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Easter Program at the Presbyterian Church Looks Very Promising The Easter services at the Firm Presbyterian church neat Sunday give promise of being exceptionally good. The program In full follows: Morning •••Elavmn O ’ * /• c h Organ Voluntary Doxology Invocation Gloria I’atria Responsive Reading No. 73 Hymn No. sf>4 Prayer Chant by Choir Faster Solo ‘‘Glory to God"— Rotoll Mrs. F. C. Harnett with violin obligato by Mrs. Easton Announcements Offertory Solo—Mrs. Easton Anthem "Our Easter Song” with Solo by Mrs. Workman Sermon Trio—The Earth Is Pecked With Heauty— Mesdames Conger, Harnett and Workman Hymn No. 137 Benediction Chant by Choir Emmning--- Eight O*c /• c k Hymn No. 552 Prayer Octette Scripture Lesson Hymn No. 193 Announcements Offering Anthem —Praise Ye the Father ;Gou noud) Mr. Blnkhorst Sermon Prayer Hymn No. 174 Benediction Chant by Cbulr Lady Rancher Makes a Discovery Which May Be of Great Importance Alfalfa roots, white and tender, will take the place of early asparagus if Louise F. Welnland, an irrigation rancher In the Spokane valley, Is suc cessful with her plans for marketing the new table vegetable. Miss Welnland, who rame from Pennsylvania last spring, has ap proached the enterprise to members of the Spokane chamber of commerce, ! and several have promised to assist In * establishing a small cannery. The discovery that alfalf t root I* as 1 nouilshing to man as It is to livestock was nude by Miss Wein'anl several months ago, but the proper method of preparing It was not nseertaine i until a few days ago, when the young woman, after poring for hours In a huge tome on cookery, decide I to try : lecipes for cooking asparagus. The first dish was sampled by a neigh- j hor’s hired man, who, Ignorant of what he was rating, called for a sec ond dish. Other neighbor* ate of the root ar.d pronounced it satisfying to the palate as well as highly nourish ing. They say the flavor Is similar to asparagus. TOGGERY SPRING HATS. Easter brings the thought of new spring clothes. Men require new head gear as well as the women. The Toggery ha* some nobby styles In the Payne line. Read their ad today. Supplement Northern Wyoming Herald, April 14, 1911. POLAR BEAR CAR RECORD. The K. M. F. "30" Polar Bear Auto mobile, being the regular stock car competing against foreign and Ameri can cars of higher price, captured the live mile slock race over the Atlantic Pablo cars of Jacksonville, Florida, recently and created a new world's record for car* of thl* class. Driver Wilt pushed the E. M. F. "30" to the front in four minutes twenty second* taking the world's record awav from the daredevil driver Chevrolet, the previous record being four minutes, twenty- seven seconds Officials of the American Automo bile Association and others who saw the hair raising event say it was the most spectacular live mile race_ ever conducted, being hotly contested every Inch of the wav until the last half mile tla*ned to the rear and was won by a go>«l margin. MEETING OF THE WE I HINT CLUB The "We Don't Club" will meet at the home of Master Francis liayden on Friday evening, April 28th next. At the la*t session of t his organiza tion which is composed of the coming men of Cody and which la doing much to (Irmly establish manly principles, iu youthful breasts. Dwight Hayden waschoscn as presi dent; Eugene Hayden, vice president: Francis Hayden, treasurer and Virgil Hayes, clerk. At the April meeilng there will tie signing of pledges liy those who have not done so. Music and other enter tainment will he provided. Let u* all encourage these boys in their splendid efforts. CHRIST CHURCH SERVICES. Rev. J. McV. Haight, pastor of the Christ Church announces the follow ing order for the Plaster services: Holy Communion 7:30 a. m. Morning Prayer, Holy Communion and Sermon at 10:30 Children’s Service 3:30 Evening Prayer and Sermon7 30 Mrs. Haight will render a solo at the morning service entitled "Jesus Is Risen Today ” TO THE PUBLIC When the agent or salesman of the out-of town order houses calls upon you to give him your list of goods gel his prices, then bring bill and prices to us, and we will fill It for the same money and upon the same terms. By placing the order with us you will have thcadvantageof being permitted to return any goods which may not tie satisfactory, which cannot be done if j the order is placed with the foreign | houses. They cannot beat our I prices, give us a chance to prove