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SUPPLEMENT "THE PAPER THATS MAKING CODY FAMOUS Northern Wyoming Herald Kansas People Buy Here ---Novah Brown Sells to Experienced Cattleman Novsb Brown of South Fork hn sold one of his ranches to Mr. and Mrs. W E. Billings. The tract con tains 320 acres Mr. and Mrs. Billings reached Cod* last week and after Inspecting a nuoi lier of properties, settled upon the Novah Brown place as the one best suited to their purposes. The prlceobtained Is most satisfac tory figure, and Is an omen of an ap proaching era for which the men who have been bnlldlog up this section have patiently waited. W. E. Billings, the new owner. Is a rattle man of eaperleoco, and, Is re liably stated of considerable capital, lie has been a breeder of roan short horn Durbams, and will saip in a herd of that blood this coming May. Tbe Herald congratulates the count iy on securing Mr. Billings and the further fact of getting such rattle. The Billings family are the class of -ettlers now desired anJ who will with their money aid materially In finishing the work of empire building here so splendidly begun by the Old Timers. Nova Brown Informs the Uerald that he will still remain here and care for his other Interests. In this connection the Herald wishes to say that there may lie meo i f large means i n the ootslde who If iher I ul knew or the magnificent op portunities awaiting them here, there would te> more land sold at prices like that which Mr. Brown obtained for his property. Youngster Breaks Arm and Is Brought a Long Distance to Cody Doctor Six year-old Jimmy I-ham fell front n hay rack on the Blackstone ranch late yesterday, breaking bis right arm . t the elbow. The member was bad y fractured and the Injured boy was bundled up and brought to Cody, reaching here about midnight. I>r. Ilennclt reduced the fracture and tbe Utile fellow Is getting along nicely. Jse Ishatu, the boy's fatht r is a for mer resident of Cody and Is a brother of Mrs. Jas. Allen. OFFICE IN FINE SHAPE. The work of the county treasurer G. A- Holmes Is In fine shape and up to date. He says that the receipts of ihe office of county clerk for the past month were $1118.70. The only source of actual cash at present Is the office of Clerk Barnett. In October the real money will l>egin to flow to to the treasury FOR BALE. Broad Leaf Cotton wood trees, 8 to 10 feel high. Call phone fiOO-2 rings, or leave order at The lowaStore. O. A. Horn.—4-14-lt Cody, Wyoming, April 14, 1911. Love’s Challenge Called and Romance of Long Standing Ends Happily "Let us get married, Alice, tonight” said tbe bold young lover Louis Oav nab to his pretty sweetheart, Alice Howe, last Saturday night. Nothing daunted, her reply was “I am willing”, so County Clerk Barnett was telephoned to and that official prepared the license. After some scurrying around during which every minister In town was called for before Rev. Haight was secured, In the quaint little Episcopal Church, with the Impressive ring ceremony the beautiful romance of Miss llowe and her gallant I tver was closed as their hearts desired and dictated, a little after nine o’clock. The bride is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Louis Howe, being one of several girls In this famllv, all noted for their rare personal charms. Tbe groom Is a young business man of sterling characteristics, being In terested in the well known Winona mines which he Is developing, and Is highly esteemed by all who know him. Mr. and Mrs. Cavnah will re side with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Owens for a lime. SLANd IS OF OOOD PARENTAGE. Some diligent student contributes to Puck a list of striking Instances of the use In famous bocks of slang phrases which came into vogue long after tbe writers who fathered them often. It 1s true, In an entirely diffe.r cm sense—passed away from earth. "Forget It—cast it away," comes from Hawthorne's “Marble Faun.” and "It's a sure thing” Is found In Goldsmith's “She Stoops to Conquer.” It appears that “Twenty-three.”sig nifying the last, is In that wonderful and least Dickenesque of Dickens' novels, "A Talc of Two Cities.” “Cut In and win” is traced to Thack eray's “Vanity Fair.” Farther back, "Nothing doing" crops out in Addison's Letters, and “Gone to the wall” Is found In John Runyon’s Immortal “Pilgrim's Prog ress." In “Love’s Labor Lost” It Is discovered that Shakespeare says, 'Give Hector a gift —a gilt nutmeg— a lemon.” So one of the best slang born phrases of the day, “Makegood" can be located in Deuteronomy. Tbe truth Is that many slang ex pressions are merely tbe popular dis covery or second birth of phrases and words of ancient and excellent line age. It is a great mistake to lump all slang together as of like quality and justification for Its existence.