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The Cody-Park Steam Laundry Equipped with all Modern Improvement* Work Speedily Executed and Guaranteed to be Satisfactory At the Park Steam Laundry ia a soft watrr tank, used for all kinds of flannels and woolen goods. Work guaran teed not to shrink if not shrunk before. Rough dry, 6c per lb; all flat work ironed. In this day people We meet that demand demand pure liquors in every possible way The Senate O. D. MARX, Proprietor A Gentleman’s Resort Pure Goods, Large Sheridan Avenue • Stock, Right Prices Cody, Wyoming PLUMBING Telephone 124 Black r'r'T'f'V'T'T'rv'r'V 1 * 1 * I ** We are prepared to do your Tinwork, Plumbing, Steam-Fitting and Furnace Work promptly and in a satisfactory manner. Wo have bad many years of “iiccessful experience and use only the most modern and improved methods. Satisfaction guaranteed Klein & Carpenter Others may equal us, but none are better The Crystal HENRY POOL, Proprietor Sheridan Avenue Cody, Wyo. Removed from the Splendidly Equipped Newell Building Up-to-l)ate and to present location Ready for Business FREE SEEDS ! Every planter of SEEDS and NURSERY STOCK In the Northwest should have a copy of our Free Catalogue. Send us the names and addressee of two or more of yonr neighbors who use seeds or plants, snd we will send you Free of charge two packets of our Celebrated Tested Garden or Flower Seeda, any variety desired. We sell the hardiest field, garden and flower seeds, trees, shrubs and plants at Eastern prices Write today, mention this paper, and your aeeda will be aent postpaid. MONTANA SEED & PLANT CO., Inc. Billings, Montana. "WE CARRY THE BEST FOB THE GREAT NORTHWEST.” 1903 1911 Get Busy FOR YOUR Spring Suit You can get It from $13.50 Up to $75.00 As may suit your fancy THE TOGGERY’S Guarantee is back of Style and Fit and everything yon buy. 0 you are not acquainted— Come in and get acquainted NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Munstkrman Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that letters of administration were on theGth day of February, 1911, granted to tbe undersigned in the above estate, and all persons having claims against the said estate are hereby required to ex hibit them, with tbe necessary vouch ers for allowance, tn the undersigned at the office of his attorney, W. L. Walls, at Cody, Wyoming, within six months after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from aDV benefit from such estate, and if such claims be not exhibited within odc year from tbe date of said letters, they will be forever barred. Dated 6th February, 1911, Herman Munstkkman, Administrator of the Estate of Charles Munsterman, Deceased. First publication Feb. 10. Last publication Mch. 3. Miss Hitchcock, our efficient School Superentendent, Is Just sow very busy fixing the lines of tbe various school districts of this new county. Until these boundaries are determined Tax Assessor Fulkerson will be unable to put his force of assistants in the field to do the 1911 assessment work of the County. *********#*•*••*****••*••£ | News of the Week * ************************** j /feme of Inter eat a Boat the People of J * Cody and Adjoining Country $ »«••»*********«**•**••**»* A new supply of amature photo goods at Hlscock,s studio. For Bent One room with light, steam heat and hath. Dr.F.A. Waples. N. D Lampman, one of the prosper ous sheepmen In the Qarland country, was a Cody visitor this week. Modern furnished rooms for rent, with or without hoard. Inquire of Mrs. J. W. Howell Dwight E. Hollister, Park County's next Speaker of the House, returned from Cheyenne on Friday last. Q. Ralph Hoover, o' Basin, has been appointed Superintendent of District No. 3, vice Lou Blakesley whose time had expired. 6. S. Gupton and F. D. Hunter, representing the old reliable “Q” R.R. are twp hustling men from our sub urban town of Billings. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Whitney of Meeteetse made a cyclonic ride in their auto on Wednesday last and are sojourning at the Irma. Fred. Schwab, tlrlog of metropolitan life at Meeteetse, came in on the new trolly line to enjoy a brief visit in these rural parts. Chas. Thurmond was in on Friday last to meet Mrs. Thurmond, who re turned today from a winter.s sojourn with Idaho friends. Mrs. Van Howell, who spent two weeks at the De Mairs Hot Springs, says, there is nothing she can recom mend for rheumatism, better then these same springs. The Herald fur the past ten days has been literally swamped with job work and hence in this issue is compelled to give its readers less than the usual quota