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“ The That’s Making Cody Famous” Northern Wyoming Herald [OFFICIAL ORQAN OF PARK COUNTY] Volume 4, Number 34 STANLEROOMIS MATCH TUESDAY 1 3 5U Cody and Powell Men Will Meet at Opera Itonse—Both Men Are Confident FAST MATCH JS_LOOKED FOR Both Men in Pink of Condition and Both Oat for 8100d —Loomis lias Considerable Powell Money Back ing Him to Win ■•Thu public,” aald O. L. Stanley, the well known wrestler, “don’t want to think for a minute that I am afraid to meet Loomis. One paper tried to create this Impression. What I do say Is this: Loomis la a professional, and I hare accepted his challenge as such—not from him as an amateur. “Loomis and I matched back In Minneapolis. Now I renew my former challenge—l will meet and throw any ten men from Powell, bar ring Loomis of course, within one hour. Sow let ’em bring on their men. Another thing, Ltll throw Loomis, too, you Just watch my smoke next Tuesday night.’’ The contract between Stanley and Loomis has been signed and the live articles pronde; Catch-»a-calcb-can: two falls: fall considered two points down—both shoulders; uo flying falls; pin fall for three second: considered a fall; strangle hold barred; referee to lie selected at ring side. The winner takes all gate receipts and purse The Hillings Boosters are to be Id Cody next Tuesday and a good crowd le looked for to wtureas the match be tween Stanley and Loomis. Loomis Is from Powell and the sports there say that Stanley cannot throw their favorite and that they have real mquey to back up their Loomis talk. The match will be pulled off id the Cody Opera House Tuesday May 18 and ticket* will he on sale at Tbe Toggery. PRESENTS GIVEN WEEKLY. After Tbe Herald contest opens, tbe candidate securing the highest numlier of votes each week during tbe contest will be presented either with a valua ble gold watch, beautiful necklace, dainty china-ware, or other costly and desirable girts. WATCH OUT FOR COUPONS. Coming soon. FINE LINE DIAMONDS RECEIVED. Rennett's Cody Drug it Jewelry Co. has just received a flne stock of dia monds. The new stooes are very choice. This popular store has also received some of the very latest de signs In rings, brooches and necklaces —all of which are very desirable for gifts for the sweet girl graduate and dune brides. The line of goods carried by the Rennett concern are of the appealing kind, the kind that refloed people puichase. CUES’! FOR N. E. RANCH. Mr. and Mrs N. E. Brown came in Monday to meet Charles D. Parker and brother of Boston who will spend the season at the N. E. ranch. Ihe hookings of Mr. Brown are increasing daily and a very busy t: ur ist season Is looked for. first Park County Map Given With One Year of The Herald for $2.50 I'o you wish a map of Park county -the first one printed of our splendid country—which will show all the ranches, trails, streams, all moun tains and peaks, telephone lines, min ing districts? If you do, this Is the way to obtain one. Send, or bring In #2.50 and we will give you the new map just published by Messrs. Fullerton & Steele and one year’s subscription to The Hfcrald. If you are in arrears—Just Bend in #2.50 and we will receipt for one year and five you the map. This map la sold by Messrs. Fuller ton !<, Steele for $2.50, but when you come to The Herald office you get more for your money. CODY MAY HAVE FEDERALBUILDING It look* like Cqdy will have a #75,- 000 federal building to house Post master Thompson. Mr. Mondell has Introduced tbe following bill which was referred to tbe committee on public buildings and grounds and ordered to be print ed. “Be It enacted by tbe Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America Id Congress assembled. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he Is hereby, author ized and directed to cause to be erect ed upon tbe site already selected, as provided by the Act of May tblrtietb, nineteen hundred and eight, In the city of Cody, Wyoming, a suitable building, lucludlDg flreprjof vault*, beating and ventilating apparatus, elevators, and approaches, for tbe use and accommodation of the United States post office and other Govern ment offices in tbe said city of Cody, Wyoming, the cost of said building, including said vaults, beating and ventilating apparatus, elevators, and approaches, complete, not to exceed tbe sum of seventy five thousand dol lars.’’ INTERESTING LETTER FROM GERMANIA AND VICINTY Water was turned into the Bench Canal May first. Reports from Basin are very en couraging for the speedy recovery of Ralph Blanchard who haa been there for treatment. Mrs. M. M. Rlter and .Miss BirdTe have returned from tbe Nebraska Sanitarium where the latter under went an operation for appendicitis. Listen for wedding bells In the near future. The Mlsses Grabbert are spending a few days In Basin. Mr. Robb of Basin has been spend ing a few days at hia ranch. Frank Renkey died Monday In Basin following an operation for appendicitis. He leaves a wife and several small children to mourn his loss. The funeral was held Thursday from the borne here and was largely attended. John Neff returned Friday from Cody. Amos Relg was a business visitor In Basin Monday. CEMENT MAN TALKS OF IMPROVEMENTS IN CODY “I wish to say to you that Cody has Improved much since I was here last. The new cement walks I observed over town, and tbe ones now being put down on your main bnsiness street argue well for future,” said Louis Pfeiffer, of tbe Colorado Port land Cement Co, of Denver. “You sure have a good set of boost ers Cody. We sell a lot of cement here -the 'Wallop-MoncreiffeCo. Is one of our patrons. Harry Robertson Is a man I like to do business with. He Is a splendid type of tbe up-to-date man of affairs. “Cody, In my judgment, has a bright future, and 1 delight In coming bore.” OWLS INITIATE LARUE CLASS. State Organizer Edholm and Paul Buckley on Wednesday night insti tuted a nest of Owls. Ninety-one ap plications were received and eighty llvc applicants were Initiated. If the editor of The Herald had not taken a blood-curdling oath not to tell be would like to enlighten the people as to the antics of Ben Thomas, Will Clark and a few others at the height of the Initiation ceremonies. The officers chosen were G. S. Rus sell, P. P.; W. J, Decgan, President; H. W. Darrah, Vice-president; F. J. Hlscock, Invocator; Ed Connery, Sec retary; John Weber, Treasurer; Chas. D. Prante, Warden; E. D- Johnson, sentinel; G. C. Morris, Picket; Tex Holm, Wm. Loewer and D. H. McFall trustees; Louis Howe, physician. Lawn grass seed, proper proportions of blue grass and white clover at twenty-lIVB cents a pound at Newton’s Will give best results. Why pay more? AND QARLAND IRRIGATION ERA. Cody, Wyoming, Friday, May 12, 1911 NARROW ESCAPE FROM DEATH OF FIVE MEN AT THE SPRINGS Leave Town in Single Buggy and Drive Over Bluff Near DeMaris Springs—One Man Dangerously Hurt With cries of “Powder River!” ’■Hole-ln-the-wall!” “Shoot ’em up!” live men in a single buggy, two of them standing up, drove out of town Wednesday noon to a moat narrow es cape from death on the steep hill at tbe entrance to the DeMaris Springs, Tbe men were Jack Lane, Tom Wells, Frank Saylor, Roy Chase and Bill Hunt. Driving with all the fury of men excited to the point of utter reckless ness by overindulgence in liquor, they speeded to the Springs for the pur pose of takiog tbe baths. Just as they reached the precipitous decline at the entrance to the Springs tbe maddened horses pluogad over tbe bill, landing In the gulch below od their backs. ARRANGEMENTS MADE FOR BOOSTERS’JNTERTAINMENT At tbe session of tbe Cody Club Monday night C. E Hayden occupied tbe chair iu tbe absence of President Beck. Tbe matter of the proper entertain ment of tbe Billings Boosters came up and the motion of J. M. Schwoob prevailed, which provided in detail for the entertainment of the visitors from tbe Sugar City. Mr. Hayden appointed Mayor Deegan, Uus Holm and J. M. Schwoob as a committee to attend to the neces sary arrangements. There wNI be a ball game, a visit t» the canyon and a smoker In the evening in the rooms of tbe