Newspaper Page Text
JAMBS P. KIMUAbL. M. A.. I’ll. D. mmiro oxotoowr HKI> LODOB. HUNT. I KIMBALL <fc KIMBALL MINING, MECHANICAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERS Red Lodge, Mont Cody, Wyo 1 , Biddings, Mont TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Tbe board of county commissioners have decided to locate a road com rnenc luir at a pol nt on t,hß P reseot count y road lo Sec. 21 (original si*vej) Town ship 51 N. Range 104 W. oth P. M., park county, Wyo., Identical with U. s. Bench Mark altitude 5881 feet, and running thence north 42 deg 26 min east 413 feet, north 28 deg 50 min east 744 feet, to corner No, 3of Lot No, 44 thence north 42 deg 5 min east 450 feet, north 10 deg 40 mtn east 673 feet, north 4# deg 34 min east 1476 feet, intersect the west line of T. 51 N. R. 103 W. 525 feet south of the corner common to sections 18 and 10. north 49 deg 31 min east 103 feet, north 22 deg 24 min east 1362 feet, north 37 deg 10 min east 3067 feet, north 48 deg 15 min east 568 feet, north 31 deg 8 min east 223 feet, north 16 deg 3 min east 232 feet, north 35 deg 23 min east 1017 feet, north 59 deg 10 min east 331 feet. A cottonwood tree 12 Inches in di ameter bears north 9 deg 10 min west 89 feet distant, marked O. R. B. T. north 44 deg 20 min east 675 feet, north 51 deg4o min east 1595 feet, north 67 deg 18 min east 2270 feet, north 48 deg 35 min east 512 feet, north 82 deg 46 min east 280 feet, north 52 deg 26 min east 435 feet, south 50 deg 25 min east 305 feet, north 57 deg 10 min east 474 feet, north 20 deg 50 min east 2574 feet, tbe southwest corner of section 4, T. 51 K. R. 103 W:tbeoce northerly along section line 450 feet, north 41 deg 4 min east 1440 feet, north 8 deg 50 min east 221 feet, north 31 deg 46 min east 583 feet, north 63 deg 8 min east 330 feet, ' north 5 deg 20 min west 318 feet, north 39 deg 40 min east 1137 feet, to a point In the present road and fol lowing the same as at present travel ed In a northeasterly direction to its junction with the present county road running north and south on tbe west side of Marquette Creek. All objections thereto or claims for damages by reason thereof must be fll ed in writing with tbe county clerk of said county before noon on the 15th day ol May, A. D. 1911, or such road will be established without ref erence to such objections or claims for damages. Fked C. Barnett County Clerk. Dated April 12, A, D. 1911. First publication April 14. Last publication April 28 NOTICE To Gua La Fond: You are hereby notifiled that tbe undersigned hare expended during each of the years ending 1906, 1907, I9<>B 1909 and 1910 the sum of 8100 each, on the following named mining claims in labor and Improvements: they being situated In the unorgaaized Sunlight Mining District, In the Old County of Big Horn—now Park County—ln the State of Wyoming, in order to hold said claims under the provisions of 2324 of the revised statutes of the Uni ted States, and amendments thereto l approved January 22,1890 concerning I annual work and labor ong mining I claims, and being the arnouut of ex- I pendltures necessary to hold said I c lalnis for the period and years above ■ enumerated; the said claims heiDg ■ Old Timer, Cuba, Mondell, Poor Man I Exchange, Victoria, Last Chance, I Osceola, McCandless, Spotted Horse, | °’ c "nnor, Ferguson, Wisconsin, Cop per Creek and Wyoming; and if within ninety days from the da® on and after tile first publication of this notice you fall or refuse to contribute your full proportion of the above named ex penditures owner or co-owner, which amounts to 8100 each year for each of the above named claims for the several years named, your Interest in said claims will become the prop erty of the subscribers, yourSfco-own ers below named and who have made the required expenditure by the terms o said Section 2324 above referred to. A. C. Newton, R. C. Hargraves, 4,11 Jack Johnson. TO THE PUBLIC. " hen the agent or salesman of the "ut-of-town order houses calls upon you to give him your list of goods get his prices, then bring bill and prices t 0 ns, and we will fill It for the same money and upon tbe aame terms, placing tte order with us you will ave the advantage of being permitted 11 return any goods which may not|>e satisfactory, which caonot'be done If s"* ord * r 1» placed with the foreign houses. They cannot beat our i ices, give us a chance to prove this statement. Cody Trading Co. NOTICE OF CONTEST. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTER IOR, UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. Lander, Wyo., April 12, 1911. To Charley Williams, of Cody, Wyo ming, Contestee: You are hereby notified that Dan iel W. Marlow, who gives Cody, Wyo ming, as bis postoffice address, did on December 7, 191(, file in this office his duly corroborated application to contest and secure the cancellation of your homestead. Entry No. 04311, Se rial No. 04311, made April 16, 1910, for NEi NEi, Sec. 12, T. 50 N., R. 102 W. and the Wt NWi, SEi NWi, Section 7, Township 50 N, Range 101 W., 6th Principal Meridian, and as grounds for his contest he alleges that said Charley Williams has wholly aban doned said tract, and has never oc cupied. Improved, or cultivated said tract since tbe date of bis said entry, and it is and has been during all "Whs time vacant desert land. You are, therefore, further notified that tbe said allegations will be raken by this office as having been confessed by you, and your said entry willbecan celed thereunder without your further right to be beard therein, either be fore this office or on appeal, if you fail to file in this office within twenty days after the FOURTH publication of this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically meet log and responding to these allega tions of contest, or If you fail within that time to file in this office due proof that you have served a copy of your answer on the said contestant either in person or by registered mail. If this service is made by the delivery of a copy of your answer to the con testant lo person, proof of such ser vice must be either the said contest ant's written acknowledgement of his receipt of the copy, showing tbe date of Its receipt, or the affidavit of the person by whom the delivery was made stating when and where tbe copy was delivered; If made by regis tered mall, proof of such service must consist of the affidavit of t he] person bv whom tbe dopy- was mailed stating when and the postoffice to which It was mailed, and this affidavit must be accompanied by the postmaster's receipt for tbe letter. You should state in your answer the name of the postoffice to Zwhlch you desire future notices to be sent to you. William T. Adams, Register. Marvin B. Rhodes, Receiver. First publication Apr. 21. Last publication May 12. . FORFEITURE NOTICE. Cody, Wyoming, April 13, 1911. To A. R. Williams and Rebecca Wil liams:— You, and each of you, are hereby notified that we bare expended dur ing the years 1909 and 1910 in labor and improvements upon Festal Placer Mining Claim, Placer Mining Claim aDd Fury Placer Mining Claim, situate in Sunlight Unorganized Mln | ing District, on Sulphur Mountain, Park county, Wyoming, the sum of Six Hundred (8600.00; Dollars, catlon certificates to which claims are found of record in Book Eleven of Locations, at Pages Sixty-eight, Six ty-nine and Seventy, in tbe office of the county clerk of Big Horn county, Wyoming, of which Park county was formerly a part, in order to hold said claims under provision of Section 2324 of tbe Revised Statutes of the United States and the amendment thereto approved January 22, 1880, concerning annual labor upon mining claims, be ing the amount required to bold said placers for the period ending on the 31st day of December, A. D„ 1910. And if, within ninety days from the personal service of this notice, or within ninety days after publication thereof, you fail or refuse to contrlb ute your proportion of such expendi ture as co-owners your interest in said claims will become the property of the subscribers, your co-owners, who have made the required expendi ture by tbe terms of said section. The amount ycu owe Is 8100.00. that is to say' 850,00 each. Gertrude Chapman Ester Hauiiultt * Carl Hammttt W. J. Chapman Col. Miller _ A. C. Chapman • 11. S. Rldgely, Atty. First publication April 21. DECK AVENUES Blacksmith shop C. F. SCHOI.ES, Proprietor Horseshoeing and General Repairing Phono rig Black FARDEY KIMRALL BMMIAHT IKOlSniUi w. o. PHBOI rtrLLERT ,V BYRAM W. BTERLI NOTICE Oh INCORPORATION The Herald Publishing Co. of Cody, Wyo., was incorporated in the office of the Secretary of State, Cheyenne, Wyoming, at 10 o'clock a. rp. on the 10th day of April A. D. 1911. The object of the company Is to publish a newspaper, do a general printing and book binding business and other things pertaining to the craft. Its capital stock Is ten thousand dollars divided into two hundred shares, at a par value of fifty dollars each. Its term of existence is fifty years.” The operations of the company will be carried on in Park County, Wyo. The affairs and management of the company will he under the control of directors. The directors elected for the first year are D. E. Hollister, C. E. Hayden, J. M. Scbwoob, L. L. Newton and W. L. Walls. The location of the principal office in this state Is Cody, Park County, Wyoming, and tbe name of the agent is W. L. Walls. First publication April 14. Last publication April 28. \ ______ LEGAL NOTICE. Cody, Wyoming. Jan. 12, 1911. To Augustus LaFond:— You are hereby notified that I have expended duriog the year, 1910, one hundred dollars in labor and improve ment upon the Cripple Creek Lode Mining Claim, situated in the unor ganized Sunlight Mining District, In the County of Park (formerly in the County of Big Horn) State of Wyom ing, the location certificate of which is found of record in tbe office of the County Cleik anl ex-officio Register of Deeds of Big Horn County, Wyo ing, In Book 9 of locations on page 246, in order to bold said Claim under the provisions of section 2324 of the Re vised Statutes of the United States and amendments thereto approved January 22. 