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“The Paper Making Cody Northern Wyoming Herald [OFFICIAL ORGAN OF PARK COUNTY] Volume 4, Number 32 WYOMING TAKES THE LEADING PLACE SENATOR WARREN GETS THE MOST IMPORTANT POSITION » Sixty-second Congress Committee Reorgan ization Completed—Senator Clark on Committee on Finance (Special to The Heiald) WASHINGTON, April 28—In the reorganization of senate committees for the slaty-second congress complet ed today, Wyoming takes the leading place. Senator Warren gets the chairman ship of the committee on appropria tions, the most powerful commlMee in the senate, the place for over 28 years occupier! by Senator AlllsoiTof lowa, and later by Senator Hale of Maine, and the one all the year round, every year, important, busy commit tee. Thus the moat Important Influence in dispensing Uncle Sam's money moves from New England to the Rocky mountains. Senate.r Warren also retains. In ad dition to the chairmanship of appro priation- the ranking membership next to thu chairman, which puts him on all conferences, on all of the following committees: Military af fairs. rules, agriculture and forestry, public buildings and grounds, ex penditures In the departmentofstate, irrigation and reclamation of arid lands. Senator Clark retains his Important FIRST TRAIN MER NEK CUTOFF LEAVES BILLINGS billings, Mont., April 25.—Filled will, passengers for the Rig Horo ba sin, the first train over the Scriboer- I mmberg cutoff, left this city yester day at 7.15 o’clock over the Burling ton. ' + All freight heretofore routed over the Tnluca-Oodf branch will not be carrle I through this city over the new line, according to a notice received from the general agent's office. The train service on the line be tween Toluca and Scribner Is discon tinued, and both freight and passen ger- fr.,tu or to points south of Scrib ner w ill be handled byway of the new line through this city and Frombcrg. The distance Into the Itasln country redjeed about sixty miles, which "'winer with the lower freight sched ule t Is expected will materially local wholesalers. * lEX BACK FROM CONVENTION. Tex Holm Is hack from the conven tun of flockmasters and cattlemen teld at Mllea City last week. The Herald wishes It had space this veek to tell of some of the many im rartant things done there, and con cmlng which Mr. Holm speaks of in i must entertaining manner. »GNAL HONOR TO W YOMING OIRL ledlT. , I> i t rothy Knl * ht i has been mted to christen the new battle ’Stfavli m l "* Whlch WlFbe lauudhed JL ' 11,6 young woman Is a daugh ■ o the late Chief Justice Knight. f Me-Smith” Still Receives I Many Flattering Notices »c w i' m th ’ the seller of 'm, 01,0 of the mo9t »‘<lely aunt t 6< i Upun of novel *> be tkl ls the authoress, Miss i„. n , rt llrul ono of the greatest nu, T hl Pl * ywrlg,,U cao make ‘ tils man sees possibilities In K h “ S put Cod)r ,Q the t ‘ 7*t which are comparable only e „r,-,- d The Virginian from Th. . t,C BUnd Pbfnt. seemingly do not tire of len,Vr’ .r K ° 0(1 thlng»-a few of CT Blven below: | f B i n i“ C ,?. lhe Publication of '‘The By been tl m “ powerful » “"toy i's V" 18 ’ ottrollDe Lueß hea by the t . I,e ' Sm *tbi” Jtat pub y lho Llppincotts. Had the chairmanship on the committee on the judiciary and drops off from the committee on foreign relation, ex changing that place for hue on fin ance, thereby obtaining a committee plice of much higher usefulness to Wyoming Interests. Senator Clark also retains his old places on the fol lowing committees: public lands, con servation, railroads, ' transportation and sale of meat products, transpor tation routes to the seaboard. UNUSUAL TRENT FOR CODY THEATERGOERS THIS WEEK Last fall Billings turned out eo masse to greet the famous Buffalo Bill’s show. They made It a gala day. The Two Bills—Buffalo Bill's WiTd West and Pawnee Bill’s Far East - took the Sugar City by storm. Quick to learn what the American people like, the moving picture people caught all that's full of life and go in both the shows. The pictures taken then will be shown at the Cody opera house to morrow (Saturday) eveniog and again Sunday night. ( Saturday afternoon, for the benefit of ladles and children there will be a matinee. Popular prices for this very latest thing In moving pictures will prevail, 15 and 25 cents being the ad mission fee charged. Then? pictures are not to be confus ed with the ones previously sbowo here—these are absolutely new and have never before been shown In Cody. CAPT. CAVENDER RETURNS. Capt. Cavender, of Co. E. N. G. W. has returned from the Held maneuvers ordered by the war department. He was located at San Diego. Cal., and his experiences are