E. PARKER 8. CONANT PARKS Every facility consistent with sound banking practice is offered by this Bank to its customers and good accounts are solicited upon this basis The Sanborn Coal Co. Has on hand a supply of KIRBY NO. I Screened, Lump, Egg and Nut COAL And are prepared to attend fo] orders promptly and will deliver to any part of the city. Phone--Black 86 or 100. JIM JOHNSON, .... Manager. ISHAWOOA LETTER. Mrs. C. W. Jones, who spent list week In Codv under Dr. Lane's care, Is home and much improved In health. Fo-rest Bangor Ted Boughton Is doing some surveying on Meeteetse creek this week. We are having a very inleresting Sunday School this winter with Mrs. J. Blood as Supt , Mis. C. W. Jones, Miss Beeves and Mrs. W. A. Kepford as teachers. Those having charge of the work are much pleased over the Increased adult attendance. Mrs. Mary Brown and sou Edward and Miss Motla Upton of Cody are visiting at Ishawooa this week. Everett Grlmmett is driving the stage while Johh Kirkpatrick Is en joying a much deserved rest. W. A. Kepford began feed!life his sheep hay February Ist, preparatory for lambing in March. His flock Is in floe condltiun „aud hasn’t suffered more than the ordinary loss. □ The local bounty on coyotes and hob cats has caused considerable ac i tivity among local trappers. Each one of the above animals when killed nets the owner from five to seven dol lars. J. S. Itarbee has ttrst place at present In number of-pelts, with A. J. Hartung a close second. Bert Oliver, E. S. Hoopes and Mel Peterson have just completed a neat two room forest ranger cabin about Uve miles abovejlsbawooa on Belknap creek to be occupied by E. H. Bough ton .Ir. and bride, who are at present making tbelr home at the Kepford ranch. The Episcopal Guild met with Mrs. Geo. T. Beck, Wed. afternoon. The ladles spent a very pleasent afternoon and enjoyed a nicely prepared lunch eon. The Gulld| planned on giving a “Good 01d|« Fashion Country Fair”, after Easter. The ladies then adjourn ed and In company with Rev. J. McV. Halght-and wife went to inspect the new Rectory, which we ■. re pleased to state Is very near completed.