Newspaper Page Text
JAMKN P. KIUBAtU « A.. Ps. D. MINISQ OIOLOOIST RICO IODII. MONT. COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS Special Meeting of the Board of County Comniaaioners of Park County, Held in the County Building Special Meeting of the Board of i County Commissioner* of Park Coun ty held In the county building at Cody Wyoming, April 4, A. D. 1911, at 9 0,- clock A. M. Present, W. H. Fuuse, chairman, W. A. Kepford and A. J. Martin, Com missioners, and Fred C. Barnett, County Clerk. i Minutes of previous special meet lags read and approved. A petition was presented asking for a bridge and outlet to county road on the Grey bull river at a point below . Meeteetse which on motion duly car- , rled was received for consideration and accordingly ordered that the pro- , posed locatloo be viewed and survey- , 6 a to ascertain whether feasible. Geo. *W. Huribut County Surveyor was thereupon appointed for this purpose and on motion directed to give the , matter necessary attention and re port at a subsequent meeting. On motion Commissioner Martin was appointed to visit the local Bee- , Isolation service at Powell to confer with project engineer In charge rel ative to early restoration of South Fork bridge destroyed by Oiling of iboshone reservoir. The matter of epatrs necersaty to be made on the irldge below Garland was discussed >nd steps taken to provide for the ame wbeo it could be determined l rbat material was needed. , j On motion duly carried, board ad- Luroed to the hour of 1:30 o'clock J m. ■ Board met as per adjournmeut. All Koembers present. m The following resolution was pro posed and on motion duly carried was all members voting aye. P RESOLUTION. A RE IT RESOLVED; that the hoard Bf County Commissioners In and for It be county of Park hereby declares , ■that no greater amouut of money will Jfc expended for the construction and < uupletion of a court bouse and Jail 1 the electors of Park county should 1 r their votes declare for the bund i tue proposed, than the amount of f rty-dve thousand dollars; It being t le determination of the board to ex p md only such moneys as may be re c Ived from the sale of such bond is s|e for the aforesaid purposes. On motion which duly carried It Jis ordered that bids be advertised r the construction and completion the Corbett bridge In accordance with the following general specidcs ttyns: said bridge to be constructed oo wood piers suitably built; t> be provided, with necessary wings and approaches and equipped with flour, ‘tfherwise to be placed In condition complete for use. County Surveyor Huribut appeared D ifore the board and presented bis re f irt pertaining to the survey of the 1 inth Fork road through the land* of .1 e Lake View Irrigation Co., and i IJolning Said report Included 101 l ll ectlon of proposed road together s ilh approximate cost for the estab lshiuent of the same, and recoin nernled that said road be laid out Hid established as per survey and I> ats submitted, described In part as follows: Commencing at a point on l ie present county road In Sec. 24, (Or- I, Inal survey) township SI N. Range II 4 W. Bth P. M. Park county Wyo c Ing, Identical with U. S. Bench Mark altitude 5881 ft., and running tSence, etc., terminating at a point present road and following the jHi- as at present traveled In a north- direction to Its Junction with present county road miming and south on the west side of Marquette creek. It was duly moved carried accepting report and or- road advertised as surveyed V described. flbhe remainder of the afternoon, bridge matters after which the board adjourned to the following day at 9:00 o'Mock a. m. Board met pursuant to adjournment all members being present. (Ibjectlnn having been filed in the milter of the Ralston road previously adierttsed, after due consideration of said protest, on motion carried, the following appraiser were appointed to bases* damugc If any by reason of sudh proposed road: W. D. Thompson, J. M. Schwoob, K? C. Newton and thLday fixed as the date for said ap ]flßers to view the ground over the proposed road is located, ■k, A. D , 1911. KIMBALL Si KIMBALL MINING. MECHANICAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERS • Red Lodge. Mont Cody. Wvo BitUNGB, Mont The following official bonds were presented and on motion duly carried, approved. James R. Watson, Constable B. C. Holman, Road Supervisor T. W. Michael, Road Supervisor W. P. Rice, Justice of the Peace G. Morton, Deputy Sheriff Shoshone National Bank, Deposi tary. It was moved and