thl* statement. Cody Tkadino Co. DAHLEM GETS WELLS. Sheriff Dihlem learning of the whercaliout* or Tommy Wells, wanted hi re In ihe matter of the assault case jof the miner Baker told of by The 1 Herald last week, went to Billings aud got his man. Wells who will be held here as a prosecuting witness, came bark after Sheriff Dahlern had a talk with him without requisition papers, thus saving the county more expense. LADIES’ SPRING SHOES. Nothing so detracts from a womans appearance as untidy foot wear. The line of new spring oxfords justopened by Mr. Foster of the Cody Trading Co. will delightall the hearts of the women folks. Inspect them before the lines are broken. lowa Man Thinks Well of Cody---Is Guest of C. E. Parker This Week Logan Olinger, of Maxwell la., was the guest this week of his brother-in law, C. E. Parker, the cashier of the Shoshone National Bank. Mr. Ol inger is a member of the firm of Ol inger Bros., one of the largest opera tors In real estate in the west. He ran down from Mont., to visit Mrs. Parks, and where he has been caring for some of the Interests of bis Arm. Before he left he said to The Her ald: "The land values here have ap pealed tome very forcibly lu compari son with those of lowa and Colorado. When you take Into consideration the large crops your land and Irrigation produces and compare them with those of the two stales mentioned your land values must from now o', attract settlers in an increasing num ber. “Your admirable climate, the total absenceof crop failures here, the rare fertility of your soil, the tine oppor tunities for the stock man will in a few years in my judgment, result In such an Influx of men and money that the land values will show a marked rise. "I wish to add that the hospitality of Cody Is one of the chief charms of your thriving city, and that her banks and business houses reveal a spirit * hlch cannot help but make her the most Important town in Northern Wyoming. My wife and myself hope lo pass this summer In and around Cody.” Mr. Olinger departed for his home on Monday. MILITARY DANCE IS SUCCESS. The dance given Saturday night by Co. E , N. G W , was much attend ed, and a most enjoyable time was had. The most noteworthy features of the whole affair was the excellent decorations, all of a military nature, which enhanced Katb hall. A service tent and slacks of arms in one corner, draped flags bayonets, guns and can teens hung upon the walls, served to form a fitting setting for the neat uniforms of the company. PICTURE SHOW DRAWS CROWD The moving picture show at the Cody Opera House Saturday evening was one of the best recently given. A good sized audience was present and the illustrated songs by the Misses Mary Prante and Edna Bovard, as well as the violin solos by Ed. Segler were much appreciated. TO CONSTRUCT CROSSING. City Engineer Kimball, assisted by Messrs Adam* and Loomis have com pleted the necessary surveys for a new cement cro*lng where Sheridan Avenue and Third street intersect facing The Shoshone National Ilink. It is understood that bids will be called for from local contractors. J. H. M’OEE VISITS CODY. J. 11. McGee of Burlington has been in and out ot the city for the past few days purchasing stock. He Is one of the many men on the Grcybull who have made good since coming into the Big Horn Basin. CHEAP CEDAR POSTS. Wallop & Moncteiffe are selling ce dar posts cheaper than the rancher can go to the mountalms, cut and haul them. Read their ad. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. H. VAN HORN, LAWYER. Office Over Shoshone National Bank. CODY, WYOMING DR. F. A. WAPLES Physician and Surgeon CODY > WYOMING DR. C. G. MANLOVE Dentist CODY . WYOMING DR. M. CHAMBERLIN Dentist CODY . WYOMING C. E. HAYDEN, Engineer and Surveyor, Notary Public. Agent for Irrigated lands. Correspondence solicited. CODY. WYOMING Beck avenues LACKSMITH SHOP C. F. SCHOLES, Proprietor Horseshoeing and General Repairing Phone ii 4 Black LEO H. PFAFF, Licensed Embalmcr AND FUNERAL DIREGTOR With Godu Trading Company. Calls answered promptly day or night Lady assistant if desired. Phones, Residence 104 Black, Store. 40. two rinjrs W. T. TUCKER. PoweU, Wyo. EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Calls answered day or night. Everything in Furniture POWELL, WYO THE QUICK TRANSFER and DRAY C. D. Prante, Proprietor Meets all trains and transfers everything. Nothing too large. We handle freight, express and baggage. Ash pits cleaned on short notice. Phone 121 It.