1880, concerning annual labor upon mining claims, being tbe amount required to bold said lode for the period ending on the 31st day of Decea her, 1910. And if, within ninety days after the publication of this notice you fail or refuse to contribute your propor tion of such expenditure as a co-owner, which amount is fifty dollars, your interest in said claim will become tbe property of the subscriber, vour co owner. who has made the required expenditure, by the terms of said sec tion. Sam Bass. First publication Jan. 13,1911. Last publication May 12. 1911. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION. Tbe Mtli-lron Cattle Company was incorporated In the office of the Secre tary of State, Cheyenne. Wyoming, at 10 o’clock am., on the 3rd. day of April, A. D. 1911. The object of the company is to carry on and conduct a general live stock business, and all things inci dental and necessary to the proper and economic carrying out of the pur poses for which said Corporation is formed Its capita] stock Is 8250,000.00 divid ed into 2,500 shares, at a par value of One Hundred dollars each. Its term of existence is Fifty years. The operations of the company will be carried on In Big Horn county. The affairs and management of the company will be under the control of three directors. The directors elected for the first year are George Merrill, G. J. Guthrie Nicholson' and George Pennoyer. The location of the principal office In this state Is Euibar. Wvo., and the name of the agent Is George Merrill. The Mill-Iron Cattle Company. By Georoe Merrill, Mgr. First publication April 7. Last publication April 28. COMING Q ±2£2r A p rfl 29 - 30 THE TWO BILL’S Buffalo Bill’s Wild West ‘“ kl Pawnee Bill’s Far East The Latest Films—the show Billings went wild over last fall. There are 3,000 feet of films. Don’t forget a MATINEE Saturday, April 29, at 2:30 p. m. POPULAR PRICES-15 and 25 cents. RUSSELL KIMBALL, M. E. IT. •- MIKERAL SURYRYOR FOR WYO. U. m. MIKWAL SURVRYOR F'OK MONT. CITY CO IVY, WYO. Buffalo Bill’s Hotels in the Rockies Col. W. F. Cody, L. E. Decker, Proprietor Manager THE IRMA, Cody, Wyo., European plan. SI.OO per day and up wards. Modem and first-class WAPITI INN, 36 miles from Cody, on YellowstoneParkGovemment road. $2.30 per day; $1 5 weekly PAHASKA TEPEE, Foot of Sylvan Pass, 60 miles from. Cody, on Yellowstone Park Gov’t Road, 1 1-2 miles from Park entrance. $3.00 per day, $15.00 weekly P»k»*k» ud Wapiti .re ia lhe heart of th. Bi( Gaaic country, aid Finest Troat Fishing and Mo no tain Scenery ia the Rockies. THE Grupp RESTAURANT George Grapp, Proprietor Now Splendidly Epuipped and doing business on Sheridan Avenue. Open Night and Day Your tastes are anticipated and your wants always satisfied at The Grupp THE QUICK TRANSFER and DRAY C. D. Prante, Proprietor Meets all trains and transfers everything. Nothing too large. We handle freight, express and baggage. Ash pits cleaned on short notice. Phone 121 R. CHAS. BENJAMIN TAILOR CODY, . . WYOMING “A Kodak’s , ~ Photography t^lC Mother Q And you, that have essayed ““^““™"“ meaning. IJ Another thing—fresh supplies ? Yes, con stantly on hand. A big line just in. You know the importance of having them absolutely FRESH. That’s the line WE sell. ~ i Cameras at Prices from $5.00 to $26.50 <5 Come in and let us demonstrate the PREMO camera. The PREMO’S really the last word in camera manufacture. ( BENNETT’S Cody Drug & Jewelry Co. ‘■THE TOURISTS MECCA. " % £ ..SHOSHONE NATIONAL BANK.. f 1 * Os CODY, WYO. • m jjj UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY B B i ■ t m * S OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS; $ * I * m 1 8. W. ALDRICH f (I 8. C. PARKS, Jr. President j I), JONES J .E. PARKER, Cashier Directors: g c parks, Jr. * T D.W. BLOMQUIST, Asst Cashier C E. PARKER " 8. COXANT PARKS I i m 2 , fjl * Every facility consistent with sound banking; practice is offered by * this Bank to its customers and good accounts are I m solicited upon this basis * i» J sirst TTattottal 23ank £oi>y, Wyoming v T” ■ .• Capital $50,000 Surplus SIO,OOO The Cody-Park Steam Laundry Equipped with all Modern Improvements Work Speedily Executed and Guaranteed to be Satisfactory At the Park Steam Laundry is a soft water tank, used j for all kinds of flannels and woolen goods. Work guaran- ( teed not to shrink if not shrunk before. Rough dry, 5c ( per lb; all flat work ironed. THE BEST COAL We can supply tbe dehiund for tbe best coal on tbe market at moderate prices. ] i $3.50 at mine; $5.50 delivered. THE OREGON BASIN MINE. \ «TS£ for McGuffy & Walls, Props' \ A Cedar Posts d*l C PER HUNDRED Wallop & Moncreiffe Lumber Company H. I. ROBERTSON. Mmh|«