of news In Us local and editorial columns. Editor S. A. Nelson, of the Powell Tribune, was an Incoming passenger on Friday's train. He always In dulges in a broad, complacent smile when he rusticates amid Cody's gentle zephyrs. The 525.000 releif bill passed by the legislature for the benefit of Big Horn and Park Counties, in the matter of the Ten Sleep raid cases, reflects credit on the fair mi nded ness of Wyo ming legislators. Falling to accept the offers of the sheep men to pay 56.00 and 57.00 per ton for hay tn the stack, the hulk of thq>lfalfa hay now im the Germania Flit Is offered at *4.50 per ton and no takers. Judge Walls and wife and Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Newell drove down to the Newell ranch Wednesday evening to take In the dance given by Mr. and Mrs. Hill. They passed an evening of delightful entertainment. Germania and Burliugton oats are n"W freelv offered at sl.lO @ Si.2o per 100 lbs. and slow sales even at these low figures. These two burgs are the Banner Democratic head centers of the Big Horn Basin and they call this Democratic prosperity. All little babies like Mr. Hlscock and be likes them. That is the reason he gets such perfect habv photos. Take your baby down there now. If you have no ■ baby borrow one. Go and see him anyhow. He will use you right. Mr. and Mrs Louis Gokel of the Saddle Rock restaurant, have formed a copartnership with Tex Holm In the Yellowstone Tourlest Transportation business. This partnership will mu terlaly aid Tex In handling the large volume of business expected the com ing summer. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wagar, of Germania, came over on Saturday last to enjoy the quiet of a Sunday in this their one time home. He re turned home on Monday but Mrs. Wagar will remain for a brief visit, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fay Hlscock. The New York Store is still offering splendid bargains to Its many custom era prepatory to taking their annual inventory. Under the able manage ment of Mr. Slgglns, this house has deservedly taken high rank and is known far and wide for its open and square dealings, and "it keeps the prices down. E. P. Bowman, of Meeteetse, re turned on Friday’s train from a months sojourn lo Arizona, New Mexico and Kingdom Come. He re ports snow, sleet and rain all along the south border, and was glad to agaiu be tn the pine apple belt. John Faust, with his new Oakland, was over to meet him, he made the trip In just 15 minutes actual running time. governor Geo. T. Beck and Harry Weston came in from Cheyenne on Thursday’s train. When queried as to his Joluing the National Progres sive Republican Club, on the petition of Gov. Carey, Gov. Beck declined to commit himself, though ho thinks It a good thing for Guv. Garey at his time of life—the Gates being still ajar. Mrs. S. S. Fisher, who has been ill for the past month Is much better. Mr. C. A. Marston and family are enjoying the pleasures of their new home on Westoo ranch. Lee Roy Rosier, who has been very ill with blood poison, Is much Im proved and Is able to be out on crutches On Ash-Wednesday. March Ist. there will be a Celebration of the Holy Com munion at 10 a. in., at Christ Church. For Rent—A Hat of six rooms, hot and cold water, bath and electric lights. Apply to M. L. Hurley. As stated in the last Issue of the Herald, the outlook for the Oregon Basin project still looks good, but Is not yet fully financed. Senator and Mrs. J. M. Scbwoob re turned from Cheyenne on Thursday, glad to be again with their many friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Stacey Howard, left Tbusrday morning bright and early for their homestead In the Sunshine Basin. Byron B. Owens of Meeteetse blew In one day last week and camped up on the top of McCullock’s Peak, safe from the moans of the Cody zephyrs. Mrs. E. L. Anderson started on Monday for Denver where her daugh ter, Millie, Is very 111. We hope Mrs. Anderson will s»on report her daugh ter convalesent. The new Scribner and Fromberg ent-off will he open for passenger travel to Billings early In May. This will be of very material and mutual advantage to both Cody and Billings. Dan Marlow came over from the Burlington and Dry Creek Country on Tuesday last to get a whiff of Cody ozone. He reports Jack Grant as hav ing fine luck with their sheep and the prospects for a big wool clip was never better, the weather on the range be ing unusually fine. Jack seut the Herald word to engage for him a six room bouse for May Ist. The dance at Hill's, down on the Newell ranch, Wednesday evening, was enjoyed by about one