of a most interest ing kind. H. McClure, of the Harry Weston ranch was In town Monday and stated that they expect to commence shear log about May 5. Watch for the coupons. Delightful Reception Is Given by Lodge In a most Informal, vet enjoyable manner the members, wives, sweet hearts and a few invited guests of Big Horn Lodge No. 30, I. O, O. F. celebrated tbe 92nd anniversary of tbeorganszatloo Thursday night. Dr. Ainsworth, master of ceremon ies, called Prosecuting Attorney Walls upon the carpet and then left him Mr. Walla looked dazed tot a mo ment and then proceeded to deliver one of those little gems of oratory book been Issued anonymously, It is not too much to assert that no ono would ever have suggested that It could be from the pen of a woman, so thoroughly has the author adapted her style to the requirements of her task, so consistent is her dialogue, so virile Is her thought and her language, so clear her qnderstandlng of the rough men and the half-breeds sho has brought Into action. Miss Lockhart Is well known In this city as a clever journalist and a fearless swimmer. Some years ago, on a wager, she swam across the Dela ware river; and this feat, no less than her brilliant articles, made her, under her “nom de guerre" of ''Burette," a (Continued on page eight.) AND GARLAND IRRIGATION ERA. Cody, Wyoming, Friday, April 28, 1911 BILLY MORSE WINS FAST CONTEST IN THE ELEVENTH St Paul Kid Plainly Outclassed by Thompson but Morse Gets De cision by a Foul In the eleventh round of a sched uled 20-round contest at the Cody op era house last night, Billy Morse was given the decision over Maurice Thompson on a claimed foul. Ten rounds had been fought, when In th£ first minute of the eleventh, Thompson swung a vicious left to the St. Paul Kid's jaw which staggered him. Thompson hung another on the jaw, and as the Kid, dazed, leaned forward and toward Thompson, tne latter smashed him again. Then it was that the St. Paul Kid fell to the mat In apparently excruciating pain. The referee, Starkey, the seconds and others rushed to the fallen man’s side. He begged for a doctor, and Dr. Ben nett, who was present, sprang into the roped arena and made a casual ex amination. The excitement ran high. Every body was talking. Everybody bad a decision they wished enforced. In the meantime, the Kid bad been car ried to bis dressing room, where Dr. Bennett found a slight discoloration in the groin. Beferee Starkey then gave the de cision to Morse on a claimed foul. Like all decisions, it 'pleased some, while others were just as sure, and bitterly so, that It should have beeo given to Thompson. The light seemed to b« Thompson's from the first, grading the men on the actual points made. While at the beginning, Thompson would ruib the fight for a moment, there was a cer tain fascination In Thompson’s grim aggressiveness. There was do let up t« the vicious upper cuts and short arm jabs of Thompson. He simply worked the Kid’s cover loose. There seemed to be no other aim on the part of Thompson but to jar the St. Paul man’s confidence In his particular style of defense, and he certainly suc ceeded. The preliminary between Boy Cou gill and Doc Flynn was short but snappy. Says Doc to Boy: "Hit me In the stomach, will you?—Biff! and a wallop landed that made Cougill see things. The declsioo went to Flynn, Rodney Hey refereeing. In tbe ringside seats, were observed Sen. J. M. Schwoob, Hon. D. E. Hol lister, Hon. Thos. Long, Go*. G. T. Beck, W. L. Simpson, Mayor Deegon, and Atty. Walls. “ ’ (Continued on page eight.) which always bring him cordial welcome in the forensic arena. His address was followed by a solo by Miss Itose, and then H. H. Welch gave a brief history of the order. The evening was then social con verse and the playing of whist. W. B. SLEEPER IMPROVING. The family of W. B. Sleeper has received a telegram in which Mr. Sleeper states he Is Improving, and will probably remain in Omaha for a week or ten days longer. Mr. Sleeper's illness was noted last week hy The Herald. Watch for the coupons. HERALD TO INAUGURATE PIANO CONTEST / The Herald announces that in the near future it will inaugur' ate the largest piano contest that has over been given in Wyoming. T\\ O lino Healy & Taylor upright pianos valued at $350.00 each, will bo given to the two young women or girls who receive the largest number of votes. Never before has a paper in Wyoming offered TWO such gifts in ono contest, Other special features will be incorporated in this contest which will make it entirely different from all other contests. Several of Cody’s leading mercantile houses will bo as sociated with The Herald, and it is suggested that from today on the young women and girls and their friends should watch for the coupons in The Herald. Just a few coupons oxtra might win a piano. Rules, etc., will be made known later. BASEBALL SEASON TO OPEN SOON AND FANS ARE EAGER Local Enthusiasts Turn to and Put Diamond in Shape for Opening of the Season Play Ball! Last week witnessed an activity upon the hall grounds by local fans and the members of the club which argues well for the best possible con dition of tb4 diamond and the gener al success of’the local team.