Cody Club. Correspondence from Senator War ren in regard to tbe government road was read. This was published In Tbe Heraldof last Friday. The club adjourned to meet the fourth Monday In May. We will give you the first complete map of Park county and Tbe Herald for one year for #2.50. Subscribers who may owe for their paper will re ceive a map upoo payment of arrear ages. MRS. CAVENDER INJURED. Mrs. A. Cavender of Upper Sage Creek, while out driving Tuesday was Injured by the horse running away and dragging her for a short distance. Mrs* Cavender was painfully bruis ed about the face and head, but not otherwise seriously injured. Dr. Waplcs gave the necessary medical attention. TUESDAY ELECTION QUIET. The election on Tuesday which resulted In victory for the ticket endorsed by the citizens in mass meetin was so quiet that only from the closetp- doors of certain places known as thirst emporiums could one have guessed an election was being held in Cody. Mayor Deegan will hold office for the ensuing term, while J. M. Schwoob will take up aldermanlc du ties with R. C. Hargraves. We tell you how to use foimalde byde to prevent smutty grain. Ben nett’s Cody Drug and Jewelry Com pany. CAR LOAD ROOFING ARRIVES. The Wallop-Moncreiffc Lumber Co. has just received a car load of weather proof Compo-Rubber roofing. Mr. Robertson will be glad to show sam ples and quote prices to customers. The Cody business man often asks “Where may 1 get first class printing 'done—the kind that attracts atten tion by reason of artistic execution, originality of deslgp, and exellence of press work?” The job printing being done by The Herald, which has been seen by most of the Cody business men. Is a complete answer to that query. Come Id and see the samples of classy printing The Herald exe cutes. We compete with any Chicago Denver or Omaha office. We have the equipment and the men to turn out work which pleases. Herald Print ing Never Disappoints. Lane, who was driving, was thrown head-first from the buggy, striking a fence post, from which he caromed off Into a barbed wire fence, and when bla unwilling and violent journey was ended, his face and throat were so torn and lacerated that it was neces sary for Dr. Bennett to take 17 stitch es to close the wouDds. The hemorrhages from the lDjured man’s throat were of the most daDgcr oua character, and Lane was brought to town by Mr. DeMaris as soon as a team could be bitched up. The men with Lane were more or less cut and bruised, but none of them seriously. Dr. Bennett is of the opin ion that unless blood poisoning sets la Lane will have only a fen scare to recall bis flirting with death and tbe undertaker. * LOCAL TALENT PLAT FOR BENEFIT EPISCOPAL CHURCH A three-act comedy entitled, “A Pair of Artists,” will be presented ty local talent under tbe management of Mrs. Schwoob Wednesday, May 31, for the beoeflt of the Episcopal Church. It promises to be of the best attractions placed before Cody people by borne talent. The cast of characters as follows: Mrs. Scott Mrs. F. J. Hlscock A militant nun bating suffragette. Mr. Scott I L. M. Horr i A mere miserable man Wlille Scott Wilbur Tlnkcom Their Son. Interested In idiotic ionoualions. Gertie Green Mrs. J. M. Schwoob Scott's neice. gay glorious and gal livanting. Lillian Dale ...Miss Vivian Calkins. A young lady of wealthy parentage. Irving Richmond L. M. Pfaff Aesthetic, artistic and also in love Chas. Martin nenry Goodreau Who does not believe in early mar riages. W. T. PAINTER BREAKS FINGER. W. T. Painter of Sunlight, while handling a huge stone on Thursday had the misfortune to have the rock fall upon his left hand breaking the second finger. He started from his home about five o’clock reaching Cody about two a. m. Friday. The fractured finger was set by Dr. Bennett. Mr. Painter, who was ac companied py A. M. McGetrick, will remain In Cody until next Tuesday. Through the courtesy of Harry Vreeland The Herald Is iu possession of press reports of a reception tender ed to Colonel Cody in New Jersey. Lack of space prevents more extended