carried making the following appointments: Albeit E. Ward, Road Supervisor, Fenton. J. J. Bevelbymer, Road Supervisor Paint Creek. Representative of Grant Smith & Co. and Lecher, appeared before the board and submitted a proposal to furnish i list of lumber and bridge timbers, such material as could ad vaotageously be used fur this purpose, at a price of (14.00 per M-* net, deliv ered on depot grounds, Cody. On mo tion duly carried tbe proposition was accepted and a list of dimensions or dered died. Board on motion adjourned to tbe hour of 1:30 p. m. Pursuant to adjournment, board re convened at tbe hour designated and proceeded to tbe consideration of business. A petition was received bearing the signatures of taxpayers lo Meeteetse and locality tributary asking for an allotment of Trout Fry from tbe ap propriation to be made to the county by tbe state tlsb hatchery for tbe cur rent year for tbe purpose of distribu tion In tbe Greybull and Wood rivers 1 and tbeir tributaries, they agreeing to pay all expense of transportation from Cody and see that shipment re ceives proper care and atteotlou. On motion tbe above petition was receiv ed and ordered that a liberal allow ance be made from the appropriation to Park county. The town clerk served notice of the municipal election to be held in the town of Cody on May 9. 1911, and requester! that the board cause the duly appointed registry agents to be notified as provided by law, designat ing time and plact of registry. The clerk of the board was accordingly on motion, directed to issue the neces sary notice On motion duly carried, tbe chair man was authorized tc appoint and employ an agent and provide him with necessary assistance for the pur pose of preparing a list of tbe assets and liabilities of the counties of Big Horn and Park to be used as Informa tion lo connection with prospective settlement between the counties. Geo. S. Russell was so appointed In this capacity. Tbe board on motion adjourned to Thursday, April 6, A. D., 1911, at tbe hour of 9 o'clock a. m. As per adjournment previous day, board met. all members being present. Communications were received as 'ollows: From taxpayers In tbe vicin ity es Meeteetse complaining of the pollution of tbe Greybull river by tbe existence of carcasses of dead animals which by carelessness have been per mitted to contaminate tbestreatn. It was ordered by tbe board that tbe matter be referred to the sheriff with instructions to have tbe decaying matter removed and kept clear In fu ture under penalty of prosecution of persons responsible for such condition. A cointuuiil ;atiuu Informing that a certain public road was about to be closed across what Is known as tbe Brannum Gulch, and remonstrating against such action and asking that It be prohibited. Said appeal was favorably considered and the clerk directed to serve necessary written notice on the offender restraining him from so doing. Tbe following bills were examined and on motion duly carried allowed and orderea paid In the succeeding amounts: W. H. Fouse, salary, per diem and mileage * 71.86 W. A. Kepford, salary, per di em and mileage 77.45 , A. J. Martin, salary, per diem and mileage 61.65 Henry Dablem, salary sheriff. 125.00 G. Morton, salary deputy sher iff 75.00 Geo. W. Huribut, salary coun ty surveyor 60.00 G. A. Holm, salary county treasurer 83.33 Fred C. Barnett, salary coun ty clerk. 100.00 C. M. Cowell, salary deputy county clerk ... 60.00 W. L. Walls, salary county at- • j I toroev, Jau., Feb., Mar..... 200.00 Henry Fulkerson, salary, amt. claimed 8125.00 amt allowed , C. W. 99.Au J. K. Calkins, legal printing.. 18. V. FARLEY KIMBALL ASSISTANT SNOINBSSSI W. O. RRROT KITI.I.KACTON . IIYKAM W. BTSBLS Enterprise Ptg. Co., printing. 21.27 Northern Wyo. Herald legal notices and ptg ... 254.90 Fraternal Order Eagles rent Jan. Feb. Mar 120.00 W. L. Wslls, county attorney, rent Feb. And Mar 32.00 Pioneer Builders Asa'u. rent.. 96.00 C. W. Atherly, road case 31.07 Wm. Rose, material aod labor 3.40 Mrs. F. N. Campbell, nursing poor 15.00 Louis Howe, M. D., medical attention poor 17.50 Tbe Newton Co., supplies .... 14.25 Cody Trading Co. supplies .. 106.39 Burroughs Adding Macbine Co 385.00 Brundage H<lw. Lo., supplies, road equipment 43.00 Sbosbone E. L. & P. Co., light 2.50 Geo. W. Schwoob, coal 9.40 Glass & Prudhomme Co., re pairs 10.79 Laramie Republican Co., Wy oming statutes 21.35 Henry Dablem. rent and exp.. 35.00 Jessie Hitchcock, Mar. exp. amt. claimed 889.91; amt al lowed 76.77 P. E. Markham, Jury service.. 