— Tbe Cleveland Leader. SHBrIFf ALSTON RESIGNS. Sheriff Felix Alston of Basin has resigned his office to accept tbe ward enshlp of tbe Wyoming penltculary. It Is stated tbata Republican sheriff will be appointed by tbe board of couoty commissioners of Big Horn County to fill tbe vacancy. The new map of Park couoty and a year’s subscription to The Herald for *2.50. Morse-Thompson Fight Will Be the Event of the Season for Fight Fans On Wednesday. April 26, Billy Morse, the St. Paul Kid, will meet Maurice Thompson, of Butte, In a 20-round hoxing contest at the Cody opera house. This match will be un der the auspices of the New Park Athletic Association, and will be one of the best contests ever pulled off In tbe middle west, as both are consid ered championship timber. Thompson, who holds two decisions over Stanley Ketchell, recently de feated the Battling Dane in Sheridan, the first time the Dane was ever de feated. Thompson has fought 45 fights in the last two years. Morse has met and defeated some of the best lightweights in tbe ring. Last month he had five fights and won them all inside of eight rounds. EXTENSION OF TIME ORANTED. The following is the text of an or der issued by the Secretary of the In terior In connection with the exteu sion of time for making payments un der the Shoshone Irrigation project. Senator Warren for some time has been urging the Interior Department to grant an extension of the time for making payments, and the order, which Is as fallows, Is the result. “The Secretary of the Interior has issued the following order In connec tion with the Shoshone Irrigation project, Wyoming: 1. Io pursuance of the Act of Con gress approved February 13, 1911, (Public No. 357) entitled ‘An Act to authorise the Secretary of Interior to withdraw public notices issued un der Section 4 of the Reclamation Act, and for other purposes,’ tbe following order Is promulgated for the purpose of relieving the present situ itim on tbe Shoshone project, Wyoming, pending the issuance of public notice modifying or abrogating the notices heretofore issued. 2. Action looking to the cancellation of entries and water right applica tions for failure to make piviuents when due shall be deferred until De cember 1, 1911, and water will lie fur nished in the irrigation season of 1911 In all cases where payment is made on or before April 30, 1911, of all op eration and maintenance charges which have heretofore become due and unpaid.” Fkank Pikiicb, Acting Secretary of the Interior. E. C. F. Do you know the altitude of Rattle snake Mountain? For *2.50 we will send you The Herald for one year, and the only map of Pars county which shows the altitude of every mountain and peak In the county. Do you want to know the exact lo cation of every trail in Park county? The new map gives It, and gives It correctly. You can get this map and a year’s subscription to The Herald for *2.50. Cody Club Disposes of Mass of Important Busi ness at Monday Meeting At the meeting of the Cody Club Monday night Governor Beck as pre siding officer by his parliamentary skill enabled that body to dispose or a mass of business. The court house proposition was thoroughly gone Into. Proscuting Attorney Walls spoke on the matter of Cody becoming a special Irrigation district under the Cody canal and carrying with it the right to draw its future water supply from that ditch. He was given close attention by the members. Secretary Barnett’s resignation was tendered and accepted with much reluctance and Gilmore Hartigan was chosen to fill the place. The matter of repairs on the nation al road to the Park was qp, as was that of the Highline Ditch, and the latter will be gone over when the Franoie project is finished. A letter from tbe Secretary of the Interior De partment to Senator Warren was read In which It was alleged that the seep age was due In part to the use of too much water. The amount has beeu reduced from three to two feet with the hope that it will remedy tbe situa tion. The Cody Club joined the B'g Horn Progressive Association of which Mayor Collins Is president, after G. C. Morris, of The Herald had been called upon to tell of the scope and purpose of the central association. The club ordered the *lO. initiation fee to be sent to General Secretary C A. Welch. Tbe various local clubs are assessed and the Cody assessment is *3OO, being l he same as Basin, Worland and Ther mopdls. Dave Jones made his report of the comittee on envelopes as did W. L. Simpson on the publicity comittee. The reports of both were full, but space will not permit their extended notice. Senator Schwoob, Dr. Waples, Mes srs. Newell, Richards and C. E. Hay den were appointed a comittee to can vass each city block for the bond issue. The club is alive on the proposition. The Herald hopes to have space to present Mr. Walls, argumentonCody's future water supply. SHERIDAN PRESBYTERY MEETS. The Sheridan Presbytery held an Interesting and succesful session as outlined in our last issue. The Herald regrets that owing to the fact that the gathering was held so late in the week, and to tbe fur ther fact that this paper was literally swamped with advertising favors from Cody merchants, which it had not the space to handle with its present me chanical equipment, the report of the Presbytery cannot be given. New machinery will soon be -here and the last thing The Herald will make will be an apology of this char acter in the future.