notice. Mr. Vreeland’s daughter, who realdea In the east, sent the clip pings to her father. KEPFOffD’S GUESTS. C. A. Dew and daughter, Miss Irma Dew of Columbia City. Ind., arrived In Cody last Monday and are tbe guests of County Commissioner Kep ford, Mr. Dew's brother-in-law. Mr. Dew Ib a prominent business man of Columbia City who came into Wyoming in 1876, when but a boy, and punched cows around Cheyenne and the Bock River country. He and his daughter will spend the summer with Mr. aud Mrs. Kepford. WATCH FOK THE COUPONS. M. W. A. ATTENTION. Important Meeting Monday, May 15. Members take notice. GOVERNMENT SHOULD ACT. The Reclamation Service should have a man at the Dext session of the board of county commissioners of Park county to represent the service and with full power and authority to act , for It In tbe matter of the road and ' bridge on tbe South Fork. The conditions at this point are I such that co-operation between the board of commissioners and the ser vice Is necessary to accomplish any- i thing. i W. B. Sleeper is back from Omaha 1 where he went to receive treatment ( for rheumatism. [PUBLISHED AT THE COUNTY SEAT OF PARK COUNTY] LITTLE GIRL HURT IN CHILDISH PLAY One of the most charming and be loved of little school girls, Gladys Erickson, while at play Monday noon sustained a fracture of the left arm and a dislocation of the elbow of the same member. The broken bones pro truded through the tender flesh, and the sight of this and the attendant bleediDg caused one of the unfortun ate little girl’s playmates, Olive Fell, to faint dead away. She was carried in an auto to the home of Geo. T. Beck, where she soon recovered. Bettie Beck and Avi* Bllven assist ed by several others, took Gladys to her home, and Dr. Bennett was call ed, and with the assistance of Dr. Waples the fracture was reduced and the little sufferer made as comfortable as possible under tbe circumstances. Dr. Bennett stated to The Herald that with extreme care tbe arm will become as good as ever. The injured child is a daughter of Eric Erickson aDd is a very talented little girl. Superintendent Drake of tbe city schools stated to The Herald that Gladys’ rating was so excellent that she will “pass” her present grade in spite of her accident. The condition of the little girl is improving as rapidly as can be ex pected and her early and complete re covery is looked for. DALY ON WOOL MARKET. “The wool market Is simply rotten —to put it in expressive if not elegaot language” said Lee Daly, a big wool 1 buyer for tbe house of Hecht & Lleber rnan of Boston at the Irma Tuesday. “The big wool buyers are waiting : on the tariff commission, which will not report at this special session. r This means we won't know anything until next winter. Result? Why, 1 only the manfacturers are purchasing. Wool is bringing 10f cents. That is , what J. B. Okie received. Only two • big clips have teen sold on the U. P. But even at this price, the clip is so heavy that your rtockmasters will get as much as usual.” You should get one of the new maps—the very first ones issued of Park county—and The Herald for one year, all for $2.50. Bankers, business men and ranchers are availing them selves of the opportunity. OLD TIMER BUYS AUTO. Senator Schwoob returned Monday from Basin. While there he was called to Hyattville by an old timer, Link J. Diehl. Before leaving Mr. Schwoob sold Diehl a new E. M. F. car—one of the Fore-Door 1911 Models. It will be delivered June 1, and now “Link” can “ride” It Instead of a buck ing broncho. METHODIST CHURCH MUSICALE. There will be a musicale given on the first Sunday in June by the choir of the Methodist Church. L. L. NEWTON OUT AGAIN. L. L. Newton, the head of the New ton company is again at his desk after an enforced absence for ten days due to Illness. He is rapidly working back into the harness. GUEST OF E. J. SULLIVAN. C. B. Keefer of Omaha, father-in law of E. J. Sullivan reached Cody Wednesday and was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan for several days. STATE EXAMINERS HERE. A. L. Putnam