4.00 H. Sanborn, Jury service 4.00 Brundage Hdw. Co., rent poll ing place '.... 3.00 R. J. McGinnis, Judge election 6.00 Maud G. Luce, Judge election 3.00 Michael Ward, Judge election 3.00 Albert E. Ward. Judge election 3.00 Jas. L. McLaughlin, Judge election 3.00 R. W. Barr, clerk election.... 3.00 , C. E. Parker, clerk election... 3 00 Kenneth L. Ward, r.lerk elec tion aod messenger 9.00 A. Conia. material aod labor, roads 68.50 Oscar L. White, material and laboi, roads ...... 69.00 Yellowstone Lbr. Co., mater ial and labor, roads G 6.78 H. F. Bates, bridge material., 14.25 Sidney Eldred, exp. county at torney's office 2.80 Cody Club, reimbursing cash expenditure on bridges ..., 56.35 Tbsre being no further business to come before tbe board, upon motion duly carried, adjournment was taken to Monday, May 1, A. D., 1911, at tbe hour of 9 o'clock, a. m., for tbe pur »ise of attending to any and all spe cial and emergency matters which might properly come before the boatd at a special meeting. This adjournment to be due notice to all member* of tbe board of coun ty commissioners to be present at such special meeting, Monday, May 1, A D. 1911. W. H. Fouse, Chairman Board County Commis sioners, ATTEST: Fred C. Barnett, County Clerk. NOTICE To Gus La Food; You are hereby uotiflied that tbe undersigned have expended durln. each of the years ending 1906, 1907, 1908 1909 and 1910 the sum of 8100 each on tbe following named mining claims In labor and Improvements; they being situated In the unorganized Sunlight Mining District, In tbe Old County of Big Horn—now Park County—ln the State of Wyoming, In order to hold said claims under tbe provisions of 2324 of tbe revised statutes of tbe Hul led States, and amendments thereto approved January 22,1880 concerning annual work and labor oo mining claims, and being the amouut of ex penditures necessary lo hold said claims for the period and years above enumerated; the said claims being Old Timer, Cuba, Moodell, Poor Man Exchange, Victoria, Last Chance, Osceola, McCandless, Spotted Horse, O'Connor, Ferguson, Wisconsin, Cop per Creek and Wyoming; and If within ninety days from thedale on and after the first publication of this netlce you fail or refuse to contribute your full proportion of the above named ex penditures as owner or co-owner, which amounts to 8100 each year for each of the above named claims fur the several years named, your Interest in said claims will hecorne the prop erty of the subscribers, your co-own ers below named and who have made the required expenditure by the terms of said Section 2324 abovqreferred to. A. O. Newton, R. C. II AltonA^VEH, 28 41 Jack Johnson. PROCLAMATION OF ELECTION. Notice Is hereby glvgu toallquall tled electors residing within Park county, State of Wyoming, that pur i suaut to the authority vested In ub as Commissioners of tbe county aforesaid I and by virtue of the provisions of l Chapter 143, Section 2099, of the Re- | , vised Statutes of Wyoming, a Special RUSSKLL KIMBALL, M. EL 17. M. MINERAL SURVEYOR FOR WYO. C.S. M/NBHAL SURVEYOR FOR MONT, OITT ENGINEER. OODY, WYO. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The board of county commissioners have decided to locate a road commenc ing at a point on the present county road In Sec. 24 (original survey) Town ship 51 N. Range 104 W. 6th P. M., Park county, Wyo., identical with U. S. Bench Mark altitude 5681 feet, and running tbence north 42 deg 26 min east 413 feet, north 28 deg 50 min east 744 feet, to corner No. 3of Lot No. 44 tbence north 42 deg 5 min east 450 feet, north 19 deg 40 min east 673 feet, north 49 deg 34 min east 1476 feet. Intersect the west line of T. 51 N. R. 103 W. 525 feet south of the corner common to sections 18 and 19. north 49 deg 34 min east 193 feet, north 22 deg 21 min east 1362 feet, north 37 deg 10 min east 3067 feet, north 48 deg 15 min east 568 feet, north 31 deg 8 min east 223 feet, north 16 deg 3 min east 232 feet, north 35 deg 23 min east 10X7 feet, north 59 deg 10 min east 331 feet, A cottonwood tree 12 Inches In di ameter bears north 9 deg 10 min west 89 feet distant, marked C. R. B. T. north 44 deg 20 min east 675 feet, nortb 51 deg 10 min east 1595 feet, north 67 deg 18 min east 2270 feet, nortb 48 deg 35 min east 512 feet, aorth 82 deg 46 min east 280 feet, nortb 52 deg 26 min east 435 feet, south 50 deg 25 min east 305 feet, north 57 deg 10 min east 474 feet, north 20 deg 50 min east 2574 feet, the southwest corner of section 4, T. 51 N. R. 103 W; thence northerly along section Hoe 450 