- Teams contributed by Gov. Beck. Tex Holm and Charles Prante were used to draw the big grader, which was piloted by Charley Bradford. Henry Goodreau, Glen Borron and Ben Brown directed the work, and amidst much enthusiasm the dirt flew aod the rough places disappeared. The water pipes were laid this week and water run over the ground, tbe roller adding the finishing touches. The grounds will be made attractive to ladies in autos by an auto screen, and part of the material for this was donated by Harry Robertson, manag er of the Wallop-Moncrieft Co., deal ers in lumber. Harry Patten, the surveyor, a lover of the game, also gave his profession al services gratis. Cody people are sure “there.” The Gallatin Valley league locks like the best baseball proposition that has been broached In Montana for some time. With a compact circuit of six busy towns, and experienced hustling managers in each place, it will be a gd right from the jump, and will probably be a greater success than even those now behind the league anticipate. Billings. Livingston, Miles City. Hoieman, Codv and Sheri dan are all prosperous and want base ball. They have had independent teams in tbe cities mentioned, and year in and year out It has cost them considerable money to support their town team. Under organized ball all will be dif ferent, as the national association grants protection to the club owners, gives them exclusive use of their players, and keeps other clubs from tampering with them. In a profes sional league the players are compell ed to obey the managers and the fans take more interest in the games, as they know they are getting better baseball and are getting a run for their money IB every contest, which will be handled by competent umpires r who will control the players and keep them playing ball Instead of arguing on the ball field. With a salary limit Falls from Stairs, Is Unconscious for Hours While ascending the rear stairs of the rooming house over the Alaska saloon, Wallace • Aloott of Armada, Msco.. a stranger In Cody, fell, land ing In tho open cellar way beneath and seriously Injuring his spine. He lay unconscious for nearly two hours and a half, when he was remov ed to one of the lumber sheds of Wal lop-Moncrleire by two men, Kelly and Murphy, with whom he had walked from Billings, and lay there all night Wednesday. Before he was removed Drs. Ben- ! nett, Ainsworth and Howe were call ed and the unfortunate man made as | comfortable as possible under the ex-1 [PUBLISHED AT THE COUNTY SEAT OF PARK COUNTY] ABSURD ATTACK UPON MAN HONORED BY THE PEOPLE New Tax Commissioner Airs His Opinions Concerning Statesmen in General and - One in Particular Strange Jls it may seem, there is a new tax commissioner abroad in the land, one who, of course, owes his of ficial existence to Joseph M. Carey. Being thus indebted, the new t. c. is not unmindful of his obligations and allegiance. Not he. His name Is McGill. He is a pro mulgator who promulgates. His spe cialty is promulgating statesmen. He has all sorts: fits aod misfits, (that is in statesmen) which he constantly carries around with him and exhibits. Mr. McGill reached Cody Saturday evening, put up at the Irma, fed well, and after supper, under the stimulat ing influence of tbe splendid menu of mine host Decker, our honorable tax commissioner procedeed to enlighten the awe-stricken bystanders in regard to a few things of which they wotted not, concerning statesmen—tbe Mc- Gill brand especially. The aforesaid t. c. placed on ex hibition his sample line of statesmen and held them up to the public's ad miring)?) gaze. This t. c. Is authority on the states man genus—why should he not be? Was not the t. c. created officially by a statesman? Are not things equal to each other equal to the same thing? Wherein does the t. c. differ from his political progenitor, Judge Carey? Well, that is another phase of statesmanship which will be reached later. After the t. c. had pulled out of his sample case of statesmen his full line, he then swept on to an eloquent ex patiation of their qualities separately and individually. “Why," said the t. c„ “there is Sen ator Warren. Ido not by any