and C. B. Morgan, state examiners, arc in Cody to audit the county and city book. The Her ald acknowledges a call from tbe gentlemen. M. Wendar of Wapiti, was in Cody on important business yesterday. Mr. Wender returns Saturday. The Baccalaureate sermon to the Senior graduates of the High School will be preached by Rev. E. L. Anderson of tbe Presbyterian church Sunday evening, May 21. Martin Jobe of the Alllsbn ranch trod the streets of the Pearl of the Rockies this week. The Cavender dance last Friday , night waa a success. Messrs. Taylor , aud Hlscock played, and they state , that the floor is one of the finest fox , dancing In Park county. WATCH FOB THE COUPONS. Price $1.50 Per Year CLARK’S FORK TO HAVE TELEPHONE Conference of Clark’s Fork People, Cody Men and Jhon Tolman Gets Results MEETING IS WELL ATTENDED Matter of Sufficient Financial Sap port Assured by Ranchers and Citizens; Little Is Left Unset tled The meeting of tbe residents of the Clark's Fork valley Thursday to dis cuss plans for a telephone liiie was augmented by eighteen persons who went from Cody in autos to attend tbe meetiDg. The meeting was held at tbe ranch of Elijah Clark, one of the big raochers of that section. It was most informal and Mr. Tolman, who was th#man to be consulted, spoke freely and frankly as to the situation. He is willing to construct a line to Cody, hooking up all ranchers who wish the service. He desires, how ever, to secure as large a toll patronage as Is possible. Mr. Tolman was assured by the business men present that this patronage would be forthcoming. The result of the conference seems to Indicate that as soon as the matter of patronage that can be guaranteed the line Is settled, work will im mediately begin. Mr. Tolman is to come to Cody next : week and meet the business men and get the matter in conclusive shape. Those who went from Cody in autos ‘ to attend the meetiDg were Repre ’ sentatlve D. E. Hollister, GeorgeTay ’ lor, Gus Holm and Senator Schwoob. Mrs. Hollister and Messers, Sheedy, ’ Borron and Hollister were in the Hol lister car; Mayor Deegan. Jessie Frost, Frank Edleman and George Taylor In the Taylor car: C. W. Dibble, Dr. Waples, J. H. Moist, editor of the Enterprise, O. Sonners,and Gus Holm in the Holm car; Mrs. Schwoob, George Pully, Walter Owen, Jack Murray and G. C. Morris of The Herald in the car of Senator Schwoob, with Mr. Schwoob driving. The trip was interesting, visits be ing made at some of the magnificent ranches, and at the big camp of the Clark's For* Canal works. The Her ald will devote space to Clark's Fork at some future time. EASTERN VISITORS HERE. Two young men from Washington, D. C. reached Cody last Friday— Messrs. Chester B. Peake, and H. Daniel Howell, Mr. Peake is of the Bureau of En graving and Printing at Washington, and is the nephew of the late Colonel Peake, who was one of the most be loved men of this section; while Mr. Howell is an attache of the state de partment at the capital city and is a magazine writer. Both gentlemen will remain for some time in and around Cody visit ing with friends and relatives. Sunday, C. I). Blaine, the nncle of Mr. Peake, drove the former and Mr. Howell out to the canyon where they caught a glimpse of only one of many things Cody has to hold and interest guests withno her gates. Sheriff Dahlem went out of town Fri day on official business. Oscar White, road supervisor, with the assistance of the ranchers on Sage Creek has about completed the bridge there and made other Improvements In the roads contiguous. R. Anderson, state sheep inspector, was In Cody Monday preparatory to dipping sheep for the C. I!. King out fit. WATCH FOK THE COUPONS, Homer Merrill's lost horse was re turned to him Sunday by Tom Osborne. Your eyes tested free and Glasses accurately fitted at Bennett’s Cody Drug and Jewelry Company. Do you know the altitude of Rattle snake Mountain? Send in $2 50 and we will mall you the first map of Park county which gives the altitude of every mountain and peak. The Her ald for one year and this map, both for $2 50.