feet, nortb 41 deg 4 min east 1440 feet, north 8 deg 50 mm east 221 feet, north 31 deg 46 min east 583 feet, north 63 deg 8 min east 330 feet, north 5 dejj 20 min west 318 feet, nortb 39 deg 40 min east 1137 feet, to a point in the present road and fol lowing the same as at present travel ed in a northeasterly direction to its Junction with the present county road running north and south oo tbe west side of Marquette Creek. All objections thereto or claims for damages by reason thereof mult be Sl ed In writing with tbe county cleric of said county before noon on the 15th day of May, A. D. 1911, or such road will be established without ref erence to such objections or claims for damages. Fred C. Barnett . County Clerk. Dated April 12, A. D. 1911. First publication April 14. Last publication April 28 Election Is hereby ordered and will be held within the said county of Park. In the State of Wyoming, on the 18th day of April, A D. 1911, fur the pur pose of submitting to the qualified electors or said Park county, State of Wyoming, tbe question of whether or nut tbe Board of County Commis sioners of said county shall be author ized to create au Indebtedness of Forty-live thousand (45,000) Dollars, and the said county of Park shall Is »ui Its 5 p.-r cent, bonds In the sum of Forty-live thousand (45.000) Dollars redeemable in ten years and payable in twenty years to secure the payment of the same. The proceeds of the sale of said bonds to be used for the pur pose of construe Inga Court House, a Jail and Sheriff's quarters. Such Special Election to be conduct ed In the same manner as any General Election. W. H. FOUSE, Chairman Board of County Commissioners Attest r Fred C. Barnett, Countv Cleik. (25-31) LEGAL NOTICE. Cody, Wyoming, Jan. 12, 1911. To Augustus La Fond:— , You are hereby untitled that 1 have expended during tbe .ear, 1910, one hundred dollars In labor and Improve ment upon the Cripple Creek Lode Mining Claim, situated in tbe unor ganized Sunlight Mining District, in the County of Park (formerly In the County of Big Horn) State of Wyom ing, the location certificate of which Is found of record in the office or the County Cleik aod ex-officio Register of Deeds of Big Horn County, Wyo ing, In Book 9 of locations on page 246, In order to hold said Claim under the provisions of section 2324 of the Re vised Statutes of the United Stales and amendments thereto approved January 22. ISBU, concerning annual labor upon mining claims, being the amount required to hold said lode fur the period ending on tbe 31st day of Deccrher, 1910. And If, within ninety days after the publication of this notice you fall or refuse to contribute your propor tion of such expenditure as a co-owner, which amouut Is fifty dollars, your Interest In said claim will become tbe property of tbe subscriber, your co owner. who bas made the required expenditure, by tbe terms of said sec tion. Sam Bass. First publication Jan. 13,1911. Last publication May 12, 1911. «3|gjt “A Kodak’s jlfly jjl Photography with the bother And you, that have essayed to ta * te P' c,ures know the ™*~ meaning. fj Another thing—fresh supplies ? Yes, con stantly on hand. A big line just in. You know the importance of having them absolutely FRESH. That’s the line WE sell. Cameras at Prices from $5.00 to $26.50 •I Come in and let us demonstrate the PREMO camera. The PREMO’S really the last word in camera manufacture. BENNETT’S Cody Drug & Jewelry Co. -THE TOURIST’S MECCA. " ..SHOSHONE NATIONAL BANK.. OF CODY, WYO. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: ' S. W. ALDRICH 8. C. PARKS, Jr. Pr*ild®nt j D. JONES c. E. PARKER, Ca.hlei Director.: g c PABKS Jr W BLOOMQUIST, A.Ht Cashier C E. PARKER S. CONANT PARKS Every facility consistent with sound banking practice Is offered by this Bank to Its customers and good accounts are solicited upon this basis sirst National Bank <£oby, iDyoming T > Capital $50,000 Surplus SIO,OOO The Cody-Park Steam Laundry Equipped with all Modern Improvements Work Speedily Executed and Guaranteed to be Satisfactory + At the Park Steam Laundry is a soft water tank, used for all kiuds-of flannels and woolen goods. Work guaran teed not to shrink if not shrunk before. Rough dry, 5c per ll>; all flat work ironed. THE BEST COAL We can supply tbe demand for the best coal on the market at moderate prices. $3.50 at mine; $5.50 delivered. THE OREGON BASIN MINE. Ph °cuy o.u°:i7 r °' McGuffy & Walls, Paops- Cedar Posts <£lC PER HUNDRE9 *pJLtJ Wallop & Moncreiffe Lumber Company H. B. ROBERTSON, M.a.»er