hundred people. The ptsstime continued until a. m. the next (lay and was only inter rupted by a tempting lunch at 12:30. The music furnished by Major Hoopes W. P. Taylor and J C. Dodge, was all that could be desired. A happy party dispersed at the close of the dance. The younger of the Heald brothers, over In the Pat O’Hara Country, after mature deliberation, consultation and chronic hesitation has decided to set the two older kids an excamole worthy of early imitation. Early in the week he erected anew logcabinof mammoth proportions on his homestead, had it elegantly' furnished and when the ekrly spring robins give their first chirr, he will move in and work in double harness time and overtime. Mr. Jesse VanDuzer, now of Waco, Montana, but formerly a resident of Cody. Sundayed in this city. Since leaving here he has located on an Indian homestead on the Yellowstone river, about thirty miles east of Huntley' and has also purchased about 1500 acres of adjoining Indian grazing lands. He Is engaged in raising a fine grade of borses and is altogether pleased with the outlook iu the great valley of the Yellowstone. The liezald very much regrets to learn that Sheim Wade and family have decided to locate in the Puget Sound country. This change Is made necessary because of the high altitude here which seriously affects the health of his children Mr. Wade and family will carry with them the very best wishes of this entire community, all of whom regtet their departure. Dur ing their long residence here they have endear -d themselves to all with whom they have associated, both in a social or a business way. The S. M. Club met. this week with the Mi-ses Howe and McCleary. Several musical selections were given and a number of recitals, prizes being awarded. Miss Lamiiert securing first and Miss Jessie Lamiiert carrying off "boobj". Dainty refreshments were served iu a must charming style. Those who were present are Misses fieri ha Lambert, Jessie Lambert. Ethel liunn.s Alice Howe, Margaret Lambert and Ina McCleary. Hon. W. B. Sleeper was over from the Oaks on Tuesday last and was greeted by his many friends. Mr. sleeper spent quite a time down at 1 the Capitol City during the legisla tive session and Is thoroughly up on the business necessities of this young • state. He has a good word for Gov ernor Carey and predicts that he will give the people a floe business ad ministration in which politics will cut a minor figure. He very much re- \ grets the loss of State Commissiouer Fuller, and of State Engineer Johns ton, both of whom are entitled to the highest praise for their ability lo putting the Land Department and I Water Department of the state iu the bl H hest state of efficiency. These two state departments have, within the past six years developed Into gigantic proportions and to properly fill them requires men of executive ability of the highest order and also requires I tbe adoption of methods of the latest type. walkrMonGreitis Lumber Company Carries the Largest, Best and Most Complete Stock of Building Material in Park County. Prices always right Shop Work of oil Kinds Done on short notice Kindling Delivered at your Home at $3.00 per cord H. B. ROBERTSON, Manager ..SHOSHONE NATIONAL BANK.. Os CODY, WYO. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: 8. W. ALDRICH 8. C. PARKS, Jr. President j j, jqNEB C. E. PARKER, Ca.hiei Directors: g ' ~A KKS Jr . W. BIOOMqIiIST, Asst Cashier C E - PARKER S. CONANT PARKS Every facility consistent with sound banking practice is offered by this Bank to its customers and good accounts are solicited upon this basis The Sanborn Coal Co. Has on hand a supply of KIRBY NO. 1 Screened, Lump, Egg and Nut COAL And are prepared to attend to orders promptly and will deliver to any part of the city. Phone--Black 86 or 100. JIM JOHNSON, - - Manager. Buffalo Bill’s Hotels in the Rockies Col. W. F. Cody, L. E. Decker, Proprietor Manager THE IRMA, Cody, Wyo., European plan. SI.OO per day and up wards. Modem and first-class WAPITI INN, 36 miles from Cody, on Yellowstone ParkGovemment road. $2.50 per day; $ I 5 weekly PAHASKA TEPEE, Foot of Sylvan Pass, 60 miles from Cody, on Yellowstone Park Gov’t Road, 1 1-2 miles from Park entrance. $3.00 per day, $15.00 weekly Fahiaka and Wapiti are ia the heart of the Bis Game country, aud Finest Troat Fiehiaf and Mountain Scenery iu thu Racines. I W. T. TUCKER, Powell, Wyo. EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Calls answered day or night. Everything in Furniture POWELL, WYO CHAS. BENJAMIN, ® TAILOR ® Makes new suits right here. Does pressing and all kinds of alterations