man ner of means call him a statesman. He had an opportunity to nominate Carey and did not do it. If he had, we would not have had all this friction of *1,200 a month, which includes cap tain, manager, and all tbe players, the league is bound to make money, and with a forfeit of *SOO from each team, the salary limit and all other rules will be strictly lived up to by the club owners, which makes the games a success, financially and from a playing standpoint. ! isting circumstances. The man had , been drinking heavily all day Wed nesday, and this served to complicate matters. Mayor Deegan became personally interested in the case Thursday morn ing and such aid as essential to proper care was extended. Dr. Howe, the county physician, has charge of Alcott. He says the injured Ilian is temporarily paralyzed, butlooks for his early ami complete recovery. The latter has been placed in the | home of Mrs. Neff. Cody Women Organize Public Welfare Society A number of ladies met Tuesday in the library and brought into existence an organization to be knotvn as tho Public Service Club. Tho object of the Club, the .founders assert is to be the welfare of the state, county and town. They Invite the co-operation of women of the country and town. The officers chosen are Dr. Lane, chairman, Mrs. F. A. Ingraham, vice president, Mrs. Minnie Williams, secretary, Mrs. W. L. Simpson, trea sure. The time for regular sessions will be the first and third Tuesdays In each month. Price $1.50 Per Year in the party. But Warren was not big enough.” Oh! So Carey would not have rocked the boat if Senator Warren had play ed petty politics a la Carey! Delicious, isn't it, to have a man, drawing a state salary as tax commis sioner, gallivanting over the state in structing the voters as to politics and what constitutes statesmanship? In other words, how to build a Carey ma chine. In the silence which followed bis attack upon Senator Warren, and which the,t. c evidently mistook for approval of his sentiments, his fingers lingered lovingly and fondly upon his samples, and he paused with states* manlike pause and pose. “Now what,” he continued, “has this man Warren ever done for Wyo ming?” Those present were dumb. Such a profound question must needs be an swered with caution and circumspec tion, for had not the prophet of Carey spoken? And was not the t. c. the son of a prophet? "For lam Sir Or acle, and when I ope my lips let no dog bark.” Sir Oracle McGill tells of one who comes after him—Judge Carey, who bellfeves in the policy of building upon the attempted ruin of other men whom he finds in the way of his polit ical ambitions. Carey should have chosen a smooth er man for the architect of his ma chine. He, the governor who detests ma chines, and would have none of them last fall because he was not selected, so his tax commissioner says, as an as sistant engineer, is now proceeding to construct a machine of hi 9 own. The first step is to attempt the same campaign of character assassina tion successfully conducted last fall. Tax Commissioner McGill's fool at tack upon Senator Warren is part ot the game, and also serves also to give the game completely away. McGill says that the man upon whom the eyes of the nation are now resting in the great tariff fight, the man whom presidents, the beloved McKinley, the stalwart Roosevelt, the tactful, splendid Taft, have called to the White House when matters of great moment came up, tbe man from whom they sought counsel and judg ment, McGill says that this one of the foremost citizens' not only of Wyo ming but of the United States, is no statesman. Whom will the people of Wyoming believe to possess the better judg ment—William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, William 11. Taft and the United States senate which has made Warren its leader In fact, or ? we humbly beg the pardon of the readers ofThe Herald—they are an intelligent constituency. Gordon Ponaltl, of the firm of llol lowell, Jones & Donald, of Boston, ono of the big wool buyers of the world, is here to secura his share of the Wyo ming annual clip. Regular topics for discussion will i be provided through a , committee comprised of Mrs. Parks. Mrs. Tink com and Mrs. Chamberlin. IS ADJUDGED INSANE Last Friday a jury composed of C. W. Dibble, as foreman, R. J. McGin nis, O. D. Marx, Henry Fulkerson, It. B. Siggins and R. R. Rousseau found that the mental condition of Mrs. Mary E. Nuckols was such as to war rant a Hading of mental incapacity. The afflicted woman has since been taken to Evanstoa, Sheriff Dahlem go ing to Billings, Tuesday for that pur pose, where he was met by the matron of the state institution for the Insane.